THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1913 EVENING EDITION. Certain Condi t i in : 1 ' it ' I I '' ' il"3 -Sfea? lit l .HH'tn PixRl fel'-flP r 7 I ' J COP"'"' '', STROUSC a BROS AVill lU'VCI' clliUlgt'. You never see a eleai' anee sale or marked down prices on $13.00 gold pieces. Our policy has been and always will he The ost Valuae at Amy Price We aim lo make your clolhes money go I'ar Ihesl and lo your greatest satisfaction particularly that which is rounded on experience. Suits to $23.00. The first price is the last price alwavs. FIXUP Marshfield North Bend WANT ADS. FOR SALH OH HUNT House ami four IoIh in KiiHtBldo. Apply to .luiiioH D. Ollnklnbenrd, Sumner, Oregon. WAXTKD Hy orehnrdlst. all kinds of spraying, pruning, gruftlng anil budding. 1'hoiiu 1!UU-L Dayton News Published Occasional I v D.v larshficld Cvclerv iimely lopics "In the spring time the young man's fancv lljjhtly turns to thoughts of love." Thnsly: "Daisy, Daisy, givo mo your answer, do, I'm half crazy, all for the lovo of you. It won't he a stylish nmrriagc, I can't afford a carriage Jjiit you'd look sweofc oj tho seat Of a bicycle built, for two." We Have the Tandem for Rent Can You Do the Rest? JVc carry in stock every size of bicvele made, we carry an unlimited stock of courtesv. Uur bicycles please many riders, and fulfill everv (Iciuniifl made of then'. We'll mi lollmt. May We Sell YOU Yours ? Extra Special 1 about Dayton Motorcycles last wILLET,n A'10 annual Plice "Hl-climbing contest SrfiS SL th?.i Daton Motorcycle won, beating its 0 n a mStf ? secollds '" six blocks, carfflin""8 Hl1 ,s,?x blocks loll cid the Dayton Ma X4,,0 "nds. , All the motored c prese. j in We te,,n that contest, we "mediately sent for a demonstrator, WhafDo YOU Think Abrat It dinotE1' ?a0rate and never state anything we Wp hi ,iev0 10 he true, sd for Lm ll1acnino llGre yet becai,se we di(l not 'CwKere!CaUSe the $50,00'000 factory was Marshfield Cyclery DAYtSTo01" Ants for p,UIN "'CYCLES DAYTON MOTORCYCLES ,,e lOO-K 179M RJ,.,r, . m,,uiuuUviu; iJunesDoes Job Printing WANTKD Cnri-lci- lioy Jo deliver Tho TIiiiuh. Must bo above tho Fourth grade In school. Hoy with I of nrrnrrni,. win, tt.nir fit,, it,. .i..i i... i i i . :. r ., .... ...w.. ....v.u .. jwu iiiuiuiiuii. iliqunu III fin f lrnl tin nnil linli.liln nn Mm TIIUCS l-'OH FKIUtUAItV. Ilolow Is given tho tlmo and height of high and low water at Marshfield. Tho tides nro placed In tho order TIiiioh ollleo. FOU SAIjIC Laying pullets, lieu Wright, cortior Cedar and Urutul way. I''()lt SALK A iioli'i business cor ner In tho contur of tho ImibIiicbb district of Mnrshflold. TIiIh Ih a roul bargain. For particulars boo Cooloy ii. ItnliHkupr. agents, 30-1 North Front St'. 'OH SALK A good nine room hoiiHf and threo lotH, 1 llixtO rout. In Hay Vlow, for $5000 cash If taken hooii. Apply to Charles ArlandHon, phono 10-1. or l. O. Dox fir,,',. Marshfiold, Or. ROOM AM) ItOAItn Pleasant iinartorH and good cooking. John Karl, nio N Ilroadway. WANTKD We must find sonic homos for HtiidontH who llvo out of town a gontuol boarding house for nice girls. Coos llay Huslnoss College. second lino of each day. a cotnnai Ison on consccutlvo heights will hid lento whothor It Is high or low water. For high wator on tho bar, snlmtract 2 hours 34 minutes. Sllrs.. 4.2 0.00 3.H7 10.12 B.3 2.2 4.1(5 10.30 C.l 2.0 Ft . . , 1 1 is.. Ft.., fi.G 1.33 5.3 0.3 10.34 0.8 - WKATIIKK FOHKCAST. Uy Associated Press ORHCION Fair tonight and Sunday In Hast; probably fair tonight and Sunday In west portion. Knsterly winds. 'OH SALK On easy terms, new, strictly modern bungalow on South Fourth street. Owner Is leaving town. Phono 3Sr-.l. FOR SALK CHKAP New motor boat, 22 x 3 1-2 with G h. p. cn-l glue. Speed 13 tulles. G. Kicker, Koyal Theatre. I UHWIi TKMIMCItATL'ltK I KFCOKI). For tho 24 hours ending at I 4:43 a. in., Fob. 8, by UonJ. I OHtllnd, special government me j tcorologlcnl obsorvor: I Mnxlmitiu G2 I Minimum 33 I At 4:43 a. in 3G Precipitation none Precipitation sluco Sept. 1, I 1012 42.72 I Precipitation sumo period provlouu year .10.!) I Northeast. Clear. Svw Phono I. Inc. Tho resldontu n, of South Inlet linvo signed up for leiepuono accomuiouations, winch they expect to bo Installed soon. KOII KAI,I: Onu r,0 1 ikk Incubator. I Steam Shovels It is stated that Will trade for lions. Phono G-J four steam shovels will bo brought ' to North Head in n few dnys to start l-Olt SAliF Oho u: foot luiiiidi construction thoro on tho Southern with rubln ; nlso onu 2G foot Pacllle. launch. Phono C-J ( ,,, S, ,,., W- niTTiu. .,,,,,. Z " ; " adnilulstTator of tho Ford Klahn WAN I I.I) Jo rent piano In mod ,,,. r i.',,,,,!,.,, i,,lu ,iwi,i,.,i . condition. Address P. K., enro y ()I10 B far for tho Klahn ,,,11(-,', jMitloon, and thnt Is from Hugh ' . NflflltflM lf Mtll'ullfl.llll FOIl SAI.F. IHcyilc, jjoud as new., special l.ecl lire. There will bo See Ch,, Church. He.. Cross Drug ;';;j ..V;,;1,;,:,, vir,, ,! ic," 1 " nianuol Kplscopnl church tomorrow ".'." 7, j TT ovonlnjc t 7: 30. Tho rector will NTI.Ii Posh ,,.. as house maid K,Vo , ,,,. t0 ,i10 children. All orwirk In private family. Phone , ,,nKn,Katlim Iirc eordlally In-.11,-1.. iv,(, Lt ii, , 1 . 1 1 ' Quick Itesults YcBtorday morn- I.()l SAI.r. Inciilm or I.. g,,,.d c,,n- , j 0 hlulKVV()rtliy ,rk dltlou. Call at 138 Third St. N. K,qH Prociot work bag and hiKorted Hank Slough on tho ground that tho opening or tho Btrcet would not ben efit nnyono but would destroy tho race truck, ball grounds and athetot ic park. It Is being liberally signed. Football Star Mere. K. (. Starr of Dayton. Oregon, once a star member of 0110 of Oregon I'nlvor slty's best footbnll team, arrived here yesterday with his brother. Charles, to look, uvor tho Coos Hay country. They are engaged In tho hardware business at Dayton, a mnnll town near McMinnvllle, nud hnvlng heard much of tho Coos Hay country, wanted to look this section over. They came In over laud. (Jets Motorcycle. Jesse Smith, local flrownrdcn, has Just bought a motorcycle from I. K. Tower nud Ib equipping It with a complete outfit to fight' brush fires with, lie Ilgures that with the motorcycle ho enn cover his territory more quick ly, easily and cheaply and in case Sumner, was visiting in Marsh flold today. L. HA55KI10X, a dairyman, of Catching inlet Is In town on business. MISS WILMSKA UOHI3UT8 or Catching Inlot Is spending tho day In town. Mil. WIM.IAM KINO and Ills moth er ennio to town this morning from Mllllcoma. CHOUGH WKI.STKAD of Marshfiold was a North Head IniHlncss vis itor yesterdny. OIIAS. MAI1AFFV of Xorth Coos Klver Is a business visitor to Marshlleld today. AUGt'ST MATSON and slflter. Lena, or Catching Inlet, aro spending the day In town. KAHI, WIl.tiKY, who recently lo cated In Falrvlow, Is a Mnrsh lleld visitor todny. MKS. CLAKMNCI3 HAKIMS and her sister. Mabel Mills, nro In Marsh- iiohl todny rroin Sumner. or n bluzo being reported, he enn FKKD SIODANDHK nud wife o( quickly reach It. lie Is having a South Coos Klver aro visiting special box mndo to carry axes nnd relatives In Marshfiold. various equlnmont. KOH13KT KOWKON and sister, Hnt- To Locate Mere. 11. I,. Phillips. Uo. nro spondlng tho dny In A. L. French nnd John Tulloy of town rroni Isthmus Inlet. Portland urrlvcd hero yestornay KHV. FATI1KK SPKINGHK or from Portland with a view or lo- North Head was a Marshfiold eating In UiIb section. They wero' biiBlnesB visitor yesterdny. formerly deputies In tho sheriffs z- T. SIGLI.V Is renovating tho olllce nt Portland, Mr. Tnlley hav-l resldonco formerly occupied by lug been county Jailor, but a change ' tho Into Mrs. J. M. Siglln. In tho administration left them II. H. DO.VAHKY nnd J. C. Twomoy without positions. Now thev are! w'" to outgoing passengers on planning to lornto In' Coos county. I " Drnln-Gurdlnor Btogo Monday. They went to Handon to look over, 'MKS. WILLIAM SAUNDBKS and that bccHoii Fridny. on, John, or Empire, nro In Itamloii Paving. S. C. Small hnB Marshfiold today on business returned from Ilandon, whoro ho' nllt Plcnsuro. wont to conrcr with city olllclnls.C- A. HONIMlKAKn nnd daughter rolntlvo to hard Hiirfnro paving. rnmo to town this morning rrom The olllclnls wnnted some tentntlvo 'loa Inlot and will return on tho bids on tho work nnd a Handon' nftornoon boat, man who Is figuring on putting In M,l THOMPSON, who has been In a brick yard on tho lower Coqullloj tho employ or Connor & Hoag offcred to lay vitrified paving fori ,nl"'. 'eft on tho Ureakwntor to $1.7," per squnro yard, nn unusually '" for Portland, low figure. They plnn to put hi s- M. WALTFK, a registered phar about 1700 yards or hard Hiirfnro , maclst of Portland, hns nrrlvod hi pnvlng In tho vicinity or tho city tho city to tnko a position with hall thoro. Tho project will ro-l tlio Owl Drug Store. quire tho construction or a wall KHV. FATIII3K SPKINORK will do- along a part or tho waterfront. PERSONAL NOTES ..... t. .,., .. . i ii n found ml In Tho TIiiioh. Todny, Oil SALv Ihreo dairy cows, nil ,t wnB ,.lalmoil 1)y K , .icAriliur. under eight yonra old. Apply to , , ,Ulo llllURllol. jlnry hvlllB J. I j. Stevens. South Cooa Klver. ()lit t- (If! to Firemen. Tower Hros., VA.Ti:i -Vonng lady wishes place of ,10 Orpheum Theater, today pro to earn hoard and .room by doing H0Ilt()( n ,,m,,.1 rr ?to to Dnn niiy orK mil 01 m-n nn nu, in. Kenthig. chler or tho Mnruhfleld Apply Cooh liny HiihIiiohh Col- fl,.0 (loimrt,iiont, iih n little token lege. ' or appreciation of the excellent work or tho firemen In the con flu I'OK ItlCNT Housekeeping apart- Krntlon horo Inst weok. inentH $12. Phono 310-X or call at 413 North Second street. .Minneapolis Property Wanted. WANTKO To exchange my well ImproNod and finely Jocnted prop erty on Kastsldo for Minneapolis property. A good opportunity for nnyono to mnko a good doal. Call and seo mo nt Knstslde. W. L. Lu Palme. I'OK KALI': Jewel Gas Stove In good condition. Also hontor. Mrs. M. T. llrltton, 19G N. Second St. FOIl HAM3 DT wood, fir nnd ai der, ut Cnnipbon'B Wood Yard, Ferry landing. Phono ir.8-L. Save Fairgrounds F. P. Norton Ih today circulating n potltlon op posing tho opening or Fourth street bqtweon KriiBO nvenuo "JiL ni?! siinp for nnyono wanting n good roostor. Apply nt Umpire Poul try Hunch or Postofflco, 10 nip ho. I'Olt SALH lloi-si'H, liarncsH nnd wagon. Phono G7-.I, Coos liny Stcnm Lnundry. FOIl SALK llooinlng house, 12 rooms, IOC N. Second St., Mrs. M. T. llrltton. I'Olt SALK Five high-class White Wyandotto'H nnd Khodo Island Hods, young vooBtors, 8 montrs old. bred from first class Btock, $3 50 to $5.00 each. ThlB Isn I'Olt HUNT Two rooms furnished ror light housekeeping. 1G3 South Second streot. WANTI3I) Twelve opcrlenccl min ors nnd tlmhor men. Apply noav or Hill Coal Co. . WSm) Oor Medicines are Reliable You can always feci perfectly safe in taking any medicines you here. They will always he pure and fresh and contain the exact amount of everything they should contain. Wc fill physicians' prescriptions with the greatest c-rc and accuracy. We do not know what it is to make a mistake. We have built up this business by selling drugs cf unquestionable quality at prices unquestionably fair. If you require a Spring tonic ve can give you a very plc-scnt end superior one, that is a great im provcmer.i over the old-fashioned, nauseating mess of sulphur end molasses or the bitter solution of salts. This new remedy in REXALL SARSAPARILLA TONIC. It is pleasant tasting and especially adapted for a Spring restorative. Good for all conditions o exhaustion. It helps to make blood, supplies material for the body and brain and gives strength and nerve force. Sold with the Rexall guarantee, Lockhart-Parsons Drag Co. part tho llrst of tho week ror iioronco on a missionary visit. Ho will bo nbsont n week. W. K. WISI2MAN Is rlearnlng his lot In North Mnrshriold, which ho recently purchased from tho Atnllliulm Wnmlnn Wnrn Cn KMIL STON1-J of Catching Inlet Is FRANK LAUI1K. formerly with tho ...'. . " "" ""m"0MH- I urauiey candy company, left on MKS. U. H. KIGGS or Catching In-, the Hrenkwater ror Portland, let U In town today. whero ho oxpocts to locnte. MKS. P. D. HLAKM Is hi town to- HAItltY ALVI3KSON lort today ror day rrom Catching Inlot. Sullivan. Missouri, whoro ho will LAKL WILLHY or Fnlrvlow Is n, visit ror n row weeks. Ho ex pects to bo gono nliout two weekB beroro returning to Coos liny. MKS. 10.MMA HILHOKN of MII1I comn Ib hi town todny. Mrs. HII Itorn Is expecting her brother, Mr. Jniuos llllborn, nnd his wife, nn tho liny, next week after a six months prospecting trip in Curry county. .Mr. nnd Mrs. minora will mnko nn extended visit with Mnrshfleld visitor todny NI2IL WATSON or Coos City Ih n MurNhfleld visitor todny. MKS. TOTTUN of Cuinp 7 Is till .MniHiineiii today Hhnpplng. J. M. HAKKKK or Falrvlow Is in Marshfield today on a visit. I IIKNKY PLOICGUK of Myrtlo Point j Ih n Marshrield business visitor, i MKS. W. 11. SANFOKI) or Siimnor! Ih Bhopplng lu MarHhflo.u today, i their slstor. Mrs. Kinnia llllborn. MISS HHTIIHL STOCK of Siimnor '-- Is spondlng todny lu Mnrshriold. GIJOKUK COOK roturnod this morn ing rrom n short trip to Dmplro. MISS LOLA MONTGOMHKY or Mllllngton Ih n Marshfield visi tor. MKS. K. L. KOHKKTS Is nmong tho Cntchlng Inlet visitors to day. J. 1). CLINKINHKAKD or Siimnor Ih In Marshfield todny on busi ness. ' MKS. TOM WASSON of South In lot Is In Mnrshriold todny shop ping. A. O. KOGKKS. Jr.. Is In town to day rrom IiIh South Coos Klver homo. MR. and MRS. MOHLHY or Mllll coma aro visiting in Marshfield todny. MKS. W. C. WKAVKU or Isthmus Inlot Is shopping hi Maisnfleld todny. MISS GLADYS ROM-HITS, who Is touching n term or school In TAKE A LOOK in our window and seo the greatest variety of cheese ever shown In Coos County, We are IT when It comes to delicatessen goods, Stauff Grocery Co. Phono 102 Mnskcy's Onmllcs. "TRUFORM" Trusses, Abdominal Belts, Shoulder Braces ro.Mi; in and sin: oui "tiutokm" siiocldkh miaou AND HACK SrPPOHT. For Men, Women and Children DOES NOT CUT UNDER ARMS Strictly lilgli-cluw ami scientific for m''mjiih desiring good fig ures, Mjunro hhmililei'N and high rhcM. Light, nent nnd easy. Tho "TRUFORM" squares tho should ers, expands tho chest', Imparts life, vigor nud henlth to tho lungs nud other vital organs by giving them freedom of ac tion, rellovlug them of that congested condition mused by a hol low chest and Ill-shaped drooping shoulders. All who nro In clined to stoop should wear tho "TRUFORM," and nil young pcoplo while growing. It- adds to tho general npnonrnnco, giv ing orect carriage. It does not show through shirt waist nnd nlds your clothing to set properly. Gives onoi-gy"nnd ambition. Wards off ullmonts through full, deep breathing. Tho "TRU FORM" Is mndo of tho best matorlnls with rubbor covorod stnys, non-rustnblo, washable and durable. Tho only braco thnt Is freo under tho arms, causing no nunoyanco to wearer. It sustains tho back with comfort. When ordering by mull give chest inensuro under arms. Manufactured for a.rai52AiM-r.ffi!k "THE BUSY CORNER." PHONE MAIN 298 US ORPHEUM TONIGHT Till-) HKAVKXIA" VOICI-J New Liiblu Comic, Johnson. featuring Arthur CAIIMOX OF TIIU ISLKS A romance of tho South Sea Islands. IlllOKKX 1IKAHTS Western Drama. Coming AVednchilay, Feb. Iti, Daughter of tho Spy, romantic story of tho lfitlt or Kith century. Don't forgot tho matinee Sunday af ternoon. Doors open nt l!:!IO, wholo afternoon performance, Established Admission, 10c, Never more.