' " '" SjHH MWMria BUNKER HILL LOTS FOR SALE at now locntiou 150 Front Sir. Mnrsliflekl AUG. FRIZEEN. lpJlJJf The Sign of Good Candy Always n I Openn mi tvr s- Hb o I I he Woman s Corner In Announcin g Our T. J. 8CAIFE GiA. If. HODGI.VS Marshfield Paint $b Decorating Co. Furnished. Katiitiaten Phone It .Lt. Oregot MtSIIFIELD. Pictures & Framing Walker Studio First Class Weaving promptly ilono at Gardiner's Rag Carpet Factory Cor. Union and Montana Street. Phono 131. North Bond, Or. WHEN VOU WANT A MESSEN GEIl HOY Something sent for or delivered PHONE 120-L and we'll do It. Charges reason able. CHA8 GRANI1Y. e Singer Sewing Machines Wo havo thorn for runt or for sale. Mnchlnes Repaired. ' Supplies and Noodlos for Salo. W. J. ItlTZ, 1.11 Park Ave. Mnrsliflold. Phono UU-X. THE WIRELESS LAMP may bo Invented sonio time, as our window would suggest. Dut 'A'o lmvo a lnui) that consumes & surprisingly small amount of current which wo will bo pleased to show you. Coos Bay Wiring Co. Phono 237-J 1C3 N. Uroadway New and Second Hand Furniture sold on tlio lnitnllincnt plan. HAIUUNGTON, DOYLE & CO., fl2 Front St. Phono 310-L Marshfield, Or. Tfi Star Transfer and Storage Co. U prepared to do nil kinds of hauling on short notlco. Wc moot all tralni and bonta and wo also havo tlio latost stylo Reynolds Piano Mover. W guarantee our work. L. H.Heisner.Prop. Phones 98-R. 120-J Q.Tj For GOOD SHOES and Good Repairing at Right Prices, go to AUGUST OLESEN SIR South Ilroadwny. I Will Furnish Your House on the Installment Plan W. KWiseman 841 North Front St. Dus. Phono 29G-X: Res. Phono 166' STADDEN ALL KINDS of PHOTOGRAPHIC WORK, llromldo Enlarging and Kodak Finishing. Clearance Sale DIG CUT IN PRICES Ladles' Children's and Men's shoes. All now stock. Up-to-ilato Lusts. The Electric Shoe Shop Have That Roof Fixed NOW r See COItTHELL l'HONK B12t. Havo your Job printing dons at The Times olflcs. ening to the Dress Public We cordnally iawiite an Iimspecitioini of the choicest Spring airnd Summer creatioinis frooni the ffnirst woolen mills of the lamd. Omk0 policy a satisfied costomnieir or no sale Wlllcl TODD, 27 Front Street The Tailor and Dress Expert Up Stairs Eliminate Expensve Shafting and Belting The friction and transmission loss in belt and shaft drive sometimes amounts to 50 per cent. By eliminating that dead loss your profits -increase, Individual electric motors do away with the shaft ing entirely and practically eliminates belts, Every atom of power goes'directly to the machines, Central Station Power Cuts Production Costs You pay only for the power used, Individual elec tric motors enable you to use one machine without operating your whole factory. One department can work overtime without necessitating the expense of operating the entire power plant. A report from our power experts may put money in your pocket. At any rate it costs you nothing. Telephone 178 and ask for the New Business De partment. Oregon Power Co. For Rent Sloro on Uroadway, mouth. ?1H per -G mifurnlMliod housekeeping rooiim on Ilroadwny, $12 pur mouth. Agents In Mnrshflold and North Uend for the NHWAHK FlltK INSURANCE CO., una of tlio oldest and strongest In existence. IT'S TUB IIBST NONE IJBT TEU. Correctly written poli cies our specialty. French Realty Co. 315 No. Front St., Marshflold Twin City Laundry noon work noon service Not In nny Combine. K Hoiiih Work for Women. Our Agents cull nnvwherv. . Phono 20.1-T. ID fpy . ' Good Looking and Good Tasting is the loaf of bread that comes from this bukory. Tho moro sight of lt makcB you decldo that you will try a bIIco of It anyway. Tho first tusto moans that you will not be sutlsflod with JuHt ono sllco you'll want more. Try our broad for a few daya on your table. Then you'll enjoy our baking ability. Coos Bay Bakery Tho place for godd goodies. Uarket Ave. Phono 1I1-L FOR A GOOD WATJH OR FINK JKWEMIV E. C. BARKER JEWELER Fine Wutcli and Jewolry Repairing. . 2(10 Front .St.. Mnrshflc'lil. Do You Leave Your Doors Unlocked? You would not do that, and you should no moro bo without llro In surance Tho opon door would admit tho burglnr, nnd tho tiro llend Is Just as insidious. Ho plnys no favorites, but attacks in sured nnd uninsured proporty allko. Don't risk your savings for tho Bmnll cost of a policy. Ours nro tho safest nnd host. Kaufman (b Co. Ed I tod Under the Auspices of the Women's Christian Tciiircrniicu Union. To tlio rondcrB of tho Times: The members of tho Women's Christian Temperance Union oxtcntl greeting nnd thanks to tho mamigorR of this paper, who lmvo kindly granted us pormlBslon to speak to the public through tho prcso. And while they toll of tho hapnonlnus nbroad. and the nows In nnd about i Mnrsliflold, wo, being only women, shall speak on different lines. Tho' I said, 'only women. I do not forgot that tho uoblo manhood cf our statu havo mnngnniilmoiisly placed us on nn eiiunl footing with themselves by granting us the franchise. And while wo aro very thankful for the long coveted privilege, wo would not llnuntlngly display our opportunities wo know It Is wlso to go slow on new and untried Holds; and so, we start out with much dltlldcnee under our motto: "For God and Homo and Natlvo Land." Trusting If wo do not mnko n brilliant show ing at the beginning, wo may lmvo a better ending. Wo extend our grateful thanks to the editors of tho Times for tho uso of their columns; wo tlinnk our broth- ers of Orogon for tho gift of tho bal lot, and may ovory womnn realize her responsibility nnd uso her sov ereign prlvllcgo for tho bonollt nnd uplift of needy humanity. Our Undo Sam hns n large, and In tho main, a well-kept house, but like most house holds, It has Its dark and smutty corners, nnd whllo our brothers at tend to the Inrgcr departments, It Is peculiar province of womnn to demise and brighten these. Tho temperance, work Is by no means now, but lt Is still ono of tho foremost In our linos, and tlmo hns told, nnd will still toll, wo trust, grand results. Wo liopo the rendors of thlB paper will kindly glvo n few minutes to our corner, with Impartial and un biased minds nnd so, with good will to all, and mallco toward none, wc scud our message forth. .MRS. .1. S. DAKBK. Press Supt. Plant blessings, nnd blessings will bloom. Plnnt hate, and linto will grow. You may sow today, tomorrow will bring. The bloBsom thnt proves what sort of thing Is tho seed, tho seed that you sow. - Solcctcd. No womnn can toll whnt her Inllu enco will be tho future nlono will snow. The members of tho W. C. T. U. and all Indies, In sympathy with our work, aro cordially Invited to contri bute to our cornur, articles of Inter est that come under tho head of our motto: "For Cod nnd Homo and Na tlvo Land." No very lengthy article tan bo used. Tho W. C. T. U. of Muruhlloltl meets tho 11 rat Saturday of each month at 1! p. in. at tho homo of .Mrs. Fanny Wheeler, Ilrd street. An Invitation Is extended to nil ladles to come nnd go with us, by joining tho society, thUB giving nld and ln lluenco to tho temperance cause. quuV "'''w Consldorln II...', .. . footed, except through',,0" ell, tho lnttor will 7 i. '. fiaoti. en. tin inline ...M. :" m,i,:in by tho 0,i"'",uA il.l ... --", Olimil,, ,i - ( iiiio lO Occur WlthniH lr City of MnMhn"li0U.t ?.ecUf't uon in return for iT, ust Klthor this. nVn.i'L0 ' ". "! :iBht to. ti.o i;ux"S ,H:' roBiiiunc tlii.rnt.Vunili aro otTcffiVK, 2 i ' goiion gains. M" arf. rni. mi..... . "" '"B 111 of 11,1, n, menu n tremendous imJfNtl values of this hm-ii -.ISUiS i... " -uiar .- for no other Look Up This $750 Snap C-room cottngo with Inrgo baso ment and threo 25x100 ft. lots In Eastsldo for salo by ownor. WM. J. LEATON 1C8 nrondway or Phono 199-R. Parties Desiring Monuments Erected Would do well to call t PACIFIC MONUMENTAL WORKS South Broadway aud mako solec tiou from the largo stock now ou hand. Tttr. "Wilson has in his employ tho only practical marble and granite cutter in Coos County. And none but tho best work is turned out. A modorn Drlck .uildlng, Bloctrts Light, Steam Heat. Elegantly Furnished Rooms with Hot and Cold Water. HOTEL COOS O. A. Mctlln, Prop. lUtcs: 80 cents n dy and upward Cor. Rroudwar and Market You Auto Call Poote IIIOX13 1H-J NIOIIT AND DAY Stand front of Rlanco lllllliird Parlor TWO NEW OARS After 11 P. M. Phono W. Residence Phono J-J. Careful Driver .;. Good Cars ASVAffiX:?-) ; sate AmwjrJF . vtMbyiyx ly j J iflwiwiy. i-imm ri t.rr 'Cm BAY REALTY SYNDCATE. 0CAUUH8 K4& A6CNTS COAL COLONIZATION, MIW. farm murr. tummi, TUMIi LAJWS. I Omxizjf6 or ihwswai CWWms A JPUlUTVsD ' WE WILL BLIL YOU f 1 for each set of old Falso Teot sent us. Highest prices paid for old Gold, Silver, old Watches, broken Jewelry and Preclou Stones. Money Sent by Return Mall. Phlln. Smelting & Refining Co. Established 20 Years. 80il Chestnut St., Philadelphia, P. TO DENTISTS. We will buy your Gold Filling), Gold Scrap, and Platinum. Hlgu eat prlcoB paid. FHE PEOPLE'S fORUM Tho Times will bo ploasod to pub ish letters from Its rcadors on all lucstlons of publlo Intorcst. Each otter must bo slgnod by tho wrltor, md so far as posslblo bo limited to .'00 words. In publishing theso lot- era It must bo undoretood that Tho Times docs not Indorso tho views ex pressed theroln; lt Is simply affording t means for tho voicing of different opinions on all Questions affoctlnj bo publlo welfare. p3 ""'" " mill 11 a nil,,.. l"!(w heart of tho city, "h ft0 H crenBo would bo rcsa !,M,lll,k dlvlduals for .Z.,C thouf when by overy law of "y1( K uiiiih onuroiy to ll, city o.V'f lie. nnil Mm tmi.ti.. . '.'Orthi,,. .1.,... . :.."... '"""1 miOUId M..u? ... uiuru r im or employ T,; "' theroln, giving U thJ'jf . .. '.7.VT. '"".' . "'"""cmllnr. ; j h i iim n lies, w h ell yianU "l t a snfo harbor for mnnii " ll nig in with milk, vcBot,i1ilr,,l meats, etc., to li,0 1 ' M w ; iicn will bo n dire ncccgVll with n n y,.r or tw lccC8?Ur(tt,, should forseo this ami rcal! ?1 vanco what n r..."".aIlMltt nlvnntnB0 it "would 7 To S? nninlty to havo a l.nR t "". tt 100 feet sqimrolVSd'OJi, of this slough nnd Si ? Its immedlato proxinilty, IT necessary by public ordlnanSsJ !iS"nt.""'bl "'".S In this way tho nrlrn nf . . could bo controlled to co'ntt U.o purse of poverty, in othSjJJ of tho wngo enmor. nnd notbetoS dotrlmont of nny man. '" A (IllCStloil of hnnllli urged ngnlnst Mill Slough Z,?. ron8on that the water front na tho docks is n thousand times,. th?n nn(ttly vcr saw MiFgg? in,1 'V m,nK !,f t,llH 8,ouRl 8 Hkowlso kIvo to theso people bJ ndvnntngo In tho shape o watcrfrS when tho c tv contrnt. li.Z'? for tho public's welfare. BM' Theso Interests and tho p,(r. ohotild halt n moment to endfa theso things 'ore they are brought fnco to fnro win, . ...,.? inn fm ...i.f'i. ,."'.:" " ww ...., ,(; ,t Wl ue eiir b bco tholr error. .Many cities would bo rich la tti possession of n portion of MlllSlott from tho mouth up, nnd we, Inoa follhnrdlnesB nnd over occupitloi nro idly waiting for tho City Father to glvo It away to somo Indltldsik who nro In no need of it whilner Tho people Interested In tho wtltoi of MnrHhllold better attend tolth time. Signed, C. II. McLAUaiIMN'. IIAYWARI) IS COMIXd. Statu I'lilverslty Athletic Invlrucitu to Visit Coin Countr. BUOBNB, Fob. 7. William I. Ilr.ywnrd, nthlotlu Instructor of tit Unlvorslty or Oregon will visit i oral of the high school ot tti stnto soon, delivering a scries ct lectures on "Proper and Improp Methods of Track Work." One ot these trips will bo to tho Con County schools, nccordlng to tt presont plnns. Tim Idea Is to ndvlBo tho l(i (idinol students who nro going let nthlotlcs on tho best methods ot tinlnlug. Tho trip Is scheduled for the early part of March. OIL SCANDAL CASK TUB CITY'S EQUITY IN "MILL SLOUGH." Marshflold, Orogon, Fob. 15, 1013. Editor "Coos Uny Times": Ab n matter of fact, tho City of Marshllold Iiob an equity In Mill Slough. In Its present condition: tho A NOTRE DAME LADY'S APPEAL. To all knowing utrrrrri of rhrumatltm, wheth er muicuUr or ot the ,lnu. tclttlc. luinUrut, buckicb. palm In the ildorjra or neuralgia yaliu, to write to her for a home trealuii'ut which hat rrivatrdlr cured all of thru torturea. fen''j." ltt 0ut,r ,0 rUli u ,u " "utirew rjtKK. ou cur xourwlf at home on tboutumU will tritlfj no chance of climate WlnB necen. tf Thl alisple dlncarrrr UnUhen uric acM from the blood, looiena the atutenetl lolnta, pur lBe the blood, and brUhtrua the cjm, kItIiik elattlcltr and tone to the whole ajatrm. If the atoie Inttrrata ;oo, for proof addrtu Ur. M. Bummeri. not H, Notre Dame. Ind. Mr Auoclaled I'mi to Cool Dr Tlmu) WASHINGTON, Fob. 7. Ilepre sentntlvo Garner's resolution calllei upon tho nttornoy gcnoral for til pnpors in Ills recent order dlrectlif n United States mnrslml In N' York not to sorvo warrants for tki arrest of John I). Archbold, W. C Tonglo, Honry O. FolRor, Stsndsri Oil Co. ofllcorB, recently Indicted l Texns, passed tho House today. SENDS SHIPS SOUTH. United States Guards Against Out break in Central America. (Iljr Aitoclated Treia to Coo Bar Tlm I WASHINGTON, Fob. 7. RM American warships wero ordered to day to Central Amorlca to obsens what Is bollovod to bo Indlcstlou of unrost. Tho Annnpolls at S DIogo was ordered today to Amalpi, the Donver to Apaluco, Mexico, ww ordorod to Acajutla, and the v .Moines nr San DomliiRO, wns order ed to niuofiolds. NIcoraKiin. and t Nashvlllo at Now Orolans was or dorod to Port Cortoz. Porto Barriw Tho past has proven that Investments City Auto Service Good Cars, Careful Drivers i,nri reasonable charges. Our motto: "Will go anywhere at anv iimn Stands Blanco Hotel and Blanco inn pnsi nas proven that Investments In small acre tracts nPr ,i.. 5. au,anco Hotel and Blanco BchTeshWr. Th0C' - " --WoffT S.,la?none?6a.yPh0ne8--78"d46 HERBINE For the Bowels A Cur for Chronic Constipation, Torpid LWf and Irregular Bowel Movamtmtf. fS2?Jtte?.ti!on ,a th0 raot common disorder of tho bowel- K S,n!f,s v0,n "exfa .ond ages bit Is moro prevalent ampnaT S.b tZ'. helr du,lc. In h household l requtro leas phyalcl "oVtC,rBromh?,ns ianefu'rffl."3 fimenS tUref0,r WBen A conattpated person Is an easy victim -when exposed to n &f Y"?w Fver and DflghCs Dtaessa tratner their annual EMihW1 amon thoso wl "o habitually constipated BiiinV7nUrl!,h thfy cscaPe theao diseases, auch persons aro ne8sBvr?i0iUenSi- ,T,iey havo headaches, bad dlgeatlon. dll Sf BtrVnJth?(d BtaKB). e&Uow complexion, flatulence. lo effee f ffth. hdJl?-.ei.Srfir at ?." "b'no has a moat admlrab !.ff 2.1 bowels; tt Is cooing, purifying and regulating. Sms hea?t'hSrnChfcH ?B bluSnea5. wind l In th. Tbowela. rvow; tTraeah0eaarnbVonusbwikVrnhe.8, $& d"wolneM In tho day- Price 50c per Bottle. Jmttr.mjuro rooptuEToti n. um, L For Weak stsht or Sore Uyc, o Stephen Br, flalre. BA..KE,, aOOMW, H-.U.lfcll"Sn Co.-,,. ,, . J. JBfJi mStlttm B liHi iJBM. UWVS