The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, January 30, 1913, EVENING EDITION, Page 2, Image 2

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M. C. MAI.0XKV Kdllor mill I'uli.
DAN K. MALOXHV Xcw.s Hilltor
Official I'ni-er of Coos County.
Eutercd at the postofflco nt Mari
field, Oregon. for transmission
through the mails as second cl.ia
tri&il matter.
Qedlcatod to the sorvlco of the
tropic, that no good cause shall lack
u champion, and that evil shall uo.
thrive unopp ed.
Ono year $G.t0
Per month r,0
One year fl.50
When pnhl strictly In advance the
oiihscrlptlon prlre of the Coos I?ay
Vim Is 15.00 per year or $2.50 foi
Address all communlcHtlons to
Mvhf lehl : : : : : : : Orcco I
THE DIFFERENCE no mAsaxr. I m p 4 f if OlOCftA
...... -.... ... t. rinniiv mm we found him mighty handy
a, gang 1 Yro n ad oar his stories, rare, so we stood about.
.. " lot Hi u w that he had captured eVry man that; congre
gucd hero. Tl e we voted Mm "Good Follow." sang that song wo
sing when inol low. grasped his hand and led hi... to a chalr-n.ade
hi n feel hi t ho was wanted, stood him up. and ho undaunted, made
speech w lie plaudits rent tho air. Ho was called "a handsome
Lender" never bor.owed. was a lender, so he always kept tho most of
Z a lout This was long ago. however. Now lo does not seem so
F. O. B. Marshfield, Fully Equipped
clever. This was nil iieioro imnnnpiimiiim
I l71fJ JH &J A JuJunv w,itptuii
AN KASTHltX medical man has
recently published In Harper's
Weekly an article on tobacco
wmnkliiK thnt has attracted much at
tention. Ills conclusion is that mod--rrnto
smoking does not liiirin an ml
nil, but here Is what lie says about
"A great many eminent observers
Iinvo envelKhed axalnst H.i.nkl.iK by
liuys nnd hnve pointed out the In
dubitable fact that the avenue boy
smoker Is not ho hrliiht as tho boy
who does not smoke Hut I rather
fancy that, In part at least, they have
t'onfiiHoil cause and effect It Is my
own observation that boys who are
naturally intelligent and healthy and
bright do not care to smoke, nnd
(hat tho heaviest smokers among the
youth of America are those who wore
l)orn with rather less than the nver
nj;o amount of common sense, moral
balance and respect for their elders'
-wishes. In brief, your typical boy
amoker Is u youth who was stupid
when it babe In arms and will ro
tiialn stupid all his life Ills smoking
Is not tho cause of stupidity, but
xnercly an ovldence of It."
That would seem to be about all
that need be said on the subject of
boy smoking.
If there Is a smartest man In tho
ivorhl, why doesn't ho come out In
tho open nnd prove his claim?
viiv ai)Vi:utisi:i)
coons -cost li:ss.
i Great souls are always loyal
, ly submissive, reverent to what
i Is over them. Only small mean I
souls aro otherwise. I
I Cnrlyle. '
! r
If you should meet a follow man
with trouble's Hag unfurled
An looking llko ho didn't have a
friend In all tho world.
(Jo up and slap him on the back,
holler. "How il you do-"
And grasp his hand so warm he'll
know he has a friend in you.
Then ask what's hurt in' him an'
laugh his cares away.
And tell him that tho darkest night
Is Just b"fore the day.
Don't talk In graveyard palavor. but
say It right out loud.
That Cod will sprinkle sunshine In
tho trail of every cloud.
This world at best Is but a hash of
pleasure and pain. Kx
change. -K--How
many unklcked kicks havo
you coming?
I low would you llko to bo n mule's
He is a wise man who Is ablo to
conconl his importance.
No, Cordelia, rum Is not suitable
for a church rummage sale.
A strong will Is nil right If you
aro not married to tho owner.
Till-? suggestion Is sometimes
thoughtlessly made that the
buyer has to pay for the cost
.f advertising. II would bo equally
reasonable for a small storo to claim,
hcciuiHo a large store employed moro
clerks, thnt the patrons of tho largo
ulnro had to pay an extra prlco bo
onuso of theso additional clerks.
Almost any man by poralstcn nd
v'irtlslng, Justly proportioned to his
business, can double bin trade. If
ho did so, It is not likely that his
rent, taxes, bookkeeping cost. Insu
rance, and similar Items would ho
doubled. Very likely they might not
lm Increased one-half.
Every article has to bo charged
something for these general oxpon
iiou, whether you do much business
or not. Consequently If a merchant
1nubles his business, and lucreasefl
his llxed chai'Mes less than a half,
the amount to be charged to each
nrtlclo to cover these oxpensos Is
much less. Hence Instead of adver
tised goods costing tho public moro,
they cost tho public less.
tin response to a Christmas greet
ing.) There Is pleasure In a handshake
When wo know It Is sincere;
Tho Joy that follows In Its wake
Will brush away a lear.
There Is solace In a greeting
From the friends we've never met
.And tho' space precludes a meeting,
Their good-will we'll not forget.
Stui Key. Hay City.
Will lliillil. Miss .Maude Noble Is
vh'uuiiiK to erect a five-room house
in North Ileud on a lot which was
imwcntcd to her as a Christmas
Ml ft by her uncle. I.. .M. Noble.
JVm-k From Court Iris Klrod. Win
llngluud. Kd Johnson. Maishal Car
ter and Hal Stutsman returned to-
lay noon from Coiiulllo, whoro they
luiil been as witnesses In the damage
oawe of l'arker vs. the city of Marsh-
field and the C. A. Smith Company.
Miller Home Supt. W. F. Miller
f the locnl Southern I'aclllc Inter
ests arrived home today from a trip
to San Frnnclseo, Mrs. Miller re
turned with him. Mr. Miller wild
thnt tiiero was little now concerning
tho rnllrond work, the news having
leon tolographed here last week by
7-lr. MlUIs. Mr. Miller expects to
mako Boiun extenslvo Improvements
In tho local lino this summer.
i i'.ssix(j tiik ti:x com- i
In a letter to a Coos Hay friend
one of tho members of tho legisla
ture relates an Interesting Incident
In roferonco to the present session.
Ho states that a couple of members
were discussing tho largo number
of bills being Introduced and the
log rolling necessary to secure fav
orable action.
"It's a shame." remarked ono of
tho members." that we cannot pass
a good measure without a lot of
trading. Some of these bills should
be passed without reference 10
"That's all very nice," replied
tho other member, "but l have soon
something of legislative work and
unless I am mightily mistaken you
couldn't pass the ten command
ments through tho legislature with
out a lot of log rolling."
It tnkes a girl with a vivid Imagi
nation to seo tho beauty of love in
u cottage.
The cunning of a fox Isn't In It
with the cunning of a young widow
who Is In love.
Time Isn't money to the man who
wastes a dollar's worth of time In
trying to save a nenny.
Aimed to Prevent Consolida
tion of Public Utilities
Without Notice. .
SALtiM. .Tnn. HO. No moro mer
gers by btilng out the other fel
low will bo permitted wllhout per
mission of the state railroad com
mission If a bill prepared by Sen
ator Smith of Coos and Introduced
Monday, becomes a law of tho
stnto. Ho says It will prevent such
tiansnctlons as the buying up of
compotlug telephone lines under
foreclosure proceedings as in the
case of the Northwestern Long Dis
tance Company.
The bill provides thnt It shall be
unlnwful for nny railroad or public
utility company to purchase or In
any way acquire property or Brock
of a competing company, except by
permission, and this consent shnll
not he given unless the commission
Is satisfied that the merger will not
Injuriously nffect the public welfare.
Any transfer nttemptotl In ovn
slon -of tho act Is made punishable
by a fine of $100 to $10,000.
IIIIIn I 'ass House.
Several Important measures were
Included In the eight bills passed
by the House. Tho compromise
amendment to' the school supervisor
law, permitting counties locnl op
tion on tho question of whethor to
have supervisors or not, went
through without a dissenting vote.
This measure was proposed by the
education committee.
House Illll No. 70 by Hill Re
quires financial statements from
persons or corporations engaged In
mining or prospecting for oil.
House Illll No. 13S by Upton In
creases tho amount of school tax to
bo set aside for the teachers' re
tirement fund from 1 to : per cent.
It hnd tho endorsement of tho Mult
nomah delegation nnd ns .Mr. I'pton
declnred, was Intended to mnko It
possible for teachers of 30 years'
experience to sharo In Its benoflts
within four years. Under tho pres
ent net It would bo 10 yenrs be
fore tie fund Is largo enough to no
drawn on by retired teachers.
Hoiibo Illll No. Ill), by Upton
Provides for the appointment of spe
cial grand Juries.
House Mill No. U3. by Cnrkln
Itequlres that commission merchants
bo licensed by tho stnto railroad
commission nnd that they glvo bond.
Hoiibo Hill No. 1(13. by Hurd
Provides for tllO lmldlmr nf rnn!
district meetings and county road
House Hill No. K,n, bv Abbott
Sets a standnrd requirement for
branding or foodstuffs.
Houso Hill. No. 101. by (Jill -Ue-poals
tho old statuto passed In
ISiia permitting parents or guard
ians to "bind out" their children as
Cadillac Cars run 30,000 miles without overhauling.
Ask any Cadillac owner what they will do.
ItOV HAYNAItl) of tho Owl Phar
macy will leave Saturday for
Portland and northern Oregon
3MISS LKACIl, who has been v lull
ing Lor parents. Mr. and Mrs.
N. II. Leach at Wedde.buia. it.
oxpoeted here tomorrow en mule
to Portland
nuiKi's or itAxnox.
Xcus of Clly-by-tbe-Sea as Told
It)- the World.
Frank O. Pursley, lato of Port
laud, has leased the Maker building
recently vncated by Miss Mott, and
will put In a stock of dry goods,
notions, men's furnlshtugs, etc., as
soon as tho goods arrive from Port
laud. Ho and wife aro now living
In tho Steole cottage on Spruce
Cnptuln Wllurd's new boat will
be on the Coquille Itlvor run about
April 1st.
Charles l.orenz Is circulating n
petition asking that he be appoint
ed postmaster when a change Is
made. Mr. I.oreiu is well and fa
vorably known In Mils section, hav
ing been a resident of 1 laud on and
tho Cuquilio Valley for '7t years.
Would l.ny a Ta Willi Which to
.Make Industrial lMilbll.
SAI.ICM. Ore., Jan, 30. A bill rec
ommending n stato lovy of ono
twentieth of n mill for county fairs
and llxlng the maximum sum to go
to any ono county at $.100, will bo
reconunondod to tho house by the
commltteo on expositions and fairs,
which threshed out tho project at a
mooting enlivened by much argu
ment. Multnomah County's Bhnro of such
a tax would amount to $15,000, it
wna figured out Tho bill to bo
drawn up, however, will provide that
nl monoy In excoss of $r.00 thnt any
county would recolvo Is to be dlvidod
among tho other counties, to be ex
pended for llvostock and agricul
tural premiums.
Curry County would got tho smal
lest sum for fairs, Kb sharo being
about $.100.
Heath of .Ic.sse .Norton ltocnlU Rac
ing In Mai-xht'icM.
In commenting on the death of
.losse Norton, u pioneer race horse
man mid jockey of Marshfield, In
California, O. A. Hennett says:
".losso Norton was well known
throughout- tho county In tho old
dajs when the principal racetrack
wuti at Hall's Prairie on the Co
quille. nnd when tho Marshfield
track was whoro Klrod avenue is
now, The old Jockeys have passed
away, and the favorite horses, llko
Sammy Tilden, Cow Creek Hnhly.
Hilly Horry. Oarlleld's Maude. Hack
er's mare and Douglas have left tho
range and gone to new pastures."
xkw .M.utiu.wii: law,
New Auto Line
As soon ns roads will penult
wo will run two cars from North
Slough to Ten Mile. Ono passen
ger auto and ono freight auto,
connecting with the North Star
SAN FRANCISCO. Jan. 20. Steps
nro being taken by tho American
Ciovornment to Insure that there
shall bo efficient communication be
tween the wireless operator and the
oillcers of the bridge on all steamers
at nil times. Where the wireless
room Is too for away from the bridge
for thore to be vorbal communication
between them the department Insists
In a recent order, thnt there shall bo
a tolophouo or Bpenklng tubo by
means of which the operator may
glvo tho bridge Instant notice of any
warning ho may receive of Impend
ing danger.
fllTSTHll'S TiART VinirT nl- Sn
ItilCYM) TUKATKll tonight.
SALKM. Ore., Jan. 30. Tho pow
ers of ministers In performing mar
riage cortlllcatea would be enlnrgod
If a bill Introduced by Hoprosontn
tlvo Howard of Douglas County, him
self a preacher, becomes a law.
At present a mlnlstor living in
ono county must register with tho
county clorlc before ho can perform
n mnrrlngo In another county of tho
stnto. Tho bill removes this regis
tration requirement for other toun
tlos. Tho bill also roquires that appli
cants for mnrrlngo licenses furnish
the county clork with such vital
statistics us niny bo desired by tho
stato board of health, nnd that thoy
glvo complete Information as to
whethor they havo ever boen dl
orced, and If bo, how many times,
nnd whothcr their divorced husbands
or wives nro living.
TAUKYTOWN. N. Y.. Jan. 30. -Mrs.
F. .1. Shepard has mado it
known that to continue her connec
tion with philanthropic work sho
will retain her mnldon name and
sign her name Helen Oould Shepard.
Since their marrlago Mr. and Mrs.
Shepard havo remalnod nt L mi
lium much secluded from tho pub
lic. Tho couple were out yesterday
for a 20 mile automobllo rldo.
Thoy are said to be planning a
trip abroad In February.
l'Mve pii.ssoiitftT .Ford
Tounng Cnr K. O. 13.
IMnrsh field.
Top, windshield, .jif
fy curtains, hlaek
enamel finish, lights,
horn, tools, repair
Delivery Car
The Little
Facts About '"" -" ,nucs )n ono K,m ' fsciHiio; run 10,000
nines on one set nres. i mvs cust 910.1v rum. uir
weighs 1 1250 pounds. Xo hill ioo sleep. Ford parts cod
almost nothing; up-Ueep too small to mention. 200,000
,-v -c-nv wfe. I,,(,1'd hemg mult in lOl.i. limit ol best material made.
C() 0 W Quantity output reduces the price. Fvery third car .1
JL Jp il JL Ford. Life of car indefinite. Fvery ear guaranteed
Fasy to operate.
If you are going to own a Ford you had hetter get your order in, for the
output is almost gone this early in the season. Von will wonder why, but
if you look at the value for the price you will know.
A full lino of .Plain and Nohhy Tread LT. S. Tires in all si.cs.
Have you seen the new LT. S. lied Tube It will be worth your while.
If you want anything for the automobile, come to
Goodram's Garage
presto recharges I Geo. Goodrum,
ALWAYS ON HAND. Marshfield Oregon
Geo. .. of Coos Bay Writes
About Remarkable Dis
covery. Georno A. Illnck, well known Cooo
liny man, who has been In California
with Mih. Illnck for somo ttmo, semis
a paKU feature story In tho Los An
eoies Trlbuuo to tho Times with tho
unto thnt tho Inventor told about,
Mr. Cutler, "Is woll known on Coos
liny." Tho story Is ontltlod, "Light,
Heat and Cold from ono tank."
And Mr. Illnck says that tho dovlco
is producing gnsollno for two cents
por gnllon. Tho story in part Is as
"To catch all tho natural gas from
a great oil woll, chill It with an Ice
machine, change It Into rhlgolono
and other extremely valunblo liquids
far coldor than Ico, and then dis
carding tho Ico mnchlno, uso theso
same liquids to chill tho rest of tho
gas and mnko moro liquids, sounds
llko a porpotunl motion mnchlno
story. Yet this Is practically what a
Los Angeles iuvontor nnd scientist
Is doing with his now plant at Olln
da this week. It Is tho first strictly
refrigerating plant for tho reduction
of gnsolino from natural gas ever
established hi the world, as far as
"Ono billion cubic feot of natural
gas, equal In Lent and power to ono
million bushols of coal, Is lost daily
from tho oil wells of America. Tho
gas escapes Into the air, In spite of
man's efforts to catch it. This Is his
tory, anclont history. Let us turn a
now pngo, a pago being written hero
in Los Angeles, n pago of history
which must Interest pcoplo all over
tho world no mnttor whether or
not thoy caro tho snap of their fln
gcrs about oil nnd gas.
"W. C. Cutler of Sawtello, scien
tist, Invontor and hard worker, has
a way to catch this gas which la
proving marvelously successful, and
last week he put in operation the
plant at Ollnda whoraby ho saves
nil tho contents of tho precious gas.
Tho plant Is working now. ltu hiic
coss may effect tho oil Industry- of
thu ontlro world. It may mnko poor
oil wolls profitable, onrlch theso In
terested in good working wells,
greatly extend tho uso of oil nnd
its products nil over tho world and
cheapen the cost of oil products and
boat, light, powor and rofrigorntlon
to tho gonoral public.
"Ily cheapening tho now precious
products such as rhlgolono, cymo
gene and n.eothame, with a moiling
point 250 dogroes below zoro, Fall
ronhelt, somo extraordinary feats
may bo accomplished in household
economy, to tho delight of tho
"With a slnglo tank of ono of
theso products of gas, sho will bo
First, to cool hor Ico box.
Second, run tho gas through a
plpo and thoroby light tho houso.
Third, bent tho houso.
Fourth, do her cooking In tho kit
chen. "Various burners and appliances
will ennblo hor to easily securo all
these benefits from ono slnglo tank
of rhlgoleno. When tho tank Is ex
hausted, it can be replaced by tho
company, nnd tho ompty tank re
moved llko n gnsolino can.
1 "'8"lly of tho gas product could
bo utilized in an ofllco building to
porform nil tho functions of coal or
oil as a sourco of powor, Including
ho running of the olovntors, heat
ing or chilling tho drinking wntor.
and heating nnd light tho building
from top to bottom. uub
Supplies of rhlgoleno could be
taken across tho desert to mines and
o hor industries whoro power Is un-
could take along a smal tnnk and
aSdacrook8i.,nml t,hUl th0 '"Inkable
S mi w th0 fiamo no mnttor where
ho might wander.
,ii?mo ot tho othcr "onoflts of the
n In0?',' nro Bala t0 b0 those: in
numorablo poor oil wells now practi
cally of no value, will become profit,
nblo propert es, enriching thousands
SrSp,e!,an g00d wolls will bo
greatly enhancod in value by tho use
of tho process of saving the natural
gas now lost; gas containing "hree
quarters of a gallon of gasoline mav
bo worked profitably now, whereas
on'Rnnf y,nt ICa8t ono and half X!
Ions of gas was required; cost of o 1
and gasoline will bo reduced to the
public, owing to ease of segregat on
of classod and lowering of
production: ,
. !.... ii.. l. r.rrlirpraU0B
powor In' cities' reasonably actjl
to oil territory will to oMiia-1
nt much lower rates; . ,
linu'ni. nr HlO ITintCrUI "
powor caii bo easily made. M 1
as light, boat nnd refrigeration, H
becomo prolltnblo. . , , uJ
.....,'. ii,.i 1.1 lirlff. 1
tjuiier h iiiuiuuu, " : mtM
oiiin ti... ..i.u nu it oscnncs iroBi
oil woll nnd thus obtain all W
nblo products. First in "fri
woll completely; then by " 1
rni prossuro or inu k - - u
It IIowh through a pipe to a J-l
n different tnninoruture, gw
getting lowor.
"uutier la nnu ouu ""-,,., l!
fond of working In his S"""'.
n nun bjiuivuii i", ." . inlm
borrlos nnd blnckborrles ana J'
from Alglora In flourisning ,--
Ho has not a coiiogo eu--,i
i. i. ...,. i.i nwn one. i"
iuuumi iiu nuuiu - ,.t 1, .Innnlv find IlOrSlStenWi.
his questions fall on tho ear MJj
ns tho hoofs of a ".a. lid
trot. Ho Is innrriou auu ".-.-sit
homo and flvo acre tract a
tello. Ho holped lay em .
slto years ago."
iiaiik noitx with p.B sfe
J,cc,ll.iH;(i', w?U
Greek, was nor a "nature fa. jj(.
ftnmr.Tiati.nfn. I !i IIIO w,t
Chico of an 1 8 -io n n d .I"aMd
with, ono great oyo in JVe JridJ
Its forehead, mom oi - -- i
ono foot wero Bhaped mm
Illppors. Tho otnor , v
feet. Tho baby lived onr 9
hours. Tho mother '"
Delicious and 11