THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, JANUARY 30, 1913. EVENING EDITION. !infiiprt8uni Announcement To Tin I'"!'11' f ('oos G!unlU' y,f Finnish Go-Operalivo Stove desires lo announce an important chanye in iht opt ration of that establishment, hi which every customer is to share , llu prof'!' II, i( i'H' i rare hi ana complete record is .to be uepi o all who trade at ,,.s- sion nt "l the end of the near, after allowiiiy (he sum of si.v per cent Hi,' iiirtstmcnl ami for expenses and depreciation, all the remuininy pro- ,i I ..., .i,.i' i'ii ')'IJ ')!) mill, ill mill .I 7,'in'.,, ,,,,.,!,,,. ,. II.., Ills Hi' "' '' """-' '" " "l"""" u (hum fi iii cc mimuii uiiniit mi ( ir . . , if. rtntii ji tin I I fi i ii ..i . ........ ..!....... AIT7. .. ,..,..! ...... 'It flislnwt I'S, JUSf, Utti sum- n , mi; irriv un;iiHvtucrN, J lit: (Oitn iroUS Will j ,ii,rn, tinned pro rata, the same as a dividend fund. Thus the laryer sum Hini " truth; the yrcater your returns at the end of the year. In other .ns inidir (he new Co-Opcralive plan, (he customer yets the profit. fins broad and comprehensive manner of co-operation makes it possible for ,! i none to share in its benefits and profits without huviny your money nclimllii iiirtslcd in shares of slock. in on lit Coint in ind let as convince you. u Finnish COperatiYe C HKOADWAV - Kirsl National Hank Uuilding. VlTLL LINE Staple and Fancy Groceries iXuSzss&maBHiK LOSER (JOES TO .IAIIi and i WIXXICR LOSES HIS LIFE IIAVVMI.I.I.' Kv lim on I....1, I , ' I . , i.a..., j i, iiiiiii a. l 1 1 . IV iColoiiinti, u lliirtoilablirg, K, WII-' 1 Hum Toll, bet llonry Marshall that Ilia could Mit u bullet through Mnr-j hIiiiII'h luil without touching tho sculp. Marshall accepted the wager 'and won It. Thu bullet went through i tlm lint' mill Marshall's skull, killing him liiHtuntly. Coleman was arrest-, i oil. I gM TIDES FOR JANUARY. The EE ART is enSne eff L"fo tj, ctt.. I i -t you do not cvir.- iui 1 ( t weather. The r; !, c 'lausting ef fect ff u . f 1 -at mal:u it J:'1;, r .,v ! a-t to da its v,:r'-, i 1 . yo.r heart i.i nnt utall.w.',)uj cinnot lo too careLl. If yea zuZst f'oii cny cfTcctluc c(th:lic..t,...nuJ heart Cer oid . Il c'tatly benefit you. Thcss '. ' 1 3 e'rengthen and tone the hiart and keep that or Can In free, healthy action. Sold with ft) UczuM cuarantco nt 50c. rr b.x. TONIGHT ni- IfTe Royal 'J'luit. IIk lliri'( it'll iiIkIH only frnl mo Ui (TSTKH'S l,AST KK.'IIT. j i iuii i ilium iiiih iiuiiiiiuiii iiNiiuro. .MISS .'MA It I, I. V the uh l(!i (lie hwrt't olfc. ij:i: xr ciiamhj:!!. iih.m' two ih- vit kIi'N, toniori'ow iiIkIiI. Delow Is given the Unio and holi;ht of high nnd low water nt MarBhflold. Thu tldos aro plnccd In tho order of occurrence, with tholr times on Hin flrnt 1Imi nn,1 linlflita nn Mm hccoihI lino of uncli dny; n coinpai- Iflnn on consccutlvo IioIrIUb will liullcntc whothor It la high or low Inn'cr. For high wntor on tho bar, ! snlnt rnct - hours 31 nitnutna. UUIIIih.. 1.07 8.03 2.T1 8.fi7 i Fr... 1.0 C.2 r 0.0 3.C :io iii-h.. l',02 ii.oo Ft... 2.1 ii. I o.c 3.:i 31 lll'H.. 3.0!) 10.02 1.57 11. CO Ft... 3.1 C.l 0.2 3.1 wavm:, tiii: ."Miuiiliiy. WI.AItll willing WKATII Kit KOHKCAST. AilniNsltm .Tonlulil. 10c, WANT ADS. Lockhart-Parsons Drug Company The Rexnll Store The Busy Corner" Phone Mnlu 21) We Are Agents for )Kver! Typewriters MARSHFIELD CYCLERY pne 158-H 172 llrondivav POWERFUL MAGNET '''' tllO rltriiliitli.. mrm ,7 w,lnR ns a iowcrful inng. &, "imUs" rt'S,llts for ndvcr The circulation of this paper Is "P'ete. Tho advertising, 8 woll we news, u ,.,.ii .., ,.. .. verJy la this community. I "Wuch iiln ai.....i .., Ewmi ""hi. u. coiuinn People plnco their needs before i ea"ii- .....I... or7T;.Z"cy wt ct we work. j "'Wonts your wut n.i , ,n.m UIES. lil MIO.NE 133. J. EHST OF LIVING :h,a h.S he dld U- "My two h6 oetaK V:e,r,y,bai1 cou8h nd 'Uood . i'w?e.d,5,le" '! thorn N and Tar rnm0tt, ,of Fo,ey'B er9 e and 6d ,tho cldren :uusn. i ,, l"'c oi their 2 25 bottle S,0??1?'" b, fr vwmer, "ui i"o I'OII UIINT l'lirnWu'il liousekei'p. iug rooniB. 1021 Klrnd. l'Olt ItKNT Kni'iilslit'il iipiulini'iit, runt $12. No. 113 Second St., No., Phono 310-X. l'Olt SAI,lv I'lvc IiIkIitIiiks Wliltw Wyandotto'H nnd Hhodo IbIiukI ItudH. young rooHteiB, 8 montliB old, bred from first cImkh Btoek, ?3.r0 to $r.Oo caeli. TIiIh In a Hiiap for anyone wanting a good rooHter. Apply at Kmplro Poul try Itnncli or PoBtofflro, lOmplro. FOl'N'l) (icutli'iiiiiii'N watch fliiinii with Inlaid omblom. Ownor may Bccuro samo nt TIihob olllco by pay ing for this notice. on tho Hay who is unomploycd? Coos Day Husineas uonego. OUKOON, Jan. 30. Fair to night nnd Friday. Colder to night except near tho const. l,OCAI, TUMI'KKATUHK KKCOItl). For tho 2-1 hours ending nt -I : i :i n. in., .inn. uu, uy netij. Oatllnil, Hpoclnl Griorntuont mo- toorologlenl obsorvor: .Maxlnnini Til I Minimum 30 ( At -1:13 n. in 32 Precipitation nono Precipitation ulnco Sopt. 1, 1912 12.70 Proclpltatlou Bnmo porlod provlous yonr 31. IC Wind Northwest. Clear. W. C. T. U. Tho V. C. T. U. will warded for his honesty by Mrs. Mc ... - - 1 i'Mimllll 4 tmn until i tu ii'nninn ivnnninr- nr .111111111. ' IIIVUl, Mllll MID, 4-1IIII1IW u nvuivt hi, -- her home on Soutli &x& strcoi noxc Saturduy nftomoon. SOCIA1, CAIjICVDAK. TIIUIISOAY A. N. W. Club with Mrs. W. P. Hiiulro. "Clown Party" with Mrs. Arthur McKeown. F.UIDAY Liulles Art Club with Mrs. V. H. Curtis. day. It Is expected that nnothor hundri'd tons of steel rails will bo lecelvcd within n fow months. Siicli'ty Mi'flliiK. A meeting of l ho Norwegian Lutheran Young La dles' Society, will ho held tonight at the home of Miss .Miitlilnon at Hun l;cr Hill. turdny was directed In Miss (loutd'a own handwriting, allowing that her remembrance of him wns not purely ollk'ltil, as If it had been thu an nounconient would probably have been directed by aonio dork. To (,'o Smith Ceorgp Ooodrum Iiiih sonic important Ixisluess nugo tlatlons under wny which may ro Hiilt In his being called to Now Or leans In u short time. ltauiiict Tonight A bnimuot will bo enjoyed tonight following a spo clnl session, of tho Uoyal Arch Jin kouh to con for the Past and Most Kx cellent degrees on thrco candidates. High School Play. Thu Marsh Hold High school students aro com plutlng preliminary arrangements for n minstrel show to ho given February 1 1. Huhcnrsals for It will soon bo under wny. .Many Herring. There has been a good run of herring tho pnst week and llshermon have kept tho local market well supplied with them. Steelhcads, flounders nnd perch also were unusually plentiful. Fine Chlckenx 11. A. Wells of tho .lava Coffoo House Is getting to bo n real poultry rnncler. Today ho received two Whltu Orphlngton r?nc1mr1u Hint i'iih! lilin nlioilt Situ. Ho nlready has qulto n fow blooded fowls. Tiim'm Due Sheriff Cage has as sembled an extra foreo at IiIb olllco in Coquille to handle the annual payment of taxes which will begin tho dny after tomorrow. On nil taxes paid before Mnrch lii, a dis count of three per cent Is allowed. Not as many MarBhflold people will bo employed In Sheriff Cage's extra force this year ns usual, owing to the ones who have experience hav ing permnnmit positions which they can not give up for the temporary work. Cliilslen Vessel. MIbb .lennetto Nowlln, tho 10-yenr-old daughter of .wr. and Mrs. .1. A. Nowlln of Coos lllvcr. will christen the Sun Itnmon, tlie lilg 200-foot lumber schooner which will bo launched nt tho Kruso & Hanks shipyards In North Head Saturday morning. She is the granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. 11. Piper of Coos River nnd through a misunderstanding It was stilted the other day that Miss Piper would christen tho vessel. Tho vessel Is for tho Dodge Lumber Co. and It Is expected that there will bo u large number present nt the launch ing, which will tnko plnro about 10 o'clock Saturday morning. 1 PERSONAL NOTES LlOSTKIt SMITH of Coon Ulver la in town todny. PKTKIl MICIinLimiNIC of Allegnny Is In town today. NOIUtIS MORGAN Is hero today from Daniels Crook. Altenil Court Dr. K. Mlngus. Marshal Carter and Nlghtwatehmnn Shoupo wero among thoso called to Conulllo to testify lu tho Parker dnni ngo case. Wnltor Richardson la act ing marshal In the absence or Jack Carter. ni.i.i.tfuu , iiiitiiiii(iiiii'iif . f. A. Rold Is In receipt of ono of tho nu noiincemont enrds of tho mnrrlago of MIfs Helen Ooiild nnd Flnley lnlmimn Klinniiril III tllll OoilllI fam ily home, LyndliuiBt, nt Irvlngton-on-tlic-lludsou, .Inn nary 22. Contract Confirmed Advices ro- Inul Iioiti rnnflrin I1w nmnrl 111 Tueaday'H Times that tho Southern Pnelilc had nwarded tho contract ror tho concroto work on tho piers for tho bridge neross Coos liny and also for the Bteol for tho bridge. 'i'u-ii l'linciiils Two funornlB wero hold yostordny nnd In each case tho porson wns without any rolntlves or close frlonds In this sec tion. Ono wns thut of James Dol- au, tho former sailor nnd inter sn- oon "Bwnmper," nnd tno otnor wno Peter Cntavltcli, tho Austrian log- gor, who was iciiicu m tno amiiu- 'owora enmn at Coalcdo III an nc- cldent Monday. IIKIUlBFtT OICDDIJS of South Coos River Is In town todny. MRS. HI3DDI3N of Daniels Creek Is visiting In town todny. ltecovers Mrs. Charlotte Mc.MullIn yestordny rocovored n purso containing 100 In cash' and nbout $200 worth of securities, which hIi lost nn the road en route r. . -.. i. I. Mnra if olil tin ot lor linv. '1 O nomo ooh mi)- uiuii mu uuni " - - . 1..1. ...... Binnrt; boiiio nchlovo sinnrtness. nnd liurso wiib picked up by a lahoiet somo mnnngo to put up a successful nnniod Oscnr Lea, who lives with . . " .... ..rv.i.i iiinilimi niitl fntlinr Hour uiuii. .""-."""""'' ' ." ,,,. .,.. ;. inrneei roini. no nuuiuny - Cloin Announcement. W. A. Roid vesterdav recolvod nn nnnounco . . ....i .. m it. ...utn.n t I tin 1 I r1rtt ww uw'W inciTinv fm-u com. Aunt DcikI. Miss Jiuia lion, nn mom ot 1110 iiuitiuru ui '" W 0 I u te, mgraSh J ? V Uiero' ono ' aunt of P. II. Watoof Suther..,,. Qould to Plnlejr Jo hnson Shu.mrd WHO IS WUII Known oil twin im.. in mi ,;, .1. , - , l'Olt SA!,i: OK TltADK New gas stovo. Objoct of sollIiiB. going where thoro Is no gas. Address 331 First St., or phono 310-J. FOR SA1,K Nnrly Roso seed pota toes. C. J. Carlson, Daniels Crook. XOTICK Will the lady who tolc wrong umbrolla at recont meeting of M. 13. Ladles' aid nt tho P. K. Allou resldonco kindly roturn to Times olllco for oxchnngo. WANTKD CaiiK-iiteiH, miners ami nn Iron moldor. Apply at onco. Phono 200-L. died nt Ashland, Oregon, tho first of tho week. Relay Steel Tho Tormlnnl Rail way Is rolnylng tho steel on Railroad nvonuo, which thoy took up last fall In ordor to comploto North Front Btroet. Tho Rodondo brought In bo mo steol for tho compnny yestor- nonniiiirmiinntR u'nrn lSSUOll llV Ml'8. Shopnrd's eldest brothor and bis wife. Mr. Rold. when ho hnd chargo of tho Y. M. C. A. work In Alaska was working under tho direction of Miss Gould nud as a token of his esteem for tho woman, ho named IiIb oldest daughtor In her honor. Tho announcement recolvod by him yes- FOIt SAIiU OJIKAP A heavy blnck toam, weight about 3300 lbs.. For particulars inauiro of Bon Tyror, Cooston, Orogon. FOK 1IKXT ICiulit-iooin furnished houso. nn'' South FlftU atrcot. Henry liiuck. WANT13D Ttvelvo oxperlenced min ora and tlnibor mon. Apply Doav or Hill Coal Co. FOU SAI,1C CJood second hand motor delivery car nt a bargain. Addreas Box D, caro Times. FOU SALK A choke dwelling lot on Contral avonuo. I. S. Kaufman & Co. FOR SAMS A flno ll-monOis-old reglstored boar, puro nerkshlre. AIbo two 9-months-old: good bono, good longth, good stock. Cednrbrook Ranch, Dox C4, Shor wood, Oregon. FOR SALE Dry wood, fir and al der, nt Campbell's Wood Yard, Forry landing. Phoae 15.S-L. FOR ItEXT ' room houso on South 4th Street. Inqulro J. E. Edmunds Coos Bay Wiring Company. FOR SALE Horses, harness nnd wagon. Phono 57-J, Coos Bay Steam Laundry. Salad Bowls, 15c Saturday, Feb. 1 , Only A 1-1 inch extra deep imported China Salad Bowl, 0 beautiful floral decorations. Regular 05c value. Olio only to each purchaser. Saturday Special Sale Price, 15c if you bring this ad. See them in our window. ' ALWAYS SOMUTIIING NEW. Peoples' 5-10-1 5c Store O'Connell Bldg. Market Avenue. ORPHBUM TONIGHT TV TUP GARDEX FAIR Beautiful Vltngraph with old favorites. MOTHER OF THE RAXCH Xew und 1 strong Mesteni. Ol'rWITTlXG THE PROFESSORS Edison comic, including well- known Edison fun milkers. A full reel. WORLD'S SERIES BASEBALL coming Mednewlny. Fourt Picture hi tho "What Hppened to , Story series," entitled "Tho Affair at lUynor's" will bo shown Tuesday, next, Feb. 1. ESTABLISHED ADMISSION - - - 10c, NEVER MORE NI3AL DAGOI3TT Is In Mnrshllold on business from Allegany. II. C. DI13RS of North Bond wns a Marshflold visitor today. , J. WRIGHT WILSON loft today to visit nt California points. MRS. TOM LAWHORN of Allognny Is spending tho dny in town. W. P. PIPER of North Coos River Is In town on business for tho dny. MR. and Mrs. W. M. MOBLEY of the Cronmory nro in town todny. MRS. M. J. I3LROD loft today for Snn Francisco for n short Btay. MRS. MARY KNICIC of Coos River Is in Marshlleld shopping today. LUTHER JUDY . and wjfo nro In town todny from North Coos Rlv- r. MRS. A. O. AIK13N loft todny for Snn Frnnclsco for u few wcoks' stny. MRS. 13. E. DYI3R Is In MnrBhlleld today from her homo on Daniels Crook. MRS. GEORGE BALCOM of South Cooa River Is spondlng today In town. 13. L. RORINSON rotumod todny from a visit at his ranch on North Inlot. CLAY CHURCH hnB nurchnsod a motorcyclo from Earl Gray of Al legany. JOHN MERCHANT left this aftor noon for Snn Frnnclsco on busi ness nnd pleasure. R. S. RIGGS and wlfo or Myrtlo Point enmo ovor yesterday to tnko tho Redondo for California. E. E. NI3AGLEY and family of Coos RIvor havo moved to 921 Contrnl nvenue, San Francisco, Calif. E. L. DKSSEY Is In town todny on his wny to Conulllo, whoro ho will nppoar ns a witness hi tho Strang enso. JULIUS LARS13N nnd D. E. NOR TON1 will bo passongors on tho outgoing Drain Btago tomorrow morning. MISS RUTH MATTHEWS hns re Hicneii her nosltlon at Stafford's and Miss Allco Josoplison has suc ceeded her, MISS EUGENIA SCHILLING will ar rlvo hero tonight from Myrtlo Point to visit nt tho W. P. Mur phy homo. A. J. MENDEL Is oxpected homo to morrow or noxt day via San Fran cisco from a mouth's eastern trip on business, MISS ANNIE JOHNSON of South We carry a complete line of meats. Hams from Germany Hams from Italy Boiled Hams ' Kingan Hams and Bacon Bacon Backs Cervelat Mettwurst Salami Dry Salt Bacon in fact anything in the smoked meat line. Drop in and look our stock over. Stauff Grocery Co. Phono 102 Inlet Is visiting In Mnrshllold for a fow days with her sister, Miss Myrtlo Johnson. WM. WARWICK, timekeeper nt tho Smith-Powers camp nt Coalcdo, was In Marshflold yosterday to visit his family. 13. W. SULLIVAN loft on tho trnln this morning for Coqulllo to np poar as a witness In a raso In tho circuit court today. MRS. FLUI3LLA TURNI3R drovo la from Milllngtou today lu her new Ford nuto. She reports tho roads In ery good (.audition. WM. C. MANGOLD, a commercial traveller, arrived on the Hreakwa ter this morning from Portland, and Is calling on trade. C. H. MARSH left yostordny for tho big tunnel thin sldo of Gnrdlnor, nud will spend a fow days thoro on right of way matters. MISS RUTH TOWI3R and CHARLES TOWI3R of Junction City. Orogon. nriived In Mnrshflcld todny nnd nro registered nt tho Coos Hotel. I). C. GRI3I3N phoned Inst night that ho and his wlfo hnd roached Drain from Snn Frnnclsco and would ar rive in Mnrshllold tomorrow. R. 13. SANDERSON and wlfo of Dnn lols Creek left this morning for Coqulllo, whoro Mr. Sanderson will act ns n witness in tho Strang enso. MRS. 11YRD LATTIN, nccompnniod by Glndys Varnoy, will leave this afternoon for a Bhort visit with her dnughter, Mrs. Ernest Varnoy of Conledo. MISS MYRTLE SMITH, daughter of C. A. Smith, and her guest, MISS CATHERINE DREW of Minnea polis, left on tho Nnnn Smith to day for Berkeley. MR. and MRS. JOHN FREELAND of Rend, who hnvo boon visiting Mrs. Freolnnd'B brother, una Pe terson, of North Inlet, returned to their homo this morning. W. W. NASON. a prominent brick contrnctor of Hood River, Orogon, Is visiting J. M. Wright of this plnco and looking over tho busi ness prospects of tho Day. MISS AGNES KUNKEL, nn oxport nhslrnctor, who arrived horo re cently from Porrlnnd, has taken a position with tho Record Pho tograph Abstracting Company. CAPTAIN REEVES nnd CAPTAIN JOHNSON of Sonttlo, who arrived by tho Coos Bay wagon road yca torday morning on n plcnsuro trip, went up to Allognny yostordny af ternoon, returning this morning. HUGH SNEDDON roturned Inst ov enlng from n hunting trip to South Inlot. Ho succeeded hi getting nbout 20 ducks nnd brought back roportB that Mr. Brown of tho Pnlaco restaurant was killing nil that wero loft. A. E. GAGNON, foromnn of tho Enst sldo mill, arrived homo yestordny from nn oxtendod trip to Mlnncso tn, eastern Canada and California. Ho wns necompanled by his nloco, n cousin to the young lady who spent a yoar or so at tho Gngnon homo In Bunker Hill. Ho hnd n lino trip. MISS FLORENCE RBHFELD nnd CIIAS. REIIFELD will lonvo on tho noxt Redondo for n throo months' visit In Cnllfornln. Miss Rohfeld will spond most of tho tlmo In Snn Joso visiting hor bIb tors, Mrs. Claud Stutsman nnd Mrr-. Wm. Hortamnn, whllo Mr. Roh fold will visit dlfforont points on business. MISS ELSIE NORTON, slstor of Mrs. Oliver Johnson, of Roseburg, pas sed through horo this nftomoon, onrouto from Portlnnd to San Francisco, whoro Bho oxpects to lo cato permanently. Hor sister, Mn bol Norton, also a former resident of this city, Is now onrouto from Mnrshllold to San Frnnclsco. whoro ho will Join hor Bister, Elslo. Rosoburg Nows. - NORTH BEXI) NEWS I 77? Tho old North Bend mill, which has been closed down Bovornl days for repairs, resumed oporatlons this morning. , , , Ernest Snnford, who has been vis iting relatives In Oakland. Califor nia, returned to Coob nay today. Gilbert Gllbortson of Kentuck In lot has rotumod from a business trip to his old homo In Glondalo. stopping nt Rosoburg en routo. K I ALONG THE WATERFRONT I . Tho Alllanco Is duo In lato today from Euroka and will anil at C:30 tomorrow morning for Portlnnd. Tho Nnnn Smith Balled this morn ing for nny Point with a largo cargo from tho Smith mill. A FRESH SUPPLY of FRESH OLYMPlA OYSTERS .1U8T RE CEIVED. Freo Delivery. 1MIOXB your ORDER to PHONE 7it-J. CUSTER'S LAST FIGHT at tho GRAXD THEATER tonight. Try Tho Times' Want Ads. To remove tartar and dis coloration from the teeth, use PENSLAR PERLA-DENTA TOOTH POWDER 25c ' -- ' "i i.' ,rri i