THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1913 EVENING EDITION. FRISCO m A WATER PROBLEM BUSINESS FOR PANAMA CANAL ITS ALL GOOD it First Addition To Marshfield .'Invest your money in Marsh field mil estate; it's all good, liny now while the prices are right and jM'oporiy can be bought on terms. Novel again will you be able to buy .Mai'shriold real estate at such low prices and eveiy dollar in vested at this time is worth two invested a few months hence. Huy in 'First Addition and you'll buy in the right section at the right price and on the right terms. This beautiful addition located on the "South Side" offers the investor or the home builder un usual values. Sightly sheltered lots, each 0x120 feet facing on an improved street at only .T'n00 each you can make the terms. Investigate this property now. Call at our ol'tice for a plat or let us show you over the addition where you obtain high values at low prices. Reynolds Development Co. Coke Building Owners. Telephone 160-J PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY BIAJAMIX OhTI.I.M), , CoiiMiltlng Knglnecr ami Auhllrcl. l'lionc I0:Mj Marshfield. Ore. T M. WIIIOHT, y co.vriurroit and Itl'lliDKIt Fillnntrn fnrnlxlinfl nn rnniinflt. Plini and Biiuciflcntloiia furnished l( desired. An honest job guaron teeJ. Phono 121-H. OLIVIA i:il.MA.V, Mprliiilwi.Tlicrniiluf Scientific Swedish Massage, Medic (Jyinnastlcs 323 S. Skill St. Phone (OKI, OSTLI.M), 1 Piano Tuner nntl Itcnnlrcr. i 3. Sixth Street. Phono 103-L I l&75T.55- WT "T-. if mi i n a 'v-im Rru J Hi f i i i i H yi p2bJc X'i Tr 1 1 t i Good Work and Small Bills Hi1 ho every man for whom wo work an udvortlsor of our plumbing. Thoy wouhl mnko oho or you, too, If you would glvo ur n clinnco to show whnt we can do. llmv about n new sanitary Imth room? Don't you think It Ih nbout t lino you bad one? People tulle nbout aueh things, you know. Willey & Schroeder atM North Front Street. IMlOXi: 77-.T ptiti, niLuv 11I....I.. 1 m , luiimi. linn 'i earner Keildenco-Studlo, 237 So. Uroadwuj rnono ls-h. W M. S. TUItPKN, aciiiti:ct Marshfield, Oregon. DR. W. MOItHOW, 111 Crimes llulldlng, ver Grand Theater. Olllm Pbono H20. Arcliltect. Jo. ciiaxdm:h, Kwm 301 and no" Coko H.tlldlng ""wuitHi, urcgon. rjBA.j.iii:Nimv'.s Modern Dental Parlors. ar equipped to do high elnsa i!JLon ?lort not,co "t tho vory ffiW'" Kwmlnatlon froo. rt.LVten,?nnt- Co,fo DIiIk.. Opp. Chindlnr Hott.1, i,on m.j. ite Orpin eto'ns 'r layers better payers. EQQS FOR SETTING 51.50 TO $2.00 I'hone l it.t .. o(;,.Li Tlie Advise of the Young .. Jo 3g HaUNDR v-.tTrtniK v tJg,w iifSw.-',? "O1 mmh, m& A urar to bfi .i , K,llJ "card ? d0 no? cm 1,ut 801o of 1511 e hJo1 f",r w''lom teetb ;nreeha Pffitid by sad ox- Coos Bay Steam Laundry lnK MAI.V 67.J. ' STATKMKNT OK CONDITION OF Flanagan & Bennett Bank MAUSIIFIICLI), OIIII. Ac tbo cIoho of biiBlnosB, Kolirunry 1, 1913. iiKsomtcns. I.onim niul DIscouiUb ?187,020.2fi llaukliiK IIoiihu .riO,OUO.OO Casb and Sight KxcliaiiKO 221, 151. 77 Total ?7G9,QS1.03 MAMMTIKS. Capttnl Stool; Paid In SurpliiB nnd Undivided rrouts DOIIObltH Total , J759.0S1.03 . $ 50,000.00 0O.OS I. -I .... (HS.99G.2D The Personal Element, Tlio offlcora nnd directors of this bank want Its customers to ronllzo that tho bank 1ms a porsonnl lutorost In tboso who do business with it. If wo ran liolp you succeed In your business enterprises It will bonoflt tbo community nnd tho bnnk as well as yoursolf. Open nnd maintain n checking account In this sound nnd do pondablo Institution. Talco ndvantngo of nil modern business motliods, mako uso of nil banking facilities, and in tho meantlmo mnko yoursolf and your buslnoss well known to tbo olllcors of tbo bank. You will find that tills courso will pay you. First National Bank Of Coos Bay Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance Title Guarantee and Abstract Co. - I113XRY SEXGSTACKKX, Mgr. Coqulllo Ofllco Phono 191 Platting Lands a specialty. Farms Timber Coal and Marshflold Offlce 14-J. General Agonts "BASTSIDB." .MArniXK-.MADi: ltAIlKS l'HKDICTKI) 1JV SAVANT lluivmil Doctor r Plillosopliy Snys lliiiiiiiu I. Iff Will lie Pro duced Chemically. UOSTOX, Feb. C.Thnt it is scl entilleally posslblo to croato human llfo by cheinleul nnd phynlcnl means and that a bnby factory Is not at all an Impossibility, though In tbo dis tant future, was asserted by Dr. Martin Kellogg Sehcrmorhorn of tho Department or Philosophy of Har vard. Dr. Sehorniorhorn spoko be fore tho Metaphysical Club. "Llfo Ih cot confined to tbo nnl innl nnd plnnt world," bo Bnltl. "Tho wholo universe. Is alive. And nil that lives lb conscious. "Anlmnls ar conscious nnd gift ed with power of thought and Im agination, oven thought ItonBcvolt, who thinks blmsolf a great huntor, says that they do not know when they nre bolng brutally slaughtered. "Plants nro conscious. Itusklu nnd Gootho agree that they are enpn ble of exercising strntogy and fore thought. I "Hence it Is obvious that tho evo lution from Ho-cnllcd mnttor to hu man llfo Is posslblo. "Tho chomlst of tho futuro will labor so that men will bo mnde In bnby fuctorlos iih chickens nro now hatched In Incubators." tui:i: Gitow.s Aitouxir WATCH LOST IX 1H8!1. ST. LOUIS. Mo., Fob. 7. Ab Mi chael Huelslug and his ncphow, Mi chael Dambacher, wore chopping down an npplo trco on tho Huolslug farm near Ilellevlllo, thoy found n sllvor watch Imboddod In thu trou nbout two feet nbovo tho ground. Tho tlmopleco nppenred to bo In porfect condltllon, although tarnish ed considerably. Inquiry among old residents of Freeburg rovoalcd that a light bad taken placo thirty years ago closo to wboro tho trco stood. Thomas Damn romombcrod that nno of tbo lighters hnd plncoil bis watch In a holo In n small npplo troo. Tho tlmopleco nover wbh rogalned nnd It is bollovod that as tho trunk grow tho halo was closed completely around tho watch. "It was along In tho fall of 18S3," Dnmn snld, "when two fnrmors qunr roled over a girl and decldod to light It out on tho Huolslng farm. "Iloforo tho strugglo ono of tho mon relieved hlmseolf of his watch nnd In tho oxcltomcnt went away without it." Golden Gate City Has Ques tion to Solve Similar to Marshfield. The following from tho San Fran cisco Call will bo of Interest to the rcBldontB of Mnrsbllcld. who nre wrestling with tbo snrno city wnter works' problem thnt Is worrying tho ruBlduiitH of tho big California city: "That San Francisco intiHt possess her own water Biipply, and Blnee tho property or tho Spring Vnlloy Water Company Is the only nvnllnblo supply that company must ngreo to sell out to tho city for nJUBt nnd cfiultablo of the Panama canal, led tho stn Reports of Freight That Will Be Shipped Back and Forth Through Water. WASHINGTON. Feb. 8. Com mcrco between the Atlnntlc ami Pacific ConBtB of the United Statoa via the Isthmuses of Panama and. Tehauntepcc aggregated approxi mately $125,000,000 in 1912 Tho rapid growth of the traffic between the piiRtcrn and western coasts of the United States via thu IsthmuscH which developed chiefly within very rocont years and Booms llkoly to further increase with the opening figure, 1b tbo belief of nonrlv ovcrv citizen approncbed for an opinion on tho subject. "Kvory public official hnd declared in favor of tho acquisition of tho property, for they reallzo better how helpless Is a community which 1b de pendent for Its very llfo on n corpor ntlon ovor which It has no control. High Ihiiiugli, Says Cnslilu. "Thomas A. Cashln, superinten ds munlclpnl rnllwny, 212 Laurel strcot, "I bellevo that tho offer of $37. 000. 000 mndo by tho city to Spring Valley and hnlf tbo Impound ed mnnoy In liberal nnd should be ac cepted. Tho mnttor has been thor oughly Investigated by City Kngl tlstlcnl division of tho Ilurenu of Forelnti nnd Domestic Coinmerco to establish at tho beginning of tho present fiscal yenr a monthly rec ord of tbo movements of tbo prin cipal articles forming this traffic. Its record for the live months end ing with November linH just been published nnd shows $21,500,000 worth of merchandise passing from tho Atlnntlc Const to tho Pacific Const via tho Tehauntepcc railroad nnd $5,000,000 worth via tho Pan ama railroad; while tbo value of that passing from the Pacific to the Atlnntlc Const wns, via tho Tehauntepcc Hue, $11,333,000, and vin tlie Pnnnnin lino. $3,750,000. neor O'Shnughnossy. City Attorney This suggestB thnt tho totnl vnluu i.uiK. .'inyor uoipn, ..utigo inriis ii.-ot tbo traffic for tho half year l.lndley nnd Supervisors Vogolsnng omiC(1 December wnB approximately and Jenn ngs, members of tho nil- $30,000,000 westbound across tho vlsory water committee. We should Tohnuntopcc route uud $0,000,000 rely upon the r Judgment. Kxton- , , , ,,nlinmn Hue; anil of east- sions lo ouuying uisiricis necessi- ,)01lm, comK from u10 Pacific tales tho purcbuso of Spring Vnlloy .Must Have Wnter riant. "J. D. anier. collector. N5 O' Par rel! street; "I certainly favor muni cipal ownership, nnd bollovo that tho city should ncqulro tho Spring Vnl loy properties upon tho best terms It ran obtain. Wo must havo the properties at any cost to give nn ado quato supply of wnter to tho out lying districts." Points to Geary lloatl Succesi. "A. T. Dellomc of tho .1. Chnrlos Green Co., resldenco 1573 Shrndor strcot: "If tbo city can tako hold or tbo Spring Valley water works nnd mnko tho wonderful success of It thnt Const Ports nnd Hawaii, $10,000,- 000 via tho Tehauntepcc lino nuOL $4,500,000 via Paunmn; nnd Hint tho totnl value of this traffic for tho full yenr approximates $123, 000.000. Tho principal nrtlcles forming this Interchange between tho At lnntlc nnd Pacific Coasts aro, In tho westwnrd movement, Iron nnd steel ninnufncturoH, nbout $8,000,000 for tho hnlf yenr ended with December; cotton cloths, nbout $3,000,000 for tho hnlf yenr; nniipr nnd mnnufne- turcB thereof, ifenrly $3,000,000, mnnufiicturcs of wool, $,250,000; ,':" ";U.,0A",".,".?UC.C,!"" i ,."v chemicals, approximately $2,000. il nun in uiuurai) oiruui roan i mvur nnn. H111()(,llr (imci'o lilinnt 7nn . les. I bollovo In munlclpnl ,irnviiiin,iv tr.nn nnn. ,.,.. ..rn..'i... .L In wlinn lin ninnnfrniiimit !r0X,"ltIy $500,000; lUUIIUfncttirOS When nurton Holmes recently gave his colobrated travelogue on "Panama" at Orchestra Hall, Chi cago, ho was seriously Interrupted by conrlnunl coughing of tho nudli nnnn 'n nnn nnnnvn wlltnclv and If people with coughs, colds, hoarse ness, nnd tickling m inroai, wouiu nan Tnlnv'R llonov & Tar Com- iinnnil tlinu pnnld nillcklv Clll'Q their coughs nnd colds and avoid this an- noyanco. For salo by Lockiiart r Parsons, tho Busy Cornor. North Bend Real Estate Two flno business lots on Sher ' man avenuo for $3500. Shriver Realty Co. 1st Nat'l Dank nidg. North nend. GET YOUR JOB PRINTING DONE AT THE TIMES' OFFICE. Union Storage Company i V. A Heard, Mgr. Expert Packers. Carpots "loaned, j Furnlturo Packed, Shipped, i Stained and Ropalred. 382 Front St. Phono 19C. Leave orders at Going & Harvey. both sides ownership when tho management uud conduct of a public utility Is based upon sound business founda tions, nnd not mndo tbo roosting placo of politicians. As to what Is a fair prIOo for Spring Valley and as to what tbo company should bo wil ling to accept, tboso nro matters to bo determined by experts represent ing both sides." City Alone to Supply Suhiiibi. "C. II. Scott, deputy sheriff, 1215 Custro street: "Tho city should own tho Spring, Vnlloy wnter Bystem, thereby giving relief to tho outlying districts, which nro now Buffering from nn lundonuate supply." Coiulcmiiutloii Ilc.t, He mij'n "lC. W. Muslin, deputy naval olll cer, custom house: "I inn positive tho city of Snu Francisco should own nil public utilities, such ns light, wa ter, fuel, gas and atreotear service. Condemnation proceedings under tho protection of tho law, with a Judgo nnd 12 Jurors, experts nnd reports In regard to tho true condition nnd value or tho wnter plnnt, Is the best wny ror Snn Francisco to ncqulro tho Spring Vnlloy property. Lognl nrbl- trntlou by stntuto is ouoctive, nut not ns good us condemnation proceedings. Arbitration without the protection of stntuto, or voluntnry arbitration Is useless, because each side can de cline to abldo by tho decision." Get Property Quickly. Colonol Georgo Stone, naval ofllcor of tho port: "Get tho Spring Vnlloy Wnter Company's proporty for Snn Francisco tho nulckost wny posslblo. Tho city should own Its own water supply, which Is Just ns nocossnry to llfo ns tho air wo broatho, and a community should not dopond on tho whims of n prlvnto corporation as to whothor or not thoy nro to bo suppliod with wator." Vhv lluhlness Mcthodi. "C. I). Ilunkor, customs broker: "Acquiring tho Spring Vnlloy Wnter Compnny'B proporty, which tho city of San Francisco should do without moro dolay, should bo like any busi ness deal. Doth parties should bo willing to glvo and take a Ilttlo. 1 favor arbitration In such matters, but U a prlco cannot bo roncbed In that wny tho mnttor should bo taken In to tho courts ror condemnation." Favors Arbitration, "Joseph L. Iiloy, customs nttor noy: "Undor tho present administra tion I favor arbitration In regard to tbo city or San Francisco acquiring tho Spring Valley proporty. Undor a doubtful administration I would favor condemnation proceedings. In either case tho city should own its water supply." "llenjamln McGowan: "Tho city of San Francisco should own Its wator supply. I facor acquiring it by ar bitration." Ilequlips Deep Study. "James T. Dnlley, secrotnry of San Francisco Machinists. "This mat ter of tho purchnso of Spring Valloy proporty Is a deep question that will roqulro a great doal of study by tho averago citizen boforo bo can form nn intelligent opinion us to tbo prlco of tho plant for municipal purpose. Great care should bo oxorclsod In this mattor.' " Mrs. S. S, S., Van Duron St., Kings ton, X Y. (full name furnished on application) had such clodded ben efit from using FoIhj'h Honey & Tar Compound thnt she shares her good fortune with others. She writes. "Foley's Honey & Tar Compound brought my volco back to mo during- a sovero caho of bron chitis and Inryngltls. Oh, how many people I bao recommended It to. Sold bv Iockbntt & Parson", tho Uusy Cornor. OK of copper, botween $1,000,000 and $2,000,000; boots nnd shoes, nbout $350,000; cotton wenring appnrol. $1,500,000, and mineral oil, abaiP $ruo,O0O In value. Tho principal articles formin r tho $8,000,000 worth of Iron nnd steel mnnufnetures nro mnchlnory, nonrly $1.000.00o; building hnrd wnro, moro than a half million; nulls nnd spikes, about one-third million: sheets nnd plntes, nbout oue-hnir million, nnd tools, about oiio-hnlr million dollars. Tho merchandise shipped from tho Pnelflp Coast to tho Atlantic sea board, Included nbout $1,500,000 worth or canned salmon; nearly a hnlf million dollars' worth or rais ins; moro thnn n qunrtor million dollnrn' worth or prunos; moro thnu $1,500,000 worth of presorvod fruits; $2,000.(11)0 worth of wines; nnd nonrly $2,000,000 worth of wool, whllo Biigar shipments from tho Hawaiian Islands amounted to over $7,000,000 In value for tho llvo months In quostlon. Consldornblo iniuutltles of mor- chnndlso bound ror foreign countricH niso uuiizo now the trniiB-lsthmlnu ronton. ShipmeutH from the At lantic Const to foreign countries via the Isthmus ko chiefly via tho Pnnnnin routo unci Include for tho six mouths ended with Decembor. approximately $1,500,000 worth to Pom, nearly 1,000.000 to Kcuador, about two-thlrds or a million to Chllo, nnd nbout $2,000,000 worth to tho Central American StaleH. Tho eastbound traffic rrom tho Pa cific Coast to forolgn countries nmountod to nbout $1,000,000 vnluo for the six months, the Inrgost oln glo movomont being from Snn Francisco to Germany. $1,750,000 value; while that to Franco wiih nbout $050,000 uud to Knglund about $350,000 In vnluo. OASTHO STILL l'lllMJ. t'lidcslnilile ftlicii Another Week' Tlmo In Xpw York. (njr Auoelated vrt to Cooa IViy TIniM NHW YORK. Fob. 7. Clprlnim Castro, ex-presldont of Vonozuoln, will hnvo nt lonst nnothor weok of liberty bofoio the; federal court ren ders a decision In tho mnttor of tho habeas corpus writ recently ob tained In his bohair. Castro's coun sel uud rounsol for tho government argued for an hour this nftornoon boforo Judge Wnrd for and against tho writ, nftor which tbo court granted a week's tlmo for oach side to fllo briers. Ponding tho decision Castro will bo Troo to come and gq ns bo plonsos undor bonds. UVKN A POSTAL CLNItK IS MAD12 MAD I1Y DAI) WHITING. Old Ihuployc Tears Up Troublesome Letter to Get II Id of It. LOS ANGKLKS. Feb. 7. -That tho troubles of mall clerks with mls addrossod lottors and Inollglblo band writing frequently nro sulllclont, llt orally to ilrlvo one mad., was exem plified hero In tho easo or 10 W. Gale, aged 70, a poatofllco omployo for nlnoteon yours, who wns charged with having torn up n letter thnt had been sent to numorous nddrcsscH In the liopo of finding the owner, but always enmo back unclaimed. Galo was charged technically with "embezzling of mall," but the pot,tol Inspectors who arrested him wore convlncod that tho lnvavlablo return of tho lcttor had worried him to tho point of mental nberrntlon, nnd they decided to drop prosecution