THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD. OREGON, TUESDAY, JANUARY 28, 1913.-EVENING EDITION. COOS BAY TIMES sr. O. MALONHY ttAN K. MALONEY Editor mul Pal' News Editor I or 10 Offlclnl I'iiimt of Coin County. a iikghettiilc incident. MAYOR Straw forgot tin- dlgnltv1 mul decency of hi office and the rospect he owes the people ' tar this city nti tludr chief magistrate , tut )nt evening's session of the city veoimiH. ' Soch tin exhibition of Ill-advlwl i wirt wholly uncalled for Intemperate atJon nntl lniiKiiuire Is seldom seen i a meeting of this character even n a frontier mining town. When . without provocation or pretense ! Mayor Strnw railed Councilman Al fcrecht a "Damn liar," he overstepped 9lt limits or good sense, good mun MWt and good morals. Tho people nre Indehted to the w1f-control and restraint of Count 11 wian Alhrecht that Hip city was not rllsxracod with a list light, which the unayoT offered to pull off there and hm. A mnyor of this city. K. 13. Straw Vwlu Peek to promote penre nnd viot to provoke lights. Ills action Jnst night was unwarranted and un called for. NolwitliHtnndlitg, Mayor SStrnw'H continued hndgeririg during Mho evening, Councllmnn Alhrecht wiatlo no chnrges or remarks that tnrdlnd for the mayor's gross and In ttniHlng language. Sir. Alhrect acted llko n gentle man nnd Mayor Straw like anything ttse. i E B I Fira Apparatus Committee Asks Further Time Before Recommendations. BAND TO ASK ELECTUI 1 LOCAL OVERFLOW DIBNRY BLACK and wife expect to luavu Boon for an extended visit 3d California. Kt. K. IIOOTII and CLAUDE NAK IJiniO loft today for Ileale Lake for n few days' hunting. .MRS. A. (1. AIKEN pinna to leave tho last of the wook for Snu 'kKmnrlBco on huslness nnd pleas tire. JL J. LAM II nml wife or Coiiullle nre expected hero the last of the week en route, to visit In California. WKS. K. L. PIERCE Is spending n 'few dnys with Mr. Pierce, fore man of the Simpson logging camp nl Tarheel Point. S. J. SIMPSON Is expected home Ahotit Fohruory IT, from his Washington trip, stopping In Sail Francisco for tho anntinl meeting tt the Simpson l.tiiuher Company, which will ho held ahout Febru ary I. NO INDICTMENTS YEP, 'Ji-jiud .liny liivcftlgntliig Niimhcr of Case at Coipilllc. Tho Coos county grand Jury Is In--ucutigntlng a number of cases at Vdllo, hgt at iiniiii today they Taad not reported any true hills. Sov wrjil confessed criminals nre In the fonnty Jail nnd will probably plead xullty when the ImllctmeutH nre .re turned. Ones for Trial. The llrst ease for trial, that of Smith vs. Kinney. Involving the pur Eo or tho old steamer Liberty from Qjptuln .Mcl.onu. Cnptuln McLean arrived from the Columbia River yostordny to testify In It. Tho second case for trial wiih that io Jnek Parker vs. tho C. A. Smith Company mul the City of Marsh tnA for damage for the denth of his brothor. who was killed bv his mo forvjvlo hitting a womlpllo on South Stronn'wny a few months ago. "Tho next one lu Strang vs. McDon .!) nml Vnughnu for personal Injtir- The next one Is Randnl vs. the 0. . Smith Company's Interurban Hue, 32nndn1 having lost a leg In mi ocel efcint on It. The lirth one Is that of Svenson trs. the Cody Lumber Company. heliH of the deceased suing for damages. Other eases on tho docket mid which may ho tried are: Hnrnos vs. Smith. Stevens vs. Stutsman. TritiKlilloninn s. Siiiiuiau, Involving fij Vleleher heirs' claim to the Son wmn property. Jlerkla vs. Coos ll.iy Liquor Co. "BANDIT .MARKS KSCAPK. Messrs. Allen. Goss and Keating Inst evening presented a written re port to the city cumuli of their trip to Inspect fire apparatus. They ask ed for n longer time In which to compilf a llnal report on the kind of apparatus they would recommend for the city. They Inspected n triplicate Knott ' chemical, hose nnd pump auto truck at Eugene, an American-La France combination chemical at Salem, Son grnve apparatus at Vancouver and Pope-Hartford, White Car and other appnratus m rorunnu. . The state that tho auto apparatus has not been used long enough In tho west to iloterinlno whether it is best suited for MarHhlleld or not. They state Hint tho combination hoso nnd chemlcnls are vory heavy for tho el evated streets lu Mnrahllcld mul that the price Is very high. They stated that on this account they were considering a motor dials for the present tiro apparatus. They recommended thnt n new lire alarm system bo Installed, providing for mi alarm nt tho homo or plnco of business of each member of the department so that the llrcmcn could respond nt llres more prompt ly. Tho cost or u phono automatic nlarm system or thU kind would he small. Upon tho conclusion of tho report, Councllmnn Wluklor movod thnt n vote of thanks bo extended to tho various city olllclals who had assis ted the Marshtleld dologatlon. Councilman Alhrecht also request ed that stronger elevated streotfl ho built and City Engineer Oldley Htntcd thnt the now ono were being built much stronger than tho old ones. WEDNESDAY TO BE ALL-FEATURE NIGHT to "iVoiiuiu mul Child Killcil lu Itatlle Near Winnipeg. (fJVf AMx-till I'rvn la Cot Ujr 11mm.) WINNIPEG. Manitoba. Jan. 2S. JA lmttlo between u fchorlff's posse ;iutd .loTui llnran, the outlaw, at his inn near Riding Mountains, oc tmrrnri Monday, ami a woman mid thtld were shot to death by the of ffirers. llarau escniied. Golden West Quartette Open at Orpheum To morrow Night. Tomorrow Wednesday will bo n banner day at the "House of the Photoplay." Tho persistency on tho part of tho Orpheum manugomeut to secure novelties In addition to a high grade new licensed mid censor ed motion picture programs, has re sulted lu a very noticeable Increase lu business mid sntlsllod patrons, A number of really good pictures uro scheduled for exhibition In tho vory near future, one of them bolug the championship ball games, mul of course every ono known that tho "What Happened to Mnry," series nre to ho run nt this theater exclu sively. In addition to those, Shake speare's "As You Like It," In three reels. In to ho put on the boards real soon. Hut to got back to the origi nal Intention or this article, wo wish to say that the Colden West Quar tette has been greatly Improved ami strengthened for this season, mul now Includes Tower, Lash, Dodge mul Riiynard. Their songs for Wed nesday night will consist or specially selected numbers. Tlio admission piico remains the mime. Four re pented pictured will be run, being tho best or the past week's run. Want to Put Matter Up to the Voters Had Planned for I Long Summer Tour. ! Members or the Coos liny Con-' cert Rninl are today figuring on . circulating petitions asking for n special election to permit the voters , to determine whether or not the city si nil contribute $150 iter month to support the organization. Doflulte plans have not been made hut prob ably will be within a day or two. i Tho baud has been figuring on a long tour this milliliter to boost Coos Hay. lu fact Fred Wilson who is now in Portland Is making sonip of the preliminary plana for It. Tho Idea was to spond about a month on , tho trip, playing n number of con-1 certs lu Portland, then nt tho state , fair In Salem and Inter nt tho Pcn-I dloton .Roundup with concortB on route nt other Oregon towns. The hnud hoys dislike to hnvo tho organization go to pieces now mid think It would bo difficult to get support for It by tho old system of contributions, SALE REMNANT Continues All This Week We have a big assortment of Remnants of nearly all kinds of goods. Every piece a bargain. The GoHem Rule First National Bank Bldg. Mtirslifiold TONIGl -hi me jk, OV OIjCiW. TIM.' nt ....... I "-"nitfc A dranin of neat v Mice rimir i "v K ..... iwiu .U(M T . Iioiiscc. '"UIOol L '"'""K l.lcm. "' "'A" "Hi ittii..I 'JH-lX-liAW ,.S "Hi l. you mo.Jr.1' IllWIlyS HO Ill'irn-.J"' lce V- Climiillc,. ,, Don't miss them, """""i v ie.-M ,,as, nsllti A. mil,.,.,. MK, IYl AdiiiUslmi T.iiiIbI.i . HI 10 Oh are ALONG TJIK WATKRFRONT Tho Alllnnco Is duo tomorrow from lCureka and will snll Thursday for Portlnnd. Tho Speedwell will ronch hero Thursdny, stopping on route from Snu Francisco at Dnndoti. She will snll Friday. Cor. Tlilnl mul Alder Coos Bay Business College Telephone 10 A modern, .substantial, worthy business Inilnlng M-lionl Is hound to compel appreciation. It will not take you long to dlscoicr that ti better business elll clency course than our- Is not piescuteil on the planet at this time. The iHisltioim are here mul your success Is certain. Why put it oir? Visitors welcome. RKDONDO SAILS WKD.VICSDAY nftumoon nt O'CLOCK for SAN FRANCISCO. KSCAIMW AITL'ICU 15 'YKARS. w. P. uroylca mado a success ful cscnpo after 1G years of suf fering from kldnoy and blndder troubles. Foloy Kldnoy Pills ro leased him nnd will do Just tho snmo for othors. Ho snys. "They curod a most eovcro bnckncho with painful blnddor Irrogulnrltlcs, nnd thoy do all you claim for them." Refuse substitutes, Lockhnrt & Parsons. The nusy Corner. Ai'Kiiiisiik .Makes lilt, (Hr AwoUlol I'rru la Coo. IU) TIihm.J LITTLK ROCK. Jan. S.--W. M. Kuvaiiiiiigh, iireslileut of the South ern llasehall League, was chosen ('lilted States Senator of Arkansas to serve the full term today. b separate vote of the house ami senate. To Irtroduiice Demerfs Hairdl Wheat Flonnr in every homo on Sattir dny. February 1, 1013. I will soil ono snek of Do mout's Rest Flour to encu family for $1.2ii at tho wurolioiiEo In North Rend, from 8 a, in. to r. p. m. Flour on hnnd at nil times by tho bnrrol. Try It and you will not regret It nml you will save mo ney. s. s. har.i:i:. Tlnrpe Say "There Are Others." Ilr .alalr.l rr. lo Coo lugr Timet NKW YORK. .Inn. as. The con fession of Thorpe that he played professional baseball lu It' 0U and lit 10 will result lu an Investigation of seveial other "collegenien from tho north." who Thorpe sns played lu the same league. FORM NKW COMPANY. International HaricMcc Company Incorporates Again, (lly AM.xUtiM I'rvM lu Cisw U)r Tim TRKNTON. Jan. :'7 -Articled of Incorporation of the liiternatlomil InrvoBtor Company, with mi uuthor iwil capital or 170,000.000 were llled with the Secretary of Statu today. Tho Incorporniors being men actively -uuiecteil with the International Harvester Compnuy, a concern al ready chnrteied under the laws of Now Jersey, with an authoiUed capi tal of ?l 10,000,000. Salter's MI.VKD CANDV 15 CKXTS I'KIt I'OCNI) nt SARTKR'S. XOTICK TO DOG OWN Kits. A penult) of $1 will be Imposed on all dog UcoiiH's not paid before leiirnni) i, J. W. CMtTKR. City Marshal. von RKXT- house, SSI South Jleniy Ulnck. Cl'T Till: HIGH COST OF LIVING W. II. Chapman of Winnebago, Neb., tells how ho did It. My two children hnd a very bad cough nnd tho doctor's medicines did thorn no good. I got a bottle of Foloy's Honey and Tar Compound, nnd be fore it was all used tho children Klght-riMini furnished wore freo nnd cured of their Fifth HUeot ; cough. I saved a doctor's hill for lone S5e nottlo of Foloy s Honey ; nnd Tar Compound ' No opiates. 'umu i (iv n Hold iy I.ockhnrt .t Parsons thn itiiBv i-oinor. WK WILL MAIL YOU HU for each sot of old Falso Teet sont us. Highest prices paid for old Gold, Silver, old Watches brokon Jewolry and Preclou Stonos. Monoy Sont by Roturn Mall. Phlla. Smelting A Refining Co. Established 20 Years. HOil Chestnut St., Philadelphia, P. TO DENTISTS. We will buy your Gold Fllllngi, Gold Scrap, and Platinum. Hlgu cat prlcoa paid. Who Wants a Home ? Here's One to Be Sacrificed 50x100 with a good six-room house all furnished, ready to live in. Close in. Lot alone is worth price wo are asking for house, lot and furniture. This place must he sold in next 10 days. Owner leaving town. Price, $2,650.00 with terms if you want them. FRENCH REALTY CO. Marsh field, Ore. I Will furnish i House on the Installment Plan W. K. Wiset n... ,.5 "!'"'"' Lfc- ..c iiuiin n-A ; j(e8-1 315 1-2 North Front St. export ranters, Carpeuc Furniture Pnrkcd. V, Stained nnd Hepalret I'.vio.v storaoi: omir J .. W- ') llmrt. Mr 1S I' roill St. Pk.J Leave orders at doing t J Clearance&M inn err i pmro- jiiuiicii iiiuircn'i and HIIOKS. All now stock. Lto-dU The Electric Shoe Sii PROFESSIONfll niKFRln J. SI. WRIGHT, CONTRACTOR AXD IIL'II. I) I hstlmntcfl furnished on Plans and specification! fe If desired. An lionott Job m ivuu, i-iiuuo 1. -!(, Pi livia i:dma., Mcclmno'Tliennlit Scientific Swedish Massajt, uymnastlci JKWS. Sixth St. ItMM! OSTLINI), Piano Tuner and S. Sixth Street. Pboull TOEI 41t E By furnishing us with a list of the prop erty on which you wish to pay taxes, we will ascertain, free of cost, how much your taxes are, FLANAGAN & BENNETT BANK pKltfj IULKV RALIANGEB IManlst nnd Inkl Reflldouco-Studlo, 237 So, Bm Phono lfi-L. WM. S. TUItPKN, ARCHITECT , Mnrshflohl, Oregon. DK. W. MORROW, Dentist 171 Grimes liulldlnK, ortr Theater. Olllco Phone W.G- CHANDLKR, Architect I Rooms .101 nnd .'102, Coke I MnrMifleld. Oregon. Wi: HAVK MOVICD from Thlitl . nnd Andorsou to tho O'Connoll RulldliiR, 1SI Market avenue, near Peoplo'H 510-lCe store. Whon down town dron In nnd trv a cup of our famous Corona Rlond Coffeo. Coos Baj Ten, Coffee and Spice House Phono :)I..T MAUSIIFIKLI), OR. Pictures & Framing Walker Studio There Is Nothing That gives a person so much confidence in himself, as a surplus, or money in the bank, and confidence and a little ready money are the two weapons that enable a person to make a winning fight. ' If you want to accumulate some of both, right here at this bank is a good place to make the start. First National Bank Of Coos Bay ryt, a. j. iiKNimv's J- Modern DcnUl MM Wo ore oaulnnod to do MrM work on short notice at till lowest prices, Kiarolniuai Lady attondnnt. Coke BW Chandler Ho'nl. nhnn tU T. J. BOAIFK A. H. HOW Marshfield Paint (Sb Decorating Furnished. Futlninte 1'hone U' -M MllSHt Marshfield & Norlli Bend A GORST & KING. Propd"! mlnutoe from 7:16 a. m. w! midnight. Loavo Norm " enmo schedulo, Btnrtlng ' ' until midnight. Soo SaturdiJ for Rflhednlfl. First ClassWeav ironintlv done ' Gardiner's Rag Carpet ft Cor. Union and Montani ,$ Phono 131. Sartor's :HXTS PFR POl Nl) (it rtAKTKR'n, The Record Photographing Abstract Company now hnvo photographic copies of nil tho records of Coos County OroKon, from which correct information wo nre now ready nnd will lio pleased to niako for you Ahstrncts of Tltlo to nny ronl cstnto In Coos County, proparo lists of prosent owners, ninlto photographic copies of Townsltes, Plats nnd Township Mnps, or furnish nny In formation In rolatlou to tho tltlo of nny Real F.stuto In said Coos County. IIUSINKSS OFFICK: 117 Norjh Front St., Marshfield. Phono 151J W. J. RUST, Manager New and Second Hand furnilure sold on tJio installnu'iit plan. HARRINGTON, DOVLI3 & CO., a2 Front St. Phono JUO-L .Marshfield, Or. We Clean and Press, Ladies' and Gent's Suits' Goods Called for and Delivered Coos Bay Steam Laundry PHONE MAIN 57.J Marwhfleld, Oregon. C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. ROTAIL DEPARTMENT LUMRF.R, LATH, SHINGLES, MOULDINGS, SASH ROOFING PAPER, 1710. AND DOORS. CUT THE FUEL RILL IN TWO RV USING OUR WOOD. PHONE 100. ' tHO mm, 182 SOUTH I1ROADWAY .....m 1 W1IKN YOU V1 jI GER nor Something " or delivered tn. i n o N E IS and we'll do it. ChargM blo. fOTAS ORAmii flitv Anto Set Good Cars. Careful 'Dr'W reasonable charges, w "Will go anywbore at " Stands Blanco Hotel Cigar Store. Day Phones-" Night Phone 46. RARKKR OOOnATiW. You Auto Call Foote PHONE 1441 NIGHT AND DAY Stnnd front of Rlauco Rllllard Parlor TWO NEW OARS After 11 P. M. Phone 67, Residence Phono .8-J. Careful Drivers -: Good Cars Unique Pantatorium PREBSPn? RVT19' OTBANBM, i itbhSLRS nnd HAT RENOVATonq Co8" Flnl SW D' ? oo. Fine Tallorlug, j u. niako your next snlt. -uo UiiftXRAL. Look Ud This $350 G-room cottngo with lij Eastsldo for salo u)' ffB WM. J. LEATOl 1C8 Broadway or Barnard & See our window dUpW WOOD ELECTRIC FIST" -rnannn nH1 fit ASS ' imtujrji " ,.vn POIITABLB STANK Phono 250-X PH0N3 1"" .Y-S&aSLUA'Tk.ULAd