THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1 912. EVENING EDITION. r 6 tj? ymwwM T From News Nearby Towns r AUA(S() AND VICIXITV. (Special to tlio Times.) The people of Arngo nnd leln Ity havo started a spelling school to meet every Wednusdny evenliiK nt the AniBo school house. Tho ilret spelling mnteli wits lield Wed nesday ovuiiIiib. In". 20. d was attended liy a targe crowd. Olaf Annen carried olT tho honois by spelling tlio school down. Horn To .Mr and Mrs. George Hampton, .Innuaiy HG, a ten-pound Birl. Miss Myrtle Ilodgo has ictunioJ from Co(uillo. Mr. liatumock and his son .Innioa liavo bought tho machine!-) In Mi. Albco's HliliiKlc mill. They aie go ing to use a huge amount of tinMi timber in making shingles thin aim mcr. MIbs llnzfl Hadabaitgh spent S.i urday and Suiiduv at home. Suo returned to Coqulllo Monday, where bIio 1b attending srhool. A. ,T. ItiidnlinuRli, who rocontiv returned from Ohio, was visltliiR hie In other. .1. II. Hiidabaugh, a short time ago. John Kennel, who has been con ducting an ovonlng school at the Kishtrap school house. Is going to tcgln It at Arngo nef Friday "V onlng, nB It will be more convenient for the people to attend. Ho wl.l rIvo Instructions In IJiikIIbIi. wrlt uir, bookkeeping, nrlthmctlc and possibly spoiling. MUCH MONHY ukg AccordliiR to a recent statement of Posrninstef Gcnernl Hitchcock, approximately thirty million dollars had been deposited In postal s'iv Jiirb depositories by L'00.000 Indlvld unls, avornRliiR ISO per depositor Tho system Is now operated in 12. 773 postolllcoH nnd 7,:i'i7 bunka have been designated to receive pes tal BavliiRH fuiulB. 1'oHtnuiHter Curtis announces thai tho deposits In the Marshfleld branch Is more than $125.1)00 and Jb steadily Increasing. The Girl's Snde ItOH STAXLKV. once I pay a tribute to the girl who's passed up feathers with a curl. ........ ........ I,...- iiirinrrt lmt. ami fura. nnd Jewels, nnd all that, to help some poor romantic youth go out in life and learn tho truth which floats around 'Month Heaven's dome, when they first try to make a home. With ndtulrntlon for her grit. I see ner wear wio cmuies, mm for her whose form of airy graco should bo togged out In old point lace I seo her wear, whllo on tho street, brognim that soil hor shupol) feot' and see hor smile n Binlle. serene. Gaunt poverty cant hide a iiuccn I bow my head to such a maid who's loved, and cherished, and obeved. and hidden from him nil tho tears, and sighs, and wants of first 'few ears. My heart goes out in sympathy when thinking of the things tllnt she has homo In sllenco for her king since Hist he placed a wedding ring upon her slender, snowy hand, and vowed and i utilised he would stand forever by hor girlish sldo though all tho BtorniB of lire betide. I honor hor when on her face, u Mothers Love i... - ... ..i .. otn, nf iinliiina Hint clows bencnth a halo God inurt iinon tho head of Motherhood a blessing that Is pure nndlfij good "I'ls then, unselfishly, she goes, forgetful of herself and woes. M.t .nu ,. iini tlio mail complain about tho way he must re fraln from nil tho comforts ho has known, and pleasures ho must now U disown but thon there IB nnoiner bhio iiuu cuihuh iu uur uu o his bride on that eventful, happy day when sho gave 'J' afi HOO'S IIOO. WAIT! WAIT! WAIT! Don't Order an Auto Until You See This Great Car cuijLings of coqi'ii.m:. Coos County Seat Xovis hi Told by Tho Herald. Goorgo Colvln, a sawlller In tlio camp of Aasen Profilers, has Just received a patent for n crosscut snw raker giiago thnt ho will soon place upon the market. In adjusting tho height of tho saw teeth, a small mirror In tho mechanism rellects with exact iiosh and convenlenco any discrepancies that other Important features In connection with the tool for aiding In putting tho snw In proper shape. This raker riiiiro Is unllko any herotoforo patented and It appears to havo merits that will commend It to all users of tho saws. Josephine (I. 1'ooplos was tho only bidder for tho property of Arthur Peart and Lillian l'eart, sold at slier iff'H salo last .Saturday and Mas awarded title for the saino In tho sum of J207.H0, tho amount of tho Judg ment. Lloyd Wlso of Myrtle Point wns given a warrant Monday on bounty fund for $U.0u, mid mm less wildcat prowls about tho farmer'H piomisott. Chas. Crouch notified tho county clork Fobruary llrat that ho had won tho heart and hand of Margaret K. Curry. A llconno wna issuod In or dor that each could becoiuo one. Tho mall artlvcd one day last week with newspapers llllod with talcum powder probably caused by a bio ken packago sent by parcel post. Postmnster I.lnogur Is not an avow ed expert on tho skln-soothlng decoc tion and is not positive as to th nature of the material, but a lady with whom wo nro aciiialuled, and who hail handled It In considerable iliiautltieu on her face ptoiiouiHos it talcum. W'lvT AT ItANOO.V. ' CapUilu O. Wlron. co-operatlv observer, announces tliat the rain fall for the month of .liuiiiur.' wan il.i'C Inches. Kalny da.vH and i Inudv wore 22. and clear du. t. T'le rainfall for the riiriotipuiuliiiN, month of 111 12 wiim ii.Os Inchon, niuklim a difference of .77 Inche nuue th'u j ear llaiidou ltecoidor. IF YOU HAD A MILLION, WHAT? HANDO.N I.OSIfri GAMK. The llaiidou high whool lout Hi" basUeiball uume with the Coiiillt high k tiool Inst Friday uUht, the score being 20 to s in favor oi t'n qullle The llHiidou hoy were mill h llghiei than their up-river oppon eulH. alMinngli lliev played Juki as fast a floldlnc gnmo, but vvoro un ubie to ibiow baskets mieumslull). lt.uidou Itei older. c.mi: iti'.vs i.vro fifiki.d. The Hteainer Acme tan Into tho Flfleld Just as the latter was on toilng the Kan FiaucUto harbor en her last trip, but neither boat was damaged, and both were able to continue their trips. HumUm Ho co r it or. IIUIIT OCT OVKIt HAH. lliuiclun .Men In IjiiiiicIi Have n .Vaii'ovv 1'xcape. Tho Handon Kecordor says: ' Dllfilng with a utioiitt ebb tide , gasoline boat belonitliiK to lleiiv Horman went out over the bai Kuiulu afiernuou. Mr Herman was alone In the boat. He mid a Mr Potoisou ot Prosper. ohiIi In a Inuuch, were iiavlgattuK near the bar when Mr. Ilerinun'ii eiiBlue wen' dtad ni rl he deified at the meiiv of i ' tide The life ii-vliig new was in)' if leil at mice and tUHveeded in i lug .Mi Herman u'ld bis but brii)gln tlieiu In ul i ut T o't'ink in I be oveiiing '1 he ouh dumage done was the Hie ,",'l hi elzlng oute on their tutmii trip, causing the new to loso tholi nips nnd a umple if om, but tin atfun might have in en more m'iIoiii. on'v lor tho quick work of the crew, (Delhi Austrian In Chicago Trlbiino) Whnt would you do If somebody Bhoiild hnnd you ono million dol lars? This may ho n rather dif ficult piobtem to plump down before iiii on short notice. Yet. nftvr tho III at surprise, you probably could meet It as aptly as did a number of men In tlio following story: "If I had a million dollars," said an artist, "I would stop working at art as n menus or livelihood. I would work for my own ploastiie onl. with little thought whether I sold my pictures or not. My nm bltion would bo to give my best endeavors to my work for tho work's sake. "My first act would bo to pny my debts. My next to buy a comfortn ble but not extravagant home. I would surround myself with plenty of books, especially works of art. I do not think I would study paint ing, save In the knowledge of It to ho obtained In travel with my fam ily In this country nnd in Kurope." This Is the plan of a retired Iiiib Iiiosb mnu: "First. I would sit down nnd from Insurance tables, family rec ords and my present physical condi tion estimate my expectancy or nro. This ascet tallied, I would Just dou ble the number of years ho as to be absolutely safo. "Thus, ir I felt thnt my expect ancy of lUe was ten years, I would calculate twenty yenra, If fifteen yenrs, I would calculate on thirty. Thou I would divide my million dol lars Into ns many equal parts as the number of years calculated. 1 would put these parts Into separate envelopes, marking each envelope for a ceitaln ear. Then I would rent a safety deposit ho and put my million thus divided Into the box. "I would uso each year one equal pint no divided. I would not iiu.Ter uiiv clieiiiiiHtauces use any part of that set aside for a succeeding year but In addition to a year's allow ance I would use up any unused part of a previous year. I figure that thin arrangement would give me mi annual Income of fiom $12. to $215.01)0. That'H enough for nnybody." "If I had a million," said a news paper mnu. "I would throw up my Job and start n magazine. It would bo u Socialist magazlno. up-to-date, with the best writers money could get. Though my principal aim would be to help Socialism. I would also try to make the publication pay and Increase mv capital. "I would buy a farm and n com fortable home, but I wouid not work on the farm. I would lot other do that work for me. I would make ever.v effort lo get every com roil for iii.v self mid mv famllv. .My chief evtrnvagauce would he In hav ing pleat) of time to tnluk and to write. I would buy ifood books and I would travel much." Who quit the grand old gnmo for good to go to raising fruit? (See sporting aheet November last the Dally Toot-n-Toot. Who took n Job with Herrmann on tho Cincinnati Iteds? (Tho livening Pink 'Un had It under blue and )ollow heads.) Who'll boss the Highlanders of York tsee latest In The Shlno), nt wages high and wide enough to buy tho Honiestnko Mine? Who's sign ed lo ho tho malinger (why, renders go Insane) or almoBt every tanktown nlno from Puget Sound to Mnlno? Who's used un miles and miles nnd miles of type In getting set? That FranMo Chance, tho PeorlesH One and Charlie's Murphy's pot. John Carey. fiyS : ' AnVUlTISIMi IAI.KS. To Coos lln.v Times Headers: Itenl estate is a comiuoditv. Like the other commodltloM It has a known value and use. Tlieiefoie It should appeal to neailv all clasnes. Again, like some comiuod llles (citiiiu real estate appeals to certain classes of people. Trice, location, buildings, restrictions, etc.. cntmo till... It Is Just this dis tinct ion that you should base .vour estate advertising on. This necessitates a thiough stud) of the laud to ho sold. I. e. take for In stance Its location, is it run far out for comfortable dally clt trips? What appeal does the outlook make? What class Is the tiend or building progiess? You should follow this line of thought iu its advantages, prlie and terms, building lestilctlous ami right down tho Hue pIcMuk out the possibilities and reconstructing them alnntf KNOWN lll'MAN i.ixis;. K.M.I'H KAYi:. CIIIJKU PP. CCTHIH.UT. Nobody Iteally HegliiB to Do Anything until he Gets his Mind Off thnt Do-Somebody Thing! Wo wouldn't quite ho much Mind Doing Ilrolte If the Members oi the Maclng Frntotnlty would Hellevo us when wo Tell Them wo Are! ' Our Idea of the Absoluto Zero In the Non-Nutritious Is n Reputa tion for Having "Hcon n Good Fel low When You Had It!" It May bo True that tho World Accepts us nt Our Vnluntlon but the World wants to pay with a Mighty Note! There's Hardly any llnrd-Lueker thnt wo don't Feel Sorry For ex cept tho One who Feels Sorry for Himself! It's Agroenble to Think of how many Whopping Feeds we'vo Dred ged Into Blnco tho I.nst TImo we Didn't Know where tho Next Meal wns Coming From! There Isn't Much Hopo for the Ititlny Day Security of tho .Man who ThlnkH he's Saving Coin when he ban Won a UndlTled Tttrkoy that Cost him -MILS.-.! When you've got US Hones In tho Hank thl Odds lire about ,r to 1 that you'll Add the Other Two Hut Kb to It Heforo .vou'Il Draw Two to Hlovv! You can I'xplalu and Still Keep your Nerve, but when you Hegln to Make Kxcusos you're Hngulfod' Some Day Some Genius Is Going to Invent u ScIontluV, Search-Proof Sweat-Hand for tlio Hut of the Man whoso Spouse Insists upon Know ing to n Penny Just How Much Money ho Makes! It takes Some of us a Long Time to Asceitaln for Ourselves that no Case of Hard I.uck posslbl.v can bo Cured by n Drunk! CLAHHNCi: I,. Cl'I.I.KN. 7 Five-pnssoiigei', With With T m r "'LLiJBBBMa-JMMfciiil "25" Only $885 Four CyliiHU'r.s, Long .stroke, ! 1 -2-inch boi'c x .l-hidi btroke, 102-inch wln-elbase. :0x: 1-2-iiich CJoodi'ich tires Demountable rims .Ai etylene gas primer Stndcbaker .MI'IV (.'urtains Ventilating windshield Speedometer Kobe rail ire holders With With ICIectrie horn JJrcs(-0-Ute tank Silk iMohair Top Extra rim Full set of Tools Tire repair kit Tool Box Full elliptic springs ISAAC R. TOWER KTThrc MAKER AND TIIIC CilWXtiUY . I I liUMWiM uncK IJKI'KSICNTATIVli! FRONT ST., aiARSUKIELD of WOHK .JCAUKritKI.. General .Manager Porter Tells Construction of New Line. Tho following from the San Fran cisco Call will bo or Interest ow. lug to the llkollhood or tho Coos Huy-Kuioka lino bolng started soon. "H. F. Porter, nsslsiant general miimiKer or tho now rallioal In course or construction between WIN let, nnd Kuioku. Is stajlng at the .Mnnw lr. Poiter who has been vvllh tho Southorn Pacific for nearly CITI BUILT BT IN Klaiuatli Is Said to He Kuiicli or IHIde "IjiihI or Peaih" Is Poiiutl. IIOSTON. Fob. .- That Cnlu. (he sou of Adam, established ii flrst city In America, near Klamath. Oregon, and that it was in this city, called Kuoch. that the nennle of Aula fled In putt to eMupe the! riood, is tho aMcrtlon or Charb s i Hnllock, Ph. I)., an aicl.aelologUi, ' 111 ., ,..liri. ... !,. It.... I. ...I an jnn, has the blowing to s.yi .' ';,::"", D .. ihhuuhiii , coiicernliiu Mm ntu inuil- i iid iuhiuii uuuur I'.IKK II WHS tout tradition as the It was a coiiiiiiiin- lils v,.m wiiiin iimx. i.i. l semonient. tiient personal for about B0 miles of road loft. It lsitm, oro Hv!detl ainoiiB the bib-1 ovei broken and nioiiutaliK es I V,"' , ,Um 1,H.r"le ,he 'l,1"' '"' ' country. Thirty tunnels will luarl ,,lUlo''k m' ,he dlikoverlea show. been made before tho 10:, miles of ",' " ' , , 1eMU", 0,,t ' on uriif! iiiiik iiio llW lONIi: ,.,. ''Moie than one-half of tho ncvi. ,lie '" line has been completed now. and l,(,w 'J1"1 we hope to finish It by the end of ,,""" "' ' e"L'" U you hao anything to soil. lent, trade, or want help, try a Want Ad. Tim' Want Ada tiring results. l't)K HlGII-GHMIi: Mi:.T ami fan ey SlS(ii:.S OF AI.Ij KINDS call up PHOi: I 111, The VOIITI1 m: in i'itu:i:i:.n( sinvr "0., vvbeie jou can SUli I'lVK M'K ( I'M" h imvlii' easli. I 11.1. !! line are constructed Tho rough eft lixil most difficult part of the new load Has boeu finished nlivid". an Illustration of the sieit amount or work lequlied to build this small piece o( road is the cent. whU h will amount to something more than ?!). 000.000 or nbout $), 000 a mile. The new lino will opon up n laud that heretofore has at inont been it wildernehs. 'I'll new blanch Is being built by tho South ern Pacirie and Santa Fe.' " """"""-" Tffl IWTIL R. J. MONTGOMERY Real Cstatc and Insurance 244 North Front Street. "COOS HAY STIjAH I.Al'.VDItV." Now, bring your wnsii to Jones, folks, for he's the propor man; Ills Hfo has been n triumph since Us starting ill at began: Ills pluck and splilt Iu the days when nil to hlin were strange: He bulldod up a chttiaiter, no clr- ciiinstniue can ehango. Wo alvva8 work eight hours a dav. and wo'ro alvvayn suro of good I paj : Wo don't claim to work hut eight, and then havo to stay until too lute; As a good and honest man. we'll servo him with a hearty open hand He serves Ills people nobly, and does the bcht he can. With patriotic alor, and 'the wash ers noise. And as we to hlin are loyal, in work ing by the dny. So does he prove to be to us upon eveiv pay day. So lulng our wash to Jones, folk, the plate where they deserve. In evoiy ufflie that he nils, tho peo ple will he serve: Pi.igio.-lmi is his nolliy, no laggard in the i u e He'll tin u your wish out proper whatever be the pue - L2voIu Lewis. city, and void probabl) was brought I up rroni cuiirornia. Traces or All ships Found. Tho actual discoveries on the1 raeiiic coast legnrdlng the dtvi nave consisted or stone, bono and motnl tools at various levels, tiae or rudo innchluory. including si ips i and alrshlpg, nnd InscilptioiiH audi tin iwftitii'UH iu wim i- appear lo nave i iioen tenipios. Somo great cataclysm tendered usoless tho aqueducts and Irilgat Ing cnnnls ot tho placo. Disjointed lecords of this cntnstiopho nie in scribed upon monoliths and poru cos, according to report. , Aiueilcn Is "Land of Nod." North Amotion Is asberted to be tho Hlbllcal i.nnd of Nod. l)lng to the oast of lMon. Cain mlgiated there, and, although tho popul.i. Hon was sparse, built the new city Tho Land of Nod was Inferontlally tho birthplace or tho nllogoncai Adam, "from where he was taken when tho Lord established him lu tho Garden of Helen " Times' Want Ads bring rosults M . ... . f , MMMMi MlJm The Excelsior Leads Others .Follow. Smashed Every Record 1 to 100 Miles Lee ITnniision on an Excelsior anto cycle, made a clean sweep in tho recent big motor cyi'lo races, attaining tho long coveted speed of ono hundred wiles an hour, for the mile, and sot new time for every mile up to 100. Here's the Remarkable Record: 1 mile in no seconds i'lat. o miles in 3 minutes 7 seconds. 10 miles in 0 minutes 18 seconds. 20 miles in 1.1 minutes 29 seconds. 25 miles in 1G minutes ot seconds. 50 miles in 33 minutes 55 seconds. 75 miles in 50 minutes 55 seconds. 100 miles in fiS minutes 10 seconds. This latest triumph makes ' The Excelsior the Fastest and Greatest Motorcycle In the World Barnard & Langworthy See our window dUplay of WOOD KLKCTUIO KIXTUltrS IiHADIM) AUT GLASS DOMPS rOKTAULR STAND LAMPS. PIIOV.'' I8I.U. The now 1913 model may be seen Koontz Garage. at tlio Unique Pantatorium 1 Till? MODKUX I)V.iH. CLKWEHS, l'lll.SSI.HS mill HAT HV.XOVATOUS oho Agent for INwrnnl II. Strauss & Co., Kino TallorliiK. Let ns inako your next suit. 255 OEXTILVIi. Thono 230-X N'ith Front St. L. Koontz rarshfieW B 1 I HTmiMii..n i ii-MMl I