HKL-J pwn Utsf MC4t& ?VeWttv -": rtftsuifiiSS "ywffiWIPyWfe T ' L miii.MilBBKSaJt f mSR THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREfiON, PftlDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1913 eVeHIMG EDITION. tic B0W OPKHAT. KinilT-HOUU iKXPKltT AX' B0 BUl'MW- LkimutsikntS' tlUAUAN" dry FARE between Bend L SEND JTO LINE Props, Service viirlrlor. linker's Cigar After 11 p. in. lona 181-H. trrgoii. DK M 0003 CO. pom In Coos to the run- Irlcei. fcouso In Cnoa lloju of our Istrlbutor falU i catalogue, "i get one. ht prices In I Mine quality i. taking bulnted with ' PH sood and I lMe. ives Ki .COFFEE elect 1 OUSE iCt, k ling) lk HI IMleld. Ore. itincd F'l cret kp ied to i IAHP y t tjr. time, as i mea ti I Cm. Hut coniumes 1 tti t oi fount of ' Pleaeed ie. Co. Broadway ul Foote Hall JM DAT I Parlor 1 1ion sj 4. ,22iCar Your a? Hd Vnn Nflrein. "JVOttld W fir. I. vl rki la- SffS 17. f 1 test. . linT Vrl .. '" "'v.. iW"-?! arc JJ.-tH l.prfl l 'il ,..-- 8131 mils ' -- iMtD1, Coos Bay Business. College You know what you are worth today. What are you going to be worth five years from today? When we build a house we have a plan. When we build a ca reer, most of us putter, dawdle, dream dreams, and wait for some favorable breeze to waft us to harbor. Lack of business training is not only a handicap it is an absolute block to your advancement. Will you con sider this a little while you are building the man or woman who later will be YOU? Start right by starting NOW For something worth while. Positions in abund ance and no trained help. DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL Telephone 402. Buy Your Meats UNION MEAT MARKET AndYou Will Always Have Pure Wholesome Meats. Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance Title Guarantee and Abstract Co. HENRY 8ENGSTAOKEN, Mgr. Coqulllo Ofllco Phono 191 Platting Lands a specially. Farms Tlmbor Coal and Marshfleld Ofllco 14-J. General Agonts "EASTSIDE." FAST AND Steamer Redondo Equipped with wlrehfid and submarine twit SAILS FROM MARSHFIELD for SAN FRANCISCO FRIDAY, FEB. 14, AT 3:30 P. M. All Pawrenger Reservations From Hon Francisco Must Ho Mado at 80ft Flfo Hulldlng, or Lombard titrcot Pier 27. All reservations must bo taken up Hi hours before Hulling. INTKIt-OCKAN TRANSPORTATION CO. PMONW 44 0. K. McOEOItGE. Agont THE NEW Steamer CAPT. HUHTIS, Muster. Sails for San Francisco from Coos Bay February 12th THE SPEEDWELL la speed nud lias excellent passenger nccom mndntlomt, largo clean and airy rooms anil electric llglits mid wireless. For freight nnd passage, apply, A. I' Estabrook Co. Title Guarantee and Abstract Co., (IRMIl? Smitn Marina Itldg., Sun Francisco. Mnrshflold. S. S. ALLIANCE EQUIPPED WITH WIIIELESS SAILS FROM MARSHFIELD FOR EUREKA SUNDAY, FEB. 16, AT 5:30 A. M. ROUND TRIP, $18.50 OUNNKOTINO WITH THE NORTH HANK ROAR AT PORTLAND NORTH PAOLPIO STEAMSHIP COMPANY. Phono 41 O. P. McGEORGE, Agent. EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS Steamship Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIME. BAILINGS FROM PORTLAND, Tuesday evening of enrh week at S P. M. SAILING FROM MARSHFIELD, Saturday, February 8, Saturday I-ebruury 15, Saturday, February 22. Phone Main fW-L, J. O. MILLER, Afont. Steamer Washington Sails from San Francisco for Coos Bay, With Passengers and freight, Tuesday Evening, February 11 B. DOW, Ageat. C A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. Iasu. RETAIIi MHEit, LATH, SHINGLES, MOULDINGS, SASH AND DOORS. ROOFING PAPER, ETC. CVT T,IE WEh RILL IN TWO HY USINO OUR WOOD. Pnrtvn ' w.ic. iuo, at the 'Phone 58 COMMODIOUS SPEEDWELL Ocean Dock, DEPARTMENT mo cmiTtr, nrntmviv What Would You D.o If You Had a Million Dollars? DO YOU ovur liavo day dreaniB? Or course you do. Every one In tills world littH spent, ninny happy hours vlslonlng In sl lont, thrilling pleasure, thuinsulvcs transported from the work-a-day routine or tliolr ilnlly lives Into hoiiiu liiilf-encliaiileil rualiu of the linnKlnatiou. Who. hns not pictured hliiisolf riding lu n rich upholstorcd Union slno, or plowing through the hluo waters ol the Mediterranean In a palatial steam yacht of which he Is the lionized owner. What girl has not sat in silent hllsBful contemplation beholding horsoir, In tho inlnd'B eye, robed In tho richest of silks nnd velvets, her lingers and throat glittering with wondrous gems. All of us have dreamed these day drenms. Sometimes theso figured fancies of our Idle hours leave the realm of material things and soar into the mysteries of the unknown iinlvorsa; sometimes theso dreams are confined merely tp optimistic Imaginings nbout the siiccessrul ac complishment of somo actual pur pose, but mora often they take the form perhaps best oxpresscd by the question propounded by this Inter esting: "WHAT WOULD YOU DO WITH A MILLION DOLLARS?" And that Is what the Times wants to know. Tho question possosscs n peculiar nnd particular Interest to Cooos Day peoplo Just now becauso a Marsh Held man, James Dennett, chief en gineer of tho C. A. Smith mill, re cently fell heir to two million dol lars. Mr. Uonnott Is a practical man blessed with a practical wife. Ho says ho will not quit his placo with tho company. Mrs. Uonnott says that a winter homo In Los Angeles ."Jli'-'i jlnpjjiingnlow on Coos Hay In fllcrobes In Your Scalp Authorities say that a mlcrobo causes baldness. If you nro losing hair try our remody at our risk. Professor Unna, of Germany, od Dr. Sabouraud, the great French Dermatologist, claim thai a mi crobe cnuea baldoeM. and their theory baa bren Yerifirxi by eminent acieatiiU. Tbii mlcrobo deitmys the hair (olllclci, in time caunlnc tha acalp pore to clooo and the acnlp to becouio ihlny. Then, It U beliovol Bothlns will revivo tha growth. If treatud before thta occuri, baldncoa tuay bo overcount. Wo know of notUnc that has (iven auch universal aattafactlon in treatins tha icalp nnd hair a Iteiall "03" Hair Tonlo. It hoa been do alined after long; atudy to overromu tho oauaa of fallluiehalrasdiicovertHl by I'rof. Unua. Dr. Sabouraud and other acalp and hair eclallbi, nud wo believe it will do more than any thing c!u can to rcinovo dandruff aud atop falllne hair; nnd If any human agency can promote- a now growth, of hair it will do that, too. We want you to make us prove It. Vo will pny for a month' treatment of Rexall "03" Hair Tonio ued dur ing a trial, if you will uae it ac cording to dlrectiona, and nro not thoroughly aatlificd. When we will do thii, you aurely ahould not healtato to at Icait try it. Htart the treatment today. Your mere request will gut your money back if you want it. Twoaliea:60a and S1.00. You can buy neiall "03" nair Tonld) la tliU rommuuity only at our a tore: LOCKHART PARSONS DRUG CO. The Ilusy Corner Uarahfleld Thi JfcKali Start Oregon There la a neitll Store In near! e-eiy town and city In the United tltatea, Cju and Great DriUln. There la a different Ileiall Remedy for nearly every ordinary human 111 Mch especially drilaned for the particular ill for which it ia recommended. Tha Ruall Stor.. ar. Amarica'a CnatHl Drug Stor.a City Aijto Service Good Cars. Careful Drivers and reasonablo cbnrgos. Our motto: "Will go anywhoro at any time." Rrnnrta Tllnneo Hotol and DlanCO Cigar Store. Day Phones 78 and 48 Night Phone 46. IIARKKR J GOODALK. nronrlftforn Singer Sewing Machines Wo havo them for rent or for sale. Machines itopaireu. Supplies and Needles for Salo. W. J. RITZ, 131 Park Ave. Marshfleld. Phone 1.11-X. WE WILL MAIL YOU 1 for each set of old False Teet sent us. Highest prices paid for old Gold, 8llver, old Watchei, broken Jewelry and Precloar Stones. Money Sent by Return Mall. Phlln. Smelting & Refining Co. Established 20 Years. 803 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. TO DENTISTS. We will buy your Gold FlUlngj, Gold Scrap, and Platinum. Hlgu at prlcos paid. TEi Star Transfer and Storage Co. I nranared to do fill kinds of hauling on short notice. Wft meet all tralni mi hnatn nnd wa nlHo have the latest style Reynolds Piano Mover. W guarantee our worn. L. H.Heisner.Prop. Phonos D8-R. 120-J O-T. Have That Roof Fixed WHAT WOULD YOU DO WITH A MILLION DOLLAIIH ALL YOUR OWN? For the best 100 word nn swer to tills most Interesting question Tho Times offers: First Prize Flvo dollnr gold pleco. . Second Prize Threo dollars Third Prize Two Dollars. Fourth Prize Two txitintl box candy. l'lftli Prize one pound box candy. Sixth Prize Ono pound box candy. Wrlto your nnswors plainly nnd on ono sldo of tho paper only, giving your nnmo nnd ad dress. Neatness will bo considered as well as composition aud I originality. Contest closes nt C p. in., February 22. Winners will bo announced tho following dny, when tho lucky contestants may call nt tho ofllco and receive tholr prizes. Address all replies to "Tho Million Editor," Times ofllco. tho summer will bo satisfactory, even with two millions In tho bnnk. What do you think? What would you do If you woro In James llonnctt's placo? What would you do with a mil lion dollars? You havo all figured out at one time or another tho wondorful things you would do If you only had enough money. Tho Times wants you to sit down nnd wrlto In ono hundred words JubI what you would do with a million doUnm TAFT RACK HOME. 1'M'nldeiit Returns From Phlliidel jWiIii Toibty. tllr AMorlaied rrrea lo Coos Day Time. WASHINGTON, Feb. 13. Presi dent Tart, who spoko at thou.lncoln day dinner of tho Union League club, In Philadelphia, last night, re turned to Washington today on a special train. TURKS ARE REPULSED. ElTot-tN to Get Men Out of Adrian oplo Aro Defeated. 117 Aaaotlated Trraa to Coo, liar Tlmea. SOFIA, Fob. 13. Two attempt ed sortlos by tho bolcngured Turk ish garrison of Adrlanoplu on Mon day aud Tuesday or this week were repulsed by tho llulgurlans. The Turks havo Inst moro than 1000 killed and wounded, according to tho lliilgnrlan war office. TEARS FOR PHILIPPINES. Itepresentutlvo OlmMend Opposes In dependence of Islands. lllr AMOrUKkl I'ma to Coo ll Tlmea.) WASHINGTON, Fob. 13. "The withdrawal of the United States from tho Philippines would bo an net of cowardice and folly nnd would re sult In condltlolns worso than now oxlst In Mexico," declared Roporson tatlvo Olmstond of Pennsylvania In a speech against tho Jones Philip plno Independence bill, which ho de clared waB "romnrkablo nnd dnngor ous." REIT ELECTION PLEDGE. KatiMin to Cut Hair After Sixteen Years. KANSAS CITY. Fob. 11. Rellof Is to como soon to E. F. Doxwoll of Holslngton, Kns who has not had his hair cut slnco 1896. Mr. Doxwoll Is n great admirer of Dryan, and when tho lntter first ran for presi dent s woro ho would not havo a bar ber touch him until a democratic president took ofllco. This vow ho has kopt and his hair Is now forty four Inches long, whllo beard and mustache correspond. Ho will go to Washington In March and tho mo ment President WlUon takes tho oath, will offer Washington harbors ono of their biggest jobs. If you havo anything to soil, rent, trado, or want help, try a Want Ad. Orrine for Drink Habit TRY IT AT OUR EXPENSE We aro In earnest when wo ask you to give ORRINE a trial. You havo nothing to risk and every thing to gain for your monoy will bo returned If after a trial you fall to get results from ORRINE. This offer gives tho wives and mo ther of thoso who drink to excess an opportunity to try tho ORRINE treatment. It is a very slmplo treatment, can bo given In tho homo without publicity, or loss of tlmo from business, and at a small price. ORRINE Is prepared In two forms: No. 1, secret treatment, a powder; ORRINE No. 2, In put form, for thoso who deslro to tako voluntary troatmont. Costs' only $1.00 a box. Como In and talk over tho matter with us. Ask for booklet. Owl 'Prescription Phar macy, Front St., Phono 74-J Note that word 'prescription. Union Storage Company W. A. Heard, Mgr. Export Packers. Carpets Cleaned, Furnlturo Packed, Shipped, Stained and Repaired. 382 Front St. Phono 196. Leave orders at Going & Harvey. Pictures & Framing GRANT'S PASS BtWJfllTO City Pays Railway Construction Work Pending Road Sale. GRANTS PASS, Fob. 13. At the mooting of tho council a speclul fund to be known as tho railroad and construction fund was created, and tho treasurer was Instructed to transfer $2500 from tho general fund to tha new account. A second resolution dlroctB that all bills and claims on account of tho exponso or building tho muni cipal railroad from Grants Pass south to tho Applcgato river now or herenftor Incurred shall bo re ferred to tho public utility commis sion. Up to February 1st all bills for all departments of tho P.-I. work amounted to $1,738.07, vouchors for which nro In the hands of tho commission. Tho engineering de partment slnco tho ofllco was first oponcd has contracted hills amount ing to $r27.nn, this flguro including tho ofllco nnd fluid expense. For clearing right of way and all other Items coming under tho head of tho grading account, bills for $1,191.7!) aro vouchcrod, whllo for printed supplies, etc., $18.75 Is charged. From fifteen to eighteen men nro employed on clearing tho right of way, tho pay roll to date amounting to $8G8.-I8. To Bhow for this ex penditure, 34 acres or right-of-way havo been cleared, Including that portion from station 81 to station 230. Tho workmen nro now Just across tho Jerome Prnlrlo road. Twenty-two bond buying firms havo made Inquiry regarding tho $200,000 bond Issuo, and somo of tho firms will send their personal representatives hero. THIS WEE GIRL IS LIGHT AS FiwVTHKIt Los Angeles Infant Weighs 1H Ounces nnd Takes Only 15 Drops or Food. LOS ANGELES, Cal., Fob. 11. DccaiiBo sho weighs only a trifle moro than 48 ounces, nnd requires hut 45 drops or specially prepared rood to glvo hor a squaro meal, Itosanna Elizaboth Johnson, who oponcd her eyes upon this world Inst Wednesday, ban achloved moro distinction than any other baby ev er cared ror nt tho Los Angeles Mnternlty Cottngo. Sho has an allowanco from tho county board or supervisors. Sovou wealthy woinon, members or tho board or managers or tho Maternity Cottage, and a number or physicians dance uttondunco upon hor. Bliu tins a specially built "baby In "ihntor," nnd n retinue or nurses. She has all or this becauso she Is tho eighth child or her parents, 'ind tho only ono who has lived more than two days. Tho women if tho cottago board or manngors determined to make an excoptlon in tho rulo or death in hor family. "HELLO" SUPPLANTED ON PHONE IIY "HOW IK) YOU DO" EVANSTON. III.. Fob. 13. Many rcsldonts or Evnnston havo placed tho stamp or disapproval on tho word "hollo" ns a salutation ovor the tolophono. Girls In the tolophono oxchango say that tho word Is considered "vulgnr." "Good morning," "good nrtornoon," op "good evening" havo taken tho place or tho shortor and handler word as a form or greeting. "It Is seldom that I ever hoar n 'hollo' any moro," said a girl In tho tolophono mnnagor's ofllco. "In tho courso or a day I call tho homes of many society women and In almost every Instanco I am an Bwored with tho greotlug "good aftornoon' or "how do you do." FEAR RAILWAY STRIKE. No Settlement of Eastern Railway Strife Yet. Df Asaoclatad Trtaa to Cooa Day Times. NEW YORK, Fob. 13. Negotia tions botwon rirty-rour railroads and roprosontatlves of 34,000 fire men camo to no conclusion this af tornoon. TniEF OWN nOOICKKEPER. Young Man Makes Full Confewdon and Ofllcers Recover Loot. MEDFORD, Fob. 14. A now wrinkle In criminal annals, In which a burglar systematically kopt books on what ho stolo and what ho expected to steal has boon un earthed by tho local police force In tho capture of Frank Kelly, a young man of 23, who has resided Bomo tlmo on West Elovonth street. Kelly after his capturo mado a full conlesslon and produced his "books." A list or all he has stolen togother with tho dateB on which ho broke Into tho places, was found. Opposite tho list Is tho price of each. At his homo at 710 West Eloventh stroot tho ofllcorB found moro than two wagon loads or loot. "Kelly's list or stolon articles is unique. It looks like a bill for groceries and Is very complete. He has "accounts" with Warner, Wort man & Goro, D. & C. Cash Store, Public Library, whore ho stolo oil, Dig Pines Lumber Company and a number of orchard companies In tho valley. Llbby COAL. The Kind YOU hava ALWAYS USED. Phono 72, PacifU Livery and Transfer Company. SUDSORHIERS NOTICE (Subscribers who do not re ceive, their jmper or who rtv celvo it lute, will confer a I favor on THE TIMES by call- NOW See aORTUELL ,?-" ' Walker Studio L J Ing this ollico on tlio iciepiiono and lintifvinif us at oney. GHT YOUR JIB PRINTING DONE AT THE TU PHONE 8121.