THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 29, 1913 EVENING EDITION. f 4 (, rmmn, Tfl CCII lie GOD OF CITIISJil F. A. Golden Completes Audit . of City's Books; Inven tory of Property. ' F. A. Golden hns Just completed Ills report of the nununl audit of the liooUs of City Kecorder uuticr nnd City Treasurer WIUIaniH anil states tlmt both arc In good shape. He nlso Includes mi Inventory of the city's properly. The following data Is taken from his report: Value of Clly Properly. The valuo of the city's property Is npprnlscd as follows: Itcal estato, $21!,. 00. Engineering dpnnrtmenr, $201.50. Street equipment, $3000. Hecordcr's olllce, $13 It). Mnrshnl's olllce. $25. Fire equipment, $10,595. Total, $11,S9C50. For street Improvements during 1912 Kecorder Hutlcr collected $fi". 081.55 and disbursed $55,795.71, leaving n balance, Including $nos$. 07 on hand January 1, 1912, of $10,213.51. The city holds $13, 151.70 of Improvement bonds nnd has $3027.18 In the improvement bond sinking fund. Tho total of the special Improve ment bonds Issued to dnto by tho city Is $107.s07.92. and of this amount $19,511.11 havo been to deemed, leaving $SS,2C3.Sl worth outstanding. Tho city hag $2822.52 worth of 'warrants outstanding. Those nro on C street and avenuo, Prospect ave nue nnd Xoith Cedar stroet and nro to ho paid up by deficit assessments nu soon as possible, litigation delay ing tho old North Cedur street ono. Tho total of tho outstanding mu nicipal bonds Is $5 1,000 and the city has $3328.13 In the sinking fund. SI s OREGON GITV Ml T IU ULLL I nKr Thfoa Mrr Dive nf Our ' Wllfljr A a v v v jr w w IMUM riPAO AWMf CAI V llfli Coos County Senator to Make Government Will Receive Big Sum for uougias uounty Holdings Soon. City's Expenses. Cleric' olllce $ 1511.95 Treasurer's office 1 50.00 Engineer's offleo 2977.00 City Attninoys olllce and legal ovponsos 912.25 Police Depnrtmont 2059,70 Eire Department 2302.03 Health Department 20I.SS City Mghtiug 5355.5 1 Personal Investigation of Labor Conditions. 8ALDE.U, Ore.. Jan. 27. Senator Smith of Coos nnd Curry Counties, ohnlrmnn of tho sonnte committee on Industries, dropped out of Snlem ear ly Saturday morning and bought a ticket for Oregon City. On his way to the depot ho let It bo known that lio Is to nuiko a personal Investiga tion of conditions In the mills of that town, whoro various abuses arc alleged to exist. Sir. Smith i.. especially Interested because tho committee of which he Is tho head v. "I tli'- evening grant n hearing on Seuntnr Dlmlck's bill to (enforce an eight hour day In tho mills at tho falls. Ho will try to II ml out nctttnl working conditions among tho men by taking them by surprise. Senator Dlmlck, who comes from Oregon City, and whoso bill of tho Inst session, reintroduced this year, caused ono of the sharpest struggles says ho docs not expect tunny, If nny, of tho men In whose Interest the bill Is presented to uppenr before tho commltteo in its behalf. "They nro afraid to come." ho says. "Sonio of thoso who camo two years ago havo beon fired, nnd others do not wish to take chances. Hut I suppose Sir. Stclllnln (mnnngor of tho Wlllnmotto Pulp & Paper mills) will have somo of them hero to toll how well the company treats tho' men. I nsk Sir. SlcHlnlu to bring all tho men here, nnd lot them np penr beforo tho commltteo. nnd to promlso not to discharge them after thoy havo testified." AMONG THE SICK. Water Printing and stationary. . Elections Sowers Mnyor'n and eounrllmnir fees Disposal of garbage Appropriation to Library. Appropriation to llnuil.. Interest on Funding Horn! Miscellaneous expendi tures, uuclassiriablo. . . Building, Electrical and plumbing Inspection. . . Street Dopnrtnionl Street iiMvnssmont nnd re pair of city hall Labor and supplies Street clennlng Lumber Street cominlsalouor Drodgo Kill 0S2.u0 99.11 322.70 15.50 150.110 270.00 9 10.(111 1500.00 2700.00 S11.S3 102.75 S70. 10 77S.I0 1200.07 232.50 OS 0.30 39.1N.9t Tll $82101.07 Receipts. Halanre In hands of treas urer .Inn. I. 1912 $ 9101.17 'I'nxos $40955.30 l'"'"0" 1100.10 Sllscollnueous ' sin. tu Lliltior license Dog taxes 290.0(1 Peddlers' license 20.00 'Theater licenses ISO. 00 Skntlng rink licenses 15.00 Shooting gallery licenses.. 15.00 Dnll throwing license. . . . 35.00 l'ftwn brokers' licenses. . . 25.00 Dredge fill 1213.75 Hawkers' llmiifcos 1S5.00 Plumbing nnd electrical IICIMIHIH 135.00 Plumbing, electrical nnd building permits ISO. 75 J-ortuno tollors' llcenso.. r,.oo T"'nl $37171.15 Totnl with lmlanco. .. .$0S75.32 Dlsliiiienicnth. Warrn nt a fur year 1912 -J'"1'! , $32 102. SO Wnrrnnts for previous year paid In 1912 3I00.S5 Dr. C. II. Walter, who hns been quite III. Is reportod Improving. Sirs. Fred Kruso of Iflthmtis Inlet will enter Slorcy hospital todnv to undergo nu operation for appendi citis. Sirs. Iloyd SI. lllchnrdson Iirs been confined to her homo tho Inst fow days by a novoro attack of neural gia. SIIsm Florence Powers, daughter of Sir. nnd Sirs. A. II. Powers, Is suffering from nn ubcoss on one of her eyes. Leo Webster, who has been 111 at Slorcy hospital for several weeks. Is reported Improving, much to tho grntillcntlnn of his many friends. Miss Slury Dernback Is confined to hor homo by tho grip. Sirs. II. it. Kellor is conflnod to hor homo by it sevaro nttnek of throat trouble, but Is leportod us Improving today. A mnu nnmed Swlter camo to Mnrshfield this morning from Smlth Powors camp 0 with a badly cut hand. Poter Robertson or Slllllngton Is reported crltlcnlly ill nt his homo. Captain Holland will tnko tho launch, lllrd. which Cecil Hollnnd re-! centiy t Tho Hosohurg Xows says: "Tho United States forestry de partment Is advertising for salo oil'' h ml red and sixty-three million feet of timber from tho Umpqun forest. This timber Is all within Douglas county. Tho bids are to bo opened sometime next month. Standing tim ber brings from $1.25 to $3.00 per thousand, depending upon tho anxi ety of tho bidders and tho need of tho lumber markets. $2.00 a thous and Is a safe average and on this basis the government wilt renllzo tho sum of $320,000.00 from tho sale next month of timber within the Umpqun forest. This fact, howovor, would not be significant within Itself for tho motiov would bo deposited In the United States treasury to bo used there In tho department of for est. The significant fact about this salo Is that 25 por cent of this amount goes to Douglns county for school nnd rond purposes and anoth er 10 per cent for rond purposes alone. That Is slgulllcaut and also pertinent. This means that Douglas county will receive from this sale tho sum of $81,500 for ronds and schools and an additional sum of $32,000 for ronds ulono a totnl of eii i inn rrt.. i !.... n .. yii iiivu i. ii iwiiKiiin ruiuiij. "Tho United States government Is I doing tho fair, tho equitable thing with the sttttes within which It hns. crented forost reserves. Tho amount ' mentioned nbovo comes directly from ' tho govomment. Jlut there nro other rovonues coming to this county from ' tllll lnl'frtl11ln!lt Atwl tlinrn nfrt ntlt. i or rovonues coming to this county I i from tho snlo of this timber. It costs monoy to log nnd snw this timber, Into mnrketnblo lumbor. Tho gov ernment has estimated that It cosIhI betweon $1.50 nnd $0.00 to log and snw a thousand feot or lumbor. This will dump Into Douglns county nt lenst n million and n half dollars more Just from tho opcrntlon of got tlng tho lumbor Into shape to market. It menus that during tho period pro vided for In the contract with tho government thero will bo spent In Douglns county un average of $15, 000.00 por month, or $180,000.00 per year. "And this amount of timber sold from tho Umpqun forest within Doug lns county Is u moro handful when compared with tho total stumpago. "Timber cruisers nnd stnto nnd nntlounl forost olllcors hnvo cstlmn- ted the standing timber In this conn- t) in no over -i i,i'"u,uuu,uuu reel Choose Today at. Clearance Prices Men s ana ouyj viuum., wwwow uuu tvaincoatj Every Suit, Overcoat, Raincoat, Sweater and Odd Trous ers reduced for final clearance. Ladies' Sweaters in Norfolk, Blazer and Ruff Neck styles, all sizes and colors, at reduced prices. Ladies' High Top Dress or Walking Shoes, Button or Lace, in tan or black, regular $5.00 shoes, now $4.00. "MONEY TALKS" Hub Clothing and Shoe Co, MARSHFIELD. BANDON. XE3H The Sign of Good Candy Alway: is Self-Preservation Isjhe first Law Flro Inaurnnco Is ono of tho most Important moans of protec tion. And yot peoplo will contlnuo to nogloct It. Lot us Insuro your household furniture your dwelling or oth or property. It will cost but llttlo. It will protect you per fectly. Wo havo tho strongest com panies and wo wrlto correct pol icies. I. S Kaufman & Co FAST AND COMMODIOUS t earner Redondi Equipped with wireless nnd rmhtnnrlno bell SAILS for MARSHFIELD FROM SAN FRANCE WEDNESDAY, JAN. 29, AT 3 P. M. All Passenger Hescrvnllons I'Yniii finn I-Vnnclsco Must llo Moe 80." Fife llluldlng, or Pier No II). All reservations must tx b ken up lit hours beforo sailing. PHONE 44. 1NTKH-OCEAN TRANSPORTATION' CO. C F. McQKOrtOE. At Steamer Washington Sails from San Francisco, for Coos Bay Passengers and Freight, Friday, January 31, at 5 P.M. I'. S. DOW, Agent. Ocean Docl .. ii .... i ... .. ' .. hhiiiu iiiui ih mi HIIIKKUIII1K IIUU I the human mind ennnot roncelvo of, or grasp It. This lumber If laid nt tho equator would build n road way forty feet wldo eloar around the earth, and then thoro would bo ouoiikIi left to do the same thing ovory llvo years for tho next half conhiry. It would build ovory fam ily in mo united states a ton PENSION AR.MY OFFICERS. entlv sob! In ii ninn nt Mnninimi ' ." ' ' "" ,J,,,,U" mm n ion room uuiKiings nn enrh lot. "In money valuo tho tlmbor In this county ulono Is worth, nt $2. HO n thousand, tho sum of $110,000,000. 00. Tho government ennnot nnd will not dlsposo of this vnst nniount of stumpngo nt any ono tlmo." North Bend Real Estate Two fine business lots on Shi r man avenue for ?U300. Shriver Realty Co. 1st Xnfl Hank Hldu. Xorth Head. 'f0,fti ;; ? Dnlanro In hands of tho troasuror, Doe. Ill, 1912 lUUl.Ol Total llttST.vas Doings of Clly Coiimll. Tho nssossmont for the Improve ment of Hall n venue between Front nnd Fourth streets as made some tlmo no was approved. A. D. l lull's npplleutlon for n rebalo for tho property owners east of Uroadway was postponed until tho street Is linrd filled when thoy will bo nl lowed for tho dredno fill that the havo made In tho street. A deficit- nssessmeiit of $,"a r, wns ordoreil levied on Fourth sheet between MarKet and HUblam) Tho street committee n ln Btructed to determine as qnUVK -is possible whether Mrs. Sears Is en titled to n relmte on the old . ri Cednr stroot Improvomont, bocaiiso n lnldKo was built in front ..i , property Instead of ft dirt fill bohig made. Counellnmn Feruuson sii,i imi llto Btroot committee would linos. tlato further about opeuliiK ttu' streets to the waterfront In tli,. north part of town. The eouurll adjourned to meet next Monday nltrht. W. S. Oliainller's npiillcutlou for n lieutliiff frauililsf was laid over until next mctiiiK owlug to the rush or other uiuttois last night. PresideiW AITen remarking that Mr. CilmiHllt-r would probably not neetl It for 15 eara, MessrH. Albrocht nnd Morolinut Ashed that additional oleetilc lights Siirvhoi'N or Chll War .May deceive Tliree-P'ourtlm Pny. (Ilr AMa.Ulv.1 I'itm o Co. Mjr TImm.) A8III.N(iTO.V. .Inn. 2!.Tho TowiimmuI hill to pluro on the re tired list or tho army nil surviving union olllcer of tho Civil Wnr on tliree-roiirthH of the pay that thoy "'i' iucuiviiib wiiun iney musierea out. will bu considered tomorrow by the senuto military affairs committee. Friends of the measures hope to havo It favorably reported by the coiumiueo. XOItTH MKND XUWS bo put in on tho Tenth street hrldKo. t'ouncllninii FerRuson ashed that somo small electric Hunts be put In Miss .losephluo .Jones, who hns beon III with In grippe nf her homo In Xorth -Ueiid, Is reported Im proved. Mrs. S. Wiseman of I.os Aimelos Is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stanford. .1. P. Morris nnd Ooni'trn l-u-omtt hnvo opened an elaborate suite of WK WIMi MAIL YOU !1 for each sot of old Fnlso Toot sont us. Hlghost prices paid f'ir old Gold, Silver, old Wntchea brolten Jewolry and l'reclom Stones. Monoy Sont by Return Mnll. Plilla. SmeltliiK i UefliiliiK Co. EBtnbllBhod 20 Years. HH3 Cliestuut St., I'lilladelphln, P. TO DKXTISTS. We will buy your Gold Filling! Oold Scrap, and Platinum. IIIku fstprleos pnld. , ALLIANCE i:quippi:d with wimoiiKHH SAILS FROM COOS BAY FOR PORTLAND THURSDAY, JANUARY 30, AT 2:30 P,H ROUND TRIP, $18.50 OUNXEOTIXG WITH TIIK XOHTH HANK HOAD AT I'OKTUSlI NOHTII PACIFIC WUAMSH1I' COMPANY. I Phone II O. l SlcOi:OHGi;.F THE NEW Steamer rooms In the Pnlaco Hotel biilldliiK Oil KlKlltll StlOOt lini-tll llfllnn ',,,"" '""" """ "'" lul R i io Fer,!a".l,reKw ITlloVnot V I " T f0'" M",or K,,,B Iho oiKht rninlllw HvIiik tlioro. I liloi ilea. Hie city reeornor was Instructed to mnko n rebate to tho Xorth Front street property owners who mild fur tho dredueflll on tho street sometime prior to Its paving. When u wns pavwi an extra nssessmeiit of llvo per cent wns made to cover Iho fill, thus equalizing the cost of tho Times' Want Ads brlnjT results. AT.OXfl Till: WATKHFItOXT I v 4 The Ilandon. Speedwell nnd Brook lyn arrived In nt llnndon yesterdny morning from San Francisco. i lie HllamooK arrived In at Dan don yesterdny from Portland. Try Tho Times' Want Ads. New and Second Hand Furnilurt sold on tho Installment plan. HAHHIXGTOX, DOYM3 CO., aim Front St. Phono .'MO-h Mnrshfield, Or. BE CAREFUL 4 nni 1TV4 Tl 7 ji iae m.ea u u Don't ruin your eye sight with cheap glasses. Come to us and have your eyes examined and fitted correctly. Exami nation free. Prices for glasses reasonable. ross Have That Roof Fixed NOW Seo COIITHELL Piroyr: ni2i REAL ESTATE, INSUR ANCE AND RENTALS Somo flno bnrfialns In Renl Es tnto. Houses and rooms for rent. AUG. FHIZUK.V. . C8 Contra! Avonuo. SPEEDWELL CAPT. HUKTIS. Mnstcr. Sails for San Francisco from Coos Bay, Thursday, January Ml at 3 o'clock. THi: SPKEDWKIJi Is speedy nnd lias excellent pnsscnRcr l lllOdatloilS, larue cleitll linrl ulri- rnnma mwl ..liwliln llclltl ! wireless. Fill- ffcll'llt mill iifiscnirn A. Is I.slabrook Co. 'j'ltlo Ouarantco nnd Abstract CM -io lai. St., Han Francisco. Jlorswin KQUIPI'MI) WITH WIRELESS tM4 Steamship Breakwater SAILINGS 8 P. M. FHOM ALWAYS OX TIME. POUTLANI), Tucidny evening of each wk' s,,?.,"..?.1 "?"w. Monday, January 1, l ' "" it in, ji:uu ii. in.; Saturday, January -J Phono Main 35-Ti. J. O. MILLEIl, AVl R. J. MONTGOMERY Real Estate and Insurance 244 North Front Street. rag We replace Broken Lenses. Store A modern Brick .ulldlug, Electrh Light, Steam Heat. Elegantly Furnished Rooms with Hot and Cold Wnter. HOTEL OOOS O. A. Metlln, rrop. IUtes: fJO cents n day and upwards iir. unmnwiiv mill Market Bff ! Twin City Laundry GOOD WORK -- GOOD SERVICE Xot in any Comlilne. 8 Hours Work for Women. Our Agents call anyulieiv. Phono U(1.,J. Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance Title Guarantee and Abstract Co. pnn..m m "KXUV SEXGSTACKEX, Mgr. Coqulllo Ofllco Phono 191 Platting Lands a specialty. I'nrms-Tlmber-Coal and Mnrshfield Ofllco 14-J. Goneral Agonts "EASTSIDE." FOR A GOOH WAT' II i OR FHfh JEWELRY E.G. BARKER JEWELER I Flue Watch and Jewelry Iteiuilriiiir I 20U Front St., Marshflild. i C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. RETAIL DEPARTMENT LUM1JER, LATH, SHIXGLES, MOULDINGS, SASH AN" ROOFING PAPER. ETC, poof CUT THE FUEL RILL IN TWO RY USING OUR WOOD. riioxs ioo. 18a soimI nnttU) 1