The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, January 27, 1913, EVENING EDITION, Image 1

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(Slum Sag Wxmm
in M''1-"1' ,C"V m for the elty
Si . i-t
nll (hO tlMIO.
There uro many good Imrgnlns
(o bo found there. Anything
lost or found Is always adver
tised In The Times.
member op tub associated pres
.. . .11.1. ,.1 In 1H7H
dTcoiwolldatlon of Times, Coast Mall Mn 1 gt
nnd Coos Buy Advertiser. ,vl"' ,V,T
1L XXXVI.; Tl. Coast Mail.
uni nro mubi
.. i oine Qnnrnmc
portianu duuiw...
...HiPTcn nF USING
ho of Failu.c of Title Guar-
antee ami uu "
Court ueuibiun.
-- -r:: :. r.?! r'n.
WASHlNir u. .".- - v;
' S " ,r vcc,,;rCHldent of
DT OuWnto nn.l Trust Con,.
ny of Portland. Oregon, low"
Sifted otlnrecny of UioHtnlooiIii-
?,Vn i fmula In his bank tlurliiK
ie panic of 1907.
TIXI.S !' lt0SS ('ASI-
Ins lh-iully Fined In Addltlo
ITt'llll III 1-riMin.
II,, a:-3 :i!d IT " "' ""'r Tlmm.1
rOHTI.NNlJ. ore. " ---
i.-rnlmrii Hoss. former vlto-proHl-
lent (. ftho Tin r.iiiiriuitfo nun
trust Company "i "B '" -""
Ilctcit for MiineriliiK slate utlurii
lonal funis to Id own uw. Downs
bd to nay n line of $:.7fi,000, twice
L nmount Hint ho wiih alleged to
i ....l l.iiti.fnlllt llf III1V-
lave n)iiciivn ..i. ...... -
Cent of tho line, tho trial court de
,... .I... i... oiini,i ii iniiirlttonuu
men nil"- i" " , , ,
no day for each 12 of the line, which
rould liavo liisuio 6H yearn, i mi j
remc Court of Oregon, however,
. -ii. i. ii.... .iiiii iiiiftiiiii urn
ti nunc uiu urn' " " '
lilons of tho punishment. '1 ho ux-
ll.... .Inllltllllllllltl frlllOU'dtl
uiuru oi ivuon uvuiim"1-' j "
he falluro of the Tltlo C.unritnteo
nd Trust ctiiiipiiuy m mo "
907. HOST HUB noi I'liianiviiwuii i
lervo his term, hut now will ho Hilton
i tno peiuicnuiiry.
lCr At;U!l I'rvM lo Coo Iw; Tlmt.)m
1-niiTi.AN'n. Jnn 27. Unless at
torney fur IIohh Die .1 motion for II
lihearlnff In the I'nlted States Su-
Iretne Counrt, the ninndato will do
knt to tho Orcson Stnto Court ami
Ross will hnvo to Bervo live years
. nlpn In tin' n nltelltlill'V. tllllOftS
lo Is pardoned or pnrolnl liy (lovor-
or west.
Wayne & Hoyt Secure Bin
Interests Operate With
Own Vessels.
The Swavnn A- lfnw r.iimiini. rvim.
Ny of san Francisco, ono of tho
tie dpaUra nt ti.n ii..rtinn ,.., i...
lioted negotiations for tho purchnHQ
ft llg Interest In the North nond
rioi. property nt North
'(Oil. II o lllwlnrulnn.l ilinf llw. nl.l
m, tho Stnnillsh-lllekoy Com-
i,i ' . : J oonpson mid othorn ro
Maal least part of tholr old Intor-
ihm l"e company.
The new owners nro now nrrnns-
?,. '1? nU "Honn! mnclilnory
'a the mill nmi i.m. t .... . .
'a ODerai nn ni ,..i.i. i, " ....
Tirnrkn, I "h"1"' VUU IMU III!"
0fchum8.I)an"ctl' th0 "'"I Will
ona'i c.ut betweL" 75,000 nml
so.000 feet of m,bep por day.
for ?.MmpT7jr lma al8 nrrBHRod
M?d,eraW timber bo Mint thoy
-iSinri avo any -Jimculty In ob
S.10?' Tll company wna no-
tlmw I "J 10 Merchant stnto
heth T-,1 ilw l-oos ll vor, hut
lot LrfL,J,ta deal wl" "o closed IB
Frank Ktnn.ui. .... ...
ens nf iC ."" w"bj urotnor is
- VlQy, Company, Is now In
waetlme w ..e.n ('losea ,lown for
lonVrun'.nf I11' Boon Btnrt on a
,.? n. ai-d Will httVn n InronW l
jea force. " '
erSethSeW K111 Company op-
WP car?v ?.Uy ,h!lV0 tl,elr own
SoBSim lmber rrora th0
":'" lS?J Vote,.,,
NEW Sm,.WCM D.,Tlra...
2 s"ire h, oi,i ,n, 2lln ort'e'
S:f-S tL v m 'rlend, Daniel E.
5!W llS;, ,U"l,"a,,ion -t "rrest;
;f-ai toUuTe 1H0;,1.nMl for th0
f" "r-v t i, , " from surety
'T of lckis r Uatp? tllp Pces
ftt rder fr J ,. " P i-sunnt to
IlcMunt for (t F0,,,ler failed
,lTd from k 0r.e thll ?20.000
ComffiUw York Mon-
Sugar Trust Officials Are Not
Granted Immunity in
til- AmhwIiIM rrn to Com ny Tlm-,
WASII1N0T0N, .Inn. 27. CharloH
It. Holla, former Hocrelary or the
Ainurlcuti Sugar UofliiliiK Co., hail
no Imuiiiulty from proHeciitlou for
Ills kuowledKo of the minur woIkIi
IiiK fraudH iiKiilnst tho Koverumeiit.
hecaiiKo ho loHtlflud hofiiro tho
Krnnil Jury rcKardliiK tlium. Tho
United Stnton Hiiproiuv courf ho
held today. Tho court held Hint
llellto iniiHt kci-vo his eight montliH'
ImpilHoumi'iit and )iay a fluo of
Allies Unite in Drafting Note
Terminating Peace Negotia
tionsFifteen Days Before
Hostilities. '
III AuwIalM l'n to Coot nr Tlmn.
LONDON, .Jan. 27. Tho drafting
of n noto rupturing tho pence nego
tlutloiiH was begun today by tho al
lies. Tho special committees expect
ed to complolo the note boforo night
fall and submit Its work to tho sit
ting of tho Ilulgarlan, (Ircek mid
Montenegrin government delega
tions. llOWOVOr. nvnil If flln llnllrnti
allies nro nnxlous to resumo hostll
Itles, which Ills currently reported
racy nro not nuxioiiH to do. It will
bo at least fifteen dayB boforo tho
guiiB can again begin to ronr. Tho
Until draft of tho noto could not bo
presented boforo Wednesday nt tho
Orders Many Automobiles for Use
jot Army.
Jnr AMoclitotl l'ri-M to Coo Ilr TlmM.l
ST. l'ETEUSnUHa, Jan. 27.
HuhhIii has sudenly nwnkoned to the
danger of war. Today It becamo
known that tho Russian government
ngents hnvo sent to European auto
mobile, centers with largo omorgency
ctcdlts for tho purchase of any nvnll
nblo cirB sultablo for military pur-
res He Reached National Senator Smith of Coos County
G. McCutcheon; Well Known
Marshfield Young Man,
Succumbs. '
Word wiih received hero yoBtorday
that (looiKO McCulcheou, ouu of the
best known young men on Coos Hay,
Had died or tuiiercuioKis m a Knniiai
1 it in In Colfax, Calif., where ho went
a fow ntonlliH ago In hopes of secur
ing rollof. Ho had been critically 111
for Homo tlnio but his ninny friends
on tho Day kept hoping against hopo
that ho would conaner tho dread dis
ease, which afflicted his throat about
n your ngo,
(oorgo .McCittchoon canio to Cook
Day In December. 1007, and had
umdo his home on the Day since
that tlnio. A good nil round athfloto
nml especially good In baseball, a
Komi niuslclaii mid ono of tho or
gnnlzpiB mid for n time loader of tho
Coos Day Concort Ilnnil, pioiuliieiit
In tho Oil Follow, mid In tho Eagles,
a good till round follow mid n lover
of society and In nttoiidanco nt most
or tho dnncoH, ho won for himself a
host or friends who deeply rogvot
his untimely doath. During prac
tically his onllro rosldcnco In .Marsh
lleld. ho was cashlor nntl bookkeeper
for Hugh Mel.nln. mid his business
ability won htm tho respect of thoso
with whom ho hod contact.
Ho was a friend among friends
for those who won his oh t com. This
was ospoclally shown In tho caso of
(Siogory Cnnty, a young innn who
formorly llvod In Marshllold. Cnnty
Buffered nn miction of the kuoo a
fow yoars ago which disabled lilin
antl roqulro.l oxponslvo medical
troatinont. Cmily'H savings wero In
Biilllclont mid Mr. McCwtclicon milck
ly canio to his nld and oxponded a
largo Bum for him. In fact ono of
tho last things ho did boforo ho sttr
forod his fatnl rolapso was to pro
vldo for further nsslstonco for Canty,
who Ih at tho old homo of tho two
In Caiioton, Oregon.
Mr. McCutehoon was twonty-nlne
yonrs old. Tho body will bo taken
to tho old homo at Carloton, near
McMlnnvllIo, for builnl, mid tho
Borvlces will bo hold thoro Wednes
day nfternoon. Frod Wilson, mati
agor or tho Coos Day Concert nnnd,
left for thoro yostorday to roprcsont
tho organization nt tho last BorvlccB.
A fow woeks boforo ho loft Mnrsli
flold for San Francisco to consult
specialists. Mr. McCutehoon remark
ed to Director Fonton of tho Coos
Day Concort Dand that If tho worst
should come, ho would llko to have,
tho band play "Chopin's Funeral
Mnrnli" nf ilia HnrvlfPH.
Although tho band cannot be nres
ont nt tho funeral, tho niombers have
nrrnnrn,i tnf mnmnrlnl services to be
held nt tho Marshflold Masonic Op
era House next Sunday atiornooH w.
2:30. Tho EagleB and Odd Fellow-s
lodges will bo requested to partlcl
pnto. ... .
Mr. McCutcheon's father and
mother nro dead. Two slaters reside
at Carleton and his stop-mothor re
sides nt McMlnnvllIo.
Capital Ahead of Others
With Electoral Vote.
"Arrived In plonly of tlnio. Four
other states not yet In."
This wiih tho message which Mrs.
Hugh Mrl.aln reclvod this morning
from Mr. MeLalit, who had to mtiko
ono of the fastest or trlpu across the
t'outluent In order to get Oregon's
electoral vote counted. Ho had to
bo lit Washington today in order to
get the Oregon vote counted ami ulso
to osctipu a lino which Is Imposed on
the messengers who rail to maku con
nectloitB. However, tho lino wasn't
worrying Mr. Mcl.nlu half ns much
as was the danger of Oregon Demo
crats mlHsIng out on getting their
votes counted.
When Mr, Mcl.aln loft hero last
week, ho was determined that tho
honor accorded him by his selection
us the olllclal mosscngor of Oregon
Democrats to carry tho rotiirna to
Washington should bo upheld. Ho
made a fast trip through to Drain
and novor missed n train connection.
When lie lort hero, ho was afraid
that ho would not bo nblo to roach
Washington boforo tonight, but hoi
got thcro In tho morning. I
Congressional Investigation of
Clothing Strike in New
York Requested.
Illy AMoctatM Pm to Coo l'y TlmM.J
WASHINGTON, Jan. 27. Invos
ii, r,.n,,,. r tlio condition or the
Barniont working Industry In Now
York was proposed in a reuiuiii
1...1,... I... tlniirnenntntlvn liCl'KOr.
11IU1IJ "J !.. . ....
Socialist liioinbor from Wisconsin.
Tho resolution would nuthorlzo tho
appolntiiiont or n special coiiiiuu
teo of Bovon inoinbors to Inqiilro In
to conditions tnirroumiiiiK uio k
niont niakliiB trado nnd recent
strlko. . . ,,
lu tho preaniblo or tno lesoiuuoii
Dorger sots forth thnt tho Now
York clothing Industry suppllos tho
trndo in n largo section or tho coun
try through Intorstnto trado. that
workmen nro coniponeu io mum m
....lw.ntn... aiiprniiiiillnilQ. and that a
docont living has become almost
Impossible nt the wages paiu.
s s
New Yorkers Make Concessions nnd
Sumo llesumo Work'.
tnr AitoclateJ rrn to Coo ttr TlmM.
NEW YORK, Jan. 27. From the
appearance or tho big hotels today
tho atrlko or tho waiters la off.
Many old employes applied for tneir
places and wore given work ana
others found their places tlV.ea
Partial concessions wore granted by
tho oniployers.
climico to sco this FAMOUS FILM.
Capt. McNally and Six Filipi
nos Victims Eight Sol
diers Also Wounded.
m Auoclated Trtn to Coo Dr Tlmti.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 27. The
War Department has received a diB
patch conrirmins tho reported kill
ing or Captain McNally at Tnglltsl
In an ongagoiuent botween tho Mo
ros and Phlllplno Scouts and Con
stabulary. It says six enlisted men
of tho scouts who wero killed wore.
Filipinos and that eight diluted
men wore wounded.
Kiven by tho Modern Woodmeii of
Aiuericn Drill Team lit ECKHOI1- S
If you have anything to sell, ren'
trade, or want holp, try a Want Ai
Introduces Measure in
Oregon Senate.
SALEM, Ore., Jan. 27. "To pro
vent falso antl misleading stnto
mcutn lu advertising nnd providing
n pennlty thoreforo." Ih tho tltlo of n
bill Introduced in tho souato by
Smith of Coos. It deelnros tiny per
son or 11 r m guilty of u misdemeanor
that publishes or circulates In any
mnuiior, Htutomonts that uro untruo
or deceptive whoroby anyone Ih In
juriously affected. This Is S. 11. No.
Among tho other bills from Coos
and Curry members nro:
II. II. 021, by Ilarton To provltlo
for convoying or releasing or curtesy
or dower of a husbnnd or wife or a
person Judicially declared to bo or
unsound mind.
S. II. 127. by Smith or Cooa Ito
latlug to tho laying out or public
S. II. Ml, by Smith of Coos Ue
qiitrlng secretary of stuto to furnish
monthly list to county or registered
motor vnhleles.
S. D. 122, by Smith of Coos Ito
latlng to protection or laborers in
enforcing liens.
Steamer Leaves for San Fran
cisco With Good Passen
ger List and Lumber.
Tho stoainor Washington Ballot!
yostorday for San Francisco. Her
outgoing cargo consisted largely or
lumber products from North Jlond.
Among thoso Bnlllng on tho Wash
ington woro tho following: II. Gado,
Dr. Vaughn, J. P. Cnmpboll, T. A.
Splzy, J. C. Chnso, 0. E. Evans, O.
L. Spoonor, II. C. Shroedor, W. C.
Tompeo, E. Iloan, Joo Jacobs, 8.
O. Chaso, J. J. Harlgan, J. 1). Massn,
W. Morrlck, John Wnllaco, A. I.
Knowles, W. E. Jones and Frod
r hu h i
Mrs. Frank Pray of Eastside,
Has Foot Injured When
Seat Collapses.
Mrs. Frank Pray, n prominent
Eastsldo woman, was quite sovero
ly Injured during the Sunday oven
Ing prayer services In tho EaBtsldo
hall last evening. A Beat on which
she and a dozen others were seated
collapsed, tho heavy planking rail
ing on her foot and crushing the
tfirn nnd otherwise, lll.l'rlllg her. At
first It was reported that lior legs
had beon broken. Rov. G. LoRoy
Hall, who conducted tho services,
stated this aftornoon that tho In
juries wero much less severe than
wero at first reported, biie is get
ting nlong nicely.
Tho seat was an lnmrovlsed ono,
a plank bolng placed on Bonie camp
chairs. Tho woignt wasjoo groin.
Preston A. AVojtlilngtoii Xoiiilnafeil
by President Tnft.
(Bj AMoclated rr to Coo lr Times.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 27. Presi
dent Tart nominated Preston A.
Worthlngton to bo receiver or pub
lic moneys at Burns, Oregon.
cluuico to sco this FAMOUS FILM.;
John D. Rockefeller, Jr., Issues
Statement About the
Social Evil Today.
nr AnorlMM rrc to Coo Il, Tlmn.l
NEW YORK, Jan. 27. Mnn, not
woman, Is responsible ror tho or
ganized social evil In this country,
Is tho opinion or John D. Rockefel
ler, Jr. It Ih a man's business run
for profit and tho profit Is large.
These views wero expressed lu n
statement by Mr. Rockefeller to
day to further tho dotallH of tho
alms or a "burenu or soclnl hy
glono" through which uockcreller
and other philanthropists hope to
allovlato conditions which iio con
siders "tho greatest slnglo nionnco
to tho perpetuation or the huitinu
NEW YORK. Jan. 27. "As to
whether tho iinfortunato woman Is
a victim or contributor to her own
vicious enreor," Rockcfollor said, "I
say unhesitatingly thut In tho vast
majority or cases she la tho victim.
"Prostitution, as conducted In this
country mid Europe Is- very largely
n uinttor of business. It Is a busi
ness run ror prollt nnd tho profit Is
largo. It Is my belief that less thnn
25 por cent of tho prostitutes of tills
country would bo rnllen women hnd
nn equally or as good n ehnnVo to
lead a puro life.
"That thoy havo been dragged Into
tho mlro lu such largo numbers Is
duo to a variety of clrciinistnnces,
among which nro poverty, homo con
ditions, lack or training, tleslro to
grntUy a natural deslro Tor pretty
things, otc. Rut whllo all thoso and
ninny othors mny bo contributing
causes, mnn Is chiefly responsible
for their rail."
Smith-Powers Co. to Electrify
Logging Operations Soon
Other Mill News.
Tho Snilth-Powors Logging Co. Is
planning to stmt work on oxtondtng
oloctrle linos to Its logging ennuis'
so that tho operations will bo by
hionns or olectrlc power, Instead
or powor from donkey engines. Tho
poloB and linos will bo put In
probnbly ns booh as tho woathor
will permit. It wllj tnko somo llt
tlo tlnio to chnngo over tho mn
chlno bo thnt electric powor can bo
used. Tho electric plant nt the
Smith mill la now running so thnt
all tho required powor from It can
ho supplied.
Tho oxteiiBlon of tho eolctrlclty
to tho logging camps will also
bring Into ubo a now oloctTic saw
which Jack Moreen has dovlsed and
which, It Is oxpocted, will consider
ably reduce tho cost of felling treos
as well as Increasing tho cut.
.Mill Closed Down.
The big mill or tho C. A. Smith
Co. was closed down this morning
on account or a broken crankshaft
but it Is expected that oporation
will bo resumed this aftornoon.
Arno Moreen of tho C. A. Smith
Co. mny return hero on tho Xann
Smith this week, but will rouru on
tho next Nann Smith ir ho Is un
able to como this trip. C A. Smith
Is oxpectod hero about tho samo
tlnio. ..
Mlnnnnnnll. nniinm nnilOltnCO tllO
sale or tho last or tho C. A. Smith
Co.'s lumber In Minneapolis It
was closed out In a lump ror
JG00.000 and is snm to navo ueuu
ono or tho largest sales or iiianu-
fnntlirnil lllllllinr flVOT lUUdO III thnt
section. This wna tho last o tho
supply rrom tho company's oiu
Allnnnntinllu mill, which WQS tUS-
inantlod and moved to Lako Tnhoo,
CallL, a row months ago.
t i....,i rvmw. .Tudee Coko today
convened tho adjourned term or
court at Coqulllo and noarly all the
lawyers on the nny are In attend
ance. Among thoso thoro woro C.
R. Peck. J. D. Goss, J. O. Mullln,
Tom Dennett, N. u. .mci.ooii, a. a.
Hammond, W. T. Stooll, C. I. Rol
gard. C. A, Sohlbrodo. J. T. Hall,
J. F. Hall. J. M. Upton, Goo. Wat
kins and R. O. Graves Tho caso
or Smith vs. Kinney was tho first
on tho calendar nnd that or Parker
,.. ii P a. Smith Co. and tho
City or Marshflold second Tho
'grand Jury will also got buBy to-
Grounds of House of Com
mons in London Looks
Like Encampment.
Declaration of Guerilla War
fare Made Windows
Boarded Up.
nr amo. into) rmi to coot nr tioms.j
LONDON, Jnn. 27. Tho precincts
around the House of Commons pre
sented ninny features of n well do
llnctl encampment when tho Houso
met to bring to conclusion tho cur
rent chapter of the work for the eii
rrnnchlsement of women. Mounted
and foot policemen wore to bo seen
every whore m great numbers. Two
thousand patrolmen and one hun
dred mouted men wero actually on
duty whllo u largo number or re
serves wore In the lclnlty of parlia
ment. A declaration or guorllla warfuro
by tho HufTruguttOH Including sorttcn
and riots to begin at once was nmdo
by Mrs. Emmollno Pnnkhurst, tho
militant loader, at n mooting tonight.
Tho suffrngetto leader doclnrcd
thnt ninny women were prepare.' lo
ondauger their llvos In the cnuso.
MIbb Annlo Kenney, who hns been
prominent In maneuvers of the itilll
tants, addod that tho women "itiako
tho llvos of public mon miserable,"
In reply to an Interrogation bIiu Htild,
"U you aro n shop keeper, you had
better look out. It's not only you
which nro going to bo attacked. It
Is somothlng olso. Wo nro going to
sottlo this question onco nnd ror all."
Many shops Immediately begnn to
board up their windows.
tlr AModHtJ I'tot lo Cooa Daj Tlinw.J
LONDON, Jan. 27. Tho Ilrltltdi
Cabinet decldod today to drop tho
ftanchlBo hill. This decision wns in
deference to tho spcukor's rullm;
for n substitute Tho nioiiHiiro
would bo bo materially altered by
nn ninendnient granting votes ror
women that It ought to bo present
ed In tho shape or n now bill.
L. J. Simpson Reported to
Have Wired About Activ
ity in North Bend.
Tlinrn wnrn llinnv niilioisi of lilt-
portnnt railroad nowa afloat on tho
liny again today but nil ihckoiI oi
flctal confirmation-
nn. ul.irv ivna thnl I.. .T. StllliiKnll
hnd wired to North Hond from San
FranclBco tlint the Hotiinern rnciuo
u-nnlil linvn n fiirnu nf men 111 North
Hond noxt weok to Login operations
If tho contractor was nblo to nH
Bomblo his equlpmont that quick.
Anothor story wuh tljnt tho
Smlth-Powors lino beyond Myrtlo
Point- wns to Do a lime in a new
rmiil Into Pnnu llnv llniiitnfnrn. It
lias been stntod that tho road run
Into n hilly country from which ic
waB InipoBslhlo to got a railroad
trrmln nnstwurd. Hnwovor. tho re
port today had It that tho specifi
cations lor 1110 lllio wero mo buiuo
as woro usod by tho Chicago nnd
Northwestern Railway, a road for
which Engineer H.ilnes worked ror
many yoars.
Mr. ltnKH wlin Ir tn havo charco
or tho steol work on tho Smltli-
Powors rond, and contractor vreti
onburg, who Iioh tho contract ror
tim rnnprnto lirldL'n work, arrived
on tho Redondo today. Mr. Rosa
is accompanied uy ins wuo.
Tim Ih nlfln lirllltllnir
consldorablo constTiictlon material
ror the Smlth-Powora road.
Get llusy Soon.
Alva Doll, who returned with hit!
brother, Goorgo Doll, today from n
trip to their fruit lands at Corning,
California, stated that ho had seen
C. J. MUlls and others In San Fran
cisco, but all ho had beon ablo to
hear had beon told In Mr. MIIUb
statement In Tho Times last weok.
Mr. Doll said that mon would bo
hero soon to drive teat piling and
take soundings for tho bridge Uo
said that tho prospects of "Coob
Day woro never brighter. ' Ho re
ports that Geo. Deals, formorly of
Coos River, had a fine ranch near
Corning and has oxcollont proapocte.
Tho fruit growors around Corning
aro enthusiastic, as that section os-
'niiml ilnmnurn In tllO 1'CCOIlt COld
snap which ralsod havoc with the
fruit lu Sotitnorn uauiornm.
W. F. Mlllor. superintendent of
tho local Southern Pacific proper
ties, told Mr. Doll that ho would
return on the Breakwater this w 'cU.
Mrs Miller who has been In Cali
fornia for her health, will re urn
with him Sho has not boon feolltnr
as well In tho south as oho did (
Coob Day,