THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1913-EVEHIMG EDITION. COOS BAY TIMES H. 6. MALOXICY Hdllor nnil I'liu. DAN 13. .MALOXKV Sows Kdllor Official I'npor or Coos County. uwiriAii I'Ai' or tiik city Oh' MAIIHIIKIKIjI). . I (i()()l) KVHNIXfl I Tlicro arc two frceilonis, tho I false whoro n iniin Is frco to do 1 as ho IIUcb nnd the true whoro ho Is froo to do ns ho ought. Klnssloy. S WON w OS FHDI VESSEL AEL ELECTED Ifil 10 SAVE FAIR GROUNDS F. P. Norton Secures Petition of About 200 Opposing Fourth St. Project. That thoro will ln atroiiK oppo Bltlon to tho plan of opening South Fourth' stroot to Coal Hank Jnlt't. theroby dontroyliiK tlio fnlrKtoiintlH nnd raco track, wn- made evident toriny by a petition circulated by 1'. V. Norton and signed by about 00 business inon opposliiK tho plan. However. It Is likely that tho dniiRcr of tho race track and fair Kromids boliiK destroyed will load lo utops beltiK Itniuedlatoly taken to Bccuro a public park, which can bo used for a fali-mounds, athletic field, baHoball and football ground. tc, Wnethor tho piosont kiouiiiIh could bo obtnlnod nl a reasonablo prlco has not1 been ascertained but negotiations may bo started for that purpose. A larno portion or tho present i;roiinds Is owned by tho Southern Pacific. Tho following? Is tho Klst of tho petition to tho oily council opposliiK tho move: "Wo, tho undorslnnod citizens nnd residents of tho city of Marsh Hold, Oregon, respectfully Hsk that no liiiprnvoiuouts b made on Fourth street, south of Kruso ave nue. Hint nothing be done to dis turb the fair grounds nnd race track south of Kruno nvonue, for tho reason that the pruseut fair grounds and race tiack U the oni place In tho city or Marahrield for rootcatlon. Theso ground ae used by tho High school boys for Utah tu-liool athletics and wu consider tho Krouuds a valuable asset to Coos Ihi at tht presont time. There Is no other suitable place thnt could be at tho present, time n soil f'r such amusement and In case there should lie other place, tho time and expense required to make the place suitable for such would bo sticn that It could not bo ilnno In tho next two or threo years. That tiieio are no buildings or residents to be benefitted by i ca non of tho extension of said Fourth Hlreot south of Kruse avouuo and wo lmllovo It would be for tho host Interest to permit sit Id fair grounds nnd race track to remain as thoy nre." - AMOXO tiii: SICIC. Airs. J. I-. Koont. and two sous, who have boon iiiito sick are Im proving. iMrs. Dean, wife of P.innnnclst Uonn or tho llusy Corner, Is quite 111 of la grippe. l)r. It. II. Walter has fully re covered from his recent Illness, an nbcesH confining him to tho homo for Homo days. He Is now able to bo up and at his olllco. Misa lluby Watklus, who has been rjiillo 111 at the homo of her par tints, Is reported Improving. ALOXO Till: WATKHFKONT Tho Allium e U due In tomorrow from lCnroka. Tho Tillamook arrived In at Ilnndon today from Portland. Tho Ilrooklyn nnd schooner C. T. Hill sailed from Haudou today for San Frnnclsco. Tho llortle Minor nrilved In today at Handon from San Francisco. Tho steamer Washington will sail from San Francisco lor Coos Hay noxt Tuesday. I'OU XHW ItO.VT. KMnhrnok Company Wauls a Xctv Vessel for Sliislaw Service. The Fstabrook Coinpniiy, ownors of tho Flfleld and Speedweol. both of which wore built at tho North loud shipyards, Is negotiating with Kruso & Hanks for tho construction of another vessel to be put on the finn Franclsco-Sluslaw run. The Ks tabrook Company has taken over tho Tidewater Lumber Company on tho Sluslaw, formerly owned by the Carry Company, by which they se cured tho sailing' vessels Hugh Ho pan. Snuanllto and Oakland. Thoy want a vessel similar to the Kllleld for the Sluslaw run and will prob ably plnce the order soon. - I - XOKTII UKXI) XKWS. Margaret Simpson, daughter of Mrs It. I.. Simps m, underwent an munition at San Francisco for a i.n.inu't on her eve. Mrs K. It. llodsoii and daughter. Tumi, of South Coos Klver. will spoud a few days at the Hubert Mti'niu home. Mrs. L. Hodaou will be guest of her sou, .1. W. Hudson, over Sun day at North Head heights. Mayor I.. .1. Simpson Is expected liomo Monday from San FraucUcn, i omlng overland Captain Kdgar Simpson, who has boon making a visit with his slstor, Mrs. Hoy Pike, at San Francisco, Is cnocted homo tomorrow, by wny of rinndon. Thoro will bo a rogular service In St-. Mary's Kplscopal church at Korth nond at 2 o'clock tomorrow altornoon, Major Kinney has had tho enso of B. P. Wyatt vs. tho City of North Bond, attacking the annexation of Flat D, withdrawn and It la expected C. A. Smith Expects Wireless from the Adeline Smith in Short Time. "We are expecting dally to hear from tho Adeline Smith by wire-1 less," remarked C. A. Smith today, in talking of tho coming of tho big, new vessel. "She should bo In , range of some of the trans-Pnclllc j steamers, which could rolny her messages. Wo originally llguretl on ' her reaching horo about February 11'. but on a trip of 5. 500 miles,1 thoro might bo n difference of a few days In the schedule. Wo luivo not hoard from her slnco Captain OIbcii cabled from Coronnl, Chill." Mr. ' Smith, Blnco ills arrival, has boon ' busy Inspecting the outsldo work of ' tho company. Tho line weather has t boon taken advantage of by him to visit tho logging enmps and new I railway beyond Myrtle Point. Ma has boon out with A. II. Powers three dnys and hns taken many long Jaunts nfoot through tho woods that' surprised oven Mr. Powers. Uc Is1 In excellent honlth. ' When asKcd If thoro was anything new In the company's plans here, Mr. Smith stnted thnt they wore busy completing work outlined sometime ago. Ho said It was slowly Hearing completion and that it looked as though thoy would have tho now pulp mill In operation within the; twelve months ho had originally llgured on. Mr. Smith stated that ho expect ed to spend a fow weeks on the1 Iftiy looking things over and "loaf-. Ing a llttlo." I The date of tho marlrago of his, son, Vernon, and Miss Drew of Min neapolis has not been announced, ' but It will probably bo In the spring. This morning tho new electric ' crane, used In hiding the Nairn Smith, was put In oporntlon for the flul ll n It ii'im Imllt to t'nntilit ' Mini linn ... " . ... .....w tho one destroyed In tho recent storm, nnd has been completed In record breaking time. BEGIN JETTY IS SUB (Continued from Pago One.) nnd tho plans they oro working on will bring (illicit rosults-tho kind that everyone luternsted In Coos (lay harbor and realizing Its possi bilities have so long sought." Sure of UoMilts. "When l was In San Francisco, soiuo of tho loiters and messages and newspaper commeutH that touched us on what tho delegation to Washington would accomplish wore very discouraging and some on Coos Hay even went so fur ns to Intimate thnt thoro was no use In going to Washington. "While In tho Flood building nuo day talking with C .1. Mlllls. ho asked mo what I would do If the others derided not to go. " 'Why. I will go alone.' I re plied, 'l have my transportation and also enough of my own money In my pocket to pay my other ex penses. I am going to Washington even If 1 have to go alouo. I will have Congressman llawley Intro duce mo to the engineers nnd tell my own story In my way about tho needs of Coos Hay. Tho way I size It up Is this; Thin hoard is select ed by tho goneral-lu-chlof and It Is their duty to Improve tho wntor ways of the United Statos. Whon a delegation comes from such a groat distance and presents n mat tor before thorn such as tho Coos Hay delegation ci.n do, there Is no question In my mind but that we will got a hearing nnd get rosultx. Hecnuso tho hoard of ouglueors would not he Justified In turning down tho urgent requests of a del egation who represent tho people or Coos Hay. especially whon tho harbor Is In such serious and dan geroiiH condition. Those men know their business. About thnt there Is no question. There Is nothing that would Justlfv thom in refusing ns aid; If they did. how would thoy answer to their superiors In cuse of a serious accident resulting In loss of llfo and property?' ' When 1 told him this. Mr. Mlllls Immediately offered to have the Southern Pacific pay nil my ex penses, both going and coming and to pay my wagon while I was gone." Cnpt. Macgenn has Just received a letter from Dr. Coo, the head of the Progressive party In Oregon, stating that' he had received a let. ter from Colonel Koosovolt, relative to Captain aMcgenn's visit at Sag amore Hill. Colonel ltooseelt has requested Dr. Coo to meet Captain Mntgeiiu soon and the latter thinks that Colonel Koosevolt must have . read aomo of the poetry that he Heft with him at Oyster Hay. "With the Port Commission thor I oughly orgauUed and the Jetty as sured, it Mill not be necessary for other citizens to push the harbor matters." concluded Captain Mac genu. -Tutll thin was accomplish ed. If was necessary and now It will he better to have It all left with the Port of Coos Hay Commis sion and the t'nlted Statos ongln- SslwOJrJlrS- l1!"!?."?1"?:.". that ho will havo tho caso of W. .1. KiiBt as trustee vs. tho City of North llond also dropped. This week, Messrs. Mullon and Derbyshire JUed an answor to Hust's case showing that nt tho election 95 of tho 97 votes In thn nnnoYOil tnrrltnrv imm In vor of annexation. Annual Meeting of Marshfieltl Chamber of Commerce; Green Re-elected. President D. C. Green. VIco-prosldont F. A. Tledgon. Secretary John Motley. Treasurer .1. II. Flanagan. Kxectitlvo Committee A. II. Powers. Arno Mereon. W. S. Chntnl ler, .las. II. Flangnn, Dr. C. W. Tow er, Henry Songstnckon, Hugh Mc l.nln, Dr. K. MIngus, W. F. Miller. I. S. Smith, A. .1. Mondol, Goo. Kol nor, T. T. Dennett. Alvn Doll, C. U. Pock, Arthur McKeown, Claude Nasburg, K. H. Straw, I. S. Knuf tnnti, .1. Albert Matson, F. A. Tlcd gen and C. A. Smith. Tho above officers wore olectod nt tho nununl mooting of tho Mnrsh llold Chamber of Commerce. AH of tho old olllcers wore re-elected who would Bervc. C. F. McKnlght re tired ns vice-president. A. 11. Pow ers, who was nominated, suggested F. A. Tledgon for tho place. Tho now members on tho executive com mittee nro Messrs. Nasburg, Straw, Katifmnn. Matson nnd Tledgon, tak ing tho places of M. C. Horton, A. W. Myers, D. C. Green. A. T. Haines nnd Wm. Grimes. All of tho elec tions wore by ncclamutlon. It wna decided that an ardent nioniborshlp cnmpalgn should ho In nuguratod nt onco and also a llnan clal campaign made to raiso funds for groat booster campaign. A. J. Mendel, Geo. Hotnor, Ivy Condron nnd I). C. Green were plncod in charge of tho work. Preliminary to this, Mr. Green mado n short tnlk, In which he said it was very essen tial to got busy now. Ho said that he noticed that cities .generally nro not built whoro conditions are most favorable. Ho cited Modesto and Stockton. Cal.. as examples of this. Modesto hns a lino natural site nnd Stockton u poor one. but tho en ergy of tho citizens or Stockton hns developed n thriving largo city, wlillo Modosto Is comparatively a small place. Uo said that while some Marslilleld pooplo might think that a city Is certain to bo built hero. It might not lie If they do not take the proper stops to see that It Is. Ho said the business men of Marslilleld woro easy quick to pnss on a cleanly cut buslnesa 'imposi tion and would Jlbornlly subBcrlbo If approached, lie said that during January, tho two banks, tho Oregon Power Company and tho C. A. Smith Company woro tho only ones who had paid their subscriptions nnd tint money was needed at onco to go ahead. It was also stated that the rent on the present quarters would bo ad vanced. Thoy nre now paying ! A. II. Powers said that owing to tho excellent room nnd central location, ho wna In favor of paying considera bly more. If necessary, to retain It, and nrrangoiuonts niny bo mado wheroby both tho Chanibor of Com merce nnd Port of Coos Hay Com mission will pay more for tho rent. Honor C. A. hmltli. Upon suggestion of A. J. Mondol. C. A. Smith, last evening, was olect od an honorary moinbor of tho ox ocutlvo committee. Owing to tho fact that ho Is absent from tho Hay much of tho time. It wna thought liest to have tho rogular membors elected and he mado an honorary nnd advisory moinbor. .Mill Slough .Matter. President Green reported that definite action on tho closing of Mill I Slough might bo expected within the next ton dnys. Ho said that City Attorney (loss hns forwarded another copy of tho request from the city council for closing the wa terway to Captain Itoborts, who will forward It to tho I. S. onglneors at Washington and tliolr npproval of tho request Is prnrltioally assured. Welcome Now Vessel, President Greon was Instructed to name a committee to arrange for n welcome to tho Adnllno Smith on hor arrival In tho Hay about Febru ary 1'J. Somo siiggostod that a holi day bo declared for tho ovont locally lit order that nil might turn nut In gaily decorated laum-hos to welcome the tlagshlp of tho C. A. Smith fleet. A. II. Powers said that he did not think it would be n good Idea to stop work for the event or do anything to Interofere with those who wishod to work. Ho said that tho groatest celebration was tho din of busy mills and workshops nnd such a one would bo a fitting welcome to tho vossel thnt was doslgned for commercial purposes. Ho said It would bo nlco for all who could conveniently got away from business to turn out and welcome the vessel. 1. S. Kaufman and others took tho aauio view. Ivy Condron scornod the suggestion of offering n prize to got pooplo to doeornto tholr launches. Ho said that tho pooplo ought to have enough pride to do It and be Inspired by something great er than $10 or l."i. F. A. Tledgon. Dr. MIngus and Henry Sengstacken thought that all who could, should meet the Adeline In special boats and escort her up the Hay. Finally It was agreed that a com mittee should be appointed to see that all who can turn out, to wel come the vousel. A. II. Powors of fered to furnish the Hanger to take down a largo party. Prosldent Greon stated that tho Mllllcoma Club would tondor a fsinokor on the evening of tho ar rival or the vossol to Captain Olson mid tho others. Other HuMiu'NS. I.ottors from Senator Smith and Koprescntatlvo Harton, saying that they would do nil thoy could to get a oig appropriation ror tho Son Francisco exposition. Henry Song stacken, A. H. Powors and others urged President Green to have a committee try nnd secure a state ex perimental farm for Coos County. Plans ItehiK Made. Mr Green stated last night thnt he thought tho band could bo secur ed free If a half holiday was de clared. . , .. .. Anson Rogers, .lay Tower and I Condron woro named as a special committee to see thnt tho boats are gotten out and properly decorated., The Alert has been engaged as the tlagshlp of tho mosquito Hoot and Mayor Straw will bo asked to de clare a part holiday. Next Wednes day Is a regular holiday, being Lin coln's birthday. 1IOTI.L AKltlVALS. I -I HOTIOL COOS C. Noland. Han don; Mrs. L. K. Kates. MnrBhlleld; T A. Walker. Coqullle; M. D. Sher wood. Hanilon: A. J. Forge. Hiindon: C. D. Gamut, Handon; .Ins. Harkcr, Falrvlow. I1LANCO 1IOTKL J. llnttus, Hadonn; K. It. llodsoii. Coos 111 vor; C. L. Smith, Coos lllvor: joiin Al exander. City: F. J. McCleary. City; J. A. WIckninn, Empire; It. Morgan. Marslilleld. LLOYD HOTEL M. C. Huntley. City; W. J. Mcnoneniy, City: J times Ferrari, Coalodo. THE CHANDLER. A. Davidson. Snn Francisco; W. G. Ackormnn and wife. Salem; F. It. Graft. Port land; II. C. Dement. Myrtle Point: Frank Soma, Coalodo. G. W. Hal lent. Portland; Mrs. V. Lnvannugh. Seattle; S. A. Cariulchaol, Portland; D. A. Donaldson, Portland. COOS 10. A. Along. E. 10. Van Sickle. lOintmi lliinsen, St. Anthony, Ida.: Maude Lowe. Lena Langlols, Handon; George Cllnklnboard, Coos River: P. W. Hopkins, Heavor Hill; W. W. Lawhorn. Miss WilllnniH, It. Mill.. r Hurl 10 Leslie. Gooruo Oor- illng. Ruben Mast. Clifford Kuril, Harry Oerdlng. Walter Oerdlng. Co qullle; Irwin wnisou, rroiossur uo bertson. Coqullio: S. II. Snyder. Sa lem. HLANCO- August ilerg. Empire; W. 10. Foot. Coqullle. LLOYD A. II. Alton. Norway; Jack Forsler. Itoseburg! Abo .luck son, Canton. Ohio. CHANDLER F. R. Grarf. Port land; II. H. Donohoy, Portland; O. S. Montgomery, Portland; Roy limit Icy, Portland; Helen M. N.vo. Co qullle; Thoinns W. Griffiths. Myr tle Point; E. F. Rico, Portland; J. C. Tw oiling. San Francisco; J. C. GniTou, Portland; Charles Stnrr, II. G. Starr, Davton. SPIT .(7.IXKT KIXXIOY. II. J. IsaacM Regius Action for s:tl,H:!:t on Vmlous claims, II. J. Isaacs of North lleiid bus filed suit against Major L. D. Kin ney for :il,N33.lili. Tho umotint asked Is constituted by n largo num ber of accounts which have boon assigned to Mr. Isaacs by various creditors of tho Kinney projects. PnrtlmiH nf Ixancs' Individual claims are for commissions on sales of Klnnoy real Mint-Trl agent for Ui i,roirt1 ihuiioh goiH a Jill Ki,,n, ;' , H k imld. It lHst1itedTn(t..ndlt Ion for Mm wm 8V t niont of iirecelvor e PK4 All motorcycles, .L., tomobllos run after i .',! "Ii quired i.y t , ,.Uv . ir, , equippe. with lights. :cb, nnco will be Btrlotly .?" t nil Parties drlvh,, hc",orct wiinout proper lii'in, ;.,, ."& oil nnd tholr machine li i.'"l ror tlio appearand. r tiAN In court. Ule oltty ' W CAUTEft Ihe ivoyc U.ll .M' li: VCI'i,,. Presenting Astrn tlio mV.V.' tho Orient tlio floaTlng?1 socls ix Toimiu;43L reel I feature. , 3 , ' " meat sroii , - JIhIh In Italy V ,H3'V tlio makers of n, 1V.1. "" AXI) OTllCit liiiMi. ...' 7.' Admission Tonlgbt '. TIJ new yapim:vTiu:iSi, XlGirr. " Whj Not Own Yomnr 1 o Own H ,? You can bo llio owiuM' of one of tlio uuaiosi: modem bungalows in this city, with an unob structed bay view, one of ihe best in the city. Xew, located on 112th and Commercial, plaster ed, modern ilumbi'ng of first quality. Price, $2100.00; $500.00 Down $20.00 Per Month Pay rent to yourself. If you are interested, see H. A. WELLS or TOM HARVEY. Jjj, J Don't Be Taken In fiet Real Value For Your House Furnishing Money Your neighbor is benefitted by our up-to-date 1913 styles. Why not you? Our business is good because we save our customers money. Always Something New Carload after carload arriving on the weekly steamers HARVEY CO. Complete House Furnishers. No Matter What You Want We Sell It For Less. IIeii