THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 11913 EVENING EDITION. Dayton Bicycles Another Advertisement of Advertising We lulwi-iisfi-s nre not i lying to gel, higher jiriros. Wciii- trying to got more husiness. We iii'- trying to convince you of the quality of the ,'o'nU wo sell. For instance: The laundrynian assures you thai your clothes will be thoroughly washed when you get them. The milkman assures you that your milk will W ,o washed at all when you get it. The Mank floes not advertise with the intention of charging more for its accommodations- it is nfler more business. The Power Company does not advertise with the intention !' getting higher prices for their light u-power. They are after more husiness. We are all trying to reach more people. We wish lo let you know ahout the quality of our goods ! attract your attention to them, expecting thai when your attention is called to their merits you will patronize us. Another point - Tor you gentlemen who are boosting for Marshl'ield and the Bay: Consider that the man whom you are trying to king here will make it a point to get a Inrshl'ield paper, or you will send him one. His first impres sions arc formed from the appearance of that paper. From its advertising columns, wliich may look sleepy or alive. Teanie here, parllv because I saw the Coos I Jay Times of June l."i, nev true. T never exaggerate in an advertisement, and 1 vcr state anything which I! do not believe to he 1 believe that every bicycle, but one, sold to a business man of .Mars'hfield in the last twelve months is a Dayton IMcycle. Why Is This So? Ask the Riders The newsboys vide Daytons. The messenger hoys ride Daytons. The collectors ride Daytons. The Bye Works ride Daytons. The brewers ride Daytons. The real estate men ride Daytons. Jlio coffee and spice men rido Daytons. The superintendents of coal mines rido Daytons. The grocers ride Daytons. wif ronvince you that it will he to ijour in lcicst rule a Dayton. Diwftlih lasl il,irly (lays wc lmvo sol(l Da.vlon TlieMusson Draying Company. Jta Murshfield Cleaning and Dye "Works. Tll wshf Ma Coffee and Spice Company. 01n' adveir V,Cl 1,mk nu oxaSei'ad statement in Marshfield Cyclery A2ent8 for DAVroN BICYCLES PI ne 158.R Agents for OLIVER TYPEWRITERS 172 N, Broadway ' l?.V "' s-' FOTl SORE MUSCLES JIWD STIFF JOIMTS. Sorcnosi nnd stiffness of muscles nnd JoiiitR, weak and lama haLlca, gout, rheumatism, sciatica, a;ul neuralgia; nprains, strains, brutics, swelling and Inflammation can all Lo cured or prcatly iclicvcd by , RUBBING OIL The remitkablo curing qualities of this toftcnlng and healing liniment Lave mado it a favorite amour; athletes nnd others to cure, strengthen nnd prevent week, stiff and soro mus cles. Stimulates and cures ng circulation nt the locality applied. Two ulio bottles, :5c and 50c. Lockhart-Parsons Drug Company The Rcxall Store "The Busy Corner" Phone -Main 208 Us SAFES! Need a Safe? Sure! WM. RUDOLPH, Chandler Hotel WANT ADS. WANTED (.'li-l nt Chuiitllcr Clgnr Ktiiud, Easy hours. WANTED ICiioni in private family by olllco 1111111, Address '., Cure Times. WAN'TEI) Hoy, must lie 1(1 years old. Apply Coos liny Steam Laundry. FOIt SALE CHEAP Xcw motor boat, 22 x It 1-2 with 0 h. p. en gine. Speed III miles. O, I), Illckur, Itoynl Tlicntrc. WAN'TEI) Young liuly wishes place to earn board mid room by doing any work out of school hours, Apply Coot) Hay Business College. FOR REXT Housekeeping npnrl incuts $12. I'lioiio 31fi-X or call at II 3 North Second Btreot. FOUXD Brown plnsli hat mi the Breakwater. Owner can have samo by paying for this ad nnd claiming property at Hreakwater olllco. WANTIIO Itnoni, or room nnd board in prlvnto family by young 111 nn. Roforoneons. Address, C. M. Terry, Gonornl Delivery, Marsh-field. TIDES FOIt FEBRUARY. Below Is given the tinio and height of high and low water at Mnrshrield. Thu tides nro placed In tho order of occurrence, with their times on tho first line nnd heights on the second lino of each day; n compai I son on consccutlvo heights will Indicate whether It Is high or low water. For high water on tho bar, BiiiiRtrnct 2 hours 34 minutes I! I Irs. n . . 7 I Irs. I Ft.. Slllrs. Ft.. :t.:i 1 n.o 1.00 "1.1 1.2-1 5.3 s.r.i 2.7 11.25 2.5 9.50 2.52 U.20 (i.l 0.5 3.2(5 9.18 5.0 0.2 3.57 10.12 5.G 0.3 I WEATHER FORECAST. 6 I IJy Associated Press I OREGON Fair tonight nnd I Friday. Colder tonight. Enst- erly winds. Continued cold for several days. LOCAL TEMPERATURE RECORD. For the 21 hours ending nt 1:13 a. m., Feb. fi, by llenj. Ostllud, spcclnl government mo tcorologlcal observer: Maximum 51 Minimum -10 At 4:13 a. in 13 Precipitation none 1'reclpltntlou since Sopt. 1, 1012 12.72 Precipitation snmo orlod previous year no. 58 Wind Northwest, cloudy. IlOItX. WINKLER To Mr. nnd Mrs. Harry Winkler, nt their home in West MnrHhflchl, Thursday, Feb. (5, an eleven-pound dnughtcr. Mother nnd child arc doing nicely nnd Mr. Winkler Is nbout tho happiest mortul that one could Imagine. I 'Oil SAMC Good mil; furniture nt tho prlco of junk, by tho jilore or all. It. It. Cnmoron, Eustsiao. WANTED Wasliwomaii to 1I11 wmk at house. A. 11. M., Times olllco. Minneapolis Property Wanted. WANTED To exchange- my well Improved nnd finely located prop erty on Enstsldo for Minneapolis proporty. A good opportunity for anyouo to mnko a good dcnl. Call and seo mo at Eastslde. W. L. La Palme. WAXTED Posllioii as housekeeper. Iloferences exchanged. Club pre forcd. Box 533, Mnrshflold. FOR SALE .Towel Ons Stove in good condition. Also heritor. Mrs. M. T. Brltton, 19C N. Second St. KOIt SALE Rooming house, 12 rooms, 19C N. Second St., Mrs. M. T. Brltton. FOR REXT Two rooms furnished for light housekeeping. 1C3 South Second Btreot. WAXTKI) To buy tent, 12 x 11 or 12 x 1C. Parties having samo ad dress P. O. Box 7C7, Mnrshflold. WAXTKI) Sewing by Mis. C. E. Poolo, 313 South Broadway. WANTED Twelve experienced min ors and timber men. Apply Beav er Hill Coal Co. FOR SAIA3 Flvo high-class White, Wyandotte's and Rhodo Island Reds, young roosters, 8 months old. bred from first clasB stock, $3.50 to $6.00 each. This Is a snap' for anyone wanting a good Buys ProMrly. Dennis McCar thy has purchased two lots on South Fifth street, near his homo, from 13. W. Franklin of G-nrdlnor. Leave Tomorrow Miss March, Mr. Scoto, Henry Hudfon, Fred Holm and Del Hudson nro listed to lenvo on the Drnln-CJnrdlner stage tomorrow. Xcw (ii-eenhousc. Bennett Swan ton Is constructing n greenhouso nenr his home on Highland nvcnuo and will dovote his Hparo time to ralHlug cholco flowers. Buys Lots 13. B. Curtis of North Bend has just purchased three lots In Bunker Hill through Walter Itlchnrdson, from T. II. Barry, lie may build on thorn soon. Ilnhy (ilrl Arrives. Coob Bny friends havo received tho good news of the birth or a baby girl to Mr. nnd Mrs. Victor Wlckmnn at their homo In Coiiullle. Many frlouds will extend congratulations. Sells Property. Constable Cox today will sell a team and about 100 railroad ties owned by Young niolor and Bnrthun of Slough to satisfy u Judgment for nbout $100 which Messrs. DIndlngor re cently secured ugalust them. Burled Today. Coroner Wilson announced today that ho would bury Chnrles Foster, who dlod soon after being found uncouscloim in Hazel Cameron's house, today or tomor row, Ho finds that thu right lining of tho deceased Is Thomas Chnrles Forsborg. Xew Camp It Is stated that a second camp for getting out tics on tho Songstacken ranch on South Slough will be put In by tho Estn brook Company. W. H. Best has charge of tho operations thero nnd will place Crump nnd Stephens In chargo of tho second camp. Gets Many Answers. "Stop that want nd of mine for n house for rent," remarked J. C. Douno last ulghr. Tho house nu South Fifth streot has hcou rented. I guess 1 must have had forty answers to tho ad. I did not think that houses woro us scarco as they uro. Sells Big. "Pieaso stop my want ad of a rig for sale." remarked .las. Pnrker of North Bond yesterdny. "Tho first day's ad sold It and I wns surprised to seo tho quick re sults It brought. I had ordered the nd to run four days. It Is the best fifteen cents I havo spent In n long time." Case Continued. Tho Stevens case at Coqulllo wherein a young man wns arrested on tho charge of fnlluro to provide for his young wife, which wns sot for hearing this week, wns continued, owing to .ludgo Sperry. nttornoy for Stevens, being too ill to appear in court. No deflnlto dnto was set. Takes Prisoners Away. Shoriff W. W. Ongo and Vernon Barker loft this morning with three Cons county prisoners for Salem. Tho prisoners wero A. Johnstone, sen tenced for from two to flvo years Tor raising tho Sinlth-Powors tinio check, J, W. Wright, sentonced for from two to flvo years for passing bogus checks on Cal Wright nnd A. B. Smith In Mnrshflold, and CJl"-i?1!3! BenteiiPgd from two to rooster. Apply nt Kmplro Poul try Ranch or Postofrico, Empire SOCfATi CAIjKXDAII THURSDAY A. N. W. Club will meet with Mrs. F. E. Allen. Mlnnle-Wls Club with Mrs. Chas. LnChupoltc. Norwoglan-I.uthcrun Young Peo ple's Society nt tho Church hall. FRIDAY Baptist Young People's Union with Miss Mamie Uulovsou. which they are figuring on putting in this Hummer. J. E. NOAH of North Coos Itlver wns ln town today. DR. GEO. E. D1X was at Couullle yesterday as a witness in tho Rnn dall personal Injury ense. MR. and MRS. PETI311 OUILMAM8 are spending tho day In town from North Coos River. MRS. JOHN MESSERI.E and daugh ter, Miss May, uro In town to day froin CntchiiiK Inlet. NINIAN WUBSTI3II rune to Marsh lleld from the .Mai ulT ranch on bouth Coos Rlwr today. f ve years for the North Bend News MISS KVKI,YN ANDERSON left on Company robbery. Mr. Barker. tu. lU'dondo this morning for a who recently returned rrom Ihigene. three months' visit to Honolulu, may remain In the valley. Tho CHAS. DFNOAN. tho South Coos prisoners were brought over yestei day from Coquille and kept In the city Jnll here. Independents Win The Mursh llcld Independent Basketball team defeated the Marshlleld high school team by u score of 30 to 10 last night. Aid Butchery E. O. Hall Is cir culating a petition to the legislature asking n continuance of tho appro priation for tho mnlntnlnnuco of the South Coos River butchery. Every body Is signing It. (Jets C11B. Rev. John E. Osltind pastor of the Swedisli Lutheran church of Marshfield, lias Just re reived a call from the church at KIngsburg, Calif., to accept tho pas torato there. Rev. Osltind has been here only about n year and his many friends hope that he will not loaves here, although tho offer from the California congregation Is a very flattering one. Moves Here. C. P. Keating of Myrtle Point, who hns been with Ben McM illicit there, bus taken a position with the Smith Company I1010 nnd will move his family to Mnrshflold. Ills brother, Leo, tuny come here uIbo. Mr. Kentlng's sis ter will- teach tho next term of school nt l.lliby. They will reside in tile Donne house on South Fifth street. Fnllicr Bond. A telegram was received hero this morning announc ing tho death of the rather of Mrs. S. C. Small nt his homo In Mon tana. Mrs. Small wan enroute home to Mnrshrield, but on learning or his deatli yesterday, turned back to attend the fiinornl. She had just visited nt her old home. Mr. Small Is at Baudon today, having Just re turned from u trip to Montana. Orders Big Auto. V. C. Gorst re turned today from Seattle whore he was called by tho Illness of his mo ther. Sho Is still very sick. While nt Portland, Mr. Gorst placed an order for n 31-passenger auto, bIiu llar to tho Grlfllth sightseeing nuto, for sorvlco here. Tho car Is built to ordor and will rench hero In nbout thirty days, He expurts to got nn other one of them later for the Marshfleld-Norlh Bend service. PERSONAL NOTES HOUSES BUILT On easy terms. Ono-faurth down nnd balanco In monthly Installments, Address H, B Times ofllco. FOIt 8ALE3 Dry wood, tlr nnd al der, at Campbell's Wood Yard, Ferry landing. Phono 158-L. FOR- RENT "i room lionso on South 4th Street. Inqulro J. E, Edmunds Coos Bay Wiring Company, FOR SALE Horses, harness and wagon, Phone 57-J, Coos Bay Steam Laundrr. UH CHAS. JACKSON of Ross Inlet Is In town today. ROY THRUSH of Emplro Is n Marshlleld visitor today. RYNALDO STEMMIOUMAN In In town today from Allegany. MRS, 13, 13. DYER of Daniels Creek is spending tho day In town. J, M. NYE, Jr., returned InBt even ing from n business trip to Co quille. MISSES MAUDE LOWE nnd LENA LANGLOIS nre here from Baudon today. DEWEY STUTSMAN has returned from n visit with Joo Schilling nt Myrtlo Point. FRANK and EVAN IIODSON of South Coos River nro In town on business. 13. D. DORAN, representing a coffeo company, 1b In nMrshlleld calling on customers. MRS. F. K. aETTINS Is spending n fow days nt tho T. C. RuhhoII home In Beaver Hllli MISS BLANCHE LANDRITH is vis iting In Mnrshrield today from North Coos River. MRS. MACGEI3N and daughter, ISA BELLE, are In Mnrshflold from their homo ln Emplro. J. ALBERT MATSON wns a pass enger on the Itcdondo this morn ing ror San Francisco. S. C. SMALL Is nt Ilnndon conferring with tho city ofllclnls nnd propor ty owners nbout somo hnrd paving RAIX PROOF RAIX PROOF RUBBER IIOOFIXC RUBBER HOOFIXfi. Wo have Just purchased 10.000 squares of the celebrated Rain Proof Hoofing. This roofing was manufactured expressly to shed tho rains of Oregon and 'Washington. Wo guaranteo every square posi tively now and first-class. In ordor to inovo somo of this pnper quickly wo nro offering It for a short trmo only nt tho following prices: 1-ply por square, 75c; 2-ply per squaro, $1.10; 3-ply per squaro, $1.30. This prlco includes foment and nails and freo dollvory to any dock or dopot In tho city. Remombor, ovory squaro guaran teed absolutely first cIbbs. J. SIMON & BROTHER. Front & Grant Sts., Portland. Ore. River rancher, was In town todny, returning nomo turn uftornoon. NOBIS JENSEN left on tho Redon do this morning for a week's business trip to San Francisco. (H30RGI3 HEItltON nnd JOHN WIL SON lert yesterday with Del Cnth curt Tor the Fall Crook country. J. FOItSYTH, repiesontliiK M. Sell er & Co. or Portland, arrived on tho Breakwater and Is cnlllng on trade. O. B. 11ELT, representing a general electric supply house of Poi'tland, nrrlvcd on tho Breakwater this morning. JOHN BIASCA or Coos River Is In town todny. lie reports tho condition. or .Mrs. Biasca as being unchanged. AUTHUH M'KEOWN and son. Joey, lert on the Itcdondo this morning Tor a visit with Mr. McKeown's people In Berkeley. 15. LI I'M AN, representing Flolsch mer, Mnyer and Company, arrived from Portland this morning on tho Brcnkwater on business. MISS OLLIE RICHARDS returned to town this morning after a short visit with Miss Blanche Cutllp or North Coos River. MRS. It. L. HASKINS nnd daugh ter, Olive, left on the Itcdondo, this morning, for a two months' visit with friends nf Long Beach, California. WAItNEIt CUONQUISTand ERNEST ANDERSON returned this morn lug from n hunting trip to North lulet with n Hue string or can va'sback ducks. Mlt. nnd MRS. ANDI3BSON nnd family or Ferudnlo are moving to tho Chnrles Helsner place on North Inlet todny. Mr. Anderson Is n cement worker. ED MOimiSSEY, son of Mr. nnd Mrs. 13. F. Morrlssoy. nnd HARRY FUOO will leavo soon for Los An geles, whero they will tnko a course In nn optical school, W. A. COOLEY. who lives above tho Bouebrnke Cigar Store, Is now ablo to be out. Ho hns been HI 11 long time nnd recntly under went an operation at Mercy hospi tal. EDWARD MOEIILER Olid Wlfo feft todny for tho Coqulllo, Mrs. Mooh lor will visit in Coquille, whllo Mr. Moohler Is looking after lum ber Inspection on tho lower Co qulllo. - It. MORGAN nnd wlfo woro outgo ing pnssengers this morning on thu Itcdondo ror Los Angeles. After visiting thero they will pro ceed to San Diego, vhero they will locato. J. IN .MORRIS wns hero from North Bend yesterday on business nnd reports much activity In real es tate thero. Ho has Just com pleted his now olllces In tho Pal aco building, GUS KRAMER, who engaged In tho printing business in Marshlleld sovcral yoars ago, arrived horo to day from Portland and will proba bly locnlo oil tho Hay again. ( , GEO. F. MUKCiI nnd wife ftro ar ranging to movo Into their new homo on South Eleventh street, They havo been living In tho Rog ers hotiBo at tho cornor or Tenth nnd Central. Their now homo Is Just south of tho homo of tholr son-ln-Iaw, Hugo Qulat. CHARLES REHFELD and his sis tor, Florence, left on tho Itc dondo this morning to visit with relutives In California. Rumors that Mr. Rohfold would return with n hrldo wero declared by him to bo merely tho result of efforts of rrleuds to Josh him. ! NORTH BEND NOTES. Mrs. W. D. Simpson nnd daugh ter, Edith, or North Bend nro guosts nt tho W. N. Ekblnd homo In South Marshriold today. G. W. Sholloy is hero from Myr tlo Point on business. Ho reports that ovorythlng Is flourishing there. F. E. Allen returned yestorday from a business (rip to Myrtle Point. Ho reports that tho hotels thero woro crowded with the Influx of peoplo on account of railroad activities. A.MOXG THE SICK. Pickles! Pickles! Sweet Pickles Sour Pickles llcd Pickles Dill Pickles Spiced Pickles Onion Pickles Mustard Pickles t 4t It. Pickles (Plain and mixed) Chow Chow Stauff Grocery Co. Phone 102 Masker's Cudles. -I Eleanor Flanagan, llttlo daughter or Mr. nnd Mrs. Jns. II. Flanagan, Is confined to her homo by an In jury to her lower limb. Mrs. W. McDonald, who has been In Mnrshflold for sovoral days un der tho doctor's caro, oxpects to leavo on tho nftoriioon"troln for her home In Norway. G. W. Dungan nnd Miss Ruth Dun gun, who havo been confined to their bods for a weok from grip, aro now able to bo out. A Mr. Harvey underwent an op eration at Mercy hospital today. Put Iron in Your Blood Blood Tonic l'llls make pale, weak folks strong and ruddy, Prlco 50c. X' !' 1 v:-w i