AT THE glan Luthoran Chapel at Marahflold, Sundny, Fob. 2, nt 11 a. in. Sunday school at 10. Norwegian services will bo hold In tho SwodlBh Luthoran Church nt North Hcnd, Sunday, Feb 2, at 7'30 p. m. Sundny school at 10. Twin City Auto Stage Line AND 7mmn v) 'mmmmmu i 1 1 t. Cl. . Ml I l"J -r &&s-S4SAZUZSZlJ iCHOOL lOTEg A arjoHH)!. XKWH. 1 i i.. ,.f masterpieces In nrt flUUrnwnioiit this week UrOURh tl.O "," vrilnf RnrloB tool tof ' fe8 iob hor with some H Ml1. E u.m,ll iilfturcB for Re of cl.llJr.MU ' . i ...,irtli tlm iiiunu A High winu. - :-" rcquiro nom? '. ." ,' , . hi t0.bU9m. .1 ... anlinnl eOIldltlOtlB 6BJ , o the ."hhllo west la IL the nlBlit sn'WIiiB Imblt of Kb fount pcoilc' nv withdrawal cards bIiojv ,.n,htf Leo ami WiiBiiliiBioii b r&a?5-aLsri 1D0W what to buy. ...iwitlinc In urhnnl o rn ""... w;iii r. .. t0rk or in "" ""'.,"": ","V mmlnat on or in aciiu.. """"" n lolvlng Imaginary problems n irlthmctlc or In solving real prol). ?b, I everyday Hfo. Tho pubic .., i... ... iiniinrtniiL work to Sirforin In teaching good. old-faBh- oned nonciuy. ATllliin'ItU I ' . . .. .i.t...i..ll.. .,... init iiiiipI illte In tho HlBli Bclioul, though . .. .. 11. liriaWitfinll tome mcniucre oi i"" ....... !ejm have been rut out of practice hi. .di .... fiprniiiit nf RlckllCBt lull ni wt. . .- ind Injuries. Hut with theso dls iirntgc, tho team Ib progressing ind thOURll niUUO up annum wiiui- Ir of Inexperienced playum. bo far .ki. -..... I... i.I.'ii.i ii t.nrii! Il. ...... .f It.ntf MUUl VI liavi. Th. norm, hrlulit weather Is tllO Uuie of tho track bees buzzing tod much talk or ntu prospects ror , iuccesitil track season is inning. a in li lii hoiiml Unit Mnruhflold till be able to repeat her perform loce ot last year on tno irncK, nno with to of last year's stnrs around lklrh to Imllil n team It seems iib l( those hopes may bo realized. it It Hoped that n Krcator nuni btr of men will enter training nud bjr to doltiK relievo Homuwhat tho neteultv of uslni! onu or two nion la to many events. I HISTORY NOTES. To lecln tint gninoHtur'x wnrk nf the American history, tno clnss took UD the nerlod of Itmmlillrnn Hiitiro- Bier, or tha arlv JolTnrHniiliiii nnr- i; rule. DcBldes tlio history Itsolf i iimneu miidy umi (IIhciihhIoh will to made concornliiK tho dovulop Etnt ot parties. The English' lilslorv lnHa lu nnu' toeing tho period of tho Stunrta W alio each Friday recitation por lod li devoted to current oventB. "d dlicusslons of IntoroBt to tho tliu. Thfi Rnnhnnmp. .!.... i.. ......i..i.... period of Kuropoan history n ag tho Kra of Poltlcnl Itov omtloo, durlni? wiiini. ti... ,iu.,n,. Ier of tho dlvlno rlKht kliiKB wnB "Mlnrown and the common peoplo -u icinnenieu in Kovorninont. Thft Prpahninn nnnn ... nii ' hUlory of "ono. very ail and comploto undoratnndliiK of UiJi' ?ovorn"'ont nud rollBlon -- uicu ar, - I I'WIIUO SIMUKIXfl. Much Interest Is lielnu nmnlfosted ,51,,len represontntlvo to im ,,yrt, Iol,u tho RH" the second Frl Marihfi.i i .i '.l Bl,l'e as though m I lonrt. . Vtoamin for n Unnt nii,0,caI con,e nro H- lVBe8I6r entor' na we" n8 mw Rohrt,aJiaBnn "l"1 MB8r- ':.". UODSkOllf aiUl HfWArnl ... 11 to be hJi i '?.Cal con,08t wh,(h Much, eld t,le "rat wook In t - cosoiKiwi .ii. , . rrrr.' . " '.r.tllT.ll'T Th p . .- 4 the " T,1 uI,"r"ont op. 'th line ?ecoml ROIeBter'B work ttdttV.MJ.r?,l'?ehi. Several now 'y sturt0Vy lncreased. Near k.M..??uoent8 aro tnvi.,.. i.i, ' coomerci,!,6?1 T,1 other claeses tMm.Tr"' 'aw and romniornlnl ?" to thM proVnB yory ,ntt,r- ''o courses reK,bteret 1 these Mario LarKont nindo tho hlKhcnt grndoB. Tho II cIIvIbIoii Iiiih begun tho Btitdy of tho CoiiHtllutlon. Kotntli A mill Klrih It. Hoynold Koontz linn hccii nliRunt nil week on account of IUiichm. .lonnotto Upton nnil Tyaon Key-. Hor lmvo outori'd IIIkIi fourth In tin IIlBh Hdiool hulldliiB;. Thono recolvliiK n grndo of 100 on HpullliiB for tho IiihI weuk wuio: .lonnotto Upton, Wuyno (loHiioy, I.oiiIbo (lldloy, Whit foul Hull, Kor dlnnnd und Holuii Lccocq, llnrHchol ClmiHcn, Chnrloii Bnodilou, Harold Gurroy nud Kvolyn Fourlor. lOlwIn .lohiiHon Iiiih Kdiiis to Han Francisco for n two months' visit with hlM mothor. Ilo will nttuuil school wlillo thoro. Ho oxpoctn to koop n Journnl of tho UiIiikh of In toroflt for tho hunoflt of his class inatoB, wlion ho roturiiB. Wllllani Kroltzor gnvo n very In teresting account of his trip to San Francisco, during tho mouth or January. Tho Fifth II pupils who had too In spelling for tho wook wore: Gladys Ferry, Hh'odn Anderson, Howard .Mchtuighltu, Ilcrulco Mir rnsoul, Marguerite I.ecoc and Ha zel Collin. Flint, (irnde. (Icorgo flreono and .lohu McMnn liiiuii entered school on Monday. Josephine Savage lias been ab sent tills wook on account of Illness. Second ami Third (.'index. I.uwronco Koontz nud Myrtlo Coiiklln wore absent this week. Tho following pupils nro promot ed to Third II: Holt llonohrnko, Tharald Connor, Duncan Dnshnoy, I'lieliiia lllack, Donald (llilloy, Ad ralno (iardnor, Hnlph Hanson, Fred erick Hoagland, llyron Knox, Sleen Magnus, John Nordstrom, Umorsnn Nuff, Callstu WnllerH and WoBloy (Iroen. Pupils promoted to Second A nro: Robert Ilurroiigbs, Myrtlo Coukllu, Frederick Dow, Allco l-'mnson, l.loyd Hnworth, lOrmii HoiIhoii, roncu Jess, Hoiijnmlu Jobs, Alton Kurdoll, Lawronco Koontz, Waller Sneddon, Dick Walter and Cecil Doll. Third mill Fourth. Tho following children wore per feet In spelling for tho week: (lladys Harrows, Francis Flannlgnn, Johnnie Mlnasoul, Norma Coffin, Mabel Sneddon, lOlmer Htldonhrand, Ned Patterson. CF.NTKAb KCIIOOK. I f Tho following nro now pupils In tho primary. John Hutlor, ICIanoie Flanagan, Karl May, Don McL'rnry. Helen Sullivan, Kathorlno Stump, Hllzahoth Swnnton, (leorgo Will lams, Normnn Wossols, b'roderlck Shutter find Sidney Nordstrom. i.. t. 3JP . " i"ft& v lrZmr V '6-'4SXZZ4lXZJA nion by Pastor UnsBford. Junior Society moots lu tho c.iurch nt 2:!10. All chlldien aro Invited. Young I'oiiplo'H service at for ono hour, a spoclul Invltutlon Is extended to all young moil and women. Kvcnlng worship at 7: III). Pub tor llasirord will preach on "Mem ories or Homo," this Is tho third Borinou in tho boiIch on "A Young Mini Who Saw Ufo." Many nro rinding theso Sunday evening ser vices most helpful. A largo chorus lod by Prol". (leorgo Ayro rondorH worshipful music. .Midweek service on Thursday evening at 7.30, for ono hour. Wo bollevo that a Sab bath well spent will help to bring a vcek of contentment, Como with us and wo will do you good. , I 8WKDIHH LUTIIKItAX. Dr. John 13. Oshmd, Pastor. Sunday School, D:30 n. in. Morning Borvlco, 10: 411 a. in. I. iillier League, (i: IT. p. in. lOvonlng service lu English, 7:30 p. in. At tho Lutheran church in North Mend, Monday ovenlng, Feb. 10, Catbecunions, fi:30; Services In lCnglish, S o'clock. . I CATIIOMO CIIUIICII. i Marsh flold. Hov. A. H Munro. Mass at 10 o'clock Sunday morn ing, tho Hov. Father Springer of ficiating. .MinilODIST IH'ISCOPAIi f Hov. II. I Hutlcdgc, Pnator. Sunday school nt 10 a. in. Morning norvlues nt 1 1 o'clock. Kpworth Longuo nt G:30. Kvenlng service at 7:30. Junior League Thursday aftornoon at 3: 15. Prayer meeting Thursday ovenlng nt 7:30 o'clock. You aro cordially Invited to attend theso services. Junior l.eaguo nervlco Saturday afternoon nt -'.30. KMMANUNIj MPISCOPAIi. Itov. Hobt. K. Urownlng, Hector. 8 n. m. Holy Communion (2nd and lib Sundays.) 9:30 a. tn Sundny school. 1 1 n. ni morning prayer nnd sor mon. Holy Communion first Sundny of each month. 7:30 p. m. ivonlng prnyor nnd Sermon. Friday Kvcnlng. 7:30 p. m. Kvcnlng Sorvlco and Iliblo study. Sorvlco In St. Mnry'n church, North Head (2 p. m.) nnd St. Luko's Church, Kmplro, (3 p. in.) ovory ol tornato Sundny. 4 I SKVICNTII DAY ADVKNTISTS. CIIUISTIAN HCIHN'CK. Christian Sclonco hall, 237 Third street North. Subject, "Sphlt." Sorvlco Sunday nt 11 n. m. Sunday school 12 M Wednesday 3 p. in Heading room opon on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Snti rdnys, 3 to C p. m. . I PitKSHYTHItrAX CIIUHCH Marsh field J. 15. Ilurkhart, Mlnlator. At the First Presbyterian church orvlcos may bo expected on sabbath as follows: Sundny school nt 10 a. in. Morning worship nt 11 o'clock. Young People's Meeting .it i5::80. Evening worship at 7:30. Prnyor mooting on Thursday oven lng nt 7:30. Splendid music by tho choir nt morning und ovenlng worship. You nro cordlnlly Invited to nt tend nil of theso services, llrlug a friend and como. I I'UKSIlYTKItlA.V CIIUHCH North lie ud Sundny school nt 10 o'clock. Christian Endeavor at G:30. I UNITED IIHETIIHEN CIIUHCH North Uond. Mrs. It. N. Lowls, Pastor. Sabbath school, 10 a. m. Christian Endeavor, 7 p. in. Preaching 11 a. nt. and 8 p. m. Prnyor mooting Wednesday even ing nt 8 o'clock. I CATHOLIC CIIUHCH North nond. Hov. Father Sprlngor, Rector. Mass will ho celebrated nt 8 o'clock Sundny morning by tho Rot. Fathor Springer. I METHODIST CIIUHCH North nond. Tho services Sunday will bo ns fol lows: Sundny school 10 a. m. Vesper Clrclo nnd Epworth League 7 p. m. Sermons by the pastor 11 a. m and 8 p. m. FED. II! "WILL HE EARTH DAY. Fifth (irnde. Now pupils In this grade nro Mnrguorlto O'Donnoll and Car vour ifolmlng. Forty pupils enrolled for this wniPHtur. Thoso having porfect Iobboiis lu spelling for the week nro HchbIo Thomas. Fny Walker, Jnno Mcl.aln. (5eo Wing, Elvlo (Irnnt. Forest (Irogg, Thomas Crosthwnlt nnd Clydo McCnry. SKtli (.'niile. Allan Larry has withdrawn. Seventh (iriidi. Ursula Farrlngor, Mnrguoritx) Wlsoninn, Edith llawkmnn, Ilolen Iinmol and Irene Fourier nro doing especially good work In writing. Tho pupils lmvo Bent ror the Palmor mothod of biiHlnes.s writing bo thut ench ono will lmvo n hook to practlco from. Cheater Lonot hnB withdrawn. Doth classes nro studying South America In geography. MMh7",Wknur,"Bnthe e,Kht ter. ft.." "eK wero Rivtii a,..,. B nhSm "c .Harold 1Inslnl. el Immer' ry MBB0I " 'weVchSpi B,von y uai. Jennlo Holmos and In addition to tho honorary pu pils tho following woro promoted to tho Eighth gnulo: Edgar Cnaon. Edyth Sumner, Story Musson nnd Harold Haglund. To tho A Division, Seventh grado: Arthur ChriatoiiBon, Hnzol Cowan, Cllbort Johnson, Lloyd LoMIoux, Wilfred McLnln, Clnudo Post, Hat tlo Hohfold, nort Trlhboy nnd Ernest Ilurrowa. Thoao who entered tho II divi sion, Seventh grade nre: Abigail Ledward, Orton Downrd, Zolla Swlnford, Horninn QloBsop, nnd Marguerite Wiseman. At the Churches C. .1. Colo. Pastor. Sovonth Day Advontlst sorvlcos aro conductod ovory Saturday as follows: Sabbath school at 2 p. m. Preaching services at 3 p. m. Como and spend an hour with us; wo will do you good. CHURCH OF CHRIST. O '.. O. Doward. Minister. 10:00 n. m. Iliblo school. 11:00 a. m. Communion sorvlcos nnd sermon. 0:30 p. in. Prnyor mooting. 7:30 p. m. Preaching sorvlcos. Spcclnl music by tho mnlo qunrtot nud choir. - I NORWEGIAN' LUTHERAN. I - State Superintendent of ScIiimiIh AsUh to Have it Ohterved. State Superintendent L. H. Alder man has written to each of tho county school superintendents of Oregon asking thorn to nld In prep aration of programs on February 12, Earth Education day. He be lieves that the schools and school authorities should support seunte hill 72, which provides state ap proval lu nld of tho schonio of In diiBtiinl practical training, which was supported by contributions of citizens last year. Ho says in his letter to the superintendents: "It Is desired that wo lmvo oxer- ; rises lu tho schools February 12, on Industrial education, tho day to be known ns Earth Education day. Last year thousands of our Oregon children had gardous and nindo ox hlblts of their products ns woll as of other work of their own hnuds. Theso contests showed that our hoys and tilrls rnu do theso things. This year wo want to show tho pooplo whnt wo can do when wo nil take part. It Is most fitting that wo do this on tho birthday of Lincoln, who knew how to work with his hnuds ns well iib his brain, nud had a heart mndo sympathetic with hu manity by work." R. O. Thorpo, Pastor. Sorvlcos will bo hold In tho Norwo- W. S. Skolton, n merchant at Stanley, Ind., says ho would not tnko 1100.00 for tho rollof a slnglo box of Foloy's KIdnoy Pills gavo him. "I had a sovoro attack of kid noy trouble with sharp pnlns through my back and could hardly straighten up. A slnglo box of Foloy's KIdnoy Pills ontlroly io llovcd mo." Sold by Lockhnrt & Parsons, tho Husy Cornor. Marshfield and North Bend Auto Line GORST & KING. Proprietors. LEAVE MARSHFIELD 7:15 A. M. (Ministers and othors aro request ed to hand 'In tho Sundny church no tlces not later than Friday evening to Insure insertion Saturday.) 4 , FIRSV BAPTIST CHURCH. I Albert F. Dassford. M. A.. Pastor. Bible school at 10. with graded classeB and competent teachers. Morning worship at 11 with feer- 8:00 8:45 9:30 10:15 11:00 11:45 12:30 1:15 2:00 2:45 3:30 4:16 6:00 5:46 6:30 7:30 8:30 9:30 10:30 11:30 12:30 A. M. A. M. A. M. A. M. A. M. A. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. A. M. LEAVE NORTH BEND. 7:00 A.M. 7:46 8:30 9:15 10:00 10:45 11:30 12:15 1:00 1:45 2:30 3:16 4:00 4:45 5:30 C:15 7:00 8:00 9:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 A. M. A.M. A. M. A. M. A. M. A. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P.M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. Jerry KIuiiov. formerly with tin rnlnco Cafo. has Inaug urated n now nutoinoblle stngo line, between Mnrshflold nnd North Bend. Tho sorvlco Is known iib tho "Twin city Stngo Line," nnd BtnrtB with two soven-pnssengor Cadillac machines and will lmvo more If tho service warrants It. Ho Inaugurates a round faro or 25 contB bet-woon tho two rltlOB. 'llils, ho holioves, Is all tho hervlco Justifies since tho now waterfront road t educes tho time nnd also tho coat of tho sorvlco. Ho has nindo nrrnngonionta for tho through sorvlco only, leaving tho local service to tho local an toa but in enso of nn emergency will provldo local sorvlco for through patrons. Ho will havo his headquarters at tho S. S. Jennings Btoro in North Iiond, Phono 1151, nnd nt lilllyor's Cigar Store lu Marsh Hold, Telephone 18-J. Tho service will connect with all boat and train schedules. The regular schedulo is as follows: Lvuvo Mni-diricld Leave North Rend G:45 a. in. 2:10 p. in. 7:15 n. in. 4.15 p. m. 7:10 3:15 7:15 4: 10 7:15 3:15 , 8:15 5:15 8.15 4:10 8!"lf 5:15 8-15 4'45 U:15 0:1 9:15 6.15 . 10.15 7.1c 9:15 6:40 10:10 7:15 lO-in ,i:ir 11:1G 8:15 '.' 7:45 11:45 8:45 10,,G 8:15 12:10 p. m. 9:15 11:15 9:45 12:15 9:45 11:40 10:15. 1:15 10:15 l"2: IB p. m. io:45 1:10 lo:45 12.45 1 1: 1G 2:15 ' 11.15 1:10 11.4c 2.15 11:45 1:15 12:15 n. in. 3:10 12:15 n. in. 2:15 12:45 3jji 1:00 Round Trip, 25 Cents Buy Your Meats at the UNION MEAT MARKET And You Will Always Have m. eo ruone jo Pure Wholesome Meats. THE NEW Steamer SPEEDWELL CAPT. BURTIS, Mnster. Sails from San Francisco for Coos Bay About February 10th THE SPEEDWELL Is speedy and has excellent passenger accom modations, large clean nud nlry rooms and electric lights and Irclehs. For freight and passage, apply, A. F. Estnbrnolc Co. Title Guarantee nnd Abstract Co., 213 Cnl. St., Siiii Francisco. Mnrshflold. FAST AND COMMODIOUS iHM Steamer Redondo Equipped with wireless und suhmnrlno bell SAILS FROM SAN FRANCISCO for COOS BAY MONDAY, FEB. IOt AT 3 P. M. Ml Pnnsengcr Reservations From San Francisco Must Ro Mad t H0." Fife Building, or IOinbaril street Pier U7. All reservations must bo taken up lit hours before hailing. INTER-OCEAN TRANSPORTATION CO. PHONE 4 4 C. F. McGEORQE. Agent. S. S. ALLIANCE EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS SAILS FROM COOS BAY FOR. PORTLAND SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 9, AT 12 O'CLOCK , ROUND TRIP, $18.50 CONNECTING WITH THE NORTH BANK ROAD AT PORTLAND NORTH PACIFIC STEAMSHIP COMPANY. Phono 1 1 O. F. McGEORGE, Agent. Leave North Bend Allen's News stand. Lcavo Marshfleld Chandler and Blanco Hojela'.ttnd Busy,, Cornor. EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS Steamship Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIME. SAILINGS FROM PORTLAND, Tuesday evening of each week at 8 P. M. SAILING FROM MARSHFIELD, Saturday, February 8, Saturday February 15, Saturday, February JM. Phono Main 315-L, J. O. MILLER, Agent. Steamer Washington Sails from Coos Bay for San Francisco, With Passengers and Freight, Friday February 7, at 10 a. m. F. S. DOW, Aget, 1 ecT -9 Ocean Dock,