The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, February 06, 1913, EVENING EDITION, Page 6, Image 6

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I 6
Beautify Yomf Hm at a
mall Cost
Homst itched Curtain Scrim,
inn yard
Hemstitched Swiss,
per yard
Cream Madras, Figured,
per yard
Fillet Lace Draperus,
per yard
Odessa Silk Sunl'ast Overhanging. 7
per yard
Specnal Rogs to Match AH Haimglirags
New Cooclh Covers and Foirtneires
on nio
0 A
Steamer Sails This Morning
for San Francisco witli
Passengers and Freight.
Tim Rodondo willed thlrt morning
for Sim Francisco with piisscngors
mill rrolght. Most or her cargo
was liiinliur from tlio Smith mill.
In the freight wan n shipment of SO
sacks of potatoes liy Win. Ahlskog
of Ton Mlh' for Sim Francisco.
Those tire the first potatoes shipped
from hero In quite uwlillo.
Among those sailing on tlio Ro
ilonilo worn tlio following
Olive HnskliiH, Mrs. It. I., linn
kins, Mrs. W. Warren, Florence
ltolifold, MIhh k, Anderson, Krvhi
Morgan, HiinkoII Morgan, Mih. Huh
Hull Morgan, F. Mi'Donulil, ('. II.
Osgood, II. (Inrillnnr, L. Curlson.
MIbs Mabel CnrlHon. F. Olden. T.
W. Ki'liiillnr, I. W. Dollnnim. .1. L.
Arinlgo. .1. llusklns, T. W. I. Wltto.
V.. C, Munition, A. MeKoown. Jhh.
A. MeKoown, Mih. I,. .1. SlmpHoii, ('.
Jtclifohl, .1. A. MiiIhoii, II. I.nrldiuii.
N. Jensen, I'. K. Porter. I lurry
Hire, W. Unit. I't'ttT Hold. .1.
Pyiio. .loo Argoso, .Ilni Cook. II.
C. Kgbort. W. Ilrimn. 1'itiil. Spuhol.
l. Iluimnn, I'. W. Peterson. .1. 1).
1 duty id. Joliii Hul II vii ti. .loo Sunn'.
Steamer Sailed at 6 O'clock
This Morning for Eureka;
Ship Lumber for South.
Tlio Alllnnro milled nt 0 o'clock
tlilH morning for Kurokn. Slio hiln n
number of piiBsongorH from Mursh
llolil In iiililltlon to tlio through pus
HoiiKcrH from I'ortlnnil.
Among tlio Hhlnmontt) from tlio
Alllnnro dock toduy wore n nnmlior
Captain Donaldson Will Re
ceive First News of Loss
Cnpt. Dounldson, owner of the
building destroyed by lire hero Mon
day, haii not' yet licnrd or IiIb loss,
lie Ih In cominnnil of tlio steamer
Tnhoo. which loft GruyB Nurhor
liiHt .Monday for San Pedro. She
will reach thoio tomorrow mill lio
or Rhlp knees, which were consigned WJ ' receive Otto Sehcttor's
to Monro limit mid Company or Sim wlro uollt ' ImKc to his prop.
Francisco. C'ooh County Is Hnlil lo C,ty. , .. ...
rnrnlHh tho host lnnilier ror ship , Mr. Scho tor says thnr ho will not
hulldliiK that Ih ohtalnahle iinywhero know until ho hears Irom dipt.
In the country Donaldson what will ho done with
Aiiioiik those kiiIIIiik on tho Al- !'' properly. It Ih lielloved that
llniico today rrom Cooh Hay were "o building Ih ho badly dninnged
the following: Unit It can not be repaired mid
L. M. Johnson. K. P. Rogers. F. "" tho flro limit- ordlnniico pro-
O. Lnyton. h. Iliirton. (!. C. (inutli- ""'Its a new frame structure there,
lor. I II. Martin. Mih. K. 1. Rogers. A report wnH In clrculnlion to-
K. 1). Dowh. '' that Messrs. Matson. Smeaton
nun i.ocKuari mignt liny tuo prop-
ItOSMIIL'ltC HANK .MKIM.' , '" and put up i fine hulldliiK
, It. They bought' tho corner or
ItOSKIUmt!. Fob. 15. An Import- '"""t nnd Central hint year ror
nut transaction In llnanclal circles I Hi. ."00. That property Is ,"0x15
look place when tho stock or tho feot. Tlio DonalilHon property has
Find TriiHi and Savings Hunk of thin SO feet frnntngo on Central and Ih
city was purchased by tho share- CO feet deep. Mr. Sebotter stnted
holders or tho Domains National that If was held at sr.iuioi). If
. .iit'iii. a ' ,.., ,.., . i .
.1 M. Studhrokc. (', Khorl. H. Dur-1 "'" "' ""' noreuner no con- .m-nnm. .muimui, i.orKiuiri nun
110V It I 1 OW'lH I IIIICll'll llll IIIO 1 1 WW linillTN UHlll'l .1IIH1IIWII III! UUI lll, II, II1V.V Hill'
" ' "' 1 ! tho niunagement or Mr. W. II. Klsh- nirango to have Cnpt. DoiiuIiIhoii
,... ntviiMv ' 01 nH 'Hhler. who bus lOHlgned his build n rino building Jointly with
i.m.i i iii.n i.n n..Miu.. position iih ciiHlilor with the Uouglas thoni. Messrs. I.ockhnrl and .Mat-
., . ., ... :.. ,. , .. National Ihink ror that purpose. win went to San Francisco today.
tlilli; I fin llll ifirM I mill Mill III llll'
Itllllll I'llllll,
At tho road lueetlug Friday nftei
lioen tho vole stood IIS lo Hi In ra
ven or uiwrting eignt mills or tlio s. sUelton. n merclinnt
ten mill tux. recently voted ror tlio stmily. Intl.. hii.vh bo would not Hid- hit.
Have your job printing done at'
The TimoH oflhe. !
, tt w - ... r Silas Clirlslni'l'ci'Miii AccuuildNlieN
at -N'ew Fouls In Sun Fimii-Ici,
Kilns CliilhiofluiKon, the hlrdmaii
ii paliis " iina'ii. couuuuen io lie tuo
Two-mlle road and putting H on the tall, jiod.oo for the relief a single who gave tho suecensrul aeropla
Township Hue rniid beiweeu Hun-nox of i.i,.v'm Kldnev Pills gave 'l li.Mlroplnne exhibitions on Co
don nnd the Cinry Coiiniy line. Tho n,n ..j m,j"u severe utinck or kid- Ua. under the auspices or the Co
entlro tax amounts to u little uxor ' ...... iri,i,i ii;, wiuirn mihiK Hay Times, continues to l t
tiu.iiiiii nun it win ineri' no in- (,rougli m back and could hardly ,'lor figure In nerlal nnvlgutloii nt
vldod nbout IS.Oiin to $2,000 In r.i- Hi,Ki,i,.u up. . Mingle box or S Francisco. Tlio othor day ho
vor or the Township line mad KiU K Kldiu 1'IUs entlrelv ie- Iwl tlio siennier ClevelHiul with 3CS
Ihiudiui Itetonli
Times' Want Ails brlni; results
Vv ns ti'o v Corner
styif ttis rdJ
jn iuwnw &
o7" vy
leie.l me" Sold In l.oiklurt & people who are touring tho world
Jinn i ue nay witli Ills hydroplane.
Cuniernliijt his reals with photo
graphy, tho Chronicle says:
For sumo months Chrlstorfersou
I as tieeu making nights abom tho
ui nnd buy. often tarrying pas-
n us. and has uier with no dlill-
i' lie now has under consld
ti. Hon u proposltiiin to establish
an nerlal ferry sen lie to triinsbiiv
In his flights he has been ox
peiluienilng with a camera, nnd his
suices-8 an shown In the photograph
hoiowlth opens almost endless pos
sibilities, not only for the photo
grapher, but for tlio aeroplane."
A. f. S. Blood Remedy i""ZS!l
d of extracts
liiatlon with
vniuanie ait raties ilia, eiinilnn'es poisons from tho blood and tls
6UC.S. (.outalus no altolml or uieuuiy.
ompound, an Ideal
bprliiK remedy and ap-
A. D. S. Sarsaparilla f;
proed tonic
A. D. S. Malt, Extract, i"lmW
The North llend Library Associa
tion will meet Friday afternoon In
the Coininercliil Club rooms at 2:30
A meeting of tho full membership
Is doslrod nlso all thoso who wish
to be rccognUed ns charter members
or tho association. Women, who
have recently conio to tho city to ro
sldo are especially lnlted. I'lnna
ror work are to bo made and definite
nctloii taken to forward the move
ment ns rapidly as possible.
Sec re t n ry.
Quick Mntoirjilo DcIUery
l'lione IHM.J
' Main- Marshtleld people who
, have chronii- npiu'ndlcltls, whkh Is
, not ory 11.11111,11, hae doctored ror
years ror g.u on the stomach, sour
stoin.uh or constipation. Tho
I.ockhart-r-nisons Drug Co. state It
,iiese leoplo will try A SINGLE
I nosh or kimpld buckthorn bark,
glycerine, etc., as compounded In
(.mei-j-ivn, rie remedy which bo-
litiuo laninus i curing npncndlcl-o?m-I,'1cv,
wlll, ,m BuriHiseil nt tho
OI'll M linn a(
Practically Sure that Coos
Bay Will Secure Appro
priation Next Time
KnthiiHCd over tho results obtain
ed through the conrerenco with tho
I'nlted States engineers nnd Con
gressman llawley and other olllclals
at Washington, Captain Macgenn of
tho Hrenkwatcr arrived horo today
on that vessel, lio snld that the
delegation uccoinpllsheil big things
ror Coos Hay and that early re
sults might bo expected.
As n result or the conrerenco and
n plan which the 1'ort of Coos liny
has about agreed upon, ho expects
to sco nlmost Immediate results ob
tained In tho bar Improvement. The
port by this plan will utilize $150.
000 rrom the recent bond sale In
co-operation with tho government
nnd quick results are bound to fol
low. "Mr. llawley arranged our con
ference with tho engineers nnd nN
tor Introducing iib, spoke ror sever
al mlnutcH on the situation," said
Captain Mnegenn to day. "lie was
followed by L. J. Simpson, who
mndo mi excellent talk, and then
C. A Smith presented the matter In
Its business significance. lie told
of his constructing the big ships to
ply into Coos Hay on tno assuraiuo
ot better harbor fiuiltlea and point
ed out the growth or shipping hero
nnd the needs ot butter service.
Following Mr. Smith's talk. Mr.
llawley called on me nnd 1 brought
out tho map showing the soundings
on the bar and explained the tides
to them. Tlio cuglneeis wore much
Interested in this, ns It enabled
them to study the sltiintlon. 1 ex
plained to them tlint the bar dredge
while of some bcueut, could not
do a great deal. 1 told thorn Unit
1 approved Col. Koessler's nblo re
port, with the one exception, and
that was tlint the bar dredge could
not work six weeks or tho year on
tho Coos Hay bar Instead of six
mouths .that Col. Koessier estimated
It might.'
"The Southern Pacific uttorney at
Washington appeared with us In be
half of the company nnd ho told
the engineers briefly what tho com
pany was flgiulng on doing there.
This followed n statement by Mr.
Smith nnd Mr. Simpson oi the
growth or the lumber shipping and
other IndustiicH on the Hay. The
Southern I'nclflc attorney rofnrrud
to Coos liny oh n "garden In which
the coiupimy wnH going to work
"Later, I oHked the engineers u
they could accept the $lBO.00O
rrom the Port or Coos Hay to bo
used by tho engineers In starting
tho Jetty or tho $200,000 ror har
bor Improvements. I did this utter
n little tnlk with Major Morrow.
Mr you do that and wo can't get
money rrom congrens, what will von
do then. Joshlngly I nun I red ono
momber. 'Oh. but I am hiiio or
tlio result,' I responded. 'That's a
good Iden and ono wo should con
sltler." Interjected another moinbor
or tho liomil or englnoeiH.
"While they did not actuullv pro
inlso us nny thing, they practically
gavo us uBsurnnco that they would
secure nu appropriation ror the
north Jetty nt tho next session or
congress. We nil told them or the
necessity or something being done
Immediately, declaring that the sit
uation was such ns to brook no (Jo
lay nnd consequently wo woro will
ing to put lino. 000 or $200,000 up
to secure action.
"Dr. McCormnc gnvo sonio Inter
esting facta about tho condition or
tie bar In years gouo by ami the
growth or shipping. Messrs. (iroon
nnd mimes did not tnlk bororo the
committee, although they were pres
onr. ns tho others covered most of
tho ground.
"Ileforo going to Washington. I
was called to Snn Francisco nnd
asked to act as tho representative
or the Southern I'nclflc in bohair or
the harbor work. Mr. MilIU orrer
oil to have the southern Pacific pu
nil my OXliousee. In ailillilmi i r,...'
ulshliig ti.o transportation both way
but I told him that the Port or Coon
Hnj had offered to do this.
'After our work nt Washington
was done. I wont to New York nnd
Oyster liny nnd had a Mne meeting
with Teddy, who received n... .,,.,.
royally. I had mill.) n tnii, ,. i,i.
him nnd ho wanted me to meet I
i npuiiii Ainniunilnon. the expl uei
...w .... ftiiuni. mil I Kllll ,n
that I did not care to Intrude on
his company. Ue praised some or
my poetry nnd sndi Mini n,. ...i.
Ject or otliors was good. After he
oarned that I did not want to uso
him for commercial purposes, ho
U'nu mn.i, rl.... .11.. .1 .'.
.....t .i.u.u iiiuiiui- man ovor.
womc ox nmnans.
Southern Paclllc Plans Construed,,,,
ti Lingo uncs on Line.
r.i.uft.M'.,, ure.. KoD. u. Tho work
i iiuiuiiiK souuiiings ror tlio several
big bridges 011 tin Kuennn.nnna n..
branch of tho Southern Pncllle hns
bogun, now that tho war department
hns approved tho plans ror tho con
struction or tho brldces. nn,i m...
structures will bo rushed to coni-t
plotlon. The principal bridges will
bo across tho Sluslaw and I'nipqun '
Hlvors and Coos llav. but iimn .m '
bo many smaller structures. AH tho
brldgo stool ror tho entlro lino be-!
tween nugeno nnd the mouth or the
Sluslaw has arrived in Kugene, nnd
Is stacked up In the nintorinl yards
here. It will bo placed In position!
ns fast ns tho rails are laid to tho
various stromas which thov win '
imu. r.uougn mus io lay tho track
from Kugene to Notl tunnol, 23 miles
out of Kugene, nro on hand, and
track laying will begin ns soon as
tlio ground becomes dry enough.
Try Tho Times' YaT"Ads.
The last, steamor brought us a lino- of
"U nm
superior lo any over siiown on Uoos Bay.
arc dainty as tho petal oi' n plum blossom a!
beautiful as a spring morning. They are the J
nui .i-o.'ilinns! nf Ihe, best inaniil'aetiiTni' in a
and our system of doing business enables us to o?
I'er you a better that is, a. lower )rice than v0n
have ever been given on these goods.
Vou must see tiie goods to appreciate tlio value
Our line embraces Unbatai Silk Kimonos, k
ported Cotton Crepe Kimonos, .Mandarin Coats
old Chinese and modern .Japanese styles. i'w
come in blue, gold and colors.
The prices lower than ever before offered on
Coos Hay.
$1.25 TO $12.50
OVonnell nuilding. Market Av
cm HER
Concern Filing Report Shows
Net Income for 1912
Was $42,447.97.
KICIIMON'l). Feb. C Tho Peo
ple's Water Company. In its nuiiiiul
report llled with tho city dork,
places Its net Income for 1!U2 rrom
Its Richmond plant nt $ IL'.I I7.'.I7.
Tho gross receipt!) were $81,725,711,
out ot which the company spent $.'10.
'Itili.OTi on extensions. Tho dopro
(iiitlou or the plant was $10,r8G.:ir.
The Richmond plant or tho company
is valued al $0 IS, 15 1. III.
MISSI.M.' M'ltSK For.VO.
Leaving the homo or Mr. and
Mrs. Illugor lloriuauu, nt tho corner
ot Main ami Mosher streets, short
ly after ; o'clock Sunday morning,
with the appuieiit Intention of in
tending services ut the Catholic
church. Agnes Mnnulon, aged 211
years, and ror the past fourteen
mouths employed as governess over
Mudgo Miller, who a row years ago
was rendered helpless through a
severe attack or Infantile paraiyshi,
wandered Into the hills nnd canyons
east of tlio city and not until Tues
day morning was she located hv
the persistent searchors sent In pur
suit. Roseburg .News.
Along the Waterfront.
Tho Randolph, which hns been ex
pected for several duys to nrrlve hero
to load ror Port Oiioed, had not ar
rived at noon today.
Tlio Elizabeth willed rrom Ilan
don yesterday ror San Francisco.
The Speedwell Is duo to lenvo
San Francisco iiliout February 10
tor Coos Hay.
The Washington sallod this morn
ing rrom Xorth llend with u big
cargo or lumber nnd othor frnlicht
rrom North Uond.
Tho llronkwntor todnv brought
down u now black buoy to roplaco
me one ni mo entrance to Coos
liny, which was recently cnriiod
away. Tho now buoy will bo placed
Young People of Presbytia
congregation Elect Mrs. I
Robinson Leader.
At n uieetln:; last nlglt, il
young people ot tlio JlmiJI
Presbyterian diurcli orgitiiti
choir to dike cIiiiijjl' of tie til
In tho church There nit
attendance ut hint cvcnlngi t-j
lug mid the preliminaries it.iJ
Mrs. K. I,. Robinson, Ut i
known Mnrshtleld saprino, l
elected director ot the choir i
Miss Marie Senninu uai tfrl
orguiilst. Thone present it
meeting were The Mlixt
Ayre, Kntlierlne Smith, hni-
Olndyu Dlnieut and Lotus HIE
vey Wnlter.
All of the young people cl-
church nro Invited to Join thet'J
Wo wish In v, ,..,!, ....
. . -.-.. ... ,.... . u.,,i'n .fill
iimiiKs tor tho co-operntlon shown us
in tlio bonelit ball Tuesday evonlng
ror the Murshrield piibllc library. In
addition to the pntronngo wo wish
to thank nil who so kindly donated
various artldes that contributed to
the success or th oent
--, T11H llRIDOH CLIM).
Tllll nilAN'OLFR S. &ft
Snn Francisco; L. J. Morpil
Francisco; R. II Shank, Poni
.1. P. Uynii. Portlniul; I'. D.W
Sun Francisco; .1. M. .Nje, Coi
.1. W. Miller, Couullle; JsbmF
sytho, I'ortlnnil. H. Llprnan.?.
Innd: I). A. nonnltlson. Tortx
w n iwlnlnli Pnrllinil: ilia
.lutizon. PorUun. F. M. Caw.K
lnnd: C. I). Thomas, roriuna.n
Oborlo. Portland, O. II. Wf;
land; K. F. Poraden. I'orianU
McCiuro, Portlnnd. L.
lnnd; J. W. Miller, CoQullle: I
Dornn, Portland.
, . -i iuvmit lliimM B.l'.l
l.l.u 1 ij iiuinii - - , J
San Francisco. Vnno Cani!,
Portlnnd; John Tolley, Vf
Dovo Mercliani. """""n.i. i
amithlor. Couullle B. h. W'
don; J. ii. itoaiu, v'i"'"y
If you hnvo anything to leai
trndo. or want iioi- ni
When Ilurton Ho " ,.r,,
gnvo his colebrated traf.--.-f
"Paiiniim" nt Orchestra ll.
cngo. ho wns scrlors :ljr iW
by continual coug InB ".'j.,:
onco. No ono annoys wl'
U people with con, s.coIJJ.t
noils, nnd tickling In ' .
uso Foley's Honcv & '" f!
pound, tney comu ,i",v""il'!ii
roiiRliB npd colds aiiiI a"W l
noynnco. For ral l'V f
Parsons, nio im .-
Saturday Special Sale
8-Qt. Enameled Dish Pan
Sale opens 9 a. m. Only one sold to each pure
No phone orders accepted.
Peoples' 5-10-15c Store
qviCK benefit.