The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, February 05, 1913, EVENING EDITION, Page 6, Image 6

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(Continued from Page 1.)
and not J90B. All tlio witnesses
eecm to ngrco substantially that
from about tlio yenr 1900 to th
announcement of tlio prospective
building of n rallroml from Drain
to Coos Hay, and tlio taking over
of tlio local rond by tlio Southern
Pacific Company, there was llttlo It
any movement of real potato on
Coos Uny, and especially In tho vi
cinity of the property In question.
The announcement of tho proposed
road from Drain was, 1 take It from
tho testimony, in August, l!)0fi, and
tho purchase of tho local road was
mndo In July of tho yenr follow
ing. Ah a roiiHCnuouco of theso
transactions and tho hoped-for de
velopment thereby, and of tho en
try of tho Smith Lumber Company
By About that time Into tho business
activities or tne nay. more was a
marked "boom" In real estate val
ues dirlng tho year 100i!. and a
part of tho land In controversy
wns sold for several times whnt
tho defendant paid for It; It was
probably this Increoso In value
which the witnesses had in mind
and not tho values of the previous
year. Numerous witnesses, famil
iar with real estate values, have
testified thnt the property sold for
the full mnrkot value, and this Is
apparent from the fact that tho do
fondants Sciigstnokcn and Smith
contracted for Its purchaso In May,
100B, but hesitated to pny tho en
tiro purchase price although amply
nblo financially to do so, becauso
It wns considered n hazardous spec
ulation. They, therefore, endeavor
ed to promoto n syndicate to tn:e
"l.liln t,o and hnndlo tho property,
and It was only after considerable
effort and tho refusal of several
speculators and dealers In real es
tate tn Join In tho venture that
they wore able to Interest four of
tholr .neighbors and friends In r.e
venture If tho property had been
worth what complainant now claims
It to have been, It is highly prob
able that Scugstuckcn and Smith
would have readily taken tho oiitlro
tract, op In any event they would
bavo had tin dlfllculty In Interest
ing others In the proposition. I
take It therefore that tlio riuostlon
of actual fraud Is out of tho cnno
and tho only point Is tho legal effort
of defendant Hall's connection with
tho transaction, Hall wiih and had
boon, for several years prior to
tho sale, the agent and attorney in
fnct of Mrs, Horrmann, who had
formerly resided hi Coos Hay, but
emigrated to normally In 1000 or
JUui, whoro hiio continued to re
side up to tho tlmo of her death,
Soptoinbor IS, 100C.
Mrs. Herrmann' as evidenced
from her correspondence, was a
woman of nioro tlmii ordinary bus
iness capacity, thoroughly familiar
with her property, and Hall, In
transacting business for hor and
especially In tho sale of her prop
erty, followed her Instructions
rather than his own lulntlve. I'or
Homo tlmo prior to Mny, lOuR. sho
had repeatedly written him, urg
ing nud authorizing him to soil tho
property In controversy for four
thousand dollars. Hall mndo re
. pouted and -diligent efforts to do
no, but was unable to effect a anlo
until Mny 17. 11105. when be con
tracted to Hell tho same to defend
ants Hongstn,ckon and Smith ror
y 100.00. half In null and the bul
nnco on time, secured by mortgage.
Sengstncken and Smith guvo him at
tho tlmo their Joint note for one
hundred ilollnrs as part piiymoiit on
tho purchase price, for which ho
gnvo them n receipt, specifying that
It wiih to apply on tho puriiiiiso
price of the property now lu con
troversy. The trnnwiclloii was to
be completed and the title papers
passed when tho abstract could bo
prepared and the title npprovod.
At the Instance of Sengstncken
and Smith. S. C. Honors nud .1. .!.
CllnUlnbenrd agreed to each take
n two-twelfths interest In tho prop
ort. and 1). I,. Hood and Herbert
lingers each a one-twelfth Intercut,
leaving sl.-tolfiliH to be divided
eaiiully between SoiiKStnrkon and
Smith. It being ngreod iih between
the intending purchasers that, as a
manor or convenience tho laud
should be deeded to tho Title Oiiar
nnty and Abstract Company lu trust
for the owners.
On August ao. 11)0.".. the day the
sale was to have been coiiaiiniinuted
nnd the papers exchanged, Cllnklu
benrd and S, l UoguiH paid to Hall
direct their two-twelftliH each or
the first pa.Muent; Hood and Smith
paid their ono-twelfth and three
twelfths respectively to Soiigstnekon
to be paid to Hall. Herbert Hog
era, however, declined to proceed
with the purchase and take n one
twelfth Interest In the property, for
the reason that he did not deem It
n good Investment. After Cllnklu-
oeani una H. c. Hogors had paid
their proportion hi Hall and when
Sengstncken went to Hall's olllce to
pay the balance of the tlrst pay
lnent, he Informed Hall of Herbert
atogers" refusal to take ono-twelfth
of the property and suggested to
Hall that he take such Interest as
n part of his commission ror mak
ing tho bale. Hall declined to do
so without first consulting Iiib part
ner, who had an Interest lu the
commission, whereupon Songhtncken
paid Hall the balance duo, except
for tho one-twelfth Interest, and
Hall crodlted .Mrs. Homiuum with
tho entlro amount due. agreeing to
look to Sengstncken portonnllv for
the deficit. In case he and hlu' part
ner should conclude not to take tr.e
lntorest oifered. At that time the
deed had boon proparod and Blgned
but not acknowledged. Alter con
sulting with his partner and on
thP following day. Hull Informed
Beugstacken tlmt they would tako
Marshficld Lodge Will Take
Matter Up 150 Mem
bers Soon.
The MnrBhfleld Lodge of Elks nre
planning to hold n big meeting two
weeks from tonight when plans for
the erection of a fine now building
on their lot at the northwest corner
of Third nnd Commercial will bo tnk
en up. At tho samo meeting several
new candidates will bo initiated,
bringing tho membership up to 1 50.
The question of erecting a lino
homo on their lot was suggested at n
recent meeting h A. 11. Powers. Tho
lodge hnsu't Hiilllilout surplus on
linnd now, but It u believed that
there would not bo any dlfllculty In
arranging for It. The plan would bo
to erect at least a two-story building,
tho lower floors, which would Horvc
for business locations nnd the upper
story to be used as lodge nnd club
rooms, etc.
At any rate, thero aro considerable
preliminaries to bo attended to In
caso tho lodgo builds nnd though it
is tnken up now, It mny not bo erect
ed this summer, It could be aranged
to start It Just ns soon ns tho lodgo
Is necessary.
MAPI-ETON, Ore., Feb. 1. Porter
Hrothcrs havo tho barge Nchalom
about unloaded and oxpect to start
their tug, tho Hoscoe, with tho bnrgo
In tow for Ynqulna In a few days.
About .171" tons of freight wero un
loaded in tlio now wnrchouso at Mu
plcton, consisting of supplies for the
commissary department. In addition
to thin there wero about 100 toiiH
of building equipment that was un
loaded Just In front of tho school
Oeorgo M. Mlllor Ib homo 'from
Oakland. Cal., where be has been vis
iting Ills brother, Joaquin Miller.,
who has boon qulto III. Ho Ib yet
cunllned to his bod and Oeorgo M.
mny make nnothor trip to his bed
sldo In tho near future. Mrs. Miller
stopped off at Portland for a few days
to visit with friends. Eugene Itegls-
tho Herbert Hogors' ono-twelfth ln
torest. nnd tho deed wiih thereupon
acknowledged and .delivered. None
of tho purchasers oxeopt Songstuck
en had any knowledge of this tran
saction with Hall until some time
ufter the matter had been completed
and deed to the Abstract Company
Thnt Hall acted In the utmost
good fnlth and with no Intention of
injuring or cheating his principal
Is muulfest from the testimony. He
had been repeatedly Implored by her
to make this sale, iih she represent-
ed hI.o wiih badly In need or money,
and he wiih consequently anxious
that It should not fall through. He
was lu no way Interested with
Seiigstackeu nud Smith lu tho ori
ginal contract for the purchaso, mid
hud no Idea or thought- of taking
any part of tho property until It
wiih suggested to him by SoiigstacK
en on tho day the matter wiih con
summated and after S. C. HogerH
and Cllnkiubenrd hud mndo their
payments and the deed on convey
ance had been prepared ami sign
I'nder these elreunistnncoH It 1h
clear to my mind that Hall's pur
eluiHo could not lu any way affect
the title of the other parties. All
of them except SongHtnckon were
Ignorant of the mutter until Home
days after the same had been con
Hiimmatod. They were lu no way
rospoiihlhlo for nor parties to Hall's
purchniie nud Hhould not be infect
ed thereby.
Nor do I think the purchase by
Hall iH'couHtructlvely fiiiuduleut or
wildublo to him. It Is, of course,
settled law that nu agent authorized
to sell properly cannot himself be
come a purchaser without the con
sent or Ills principal, and If be does
so the tiansactloii Is void as It re
spectH the principal unless ratified
lij him with a full knowledge of nil
the clrcuniHtnucoH. The reason of
this rule Is that the law will not
permit an ngent to place himself In
a situutlou lu which there Is u con
flict- between duty to his principal
and his own persounl IntcrcM. and
therefore the fact that lu a given
case the agent's motives were hon
orable, and that tho result was
benoriclnl to tho principal will make
no difference If the latter chooses
to repudiate tho transaction. (Me
chlin on Agency, Sec. I lift-1 til; Hob
ertson vs. Chapman, ins V. S.
Ci";t.) Hut the reason of the rule
does not apply In this case. Hero
the sale was virtually mndo by Hull
to Sengstncken and Smith In May,
1005. At- that time It Is admitted
he hud no Interest either Immed
iate or prospective lu the property
nnd no Idea tlmt he would ever ac
quire one. His duty to IiIb prin
cipal censed at the tlmo or the con
tract with Sengstncken and Smith.
as far as the fact of the salo was
concerned. Thereafter there was
no conflict between his duty to his
principal nnd solMnterest In that
regard. Ills subsequent tnklng ti
tle tn mi undivided one-twenty-fourth
was, to till Intents nnd pur
poses, it purchase from Sengstncken
nnd Smith, or llorbert Hogors, and
not from himself ns ngeut of Mrs.
Herrmann. The fact thar the deed
hud not been formally acknowledg
ed aim delivered at the time can
not change, tho effect of the tran
saction, or. in my Judgment, bring
It within the rule prohibiting an
agent from buying from himself,
nor the evil to be prevented' thereby
Inspector A. M. Greenough
and Wife Entertain in Hon-
of Launching.
Last Saturday evening, A. M.
Oreenough. the Inspector who super
vised the construction of the San Itn
inon. the line now lumber schooner
whlch Kruse & Hanks have Just Mu
lshed for the E. J. Dodge Lumber
Company, entortnlned a large num
ber of friends at a banquet In Log-
glc's hnll. About olglity-slx were lu
attendance. Mr. Oreenough was as
sisted by Mrs. Oreenough In tho en
tertainment. Tho "Snn Knmon" will be ready
to tow to San Francisco by Fob. 10,
to havo tho machinery IiiBtnlled, af
ter which sho will bo put on the San
Francisco nnd Portland run, In con
nection with six other boats of the
E. J. Dodge & Co.
Among those present nt tlio ban
quet wore: Messrs. nnd Mesdnincs J.
T. McOulre. A. M. Oreenough. C. A.
Smith, C. II. Wnrrell, K. V. Kruse,
Oeorge D. Mandlgo, C. Lockdnm, W.
II. Piper. L. F. Fnlkonstlne, Ira W.
Uartlo, Jay Linden, nnd II. E. Hur
inestor. MIsbos Then, Lena, and Laura
Kruse, Hlaiich nnd Ornce Williams,
Elen Anderson, .Icanetto Nowlln,
Thersa Stein.
Mesdnmcs Nowlln nnd Stein.
Messrs. How I). A. MncLcod, John
Mullen, Fred Kruse, Peter Logglo,
Hobt. Hunks, Allen Klssln, Victor
Anderson, Jeff Hnrtmnn.
Mr. Oreenough presided ns toast
master Saturday night and speeches
were mndo by Messrs. K. V. Kruso,
Hobt. Hunks, D. A. MacLeod, Oeo.
Mandlgo. Chas. Worrell, Lodkam,
John Mullen, Anderson, L. Fnlkcn
Htlne. P. Logglo, C. Smith, J. Hurt-
nin'ii, Keline, Orconough, Hurtle Ilur
nicster nnd Mesdnmes Mandlgo and
Stlcn, Misses Williams nnd n number
of others.
Tho remnlnder of the evening wns
spent In plnylng'gamcs nnd enjoying
niuscnl numbers rendered by Miss El
lon Anderson nnd .Mrs. Chas. Wor
rell. A veto thnnks was extended the
Dodgo Lumber Co, for the enjoyable
evening spent by all present.
Tho now stoamcr built by Kruso
& linnks Shipbuilding Company for
the E. J. Dodgo Lumber Company of
San Francisco, wns launched at Silfi
n. m. Saturday morning. Ah hIio
glided Into tho wntor Jennetto Now
lln broke tho bottle of chnmpngno on
her bow, christening the ship "Snn
Ituuion." The length of tho "Snn Iln
inou" Is two hundred nud ten feet
ovor nil, breadth forty-ono feet and
six Inches, with depth of hold fif
teen feet. Constructed with threo
tier deep, keelson, eighteen by twenty-four,
the top one being one hun
dred nud sixteen root and eight IucIich
lu one solid Htlck of Douglim fir.
There are three sister keelsoiiH lu
each side, mnklng seven abreast,
each IS by SI. Over SOO.OOO feet or
lumber wiih used lu the building of
this Hhtp, nud over one hundred Tons
of Iron. Tho keolHou bolts nre one
nud three-eights Inch Iron, eight
feet and ten Inches long with four to
tho frame, driven through the keel
son frame, and clinched over rings
on tho bottom of tho Id el. Anchors
nnd chains weight nbout fifteen ton.
One hundred nud llfty-two bales of
oakum were used to calk tho ship.
And tho greatest euro linn been given
to tho Interior Mulsh, with her beau
tiful state rooms, which will easily
accommodnto fifty or Hlxty pusson
gers. lliiilder's ltcspoiisc.
K. V. Kruse, one of the bulIderH,
said In part:
I will nvall myself of tho opportu
nity to thank tho parties with whom
wo havo been dealing whllo building
the "San Hainon," for the coiutoBles
and kind consideration extended to
our firm. I refor to Mr. Parr, tho
mnnugor or the Dodgo Lumber Com
pany, Mr. Tomllnson, the consulting
englncor. nnd Mr. Oreenough, tho su
perintendent or construction, who Is
present this evening. Thoso men nro
all practical men. who thoroughly un
derstand the dllllcultles u shipbuild
ing firm hns to contond with nnd
I hnve always round men or this kind
willing to tnko and give. I am pleas
ed to say thnt on this Job I do not
bolleve that I havo added to tho gray
hairs on my bend, nor do I bolleve
my pnrtnor Iiiih lost any. It Is a
plensuro to work when you can work
In hnrmony. l nlso wish to thank
the men, one nnd all. who havo help
ed to completo this boat, for tho In
terest tnken in the work and I bellovo
the workinnnshlp will robound to
their credit and bring moro of this
kind of work to North Hond. ns shin.
building Is an Industry that brings
outside capital Into tho locality,
where such Is carled on, wo will
therefore hopo that tho men who
have had this vesol built, will find It
n profitable Investment. I nlso wish
to thank the Simpson Lumber Com
pany, Mr. Kohoo and men connected
with tho mill for tho prompt deltvory
or material nnd tho quality or tho
same. It nppearB to mo that with tho
Industries lu North Heml running to
their fullest cnpnclty, n prospective
railroad and brldgo, a bar dredge, tho
"Oregon" back shortly, Port Com
mission in working order, restoration
of the Jetty promlsed.tho preparation
for the ralr in San Francisco undor
way nnd the great opening or tho
Panama Canal, which ought to mnko
Its Influence folt commercially all
along the Pacific Coast, there should
bo good times ahead for North Hond
and Coos Hay.
.MnclA-od's Talk.
a. ., .Mast.eou tn tils response
"It Is Indeed a plensuro to bo with
you nt this sumptuous banquet, and I
can assure you thnt thus far 1 havo
done my part In gottlng away with
gome of the good things provided
for the Inner man. Words would
Marshficld Business House
Will Establish Another
Branch in Valley City.
Tho Dub Clothing nnd Shoo Co.
have perfected arrangements for
opening n branch store lu Myrtle
point nbout .March 1. This will be
another link In the chnln of stores
being established In this section by
this enterprising concern.
A. .1. Mendel visited Myrtle Point
this week nnd closed negotiations
for tho lease of Lundy's large brick
store building there, nnd It will bo
fitted up immediately for the now
"1 believe Coos county Is on the
evo of gront development." Mr.
Mendel remarked In discussing his
new venture, "nud I tleslro to keep
the Hub stores at the front lu the
march of progress. Every now
branch store Increases our outlet
and enlarges our buying cnpnclty.
thus enabling us to Bccuro closer
prices nnd render better service to
tho people. All our stores nre op
erated on the samo ByBteni which
has proven so popular and success
ful In tho original stole here lu
,,'' ...WW i y
j"? """- r w hL-fipp -
HANDON. Feb. !. The Handon
Commercial club hnH agreed upon
Its emblem, to be Imprinted on all
literature nnd letter paper used by
the club. Some weeks ngo con
testnnts wero asked to submit
drawlugH of suitable designs nud
tho Huccessful contestant wnB
awarded a prize of $!. The draw
ing selected Is n lifebuoy giving
n view of tho Handon harbor and
lighthouse within the circle of the
buoy. Sailing Into port Ib tho new
Bteuiner Speedwell. Around the cir
cle lu the loops ()r rope nre Il
lustrations of Hnudoii enterprise.
Sliisliuv Itlvcr lint llcen Dragged
Thoroughly, Hut to Xo A villi.
MAPLETON. Feb. I. A con
stant effort has been made to lo
cate the body of Dan Hruhii. who
was killed recently by tho snap
ping of n cnhle and whoso body
was hurled Into the liver, hut so
far to no nvall. Tho river has
beou drugged thoroughly, but no
trace of the body hns been found.
Mr. Hruhii hnd iiiude mnuy
frlcnds here during the lust two
years. HchIiIo this he wiih a mem
ber or the EI1h lodge, nud the
members or this order nre espec
ially active In their efforts to find
the body, .loo Morris nud some of
the Porter men nre doing nil they
en n.
ChurloH Parker of Plymouth.
Wisconsin, hns written Secietury ol
Stato Hen W. Olrott. Inquiring for
Information ns to the whereabouts
or his father. Chnrlos William Bar
ker, whom he says he Iiiih not heard
rrom ror 3fi years. The rather left
South Dakota at thnt time nud tiro-
Bumnbly went to Curry county. -
Snleiii Statesman.
It follows that the hill ulimii.i i.r
Ct"aVno,cKonbVhr,lTa,,o,-. fn" t0 COnVoy my iM PIroclt on
lottiunu, Oicgon, lob. J, 1913 J to our esteemed host and hostess,
Mr. nnd Mrs. A. M. Oreenough, who
have so kindly Invited, and amply
provided for tho occasion.
"As citizens, we nil appreciate tho
worth of any enterprising man lu our
midst, It Is such who accomplish
things, who help build up our cities,
states and nation. Wo appreciate at
least to some extent the work
wrought In building the bIiIp "San
minion." which wns this day launched
rrom within tho docks or our city,
nud nt this tlmo extend our hourly
thanks to tho chief Inspector. Mr. A.
M. Oreenough nnd through hi in to
tho owners of tho ship, Mr. E. J.
Dodgo nnd Co., of San Francisco.
"With the rising sun. we have
launched tho "Snn Hninon," nnd ns
she gltdod smoothly out, wo have
seen hot- keol to kfss for tho first
tlmo tho briny wavo. Wo hnvo thus
added ouo moro ship to thnt mighty
Army of Industrial Poaco, that bitt
tlos with tho wind and wave to con
vey hither nnd thither tho commorco
or tho world.
"Wo noto tho fnct that this Is
not tho first ship that has been
launched on Coos Pny. Many nnd
great have been tho ships sent forth,
and aro today plying tholr way from
port to port. Nor do wo discount
tho workmniiBlilp wrought upon tho
snmo. Hut when I say that no bettor
ship was ovor launched up on tho Pa
cific Const I do not oxaggornto racts,
ror there aro thoso prcsont, who nro
experienced shipbuilders, who will
bear mo out In this assertion. Tho
butldors or tho snmo. Meessrs. Kruso
and Hanks aro modest men, and lot
tholr work speak tor thorn, but their
reputation as shipbuilders line al
ready beou estbllshed upon the const,
nnd rrom north to south, men of sea
raring llfo nre noting the work
wrought In North Hend shipyard and
tlio men who novor slight tho work
or lose sight ot the great art of ship
"This tho owners of tho present
ship hnvo been pleased to patronize
this firm within our city, nnd in so
doing thoy hnvo made no mlstako,
ror no better timber ovor grow than
that which sho Is bullded, no better
steel was ovor mndo than that which
binds hor fast, and no workmanship
was over wrought with greater care.
From her bow to stern and keol to
spar thero Is Inwroght strongth to
fnco tho storm nnd ply upon tho
mighty deep.
"Tho ship "Snn Ramon" wns
launched nt S:45 a. in., and at 2
p. in. both spars wero plnced and
rudder shipped, which the oldest sea
faring men assert to be a now record
In tho line of rushing ship work, nnd
speaks well for the builders."
z..ass vtes. wn
.TVim mkii CrltisnictlIncZrtr, r, rJ.A.f II. J
jiivjjv, uiu unit- iji utM itvuuy yvung'ttian
satisfied customer is tlJ
JL 1l best advertisement-
this fact more than any other explains u
unparalleled success of the STETSOJi
hat. It you have never worn a Stetson," L
nnr rliis sp.nsnn. Wf rnrrv n -rmt-lotv J.
r . ; . ... ; J "p.w. ciuckis
botli sott ana stin nats.
Hub .Clothing and Shoe Co,
Explanation of Observance of
Period by Church and
Its Significance.
Today, culled Ash Wednesday In
the church calendar, the holy church
calls her children apart from tho
world to begin tho forty dnya of
I.eut hns been spoken lightly of
by ninny Ciirhitluus because they
Large Crowd Attended Bril
Club Dance Last Nighi
Receipts Will Be Large.
Tho benefit hnll glvtn )
ladles of tho llrhlKO Club i:
Haglcs' Hall last evening an W
lit ror the Marshficld Public lJ
ry, was a decided succesi
vo not understood nil thnt It ' " H'e 0rte.i I th J 12
mils for In the Chrlstlnn year. '. LI,1,M" .. v?I'rL,J
win...... i i. ,i .. ,.ii.; i. ceiiem nun wimu uiu -i
fro i tlu cliiinl b Biiiho no ,Utl ,nrR0 f()r (la,,clnR' '
01" ""'. .. "V" B,n",'liont, no cJoyo. ti,cniHt,ve8 Immenitlj :
r.iiiHcr, ior uio joy ami mo iriinipn r0(;,,i,tH fron, the ealo of jd
in r.uHicr nay presuppoBo uiai wu ..., ..r. mul nbout 111'
have had u part In the forty days " "V'tho " 00r tali
coinmomorntlng Christ's temptation ko " "l a " . ' " .ile ol W
lu the wilderness, nnd more partlc- , " ln,r0. " l"n "."' ,,,
ularly. lu tho Incidents and events " U ? ' . '. . r, "1 Vj 1
or lloly week, leading up to IIIh " , ' ". , ' ft j
I'lission nnd crucir x on. :,,,,"V ',, ' " . ...,m, he
Lent Is n Hpeclnl retirement from ln,u. ."f"1' i" C0Uvf t:
ll.o Pleasures of the world, for ...ore , , , "r
caroiui, iiovoui and irciiioiit prayer, '"
for abstinence lu inntlers or food," " ...
in fn.. ..o la .ni.olal ...111. I. 1 . 1. KAIV'I' l A'l'l I W KS l).l
and lu gonoral. It Is a season call- Ml'ST III. I'OsTlw
lug us to works of holiness nnd do-! , "",I,i.i.mta
votlon. nnd for holnlnir us tn live Thero will bo no. ccWraiw
honest nnd Cluistlnn lives, nnd to St. Patrick's lny J1'1" 'aI'
prepnro iih for the llfo nftor donth. fourth tlmo slnco ISOO bow
i ir.. i., i ... i . ...,.,., ........ iinin i,. Mm tu'mit cth cenioi
..I... in I. HI iviii III IIU Ullietl Willi j "" " V'" ,,. , ,..Mli'
death too sure to bo forgotten. Iti HHiornlaiiH wll bo '",
lu ... rl. .... - I...... .... ,. . ..l.nlr. tl... nlllllltll fCOSt QiT '
i" iu iii im iur mini null liilll ""'" " " . . i,.
(nils us to this special senson or nntlvo country, but wl "
f.,.i ,,,n tlinmnnlvPH t lint U"
'Hut." snys some objector, "nro lo tho Inst time that nerw'
wo not culled upon to do thoso (lescondnntfl will have j to lo
uiiiigH an uio year tnrougii? Why ""rny whilu .."
iln viu I,., I.. ni.jMi..i ..ii ...... ni...i.. Mnrpli 17.
ii., ..ii.. i.,,.. .. i. ..i.. ...... , ... ,. ... n i. .,...-, iim annuii '
Iloreln lies the inlsundorstniidlng. dny comes on tho second w
Or courso wo nro to do theso things holy week, nnd the Cajnolieti
all tho year through. No true ' rules thnt all feasts .Mil w '
Chrlstlnn bolloves otherwise. Lent,' poned or cancollcd If W ""
u iiino given us ny our church, and tho week notoro r-l1c,v..,
f.riltllli.r ,lmi... tn .... t .!. J ml 1. ....... Iiann nnll IDl"
"" "" l IID 1 1 Will lU Ulllul 1IIUIU lllU wvi... - ., ,
of tho Apostlos, luys bororo uh tho lu tho past that tho ceienwjj
groat principle, thnt In things sp:r- St. Patrick's day was MP"'
Itlllll mill lollulOMH Ilium llluul .n ' ..,.,... nt I. nil- week. TS'I,
extraordinary nets nnd exorcises or In 1818, when Knstor fell 5
dovotlon. Thoro must bo a tlmo 23, tho earliest (Into oil
nnoii wo ran inao a spiiitunl In-: can tall; in is. ", v,rl
wo strlvo to follow Christ through as this year. Calculator " 1
tllO I'lllHlllir Rllllina nt III,. no.l 1. 1., ' ,..! Pnulnn ,lnlOS Ulltll '"' 'I
... n ...k.,uu w, ,o uniting mull jioiu, ...,.- , .. m
fo. Uvery business man hns his 2000, but thoy hnvo founa b--j
iniiu ui- iiiiiuh wnen no muos stock, er year in wnica r.u I(i t
whon ho looks fnlrly nnd squnroiy so onrly aa to keep the ". t
in. mo poauion no noiiis in tho bus-.from singing mo pi "-
mess no roiiows. Ho fools hotter patron snlnt.
i mo Kiiowieugo nnu tho certain
ty which this stock-taking brings,
liio ono who Is not willing to
search his heart and seo whoro ho
stands In tho sight of his Maker,
probably has something thoro which
ho Is ashamed to havo dlsclosod.
So long ns ho continues In thnt
frame of mind and heart, thoro Is
n barrier between hlmsoir nnd His
Clod. There Is no repontnnco, ana
with no repontnnco thoro Is no re
newnl of spiritual Wo.
Lent nsks us If wo nro willing to
mako somo personal sacrifice ror
Him who mndo for us thn unorinnn
of Ills llfo. Thnt porsonul sacri
fice has Its sovoral outlets more
forvont prayer and deeper devotion;
regular attendance
""??:"?. "::;;! sow
services oi uiu .-" Ifh0 i
(toniai each ") "".Tti.. i
Lonton season la some" -.
shall moan a real ncrlfic
to others who need; an' v
sire to mnko tne " !
Place In which to "" yW(
solflsh lovo for God anfl
brother man.
Thero can uo ,n""";ont i
observo Ir, as tho enure
hor chlldrou to uu, -..,-
KninoiiiinK nt tho lov ana
of Easter day,
Coos Bay Business College
Good positions are go'ng begging here all the f'
We have another one now for a girl $75.ou
month start In a foi mnntkii .., uiill ho sWdMF
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with demand for trained help. Are you listening
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