THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1913 EVENING EDITION. Dayton Motorcycles a Motorcycle Talk AVo Imvo ordered u Dayton Motorcycle, on the strciiulli "' ('l,,,,nin l'"lnnH nm(1 i()L' ' r to mini ufaclurer and Hie agents. They claim that it has more liill-climl)ing power than any other machine on the markci. ,s soon ns it arrives wo will invito any and all other dealers to arrange a tryont on the largest, steepest Inll we can find. f the Dayton don't make good, wc don't want it and will turn it over to any "headquarters" or "rest room" willing to handle machines turned down by other dealers. "Ve have absolutely nothing at slake in the mat ter, cxrepl the understood J'act that anything han dled by I lie Marshfield Cyclery mud make food, must slmiil ndvcrlisini, must ho first-class. Wc don't have to take any more machines. Wc would not order this one until the company would agree to that. About the mile in 'M seconds that reminds me of the toper who was told that a camel could go tliri'o mouths without n drink. J to said: "That may lie, but who in H 1 wants to he a camel?" We never exaggerate and we never state what we do not believe to ho true. Yov the present, wo believe that the' Dayton is Hie Hill Climber, with its JJ-inch tires. Marshfield Cyclery Agents for Agents for DAYTON BICYCLES DAYTON MOTORCYCLES Phone 158-R 172 N. Broadway Iff? ! WW nri ui &$&' Ihmfifs are fe f . nummmg In our business because wc have won the entire con fidence of nil our customers by the reliable quality of our drugs and the moderate prices we charge. We always exercise the greatest care and accuracy in filling doctors' prescriptions, and our medicines never fail to bring about the results desired. a you suffer from piles we can give you a cure that never falls Rcxall Pile Ointment. It 5tP3 the pain and itching, reduces the inflammation "n effects a speedy cure. Sold with the Rexall Guarantee. In box, handy for carrying about, 50c. Lockhart-Parsons Drug Co. PHONE "THE BUSY CORNER." MAIN 298 US ORPHEUM TONir.HT rHA.EI)A .,. .... ICitj... ,ul or Murine ailrcnture flc,iire foyou'n ,A HEDWOO,,S A wonderful educational AW, Biff'SiJ181111' A Kwt western drama with M. Lr .el , I t 8:30. P'OBrom of nil new pictures Sunday, with mat. Established Admission, 10v Never more. TIDES FOR FKIlRl'AltV. Uolow la given tho timo and height of high nud low water at Mnrshflold. Tlio tlilos nro plnced In tlio order if occurrence, with tliolr times on rlio first lino and heights on the Hfond lino of ench day; a compai Ihoii on consccutlvo heights will Indicate whether It Is high or low water. For high wntor on the bar, uhtrnct 2 hour 34 minutes. liiihB. . 0.18 7.:i7 a.:t!) .2S Ft. .. 2.!) 5.S O.ii 2.8 inn.. 1.07 8.:i7 :i.r.s) 11.01 I Ft... 2.G 11.8 U.5 3.7 I WEATHER FORECAST. I llv ARRoclnlnil I'ruaa ! OREGON Hnln In west and rain or hiiow In enst tonight and Saturday. Southerly winds In creasing nlong the roast. LOCAL TEMPERATURE RECORD. For tlio -I hours ending nt 4:111 a. in., Fob. 14, hy HcnJ. Ostllud, Hpeclnl government mo teorologlral observer: Maximum D ! Minimum III! At I: !:! a. m 48 Preelpltutlon 12 Precipitation slnco Sept. 1, 1!M2 12. 8G Precipitation samo period previous year .'1S.73 Wind- Southwest; cloudy. o I HORN. I . - HtNCKEY To Mr. nnd Mrs. Ooo. Ulnrkey of South Ninth street, Feb 111, a daughter. Leave Tomorrow. Fnther Sprin ger nud Mis. I. Mold will bo pass- WANT ADS. FOR RENT Two room Iioumj in EnMslde. fl. l'liono 100-.I. FOR SALE d'ood motor boat, 120 foot long, :i'j b. P. engine. Cheap If taken at once. Apply llox "!. Times olllce. l.'OCMl I .miles' shopping bag on Adelluo Smith yesterday. Owner en u bnvo same by Identifying property and pnylng for this ad. KOU Furnished lent cabin, ehonp. On .lohuson uveiiiie, be tween Fourth and Fifth SIh. FOU SALE On easy terms a now modern bungalow on So. Fourth St. Owner leaving town, l'liono :isr.-.i. I'Olt SAM-! CJimmI paying business, llargaln. Imiulro George Wol Htead, 117 North Front St. LOST (Jold ring with tiger-eye sot, Thursday, lteward Tor return to The (iunnery. I'Olt KALE Fourteen room house, with bath, lot 45 x 100. near Park, North Ilutul. Only $3500 If taken Iminodliitoly. Phono 1C5 North Pond or Inquire Times olllce. I'Olt SAM': Eight hoiM'xwer boll or nnd bIx horsepower ouglno, ready for use. Will sell for half price. Address E, Caro Times. FOR Ho-e perennial and decorative plants F. A. Sacchl. I'OU SALE Laying pullets. Cor. Broadway nnd Cedar, lion Wright WANTED Maid for general house work. Phono 389-J. I'Olt HENT Furnished houso of nlno rooms. Inqulro room 201, Hotel Coos. 'Oil HUNT House keeping apart inonts $12. Phono 310-X, or call nt 413 North Second St. I'Olt SALE Silver Spangled Ham burg cltlckonH, also Hlack Orp ington cockorol. Phono C53, North llond. EGGS I'OU HATCHING Whlto Leghorn, MncFnrland strain; Ilhodo Island Heds, Elliott strain, aeo Chnrlos E. Jordan, Kastsldo. WANTKD Woman or girl ns nurso for oldorly luvalld. Cnll Mrs. Sougstnckon. FOIl HKXT Sixty "civs of orchard and farm land on Slilnglohousa Slough. For particulars phono S3-J. FOIl HKXT Six room modern house on Control nvouuo. &. . Audorson. l'OH SALIC India Hunner duck eggs for hntclilng. Corner of South Sovonth and Ingersoll Sts. William Shook. WANTED A maid for general house work. Phono 297-L, or 1300 Central avenue. FOIl S.VLK OH HKXT Houso nnd four lots in uasisiue. wwr l" James D. Cllnklnbeard, Sumner, Oregon. ROOM! AND HOAKD Pleasant quarters and good cooking. John Kan, o-iu r uiuu"". tUlv anus - .,ww, ... - - der, at Campbell's Wood Yard, Ferry janainu. r" -- SOCIAL CALKXDAH. FIUDAY. I Ladles' Art club with Mrs. Ivy Cotidron. j Crochet Club with .Mrs. Don t McCrnry. I North Uend Library Association. I l''astHide SATURDAY Athletic Club dance. I engers ou the outgoing Drain stano tomorrow morning. Social Tonight Tlio Young Peo ple's Society of tho Norwegian Lu theran Church will give a valentine party In tho chapel parlor this even ing. Xi-w .Manager W. Allan! haB tak en a position as mnuager of tho Iloynl theater In Marsbllold, nucceed Ing the place of Mr. Klekor, who will return to his old homo in Chicago. Closes lor Funeral. Camp 1 closed down yesterday am! tho men came to town Inst night nnd will attend the funeral of John link, who was killed tbcro a few days ago. .Move Church At a meeting of tho Vestry Hoard of tho Mnrshlleld Kpls copal Church last evening, It was decided to movo tho old church nt onco so that construction of the now edlllce could bo started nt an early dato. Social Tonight. Tho Ladles' Mis sionary Circle of tlio Ilaptist church will uive a social at tho church this evening. Tho social will bo In the nature of n membership con test, the losing sldo entertnlnlng all tonight. Ti-iips Wlhlenl. Alton Metlln, who bns rented the lllntt ranch on South Coos River Is In Marshfield for a short visit. Ho says that Arthur Hudson, who Is living with him, caught a live wildcat In n trap yesterday. Xoilli llond Woman Hurl. A young woman from North llond was Hovoroly hurt nt tho roller Bkntlng rink tl'e other night by n fall. Sho was accompanied hy her husband, nnd both woro Ht rangers to the crowd, so that no ono knew her name. Teams Leave. Tho Marflhflold High school baskctbnll team left to day for Coqulllo, where they will play the Coqulllo High school team tonlghf. Tho North llond Illirii school team left today for Handon. wiiero tlicy will play tho High school team tonight. .Meet .Monday .No apcclnl meet lug of the city council has yet been called to take up tho question of calling an election for the voters to pnss on the Terminal Hallway matter. It will probably ho brought up nt tho regulnr council meeting next Monday night. Fixes I'm Saloon. Hugh Sneddon has had the Klahn saloon, which he bought from K. W. Ilornitr. tho ndmllstrntor of tho Ford Klahn es tate, completely overhauled, redeco rated and Improved. He has placed Olo Noah In charge. Tho other Kniplro liquor places nro also to be overhauled. Kstnle Small. Tho ostato of Ford Klahn, the Kmplre Honor man who died recently will bo under $2000, considerably less than was ox peel ed. Mr. Klahn kept no books, tils accounts being written ou envelope backs, etc. This will probably re sult In many of tho accounts of people Indented to him never being collected. In Old gunners K. W. Kiun- merer Is temporarily occupying the old quarters of tho Donaldson building with Tho Toggory nnd will upon thoro for business tomorrow, putting on a hlg sale of his stock which was damnged some In tho recent fire. No plans hnvo yet been mailo by Capt. Donaldson for Improving tho place. Home from Hospital. Leo Wob- stor was brought, to Marshtleld from Mercy uospltnl today, after a nlno weeks' slego as a result, of a critical operation. Mr. Webster Is still woak, but stood tho trip well and his rapid recovery la hopen for. Tho many friends of tho val iant soldlor will he glad to know ho is on tho highway to health nnd will welcome him bnck to tho ac tive ranks of tlio Coos Hay boosters. Shins LumlHr. D. D. Plorco of tho Coqulllo Mill nnd Mercantile Co,, caiiio over last evening to at tend to tho loading or about 100,- 000 feet of lumbor from his mill on the Ilocholle at tho Railroad dock. He reports tho lumbor business pick ing up. The Uochollo will com plete her load ac tho bmltu mill, Sho arrived In yesterday, a day soouor tl nu was expectod, nnd this is Captain Nolsou's llrst trip In Hero. AMOXO THE SICK. Mrs. Fred Holllster has been quite sick tho last few days, but is reported Improving. Mrs. John lllasca Is still critically ill at her homo ou Coos River with no chnngo for tho bettor. A FHESH SUPPLY of FHKSII OLYMPIA OYSTEHS JUST HE CKIVKI). Free Delivery. PHONE your ORDEU to PHONE 73-J. 1ZJ VERY sale we make is meant to give a hundred per cent, satisfaction to you, and no sale is final here until you are sure it's right. Money cheerfully refunded. Firsl large shipment of Hart Schaffner & Marx Spring Suits arrived yesterday. WOOLEN MILL STORE This store Is the home of Hart Schaffner & Marx Clothes. PERSONAL NOTES C. FERGUSON left this aftornoon for Ten Mile. MRS. W. II. SANFORD Is In town today from Suninor. OSCAR 1IAILEY of Camp C Is a town visitor todny. MAYOR JORDAN of Eastsldo was n Mnrshlleld visitor todny. MR. and MRS. A. O. ROGERS of South Coos River nro In town. L. K. DALL1NGER Is expected homo todny from a business trip to Co qulllo. REV. FATHER SPRINGER leaves todny for Florence on u inlsslou nry visit. MRS. JOHN MESSERLE and daugh ter, ROSE, aro In Mnrshlleld today from Sumner. T. C. MOFFETT of the Heaver Hill Mines was a Marshfield visitor yestorday. MRS. HOOD or Salem Is n guest nt the homo of hor dnughter, Mrs. W. C Pettyjohn. CIIAS. MAIIAFFY nnd sister, MIbs Lou Mnhaffy, of North Coos Riv er nro In town todny. MR. nnd Mrs. Merchant nro hero from tho Merchant ranch at llul Inrds for a short visit. J. H. DAVIS of Coos Rlvor will leave on tho Hrenkwnter on n business trip to Portland. GEO. W. AltTIS writes rrom Phoo nlx, Arlznun, that ho Is Just re covering from n bovoio Illness. MISS EUGENIA SCHILLING nrrlvod last night from Myrtlo Point to visit nt tho W. P. Murphy home. MRS. A. F. JOHNSON and daugh ter of Lnkesldo aro visiting with friends In town for u few days. MR. and MRS. JOHN VANIIURG ER of Ten Mllo nro rejoicing over the birth of a sou lust Sun day. NORMAN KEATOR cntno to Mnrsh lleld this morning from Sumner, whoro ho was tho guest of Captain Leonard Masters. MRS. J. A. PARKER of liny Park returned this morning from a visit with her parentB, Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles Rodlue of Allegany. MR. and .MRS. FRANK MONROE, former North Uend residents, nro rojolclng over tho birth of a dnughter nt their homo In Flor ence. MRS. II. L. RUSSELL of Cntchlng Inlet enmo to Mnrshllold this morning nnd contlnuod to North Bend, whoro sho will spond the day with rolatlves, DAN PAPADALOS, who was re cently Injured In ono of tho log ging camps, will lenvo on tho Ro dondo for Snu Francisco. Mr. PnpadaloB has lost entirely tho tiso of tho Injurod arm, RAY DEMENT of Myrtlo Point Is horo to visit his sister, Mrs. Whlto, who Is residing nt tho formor W. C. Dradley homo In West Mnrsh llold, whllo (.recuperating from a long Illness. Sho Is considerably Improved. HENRY 11ERGMAN, cashlor of the Florenco Ilnnk, Is vUltlng his bis or, Mrs. Fred Holllster. Ho reports that tho port commission there Is planning another bond issue to carry on tho port Im provements, J. E. NOAH of North Coos River Is In town todny and will lonvo on tho Breakwater on a short vlsii to Portland. Mr. Noah whllo absont will Becuro a cap tain's HceiiBo to oporato a gaso line launch on tho Day. D. A. JONES loaves this aftornoon for San Francisco on a brief busi ness nnd ploasuro trip. Reginald Wright will chaperon lilm nnd WANTED Twelre cxprlcaced nila. era and timber men. Apply Beav er H1U Coal Qo. Saturday Special Sale Table Tumblers Heavy Tumblors, OI Six for UC Thin Blown, 3trtr Six for 3V0 Needlo Etch, Af Six for JU Genuine Cut, Tn six for J "ALWAYS SOMETHING NEW." Peoples'5-10-15cStore III finnan Haddie Arrived on Steamer Redondo Headquarters at Stauff Grocery Co. Phone 102 Stoker's CBdle, protect him from tho pitfalls and trolloy cars of tho big city. J. It. ROUERTSON and wlfo of North Uend wero Mnrahllold visit ors today. Mr. RobortBon Is anx ious to bco Grant Clrclo In North Bend rotnlncd ns n public park In stead of bolng sold to prlvuto par ties or bolng donated as a hotol Bite. Ho snys that tho progresslvo cities cvorywhoro nro enlarging tholr pnrk systems Instead of do creaBlug them. Mrs. Robertson Is now working on n plan to establish a homo for nged women. MP. nud MRS. B. R. KELLER leave tomorrow on n vacation nnd bust nosB visit to Portland. During tliolr II vo years' rcsldouco horo, Mr. nnd Mrs. Keller hnvo mndo many friends, who will bo glad to know that they will continue to mnko their homo In Mnrshlleld. Mr. Keller has proven hlmsolf a competent nnd capable business man. Ho has n number of mat ters uudor consideration nnd ex pects to mnko his home on Coos Bay. I HOTEL ARRIVALS. HOTEL COOS W. Albred, Mnrsh llold; Tlios. Sturduaut, Myrtlo Point; John R. Anderson, Astoria; A. P. Nolson, Astoria; AI Smith, Coos Rlv or; Ron Smith, Coos River; Mr. nud Mrs. W. C. Morgan, Coos Rlvor; J. O. Mnllonor, -City; Captain Harris, Sumner. BLANCO HOTEL -Win. J. Jor dnu, Portland; August Berry, Port land; J. M. Olson, Snu Francisco; John Bnro, Handon; John Portor, Al legany: O. L. Swnnson, Trowbrldgo, III.; F. Ducgn, Camp 1; Goo. Du huquo, Camp 1; Chns. Zust, Camp 1. LLOYD HOTEL J. Bontly, Port land; G. W. Ronvfl. Coqulllo; S. S. Haklngcr, Dlllnrd; Ed Joiicb, Camp 7; J. Davidson, Albortn, WnBh,; Ar thur Woldon, Coos Rlvor; Androw Iugonnn nnd wlfo, EnBtsldo. THE CHANDLER II. E. nich ador, St. Louis; W. E. Putor. Berk cloy.Cal.: II. S. Wright, San Francis co; J. Monro, Chicago; Dr. F. S. Prntt, Gnrdlnor; A. M. Onkes, Port land; I. Gnrrow, Portland; Church, Snu Francisco; Mrs. Win. Cnndlln, Coqulllo; R, ir, Domont, Myrtlo Point; J. F. Mcintosh, S. S. Adeline Smith. Along the Waterfront. Tlio Orogoulnn snya that Nola JolilneRs recontly purchased tho MI rono from the Barnes Packing Co., nnd that ho placed $8000 Insurance on hor, bo thnt ho will not suffer nny loss from tho nccldent nt No haloin Bay recontly. Tho Express Is having a now shaft Installed horo todny. Tho Nairn Smith will nrrlvo In this ovonlng from liny Point. Tho Alliance la duo In tomor row from Portland and will sail early Sunday morning for Eurokn. Tho nrenkwator will sail at 4 o'clock tomorrow morning for Portland. Tho Brooklyn, Flflold nnd Elf. zaboth Balled from Handon till morning for Snu Francisco. TO HOLD l'UNEHALS. Tho funorals of Mrs. Thomas Barrows will bo hold nt tho Wil son chnpol tomorrow morning nt 11 o'clock. The funornl of Thomas Mllllgan will bo bold Sundny aftornoon nt 2 o'clock from tho Wilson chnpol. Times' Want Ads bring results. Ladi wo havo secured tho agoncy for Mnurlno TOILET REQUISITES Tho storo for Qunllty Goods and Ponslar Remedies. i I