THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGOW, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1913-EVEHING EDITION. i AGE wlMMMWlwwwwiwa'll' .mm JL Jk To the owners of automobSes, bicycles and motorcyles in Coos County . Wo nro l.oro (o give vm servi,,.. liy s.rvi,-, ,, ,.... that you will not he disappointed xylu-ii you find yourself in need of parts mid supplies 1W v01, machines. To do this requires a large stock. V li.-m the most .-oinplete stock in W County m these lines. onnc mib, $3500 WORTH OF AUTOMOBILE TIRES ceepin" with this policv we have just received the largest single shipment of automobile tires and ( that ver arrived on Coos Hay and wo have ic wav. 'I'liis enables us to take care of the demands of any automobile owner in Coos County. Wo handle the United States Tiros, used and endorsed J n k innvn nn by all the heaviest tire liters in this section SEE OUR NEW CHAIN TREAD and the "RED SPECIAL" INNER. TUBE "We guarantee our tires and in case of defect make adjustments out of our stock. You suffer no trouble or delay. "We carry the largest stock of automobile parts and supplies in this section of the state and sell them al Portland and San Francisco Prices. Look over our slock of "Inctors," "Poctors" and little "du-dads." Investigate the Harley-Da vidson Motorcycle. os?s msoibutlworth it ICYCLE Dr AK.TM1LN I AVe sell and guarantee the easy riding Uamhler. Kox and Flyer I'dcycles, the best in the world at their respective prices. .:(), :.") and J?-l 5.00. We also have always in stock a complete line of biecle tires, repair parts and supplies at prices that are right. A visit to this store will convince you. You are cordially invited to inspect our stock. E VER.YTHING for the AITOMOMILK lUCYCLK MOTOUH'VCLIC U THE ftnlUi Y I'lVKIfYTIIIXC! FOR Til 13 SPORTSMAN. l.";j FRONT ST. MARSH PI ULI), OR. ff VERYTHING m for the W motorcycle i m cycle , AlTT0.M0IJlLK COOS BAY TIMES Si. V. MAMINKY ICtlllnr mill I'iiIi. VAN !:. MAI.O.VKV Svwh Killtor Offlclnl I'iiimt of Cum County. TWO XOTAIIMJ AN.vivi-:iis.itii:s (', A. Smith related mi IntoroBt lliR ctHneldeneo lit tho MIDI cainn reception liiHt ovoiiIiik. It wiih to th effect 1 1 in t tho N'nuii Smith II ist nulled Into Cons liny hnrlior on Mih. HiiiHIi'm hliihdny I unil tho Adeline Hinlth arrived I nt tlio C. A. Smith dork yoHtor dny. tho thlrty-llftli nuulvermiry I of tholr wi'ililliiK. i Along the Waterfront. Tho hchoouor Advent of tho Simp son fleet Ih duo In from Siiiitu Itn anlln, IioIiik about .'15 day out. Cnpt. C. .1. Fohoii. roproftonlliiK tho Hubert Onllur Co., In hi our city looking over the wltuution pro tuirntory to ruuiiliiR tlu Ornce Dol lar to thin poi-c. Tho (liaic Dol lar it' n liens Hict'l boat L'.tn foot Ipiik. 10 foot beam, depth of hold Ifi foot and Imr imi'oIiik enpiuli lu foot of liiuilior. S'io mil rnrr mhi (HID foot of luinbe: oor tho Hnnibui Imr with a IMiot 'raii:ht lliuuloti World. Let Us Show You some of the newest things in made to meas ure fabrics. Made to Fit YOU -by- The Royal Tailors FIXUP Mitrtihfiel4 North Uead WILL BE A BIG YEAR FOB AUTO! Coos County Continues to Buy Cars at an Increas ing Rate. "Thin proiulKOH to ho tho bltsKfHt your In the auto trndo In tho hlMory of Coon County.' reinnrkod (Scoro Cooilriim In roHpoiiHo to a iiueHtlon iih to piTHuiit ami future prospect). "Tho groat dllllciilty In koIiik to he to koI cairi, iiiiIohw orders nro pliuod early." .Mr. (inotlrtini continued. "TIiIk Ih triu not only hero hut nil m or tho country. I noticed In u re coil t Interview t lint Henry Kuril, proxlileiit of tho Font Motor Co., trnyu tlutko I'ondltloiiH prevnll everywhere, lie miyH that mont of tho hln coin pmiloH have old all earn they could iiianufnciuio without any IntuiiHlvo proHpoctliiK for prospects. Tho Ford Motor Company for tho past two years, despite Its huge output, hua hold lis cars many mouths heforo tho end of Its mnuufai'tiirliiK year, mid could hue sold many more had It been nlile to hulhl them. This year tho same condition will he true. "Today It does not seem to ho m iiiiiili of n question soiling cars, as it Is of IiuIIiIIuk' thorn In sulllclent numbers to supply tho eur liicreas lug demand." "My ndvlco would bo that any In londliiK purchasers should place their orders as soon as possible to mold disappointment later." ADDITIONAL SOCIETY' NEWS cuociii:t 1 Tho Indies of tho Irish Crochet Club wero entertained by Mrs. Don McCrary nt her homo In Femdnle yostorday afternoon. The house wns artistically decorated In ki'coiih mid valentines. Tho table carrying out tho same valentine schomo, having valentines for placo cards. At l.Ilt) o'clock the hostess served a dinner to her Kiiosts. after which the time wiih spent In crocheting Jnb ots. Tho pattern was a shnmroclc leaf, some of the Indicts iiiiiUIuk ns many as threo In the afternoon. The next meeting will be with Mrs. C. II. KlntiiiKnu. Friday. Feb. lil. on South Fifth Htroot. Mrs. McCrury'H kuobIb yostorday wore: Mrs. McCrnry, Sr., Mrs. Goori; WatlcliiH, Mrn. I'atchott. Mih. llondry. Jr., Mrs. Wnlter Hill. Mrs. C. It. FlannKmi, Miss Ivy Hill, mid Mrs. McCrnry's sister. Miss Jutstroiu. Mrs. CIiiib. I'erltlns, of Curdlner. After a threo course luncheon tho nfteriioou wiih ploasantly spent In I Ullll'llli, .1.1.1 f.fllll'i.1.111111111. nv..,.if iliiil ii,i v, nt..,, ill. Mrs. Cowmi's Kiiests wero: Mis. .lames Itolandson, Mrs. K, A. Anderson. Mrs. W. II. Curtis. Mrs F. I.. Sunnier. Mrs. F. M. Flye, Mrs. J. lloone. Mrs. Win. Kardoll, Mrs., James Cowan, Jr., and Mrs. John man. IXroltMAIi CHAT : : HO.VOItS (il'KST Mrs. Jiinios Cowan, Sr., ontertnln ed n number of friends last Thursday iifleriioon In honor of her sister. I.AIMCS AKTCI.l'll I O Tho I.ndlos Art Club met yostor day afternoon with Mis. Ivy Condrou of South .Marshfleld. After n short buslnoss session the time was occupied with the Valentino exchnuKo mid sewing. Some of tho meuibers plnyliiK brldKo. after which refreshments wore served by tho hostohs, nshlsted by Mrs. Frank I.. Sunnier. Tho next meotliiK of tho club has not been decided, but It will bo an nounced later. Mrs. Coiidrtm's K'lests Friday wero: Mrs. F. M. Flyo. Mrs. W. 11. Cur tis, Mrs. A. L. Houseworth, Mrs. 011 a IMmmi. Mrs. J. A. Illntt, Mrs. Win. HoaKland, Mrs. Win. Schroe dor, Mrs. L. F. Falkonsteln, Mrs. J. (1. Klunoy. Mrs. Win. Uoss Smith, Mrs. J. W. Hlldonbrnnd. Mrs. Jnnioa Cownn. Sr . Mrs. F. A. Haines. Mm, !:. 1). McArthur mid Mrs. F. h, Sumner. Miss Idlnbol Johnson who Ih now tho Kucsl- of Mrs. J. Albert Mat son will loavo In n week or two for San Frnnclsco. Her iiiuitIiiku to Mr. Fred I'oller will take placo there in the early sprint;. i Mrs. (.. C. CoIiik, who has boon qultu III at tholr homo In Wost Marshfiohl of tonsllltls Is reported improviiiK. Mrs. II. J. Thompson of North llouil left for Hulliirdu this niorn ItiK for u fow dnyH' visit. Mrs. I.. W. l.miKdon spent a fow days nt Myrtlo Point, vlsltltiK hor brother. W. L. Karr. Itev. mid Mrs. J. 15. Ilurk.inrt on tertalned Hov. mid Mrs. tl. I.oltoy Hull nt dinner Inst evening tit tholr noiuo on Fourth Htroot, nonr Market avenue. MIhh Kvolyn Anderson Biillod on the MoiikoIIii today for Honolulu, whoro she will mnko nn extondod visit. l.oo. Mntson nrrlvod horo from Natron this week to spend n fow weeks with hla parents, Cnpt. mill ! Mrs, Mntson of South Murshflold. NORTH BEND NOTES. ! Captain Kdgar Simpson left today on a business trip to Coos Hlver Mr3 F. Frnaor of Shonunn Avenuo was a Marshlleld lsltor today. Ilev. l). A. Mncl.eod will bo over from llulalrds today mid will hold services in tho owning at the lre b.torlnn church. Miss Alpha Wlcklund of North lleud Is a Kuest of Miss Mantle Gu Idou of South Murshflold. W. K. l.alrd. n contractor, is eroiMnu n two-story rosldenco for H. Curtis of Pint II. Mrs. J. Meudo of North llend la quite III nt hor homo on Union nvo iiiio with la Biippo. Mi. Abo Anderson of lCentuck inlet Is visiting relntives nt KastsUlo for n few days. Mrs, Itobort McCann was tho guest of friends lu Maishflold to day. Mrs, Krlck of Umplio has return ed homo utter a two wooks visit with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Cutllp, on Kentuck Inlet. Theso WAHM DAYS have a ton dency to drlvo ono to HA1U) mtlNK. DON'T IlKSIST the TK.MITATION, but Insist on having the best, which can only bo had at LKWI8' CONFECTIONERY,, Real Estate With Credentials Tho history of Mnrshflold values, tho future prospects of growth, or nny other standard b which property values can bo Intelligently coniputed, recommend tho following offerings: Three lots In dead business center, streets paved, proseut Income nioro thmi enough to pay taxes $42,000 Ono lot In contral huslues section, paved, Income, to !' ,,IlN08 $7,750 00 foot on Central nvonue, unimproved, L'O por cent cheapor than nnythlng offered In similar locution $a,000 Modern dwolllng nnd levol. Improved lot In good resi dence section, pretty mid coutfortnble $;J.OOO ttooij rosldenco lots in West Marshfleld, within twelve minutes' walk from Front street, nothing anything like theso to be had In entlro city at tho price $350 I. S. KAUFMAN & CO. 1?? FRONT STREET nml lila ulster. Mrs. K. S. IUrtV Ills mother. Mrs Mntson, ho lu been quite III, Is now Itnprorlts. Mrs. Dol 1,01111011 nrrhed hfrttki wook to Join Mr. l.cmion, thli Wl Imr llrnt trio to Coos Countr SU ......... 1.. ,,.-.. ,!.,., I ntnl Mr I.M11 who Is lu tho emplo of tbe sit PoworH Company met her at Ci diner. M- tF, f'o.i.illnll nt floli! Bfltl iID. II in. v...i.m. . " " T - 1 Ih visiting relatives nt North Bflt nnd Umpire. She plans to nmv for Sonttlo to V sit Ooorgo McCulloch returned tUi wook from Corvallls, wiicre n w boon nttondlng O. A C. He eiprt l rnliini tlm Ill'St of OttOter, tr..w... Q.ulili nrrlvil here OB I" Nnnn Smltli yesterdny from iJ a . , ,.i , Inin nil fllMr. I lonucii ensioin mi' i J"'" ": ".; O. A. Smith, ami win i tlmo on tho Hay. Mr. nnd Mrs. Freenmn of -....-.. 1. ...... ..,,..i.,lln the IK l uri( uiivo limn b...i...o j-P-rlfc week with tholr win. Howd rfr innii. who Una suciec, cu .. l; who wnB traiisiorieu '""A , eni liny Point ofllces of tho C A. M" Coinpnny, iih timekeeper nt tneu Smltli Pulp nil War 1 . RUST- IlClf S PROOF Corsets A- -JF .ft im' t T RustPogT 131astieit in n coi-set gives tho IVuro li"cs thai fashion demands. Long, graceful, snug-' fitting skirts with W tops most flexibly ton ed aro latest Warner j styles. I Every Wnroer, j matter tho size or tu stvle, is gunraiitccd shape fashionably, l0' fit comfortably, lie, bones not to break or rust, or tho fabric tear. $1.00 to $5.00 The Golden Rule First National Bank Bldg. ;r-s. , rJ" "i l.! ')A