THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, YUESOAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1913-ElENING EDITION, t MiM4Tf9ivt VStH t- - Jj. - 'fty v 3 m 1 "Queen Quality" shoes have a $3.50 $ 7j M a nack of satisfying when others faiL to affjM nl For style, fit and comfort unsur- e tm II offmw5 I H passed, rnces most rcasonablo w I H i The Golden Rule K 1 0 rirst National Hank Ilnlldln. tf I n MALE NUHSANCES rnr HOB STANLKV. , THE RECORD PHOTOGRAPHING AUSTRACT COMPANY Havo photogrnphic copies of nil records of Coos County to date, abstracts of titles, present ownorB, or nny other Information relating to real cstato furnished on short notlco. BUSINESS OFFICE: 117 North Front St., Mnrshfleld. Phono 151,1 W. J. RUST, Manager Twin City Auto Stage Line Jerry Klnnoy, formerly with tin rnlnco Cafe, has Inaug urated a now mitomobllo stngo lino, liotwcon Murshflold and North Dond. Tlio sorvlco Is known as tho "Twin City Stngo Lino," and starts with two seven-passenger Cndlllac machines and will havo more If tho sorvlco warrants It. IIo Inaugurates n round faro of 2G cents hetweon tho two cities, 'llils, ho hollovcs, Is all tho sorvlco justifies since tho now waterfront road reduces tho tlino and also tho cost of tho sorvlco. IIo has mado arrangemonts for tho through sorvlco only, lonvtng tho local sorvlco to tho local nu tos but In case of an omorgenry will provide local service for through patrons. Ho will hnvo his headquarters nt tho S. S. Jennings storo In North Bend, Phono 1151, and nt Hlllyor's Cigar Storo In Marsh flold, Tolophono 18-J. Tho sorvlco will connect with ull bout and train schedules. Tho regular schedule Is an follows: Lcnvo Mnrahfleld Lonvo North Ilciid CMC a. tn. 2:40 p. in. 7:1G a. m. 4.1G p. m. 7:10 3:1G 7HG 4:40 7:4G 3:4G 8:1G G:1G 8.1C 4:10 : 6:4G ,.,, i.jr, 3:ic liMO :4G 4.45 yH5 UslB 9:lG T..1G io.IG 7.1G 9:4G C:40 10:40 7:4G G:1G li:lG 8:lG , .. 7:4G 11:4G 8:IG 10,,C S:iG 12:10 p. in. 9:1G . 11:15 9:15 12:4G !);4G 11:40 io:ir. 1:15 10:15 12:15 p. in. io:45 1:40 lo:4G 12.4G 1 1: 10 2:15 11. 1G 1:10 11. 4G 2.4G 11:4G 1:4G i2:lG a. in. 3:10 12:15 n. in. 2:1G 12:45 3HG 1:00 Round Trip, 25 Cents FAST AND COMMODIOUS Steamer Re dond o Equipped with TClrclcM and submarine belt SAULS FROM SAN FRANCISCO for COOS BAY MONDAY, FEB. 10, AT 3 P. M. Ml PftMeniccr Reservations From Han Francisco Must IIo Mado at 805 Fife Building, or Lombard stroot Pier 117. All rcoervutloua must bo tnken up 21 hours before willing. INTKIt-OCHAN TRANSPORTATION CO. PHON'" 44 C. F. McOEOROK. Agont. THE NEW Steamer SPEEDWELL CAPT. HURTIS, Master. Sails for San Francisco from Coos Bay February 12 th THE SPEEDWELL Id speedy and has excellent passongor accom modatlous, largo clean mid nlry rooms and electric lights and wireless. For freight nud passage, npply, A. F. Eatnbrook Oo. Tillo (Juiirnnteo and Atatrnct Co,, (ll!!-(U7 Suiitu Mm liiu Bldg., Snu Friuicisco. Murahfiuld. Parties Desiring Monuments Erected Would do well to call at PACIFIC MONUMENTAL WORKS South Broadway and mako solec tion from tho largo stock now oq hand. Mr. Wilson has in his employ tho only practical marble and granite cutter in Coos County. And none but the best work is turned out. C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. RETAIL DEPARTMENT LUMRER, LATH, SHINGLES, MOULDINGS, SASH AND DOORS. HOOFING, 17fO. CUT THE FUF.L BILL IN TWO BY USING OUH WOOD. PIIONB 100. 183 SOUTH HROADWAY ALL KINDS OF JiB PRINTING DONE AT THE TIMES' OFFICE ... ... ... . .... ,. . I... lnnn 'ninut Ill'-rVtlllllir. rve uoiiceu men nuuui tuo iou u ...,. ...--. ,,,',,. They Know Just how It happened, and thoy know whnt It will brim,. They stand around and give advice, nbundnnt, by the hour. Thoy tell tho doctors how to cuio with catnip, lard, and flour. Thoy earn n mnn Is charged with crime, so. hastily thby moot, and sit as Judgo nnd Jurors at tho comer of the street. They find that ho Is guilty long boforo his Bide Is heard, and thoy rush him off to prison never glv tig him a word. Thoy hear u woul of scandal sweetest morsel for each tongue. They pnss It 'round with pleasure, never sparing old nor young. They see n lady passing by, and wutc.h, and smile, and stare, then stnrt a story going, laying old time secrets bnre. Thoy find a man Is doing Just tho very best lie can so they sny In Icy accents, "ho Is but nn nlsoiran." Theso men are always busy tolling others what to do. They hesltuto nt nothing. And they knock ench other, too. t ..... iKKiiJn. Iflmi-n tllliV llvi, KIWI WllOM llll'V StOtl ttl ('lit. Iltlt 1 I, , lull iiuiiuui ... .,. , ...... ....... ... -.- -- . ...1.1..... ....,. ..nn.,.. tliln ...nKl.1 I .. I n Urt t,l ,lt f, f t SI1I))OSO WllllOlll HUUII li:in.'i IIIID wui iu ,n ;'"",I'LV THE PEOPLE'S PORUM Tho Times will bo pleased to pub lish lettors from Us readors on all questions of public Interest. Each letter must bo aignod by tho writor, and so fnr as posslblo bo limited to 200 words. In publishing thcuo lot ters It must bo undorstood that The Times docs not lndorso tho vlows ox- pressed therein; It Is simply affording a means for tho voicing of different opinions on all questions affecting tho public wolfaro. MAltSIIFIKLD'H KQUITY IN MILL SLOUGH. Editor Coos liny Times: Further roforonco to tho equity of tho public In Mill Slough nnd In conflrmntlon of snino, which Inttur Is, of courso, a tnnttor of record. Tho Commission of Now Sources of City novonue appointed in l'Jll, litis reported and recommended nn nnntinl tnx of 1 per cent on tho Increases of lnnd values in tho city of New York. Snld tnx to bo nn addition to tho gencrnl tnx lovlcd upon ull real cs tato nnd to bo porpotunl upon nil Increment or unearned land values. 77 per cent of tho municipal tax es of tho city of Now York aro de rived from real estate, ns compared to 71.C In Boston and 42.4 In Chi cago. Chicago Is now bankrupt, and could anything bo more ridicu lous? In tho last ton yenrs Now York real cstato has Incrcnsod In vnluo $100,000,000 ench year. A 1 por cent tnx on this Incrcnso will give tho municipality for public pur poses tho enormous sums of $1,500, 000 tho first yonr, $:i,000,000 tho second yoar, $1, COO, 000 tho third year, $0,000,000 tho fourth year,, and up to tho tenth year, which would approximate $15,000,000 This much for tho people and their community, for Its Improvement, cnused solely by tho Inllux of popu lation and not In any othor way. Tho aggregate of theso sums collect ed In ton yenrs time, nnd of neces sity spont In Its own community nmount to over $70,000,000 of dol lars, nnd this, mind you, represents only 1 per cent of tho Increnscd vul uo of tho Innds within tho city, cnused by tho Increased pop' lntion, tho othor 99 per cent unearned, re mains in the hands of tho Individ ual Investor, In return for n paltry and ridiculous tnx. This Individual frequently lives clsowhero, and Is of no earthly uso to the community, If ho remains here (until tho railroad comes, of courso ho will sell out then and go, or Just before, nnd take his "Ill-gotten gains" with him) he poses ns n good cltlzci., talks railroad by tho rod (because It will soil his Idle lands to great advantage to him) nud othorwlso oppo3oes ev ery progressive step to tho commotio good. Hemcnbcr there Is a difference he tweon the builder speculator nnd tho Idle land spcculntoor. One Is a worker, the othor a leech. If In stead of spreading his money us fnr ns ho can mako it reach over Idle land, nud making of himself nnd his vestment n detriment to tho com munity, he builds or puts his money In Industries, so people will accu mulate, mnko homes and increase tho population, tho railroads will come unasked and everything else will come, as It always does, whore tho people congregate nud without them nothing comes, not even IiIb Increment price, or the railroads either. Ho can tako this from ono who knows. Will tho city fathom pleaso Inves tigate and toll us what percentage of tho municipal tax In Mnmhlluld Is paid by real cstatu In proportion to personal property, llcouocs and Improvements! Wu know why tho city hau no funds but wo want to soo. Signed, u. h. Mclaughlin. CATCH .MANY SMKIP. Big Ituu of Fish in tho Columbia IHut Now. Tho Portland Telegram sayB: "Think of catching I.UOO.OOO fish In ono day. That was tho catch of Columbia Hlver smelt at Cowlitz Sunday. The only reason Unit more smelt were caught Sunday than yesterday waB because more people tiro out after tliom. "Tho smelt run Is now on In earnest, and the market Is glutted with this most delicious fish. Smelt can bo had three pounds for a dime, and some places glvo ovon more. On the Cowlitz, If you don't want tho fun of catching tho sinolt you can buy 50 pounds for 25 cents, or even 15 cents, or u plug of tobacco or a good cigar, or any other trifle. "Since tho sinolt began running tho high water mark was reached Sunday when 00 tons wore caught and boxed for shipment. Tho ox press company was awanipod nud uioturhoats and steam launches were pressed Into commission to transport the llsh to Portlnud. Ranchers, villagers, storekeepers, Imvu wmiimi niul l'lrls flnnknil along the Cowlitz Sunday and arm ed with dip nets filled boats to the sinking point." Llbby COAL. Tno Rind YOU havo ALWAYS U8KD. Phono 72, Pacific Llvpry nnd Trnnsfor Company. W. S. Skelton, n merchant nt Stanley, Ind., says ho would not tnko $100.00 for the rollof a single box of Foley's Kldnoy Pills gnvo hint. "I had a severe attack of kid ney trouble with sharp (talus through my back and could hardly )trnlghtcn up. A single box of Foley's Kidney Pills entirely re lieved me." Sold by Lockhort & Parsons, tho Busy Corner. Doctors Use This for Eczema Dr. Evans. Hx-Commlssloner of Health, Kays: 'There Im uluiONt no rvlutlon !e twucn skin (llauiiHuH ami tlio Mood," Tlio xkln mum liu cured tlirouuli the skin. Tlio Korma must bo wuhIicu out, nnd uu calves Imvo long auo bt'on found worth Ions. Tlio most advanced physicians of this country aro now agreed on this, and n ro preHcrllJlni; u wnHli of wlnterureon, thymol nnd otlmr ltmredlents for cczoimi nnd nil other skin dlsenscs, TIiIh com pound In known as D.D.D. Proscription for Kciomn. Dr. llolmeH, tho well known skin epo rlnllMt writes! "I ntn convinced that the D.D.D. Prescription Is oh much a Kpccttlo for cczomu ntt quinine for malurln. Wo havo hem nreHcrllilutr tho D.D.I), reinody for yearn." We, ourselves vouch for tho D.D.D, Prescription for eczema and absolutely Kunroutvu that It will tuKo away tho Itch tho Instant you apply It. If you nro mifforlntr from nny form of nliln trouhlo wo would lllco to havo you coma to our store, for wo havo had tho neency of this remedy for so ninny yenm that wo can tell you all about D.D.D. Prescription nnd how It cures eczema. In fact, wo aro so suro of what D.D.D. will do for you that wo will bo glad to let you huvu u tl bottle on our Kiuirantco that It will cont you nothing unlosH you Unit that It does tho work, lor tlint mntter a trlnl bottlo for 2Co oiiKht to lio onntiKh to ubnolutcly provo tno morlts of ttm remedy. Drop Into our store anyway and we will tell you all about this great remedy. nod Cross Drug Storo. WPP BPi$S' i a mrrcircii that knows his husixkss. uovor takes advantage of tho lnox porlonco of new housokeopors by giving thorn poor cuts or light wolght. Wo treat nil our patrons honorably and In tho samo cour teous manner, nnd cut thorn tho best of tho kind thnt they ask for and when wo do thnt you couldn't find better for lovo or monoy, MAHSUFIHLD CASH MAIUCET. FOURIER BROS. Mnrshfleld Telephone North Bon 221-J Two Market Bl S. S. ALLIANCE EQUIPPED WITH WIHELESS SAILS FROM PORTLAND FOR. COOS BAY THURSDAY, FEB. 13, AT 6 O'CLOCK ROUND TRIP, $18.50 CONNECTING WITH THE NOKTII HANK ROAD AT PORTLAND NORTH PACIFIC STEAMSHIP COMPANY. lviulIjA'u 1,,,ono 4 O. F. McGEORQE, Agent. EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS Steamship Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIME. SAILINGS FROM PORTLAND, Tuesday evening of each week nt l.Vh,!:0,11 "'". Saliimijr, February 8, Saturday looiuary in, botimby, February 1TJ. J. O. MILLER, Agent. Phono Main 85-L. Real Estate, Insurance and Rentals For cheap and easy bargains lit farms, houses and unimproved building lots in liny Pnrk, Bunker Hill nnd Eustsldo. It will pay you to seo mo before you buy. WM. J. LEATON ICS So. Broadway, Mnrshfleld, Or., or phono 199-K. 1'ORT ORFOUB T Upper Curry County .L..S by the Ti ,, 1V( Notwlthstundlng tho . lloavv iinna tl,... ,."" COIlMn... along tho const this ui, mm UHually produce v klS tlons for beach tnlidiiK mi Wt it i:iiiirii riiittto i... .-' "iiirn .. " ." .' ".""' '"ivo in, --it cess anil tho gold tnk7n r " been limu tlm.r ... '.Kci1 Out v.. bonchoH the black saii.l ?? ,0t Hlttleed entirely tuiaj n.t "' k era tho gold bearing ZC covored too deeply will, " bl for working successfully r ""I II. M. Davenport. ,!,, , Coos county, has local d a ' tf s end on tho headwartera Hvor and Is now thoro M house nud making othor Is ' iiiontB. Thoro will b maS' honies on tipper Kk when itol?! Iu tnken out or tho forcV, lai' nud the country In ,,.,". te'ii rallrondB and wagon road, " l' I ho schooner Hamlolpi, 'u . pected hero soon um, 'r, our inorchantB, which it , V" tho shortngo In' nmnyn! '"' RECEIVER FOR COlTIMlco, Ono or Heln.o'8 Corporation, ,,h Trouble Again. " Illy AxaatM l'rr. to Coo In, t,,.., NEW YOltIC, Feb. 10.-nCL woro uppolnted In tho federal V.? trlct court today for tlio Unified per Company Appointment, Z roclvor of tho Aetna In.lomnltr Coo pnny. F. Augustus Ileinzo. 2 of tho eompnny, which 1ms be f volvcd In litigation Blnce W n 1907, when its stock col M tho curb. Tho capital issued I, in 000,000, of which ?CO.O0O00 standing owns properties n V5 Montunn nnd Ilrltlsh Columbia. A FRESH SUPPLY of FIIFM A'MPIA. OYSTERS JUST R OLY THE WIRELESS LAMP may bo Invented somo tlmo, ob our window would suggest. Hut no havo a lamp that consumes n surprisingly small amount of current which wo will bo pleased to show you. Coos Bay Wiring Co. Phono 237-J 103 N. llrondwny For GOOD SHOES and Good Repairing at Right Prises, go to AUGUST OLESEN U15 South Ilromlway. V. modern Brick . uildlug, Eloctrl: Light, Steam Heat. Elegantly Furnished Rooms with Hot and Cold Wator. HOTEL OOOS O. A. Mctlln, rrop. Umtos: 00 cents a day nnd upwards Cor. Ilrodwy and Market FOR A GOOD WATfn OR FINK JEWELRY E. C. BARKER JEWELER Fine Watch nnd Jowelry Ropalrhig. -tio i-ronc St.. aiAt-siirtcid. The Star Transfer and Storage Co. Is prepared to do all kinds of hauling on short notlco. W moet all tialns and boats and we also havo tho latest stylo Reynolds Piano Mover. We guaranteo our work. L. H.Heisier,ProP. PhoneB 98-R. 120-7 9-I City Auto Service Oood Cars, Careful Drivers and roasonablo charges, Our motto: "Will go anywhere at any time." Stands Blanrn TTntnl nnri Cigar Store. Day Phones 7 8 and 48 mgni rnono 46. RARKEn OOODAI.K. oronrlotoni. Steamer Washington Sails from San Francisco for Coos Bay, With Passengers and freight, Tuesday Evening, February 1 1 F. 8. DOW, Agemt. Ocean Dock. WE WILL MAIL YOU $1 for each sot of old False Teet sent us. Highest prices paid for old Gold, Silver, old Watches, broken Jewelry and Preclotw Stones. Money Sent by Return Mall. Phlla. Smelting & Refining Co. Established 20 Years. 803 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. TO DENTISTS. S.MWi11 buy your Go,d Fillings, Gold Scrap, and Platinum. HIku jet prlcoB paid. Twin City Laundry GOOD WOlllf nnnn n,..,. - ..uww onuviUK Not In nny Combine. 8 Hours Work for Women. Our Agents call anywhere. Phono 203-J. CEIVED. Freo Delivery. mmS your ORDER to PHONE 73-j. n iiuHucnw iunic That Aids Digestion Xhouiandfl aro unablo to dliMt cc tain kinds of tnnA. Tn . ...?.,.. not th6 fault of tho food, nor Uu ita. ach. It lo probable that tht ncaad has oeen ahtisAd. Mm ..rt .. ... digested foods and varioui kladj J uguiliuim VI not rOUOI irom OTDtpCL indigestion and heartburn, but wltK If your itomach was In perfect e ditlon, you would not need mKUdni u digest thtt foods you eat. Jayai'i laU vermlfugo la a itomach regulitct. H gets tho itomach In auch a coalite that It will digest food without otts aiaUtanco. It overcomei the edit? and stimulates tho coatiif of Ui itomach and intestines to that tin will properly abtorb and aulmlliti tti nutrlmeat from tho food eiUn. ttl- will find permanent relief In a list UU1U KHI DCKUUUDX Ut Ull ei IM tonic Tnr rtitlrirn Vi AAiH ( i llttln anirmp 411 maVa it nail m'l UblO. ' Many forms of supposed iadlfectia UTI flirt Mmilf tf fntAattnal ttlv.ritM for which Jayno'i Tonic Vexmlfciia unsurpused. Jjurlit upon Jayui'i; Vr uii uu ouior, jxuuions oats priuwu for mors than eighty yean. Sold h drucriatn airmrtir. Tlr. T). Jim i Hon. rhlladelphla. Pa. Pictures & Framing Walker Studio First ClassWeaving promptly dono at Gardiner's Rag Carpet. Fadofy Cor. Union and Montana Street Phono 131. North Denour. WHRN TOD" WANT A J GL'R HOVT Something l or delivered PHONE 12J-L and wo'll do it. Charge reUM' ablo. chab granhy. Have That Roof Fixed NOW See 'CORTfflll rnowr; W. S. IHtOWN $ A. H. "0DCl Miirshfield Paint Decorating Co. Kstlmntcs Furnlsheil. OUEW" N tice WIS ARU NOW OFBBA INO ON TITO KIOHT-HOl'B SCHEDULK. EXPIHIT K SKILLKD LAIlOR iaiPt' Kl) IN ALL DEPARTMENT H.VriSFACTION OUA"A!l' TKkI)! LaaBidy ifa-ti2kiJ