. .,- MAm THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHPIELD. OREGON, THURSDAY, JANUARY 30, 1913-E1EW1MG EDITION, ST-T l-lTfi.'I" LkVQ I i fill J limltJK MUiH L'f'Jilf The Sign of Good Candy Always Self-Preservation Is'The first Law Flro Insurnnco Is ono of tho most important menus of protec tion. And yot pcoplo will contlnuo to neglect It. Lot iiq lnsuru your hotisohold furniture, your dwelling or oth er proporty. It will cost but llttlo. It will protect you per fectly. Wo havo tho strongest com pnnlcs anil wo write correct policies. L S. Kaufman & Co. Who Wants a Home? Here's One to Be Sacrificed 50x100 willi u good six-room house all furnished, ready to live in. ('lose in. 7joI alone is worlh price we are asking for house, lot and furniture. This place must be sold in next 10 days. Owner leaving- town. Price, $2,650.00 with terms if you want them. FRENCH REALTY CO. 315 1-2 North J'ronl St. Marshfield, Ore. -J-an,- mil lain Ht IMINIJ SIT DOI THE WIRELESS LAMP niny lie Invented some time, as our window would unrest. Hut we huvn n lump tlint consumes a Hiirprlslngly small amount' of current which we will he pleased to uhow you. Coos Bay Wiring Co. Phono 237-.! 1C3 N. Hroadway FAST AND COMMODIOUS Steamer Redondo KqulpiKMl with wireless nml subtnnrlno hell SAILS for MAR.SHFIELD FROM SAN FRANCISCO SUNDAY, FEB. 2, AT 3 P. M. All Passenger Kesorvntlons From Sau Francisco Must Ho Moilo t 803 Fifo Hiiildlng, or llcr No II). All reservations must ho ta lieu up lit lwurs before sailing. 1NTEU-OCEAN TIIANSPOUTATIOV CO. PHONE 44. C. F. McfJEOIME. Agent. The Star Transfer and Storage Co. la prepared to do nil kinds of linultn on short notice. We; nicot all trnlne and boaU and wo also havo tho latont stylo ltoynoldB Piano Movor. Wc guaranteo our work. L. H. Heisier,Prop. phones ns-n. izn-j Q.I, North Bend Real Estate Two flue business lots on Slier man avenue for $3000. Sliriver Realty Co. 1st N'nt'l Dank Hide North Ilond. Steamer Washington Sails from San Francisco, for Coos Bay With Passengers and Freight, Friday, January 31, at 5 P.M. F. H. DOW, Agcftt. Occam Dock. VK WILL MAIL YOU 1 for each sot of old FuIbo Tout eont us. Highest prices paid f'r old Gold, Silver, old Watches, broken Jowolry and Prcclou Stones. Monoy Sont by Itoturn Hall. Pldln. Smelting A Defining Co. Kstubllshod 20 YearB. 80.J Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. TO DENTISTS. Wo will buy your Gold Filling), Gold Scran, ami Plntlniitn. Illim I est prlcos paid. S. S. ALLIANC EQUIPPED WITH wiheless SAILS FROM COOS BAY FOR, PORTLAND FRIDAY, JANUARY 3 1 , AT 5:30 A. M. ROUND TRIP, $18.50 CUNNECTIXfl WITH THE XOHTH DAXK HOAD AT POHTLAND NOHTH PAOUMO STEAMSHIP COMPANY. PI o 1 1 O. F. McOEOHGE, Agent. New and Second Hand Furniture hold on (Jio Inslalliiient plan. HADDINGTON, DOYLE .i CO., noa FiMint at. Phono :i IO-Ij Mnndiflold, Or. Have That Koof Fixed NOW Seo CORTIIELL l'linvr- !! ?tHeaS SPEEDWELL CAPT. 11UUTIS, Master. Sails for San Francisco from Coos Bay, Thursday, January 30, at 3 o'clock. Til 13 8PEEDWELL Is speedy nnd lias excellent passenger accom modations, largo clean ami airy rooms ami electric lights mill wireless. For freight ami passage, apply, A. F. Estnbrook Co. Title (iiiarauteo ami Abstract Co., 215 Cal. St., Sua Francisco. Marshfield. INccislon Out of Season Illegal Itogoidlcs When Killed. SALEM, Ore., Jan. 29. The deci sion of tho Supremo Court Tuesday In tho ease of tho State vs. Pulos Is taken by Chuno Warden Klnley as clearly establishing the principle that tho nicio possession of gnino out of season Is Illegal, even If It be shown that the gaiiio had been killed in the open season. In speaking of this ruling. Mr. Fln loy expressed tho opinion that this would result In u general tightening of tho game department's regula tions as regards the storing of game In closed season. This Is a question that has been considerably In doubt slnco tho ruling in the caHo of the State vs. Fisher, which was taken as Urtunlly establishing tho principle that game could bo held over with out making the owner liable. Until decisions were by Chief Justice .M-Ilrlde. lane finally elected. LcuMnttiro Itallfles Senatorial Se lection. SALEM.Oro., .Inn. 28. Tho Inst sccuo In tho process of making a United States Sonntor from Oregon was enacted in tho hall of tho IIoiibo of ltepresontatlvo3 at noon Wednus day, when Dr. Harry Lane, of Mult nomah County, was declared duly elected to tho highest olllro within tho gift o flhe cpoplo of tho state. All the ceremony Incident to tho tlnio when tho election of n United States Senator was a peculiar func tion or the Legislative Assemuiy was brought Into play. With Dan J. Malarkoy, president of the Semite, presiding, tho journals of both houses of tho day before relating to tho vote of tho xomiturshlp w-rc read. "It I my pleasant duty to an nounce," said President Mnlaikey, when tho Jornals hud been read, "that the Legislature has rat I Hod the choice of the people, and that Dr. Harry I.nno Is duly elected United States Senntor from Oregon. STOP SH'SIjAW FISIIIXG. Plan to Clove Kiver to Column ciul Industry for Five Years. PLOUENCE, "Oro., Jan. 20. Pe titions which are being circulated asking that tho Sluslnw Klvcr be dosed to commercial llshlng for a term of tlvo years are receiving very small support In this section and the lower Sluslnw Valley. The size oftho salmon pack of re cent years Indicates a steady In crease. For tho years 1S87 to ISM.. Inclusive tho total pack of salmon on tho Sluslnw approximated 121. 38!) cusos, while for tho yours of 1000 mid 1012 Inclusive tho pack totnllcd 132.fiS. Those figures do not include the llsh snltod or tho largo numbers taken out by the llsh wn irons nml ntli..i'u-I.Mi i,,mio,i ..,., .... 'n ...... .' nu IIIII.IV.I 1.11b II,- I er tho stngo road during tho past seven or olght yoars. Tim 1011 pack was 13. IBS cases and the 1012 pack was 13.210 cases. Doats on the upper river did not make as largo catchos this your as In Homo seasons, owing to the Increased number of hunts in tho lower river. OLD CASKS DKOPPKD. News From Nearby Towns (MILLING'S OF COQUILLH Coos County Sent Noun as Told by The Herald. Tho annual convention of tho Coos County iiantwaro nciuiiors- adhociu tlon was held horo Tuesday. Tho visitors from other towns woro: Messrs. llnguo, Sumner, Noff, Ilnr rli'iui and Kkblud. Marshlloli!; Ho berg and 1 Inzer, North Hontl; Lun ily. Myrtlo Point, Dilution wnn not represented as tho dealcrn by tho sea "forgot nil about It." OlllcorH for tho ensuing year woro elected an fol lows: Hoborg, president; Lundy, vice president; llnzer, secrotnry nnd treasurer. Coitulllo people must bo consider ed er.v carnlioroiiH. Two moro but cher shops aro being established. While It may bo tough to got patro nage enough to keep all tho own ers alive, let us hope tho moat will be lender. Ml Luswoll of McKlnloy wtyu ov eryone Is prospering In IiIh coiiiiihiii Ity. Walter l.awhorn Is dolni, nlco ly In his logging operations a mllo unit a iinir ueiow ;ioi.iiiioy nml lias Just Installed a donkey engine to haul out the logs. Will!:; Cl LUMBB Important StaiiJ lpy 'n.ThissJI ouiupiieaijyj l'l'dlli n ..... l l.i.lillMl,c, ; if fc Iiimlioriiitui of tW nu- riviM ... icti I'llllon fp,,. '' , BhlMKloH aro at ? won a-t ft lam- .. .......,, I'll IIIIIA. . th otkVJ MltltAHY IIOAHD IS XAMKI). REAL ESTATE, INSUR ANCE AND RENTALS Some fluo bargains In Heal Es tate. Houses mid rooms for rent. AUG. FHIZKKX. 08 Contral Avoniio. R. J. MONTGOMERY Real Estate and Insurance 244 North Front Street. A modern Urlck .ulhllug, Eloctrl: Light. Stomu Heat. Elegantly Furnished Rooms with Hot and Cold Water. HOTEL O O O S O. A. Mctlln, Prop. Itmtcs: 00 rents u duy nml upwards Cor, llroadwmv mid Market I Will Furnish Your House on the Installment Plan W. K. Wiseman 8X1 North Front St. Bus, Phono 29fi-X: Itos. Phono 166 EQUIPPED WITH WIHKLKSS Steamship Breakwater ALWAYS OX TIME. 8AILIXGS ITtO.M POUTLAXD, Tuesday eveiilng of each week nt H P. M. SAILIXG FHOSI MAHSHFIELD, Monday, Jiinuury 1:1, at 1 p. in. Saturday, January, IS, 11:00 a. m.; .Satmday, January a.". Phono Main S15-L, J. O. MILLED, Atfcnt. ludlctmeiils Against ItiM'burg Men Are Dismissed. POUTLAXD. Jan. 28. In tho federal court horo Judge Honn dis missed tho IndlctiuontH filed In 100S against Frank K. Alley of Itoseburg ami Stephen W. Turnoll. . H. Downs and Edward Downs, tormer residents of Hint city. h.irwd with consul rucv in iirr.'iini the government out of Inuds In tho Hosoburg district. Tho Indlct iuontH were returned whlln Francis J. Henoy was acting ns spoclal fod orul attorney. COW WEALTH 1MIODUCED. Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance Title Guarantee and Abstract Co. IIKXUY SEXfiSTACKEX, Mgr. Coqulllo Olllco Phono 191 Plotting Lands a spoelalry. Farms Timber Coal nnd Marshfield OfllcQ H-J. Gonoral Agonts "EASTSIDE." P. W. .Laird of Coqulllo Hecelv s tf 1 1.1 for Year's Product. Tho Coqulllo Humid says: P. W. Laird, n dairyman noar tho city, rotllscod HS for butter pro duced from ono of his cows last year. Tho milk nml lKuu.nt ,io,.i,.,i by way of fertilizing tho ranuh would pay tho board bill of tho cow. leav ing tho snug sum nbovo us profit, to which also can bo addod a valuable offspring. Mr. Laird has n system of koo'i Ing record of tho product of each Individual cow in his excollont herd of high grndo Jorsoys. nono of which has fallen bolow $80 In buttor for any ono year and most of thorn earning for their owner ow-r ?100. Libby COAL. Ttio Rind YOU havn ALWAYS USED. Pliono 72, Pacific lilverr end Transfer Conmanv. Ilandon Free Institution to Ho IX teudcil by Xew Oigaiil.atlon. DANDON, Ore., Jan. 27.- Tho or ganization of n frco public library board has been completed horo. For some time past a small library, aid ed by the State Library Commission, has been open to thu public in the evenings and through It wiib express ed a strong deslro for library priv ileges which could not ho provided with the small equipment. Tim new board of illrectoru tilnn in greatly Improve and IneroiiHO tho fa cilities ami to tho cud nru preparing a series of public meetings and en tertainments to nrotiso lutorost nnd secure funds. Tho City Council will be asked to assist in establishing the library. Those constituting tho board of directors aro: S. It. Steclo, president; II. L. Hop kins, secretary; N. J. Grain, Miss Pearlo Walker, Mrs. L. J. Kronoii berg and Mrs. J. L. Cody, CUIHtY COUNTY XEWS. EwulN In Southwestern Oregon us Told by Port Orford Tribune. On last Saturday Elk river cut a straight ehnuuel out from the McICenzIo residence, for tho llrst time In 20 years. Tho outlet Is now moro than a mile further south than formerly. Currv county's share of tint tnxcF to be raised for statu purposes this year Is $ III Hi. being about onu-thlrd of the amount icqulrcd Inst your, although tho total levy for the county Is no less than last year. Frank l.owery and wife, wIim have been visiting In Coos county, have returned to their homo at ltoirtie river. XEWS Oh' Sir.SL.Y. IIS Kvcnth In nnd Xear Florence Told by the West. A stock comnnnv Is lmlni' form ed nt Florence to IiivohIIl-hI., nil bearing ruck In the vicinity of tho North Fork of the Sluslnw. Experts Inve pronounced tlm lndlcntloiiu n gooil for rich wolls which may bo struck by drilling. Tho schooner Coqulllo wns tnkon up the river to Acme yesterday. Johnson-Anderson Co. had tho boat chartored for a trip to Coos Day and brought up tholr freight, which was lying nt that plnro. me pro 1 1 m l miry honrlng of C. E. Fero. formerly niarshnl of Flor ence. OII n Chnrirn of lirltinrv wnn held at Kimono last Frltlnv 'linfnrn Justice .1. (J. WoIIh. A! Itu ,.1oho lie Was bound over In Mm ir,.,,,l Jury In bonds of $300. Ho put up ensn lor Ills nnnenrnnco. Tbln in tho 8IUUO nillOllllt Of Imml tvlilnli iv n a reqiilrod of Mr. Foro for his np- penranco nt tho prollminnry hearing. On llCr trln bnrn ilila wnilr ilm Anvil brought 1-10 tons of frolght jr oiiisiaw poopio nnd had on board SO tons for Dandon. DID EPS OF HAXDOX. Told in C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. DETAIL DEPAHTMEXT LUMDED, LATH, SHIXOLES, MOULDIXOS, SASH AXD DOOHS HOOFIXO PAPED, 1710. CUT THE FUEL DILL IX TWO DY USIXO OUIt WOOD. PHONE 100. 1H SOUTH DHOADWAY Tor UUULJ 5HULOT,: ru f J ll0 a goou wathi and Good Hepnlrlng at lUnht t..."1....11111""1 Prices, go to AUGUST OLESEN 215 South IlroHilwny. GOOD WOHK GOOD SEDY1CE Xot in any Combine. - 8 Hours Work fop Women Our Agents call anywhere. Phono 2ii:t-J. On F1XI-, JEWELHY E. C. BARKER ... ,.. JU.WELEIt t,.,)',t,c.,, ,,IMl Jcvclrjr Itepalring. 20(1 lront St., .Marshfield. Oh, How I Itched! What lontr ncrve-rncUlnu Java of mn. stant ltcli, until t scmea that I must te?n.?l.,uy,rey "kin-then- """' ! ami llcalod" my "Mn CloJ' SO0,heJ tUi?nrf 'V1, ' 25 ' Proves U? h?,D,;ni.1,u8. be.en Knon for ylars as -AU. .oU,cr UrllBflta havo D.D.D Pre. Bcrlptton go to them It sou cmVt comn aafmue,4 Un,t eCWIt sS But If you come to our ainrn n bo certain of whtVnR Vim 8S fo? vou that wo olrer you a full iia i.nivL5' this Bimrantee- If "you'.lo "not find tlwt It tnUes away tho Hch AT ONCE t costs you not a cent. v.-sv. jt Red Cros3 Drug Storo. News of Clty-by-tlie-Sea as the Hecorder. It. E. 1. Itmlllllnn r.ln.,.n.l .. the ICllalintli fi-nm i.i,. u -iiif- nla. whoro ho had beon buying wool. Mr. Hodllllon bought 200 bags of wool whllo gono. Claudo Adams and Miss Grnco Mcintosh gavo their frlonds tho slip yostordny and went to Coqulllo, whoro thoy woro married lost night. Last week as Sidney Croft and Mr. McMullen woro nttoniptlng to cross Two Mllo crook with a toam and wagon, thoy woro awopt down stroam by the swlfl current. When !L",0Il 8.1w l1,oy woro ' rtnnKor l,0 c"t tho harness nnd lot tho r.8nl00S0 from tho WftKon nnd ,no thoin n clmnco to savo thoin soives. Ono iiorso was drowned howover. nnd tho orhor was swept dtvn stream for sonio dlstnnco and oS,'" nV,p,k Bni"1' whoro ho wn8 Jose ued next day. Nolthor Mr. Mc Mullen nor Mr. Croft was hurt. OltKGOX DADHIT DH1YES. . Tim rabbit drlvo on tho West Sido ,,v nn8,il'ss. considering tho cold . ;V n ,l,t0 n fcw I,co"10 "raved tho stoini and went from Lakovlow. The -o-"l 1f. .ho lay'B ca,c1' showed that ini" Xm I Yoro .?',Uo1 ,n tho cor rft'0 11t.,l81 estimated that about .,on p wllloil boforo reaching the im .1,., D- Vrtl!"r wnB cnMnln of !, , Another drlvo was to liao boon held yesterday but it is n' n""!0;1 ,mt,thl8 wn8 Poitponotl uu nnilner. Sl,,I(,n'- o County Ex- Times' Want Ads bring results. lriliifi making,? iiiiinirliii mP mo slate u , The follolnK,,i A I bee, Coqmiii Krns.i s iini.T North nZT North llcml. 1! North llcii.i i..., Inny. Noilh iicnd Acme Platilnc Mm . Drown & nibsoB Coos Hay Minute iiiiy. ,oiin iicnd CMnytott Sawmill. Coqulllo Kiimbei I Coqulllo Mill and fc imny, Coquliie. t.eorge Cox, nandct. 'V.MI n.iwiiiiu, ft , Lyons & Johnson lards, Fred Mentzol. i.w. Georgo Moon LmJ iiaiiuon Prosper Mill CoBpo Itaitllollili l.umU.r. tlolph. Simpson I.umltr fti mlllB . North Ilond. Smith Ilros., Risiat C. Kmlfi, r.i. fncturlnit Comnanr. v, Sugnrlcaf Lumber fo lio Point Ten Mile Lumber fr. side. Young Ilrothcn, Bu. Tho valito of all Hit In Coos county wujV u;is,ul'u Tho fcllowlnir ikti tion nml results tlk mills: Avernuo number fr oporateil. 203, Average number u mills operated, 200. Avornuu minilier t mills operated, 270. Annual canactrc i 208.000 feet. Annual output otnn 571.000. Annual rnpaclty tlu 117, 000,000. Annual output ol i 3 1,000,000. Number of Vll!eJ sawmills, 3H. Number of uniMIMt sawmills. G10. Waues nald illW J2i:t.r,n7 Number of worltsj mlllu Ififl I Number of men etl woods, 021. Dally output of H root. Dally output of tt ihiiiiiiiii. Dally cnpnclty of J unity (unpin oi ! Annuni capacuy w nan nnn tnnt Annual output d! an. ooo. ooo feet. Wages paid to K workmen. $215,507. M'flirno in 111 U1 tO mill workmen, 30!,i Wiigis paid to nr l lli.uuu. . Average wngci W mill workmon, . .... IM'II Avorngo b r-.i Ing mill workmen, l Avorngo uuuy "" win ,iin1nta IS. 00 "'". 'v"', ,t.m: sl Avnpni'A flam ". ..nmln.vmtl 49 7B. ujuiiniiiui, - - ...nu. .mi v aa&i.r skilled sawmill worl GOLD UDACH $ Little Events hi JJ Told uy ,: E. J. Dakcr, dP IS III UIO VIW "" 0d portnlnlng to hi i oe cntllilos of tho " i.iintor aro conspl"0' absonce, .a now .. - . ty nnnii nun i 1111 fi . bo reached at any t'" ... nr WftnTl BO w. w. " rfl I nun l, n iiu " ..i.iif i known in this iJB Soldiers' Honie.s01" The trail whl '' tlio east 6iu -j in Itvnnn 111.110 and jj :; .. ..:, nioa" 01.1 1110 -iwiu ;--,, , gon hidosojourt .rrrrRl' ?1,B',JL AY. P. WIii" IS I ful escape after ' ,, forlng from 7Kldt trouoios. ""i .in1 loased Mm m ,t samo ior Ul"w-rti cured a m" Wl painful bladder vi thoy L"7 ao ' f., n.te. uoruso B""m,sr Parsons. iim; Pictures&fr Walker SB J I