THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD. OREGON, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1913 EVENING EDITION. m TO SELL GRANT ISLE I IN Hotel Situation in North Bend Has Some Strange De velopments. Tho North llend hotel sltinitloii line stirrer) up quite a furore thuru today nnil It Is the principal topic of conversation, hast night's moot ing of the North Iluticl Commercial Club to consider the hotel matter brought forth unexpected devel opments. It was proposed that tho city offer Grant Circle, embracing about 200 Hanaro fcot, as n bonus to nny mnii or company who would erect n $50,000 hotel building on It. Last evening in discussing the matter, V. K. Walters of the Da venport Land Co. there, suggested that It was a good bonus and sug gested that tho city sell Urant circle- and give tlio money as a bonus towards the IfiO.otiu hotel, as it might bo that there were better locations for the hotel. Someone wanted to know what it was worth. Mr. Wnttors replied that It was worth $20,(100. llo was then nuked If ho would pny that much for it and replied that he would if the city could give a clear tho kitchen range. He threw salt Homer Mauzey Badly Hurt En Route to Answer Alarm at Hall Home. Homer Mauzey, a member of tho Mnrshfleld Flro Department, .was finite severely Injured this morn ing while responding to a fire alarm at the home of Kov. G. Lei toy Hall, on South Sixth street, Just south of lOlrod avenue. There wob no lire, the alarm having been turned In on account of n "chimney burn ing out." Mr. Mnuzev was riding on Footo b auto, which vv:u hauling a hose cart to tho scene. hllo crossing the South Four i : s . oot bridge, Just south of Contra: avenue, Mr. Mau zey slipped and fell between the auto and hose cart. A bad gash was cut In his chin, another back of his ear and his nrm severely hurt In nddlllon to minor bruises. None of his Injuries are serious, but are quite painful. This Is the second accident of this nature that has befallen him. The lire alarm was turned in by Hov. Hall, who hecaino alarmed over the chlmlncy burning out from COUNTY UNGRATEFUL ' MAN TO JAIL;. I 'I Consult Y title. Immediately a resolution was passed urging Hie North llend city council to sell Grant Circle for ?20,000 and to offer Lincoln square for a hotel site. It was pointed out that tho $20,000 could either ho applied on the hotel on the new slto or usuil to wlpu out part of the North Demi city debts. Tho North llend city council will meet tonight to take the matter up. Tho meeting called at Hckhoff hnll In North llend by .1. It. Rob ertson and others to protest against tho proposul to ill vi Giant Circle as n .hotel site, was attended by a very few and nothing was done. ILIINKS IS MOOSTINC. Outs liny .Mini 'IVIU Ionium of Hie Advantages or This Section. A. T. Haines, who Is expected homo this week from n vIhIi in i.t old homo In Iowa ami also In Okln-, Hl'n ',l- noma, lias iicun spreading the gos pel or Coos Ihiy, while on his trip. A copy of tho Forth Dodge. Iowa. Messenger tells or his visit there as follows: "Cooi liny. Oregon, and Marsh Hold, tho filler city thereon, will ex perlcnco a boom that will put on that spot tho largest city In Oregon, not excepting Portland. That is tho opinion or one or tho moat success ful lumber men In tho world c A. Smith, formerly or Minneapolis, but now with Investments of millions at Mnrshlleld. "A. T. Haines, n brother or F.ngl noor A. (3. Haines or Fort Dodge, quoted tho nbovo prophecy while visiting Tho Messenger ollico todaj. Ho Is making a short visit with his brothers, having heon called east by tho death of bis mother. Ho is In tho mercantile business nt Marsh field and nfter Ihlug (hero rnr nvu years Is positively certnln that a great rutiiiv Is assured that place. "Kverybody Is it booster on Coos nny. tiio reasons given rnr Its bright outlook wem reasonable. It has enormous torosts. tho only coal deposits In Oregon, one or Hie only two harbors between Sun Francisco ami I'ortlaud. ttho other being m Humboldt Hay. Ciilirnrula.) tho prospect or getting a railroad soon, nnil probably several other lines be fore long. I "It Is south or Portland ulioui 300 mlli'H, u hit h is long enough illstnuce to niuko a place for aunihor largo city even If not ilmiu nt Poti Innd'H espouse. There x no other largo city elsewhere near there, "Dairying Is an Important Indus try there, vegetation ImIhk green nil tho year round. Mr. HhIiu offered to furnish the proofs or one case he mentioned, where thirty-two cows had yielded their owner J.'t.tion In one year. The runners live along the liver biittoms and Instead (r coming to (nun with tiielr prodtno In wagons they mine In barges on tile liver towed behind lugs. Tho illmate Is mild In winter, al though rai her rainy. In summer It lias plenty of sunshine uud In (! limed to bo Ideal. "Maishllelil real estate values are ton high for a small town uud ton low for a largo city." said .Mr. Haines. Come out ami miiKo up your mind which way it Is going to be and perhaps you will want in Invest " The now have .I, Out) with Jin railroad Passenger and freight nnve to he transported by steamers "Fred Haines, another brother, nlso Is located at Maishlleld. He is n civil engineer and Is engaged In locating a railroad Into Marshlleld nt tho present time." J'Jtl.WCHKlt OIMKCTS TO A COUSIN' WINDOW DISPLAY and other fire extinguishes Into the stove but In vain. On going outside, It looked as though smoke was coming up through tho rool and ho promptly sent In an ulnrm and thou entered the upper por tion of tho house to try mid combat the flauios. llo thou round that the file had not hrokou through tho chimney and tried to recall tho firo alarm or stop the lit emeu, but could not do so. llo suggested today that some sort of nu alarm bo devised so that I ho firemen and others could bo notified when the lire whs out. To day oiio of tho llrenieu who is cm ployed ut the C. A. Smith mill ran the entire distance from there to town to assist. Kov. Hall said that the turning In of the alarm by tho telephone girl and the l espouse of the firemen was very prompt and that he wish ed to eoniinoiid them highly for the S TO GET SLEUTH Grand Jury Recommends That Special Detective Be Hired For Liquor Cases. COQCILLK. Ore.. Feb. tl. A spei lal report made by tho Coos County grand Jury to Judge Coko urges the hiring of it special detec tive to secure evidence In cases of alleged violation or tho liquor law. It Is understood that reports or "bootlegging" In various sections of tho county, at Myrtle Point, which Is "dry territory." ut Mnishehl on Sun days and holidays and sales or liq uor by resorts which have no county in mine license, cniisoii I lie grand Jury to make tho following report: "We respectfully report that evi dence before us shows that illegal sides or liquor mid the iiiniliiril.i.. j or houses or 111 fume are carried on iiy persons vvnii use all their Ingenu ity In escaping punishment. We , sMtlsllod that convicting evidence against this classes of crimes cannot be procured by any officer of Hie county, with very few exceptions, for mi- ii-ason nun much oltlcors me well known and their presence or Investi gation of any mutter Is heralded about the county and is geuernllv well known to those violators of the law. Wo further Hud that tho vast amount of the ilvll business in tho county keeps the she riff busllv en gaged In attending tn miicIi duties or his olllie. We believe that the dis trict attorney should have some or the powers or the sheriff with the re "peel to the collection of testlmniiv ami when. In ,M sound discretion. It is necessary or nroper to use tho services of person skilled lu collect lug testimony or detecting crime, ho should have a tree hand to such persons. We believe that suf flflunt evidence could thus be oh ta ned to prevent repetition or these crime, while under the present svs em I cannot bo obtained. We fur or be iovo that it would be ,!," TAX FIGURES Only Eight Road Districts Have Special Levies Marshfield Highest. COQUILLK. Ore.. Feb. 11. An In teresting statement has Just been compiled hero showing tho iiRBosscd value of tho vnrlous districts In Coos County. Including tho towns and Port dlHtricts, and tho taxation for tho current year. Only eight of tho road districts are credited with Bpcclal levies this year. Tho assessed valuation of tho Port of Coos Hay district Is given as $8, .'104,01., and tho tux levy this year Is three mills. The Myrtlo Point Port district lins nn nRsessod value of $5,-SS-l,:i2fi. nnd tho tnx levy Is one and five-tenths mills. Tho assessed value of tho cities Is evidently not In proportion to their population, its Marshllold Is nonrly double tho vnltto of the next highest town and Is considerably moro than thrco times the assessed vnltintlon or Uandon. Uandou claims n big In ereitHO In population, bringing It nearly up to Marshllold's ".cures nnd tho last school census showed Hint tho immlon school district had moro residents or school nge than tho Marshllold district. Hero nro tho taxation llguros: Valuation Levies, Mills Kinplro $ l tin, 071 North UpikI . . . i,200.8iU to. .Marshlleld 2.271. GB!) 10. Kastsldo ) (1, (lis s. Coqtllllo .". G 0 . 2 1 -i 10. Myrtle Point .. :!:i,l2:t it) lhindon 0 IT... '100 s P On W n 0& Jl '& I NXa, Veto fXwl V. I J Vk '& our feet Wonr the " an. wlH IU tho best, re, the";,1! wuur longer turn ..... .... " you Imvo worn "" other .v. I.-,.... ,. .. "" Stylo No. OS, Hi-ltuttoii Gun Metal Price. $1.00. veil If it,. ... by" Shoo did , rpcl b" unr longer limn other kin,!, extra stylo, -that look " ninlto you i f; J "Solby." , y()U fl(l ' fool moro i-omrurmiik. and longer, too. Most HtjM are ul nnd M.fiO; widths AA top Thu "Selby" Shoe ,,, h'e only at this store !l1 Kuiiiombcr that tl.i 8 a , , , Wore, and wo Hnei-miiia ,. , J for woinon ami children. w Hub Dry Goods Co o'Comioii iii,iK. Vlme FISH PIES IN contB n bunch. c-nnn0,e cunts u head. stuot notaSLI? cents n n(, nnd b "t 5 to in B a ,ea pi:hsox.l ovkuflow NOHTIl YAKIMA. Wash.. Feb. 0.- Can a diy goods men hunt who exhibits corsets on wooden forms in Ids show window be con sidered guilty of violating any clt.v ordinance concerning dncenc.v " Such a display in one of the down town etores called out disapproval from the Uov. W. 11. Selleck. pastor of tho First Methodist church, who reported tho exhibit to Mil or A. .1. flplawn ns "siiKKcmlvo and likely to Incite Impure thoughts, especially in thu young." Tho mayor, who Is nlso chief of polite, at once went down to Inspect the exhibit The merchant told htm that It was n very ordinal y dlsplav, hlmllur to hundreds of others to be seen from Uino to tl mo In the stores. Tho mayor decided thnt there wns no vlco in a wooden tlguro and de clined to luterfere. It you Imvo anything to soil, rout, .trndo, or want holp, try a Waut Ad o pay tho expenses of Mich detec- ,.l'.ml)'.U',",: ,u"'v"" If ch would "t bo he case, wo believe that the '""volition of crimes of this ' tc tor Is of suillcieut Importance to ho ominuulty to warrant ihu ,i.i .. ... I . 4 F. M. FHIKDllL'UO and fainllv will lonve tomorrow for Southern Cul Ifornln, whoro they will spend a few months for tho benefit or his health. J. J. CLINKHNHIOAHI) and dniigh tor wore passengers tor Coqullle this morning. Mr. Cllnkonboard wnt over to nttend'n meeting of tho county educational board. MH. CUNNINGHAM arrived horo yos torday rrom San Francisco and will bo associated with Ooo. P. Hlchardson In tho branch tho Un ion Oil Compnny lino opened nt ? Plat II. X. M. HAKICIt, who has boon time keeper nt the now pulp mill, 0rt yesterday on tho Nairn Smith for Hny Point, whoro ho has boon transrorred by tho C. A. Smith Company. 1)KL LKNNON. who Is connected wnu mo Hinitii-Powors Company at Coaledo, ciuno horo yestortlav on routo to (11111111161' to moot his wire, who is returning rrom an ex tended visit lu tlio oast. MFSSHS. HAHCLAY. Hatzburg and Hales returned today from Coos City, where they completed tho foiiudutloii rir n rino country homo which .1. .ludgo nnd Mrs. I). L. Wntson nro erecting 011 their rnnoh thoro. A. P. DAVIS went to Coqiilllo on bus noss toduy. Mr. Davis, who has boon with tho C. A. Smith Com pany tor uoiiio time, bus boon transferred to tho new ynrds at tsunami ami win toiivo ror thoro In 11 rew weeks. Whllo the change Is a promotion tor him. Mr. Davis' many Coos Hay rtionds will rogrot him tiepariuro troin the Hay. I.OOAL OVKUW.OW .May full .Mceilu. Mayor Straw may call n special moetluK of the diy council to llx a dnto for tho special election which it Is piopo. ed to hold to pass 011 the proposi tion of the Terminal ruilvvuv mid Its iriiuchlso over to tho Southern Patiilc Heforo an.v tisnsl'er is niwde It Is understood that tho comnion user" clause In the frnnchlse will bo si ivnjtt belied nnd somo detlnlto iiKiwineiit niHile with tho Southern Pacific as to where end when they are to hulld from hero. Jinny Witnesses The taking of depositions concerning tho rosldence of Dr. .1. Ingram, whose home stead In the Conor d'Aleno eountiy Is beliiK i-ouiokteil y tho govorn inenr. Is tnklug more tlmo than was epecieil. Tho ovidoiice Is being "" "fitue i.nuti t'oinnilssloner I cck and Messrs. Swniist, Flshor and t urtls nro horo representing tho BtMviiiiuoiii vvitu j,. a. LHJeqvist roprosontlUK Dr. ingrnin. Auiong those summoned to tostlfv in it nro Henry Songstnckon. M. 'il. Mill- . . .iif.vitniir. lioo. icotnor. Jos. Thomas Steals Dr. Wat son's Overcoat After Lat ter Befriended Him. Marshal Carter today rounded up one of the most ungrateful of the tin grateful. Ills name Is .Joseph Thorn-1 as. and he was consigned to the coun ty Jnll to await action by the grand 1 Jury. Yesterday Joseph, who hnd Just reached the Hay, went to North llend j where ho vvim bcuulni:. Soiiieono told ' him that Dr. Watson, there, formerly served lu tho t". S. Navy, and linme dlatolv Joseph decided thnt ho would sco Dr. Watson. He claimed that ho (Joseph) had nlso served In the Nn vy. He told Dr. Wntson a hard luck story and the latter gave him two bits with which to got something to oat. The touch was mado In Dr. Wntson's private olllce. As Joseph lef, ho noticed Dr. Wntson's line ov ercoat In th outer olllce, and he took It nlso. Lntor Dr. Watson missed It and telephoned Marshal Curler, who quickly located It,. Joseph brought it horo and sold it to a second hand store for $2. When nrralgnod, Jo soph uttiihuled his trouble to llq ou r. lie snld that ho used to have an overcoat like the one thnt ho suw (.. II.. U'.itu. .,... ..111.... n.,,1 In t,lu III. toxica'ted condition ho couldn't re-1 Resume of Rose City Market, -J;' , ,. slst tnklne It. ..,. ....... . ' .Liti-'l Ke Justice Pentiock fixed his ball at1 oOW VVIlOiesaiC aild HO- . c; In tnhs 20iC; ftfe. $:.00, which he couldn't furnish, and j fail Quotations ' I ,,orcc"' 1:' '' l t'. ISIjc.m Consiable Cox took hl.u to Jail at I ld" uuuldllul,5- 'pound, tlorcen. 'n;, Co.iullle this afternoon. I PORTLAND. Foli. 10 The Tele. 3-,e- Joseph Is about tvvnnly-nliie yenrs gram says: llutter, ! !, I'onltrr. old uud llvo feet eight Inches tall, i Annum the ninrkot features r In- Lhooso-Full .renin. tlm m lie may prove to bo a deserter. 1 terest Is tho nbiiiidniice or C0I11111- lr,llutH, l.Se; voung Aincrlcti, Ik Dr. Watson Inter today stated bla river smelt, the logulnr spring crun,i bricks. :i Swiss block, Ik thnt tho report tnnt.he Imd given 'run or that fish now bulng 011 In' Hjittur -Oron.m vcaincrjr. eiti Joseph "two bits" was an error. He I earnest. Tho rolnllers slnco tho K0,,,l lm,''' 'i)v ' '"'"'I. Irlnts, JTf did not have any change In his 1 llrst of Ust week liuve been llhornl- 7c. pocket mid loft the officii to get , y supplied mid today thov nro' ''"" H'im Un 1U hinl somo ennngo nun wiiito lie was , seMim the llsh nt tho into of 10 """ ,r-vcrH' ' " Juikj, Hi awny. .losepn iiikou with tlio cont. ! pounds for n qunrter. tho prlco or ,,,-lt"'. l'is'- '"" 10ii:,,t .1. C. Kperson. who bought Humh elngle pound of striped bass or Iu,yH' ,lv' l'"ISl' cour. will bo out $2. Roynl Chinook salmon. Am 11 con- '''BRB J-'roHh Ortfon r.wh, Deputy ProM'ciitlng Attorney LII-' sequence the oilier llsh lire neitlect- ,"-,,l' -8i30c dozen. Jeqvlst. who Is here from Coquille. oil and prolmblv will ho ror somo otuitty Die;,,! Matt-Petl Hied tho coniphilnt ngnlust Joseph , weeks to come. ' funcy, !)fft 10c. ve.ii extra, ltik nun up neuring wns one or tlio. The market, however. Is vvoll '"'"vy. 'J II lL'c speediest lu u long time. ! supplied with the iroiiornl run .if I Fruits iiml VeuclaliH to (5 tuco IVirtluml Wliiiii.w,,!.. ti... ."H.,lV" '- l"'nd"m, Ac; 12 o 11 pomul, 1 !',e; picnics is, cottage uncoil- mint 2fii lil ! Htnndnrd, Knallrt. S 1 11 1.. .1 .... '--I . . j'i'iiiiiiB. 1 '- to II poai :iUe reiulurcl, t WATCH Yt)l'lt Slid HILLS. I ,1hI' ""'I "" varieties are hoIIIiik In 1 OiiIoiih Oregons l n iitl VTlYS lii.-i'i '(tivf iiMHlfrnlo way. Stoelhiuid sal-1 '' rush Fruits iilci, 73eQ!3 'J ! "'''"""man Is, going nt LI centH a pound. P box; orangt- navcli, H PORTLAND. Ore Feb J0Fx-' wliftorifili nt 20. hnllbut nt 12".. I1!'''? ',or !")X- '''"Kurlnci. : nnilno closelv tho next 2() hill that, W,I"" M'0llt ,lt "' Poreli nt if.. ?--" I,.or ' " ". ?Jls you rccelvo for you stnml a good '"" ,u" . "l .lw '""""h tor a qiiar- ,","'';,,; ,'., """", chanco or being bento.t out of $li ,,,,r- "'"' rH ut tho usiiul "tcrn. Hil2 barrel; mi That warning was given out by So- - ',,',("H- 'r,"' "' hoIIIhk 11 1 10 to ",",inrH , ?s ,!,"'u,, Brnpefrcll. f crot Service Agent S. A. Connell. fol- L" '"," rnw.r clams nt two, f,';2" box; bannnns, 5c po.U lowing tho nrrest or two men who (l10zt'" f"1' Mimrlur. lumlHliull ' ' ,n,0,L,H tJlilfliiK I'rlcHMH Imvo boon working 11 couuterrelt ',ni,m Ilt '" (,t"" liil nnd lob- c hundred; sweets, 3fil! iiiuiuieti, iriiitm ... II,.. II... I. rit... . ... SlOrS nt lll cnlltu fi limiiiil n.i" i. iiiu iiiiiii. 1 iii i.iwii m .. .: ........ ,. ........... . ... .... .,..... L Hooded with ihn iwnm. H..fU f 11' HnhbltH from east of tho innnn.' vegotnnioB rniiiinge, nuiui . .. ...... ...w ......, (1 V lllllll'll. ... .... ..,--.... iver $200 having boon made by the ",,H '"'" H"" available, tho best 1'L'r cvvt.; poppois. 10c per pootl wo operators horo last week. , "olng at 2." to :io cents npleco. , gnrlle. rp t,e per pound; tol Tito nolo tumporlng bus been most . '" " l'"i'' luarket prices to- "U,B' ;""" '. ..:.. cleverly done. All tho llguros I on ' "m,,11 n,'t the saino as those of a ,0lV5' . ;C0 vr, ,loic" t0In govornment sllvor certlllcates or that ' wvtu "" ,,("' '",1H wiling at 22. ' V',r' 2"jr' lM'r l,nx; f,c,'.rr,,K doiiomliiiitlon wore covered with ox- ,e,,,H " I""""1- blckotm nt 2fi to ' & r,' '"'f crnto eggplant. S(lk net reproductions or tho IlKiiro do-'1"1 ''t'",s ,,,I,,,B n,"l HirkoyH nt 30 '"r l,0"l: cnullf lower, !BP Rlgns of the bills of $2(1 donoinliin- ,""1 ,KoeHO nt 2r- Tho IntllcntloiiH rrn.t"- , . .... ,.,,,, on. Tho not. . ...... ,.. i,.... . .' i' for 11 ralrlv fhn. i.....ii... . - Flour- Patent", $l..fl itrtUJ toct. however, ns tholr "feel" around k7 , ilnrliiK H10 reinalndor of tho JIJTM.20: oxports. M.W' H tho ininibors Indicates the two ! thick ' w,,""r H(,ason. , Vulloy. $1.70. Kriilmm, l iiohhuh of pnper uud the odgo or the' ''"Mt .Kml '"""i" "till holds nt , Iiolo whont. $ I SO "stickers" nro plainly in view. e,,is , roll, hut the prospect- '"' 'l '''''iVA., ,!U With the nrrost of tho two Port-' . for H loillno not far hence, for Kon timothy. IIGWjIi: J lund men ten or 11 ganK that has ,"".". ,K ,l" ,1,,u' "r tlio yonr when ?1 1 T ? 2 J Kialn liny, fllii '&' ",0. "tt! n,'! .'"' 'ho I '""I: I!1':"". '.!"!!!,- lw. I t0XL ??." ,, MZMK3 ....- iiiiuitui, which wns on "" " the ilecllne when tho cold vveuthor ll01' '"" . .. u 'ine. Ins stondle.i Hmnnui.,.. n...i Hnrley llrowin- nominal, w hiii will prolmbly hold nt tlio pros- ?-:ift ?23.r.O per ton cur level until tlio weather tiiniH ' .MlllBlHffa Hran, 22 per1 .-...,... ..v ntuuu Hiuiio nn moils; (II,) coast nro In the custody or govern moiit olllcors. Six nro undor nrrest hi win rrnncuco nnd two In Los An- (4C v , MIUKNi: COIvS Ve.sel I tu lit 011 Coo u I .iiii.niui.n ..inn, -- ' ..ill 1 HMI'lllf,,. .......!. 1 tlll.l.l V'lllfi. VII HI1I1IIS. .! ...:..''." """'" wo1" report- .".' ',':", -".." ,,-r.A( i!lill ii mt 1.1.1 cd rlrm nt in cents today. i2': Meets ,,. , 7 'l?li:' . "' carrying mir rolled hnrlcv $2 "n 1 oik iinv tlccis , "'i-i ure carrying nilr Th mi .;"s,",l, ' "'i.v ("ity. "iil'lilles of nil 11,0 sensonahlo fruits. ...w ...iivmu. loierreii to ni 1 1B "re. t lecmny, nui prlcos thin olIowluK dispute!., whs built it Hiw lltllo ch nge Ap , K XZL "mU '"lO-ard in Nonh "" 10 to ?.o VS "-l Mdl I at Tin: norrfA loy i .. ".. . ."in jmnuiuk. ii. w. Knutinnn. Dor se Kreltzer. Postinnhtor W. H. Cur tl. and Ray Watson of Coquille, MUs Annie Smith Is official sten ographer in tho case. tend nt .venr lor the Ihirnes Sul- "tMt'; "cor,nK to tho quality nnd I COOSA II M .111 twins, I J I Revno ii '" ,WH hy t1,,",,1 J- iZ Z f ,,,e fr,,u "n'lu- l''lo Vnrnoy nnd wife. Coaledo; C i.-i-i,- . U: allfonila ornimos nro quoted at Onuo Couullle- M C I ansec. C rn,1,Ur lw,,-'H""l almoner HI- ?' "' ,J,) (BtH a doxon ... I Flor valMs- V D." Friti.d. 0WU; 1 one. from Astoria, mrrvim, J.. Il r avullulilo at tn . ,' A?.'. 1 XV." ",' ...' ,'.....' pies ror the towns along the roast. ,r,"'"li' rniornilt Is NinK ,,r tho C ANDLF S Schean. went ashore orf iirlBlitou Thursdav '" "f f""' nnd six tor a q art, Franc bco c a HeClroit. Pon ntcri.oo,, d whs l,ll, and dn w" "" Klrlln nr Ide I ,1s t Hon McMiillo'ii M- ille Point. M hl'e uttoiupted to make tho harbor ' II""' - MhIiiihi ,n, Z u c . Cobbov i.eka I K. WW nt Nolmleni nnd missed the ".,.1 ln t 2:. cents .mu, ,1 , PomimV. ii'Kornclir. S to the hay. The ,,,", I With tho exception of t'atoo s'mZv'cIIi .... .....'.""'"'"". '"" ssei. ink-r, r..'"" " l,o vooginuio market, iini-fmnn. .Mm-ln . Ore niini .1 . . "0,e ""'' iHtor "".,"0" "i" Kl"g nltuost nt htiy-' lVlACO--M T uii.v 1 .. ", , , . -----.....w ,tl. t iiiuitiM 11 11 ritfi win 1 it niiiii'inv bonon.,'v).r"."',u.lj;Z"- ..." ,,up K.oi. Htuff for Uio'hando : "c. II Mlllc riirhop ;;.:- "V.,1" K"IH '"!' , :- ',." non. tho souih, Harnott San I'r fl n in,- , .. ,"". ao to "",.."" l,,ul ,0,,80 l rolntlvoly LLOYD-L. L. cxpcndlturo fro.,, the county irons" ii. Our coiniuunlty s growing ami here Is always an Inllux : of tlio ,00 ihn! ,. ,0'l"-orld nnd rron. 'tl"e iln.liial classes: and tho point has ., .!!..' ".ri!0" """"W the nnamlal ashlMance absolutely nw, ...!' ' J,,Blll't' ,0 blmsolf nnd t . "iiiiiiiiiuiy. i-k ilicill lit' rniinn.. . . . . . 1. ,,..1 OS- uud the 'We !uc,;i;r;iToM,,,,,i";'''--'- ... n . ..!.. . -- "w ,u . tJOK I'Ollll. a 5. wtK" At smsn ... u. K,.i ,!., ... lllB,llllv :; - ,--.. . mi rtt ai'iimi u i...i. doing his duty, but ho is t.' 11 niownandwlunuia'aaVuH . " ior tor niiti to liiul n.1,1 ... .. l'oople. It Is doubly ,Bct to Becurr testimony t com icr? c Along the Waterfront. l ho Speedwell arrived lu todav from Uandou nnd will sail tomor row for San Francisco. Tho Rllbtlor balled tmlni- f.i.. .1... Slnslaw. The launch Tramp returned horo today after an extondod trip to the i'ii iioriu 01 noro. .. NOTICi:: ou are heroby notified to re- Intoxicating Huuur of any kind whatsoever, to any of tho follow ing named person: . , '( 1'. SMITH. vvl take partlculnr pains i, pltUecUtillK ,1IIV nni-iui.. .,.. .. vloltlim above' ' ,,l"u,,B i9 naieil this 11th' day of February. J W CVUTint, CP Mnrshnl Thameroflff V a nt vrtiiut iirii iiiiii Plan will succeed, as a heavy wind1 sl"''ts toduy nro holdlmr nt iJm Mn.c.nn:,t fV("bl to getting tho I ""'f. ,lunrt. tomatoes "& goo,' ' M ' 1 ho crew or tho Mlreno enmo nshoro for hrenkfast and lntor "0 turned to tho schooner. Cnptnln George Mny commanding the' e8" SOI. Is ;i lirnllim- nt tl, ...i.-.. . .. .. "" " ' no or rim, goles; C. O. Logics, Bartholol Tn " B r, Dandon. inn !""" t- ni iirmiier. in.':i "" nil l.'nnsu " cnptnln In charge of tho life sav-i ng station at Nohaleni. Tho vessel I s In mi danger nnd tho loss will! bo trifling. 1 Hound for Oregon const ports ho Mlreno joft Portland Iubc Snt- chnn I se. Georgo Mny. hor master, wns tho solo survivor from tho gas oline bCllOOIier Osiirrnuli ,........, just south or tho Columbia rlvor a couple or years ago. Tho Mlrono Is a regular trader out of Portland clearing for Handon nnd other ports SwBonthT' frln ,l' t,,,,H,nb,n "Plans have been laid to string n lOO-mthom cnblo rrom tho end of 10 jetty nnd try to pull her across tho spit onjonight'B high tide " : .J A ' sriiscmiiKits notici: ? 1 slSSiWS ,',K'SSii iM BM I 1 -" BEAUTY IN A RING . .... ..i.. reaulslW- is noi uie " i Thoro must bo Quality. Tho gold must ho the r knrot, tho stono flawless ' ....,.,' mlnr. TW "" (9(V v-.- of tho ii you ought to have can lected nt this Jewelry be You don't Imvo to be pert judgo of qualhr gunranteo protects 'oU nny mistakes In that tlon. ' Subsciilieis who do not lv. ce he their paper or who ie. ceivo it late, will confer a favor on Till': TIMKS hy call ing this olllce 011 tho telephone anil notifying m, m once. Tel epliouo HIS. Red Cross Jewelry Dep t, Pine Watch Repairing. f.