IE SURF YOU ARE RIGHT THEN GO AHEAD AND ASK YOUR WIPE (Slum Sag Exmm mist articles NOW IS YOl'lt TIME, fj A siniill nil In Tlic Times mint f column limy bring ynu results mi- II nusIlnU'ly. Try one. W wmHmmmBmmmmmmBmmmammMam . ... r .1 HirniiKli Times Miuit arc i",,' I. . ...... il I Tin... L,K Head llii'M" r '"' . tett rcM'ii MEMBER OP TUB ASSOCIATE!) I'ltES il.. XXXVLa?J c2.t m2uiT' MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1913 EVENING EDITION -EIGHT PAGES. flflUSE DENIES REPORT MADERO WILL BE FORCED TO RESIGN N HliU Ul- INItKVtNllUN A Consolidation of Times, Const Mull Mid Coos liny Advertiser. "No. 18T io Plnim Tlmt British Ambassador Has YTO FORCE MADERO TO RcSltiN rnnoiucmui S. State Department Offi cials Say mat Hmenuu.i ; Attitude Is Unchanged. MUMS OK TAIT. umsiiiXOTON l-el. 'rwldcnt Tnfi and Secretary L nr.. hopeful tlllll I'rt'Hl- .... nn,li.rn will lOHlgll. Lllll- Idonlial mlvlMH nro " Ihoff n mroiiK i,""' llnlco for w to In j ..) it . , imr TlmM I A8IIIN'(iTN 1'' '' ,'-" 'U '"" He Iloii.c Simon nun ildcnt T..f U.i'l l,('111 "" toln" iliatlon n " urniHii iiiiHBK.-i. dly or imlir n. and Mint the lion of e I ii'''l Status to In- cnilnn wnj ix. h.nmi'd. u!loln;; Uii' H'msi stnto- t that die ai'nuili' or llio uni ct.if. inuiiril Mexico was im aged, tin' Smn l'-iaitiiK'iit olll- I tOOk (iiiilWi'll ' UTiiiuiij iiuiij t intcricii'imi neon iioior- Cj llIJII ItlTIIIIT IN MEXICO. JKXICO Cm l'V'i !. Prosl it MaJern h..s no Itnuiodluto 111 Hon of rculKWiiK. iiltlioiiKh It la that lie Is willing to iiiiiko any onal sacrifice for llio good of country he prtwncu of war vessels of v forclRii nntloiiH m tl:o port of Crux anil tin dovoinpinoiiiH or rut six clnytt niiiionr to have Timed even tin .Mi'.lntii cabinet It lll lit n mark of groat for- anco should foreign Intervention delayed much longer, fills 1h tly iirRcd on .Miuiero us a 1110 for his rcslk'uutliui. Iter nu e.eiutlvi mooting f the nber of deputies, n majority of ituate left for tlu iintloiiiil pal- to demand tlu resignation of era. hut tlicy cmld not locnto From their enrihmos (ley In-i ed tho puMIc. "ProHldont Tn ft luit teleurniihcil tin Hrlllsii liter tliat Aimrlcnn troopH arc Ins to tne .Mexican capital. Wo wr Intervention Inevitable. All) roil DIAZ. Al: 'el 'n. to lw. lur TImkw ) 2XIC0 CITY. Kifli. IS. A law) force Is cmniiipcil a few iiiIIoh tne city awalihiK ordurs from L series of slmrn cnunicomoutH ne- M throughout the ilny nt various jii, CASTItll U'ivs in-i. Itrj'-ta-el I', it to I. io. 1W) T'hw. f" YORK, Kcli. ;,.- Conner lint Castro of Viimn.In U .-,..., toe and Ko n tills eonntry at l Judso Wiiiil in i im tfiusurt tj(lnv,Hii8inliu'd n writ '-: (orpiis In IHr liolmlf. ovr "! the ImmiKr.ilon authorities. REBELS LIKELY TO GET JUAREZ Federal Garrison There Divid ed and Gen. Salaszar May Come Soon. Illy Akwj. IiMM Pitm In I'iioh liny Tlimw 1 HI PASO. Tex.. Koli. IT.. A Koncrnl movement of rolicl forces towiinl .Inure, coiiiinciicoil today, uc cordliiK to ruiie.inieii. AutliorltlcH hero fear troulilo iiciosh llio bor der lieciuiHO the federnl volniitceiH nro not dlHpoHeil to join tlu Din' rovolullon. Of 1000 Kovoriiment forceH nt Jun ro, Hourly half nro reKulars und nro olllcerud liy clilufs who ToukIU In tlio Mnduro revolution and liavo hIiico roinaliied loyal to tho president. Colonel ICsctirnto. the volunteer com mander, lins decliired that In tliu event of Mnduro'H ilefent lie will dls liniiil. "Wo hIiiiII f ii It. If Mndero doeH," lie declared today. Hut Colon el Vnl(iiez, u rcKUlnr. IiisIhIh that ho Is In full coiinniiiid of tho Juarez mir iIboii. Tho rehel unentH Hiiy Viih iiiu. and Ills iiKentM lean toward Di az. ' The rebuilt offer to hrliiK (Jener ul, who loads more thuii l,t!00 roliels, Into .luare. und ahslsl tho lOKUlars If any trouble occuih with thu volunteers. No telegraph or rullwnyH are operating below .luariz nnd no word him been re ceived for two days from the Ameri can settlements In thu fuses (JrnndnB district ox at Chi hiuiliiiti City, thu Htnto capital. Manual l.iijun, rebel tiKOiit, returned from a visit to Salu zar's camp nnd reported that under no clrcuinstniiccti would thu rebels maki) an attack mi Juarez. Thoy expected, liowover, to enter tho town pencefully. Mexican Senators Say He Is Beaten and Must Retire Federal Supply of Ammuni tion Nearly Exhausted. DIAZ IS FIRM. .MEXICO CITY, Feb. 15. President Mndero has proposed I tho iiumiiiK or n commission by each party to contrlvu a solu , tloii. Din, would not ngreu to i nil armistice ami would enter 1 no noKotlntloiiH for pence tin i til ho Is olllclul'.y notified of I thu reslKiiatlou of Mndero. i MADEItO 1 1 EAT EX MEXICO CITY, Kob. lb. I Tho .Mexican sonntorH have In ' formed tho piipnlnro tlmt they I consider Presldunt Mndero du I fenled. tllr Ao. Ilcl nt to t'oim llnr Tlnim MEXICO CITY, Eeb. 1.V Krnii (Ihco de la Ilarrn. former iiiovIhIoii nl president. profeHHed Ikiioiiiiicu to day about Presltlent Madero'H Inten tloiiH. Ilo declared the question of his rcslKiiulloii bad been submitted to Mndero und Hint tho inn. tor had Kone no rurlher. Do In llnrrn held u conference with Mndero this inorii liiK. KoIIowIiib tho conference tit In Ilarrn announced that Mndero hud authorized blm nud (lenernl AtiBeles to confer with I'ellx Olnx uud (len ernl Manuel .Mondrnon on the tiuestlon of nrranpltiK nu nrunstlce. It wnH reportetl last nlgiit tlmt Mndero bad retdgned. I'Ii-Iuk Is lucesiiiiit. Tho inrcHHiinr bombardment of BALKAN ALLIES the untlonnl palace and tho flerco reply of tho federals was coiiBtrued nB ImllcntliiK that PrcBldent Mndero luiH out decided to resign. It wns tleclnted In bohio qiinrterH thnf tlio report of IiIb retirement wnB only a HtrnteKlu move on tlio part of the government. The exodiiB of tlio populnco from the districts under llro wns even Krenter than that of yesterday. The rebel guns In tho nrsenni liavo been In spasmodic action dur ing the greater part of tlio night, occasionally developing n very gall ing flro which provoked n vigorous reply from tho federal artillery. ItEltlXS AltE (i.AI.NI.NC. Auibassatloi' Wilson's Itcpoil.s hull cult) Downriill of .Mutlerii. t tly AmcMIixI I'nri lo Con. Hay Tlinm.) C- WASHINGTON', Kob. 1 li. Tho most significant feature of AinbiiBsn dor Wilson's report today wnH tho Intimation that thu Madero forcon nro running short of ammunition. Wilson figures tho totnl cnBtiallty lint jentertlny was six killed nnd IS wounded. Tlio rebel lenders gained 500 de serters from the fedora I Bide. In the thick of tlio fight tho president of thu local Hud Cross wns killed by bullets from an unknown source while nt work In the plnzn. The Itrtl Cross nnd the White Cross organizations were forced to ills band because, of failure of tho gov ernment to respect their flags and Its seizure of their automobiles ns ammunition carriers BIG STRIKE ON RAILWAYS TO BE CALLED SOON REPUBLICAN S D lie? : 101 AID KIT CLASH gngton Watches Hitch DCween state and Pan American Bureaus. lumV.!!,1 Prf" ,0 Cwi Ila TIbim fttu Writ ' T 1:' A clash P'a D f ,I..Jo'. of Denar n ,. ' l "ltm a"d tho ,rlS about Z , ." ('"l8son r leu ..peac.e lu Moxlco." Is f. TnHho -Mexican situation c,la todav al5ir" livlll ruling narr"n 'n8t n,Bnt teur nii)iy,.en,,,",n'lty ' th t n.. "" ii wns :atolonylnPMnte,St (,r ,l10 Am l4 a U ,n eMco ' It ' "& "". The h United si," U 8,'l'lorted ,Eh!0?ni1, South Am: !,"nbuiCV,.0a.n' It support I0 of each a7i ' " tlle I'op ir'e't tarf.-".?? ( director. lns h' nedlalL" 8taoment lili ""at he hL ti0" Proposal. "' ci tho j 7-'"kii en t no nt rrr.lonhe aa"t.aton against " A QJ,UK SIC- I ,fem.B ?! ?'! for- oA.tailfonila ta.', '" "l ak Hn cond,?!'8 Bal' to be, UNREST THERE Soldiers Called Out to Protect Homes of Officials and Royal Family. Ily Awo UttsI ITfW lo Coo. !U,- TIihm. TOKIO, Kob. in. Such Btroug evidences of populnr unrest con tinues all over Japan that It has been necessary to call out the sol diers to assist thu civil nuthnrltlos In gunrdlng residences of inoiubors of tho lmperlul family and olllclals. Turks Defeat Montenegrins' When Latter Attack Fort ress at Scutari. Illy AMo.Utr.1 I'rnt lo Coo Hay Tlmrt.) LONDON, Kob. 15. Tho Monte negrins 'lost :t,000 men In a futllo at tack, Fob III, ugnlnst tho Turks on tho heights of Tarabosch and lllrd itza, tho domliintlng frtrcss of Scutari, nccordlng to n dlspntch from Constantinople. The Turks captured six gnus, W 1'IVE AIIE IMliri'EII. J. 1 COX HIES IN GAL I Former Well Known Marsh- feld Barber Passes Away at Sawtelle, Calif. E. A. Anderson today rocolvod word of the denth of J. W. Cox. for yonrs n woll known Marsbfleld barber, nt Sawtoilo, California, on Kebrunry 9. No particulars were given, Mr. Cox wiib for many years n residont of Mnrsbtlold and conduct ed n barber shop In tho Ulnnco Ho tol. Ho was ono of tho charter inoinbers of Mniiimoth Lodge, A. O. U. W., nnd carried J2000 life In suraiico In It, which Mr. Anderson will have paid to tlio widow, no sides bis wlfo, Mr. Cox Is sur vived by threo sons. The family moved nwny troni Coos Day sovornl years ago. OAIM) OK THANKS. Wn wlali in tilllillnll. nVllTPSS Qlir thnnks for the many beautiful Horal offerings, for the services of tho pnll- oearers anil tlio many otner kiiiu ncis oxtnnilrwl or tn Mm loss of our be loved one, Charles Dery. AUGUST uisitY mm who. MISS ANNIE DERY. MRS. AUGUSTA SCOTT. CARD OK THANKS. To tlio many frlonds who by nets of kindness and words of sympathy lightened our sorrow 1 the sick ness and doatli of our beloved father, Peter Robertson, wo extend our most, heartfelt thanks on behalf of the fnmily. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. McDougald. West Virginia (.'mini .liny Holds Irf'gMulni'H fiir lliihcry. Illy Amoi Utcl l'rri lo Coo Uii) TlinM.) CHARLESTON, V. Va., fob. IS. A special grand Jury summoned to consider tho chnrges of bribery In connection with tho V. S. senatorial cainpnlgn, returned five Indictments. Those Indicted are two delegates, S. lr. M. Rhodes, David Hill, II. K. Asbury, Ruth Duff, nnd Senator 11. A. Smith. The men nro charged with feloniously receiving bribes. They nro nlso Indicted for misde meanor, SAILS TODAY Steamer Will Leave This Af ternoon for San Francisco With Large Cargo. The steniuer Washington will snll late this afternoon with n cargo of lumber and lumber products from the North Rend mills, In addition to considerable other freight. Tho Washington brought a car go of merchandise nud building mn terlnl. elc from Situ crauclsco. Among those arriving from San Kranclsco on tho Washington woro the following: A. C. Moo, A. E. Perry, J. Ol son, Lou Hear, A. E. Reynolds, M. Thomas anil II. J. Smith. PRISONER KOIt COQCIhl.E. I''. L. Sower, Wauled for (ii'iuul Uirceuy, Arrested In I'rlsco. SAN KRANCISCO, Kob. in. K. L. Sower, said to bo wanted nt Co lullle, Ore,, on n charge of grand larceny, wns arrested hero on In formation from tho Oregon police, and will ho hold pending tho nrrlvnl of n deputy sheriff from Contilllo. A dirk wns found nu his person and ho wns booked on the charge of carrying concealed woapons. PLANS GIVEN Senators of Party Decide on Issues to Concentrate Dur ing Rest of Session. ttly AMOilativt 1'rtn to Coo Iliy TlmM.J WASHINGTON, Kob. 15. Repub lican senators today selected these flvo subjects for concentration of their efforts during Um remainder of this session of congress: Phy sical valuation of railroads as em braced In the AdaniHon bid already passed by the house. Creation of a legislative drafting ami government reference bureau m tho library of congress. Restriction on the Issue of In terlocutory Injunctions nB proposed In tho Crawford bll.. Eight-hour legislation for women workois In tho District of Columbia, A inrlff commission. BUSINESS 1E Officials of Brotherhood of Firemen and Enqinemen Reject Arbitration. STRIKE ORDER IS READY TO ISSUE Efforts to Adjust Wage and Working Differences Un der Erdman Law Fail. RK.IECT ARItlTRATION. A ..M LEAVE TODAY iGOQUILLE IS ON BREAKWATER, I Schooner Delayed by Heavy Defeats Marshfield High Bas- Fog This Morning Has Large List Outgoing. Owing to tho denso fog prevail ing this morning, tho llrcnkwntor was not able to sail at 4 o'clock as was expected. It was about 7 o'clock boforo she wns nblo to pro ceed down tho Ray. Most of tho pnssongorB wont aboard last even ing. Among thoso sailing on hor woro tho following: J. II. Davis, Mrs. J. R. Davis, Mrs. Win. Hlghett, Dolly Uorry, A. L. Russell, T. W. Hlgglnson, R. Sehorych, H. Johnson, T. Joffrles, Mrs. T. Joffrles, Geo. Wntklns, II. A. Strnck, A. Hill, Mrs. A. Hill, R. Hill, Mrs. D. Hngordown, L. H. Snoydor, T. A. Garrow, A. Korty, W. G. Lloyd, R. Llppman, C. D. Rlckcr. Krnnk Smith. H. R. Keller, Mrs. II. R. Keller. Mrs. M. J. Mc Donald, J. E. Noah, V. Hanson, C. Wyland, II. J. Root, J. Korsytho. J. O. Molloneo. James Olson, Paul Schultz, H. P. Chnnoy. S. Sorenson, L. Drowning. C. R. Kirby, .Mrs. A. McKoown. It. E. Smith L. Owen, W. C Rradley, M. Ostllnd, May Smith. Robt. Solen, It. Thurston, Mrs. Stortz, Mrs. A. G. Dulllm, Mr. and Mrs. V. J. Shopardson, J. Dar ger. Mrs. AY. P. Keller, .Miss A. Keller, W. S. Phillips, A. J. Prechel, C. A. Held. Vv II. Prlar, D. A. Donaldson, R. M. Watson, Mrs. E. J, Holmes, Mrs. Kavanaugh, Mrs. Armstrong, Jessie Armstrong, Miss Lamb, Joo Crossmnn, T. Jerry, Ed ward Jones, O. II, Delbrldgo, W. Hardenberg, V. Abo, J. Maskeva, P, W. Buckley. ketball Team 48 to 10- North Bend Wins. HU LltorvvVlJltil dtsiiu uvklivun Marshfield and Conulllo played at Coqulllo last ovonlng was a walk over for tho latter team, ending In n scoro of 48 to 10. Tho gamo wns nn exceptionally fast ono, both I tennis plnylug a good gnmo. Tho Marshfield team was soniowlinr worn out from tho long trip down to meet the Adollno Smith tho night bofore. I Tho teams lined up as follows: Marshfield, Conulllo. Lecocq Lesllo t center. Clark Mast right forward. Carlson, McDonald Oerdlng left forward. Seaman Miller right guard, Kruso Knowlton left guard, I Tho officials of tho game were. Grnniils of Marshfield, referee; Oer dlng of Coqullio, umpire, and Dolt of Mnrshflold, timekeeper and score keeper. Tho Mnrshflold team returned to day noon. I North Iteiul Wins. 1 Tho North Bend High school bas ketball team at Baudon last night defeated the Dandon High school team by a score of 33 to 20. Mrs. Arthur McKeown left today for Portland to- Join J. W. Bennott for a short visit. She may go to California for a short visit also. Many Tributes Paid Owner of New Vessel at Millicoma Reception. Tho business und profcslsonnl men of Mnrshflold paid their meed of porsonnl tributo and prnlso to tho Adollno Smith, her owner, Mr. C. A. Smith nud his associates, tho de signer, E. S. Hough, nnd Cnptulu Ol son, nt tho Mllllcoina Club Inst even ing. Tho occasion was a smoker nud In ormnl reception given In honor of Captain Olson, Mr. Smith nnd tho homo coming of tho Adollno Smith. Tho streniioiiB llfo of tho pnst sev eral days made physical rest a ne cessity to Captain Olson and ho sent his regrets through Mr. C. A, Smith, who stated that Captain Olson had very little rest for forty-eight hours and wns compelled to forego tho pleasure. Tho affair was thoroughly Inform al, without any llxcd program, but thoro woro a number of llttlo per sonal talks lu which earnest nnd en thusiastic enconliiins wcro pnld C. A. Smith nud his associates for tho splendid work they hnvo dono nnd nro doing for Coos Bay. C. P. McKnlght presented tho sov ernl speakers. Mr. Smith acknow ledged tho Implied compllmont of tho evening mid spoko sincerely of his appreciation of tho kindly recog nition of tho Smith enterprises by tho ponplo of Coos Day. He said It was n biisluoss proposition but that Its contribution to tho commun al prosperity was agroeablo. Ho modestly deprecated tho ninny com pllmentury nlltislons to himself but graciously nccoptod nnd grontly ap preciated tho porsonnl Interost nnd pride of tho peoplo lu tho Adollno Smith and tho Smith industries. Mityor Straw followed with a brief and Interesting response In which ho assured Mr. Smith that It wns the porsonnl worth of hlmsolf nnd his associates nnd tho high character of tho citizenship that ho contrllont od to thu community tlmt was tho basis of tho esteem In wulch he wns hold. E. S. Hough, designer of tho Nairn Smith nnd the Adollno Smith, gave nu Interesting description of tho bonts nnd tho dllllcultles encounter ed in having them built along tho now and original lines planned, lie told of how Mr. Smith's determina tion and backing tho architect won tho day. Ilo stated that tho maiden voyage of tho Adollno Smith was n thorough test of hor seaworthiness, speed, cnpnclty and strength nnd that It had proven vory successful. Judge Coke followed with a splen did tributo to C. A. Smith nnd his contribution to tho gonornl wolfaro of the community. Ho especially mentioned the excellent work bolng done in tho matter of reforestrntlon as evidence of tho broad unselfish ness In providing for tlio futuro nnd continued prosperity of tho soctlon where his efforts wero being expend ed. Captain T. J. Mncgenn gnvo IiIb opinion as a navigator of tho splon dld qualities of the Adollno Smith, which he had carefully Inspected. "A splendid boat and woll built," was his comment. Ho then told how ho viewed with disfavor and dis trust C. A. Smith's new Idea of handling "lumber In packages." How ho propheBled it aB being Impossible Later ho was compolled to ackuow- NEW YORK. Kob. 15 Of- ! flclals of the firemen have vot- ! ' ed unanimously to reject the , amended plan of arbitration. , I This upsets nil negotiations ' looking to a peaceful Buttle I ment of the wage controversy nnd leaves the strlko order al- j ! ready printed hanging on a j l very Blender thread. p . Illy Aww. I1 I'm to i'oo Hay Tlmw NEW YORK. !). IS. Officers of tho Rrothoih . ,i of Locoinotlvtv Firemen mid Engluemeii deforrlng thclr threatened strlko order for 12 hours nt least nud begun n conference with tho mediators today to consider tho Intost proposal of tho rnllromlH looking to nu adjustment of tho con troversy over wages nnd working conditions. It provides for arbitra tion under tho Erdman net, with six Instead of three aibltrators as the statute provides. (.'OVERN.M EXT OWNERSHIP. Soclall-i. Coimi'i'sstiiiiii WiiiiIn Mucs Seletl Now. (Ily Auo ltcj I'iiii lo Cooi Iliy Tlnioa.) WASHINGTON, Kob. IS. Tho threatened tleup of fifty-four En v oru railroads by tho proposed strike of firemen wns the basis of a resolu tion for government ownership of these railroad properties which wns today Introduced by Representative! Dorgor, Socialist, or Wisconsin, Thu resolution called for tho seizure of tho roads with all tho terminals, belt lines, Iniids, con! mines, workshops', mid other properties nnd uinungo iinil operate them through tho post olllco department until congress can create a department of railways. fiO OVER TAI-T'S VETO. House nml Senate Leaders Want to Pass Rill. Ily Amoi Ulnl I'rtM to Too Iliy Tlmra. WASHINGTON, Keb. 15, Ilouso nnd Senate leaders aroused by Tnft's dlsappioviil of the Rurnott-DIIlIiig-hnui Immigration hill began making; a rnnvnss today preparatory to au HTorttiiinissIt nvor IiIb veto. ledgo Its practical success mid do slred to add IiIb personal tributo to tho worth nud ability of the man who made It possible. Tho affair wns a most pleasant ono nud complimentary nllku to Mr. Smith nud tho business mon of Mnrshfluld, who honored thomsolvcs lu hoiiorolug tho ninn mid his asso ciates who hnvo contributed so Inrgoly to Its prosperity. LIFE SAVING 0 I E Senator Bourne Complies with Marshfield Request The Cost Is $30,000. WASHINGTON, Keb. 15. D. C. Green, prosldont of tho Chnmbor of Coiunierco of Marshfield, has wired Sonator Dourno that Immediate ac tion has been requested on chang ing tho location of tho llfesnvlng. station, ns that Is necessary If con struction work 1b to bo carried on advantageously next summor. Roplylng to a query by Dourno, Superintendent Kimball of tho life saving servico said tho war depart ment owns tho proporty on which tho station Is located and lias Indi cated whoro It is willing to permit thu station to bo situated, Tho treasury department has or dered an englneor to Inspect tho proposed Use, Should It bo shown to be suitable tho cost of removal will bo f30,000, which Dourno con siders a fully Justifiable expendi ture because tho change would make tho Hfesavlng crow much inoro effoctlvo In case of wrecks. THE REASON WHY I I An unusual rush of ndvortls j lug, too Into to pormlt running I oxtrn nncos. crowded out sov- I eral columns of reading matter. I It was also necessary to omit f I somo ndvs. received lato, f 4