The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, February 13, 1913, EVENING EDITION, Page 6, Image 6

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Peter Robertson Succumbs to
Paralysis and Others Ills
After Long Sickness.
l'olor UobcrtHiin. a well known
pioneer of Coos county, died lam
night nt Mercy IwiHpltnl after a
three inontliB Mlnens of paralyse
and othor diseases Incident to Ills
ndvnnced years. Ho was 78 years
Ho wan taken to Mercy hospital
the day hofore yesterday and It
waB then realized that ho could not
long survive. For the past year,
since the death of his wife, he had
resided with his daughter, Mrs.
Macule McDougul at Mllllngtoit. Ho
was horn In fllnsgow, Scotland, and
came to tho United Status with Ms
parents when a young hoy. Ilo
was nmriled hero nml hl wife pars
ed away a year ngo.
Tlicv canio to OroKtni In 1S73.
Twolvo children wore horn, of , twenty years old
whom seven are still living. Twou- as a great shock to them and was
ty-llvo grandchildren also survive, especially hard on Mrs. Vernon, who
Tho children aro: Mrs. August , Is eighty-four years old, and who
Lnkoimon of Ten .Mile; Mrs. Mag-1 had looked forward to boo her niece
glo McDougal of Mllllngion, .Mrs. whom sho had not seen for ninny
Knto Froeliind of North Mend. IM-, yenrs.
ward Kohortsou of Ulverton. Wnl- No nrrnngonientB hnvo hcen mntlo
tor Hoboiison of MnstHlde, Itohert ' yet for tho funeral, Mr. Harrows
Itohertson of Hnyues Itilot, (loorge , and daughter this morning going to
llobortaon of Mllllngton. tho Vernon home. They planned to
Mrs. Thomas Barrows, En
Route from England Here,
Dies on Breakwater.
Mrs, Thomas Harrows, aged forty-four,
died of heart disease on tho
steamer Hreakwatcr at sen yeestor
day morning nhout 10:15. Sho was
en route to Coos Hay from Knglnnd
with her husliand and daughter to
vIbU nt the home of her mint, Mrs.
Vernon, of Isthmus Inlet.
Mrs. Hnrrows had horn suffering
from heart trouble for some time nnd
tho long Journey from Trent county,
Knglnnd. to Coos Hay was hard on
her. Yesterday morning, she bognn
to complain nnd her husband and
daughter wore caring for her In her
stateroom, when sho suddenly pas
sed nway. i
Miss Mabel Harrows, their only
chilli, who was with them. Is about eating with tho lodge as to tho lo
Consult Your Feet
Thomas Miilicjan Succumbs
Suddenly at Smith-Powers
Camp on South Slough.
Thomas Milllgan. it logger, died
suddenly last ulgbt at the Smith
Powers camp on South Inlet of ap
oplexy. Ho was apparently In good
hcnlth wneji he retired and evident
ly died while nslcop without innklng
n struggle. HuukmatCH sleeping
nlongsldc of him did not hear a
word from him and did not know
that ho had died until they nrose
this morning when they found Mm
cold and lifeless.
Mill gnn was about 50 years old
and had worked In logging camps
around the Hay for some tlnio. He
was n m-inber of tho Falls Cllv
Lodgo No. IIS, I. O. O. F.. and
Coroner Wilson Ib today eoiiiinunl-
Peter Robertson
Glasgow, Scotland.
Ho left Scotland
old nnd lived for
was horn
April ).'.,
when 10
a time in
Scotia, and later lived in .Maryland,
Kentucky, and Nebraska before com
ing to Coob Hay In 18711. Mo was
tunrrlod In Kentucky in ISJlf.
When ho came hero, ho went to
Ton Mile to locate nnd then there
were only four other residents In
that section. Ilo followed coal min
ing nnd ranching- Hesldes his chil
dren hero, a ulster. .Mrs. Harharn
Cook, at Xowborg. Vn., survives
lit til.
Tho funeral will bo bold at 1
o'clock Frldny afternoon from tho
Marshflold Ilaptlst church, Hev.
Hassford nnd Hev. Hall olllclatlng.
Tho casket will he open from 111: 110
to 1 o'clock nt tho church.
coqimijM-: tiikatkh ciiaxck.
M. 1 Long, who has been nssocl
nled with tho Royal Theater, lias
cold bis Interest In that concern to
Cbnrllo Hart and will now dovoto
Ills entire attention to tho manage
ment of O. K. Creamery. Coqulllo
The death canio cation of remtlves nnd nhout the
funeral. Ilo lind no relntlvos here.
I'lnii lllik Fmici-iil.
Tho funeral of John link, who
was killed tlio day hofore yesterday
by it log In the Sinlt -Powers ennui
on South Coon Ulvor. will probahly
bo burled from Wilson's chapel to
morrow morning nt 1 1 o'clock. The
Hev. Fntli or Monro will probahl
officiate. Mr. VI sou lins not tt !
make tholr homo with Mrs. Vernon, I received nny word from link's rel-
Knnntz to Will Fame and
Fortune by Remarkable
.1. I.. Koontz of Mnishfloltl has
Juki perfected nn Invention that pro
mises to win him wealth and fame.
It Is an automatic safety device for
stopping trains. Ilo has made ap
plication for n patent. Siinotlino
ngo. some of the Kastern railroads
offered $10,000 cash for nn Idea
Hint would lead to a rontrluinro
such as Mr. Koontz has perfected.
Mr. Koonts has been working on
the contrlvnnco unite a while and Is
cortnln Hint It wilt bo a success.
He has tried It out on toy trains
nt IiIb homo and lite plan will np
plv to tho larger trains. The de
vice Is designed to work with the
semaphore system and will stop the
trnliiB when they come to the sema
phore In case the engineer shoulc'
nccldentnlly miss tho warning signal
to stop. Mr. Koonts's Invention will
set tho nlr brakes and close the
throttle. Ilo bus devised It so that
either nlr pressure or electricity will
operate It, the latter pressute belli;;
developed when the locoiuotlxr
passes by the seuaphoro,
Mr. Koontz will probably go earl
soon to demonstrate It.
who had no close relatives here'K WKI.F.VUi: HAY
Governor West
has Issued a proc
lamation sotting aside Monday, Feb
ruary 17. as Child Welfare day. nml
railing upon tho people of
statu to Join with the National
gross of Mothers In Its work.
day has been fixed as one of Xa
tlonnl obMorvnuco by tho .National
Congress or Mothers and its iilllllnt
ihI organizations In connection with
child welfare work.
Clint". Ilcry's Funeral.
Tho funeral of Chnilos Hery. sou
of Mr. nml Mm. August Hery of
Umpire, will bo hold Friday after
noon nt 2 o'clock from Wilson's
tho nhnpel, tho Hev. .1. 10. Osltiud olll-
Cou- elating. .Mr. nery was killed m a
I'ho logging rump accident nenr wugoiie
last week. Tito nody was nroiignt
here this morning on the Hreakwa
tcr, being nrcompnnlod by the fa
ther, August Hery, mid sister, Mis
! SERVICE PLAN to iiaxg
Annie Hery.
Humphrey llrothrrs Must Die for
.Minder Near 1'lillonmtli.
COUVAI.US. Or.. Fob. 13.
Churles mid Georgo Humphrey, con
fessed murderers of Mrs. KII7.11 Grif
fith nt li.ii lifililft iiiii Pllllnllintli ll
ntontiiB ngo. were ro-sontenceii by'
.Judge Hamilton. The seiitcuco is
Hint they shall "hang by tho neck
until dead within tho confines of i
Hie state peulteiitlnry at Salem,1
March 21."
W. H. Thonins. Ilort Folsom, Lnns
I.onovo mid John McVey wcro In n
party taking n trip to Dora Sunday
In nno of Clmnlo Moon's autos. They
report tho road In lino shape, bolng
nil planked excepting ono short
stretch which was graveled nnd ltnB
some muddy places. Coiiulllo Hor-ald.
Hnvo your Job
Tho Times olllco.
printing dono nt
The Two Best Cars in the
World at the Price
i i
jjs and Ford
,asj:. i i i ai-.
The Cadillac Is the-fML,a
fi vviUi.-,t,ry.rrvK n. , . ., ., . . 'vreiCv--' hrirm
ro"r- -7Hi Manaard or me worm
lITT M,, , utZZs'
Tho Ford is the
Owneis of Foul
best populai-piiced car in the woild.
cais will have the added advantage of the
Additional Trains Between
Coos Bay and Myrtle
Point Proposed.
Additional passenger service be
tween Coos Hay nnd Myrtle Point
may be provided on Ho local rail
way this summer when the Smith
Powers Logging road hond Myr
tle Point starts operations. Sup
erintendent Miller Is now consid
ering tho mutter hut hns not made
any definite iirrnngeiueiits yet.
1 Mr. Miller haB been trying to nr
rnngc ii better passenger schedule
for tho road than Is now afforded
by the two trains n day, hut has
found it difficult. For u time be
'considered tho ndvlsablllty of put
1 ting on a motor car. such as Ik
1 used on tho branch iluos of the
, Southern Pacific in California and
,on the I'nlon I'nclflc In Nebraska,
but found tils wns not pracilcnl.
The opening of irmflc on the
Smith-Powers road will menu n
marked lucreiiso in the business
I between Coos liny nnd the valley
points imtli In pHSHengor travel nnd
Height shlpmeii's. In addition to
1 the log shipment.
It Is expeclod by the Smith-Powers
Co. to hnvo the iihw ne ready
fur seivko In .July nnd n chnnno in
the local train service will likely he
made about that time.
In nddltlon to the Increase In
the weekday service. Sunday service
niuj he Inuugurnted on the line.
Stylo No. OS,
Ui-Hiittoii Gnu Metal
Price. $1.00.
Wear tho HKUiy s,,ftIJ
will lit Hlt. )08, ,. "t
wear longer than niiy olh J
you hnvo w... Kvcnlf,
by" Shoo did nm fcc, J
wear longer ol)ier u
extra Btylo. tlmt look
n.ako you tlecide in t.L . '
aolby." Hut y011 fl,1(1 '
fnnl (unfit ......... . . w
"" '"""""niiie m t
HV, l""- '"" styles are ti
nnd M.r.0: widths AA . '
Tho "Selbj" si,(lll ranb;
only nt tbls stoic H
Koinoinher that tin, , , h,
Slllfn. nml ... ......... .... Mi
for woition nml ( liiulrcn.
Hub Dry Goods &
UTOIHICH llldg. p,l0cJ(
SAI.FM. Ore.. Feb. 13. Tho
bouse pusfcd u number of bills for
the reform of legal procedure of
which the judicial committee wm
SMITH (iins ANGRf,
Along the Waterfront.
have installed at the
This consists
may bo found in
Out line of
Coos county,
of a complete line of Ford paits and supplies, as extonsivo as
any of the Ford branches in Portland or San Francisco.
general automobile supplies is the largest and most complete in
' Tie A. M. Simpson will will from
,Snii Francisco for North Demi
about March l, according to word
received nt the offices of the roni
pmiy here. I he repairs will be
completed by Hint time.
, Captain Krlcksou of the steamer
Ited uulo .esterd) i ecu I led that
Just tweiity-tine yoHrs Rgo he want
sa. uiiiktim his ilmt trip from
('OB Ha. He wim then sixteen
Veil IS old.
The MllllconiH is luld up for u
tew days receiving a cunt of pnlut.
Tho red buoy insikliig the en
trance to CarUton IUv U itwiit,i
to Imvo washed nhout lfiO feet out
of plaio ami the old spsr buov Is
damaged so that the small hunts
have more or less trouble navigating
there now
linnii) Kohfi'ts left .esterdnv for
Coipilile to Hike a position as on
gliice,. nn tho launch Dispatch on
the Corpilllo Hver. Mrs. Roberts
nml baby will join h, there as
hoon as ho s nldo to secure n null
able home.
The traffic through the Suox
(anal last ear showed an Increase
of -10 1 vessels over Hill. yrin t...
crease In recolnts ninniintnn
iiaao.ono. The leductlon of canal
i dues to C 2R Irnncs nor in., ,.;
Into elTect .Iminnry 1, Hi3.
Without perilllKslon tmm
roiul coinniiKsioii lilnRlnjoift
U.....U ii kuik over of th! pnj
of tho Homo Telephone rv
I'ncltlc Telephone 1TSJ&
"Hie trend of tho studio, ,i
IU llirttltiut !. ' "M
... ....,.. v . uuiiiuiiiion," i.
I'ros. Mularkey "pm,(i
to announce myself n ,,t '
,lc ownership, mt im.a!.
I iy emse in it "
. ' Setintor Day f Multnon
Orerion House Passes Measure i K'm.Kt mu mc.iurf
i n ! I ,l '" "" '"leiiipt otiulml
Providmn for Prosecution; miimim eommnuon p 111
tjll OmlHi'c Rill mat tors that bIioiioM not V:
Kill bnlltn S Dill. at nil. The mtrflmfn J,,.
orty of one corntirnilnn u ..
nhoiild be under the purtltti
mill inn uie railroad comcfc
nenutor sn t i in MmI..
wi.1.1. tie jii.iu-111 coniinitteo mm ,,ato ,, , s a o Z,
the author, probably tho most In.- lmvo ,,,, tlffec,K'
pirtmit of which was the one ro- TIH liroHM1(, l '
poning section 1511. chapter '). of Thompson I object to V
L..1.1 s Oregon luws. K0IIP0 , pe.-,unal tie." bJr:
t is cimmcii nun mis repeal win1 leaping to his fict 'It lit:
do n ore to prevent fraud af nil kinds manly mid iinparllnmcntirj i
In Ciegon Hum nny "hluo sky" bill , will not sit lit ro nml lutein
unit would ne punned n h reiuo.i'Hi uunirmiiii .Miller rautb-j
a banier which criminals, frauds tor Smith to ho more gcuci
i.n i BiiarporH uavo iiiatio use u pro- remurKS.
'(lit prosccutioiiH. I
Tills section stricken out reads tin
"Fpon a trial for having by nny.
felKo pretense, obtained tho slgnn
.re of nny person to nny writ 1 3D
Instriimeui, or obtained from any
(icison nny vultinblo thing, no, ovl-i
deuce cnu bo admitted of a false
pretense expressed orally mid unni
c.tnpllsheil by n fulso token or writ
ing; bin such pretenso or soino noro
or meiiiorniitluiu thereof must ho In gentlemen of tho lobbr
writing, ami either subscribed by or Kinltli illrected his rcmitkitb:
in the handwriting of the dofon- W. I). Fenton, nttornejr fori
t 'in.; Telephone Intciecls, and tetu
Among other bills passed for tho, ton should npologlzo to hbf
rofoun of lognl procedure wns ono j Htntenioiit Fenton la alkfrik
Iio lilliiis Hint n urniul Jury cai bo made, to the t ffect thit SrS
kept lit session until Its work In , boon "used" In Introduclstil
ori loted. with a time limit of six prevent mergers of rallwii
months; and another providing for tolepliono lines,
the charging of more than ono oilinoj Tho stir laiwcl lySmlik'n
In tho sumo indlctiuoiit In soparnto wiih the only ripple on thtiri
coiinllls, nml tlll another provHIm; the sessloii of tho senate Mi
icr mo releasing of courtesy or dow- lug. It t.inic in ronnK.-a-
er of biislmnd or of poison of mi- bill drawn by Attorney v
soend mini). , rvmvfnril iiiulcr which w
Kill SiiililiV Hill. seol(s to gain mithrrlty f rtij
With only ton senntoiH voting In to provent the tomlilniO
favor of tho moiiMiro. tlio mitl-tnor- potlng line.-, kiicIi nie-.-
ger hill, introdiicod In tho sonato by nllogod lo Isiue Mf? v.y
sinltli of Coos mid Curry, nt the re- Doll Inter-sH uy J" 7
ipiest of Attorney Oonerul Crnw- Northwestern long ll'',cv
fonl. failed 10 pass. A boating do-i Sinlllt snvtd tho 1111 1"1
hute. In which porsonalltles woro In- tills mornlnc galninswiw
uuigeii 111 hliterly, nttondod tho victory
Killing or Hie bill.
President Malnrkey opposod tho
bill. Mud Hint be might hnvo freedom
to talk on tho measuro gnvo lio
hnlr to Senator Miller. When bis
Coiiuly Mini Srnrn L.lJ
In Senate,
SALHM. Ore. Feb. 1!,-Ii
poratlon lobby wns InforceU
ntor Smith of Coos and Cti
uie logisiutiire enn get sIobji-
iih ntiMco. 011 mo nooroftur
Ho urged his collenguei toiVi
door hereafter to the ml
ii in orillliiu .Miller. WIIOIl HIS 1110 WOliilo. , . i,
name was calloil -the prosldoiit tho bill tod in p"n ." 1
brought down upon blmsolf tho It will pnss, for Senate -1
WK..11. .. u ... . . 1 a. .... 11 l mil rail i
irulnc gaining an ii
over the orcanluftil
tho vote was l.i to 1 3 on i-ri
n ...i,w,riiv I'liminittee rrp- "l
iiinjorlty and '"'iil"1tTr!(r
...1 ; ,Uu tin 1,1 . It inctJ8
mi i. ...-" "- V,tl
tho woods. 11 in-" "-,,
1 fccnuwi
roll call
; ' " "'iiiiuir nuilill, WHO pro- iiumjhi " ",' i.nni
tested that Instead of explulnlng bis counted on m uJnl"r.
vote he was maklnir n wet unnnMi voto to tarry It tlirous"-
Place your ordeis eaily to avoid disappointment.
You make no mistake whon you get a Ford or a Cadillac,
Coos County Representative,
.,,, A Handsome Income.
M:V YORK. Feb. 13. Tho Hamburg-American
lino niiiiounces that
tho total operatlnir nrnfiiH f,.,. i.
year 101 J hnvo boon H.12.'.noo ns
i.iiiii.iui-u wim ii,uoo.000 for tho
previous yenr. Tho now issue of
slmres lins netted a profit of $S7.V
" "Hicii was atittod to tho re
serve fund. Tho not earnings, after
nllowiug Interest on prior Hopg i,aB
ooo,lfoV3ioi,5:0, nga,1,st $10'125'-
Vetir's Sea Losses,
SAX FHANC1SCO. Feb. 13.-Of.
flclul returns Indicate that 9i
wns the most disastrous year for
shipping sluco inniine Insiirnnco ho
gnu, 250 years ago. Lowes now an
grognto 135,000.000 and tho belief
Is Hint whon imdotorniliiod claims
mo met. the total will ue $ i 0,000
000 This excludes countless ' o8.
.nm.-!, iu ubei nor exceeillmr
tons. "
iiKiinst in,. 1,111. chairman Mlllor' ' , Ton fillltl
ruled tlmt the president had a right ASUKD i?r,Ut(io ImlU"
'o go Into tho monsur In dotull In TT, nlio
explaining his vote. Wonimi Said lictr '
. "Mile on Ills feet Mnlarkov took TithcrciiieMs ,
to task those members who talk LOS AN'OlH.I'S. 'oA'j
lout "the lineup" when tl.oy nro Mrs. Hum le? "'
opposed by other nioniboiH who Imp- Ifornln. who Bjieil Pr v
fn to hold different opinions from Sliornrd for 30.000 ,
. 'r, "' wns In turn iuo", mi
It Is unhecomlng tho dignity If suit for $130 roedl'
this body." be said, "to speak of u tlio lltgation to P '" ' ,,
rellow senator as a champion of tho $1, tho amount of .,
demon run, If ho dlfferes on tho lln- oil him by n J"ry 1 l"
"f Z ' "' " n nun n friont t-ourr. , ,nmjAM ii
or tho i-ornorni niiH t i.iu ..i... rm.. nriuinnl con)P"u,..J
cl.mico to Inclino a cortnln way on thnt the physician tj J
that titiostlon." ' m..q h' Illness ",', I
-i-T.!!S ,b,.U ,""ler '"""iMloii wan do- wlioVeas she '" wf
r f, . , , .V,tv?u nno forporntlon liny rover, ami ",
fioin nrqulrliiK tho proportles of nn- tho doctor's verdict uk
--'-'"'' cn'"'..tlon In bankruptcy to turn gray. --
Money Will Not Buy
. i,.es to'' ,1
ho obtained here.
...,in of diaw"
,.. mulil not K
..... But T"
tnmi """ ji
. ,es J""
best 01 b ri
- unless J
export care.
. . -mlne l0M
let us i-- - &
. ra the tfl f
to i"'" - Hi
of the kind your
Phone 373-
Red Cross Drug Store
ral Department. ! Exl,D -
Hnvo your Job
Tho Times olllco.
printing done n
Try Tho Times' Want Ads.
-L I