The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, February 03, 1913, EVENING EDITION, Page 3, Image 3

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Mon's $:i.").00 Suits now $2G.S5
Mon's -WO.OO Suits now $22.85
Mon's $23.00 Suits now $18.85
Mon's $20.00 Suits now $14 .85
Men's $15.00 Suits now $11.85
The Question
of Price
Is lust as important In mi-ill.
clnej oi in anything else moro
unpsriMi pernaps. ior at-
thoUfh Vftll ftnn'f wnn( In rtnt
Ugh prices for your drugs, you
mi i noru 10 gei poor uruga at
jr puce.
It his olways been our policy
to give the hishast quality of
rcdiclnesat the lowest prices
We COUld Rrll thrm fr,r .V,o.'o
tow we bold our customers.
This is a cood time to take
Dmeth.i.nS,.for yur blood.
Rexall Blood Tablets will
tnnca your blood and build up
rOUr'tvWrnv If um.i,. li
-"""( " JWJ JJW 'M1W
, emaciated or generally
uown:om any cause. Sold
1 Wltathe RrKllmo....... ii
I containing fifty uoeC3, 50
Drug Company
The Rexall Store
"The Busy Corner"
flume Mni,. ,u
-.. .uii .(jo
;,"GII-GUA1)I' VK-vn , ...
fc, - nun iiiii
fUSACIS OW AIT ,r..... ..
rinm.. ' ""' cnii
wre joii rall fi.VI, ,,,
T b' Ijln cash.
NW Auto Line
' '" ni radS W1U Prmlt
ctll ln height auto,
n me worth Star
LEW T.nnfio
Al R. wilmot!
Great benefit for you
AYBE you feel that you
enough; but it seems to us
we're making in our clearance sales ought to
change your opinion about it
Hart Schaf finer & Marx
clothes really don't need much price-inducement to make them
sell; but we like to finish up a season's business clean and clear;
and we're offering values that ought to do it. Come and see
$30.00 Overcoats now $21.85
$25.00 Overcoats now $17.05
$20.00 Overcoats now $13.85
$17.50 Overcoats now. . $.12.G5
$15.00 Overcoats now $10.85
Tomorrow Is the Last Day of Clearance Sale
This store is the homo oi' Hart Seliafi'iier & jNIarx Clothes.
Dayton Bicycles
we have exlarger
Repair Department
Uh Your Koy Troubles
Your duns nml Bicycles
Your Broken UmbrolInB
Your Work
Will Ilo Bono Promptly
Marshfield Cyclery
(Wo will positively not ront bicycles
to children without wrltton requests
from tholr parents RO.VT ASIC.) '
Phono. IBM-It
172 Broadway
We Serve a Cup of Our Famous
Corona Blend Coffee Free
with every purchase
Coiuo lu and try a cup.
Coos Bay Tea, Coffee and Spice House
ihi .Maricct Ave. mono iiui-j
Singer Sewing Machines
Wo havo them for ront or for snlo.
Jlnchlnca Ropalrcd.
Supplies irt N'endles f r Snlo.
W. J. HIT.,
131 Park Ave. Marshfield.
Phone 1.11-X.
Telephone the old reliables
Coos Bay Steam Laundry
We always deliver the goods.
Phone 57-J Marshfield
A modorn Brick . ulldlng, Elbctrl3
Light, Steam Heat. Elegantly
Furnished Rooms with Hot and
Cold Water.
O. A. Metlln, Prop.
Rates: BO cento a day and upwards
Oor. Broadwar aad Market
Hav your Job printing don at
Tb Timet oJDct.
have clothes
that the prices
Get the Habit!
Tho 10c Stoiv Habit. It's a
money niter. It's nlv on .Mr.
High Prices. Wo nn here to
servo you.
"always something .NEW."
Peoples' 5-1 0-15cStore
FOR SALE Bicycle, good n new.
Sco Cloy Church Red Cobs Drug
FOR SALE Slv niitiii house nod two
lots In Hunker Hill Addition. Price
$1000 If taken at onco. Address
J. S. Lyons, Chandler hotel.
WAXTED To buy tent, 112 x J I or
12 x 10. Parties having samo ad
dress P. O. Dox 7G7, Marshllold.
FOR SALE Hloclc, li( ft. Miuirt,
II lots; 13 room modern houso,
furnished; barn; wind mill and
well. Locatod southwest of West
Tenth and Anderson. All for
$10,000. Inquire 1035 Audorsou
HOUSES 11UILT On easy terms.
Ono-fourth down and balance In
monthly Installments. Address H.
11. , Times olllco.
LOST Gold liar pin sot with tlirco
nuggets. Return to Stnddon Stu
dio nnd recolvo reward.
FOR SALE 5 room bungalow on
South Fourth strcot. Ensy terms.
Phono 385-J.
FOR REXT Ono 0 i-ooin modern
houso on South Fifth stroet.
Phono 331-R or seo J. C. Donno.
FOR REXT An nttrnctlvo front
room for n gentleman. One
block from Chnndlor Hotol, 289
Central nvenuo,
WANTED Sowing by Sirs. C. K.
Poolo, 3-13 South Uroadway.
WAXTED Partner to take charge
of office. Small capital required.
Box 55. Times office.
FOR SALE Five high-class Whlto
Wyandotte's nnd Rhodo Island
Rods, young roosters, 8 months
old, bred from first clnss stock,
$3.S0 to $5,00 each. This Is a
snap for nnyono wanting a good
rooster. Apply at Empire Poul
try Ranch or I'ostornco, mnpiro.
WAXTRD Tivolva ovnorlenrcd mill
ora and timber men. Apply Beav
or Hill Coal Co.
FOR SALE A cholco dwelling lot
on Central avenuo. I. S. Kaufman
& Co.
FOR HALE Dry wood, llr and al
der, at Campbell's Wood Yard,
Ferry landing. Phoae lRtf-L.
FOR REXT 1 room houso on Houtn
4th Street. Inquire J. E. Edmunds
Coos Bay Wiring Company.
FOR SALB Horses, harness nnd
wagon. Phone 67-J, Coos Bay
Steam Laandry.
Holow Is .given the timo nnd
height of high and low water at
Tho tides nre placed In tho order
of occurrence, with their times on
tho first line and heights on tho
second lino of each day; a compar
ison on consecutive heights will
Indicate whethur it Is high or low
water. For high water on tho bar,
subtract 2 hours 34 minutes.
:tIIrs.. 1.C2 O.-lt 12. ID 7.37
Ft. .. 1.1 3,5 0.2 1.0
I'llrs.. 2.32 7.33 1.3G 8.13
Ft... i.u 3.3 li.2 1.0
lly Associated Press
OREGON Ruin In west and
rain or snow in east portion of
the. statu tonight nnd Tuesday.
Wanner In northwest portion.
For tho 24 hours ending nt
I: 13 a. in., Fob. 3, by llenj.
Ostlind, special gmornment me
teorological obsorvor:
Mnxlmuin 48
Minimum 30
At 1: 13 a. it 31
Precipitation 02
Precipitation since Sept. 1,
11)12 42.72
Precipitation samo period
previous year 3 I. GO
Wind Northwest. Clear.
HAVERCAMP To Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Hnvercamp at tholr homo
on North Front street, Monday,
Feb. 3, n dnughtcr.
Council Tonlglit Tho Marshfield
city council will meet tonight to
tnko up various city innttcrH.
Meet Tomorrow Tho Christian
Womnn's Board of Mission for tho
Christian Church will mcot at tho
homo of Mrs. Ilarbce, Apartment 3,
O'Conncll bulltllng, tomorrow, (Tues
day) at 2 o'clock with Mrs. llarboo
and Mrs. Rushy as hostesses.
I -Gem Replies. "Stop that ad of
mine for tlemnkors," phoned Henry
SongHtnokon. "It sure brought re-
1 suits. 1 think n few moro Insor-
1 tloiis would bring enough to supply
tles for a road from Coos Hay to
i Roseburg."
Demand for II
ad ubout Henry
rent," woro tho
Frnuk Hlack to
ouses. "Stop that
Illack's house for
InstriictloiiH from
tho Times today.
"Wo rontod it
think there liavo
other nppllcauts
want 'ads suro
In n hurry and I
beon nt least forty
for It. Times
bring results."
Water Off Sunday Messrs. flrcen
nnd Stubblellold complotcd their in
I spectlon of tho wntor reservoir Sun
day lu less time than expected ho
that tho water was shut off only n
I short tlmo. Tho wntor to North
North Horn! was shut off n longer
tlmo boeauso tholr work thoro took
i InnnoH Trtilnv ltntlt nt tlirttil Wilt nil-
ed tho' sorvlco from tho mains In tho
Donaldson block flro.
Royal Auction Hrldgo with Mrs.
J. T. Hnrrlgnn.
Bridge Club's Honollt Ball for
Marshllold Public Library at
Eaglo'8 hall.
Pickles! Pickles!
Sweet. Plckles-
-Sour Pickles
Mlxcd Pickles
1)111 Pickles
Spiced Pickles
Onion Pickles
Mustard Pickles
C, & II. Pickle
(Plain and mixod)
Chow Chow
Stauf f Grocery Co.
Phono 102-
Mnskcy's Candles.
Tlio flro was rather inconvenient, but wo will Ikj open for
business tomorrow In tho Gow Why Building on Broadway, nevt
to tho Cyclery. Wo will still continue tho Ideal Quality.
. DOX McCRARY, Proprietor.
MAMMA WAXTED Xew and sparMJug comedy.
HEART IX RAGS Story of a good-hearted but ragged hobo.
BETTIXjVS SUBSTITUTE Lively Vitngvaph COmie.
LESSOXS IX COURTSHIP Vitngraplis aro always good and this
is one.
Don't, nUss the fourth "Mary" picture Tuesday.
WORLD'S SERIES BASEBALL Special feature Weduesday,
or is In town today.
W. H. HOXEHRAKE of Ross Inlet
Is a town vlBltor today.
SAM COXRO of Allegany Is a vis
itor In Marshflohl today.
W. H. MORGAN' of Daniels Creek
Is lu town today on business.
Is spending tho day In town.
MR. and MRS. WAKE.MAX of Camp
1 are spending thu day In town.
CAPT. W. C. HARRIS of Sumner
Is in Marshfield today on busi
ness. AXSOX ROGERS nnd wife of South
Cons River are lu town on busi
ness. F. D. DcLOXG Is listed to leave by
tho Drnln-tlnrdlner stogo tomor
row morning.
MR. nnd MRS. C. it. COLVER of
Loon Lake nro visiting relatives
on Catching iulot.
pected homo tomorrow from Ills
trip to Portlnnd.
JULIUS KRUSE came to Marshfield
this morning from his home on
Isthmus Inlet In his launch.
M. S. MICH, representing tho Xn-thiin-Iormnn
Crockery Co. of
San Francisco is in Mnrslifleld.
MR. nnd MRS. DODGE or Cnmp 1
nnd tholr dnughtcr, Thclma, are
spending tho day lu Mnrslifleld.
H. A. CARLSOX of Loon Lnko en mo
to Mnrshflold this morning from
Allegany nnd will look after bus
iness interests.
Is In Tulare, California, writes
that ho expects to bo homo In
nbout threo weeks.
MISS IREXE MAY will lonvo on
this nftcrnaon's train for Myr
tlo Point, whero she will bo em
ployed nt tho Schilling Hotel.
MISS ETTA nnoOKS. who has
been visiting tho Matt Mattson
family on Catching Inlet return
ed to Marshfield thfs morning.
G. LoROY HALL returned this
morning from South Inlet, whero
ho hold Christina services Satur
day evening and Sunday lu the
school house.
JOHN CARTY Is moving into tho
houso on tho northeast corner of
Park nvouuo nnd Hroadwny. Mr.
Carty will open tho plnco ns u
Swedish boarding house,
HUGH CARLSON, ownor of somo
West Central avonuo property, nr
rlved horo today from San Fran
cisco on business. Hie homo is in
Portlnnd, whoro ho is engaged In
tho grocory business.
LLOYD ROSE nnd family roturuod
on tho Washington today from a
delightful tour of California,
spending most tho tlmo In Los An
goles nnd San Dlogo. Mr. Roso
snys that Coos liny certainly looks
bottor to htm than any part of
IS HEM) TOO 111(211
.1. W. Kays of Kugeno Says Marsh
Held People Are Roosters.
Tho Eugono Guard says:
J. W. Kays, retired furniture
denier of this city, returned lost
night from a two weeks trip to
Maruhfleld and othor coast points.
Ho wont to Coos Bny for tho pur
Iioso of looking around with a vlow
to investing In ncreago nround
Mnrslifleld, but found that tho
prices of land woro sky high and
enmo nwny without spondlng nny
of his monoy. Ho says that land
two miles out of Mnrslifleld is hold
at $1000 an aero and that around
tho city 100,000 or moro town lots
havo beon laid out, somo of tliom
two or three miles out. Ho snys
tho people down thoro nro confi
dent that another Soattlo or San
Francisco will bo built on tho bay
and declares that they aro tho great
est boosters and tho most' optimis
tic ho has over seen. Ho was
shown every courtesy whllo In
Marshflold and says there are a lot
of flno pooplo down there but they
want too much monoy for their
land. Ho thinks hlmsolf that there
will bo a great city on the bay
somo day and thnt tho now S. P.
railroad Is going to help tho coun
try out wonderfully.
Large Attendance at Memor
ial Exercises for George
The Masonic Opera House yester
day afternoon was practically crowd
ed with tho audience that turned out
to pay n final trlbuto to tho memory
of Goorgo McCutcheon. a former
member of tho band nnd one of tho
most popular young men In Marsh
llold, who died recently In Califor
nia. It was one of the largest au
diences that over turned out on a
similar occasion hero.
Tho Rev. It. E. Drowning delivered
the Innovation and tho eulogy. His
thonio was "Good Fellowship," tho
manner In which Goorgo McCutcheon
wns regarded. Ho spoko of tho
higher attributes of "Good Fellow
ship," tho kind that docs good nnd In
addition to winning friends mnkes
the friends nnd tho world bottor for
the exercising of it. He pointed out
Mr. McCutcheon has oxompllflod In
mnny wnys tho higher attributes of
"Good Fellowship." It was a hand
some eulogy and struck a most ro
ponslvo chord In the largo assem
blage. Tho Marshfield Aorlo of Eagles and
tho Mnrshllcld Odd Follows nttended
lu n body, tho deceased having bocn
n member of both orders.
In compllnnco with a final request
iiifitlo by Mr. McCutcheon, Director
Fonlon hnd tho band rondor Chopin's
Funeral March and this with a fow
other solcctloiiH, Including solos, of
Sacred Music constituted the pro
grnm. t-N
Mnrshllcld Reported .Mixed Up lu
isO(iiuio i imimc.
Tho Coqulllo Sentinel says:
"On Wodnosdny night nt tho Ore
gon rooming houso occurred ono of
tho most disgraceful happonlngs In
tho history of Coqulllo, if our Infor
mn'tlon Is correct. Wo nro told thnt
several Murshucld young men, who
woro hero In nttondnnco at court as
witnesses In n caso now at trial, af
ter imbibing too freoly of Intoxicants,
wont to a room In that building nnd,
through tho wnllB of their room of
fered unnnmnhlo Insults to two vnu
dovlllo actresses, who woro playing
this week at tho Scenic. Tho actres
ses had tho room adjoining that of
tho young men, wo nro told, and
woro compelled to listen to tho pro
funo nnd Indecent langungo nnd re
mnrks of tho mon until tho night
mnrshnl could bo found nnd tho or
glo stoppod.
"Wnrrnnts for tho arrest of tho
young men were sworn out In tho
recordor's olllco yestordny and thoy
will no doubt bo speedily apprehend
ed, as thoy aro said to bo well known
In Marshllold. Wo are informed that
thoy dopnrted early yestorday morn
ing on foot down tho track, and pre
sumably took tho train nt Uoavor
Hill for tholr homo town.
"In nddltlon to tho InsultB offorod
tho young woiuou It Is said thoy tore
down the bed In ono room nnd trans
ferred It to tho room from which
tholr ribald remarks woro thrown at
tho actresses. For this wo aro told
n second notion will bo begun unless
tho dnmngo Is pnld for promptly.
THE CHANDLER P. 11. Mnrtln,
San Francisco: C. 11. Brown, Port
lnnd; S. C. Carmlchool, Mr. nnd Mrs.
Freonongh, Bnndon: O. 8. Mlsh. Snn
Francisco: T. F. Englo, San Fran
cisco; J. E. Norton, Coqulllo; Mny
Brown. Mnrshllold; R. J. Chance,
Snn Francisco: Georgo Colobrook,
Portlnnd: C. P. Kontlng, Myrtlo
Point: Ned C. Kolley. Coqulllo.
LLOYD HOTEL Mrs. Justin Mc
Neil, Coos City; Arthur Woldon, Coos
City: Jack Harris, Gold Roach: W. A.
Bongstnff, Portland: C. F. Brook
man, City; J. II. Collmnn, Cnmp a
Valley: B. C. Brown, Boavor lull;
Chas. Miller, North Bond; Clms. Red
ding. City. a , ,, , ,
Coos M. R. Adams, Coalodo; R.
A. Landrlth, Coos River; W. N.
McDonald and wlfo, Norway; Ron
cmiii, rinnlnla Hrnnk! M. R. Ad-
o...D r .,., J. Mr. llnnltnr. CoaledO!
lima, wt..i ., - --- "-- ...
R. C. Lovar, Coqullle; Ous Peter
son. Empire.
BLANCO Tom McKlttrlck, Port
land; Andy Sands, Cnmp 5; II. C.
Meliinls, Coalodo; C. W. Johnson.
Cooston: John Wnsson, Empire; J
A. Goodwill, Coos River.
Mrs. Hnmmond, of Grants Pass,
arrlvod hero last ovonlng to spond a
fow dnys visiting with her daughter.
Mrs. Richard Stubbs. Mr. Stubl.
who recently undorwont nn operation
at Morcy hospital, continues to Im
prove and tho attondlng physicians
bollovo ho will recover. Rosoburg
We Keep All Sorts
But Recommend
Kidney Pills
We know what they will do