The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, January 30, 1913, EVENING EDITION, Page 6, Image 6

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MJnMit4U m. -mTTj .
Mrs. Fluclla Turner of Marsh
field Gets Response from
Speaker of House.
Mrs. I'luellu Turner or Marsh
flold In In receipt of ii letter from
Champ Clnrk, speaker of the Nn
tlonnl House of Representatives.
Hcccntly when tlio Marshfield dele
gation was planning to go to Wash
ington, .Mrs. Tumor wrote to .Mr.
Clnrk, who was an old friend of
lior family and this is tlio answer
Blio received:
"My Dear .Mrs. Turner: 1 was
very glad to hear from you. Your
father and mother have always been
among my prime favorites. I al
ways thought your father wns one
of the ablest nion I over knew. I
havo said a hundred times that If
he had studied law when a young
man ho would havo mado one of
tlio greatest lawyers In .Missouri.
"I certainly am very much dis
posed to do anything Llint J can at
the request of his datigntor. I will
bo glad to see your friends from
Marshflold and help them as much
ns 1 can.
"Your friend,
United States Land Office Is
sues Statement to Stop
the Frauds.
ItOSI'Ill'ItO, .Ian. :io. On ac
count of so many Inquiries coming
Into the United States Innd olllco at
Itosohurg concerning the opening of
the Oregon nnd California railroad
lands to settlement, and In view of
tho fact that hundreds of prospec
tive settlers havo apparently heen
swindled by unscrupulous persons
operating In various parrs of the
country, Merirs. II. F. Jones and
Judge George U'ddle, register and
receiver, respectively, of tho t'nlt
cd States la.-.l ...iee at Koseburg.
desiring to do ai: In their power to
protect Innocent parties from the
wiles of the land swindler, have Is
sued the following statement con
cerning government lands in their
district, which comprises till of
Southwestern Oregon:
"Replying to your letter In which
character of tho govoriimont hinds
subject to entry in this district, un
der Hie homestoad Iiiwh nnd the
timber and stone act, will say that
the lauds open to settlement In this
district are composed of hills, moitu
Marshfield Independents Adopt
New Name Game at
North Bend Friday.
The Mnrshllelil Independent bas
ketbnll team was reorganized Inst
evening under the nnnio of the
Mnrshtleld Athletic Club, with Dr.
U. W. .Morrow as captain and Carl
Larson as manager. A numbor of
former college iuid..hlgh school stnrs
wcro present, from whom tho tenm
will bo selected. Tho material a)
hand warrants an exceptionally fust
The next scheduled game Is at
North ltend Krhlny evening, Jan. .'!!.
The team consists of lOkblnd, Otis,
Hyrlo, Morrow, arannls, Kreeninn,
Larson nnd Hustortidc.
Tomorrow night tlio Marshfield
High School basket ball team will al
so piny the North ltend High School
basket ball team at North lVend. The
Marshfield boys havo hired an auto
truck to take the team and rooters
there, and expect n fast game.
To Make It I'eriuiinent.
"Curly" Larson, mnnnger of the
newly formed Marshlleld Amateur
Athletic Club, stnted today that the
organization would bo mado a per
...,,,, ,.nim ,.,.., IIN tains, small valleys, bench and bot-' i"""1 n?T;,.l!M!n ".n?.
.MADK (.ODD (ItAIHvS. . . . .. . . iiriipiiniilv 11's of ntlilctli-H. Including track
Knsfslde SchoiTri'mdlV Standing in ' ' "" Z ! ?,. , i J , .3. work. There Is lots of good material
County 'I'cM. 'f some kind. The soil Is good and Jf ' JAl,rfnT'J
Mrs. Thoinns, teacher of tho Hast- ...i,,,,, ,,, .....i.,,,. n,i ,irilHi, ,. ,.. nor college and high school stars
. " " mv. ...v , 1. !.... ...... !. 1 .. tnlrn mi Ilirt llt
iiuiiiu aiiAiuiin in imii' ui mv "'
8 do bc oo. inH rocoivim mo xrnuoH ,, i n, t.,.i ,..,i,,,. ,i
... . . , . . . . a 1111 t 111 1 111-' I II 1 1 II II I II III 11 1 111 J fbl'lll .1..
of the Kustsldo pupils who rocontly ..., ,.... ..,. ., .....i,,,. ,..,,.. again.
passed tho State l'lghth (Irado ex- c10ITos and all kind or berries do
nmlniitioii. Tholr grades were as nv,,,,,,,!!,,,,!.. .n Tim i.mintrv t
lOUOWBI I ,,.ii wfitttroil timidi nvni'v pntivnu
or depression In the hills or nioun-, ''''
) tains affording a clear running'
J brook or spring. Kxeopt In t:io
; higher hills and mountains, snow
very seldom lies on the ground
James Whltty
Ida Shutter
Maydronm Mclxmn
Anna Lund
Arithmetic .. !'- 100 SI
Writing xr
Heading Of.
Physiology . . 2
Spelling .... HI
History 100
Oeography . . 00
Grammar ... 80
Civil Gov 82
Fiiti: at itosKiintn.
.Mill lloMioyed In lllae
HOSl'MHtO. Or., Jan. 30. Klro.
which probably Ignited from a in
fective flue, practically destroyed
tho main building of the Uosobtirg
in sm
or. ioo
no 11
0" or.
si a vs."
01 no
100 Oo
" liilltritt I It ft ii fiiti rtlitt li Hit'iin ltitu
" t n III lii" Ii, 1 1 c inr ...1 m ,,,l"lr MI,,S- OW"0(' m"' 0'",rntcil
jj 'the'VahiTseaH,',',, l' VenT about'S! J'f ; JS Son and situated
lttha&u it "tr0,' AK.Wh5S Slowing the fire II.
" ni'iii y clear .1 'l, Z-s h ' "" -"'""r mmhw ,,f ,,,
7:t " ."." III . ' '? .. ' .' i J l0,ltl lnB "H,flrin stnted that he estimated tlio
limit; iii; iiiiuj wiirn.
I i cnnA rt .1... inil .........
" Tim roilHt i-(iiilillM Cnna rtivrv !""' ". "i i"" " kiiioiiih
"0 . LI..V n an. t o Voster. nor H ns $r,0n0 i I tBoii tI tho building.
;0 1 1)1 Kb." am 11, roiiitl nro I IS00 ll,P ",OTk nllrt $,00n tl,(J "1U
I mi I -v nuu: J' "Wiiory. ..The stock Included, poul-
miLHASKI O.V I'llOIUTIO.V. ,10 grass growing green Uo Voar , lrK tiPP les, .ertll zer salt, l.ariey.
airilfonl Vouths Take Ailvntitnge of round. I" n"'' ,0,V'nr , " ', , '
lice During Dor, nan. Stage. Josephine nnd Jackson counties . n '" ,Wo m'ho ft niimber or Ineub-
MUDI-'OItl). Ore.. Jan. 20. Three are noted for their fruit produce. '",'"'" " ,l, !,11,,1,1"" 1!!1f.,!lii !li ' "" "
boys. Henry Dahlke, Wayne Smith We are not personally acquainted ( '""J mSLwmXoh
n...i i ..ii i. ,...... ,..m. ii... ..ii..,..,.. .... ..i t .1... i lie uniming wiucii .mi. hiaggs es-
mill win iviiiiiiiiii, mi imiiU'- II llllll "nil iiiu i iniiiiiu in i.'iiuiliriur Ul llll) i,,,i,,.i ,,, i, " ,,.,,,., I, .1...-,.l..,i
,,,iiivi . I7U niMlll jf II.MIIIIIIVIJ
1C yearB old, wero borore 1'rosocut- lauds opon Hi settlonient. but are ' Vr.iiVVn .;,.. V i.i .v ...
outing Attorney IJ. B. Kelly Wednes- advised that the lands open to Hot-1 J JS al I used ohShh rSimlvt
day, the misdemeanor or which they , tleinent are practically all timber! ," ," ,'' . ",H0,L olMn. " '"""i'?
worn accused of the taking or lion- and .brush lands with somo n.- ,' uU Ii. il i o,' i sr ! I v VvM.ih ,,
ey from the beehives or Muller (i. I"R lands. ii!!." - ",,lll,,n
lhirluu In the north end of the cllv. July 1, 1012. there wns In thlsi' "
Iloforo being put on probation they district 20l,:it) acres of unnppro-
wero tho targetH for a stealing lee- printed goveriiinont lands subject to
ture from the prosecutor, the Until entry, distributed ns follows: lieu-
admonition being: "Keep away from ton, :i(I(i7; Lincoln Silt); the great-
thls kind or buslnoHs--sooner or hit- or portions of Lincoln and llentoii
er you will get stung." The warning counties nro In the Portland dls
luid a visible and powerful elfect. itrlct; Klamath, 000: the greater
The boys are alleged to have taken portion of Klamath county Is In the
uiifalr ndvaiitage of tlio bees to take Lakovlow district; Coos 18,0:t7
their Honey, when they ure dormant, l Im'-V :i I.n-IT; Douglas :i:i.3!i:t:
.iritv.Mii.v aim: dii.wv.v.
iwln; to the winter cold.
Jackson 50.1111: Josephine 17.222:
Lane I I. Kill.
ltOSKIUTIKS. Jan. .10. A,mong
the Jurynieii drawn for the Febru
ary term of circuit court are J. J.
Henderson or Klkton, A. A. Saga
bird of Scottsbiirg. Nosh lllack or
Gardiner, and K. 10. Hnlnes of ICIk-tou.
Finnish Society Decides to
Make Business More Co
operative Than Ever.
At the annual meeting of the Kin
nlsh Co-Oiierntlvo Society, olllcers
were elected for the ensuing year
and nlnns made to ninku the or-
L'niilziitlon more strictly a co-opera
tive one. Ju the past, the annual'
profits of tho store have been ill
vlded among the stockholders. Now,
It has been decided, the stockhold
ers will merely receive a dividend
of six per cent on tho stock and
the balanco of the liroflts will be
divided among the customers, being
pro rated according to the amount
of their trade for the year. I'ach
cuVtoiner will then receive at the
end or the year his share of the
profits after the operating expenses
hnve been paid. The company la
Incorporated for $10,000.
Tho following directors were cho
sen for the ensuing year.
Alex Johnson, John Hackiiian.
Conrnd Hagqiilst, C. II. Lux, Win.
Asplund and C. J. Hillstrom.
The directors elected the follow
ing olllcers:
l'rosiilent Alex Johnson.
Vice president Win. Hagqiilst.
Secretary and treasurer John
Manager I. Lnndo.
Has l-'or lis I'lirpoxe AIioIIhIi-
incut of the Drug; Habit.
SALBM. Jan. 110. It will be un
lawful for any person, firm or cor
poration to havo in Its possession
poisons like opium, cocaine, mor
phine, codeue. heroin, alpha, mi
dline, nova cane, beta eiicHlnc and
chloral hydrate, or any of their
compoiiniU or derivatives wl'.bout a
dated prescription. If a bill intro
duced by Representative Honebriike
of Honton county becomes a law.
It would bo pretty hnrd to get
a prescription, too. All such pre
scriptions must contain the name
of tho person to whom Ii Is issued,
and be slguod'hy the physician, den
tist or .veterinary who Issues It.
.MIJDKOUD. Ore., Jan. o All rec
w.M.i; at : mii iiiimi ii, r ' Wn .,...i i ,.1,nir ,.r i,.....i.....i.. ,.r
Storlc ., g. Sets of Quadruplets, t j!'" "' f been K,CB ' HrSZ
a of Triplets, ,T of Tulim. ' " ",' , " '"" ' ? ' f 1,!.r,,!;'n- total being 17 Inches. Last yenr II 1
CLKVKLAND, O., Jan. :t0.--Tl.o ",ll" ""V i . ' K " fc ,C?,M ' now p '' M during the
birth of four boys makes Mrs. Will- " ,n " Jl " ''" m"iyt ,of, ,l10 months of Jnnunry nu.l Kebrunry
lam G. Clnrk or Cleveland the mother , ' luT,!"1'1 '"! The rarniers nro jubilant over the
of 27 children. She Is only ,i your L"! ), "' "" ? "' ,, of ' " '" ov, '"" heavy proclpltatlon. and with the
old. Tho quadruplets died because ,T , ;.:"" ."'V ", "T1.' '. "." . mountnltiH covored with snow plonty
of nn Injury to the mother. This Is ft "," , V ' ' " 'i ,,r "l ""! or moisture In the spring Is cortnlu.
tho second set of iiundriinletu tlio mi. .wl11' '"" uuilei-stanillng thnt the; Ti,e .liliiif of tho lust tow .lava l.
man has borne. She Is also ilm ino- lan,IH ar" llow "I'en open to settle-
tber of threo sets of triplets mid l0"1, ,!,,B K"v,,i''' bavlng won
live sets of twins. Six of hor 27 n' ""A "K"1""' Wl1'1 . imny. Oth-
eblldren are alive, the oldest, ltol- I'1" w'll,l,,' ,'"lm l" lvo paid var-
nnd, being 10. and tho vouiiKest. I""M '""!"' (.,r " fr which tTiey
llublmrd, Is 2 years old. Mm. '"i" '" ''f k()" l',l' '"! receive
Clnrk's mother has 28 children. Her ",lv'" Information as to the out-
Ernndinother had 20 children, ouad- ,'ol.,! ,,f .n'" 'HIkmUimi. Still oiIi.t
rimiiitu nu.l iiii,iniH ,iww. ii...... writers claim that tbev Imvo imiiis
...,... m ...,., ....... im , ,,..,, iiivill, I...., I. . m .. .' ....
pi v Miirvvv ""' ' ue iem-1 union in or congress, approved Apr 30th.
I L.U.N "IM.VW certain nor bins or lis ami nmi innu ,.i,iitiu,i ..i.,i .......I...I.... i..
1.... .1 . . -"- - . ' I ' !, .I.M1II I.BIMIIIKHI 111-
resiilted In a threo-foot rise of Hear
Creek, ami it Is feared that somo
damage may result If the stream
court of the I'nlted Stales.
M'ntTciitnii JUiiy Says I'lylng Maclilne
Seen There Is from Coos llnv.
The following dispatch to the Ore
goiilan from Warronton, Oregon,
will cause som0 wonilerinoiit here:
"A biplane iiiaiienverlng aloug
Clatsop lleach from ft o'clock until
about ii:::o p. in. Sunday has
caused considerable excitement In
this vicinity. Many persona between
this city and Genrhart wltncsnod the
performance, and as the machine
hovered close to the military reoer ... i. . ,., . ..
tuiiiiii i ruri niovens wuere it was
known no such machine wns kupt.
speculation became rife as to Its
"The city mnrslial, who formerlv
was a resident of MHi-shfleld, de
clnrod the ninchlne ho saw Is owned
at-Marshfield, 200 miles from here.
Others think It was rrom Vancou
ver, but no satisfactory explanation
la forthcoming."
Wnmn Y;l
gay $1 to
For Corsets
rind In tho An.erlcnn u
modelB some new 0M '
In -all that grac ,lf J
HiiK. all that correctness !
Htyle, all thai n CXCc
of innterlal usually 8i(nf(.(
with higher priced Lands
We Am4n
Lady Corsets. Only Woffi(
who wear them um. .,
our good reasomi
Wo havo your model,
Hub Dry Goods Co.
O'Connell Dldg.
Hucjo Quist Succeeds R. K.
Booth as Manacjer of C.
A. Smith Retail Yards.
K. K. Ilootlt. who has been innii
ager or the retail department or
the C. A. Snilih Lumber ami Mau-
PflOBf 1M.I
Valley City Has
Similar to Marshfield Or-1
u iviuiiicipai band.
Hiigeiio Is having ilnilllard""(il
ties to .MnrHhflcId in malBtii;J
a concert band, t: k rii.. ...!
OregonV I'loldentlal .Messenger Will
Deceive 7H:i ror Trip.
WASHINGTON. Jan. 30. Klec
toral voles or Oregon. WashhiKton
and California wore brought to
Washington .Monday by messengers
from those states.
Hugh McLaln of Marshfield
brought the Oregon vote and was
pain miiefiKo amounting to STSH, m
ufacturlng Co hIiich its establish- there does not r.n tl.nt herT
ment In .Marshfield. has resigned, appropriate the net Sm
lilt IlIlU lllllltl Ullfrllli1o.l lit llllirM . I. t . . UUu
Quist. who ,.,. n w.V tho Von,: uZ 'ZX W'ffiM
IllltlV 111 llllu c v fnr uoviii'ii vum-u i i 1...1.... """,u '"1 III
Vi.. i, ., , , " ""Ti uiiiiis II.
... M, ,B "ll" l".8 ,;.0,?."!!eJ, "f"" "WlBl tax levied forlho'
... ii,, iiiiuni.'ii llllll IVINI
that tho present prospects of Coos
Hay olTer an auspicious opening. Ho
expects to open n retail lumber yard
and may engage In the contractlnu
construction line in connection with
mo retail liusiiiess. Mr. Itooth Is
thoroughly familiar with the lum
ber business and has made inanv
friends during his residence here
who will be Kind to know ho Is to
remain in Marshfield mid will wish
him a full measure or success.
nugo quist. who succeoilH Mr.
llooth In the inniiagoiiient r the
retail yards, has been assistant In
the office for some time nnd Is
thoroughly familiar with tho busi
ness. u win ,o tho recipient or
congratulations rrom all his rrlends
In his deserved advancement, cou
pled with best wishes for his con
tinued success.
Deports of Depths of Wntcr of Ore
gon iiml California iwis.
I'mpqiia It Ivor liar, Jan. 7. 1!KI
HI feet at chart plane. Inner fair
way mioy gone. Hnr slightly north
t i ..1 , .... ... .'''!
11 in 1 miim-ii 1 nil willi tj( !j
University at Kugi no that in
band Ib most essential toltl-if
city council looks at It at tiiii
pensive. Concerning tho ui
the Kiigene Guard s.iys
"Tho proposal of tlio rl'y tx
en 10 Hunniii (0 1110 voters clt
cuy 111 1110 election on April t
proposition to levy a Ian of tt
minis or 0110 mill fur the pir?s
or raising money with vlll
maintain a municipal bands, ee
to meet with gem nil lavor sat
the business men or the tit;
"D. II. McCosh, w'm dlrccVJ i
band last year, nrrscntcd 11 i
council tho proposition to levin
He said that he had nn offer I' r
10 Aiioriieen, Wash, to dlrw.
band there and that tho peor'ik
ralHod M000 to nmhitaln tbet'
gauizatlon. hut ns ho nnd Mia:
lly llko Uiigeno bc'ter as 1 ii
In which to live they lind decli
stny here. He said that 'i
chants and other buiiuss nnb
ngroed to raise enough rr:f 1
the support of the band tb'ire
nut everyone thorn-lit Hat rr
plo at largo should ho iiBkcJUi
111c " 11 ic 'i', i.i.vii'i'
,,, V, '.,.,,, V, 1. ', w"'' ,,"V",H," "' tiieirisirucilng the attorney general to lu-
, ,7 . ..' 'i''--u--"wHiise applications wero on f le In tblK of- stlluto certttln suits" and tul forr
.0 looted -turkey trot" and "bunny fw mid that they are to have the See 2 ll oro if reads . u follows'
hug 'scores .., I, s cornet at a conn- preference rlgcht to file on sard "Tl at 1. m of the lands reverUnsi
ry dance .he lev Wllllan, Kb,- laud wheuthesult Is decide.! I to , T. Itml S Me ! vbtue ol
nf,r.1 p,.:?.1"' n0, 0f b , m,!0'h'" ' To all such Inquiries wo would any right of for theroh! as
of bt. nils Kiilwtiiml ehnreh. The say that the said sail is still pend- aroreialil all , or be one sub
pastor Joined ,, brass baud over the ig In the United States c re. It , to entrv u er o he nubile
protest of .Is Hock and the demand court In Portland. Oregon, mid that a..d aws of tlio l'nlt,l ., nV Yn
for his reulKiia imi nulled sielv rot- when a decision Is reiiderwi V,v L ?i 111.. Ji., Hi 1. Ss11"u'8 or
lowed his appearance with the or- coim' "in" an p.'du ,?!? , e e" 'a v of ,i! "pulol laadTws"
gauUallon lit n ragtime dance, mil be appealed to the supreme the CnV, 1 States "
iu"ii in um 1 uiii'ii Diwif". ,,iu .,,i, ,n : . , , ,
Pago 320. Chapter ail. I'nlted .To,.. iZ u, WaZ V.Ltn.. i-VO,0l,..ln
States s.atu.os. llll 1-112. An Act ,?" " ' .i"" '' '," '', 1U " ,,,e
Supplementing the jiilnr resolution , ... , L ?." ' U", "n ,ur
G. Alfred Hnynes of Proswer. who
irought Washington's olectornl vote
was paid $7M nillflaue. and ex-Gov
ernor Pardee, California's messen
ger, drew $711.
Koi.r years ago Oregon's messen
ger was late, nut eventually was
allowed mlleago beeauso lr wku
shown he was delayed by storms.
The New 19X3 Model
Harley-Davidson Motorcycle
Has Arrived
and is imw I'Oihlv I'di- niul (leiiiniisti-ntiim -.i ',. . .1.
.. . , . . ' ' " u u 11 m 1 if, 1 1U'
iiiwit ui an linn .s (K.s( in utcjcics, 111, iioii frfts ,111,1 ttitloniobilis.
This news will lp as iiucivstinjf as ii is inipoi-iaiil to present and iumhuv
livo iiioliuvypU. niliuv. Tho llai'lo.v-Davidson needs no introdiu-tion. It is
tmivppwUly known and lwouniwd as (ho wtn-ld's bost.
This new .V:V5M wliirh wo havo iusl voccivi'd is Ihn t' i..!i..mL .. n.:..
jri-ont inacliiiip. (!ivatt;r imlliiiK iovor at low spoods-mm-o iiowpp ,m
tho hills- inure poyr tor mud, sand ami rough voads-t hat's tho realization
ol tho onginooi's who have built this now I liu-lev-Davidson.
It has all tho lalost and nowesi idoas. inntruoto VhI.ui,....
1 -t 1 i i..-i " " " "
iiiiu iiv.'t5 witi'i'i miiuui.
l)rop iu at "Tho aiiiiiuTy' next to tirand tln-aior, and soo this now
"TEe G
Mrs. Kred Kruse. who uiiiiiui.iit
an operation ror appendicitis nt
Mercy hospital yesterday, Is report
ed to be getting along nicely, much
to tin. gratification of hor many
.Miss Julia Holms, who lias boen
employed nf Sartor's, Is confinod to
her homo by a slight nttaek of ill
ness mid her slstor. Miss hy.Un
Holms has beon working in hnr
.Um Davis of tho Uradflolil tmr
ner shop has rorelved word that Jus
son Arthur Davis. Is quite sick at
Spokano. Wash., and ho may leavo
. iwib wiiui u ne docs not re
ceive word of some Improvemont In
his condition.
Mrhw'.le,, M,ccl "f South
Marshfield. who hag beeii In charge
of the gravel work for the Smlrti
Powers Co. at Myrtle Point, is re
ported quite sick there of pneu
nionla. Mrs. McCulloch left there
,,,?Vt ?f Jhe wpek to care for him.
w"7tnJ,.?own of 8out Brod:
hi yJ,',,n,d '"' w,th n" 'nJuiy to
..htn,7 ust'ned while employed
in the C. A. Smith mill.
Pat Hennessey w down .from
their mine on Isthmus inlet yeter
;71 ,.tr,i,e re,,ef ,rora Kvere
KS? nLemmtl9m lu one w
Itoport by Georgo Tyler TiiirlliVJl Im''.tl10 expense, r-ul by K'Jl
wh. Xmvim,.. n,,.'""' IUK U0M Hinall tnx to rnlntf bctwwtt III
Sluslaw Itlvor llnr. Dec "fi iojo ml 15000, tho Inrrc.uo In tUIr
7 feet chart piano. Chnnn'ol fair. 0Ht, l,"l'',,y owner'n nx ::J'
ly straight out for buoy (o, Ty. "l' " foV V(,u 'riPiEiH
ler. tug Itoscoe. .,nvport. Oregon. v"y"K wo,,1, "ot "C,J ,llc te
ihiiiiiiiii nay imr, .ian u, 101:1 ".
Chart piano depth 12 feet. Channel : lv- IcCohIi said ho had K
south of 1'iinvn tr.n t.. -mn ,..... .. a canvass of the business ntr
shape. Geo. Tvler. imr llnnr.,. , the city and found then n'
Coqulllo Ulver liar, .Ian 0 I ill .J" flvorliig a first clnss bJi
0 feet chart tiimin. am nil n 1.- thor yoar. Kvervbody '
channel straight. .1. I,. Krononberg ',0 l,,c,"K0,I w'"1 the ord'anlutt
limndon, Oregon. oxlstenco Inst yenr nnd nil wta U"
iiuniiioidt liny Hnr. Jan. 7. 1 n 1 :t I ,M,0 on ro0 ttmt tne ci7.B
li feet chart plane. Aids O K I ""l ,,fford to do without "
North and South i-lmnnaiu in,,;, n.,'. after.
same depths ns tho straight chnn-' '"'',10 Proposition Is, lffl,f
neis. .North channel very crooked 1 1H vo,c". to npiiolnt a corner
and difficult. Peterson, Tug Rollof !of throo 111011 to hninllo the a
I'mpqiia ltlver liar. Jan. 0, toil! rwlnod nnd to attend to ItJ '
12 feot chart plane. Aids at pros-! lnirsoinoiit. ,
out not satisfactory. Ranao Hubts "Olrontor McCosh nug" steJ 1-
awny out. Strangers should koop "t' of this money n ElnkiW-r
ranges well onnn to nnrihwimi i. nilKht bo stnrted with wbw
side black nun buoy aone n'drlft. 'oroct n perninncnt hand stand Utf
Channel shifted to south. Kairway , Pnt'lc."
"iioy suiueii to edge of bronlcors I
iuu ioei Houtll of ehnmiel. Ilv 11m.
lor. Tug Glenuer.
Hoguo ltlver Hnr. Jnn. S, 1013.
7 feet chart piano. Channol almost
stra glit out. sllglitly to northward.
Hy I' red S. Caugholl, Woddorburn,
laxi-: in:sii)i:.vrs opposi;
MAPLKTOX, Jan. 30. Consldor-
Mr. Vasey was In .MarshfleW s
H'nnt. fn ...i.l lr... I nllnllnn.
Allau Pnnlnll nnil lief W'l
wnlkod from tho cnuin to to"1
Mr. nnd Mrs. I). L. Watson. -hnvo
beon qulto sick at tneir r-
nonio aro roported better-
ilrs. w, P. Totten was - -
!!r ..'.'ir81"" th0 "'""ntioii of ' sick list "lust week. Mr V
of Sluslaw County out of tho wost-i'lins also Just received word H
nm.J!"1'' i0f ,a." 7,1(1 Noi-thwostorn serious lllnoss of his motter
Doug as has developed bore sinco; Glondnlo.
the circulation of the potltlona that
sinlth Is now nicely sJ
iV i imi i; "' l,,u ''"Kisiaiure. on his rnnch near hero nno ij
t said that ninny or tlio pooplo raise some of the finest ell
in the eastern part or tho proposed 'ami hoga that Coos county J?
new county did not fully understand duce.
the petitions when ilmv wnn. i,..i ul ..,,.. ..i. ..uitMJt1
-i-1 nil. iiiiu ,u rs. iiiiri 11 ii'- i.
. Vi,,.fia n,ul .8,K,ie.'1 them under a homo of the latrcr's slitff..
nilstipprehonslon. Loss than two per Coo , ran In Conullie last JJ
cent of ho tnxpuyors of this see-1 j "n Ponninn "as a M
IT",, 'infti "S0."?.. !??. -ho 'visitor' In'weTk. ' " . . J
7-w "" " me niiunuon, are Mrs H tt llnvncs nn '";,
favorable to the formation of a new ! wo- thnt hor faUicr Is a""1'
county now. be levin Mini . ii, ., '." l"nt. ll0, lnllltr " '
prospects of a railroad from Kit- a
geue to Coos Hay, oue of the tax-1 1 "
paying residents want anv Mianir.'J
unless the county seat Is more cen-. m.Axrn urvrFr FreJ '.
trally located. Kv ,,, n... "" liUA?c9 IIPT1'.IT.. LtA&
not lu favor of a d Its , Ai' '".T : wl " ' m m' T;4 ,.
win 'fotfUad,troOVtehV?1theU, tta 't and w fem,.rK: Jj
burden on thmnwivn., ,ui. .,."..".''. L1?.11 u'l Kuul l' . i-i "
, - ne pon uity: h. Densmon"' ' "
o. Mangold, Llm Orv
TH i: TO HOt
. oins. LuniAiiv iievi 1 n f 1
' i"iMl KAflLK'S HAM- 1l,"!?Ii?fiflI
1 ' -i' ()' .idriiin li s
1 -' sin:, . ut r
w 1 ' 1
.1 ft ) 1 t ,r
I '' jlii i 1
KUIIlJlltl '1, I') ", . 'Ill1
riiH minii'o .,.,slilrtl iw 5r
""' """ : " ;;,, KE
1 -I 'V
w cvniTn
City Marshal
mi nor nance. .nu" "
I j l
--rr7.rjr .