The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, February 11, 1913, EVENING EDITION, Page 2, Image 2

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COOS BAY TIMES, r-'SSfrf & riS,Sr,3S
HOII1P fillllly 0HZ1B IIUI1K IHMI urn
.V scientist tillesi'i tlmt pigeons
fall In love. That's nothing. So
do ducks and goose.
. C. MALOXKV Keillor nnrt Till).
WAN K. MAKO.VKV Xovvs Keillor
Official l'mwr of Coos County.
Kj"iriAij PAi'uit or tiii: cirv
(Srlcrcd at tho postofflce at Marsh
VIM, Oregon, for transmission
ftlvrough the malls as second clifM
mall matter.
.Dedicated to tlio scrvlco of tho
Kople, that no good cnusc shall lack
a champion, nnil that evil shall ti'
lhrlvo jinopp isod.
Ono year $G.OO
For month r,0
ao year Jl-50
Whoa paid strictly In advance Hie
trauscrlptlon prlco of the Coos Bay
!Tltnoa Is $5.00 per year or $2.50 lot
kIk mouths.
Address alt coiumunicntlons to
ttVnrshflrltl :: .! :: : Oioro.i
ANY SOM'TIO.V of tho problems
iittendltiK prison mnniigemcnt
whlrh does not take Into ac
count the oinpli, incut of comic (h
wipnn public work will mil. lne
aire so oniplojcd In every count r
7wlii'rc tho Inlliipnco of primm labor
Tontrnciois In not ho Iiiiko hh to In
tfliiMjitn loRlNlatlve nrtloii.
Vuloindo 1st one or the states eni
lpliHliiK lonvlctH In roud biilldliig.
nd tho i uuiiltci or four oiuh' e
7iirleii(o ore thus net out by Warden
"In four jenr wo have built
:!)) lit 1000 IiiIIvh of roilili Tor Col
arnilo with labor worth $2 a day,
lanl which (oHts nnlj 2S cent. We
mow hnve yuo of our sou cottvii-tH
rnKagod In that win k without aim
& iiiii'(1h anil many miles a way
rtrom tho pilwon whIIh. One hundred
men are oinployed under tho twine
vumlltloiiN on the l&oo aero farm or
the prlHon. in other words tho syti
um Iihh upload until tin per (out of
(Mir prlftoucitf are wmkliu oultflde
rho wall. ... We build prne
lcnll $2."(i,niio worth of ioriIh
yearly. One prlnoiu-r out of tho 20(1
rttucJipes. The eiltlctH build excel
tnl Hindu, too. . . Wu have found
Hint by working a cm tain nuiulier
of our convlctK on tho public IiIkIi
vhjh we have pmdui-uil Mplendld re
ultx, not 1 1 ' from a monetnrj
Ktiuidpoliit. but In tho wn.v of ie
JforinliiK Hie men."
Thin arrniiKeiiieiit would be Ideal
If It cnriled with It ptovlnlon for al
jlnK the mnvlil hoiiih pay for
'his labor, to be paid to tho depend
ent member or the convict' fain
b. if thure aio any. and otliiirwlne
to bo nuved for him to Klve him u
itmt upon Ii Ik liberal bin.
30HX ursivix was a pitos'inrr.
FUO.M llatavla. Ohio, a baby boy
wan safely and nuccojwfully
wont a mile by parcel post.
"Clio youiiKHter wulKhod 10 ;i-l
ivjiinds, Just within the It-pound
Miult. When wrapped up for mnll
ini? ho lueiiHuied 71 Inchon In leiiKth
which wnH iiIho Just within tie law,
which make 7l! IiicIioh the limit.
The baby was Meat b) bin mother
fen his grandmother. liiMiired for $rn
iul the postiiKe wait llftoen conta.
In a letter to the I.ouilou Dally
'Xcnxni In November, ls0, .lohu
Tlualiln wrote "Alreadj the go
ornznont not iiuuppinvnei, iiiiiIoh
Inttora and parcoln for use. Linger
jaacknitoH may In tlmo lollow oven
Konorul merchandise; wlij not. at
last, ourHloH?"
Out wludu siuial life Is in ox
Kouce but a long hIow striving
Tor tlio vlctoiy of Juslco over I
liirco. John (lalswortliy. I
tiii: yi-ii:T ousi:itvi:u says i
(letting on and off tlio vn- I
ter wagon Is about the only e- I
en Ice some Coos Hay men got. I
Teach politics In schools? Yes;
but keep It out of school systems.
Seven men weie killed In a Moro
fight. Nineteen othets were .Moio
ll8 in Jit i oil.
It's tho Intel ior of a man's head
that counts.
Socond thoughts may bo bent If
thev arrive In time.
A woman doesn't believe every
thing n man tells hole unless lie is
a fortune teller.
One of tho things that fall to
come to him who waits Is the mon
ey lo.uied to bis friends.
"Sorry, Drown." said the doctor,
after tho examination, according to
Tho Philadelphia Itecord, "you're in
a very serious (oudltlon. I'm nfraid
I'll hao to operate on you."
"Operate?" gasped Drown. "Why,
I bacu't any money for operations.
I'm only n poor worklngntnn."
"You're Insured, nro you not?"
"Yes. but I don't got that until
Km dead."
"Oh. that'll be all right." said the
doctor, consolingly.
No, Cordelia, the possession of a
phonograph will probably not make
your life one ginnd sweet song.
Hut when a mini is sick a $20
uolil piece may buy l.lm a lot more
caio l ban twenty ft lends will give
She doesn't cine fop bousowork, nor
for sewing, nor for books;
She linmi't any wealthy pa and isn't
much on looks;
In faci. I'm fin.leil to a fringe to
tianio one charm she's got,
l-:.cept, by gee. on ought to see
her iImkc the "turkey trot."
Shu Isn't what you'd i willy call an
Intellectual maid;
Her cailj education was neglected.
I'm afraid;
.lust mention art or letters, ninl she
nusweiK with u shrug.
Hut, bully gee! ,ti ought to see
linr (Innco the "bunny bug.'
Her coiiwm nation nt Its best Is
strictly limited
To such remarks as "Sine. Mike."
"Look who's hero" and "oh
on kid!"
She di esses like a house nflro and
doesn't sccui to care.
Hut, heavens, .Mag, ain't she the rag
to dance tlio "giizly boar!"
old bndielor gets a bad case
or stiigo Dlght eveiy time he thinks
of marriage.
You won't bo foiied in oat our
wouls If .ou pav compliments.
Too often the chaiity that begins
at home Isn't v.oith of mention.
What Could lie Ifci?
The teacher was leading the his
tory or England to some or tho lit
tle pupils. When -she cnnie to
the statement that Henry I. never
laughed after tho death of his sou.
she noticed one of tho little girls
had talsed her hand and seoined
very desirous of attracting her at
tention, "I'lease. ma'am," said lit t lo Amy,
"what did Henry I. do when he was
tickled?" Selected.
WAY. Ah n protol needs a cold stein.
Ah .lack Carter needs a star,
vr a liambiirg needs an onion.
As a Joy tide ueuds a ear.
b ti shallow bar needs Jetties.
Ah a hiokeu chair nemls glue,
As Maishfleld needs puio water,
That's how wo need ou.
Wko a buorsteak needs stnuo iiiusli
looms, I. Iko n fit email needs a phone.
VI !o a cocktail needs u choti.
I.Ike a mongrel needs a hone.
IAko a glide needs a Hweotheait,
1.1 ko a logger needs a shoe.
XAko a collar needs a necktie,
That's how we need )on.
Somo Coos Day men are so crook
ed that they never do any thiuK
Captaiu Hauls was In town tho
.otlior day and when askod about his
now coal initio. Mild If it doesn't
turn out ns well as It seems It will
io "good night," Instead of lignite.
Somo bolf-niade in n on ("mm D.i
aro guilty of Idolatiy thiough their
vuvorcntlal regard for their maker.
:Mnny of thorn would have made a
liottor Job If they had hliod an aiclil
ct. A lot of iioeiuw 1 have read
Tell what the violet has said:
Some iiuoto tlio rose, and some
Tho pansy. Dut you must ngroe,
Although some call It loud that wo
Kind the chrystbaiitlionium.
3!any a thing smells of sulphur
Mtiat ought to bo ambrosial.
That California woman 105 years
rfAd who married a man of 80 may
'.to happy for a while, but it's a cinch
TwTld. ihiUmi. I . i' p. -i m iii i'tv ",'rr MaJi lB-''
AikfiMk imiaa i(vr A. -lJJJJJJJJJE f
Master of human dcstlnlch am I;
Kniue, I.ovo nud Koituuo on my foot
steps wait.
Cities and llelds I walk; I penotrnto
Deserts and seas remote, and, pass
ing by
Hovel and mart and palate, soon or
I knock inlbldden once at every gale.
And they who follow mo gain every
Save Death: hut those who doubt or
Condemned to falliiie, penury and
w oe.
Seek me In vain, and usolosbly Im
plore, 1 nnswer not, nnd I return no moio.
John J. Inghalls.
tiii: uiiiMiY.
They do mo wiong, who bay I come
no nioie,
When onco I knock and fall to
llnd you In:
Kor every day 1 htand outside your
And bid you wake and ilo to fight
and win.
Wall not, for perished chances pas
sed away!
Weep not. for golden ago on tho
Kach night I burn the records of tho
At sunilse every oul Is born
When down in nilro wilng not your
bauds and weop.
I lend my army to all who say,
"I can."
No shamefaced outcast over sank bo
Dut jot might rUo and bo again a
Art thou a mourner? House thoo
from thy spell.
Ait thou a slnnor? Sins may bo
Knch morning gives thoo wings to
ilea from hell;
Each night a star to guide thy feet
to heaven.
Wichita Deacon.
News of Particular Inte
to me reoo e nt ( o n
Senator 1. S. Smith In letters
to Harry 0 Ho.v and Tom Hall
isajs that thej are having dlfricul
tles In getting tho game ,law
amended as desired by Coos coun
ty sportsmen. Tho committee 1"
p'hnrge or tho bill are nppaiently
detei mined to make the open sea
son Tor ducks date from October
lii, which would cut off local
spoitsmon from tho early fall Hhoot
litg. However, he lo working to
get it changed to dato from Sep
tember 1 or September It..
In appealing to Senator Smith.
Mr. Hall wioto a letter congratu
lating him on tho lino record no
was tanking "oven If ho wasn't a
Democrar." This is the toply lie
got from Senator Smith yestorday:
"Please atcept my sincere thanks
ror your nice letter and our words
of (oniniendntlon ror the work I nut
doing in the legislature. Coming
fiotu a leading Democrat and for
mor chnlrman of tho Democratic
committee l certainly appreclatv
the compliment ou pny nu nnd
shall excuse you for tho mistake
you niado nt the election last No
vember. There Is no politico for
me now. I Intend that nil Hint 1 1
receive a stmnro deal and im.v
mcasuio that itnv ono has to sug
gest1, whether they supported mo
or not, will receive my Impartial
consideration. I remember a con
versation I had with you before I
left In regnrd to the opening sea
sou for ducks. I lining had a num
ber of letters and telegrams fioni
home, all of them ngieeing with
your views In regard to tho open
ing season. The present bill pro
vides tho senson shall open Octo
ber Kith, which of course would
not suit our sportsmen at all. r
handed the telegram from a lot of
our sportsmen to Senator Dean,
cbalrnnni of the gome committee
to which this bill will be rotorred:
I Intend to urge an ameudtuuiit
coi responding with, tho views of
j on people. At tiny rate, I may be
aide to compromise and get a fair
ly satisfactory bill. I cannot vote
for It In tho present form as It
would practically shut out till of
our hunters.
"Again thanking .von for your
letter and assuring you of my
willlugnesH to assist In any mat
ter you have to Hiiggest."
itoou: uii:i: kisiiixcs.
Committee In Mnoiity uepou '
liges OjK'ti Season of
( Iom'iI Stieam, I
SAU:.M, Feb. 10 - Cnable to I
icnch an agioemeiit ns to the
lleanies bill, which had for Its ob
ject tho opening of the ltoguo lllv-l
er to commercial llshlng from the
sen to the mouth or tho Illinois
liver, the committee on llsherlcs to-)
tiny decided upon a sitostuuio on
vvlili h will open the liver to flail
ing for the same distance, and at
the same time give the people or
(linnm Pass a llshlng season or
one mouth.
Uepresentallvo Pelrco Insisted on
abolishing seining on all portions
or the stieam during the Sptlng
theiefoie. only glllnet llshlng will
be allowed.
Tho llshlng sensnns on the upper
ilver will be from April lii to
May 15 and on the lower river
from April 15 lo August HI. and
from September 1 to Nov ember 20.
Provision Is Hindu that the gill nets
having a smaller mesh than eight
and one-hair Inches must not be
Hver since the people passed nil
Initiative mensuio two .vears ago
this stieam has been closed to com
mercial llshlyg. Itepiesentatlve
Holland believes no seining should
he allowed on tho stieam at any
time and will submit a minority
. -
ix tiii-: i.KoisiiATi'in:. i
si:xti:xci:s dy.h'hy is idi:a.
Dill Allows .Jurors to Ki I'iiiiMi.
iiii'itl for I'lrst Degree Minder.
SALKM, Ore., Feb. 10. When
found guilty of murder In the Hist
degree, n mini or woman may he
hanged only In case the dial Jury
so ot ders, according (o a hill Intro
duced In the house of representa
tives by t'ptou, of Multnomah Coun
ty. In case tho Jury finds for murder
In tho llrst degree and decides that
It should not bo punishable by death
ft may Had Its verdict nnd lepoit to
Hie couit, who must then seutonce
the convhted person to llfu Imprisonment.
p . - - -
The Oregonlan pi hits the follow
ing: "Am I entitled to the Door? de
manded Itepresentallve Police of
the Speaker, at the cIoho of a son
slon of tho IltniMi.
"The gentleman Ih entitled to the
floor." ruled the Speaker.
"Well. 1 don't want tho floor,
but 1 Just wanted to know." said
Police, amid laughter.
"People in m section, when I hey
go nt a thing, go at It tight," said
Senator Smith, of Coos nnd Curry.
"I hnve lecelved copies of resolu
tions showing Hint Mnrshfleld wants
us to appropriate anything up to
$1.0011,000 ror the Pannmu-Pniiflc
Imposition; Hnndoti has declared In
favor of $500,000 and North Dead
usks lor a liberal appropriation. '
Sennlor Smith of Coos and Curry
fold the Semite he had been sell
lug potatoes ror 25 ears. Senator
Kartell went ono bettor and said bo
had been selling potatoes for 112
.vears. They were opposeti to a bin
which woulil reiiulre that a sack of
potatoes weigh one bundled pounds.
Senator Da.v said tho bill Is "bunk. '
"If I had my choloco botwuen voting
against this teachers' bill nnd Dicing
a double-barrel shotgun." said Sunn- I
tor Smith of Coos and Curry, galngi
u mind nt the array of I'oiilaud
eli(Hi teachers, "1 would fitco the!
or.DDST oitncox womax. i
Astoria, Ote Kelt. 10. Mrs.
France Hlleu 1 1 are. of this lty,
who I believed to bo the oldest liv
ing person In this section. Is 102
ywirs old. She was born nt Win
chester, Va., Kebruary 5, ISM, and
during that last few years has lived '
in Astoria with her daugbteis, .Mrs.
Kloia Hiiro (illmtin nud .Mrs. M. It.
HoiMland. Mrs. Hare Is bedridden,
hut her mind la clear ami she Is able
n recognize and converse with her
Crluadrt. i
Ititlgo Hull Hotter JuJgo Jolliu
K. Hall was ropoited considerably
Improved today nHor tie nttack of
appendicitis ho Hiifieicd Sntunlu)
night. Ho was able to be up and'
around tho houso souiOk j
C. DAYIS nnd inmlly or Swith
Fourth street, near Hall avenuo,
will loavo tomoriow for choir
(dd home In Oklahoma. j
.1. II. MILLS and family niv mov
ing into the Itogeis lloitxo at
Tenth nnd Central, which Ceo.
K. March and family recently vacated.
.1. C. KDNDAI.I. nnd wlfo have giv
en up their houso In West Maitdi
llohl ami taken apurtmeiits nt
tho Wheeler houso .on Second
D. O. WOI.COTT. who has. been'
visiting In s.m J'Vnuclsco. leaves
there today for MaishflvM. i womi:x .may
hayi: Tin:iit ow.v styi.i:
I'mifit Coast Delegat's In Couveu
lion Dlsagiee on Width
of SUiK I
Ni:W YOHK. Feb. II.- Women of
the Hast and Wom mny be divided
this onr In tho matter of skli'ts,
accoidlng to reports emanating
from the National l.adlos' Tailors
and Dresstnakeis Association con
vention here. Now York tailors. It
Is dec hi led, aio determined upon
making vvomen'H skirts at loast six
Inches smaller around tho botton
than woin last year, whllo Pacific
Coast delegates have swung tho
other wa,v and advocate that hklrts
bo two and a half yards wide at
tho bottom.
While at odds on skills, It Is said
that tho wonion of both sections
will wear ooatx of a shorter and
moio mannish cut.
NTgbt CI del" of Police Win us Mai-j
rous Xot i (Jive Plles at
Their Cnul ('ami's.
i:i'(h:xr. Koi. id. if i evci-,
find sulllcleiit ovideuco against io-'
plo who give prizes nt card pnnlov
r wilt siiioly arrest them on the
cl.arg of gambling." said .lj;bi
Chief of police ThompMin. "I
will not (llHciimlnate nnd will di
rest the moht fashlonublo wichtj
matron in Eugene if I find ettdeme
enough to convince mo that she hi
guilty of violating the statute
iigalusc gambling. Caiubiltig .h
gambling, no matter whore it it
conducted nnd 1 do not Intend ro
bo any respector or poibons in this
rogaid. i raided a puvato wsl-'
denco .Monday night lioeaiiho 1 was
convinced thut tho mau who leved
there and three companions ivoio
playing cards for nuinev. i inn,),.
sine to got tho ovitreneo hocore I
made the an est, anil or couino no
society wonion will ho luolestotl till
I am certain she Ih vlolacnig tho
Such Is the itkiiso sent forth by
tho night chief of policy He de
clares that ho Intends to enforce
tho law to tho letter Insofar as It Is
111 HIS POVV Or ro do SO. ami ulll en.
tor nay hoiwo for tlw pnrposo of
nrrestlng Its inmate when ho Is
satisfied that card names for prizes
or nuy other form ot gambling Is'
being carried on. I
So It Is up to tho society peop)
to "cut out" tho prizes nt their curd
Senator Smith of (.ioh One of the
Principal Speakeis lor Women.
hWI.K.M, ! el). 10.- The minimum
wage bill of Senator Malarkc pass
ed Its first milestone when It pass
ed tho senate by unanimous vote.,
Out of tlio :.o senators, out- sen
ator wits nbseut, so 2P weie
reroided In Its favor.
Senator Smith or Coos made a
Inter speech In favor of tho bill,
which bo declared Is a splHiidld
step In piogiesslvo legislation. Jos
eph detailed the conditions cslsllug
In department stores mid snnl that
competition Is responsible for much
of It. With competitors nil on the
wHiiic footing, no objection can be
made, he said, lie said ho would
hh-v opposed the hill bad It tit
tempted lo fix minimum wiikoh.
but wi h the power left t't tin entll
misrflou he was eutliel.v satisfied.
Die bill will now go lo the bouse.
D Is little changed from Its ori
ginal form. oropt that It now calls
for only tlnee commlssloiiors, ono
from the ranks of tho employers,
one from the omploes and one to
be- of the most Impartial cast that
is possible to bo found, all to bo
appointed by tho governor.
Illirtlttrt If thov ill) not U'IhIi In lie
molnsled during tho festivities ami
irnulrd to jail In Hie "hurry up"
xagon. Night Chf Thompson
claims to hnve the hacking of tho
Cloun City league and other organ
izations of the dtj In his crusade
nwiliiHt this pettv vice In society
KirelH nud ho cvi"i IiIiiim thin moiiid
or tlio Fnlveislty cu Oiogon profos-
w;rs nave spoicen to iiim in regnrd
to those part lee and hnve asked
him If ho Ih not able to stop th
Klving of prloN-at caid games.
This mny be. n radlc-ol stop Imt
tho night chief declaims that no
was svvoin lie to euTrico nil Iiwh,
and as I o Inis been Informocl by
legal uutboiiHcs that tho glvit. or
prizes nt cai-d partlca Is a fiinn of
gambling, Ke hods ho icinsoit why
ho should oxompt ihoso wIim tnko
pnrl In tbmi from an est nili pios-ecutlon.
USG Of Prnfnnn In,...
v.mccinui in urCg00i
SALHM .Ore I-Vh, ,0 ..
hoiih who have ontraelediV
of lislnir iirir,nw, i.... " "Hi
watering pl, ,,
Incorporated ciiic ,' "t,
hlglivyuya have ).. fow J
In w i r-h to mr,. um-'t
fii iitiii rtiLiiii'ii i li i iiaiu in.
whleh UopresVaVa, vo'a
the author The bill wi"
elfect ninety days nrtcr .
udjourns, nnd prcu files that imI
son who shall he guilty 0f&
Li.". ' 11' l,,n,'.r,
omul unv uiij prornno or iW
limirnni'e mwni mi,. . . 4
u wuteiliig place or public i-
iniiniiie in iihj iiiionior.ilpj rii,
flw ulmll I .III., 'l .. Ul.'
"" v t.iiii. in nnyncjH
ilnnilu mi ii milill, I, (,.!.. . .1
" . v i" "ib"iij. i:u j
UllllllUtl tf fWtllt l.ll.. ..I '."1
J,V "' ""'"ii mill a
exceeding $..o Tlioso whocpnl
tho mensiiro deilare tliatltlil
eci hi niirii a i pi i mi narajt'i
llllllii flrllm'u "'
II. D. :i5 tutroihtccil tr Rr
...... i. ,ii, ,. ...i... . .' '
pviiiiitiiv Jtiiuti ;ill, 01 tui
which provides that whenever ijt
nun nuiiii ml' iu ai i nilCll l f
iienn ill u I'liiiiiiiiu CJctlla.,
compeiiHateil at ilu raic'ot u
t ilrtt
riMi.v Uftlinl.. i. f...,l I i.
ill nuunir i Miiii , ((j it i
kill tho tuithiri.ifliii; bill I; m
iiuu I'tmiiniiM I in iii
SAI.KM. 1M in A le.7C
mills on u doitu of rll tizl
bio proper! In ilintcjrt.:'
provide rot a iKioiitv fund fcrltl
ta.Ied or Jink n ' .ts. It tcrwl
laled In a bin u M-itluecd 1 S
ail. Knder il lull a tie::
:i cents for the irs l91Si:iirl
ninl of ." cents r r ach rort
nfler will be l .i for e:clrl
rnbblt killed
rxiii:ss su.-o is nran
SADKM. Kob 1U. Tie va
has passed Sdtntor Canes I s
No. 1211, iiimMInt no cwetrr
loir Iosh than i.TiU niarWifri
od unless It Involves a tsc
t Win ii t michttoii or n ncot'i'
personal liberty Senator tsf
bill, providing ror tlio av
oiiiintf fmiilf. (n linnkl at C(H
than 2 per cent, with a pul
illclrlliiilllnr In till) blDl'l It l
county, haw recclM-d trpl
of tho semite.
All iiritorcydcd, hlcydMi. nnd uti
tomoblljs inn jiftor diult nro ro
ciulred, hy tho lty oidUuuco to bo
equlpid with llghtB. ThlH ordln
nnco will bo strictly onforced and
nil jinrtles driving tneso nichlnos
without irojfr llghtr, will ho arrest
ed and their maehli held us surety
flip tho npvujainnco. of the offondora
Is, court.
City Mnrslinl, !
Ilav your Job pvlntlng douo at
Tho Times office
oii will find Me
at our
modeled after the j
coin Uliaracter, cum"
lug honesty with pur
Only 15c lb, tomorwi.
hobiuary, A ai
A woman holdom finds any good H
in ner iiusnunti n tho detective
method I
Do You Leave Your
Doors Unlocked?
You would not do that, and you
should no moro bo without flio In
surance, Tho open door would
admit tho burglar, and tho llro
llend Is Just aa Insidious. Ho
plays no favorites, but nttacks in
sured and uulnsurod proporty
nllko. Don't risk your savings for
tho small cost of a policy.
Ours nro tho safest and best.
I. S. Kaufman Ob Co.
10,000 squares celebrated Rainproof Roofing, Every square guaranteed ab-
aft nX mnS positivoly defy compe,itio prL' per squaro'. ;
1 -Ply 75c 2-Ply $ 3-Ply $ 1 30
Wq also cany a large and complete line of pipe, machinery and PlumbinS
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Sllrr1ni"KlS,f lX"n TV' Me s,el1 Cast l"n Wll e Tnamel Tub J
MSp iS i Pi rir fo2ef' sJncf-S
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581-593 Front St., Cor Grant.