THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD. OREGON, THURSDAY, JANUARY 23, 1913.-EVEMING EDITIOM. r 4 ivw-HITOIOTTCB P BREAKWATER IN 1. G. V. LESLIE EARLY DY KNEW GIANTESS Steamer Arrives from Port- Ella Ewing Who Died Recently land with Large List of j Was Eight Feet Four k Passengers. I Inches Tall. Tho nronkwnter arrived In (his Dr. U. W. Leslie today received mi,inir rrnm Dnrtlniwt u-ltli n trotnl n iiniinr from It lis Mill lioinc nt I.n- linssoiiKcr lint nml n fair cnro of llelle, Lewla rounty. Missouri. Klv frelght. Slio lind n fairly good lug partlcularH of tho demise of trip down the roast. i Kiln. K. rcwmg, tno innesi woman It Is expected that this will ho In tho world, mention of which tho Inst trip or Capt. II. C. Nelson was made In the Times a few days on tho Ilreakwnter, as Capt. Mac- ago. Tho matter Is of particular genn will probably bo In Portland Interest to Dr. Leslie, becauso ho In tlmo to rollovo lilm thoro. I know Miss Kwlnc well. She was Among thoso nrrlvlng on tho n rolatlvo of hfs brother's wife. Breakwater today woro tho follow-.and Dr. Lealle'n t -nsln. Hov. K M. jnp: j Maker, pastor of tl Daptlst rhurcli I). M. Avorlll, Roger Avcrlll, V. nt Wynrondn, Vn , conducted the L. Thompson, John McCrcn, T. funeral services. Gpgc. Mrs. F. A. Davis. W. K. Miss KwIiir was eight feet four Dodd, K. W. Smith. Mrs. A. T. , Inches tall and nt tho time of her Bowcn, K. P. Mast, C. C. Wood- death was 10 years and 10 months ring, Mrs. C. C. Woodrlng, Fred! old. Dr. Leslie know hor when sho Backman. Mrs. Wilcox, J. It. Wll-'was n young girl and says that her cox, John llowen, A. It. O'Drlon, ! unusiinl size then nttracted much Mrs. O'Drlon, K. K. Jones, Mlko attention, causing hor to bo very Lafntln, C. A. Glenn, Mrs. Chas. bashful. Later sho ovorcamo this Ilninlln, G. atubblefleld, ('. J.lnnd traveled all over the world, Green, J. J. Noble, Lot Hnrpolo, C. being exhibited ns "Tho Missouri V. Rognl. Mrs. CIny Roberts, J. J. Giantess." Sho was in Portland NOVEL AUTO IS SNOW ON BAY rorkln. It. M. Watson, Mrs. It. M Watson, Ilnrvy Watson. J. Louii srnff. T. M. Gnrrlck. '.. N. Ageo. W. II. Colby, O. F. Wnllnro. .Mrs. O. F. Wallace. I. S. Knnnn, O. I Nelson, Mrs. Nelson, SIIsb A. Kecn kle, O. H. Halght. A. J. Forger, Wrfl. A. W. Stuart, A. Unlvoloy, F. W. Shallor. It. If. McKuery. It. I). Klncald, Mrs. Nlmroil Johnson, A. S. Hammond. Emll Steors, W. T. Sick, C. llust, J. II. Doilnon, C. "Tngue. nml Seattle n few years ago and a number of Coos Day pcoplo saw her there. Sho inndo Iota of money nut of these exhibitions Abroad sho nppenred before the royalty of practically all the lending untinns. Sho was very fond of Jewelry nml received much of It as gifts from noted people whom she met. She woro n great deal of It. being lit erally covered with Jewelb and Jewelry. Owing to her extraordinary size t. H)0 nn,i (() j,nV(, n upheld liOUHO ALONG Till-: WATKRKROXT. i built for hor nt homo. Immense -4 Minor and rooms, tnbles and chairs Tho schooner Uuby. Captain Knrtli, I wore inndo to order for her. Sho nrrlvcd nt llnmlnu Mnmlny, After bo-1 own had a plnno made to order, lng 10 iIiivh on the voynKc. The Htenmor Ilamlnn anlled for San Francisco from Ilnndou yester day. The G. C. Llndnuor Is due lo ar rive today to lond at the C. A. Smith mill. Tho Nowherg Is duo In Snturday lo load at the C. A. Smith mill. Tho Speedwell Is duo In next Tues day from San Francisco nml San Po rt ro. HOTEL AltltlVALH. the keys on the onllnnry lustru mono boltiK too smnll for her. Miss F.wlug was long Identified with tho llaptlst church nml her kind ways and benevolence won her many friends. At tho time of hor dontli she was living with her fn llior, hur mother hnvlug died some time iiko. Sho had no lirothers or Misters. The home paper pays high tribute to hor. MKIH'ORIl MAX Gl'ILTV. J. Wells l.ounhborry (Vitivlctcd (if Itoti- COOS-Gall Kdninn. Snu Finn-. mug i.nstcrn iniin. Cisco; Mrs. It. S. llowen. Portland.' KANSAS CITV, Mo., Jan. 2.1. ItLANrn Mvnrt Ni'iiiniuifnp Wm-'Wolls Louusberry of Modford. Ore.. ;:.-... .:.'- ...... .., .-... ... ..... ....... . was cmmi'ieu in 1110 ri'iiurui i-iiim hero on two counts, one of robbing tho mulls, tho other of Jeopardizing tho lives of train passoiiKorH. In snnlty was Lounsborry's dofense. Tlio iirlsnnor Insisted that ho did not remember coming oast and know nothing of the train robbery until ho was charged. It developed at tho trial that Louuslmrry was not In noed of money as ho bnd engaged quartets for his family nt tho Iwst hotol. lie whh repiesented liy eminent conn sol. I IIm wife remained nt her hus band's side throughout tho trial. Their children nro being kept nt a hotol, liiunrnut of their father's fnto, Lounsborry was sentenced to 7 1-2 years. A commlsirtnn of alienists who examined him pronounced him perfect iv snue. plro: W. W. Warner. Allegany: J E. Paulson. Ciinullle; A. M. Stuurt, Ilnudnn; Thns. Wnssou, South In let; A. L. Grovor, Woodliuru; C. M. Euglo, ICIamntli Falls. LLOYD Harry llenson. Lnko aldo; Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Stewnrl, Bnudon. CHANDLEH W. K. Dost. Ilnn dou: 1 1C. Wilson. Chicago; T. A. ItoliortM, M.xrlle Point; II. I), lllock ly, Portland; Mrs. Ida Conrnd. Ilnndou; tl. Davis, Denver; K. W. Smirk. Portland; ('. V. Ituval. Portland; W. II. Colhy. Portland: It. D. Klncnld. San Francisco: '.. N. Ageo, Portland; G. Stubblorield. Portland: ('. J. (Ireon. Saloni; A. J. Forger. Portland; T. It. Wilcox and wife; J. W. Monster, Gardiner; Win V. Dodd. Portland: It. M. Watson nml wife. Portland; W. L. Slsk Portland. AGAINST GOOD GOADS. Gorst & King Try Air Propel ler of Flying Machine Type to Propel Cars. A novelty In nutos was shown here yesterday afternoon by Gorst and King when they demonstrated that nlr power would opcrnto nn nuto the snmo ns It does n llylng machine. They took tho old running genrs, en gine and bed of nn nuto from their shop nml rigged It up with tho the ovorhoad attachments of nn noro plnno nnd Instend of attaching the engine direct to tho wheel gcnrlng of tho auto, attached It to tho llylng mnchlno propeller. Tho scheme worked out nil right nnd ntter the nuto was got In motion, tho dying machine propeller drovo It nt n speed of about fifteen miles nn hour. Tho rigging was only of a temporary nnture nnd a wooden drive wheel on tho alr-propcller shaft broke after a few trlnls. A Binnllor steel wheel wns substituted but It did not give tho necessary speed to tho nlr pro peller nnd tho contrlvnnco did not work ns well. Tho nuto was rigged up as n sort of n tryout. It may haw some mer its, for Instance In relieving tho troublo resulting from nuto drlvo whcols slipping on wot or muddy ronds nnd pavements. Except for this nono hnvo been llgurcd out so fnr. In order to hnvo tho affair work In connection with tho usual power of an nuto. It would bo neccs ary to hnvo two engines, ono to drive tho auto and ono In tho rear to drive tho nlr propollcr. Yesterday, they had tho onglno arranged so that It could either operate tho nlr propel ler or the rogulnr genrlng of the nuto but this didn't work. Romo llgured out that tho nlr pro pellor would bo n good sehomo on launches or smnll boats If It didn't innko them too "cranky" nnd mnke the steering dilllcult. Tho dltuculty or "crunklness' In steering would probably result on nn nuto driven by nlr power, tho stability given by tho clutching of tho drlvo wheels to tho ground by tho friction being grontly rcducod when they no longer hnvo to propel tho machine. Messrs. Gorst, Llndborg and othors who drovo tho minuted mnchlno through town yesterday nttracted much attention with It. Mr. Gorst snld today that they hnd no Intention or putting tho de vice on their nutos betweon North llond and Marshllold ns someone or ronously reported. Ho snld thnt Miles Itlchnrdson, his machinist, nnd some of tho drivers meroly wanted to tiy It out ns pnrt of nnolhor scheme. I In said thnt for n time yostordny thoy secured n speed of twenty miles an hour on u lovol high way whon going with the wind. notice to tiik puiilk. To whom It may concern: I hereby glvo notlco thnt 1 will not bo responsible for any debt con tracted In my mime after Jan. -:t. 19111, except when such credit Is ex tended on my personal order. W. II. lUMtOUAOHX. Mnrshlleld, Ore., Jan. 211, 19 111. Llbby COAL. Tlio kind YOU havn ALWAYS USUI). Phono 72, Pacific Livery mill Transfer Company. BAND CONCENT HERE SUNDAY Director Fenton Announces Program to Be Given at Masonic Theater. Director It. N. Fenton of tho Coos Day Concert Ihind today announced that the following program of popu lar baud music would bo given at tho free concert nt tho Masonic Op era House next Sunday afternoon at in. Mai c'h, "The Crimson Flush" . . Alexander Overture, "Princess of India" . . King Polish Dance No. 1 . . Scharwcnkn Medley of popular airs .... Lnmpo Soreiinde, "Tho Old Church Or gan" Chambers The Avll Polka Parlow Selection, "-Murltnna" Wnllnce March, "Willow Grove". . Sorrcntlno Star Spangled lJnnucr. ROGl'B INVER DILL. Plan to Open Stream for Commer cial IFWiIng to Mouth of Illinois. Salem dispatches nnnounco thnt Itopresentntlve Kennies hns Intro duced a bill to open Hoguo river from the mouth of tho Illinois river to tho son to commercial llsh Ing. This is nbout 30 miles. Only Chlnooks nnd Bllvcrsldcs are to bo taken nnd nothing smaller than an Si4-lnch mesh net Is to bo used, thus allowing trout to go up stream for tho sportsmen. Tho lower river Is to be closed to nil fishing from August 10 to September 1. and from Novotuber L'O to April 15 of each enr nnd no Sunday llsblug is nllowcd. It Is clnlmod thnt tho bill In witlsfnctory to the conflicting In terests on ltoguo river. sizes is id Mino lAninon nut nf fpti an fnnlinrr f. ,,... "vn. - ..r Vu,S w tnesc gooa-iooiiing, serviccaDie serge dre Every dress is absolutely in the newest style t cry dress is of fine all wool serge, most of them a plain tailored, The range of colors and sizes I , . complete, Priced exceptionally low $8.50 to $ 1 6.50 Today's Breakwater has brought us also 40 tki (liens oerge uiessos, muse messes aie ot uniiw quality and style, We have marked them from m to $6.75 and at these prices they will go quickly, Con iiimrlnttr rliomowc UUU VVIIIUUW VIIO,-IUJ'UI "MONEY TALKS" at HUB DRY GOODS CO. 0'Connell Building Phono 36, C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. (J HI71AIL DKPAItTMRNT LUMItKIt, LATH, 8HINGLKS, MOULDINGS, SASH AND Doojl JCOOFLXU l'Al'KK, I7fU. CUT TIIK FUKli IJILIj IN TWO IV USINO OUIt WOOD. PIIONK 100. 182 SOUTH IIItOADiril See the OLYMPIC (JAMF.S held at STOCKHOLM, Sweden, lit the Grand Theater. I'ltlDAY AITKlt NOON nnd KVKXIXti. "" w' vvtu-'irw!ammnmttsraecexnvrtmx WusIiIiikIoii Leglslatin-o HUN liu- poilaut linpiHiveuient Hill. OLYMPIA. Wash.. Jan. 22. The House roads lommlitec recomnu-nd- od tho ludellnlie nohinon'Miient of Mm bill nuthorlv.lug n bond Issue of $20.- itj 000.000 fr hI.U.. hUhwa TliuH Killing tlie b ill. I D0NJW1D i CHARLES V i s Two-Reel Famous Production to Bo Shown at Orphcum All Day Tomorrow. Tho Orphcum will again demon strate to tlio motion pletuie lohu public of Marshfleld that Is Is pos sible to show a special feature pro duction nt ton cents, when on to morrow a big two-reel hnnd-eoluied lilstorlcnl subject will be run all afternoon and evening at their es tablished price of admission. Hon Junu and Charles V. la tho tltlo of this special famous historical drnmn nnd It Is the theme of u master novelist. Another reel, In cluding Arthur Johnson ban been added to the bill, which goes to innko ill) n most delightful program Ladles ami children may take ad yuntngo of the afternoon continu ous performance nnd thus avoid tho crowded houses In tho evening. AH nttondiiiK tho nftornoon perform ance will bo guaianteod a full show. (lo any tlmo. Is our ads Ice to you from the Orphouui management. i RED CROSS DRUG STORE Headquarters for PRUSSIAN STOCK TONIC in 25c, 50c and $1,00 packagos, $3,50 for 25 lb, buckets, PRUSSIAN POULTRY TONICS in 25c, 50c and $1,00 packagos, $3,50 for 25 lb. buckets, PRUSSIAN LICE KILLER 25c packagos, DR. DAVID ROBERTS' VETERINARY REMEDIES DR. GLOVER'S DOG REMEDIES AND SOAPS. (AltD OF TIIAXKH. We "deslro to extend our most sincere thanks to the good people of Marshfield for their kind nsslxt ance and word of choor during our Into bcronvoment In tho loss of our boloved mothor, Mrs. A. K. Hague wood. Mrs. F. K. Westerners; nnd family. Plenty or FltF.SH lli:itltlX(i nt tho WASSOX MAItUKT. MARSHFIELD DRUGGISTS DESERVES PRAISE Tho Loclthnrt-Panons Drut; Co. deserve praise from Mnrshfleld peo plo for Introducing hero the simple buckthorn bark nnd glycor'no mix ture known ns Adlor-l-ka. This simple Gcminii romody first bo enmo famoug by curing nppendlcitlH nnd It hns now been discovered that A SINGI.K DOSI3 relieve sour stomach, gns on the stomach nnd constipation Instantly. It's quick nclon Is n big surprise to people, FAST AND COSOIODIOUS Steamer Redondi FiliilpiR-d with wireless and nuhninrlno lcll SAILS for SAN FRANCISCO FROM MARSHFIE TUESDAY, JAN. 21, AT 8.30 A.M. All Passenger ItcMcrvntlons From Sun lYanclsco Must Ho Mtdtnl fi(). life Illuming, or Pier No II). All reservations must Mb ken ii -I lioui'N ocroro sailing. INTKH-OCKAN THANSPOUTATIOX CO. PHONR H. C. P. McQICOnOE. Aintl Steamer Washington Sails from San Francisco, for Coos Bay Will Passengers and Freight, Saturday, January 18, at 3 P. M. p. s. now, AgcMt. Occsd Dodl RED CROSS DRUG STORE PH0110 122-J. FREE DELIVERY U Self-Preservation Is The First Law Flro Insurnnco Is one of tho most Important means of protec tion. And yet peoplo will contlnuo to neglect It. Let us lnsuro your housohold furniture, your dwelling or oth er proporty. It will cost hut little, it will protect you per fectly. Wo hnvo tho strongest com panies and wo wrlto corroct pol icies. LS Kaufman & Co You Auto Call Foote l'HOXK 1 1 1-.T NKJIIT AM) DAV Stand front of Wnnco llllllnrd Pmlor TWO NKW OAHS After 11 1. M. i,ono B,7i Hesldeiico Phono .8-.I. Careful Drivers .;. fiood Cars Marshfield & North Bend Auto Line GOHST A KING. Proprietors. Cam leave Marshfield every 45 mlnutea from 7:16 a. m. unll 12:30 midnight. Leavo North Bend on snmo Bchodulo, starting at 7 a. m. until midnight. Sea Saturday Timet for schedule. Times' Want Ads bring rosulta. j ICSCAPF.D A 1T Kit 15 VKA15S. W. P. Hroyles inndo n success ful escape after 15 yours of suf fering from Kidney nml bladder troubles Fo'ey Kidney PUls re leased him and will do Just tlio .same f"r otlnrs. lie b.ijs. "Thoy cured n most severe backache with painful bladder irregularities, nnd thoy do nil you claim for them.", Itefiiso substitutes Lockhnrt & J'arflous, Tho Busy Cornor. j Parties Desiring Monuments Erected Would do w ell to rail ut PACIFIC MONUMENTAL WORKS South liroatlway and innko seW tion from the lnvRo Ptoi'k now on hand. ir. Wilson has in his emploY tho only practical marble and granite eultoviu Coos Count v. And none ho best work is turned out. Twin City Laundry HOOD WOHK GOOD SF.UVICK Not in any Combine. 8 Hours Work for Women. Our Agents call anywhere. Phono 20S.J, TIIU FKIIOND OK COOH HAY' S. S. ALLIANCI KQUII'PISD WITH WIUKLKSS SAILS FROM COOS BAY FOR. PORTLAND MONDAY, JANUARY 20, AT SER.VICE OF Tift GUNNKCTINa WITH TUB NOItTII HANK HOAD AT POitTUB NOHTII PACIFIC WBA.MSUIP COM PAN V. Phone 11. o. F. McGBOHGE,ir EJZ SPEEDWELU CAPT. 11UHTIS, Mnstor. Sails for San Francisco from Coos Bay, Tuesday, Januarys service of tide. TH13 SPKEinVKLli Is speedy and hns excellent pnsscngerK .................. ....u vn'Hii nun mry rooms ami ciccinc in",w ulrcless. , ., , vr frelRht nnd pnssaKo, apply, , .;.' lino uuu'uhco " ",".;,ii 2215 Cwl. St.. San Frnnclsrn. MarsWi14 Abstracts, Real Estate, Fite and Marine Insurance Title Guarantee and Abstract Co. n .,. "BNKY SEXGSTACKEN, Mgr. Coqulllo OJllco Phono 101 Platting Lands a speclnlty. Farms Tlmbor Coal and Mnrshfleld Ofllco 14-J. General Agents "EAgTSIpE." FOH A GOOII WAT II OK VISh JEWELRY E. C. BARKER JEWELKIt Hue Wutcli nml Jewelry rtcpnlriiiK. MH l.'ront St.. Mnrbliflehl. Barnard & Langworthy See our window tllsplny of WOOD ELECTRIC FIXTURES LEADED ART GLASS DOMES PORTAULE STAND LAMPS. PHON12 18 Ml. EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS Steamship Breakwatei ALWAYS ON TIME. 8 A"'m.GS FRM l,KTr'n. Tuesday evening of each w' SufiSannv1 UIA"SHFIELI), Monday, January 13, 1 butuulaj, January, 18, 11:00 a. ,,; Saturday, January ! I J. O. MILLER, AS01 Phono Main 3I5-L. REAL ESTATE, INSUR ANCE AND RENTALS Some i fine bargains in Real Es tato. Housos nud rooms for rent AUG. FRIZEEX. CS Contral Avenue. Have That Roof & NOW See OORTEB& 2 PHONE R121' A- -.r