THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, JANUARY 23, 1913. EVENING EDITION. 50ATMEN ATTENTION ! V V 1 frti Itnnt. Wo UT Jof-o or Dont iicauijuunvio supplies Are ; LlHcrc are some of our SPECIAL REGULATION Manvillc and Perfect Fire Extinguishers. Life Preservers: Solid Cork and Tule. Anchors: Kedcjc Galvanized, 10 to 100 pounds. Anchors: American Galvanized, 10 to 125 pounds. Scheblcr Carbureters, Model D. Galvanized Cleats and Chocks. Galvanized Boat Nails and Spikes. Copper Boat Nails and Tacks. Best Eastern Pure Pine Boat Pitch. Oakum, Calking Cotton. Tarr and Wonson's Copper Boat Paint. Michigan Speed Wheels. Complete Renewals for Edison Primary Batteries, Types Q. BraSS Lay auiuws uiiu rutnum duii&. Wire, Cotton and Manila Rope. Pittsficld Timers and Spark Coils. ' Connecticut Plug Coils. Red Seal Dry Batteries. Hobo Storage Batteries. Greyhound Multiple Batteries. Tim Imnnst stock in the countv. ' Pioneer Hardware Company MARSHFIELD, OREGON. TIRES FOR JANUARY'. nnd Holow la nivon tlio tlmo height of high nnd low water nt Mnrsuricld. Tlio titles nro plnced In the order of occurrence, with tliolr times on tlio first lino nnd heights on the second lino of each dnyj n compai Ison on consocutlvo holghts will Indlcato whothor It Is high or low w liter. For high wntor on tho bar, substrnct 2 hours 34 minutes. received hero thnt M. C. Ilorton, formerly of Mnrshfleld, Is building n fine homo nt Poplnr Hluff, Mo., where ho moved with his family a few months ago. Recovcis Hog. Dr. Vnnghnn to dny recovered his lost Fox terrier. llu advertised for It In the Times lost ads and today Mrs. Henry Ol son of Hunker lllll telephoned thnt tho missing cnnlne had come to her home. ItcrowiN Curtain Dr. A. L. House-worth today recovered nn (in to curtain which ho lost a tow days ngo. Ho advertised for It In the Times and a hoy who found It brought it to Ooodruurs garage and It was promptly returned to the owner. rc Keep the Children Well A teaspoonful of medicine in timo often pre- vnnt n wrcrt nf deknesn and oaves the little ones n lot ot suttering. remedies for nil the different ills oi children. REXALL WORM CANDY ia the most dc liehtful medicine you could give children, nnd nt the same time it h n cafe nnd sure cure for fnmir1. n,l intestinal worms rntiml worms, whip worms nnd pin worms. REXALL TiATiv t.ava- TIVE is n mild nnd centle sKuiomr lor me uaoy. bold ins icxaii rniarante. Lockliart-Parsons Drug Company The Rexall Store 'The Busy Corner" Phone -Mnln 208 Us , FOR A QUICK SALE I limit Hi o (if ! wui...u k .. m lwilii; rooms; cvJrytliliiK i . " '" "'" "'lo; terms JlanlifMii ,11i v,..i. i..i . for X,; Flra I,,;,,; co tomlwny, (mtl of,lo ()hl t e.,S TH.C"n"",Mks ' - 'sK.i. Mm,uMl memM Coricctlv .',. .... . Wlalty. ,l" I'wcs n fench Rcaltv Co. p No. Front St., Marshfleld Bellas Covered Marslifield Cyclerv "nitllll Al.ra.1. fono 158-n .;,, Rrondwny j.soaipet&a ,r larshfield Paint fclm.te, Ph0? '. Oregot -otlMHKIELn. TONIGHT The Royal TOO MUCH HBAUTV Hlson. LUCKV HOIt Nestor. TIIH TRANSORI-SSOR lllson. LVOXS AM) GILHEHT, The Two Funny Comedians. .MISS .MAHLIX mill .MISS HOHB In n double sister Singing Act. Entire Change Tonight. AinutciirV Night Friday night, in addition to entire program. ADMISSION llnleniiy 10c 2.1 I Irs.. 3.IJ S.r.O 3.02 !).3i Ft... fi.r, 2.1 7.1 1.7 2 1 lira.. 1.21 y.10 3.52 10.17 Ft... r.8 7.2 l.C 25 Mrs.. fi.Ot 10.2'J 4.13 10.r8 Ft... (1.1 1.5 (i.O 0.1 20 Urs.. 5.-12 11.23 5.30 11.10 l-'t... 0.3 1.2 u.O 0.2 27jllrs.. 0.25 12.20 0.33 0.0 In... 0.3 l.l 5.1 0.0 - I WEATHER FORECAST. ft. - OltlJr.O.V Itnln or snow to night with Increasing cloudiness and warmer In oast. Frldny rnln In west nnd snow In cast. South erly winds Increasing ulong tho const. LOCAL TRMPKUATUIti: ItKCOItl). For tho 24 hours ending nt 1:13 a. m., Jan. 23, by IlenJ. Ostllnd, speclnl govornment mo toorologlcnl obsorvor: .Mnxlmum 10 Minimum 30 At 4:13 n. in 31 Precipitation nono Wind Northwest. Clear. I'rolipM Ciim's. L. A. Llljeiivlst, deputy rosecutliig attorney, wiib here from Coiiullle yesterdny on business. It Is understood thnt ho was looking Into tho enso of W. 11. ntirghngen nnd wifo of Hunker lllll and nlso Investigating some other 0r(8 J complaints. It Is llkoly that n iiuiiiiiur in mem win no siiniiuiieii to the ginnd Jury nt its noxt ses sion. Unptlst Choir I'lecls Last oven Ing at the homo of Mr. nnd Mrs. Geo. Ayro in South Marshllold the mem bers of tho local llnptlst Toniplo Choir effected n reorganization, nnd elected tho following ofllcors for tho ensuing year: President, Miss Alpha Mnuzoy; Vice President, V. O. Prntt; Secre tary, Miss Mnmlo Oulovson; Treas urer, Miss Frances Frnnso. Motlici's .Meeting Miss Topping, Mnrshfleld librarian, will address the mothors of Mnrshfleld tomorrow nf ternoon nt 2 o'clock nt tho homo of Mrs. Dnvld Nolson on Sixth street. Her subject will bo "Literature" mid several different phases of tho subject will bo discussed In tho nblo nnd Interesting manner so familiar to Miss Topping. All Mnrshllold Plan Dance Tho Loyal Ordor of Mooso haR Issued Invitations for n bnll at tho Odd Fellows hall noxt Tuesday evening. Dunce Tonight. Another of tho series of dnnces being given by tho Fortnightly club will bo held nt the Kngles' Hall tonight. Ilnlli oail Laborers. Flftcoii men who arrived on tho Naun Smith for Wlllett H. Hiirr, loft on this inorn ing'H train for Myrtlo Point. Son Is Horn. Word ball been received hero of tho birth of n son to Mr. nnd Mrs. Tom White of Ilnnilon. Mrs. wlilto is well known PERSONAL NOTES SOCIAL CALHXDAK. TIIUItSDAV A. N. W. Club with Mrs. M. R Smith. Fortnightly dnnco at Kaclo's hnll i Norweglaii-Luthernn Young Pco- I plo Society nt church parlors. Mlnnle-Wls Club with Mrs. F. H. I Dresser, ARRIVE TODAY II IIP WASHINGTON FRIDAY. Thlniblo Club with Mrs. M. O. Coloniaii of North Rend. Miss Topping nddresscH tho mother's or Mnrshllold at tho homo of Mrs. D. Nelson on Sixth Street. , LEWIS DAVIS of Conlcdo Is In town on business. . CHAS. JACKSON of North Inlet was in Marshllold today. L. L. IIAZHLTON of Catching Inlet Is In town on business. J. K. NORTON ot Cociulllo is In Mnrshricld today on business. MATT MATTSON of Sumner is n business visitor to Mnrshfleld to day. R. OICORGH SMITH of South Coos Coos River is in town on busi ness, KUOIONB SCHBTTEll, tho Unndon stenmor ngent, is hero today on business. HENRY RLUNT of Conledo Is In Mnrshllold to recolvo medical treatment. MISS OENEVIBVE TBLLBFSON or Bnststdo Is visiting In Mnrsh llold today. MRS. N. V. MORGAN of Daniels Creek Is spending tho day In Mnrshfleld. JAMBS MERCHANT Is In from his Denver Hill ranch on business mid pleasure. mothors Interested In tho subject nro MISS LULU IIODSON of North cordially Invited to bo present tomor- Coos River Is spending the dny row afternoon. I in Marshfleld. T.-i Move Station Cnpt. Ilrltt of, MRS. It. A. CHURCH nnd son of tho U. S. Llfo Saving stntlon wobI North Inlet nre spending tho day here todny. Ho expects that Supt. I In Mnishflold. Forsliayo. In chnrgo of tho construe- SHERMAN CUTLIP of Daniels Hon work, will bo hero within n Crook Is n business visitor to month or so to move tho station Marshfleld todny. to Its now location. Mr. Forshnyo MRS. CLAY ROI1BRTS returned to haH asked him to got a specific do- dny from n fow weeks visit with scrlptlon of tlio now location, which I i)0r pnients In Portland, will bo In tho first eovo In Coos JUDGE JOHN F. HALL wont to Co llend, about four hundred feet from, qulllo todny to try n mnn nnmed tho rnnpo light nt tho mouth of tho , Slovens on n chnrgo of wlfo do- IJay. Tho now location Is consld- Kcrtlou. oi ed Ideal by Capt. Ilrltt. MRS. R. S. DOWEN of Portland nr- '-, rived on tho Dronkwntor this mom- Hom-dcd Wronu Ship Evert Ny- ItllllwiVfli lififit'ilntl flirt Alllfllirn Itlutriful of tlio Rcdondn last Tuesday morning' on the Iluy, being n cousin of Mrs. nil by n mistake Iloth steamers loft M. W. J. M. Upton nnd n nleco of Cnpt. nt tho vory snmo time, 8:30 In tho! lognn Lower I'lour l.'c Till: LATEST IX Lamps and Shades 'IV) get result In lighting get iiuo of mil' IiooUh, "luilev to Lighting" anil link to m-o the ww lump. Coos Bay Wiring Co. Phono 237-.I 1C3 N. Urondwny For GOOD SHOES nnd Good Ropnlrlng at Right Prices, go to I AUGUSTOLESEN ' U15 South llroiulwny. Ing nnd will romnln on tho bay n month. ROHERTS nnd wlfo of Al- ounnv urn In town tn nncurn I Inns Reed. mornlni:. but In onnoslto directions. medical aid for Mrs. Rohorts. Two Are Fined Dun Riley, n henco Mr. Nymnnovor hns to lay over who Is 111. logger from ono of tho Snilth-Pow-i nnother week In Mnrshlleld, waiting MRS. W. N. EICI1LAD nnd llttlo son, cih camps, was fined ?25 for for tho next scheduled trip or tho WILLIS, or Mnralnield nro guosts driinkeniiess nnd oochlng" yos- Redondo ror San Francisco. This' todny nt tho W. D. Simpson homo toidny. by City Recorder Rutlor, J tlmo Mr. Nymnnovor litis Jit vlow n' In North Hond. nnd Chid Lnmmnn wiib nsscssod trip to tho Orient, China nnd Japan. SHERIFF W. W. GAGE or Coqulllo, $5 for Intoxication. Nelthor hnd Luckily ho discovered his mlstnko who hnd IhihIuphh nt shorn Acm any money, nut woro roioaseii. ; in honls boniro tho Alllanco got out Xev Stornge lltislnesx, Gus of tho bay nnd ho wns ablo to got Heard mid Henry Hegdnnl havo off at Emplro. formed u new storage compnny nnd j Port Hinds. A special meeting plan to do n gonornl storngo bust- of tho Port or Coos Day will prob nesH. For tlio tlmo being it will nbly ho held tonight to pnss on a bo conducted as a side line. Thoy now question In tlio $300,000 bond havo rented tho up-stnlrs portion Issue, Allen Frnko, who bought or tho old Const Mall building on them for tho C. W. McNenr Coin North Front street. ninny, hns Just been nd vised by IiIb .Mny He TnniHlVivcl A rumor houso Hint their nttornoyH havo do- REV. THOS. HAICLOW of Myrtlo wns nfloat hero todny thnt tho elded ngnlnst tho deferred pnyment Point nrrlved In Mnrshfleld yes- Rov. Father A. 11. Monro of St. of tho IioiiiIb owing to recent lltl-l tordny and nftor n short visit Monlca'a Cuthollc church In Marflh- gallon In n case In Cnrollnn. It with friends returned homo tti- fleld might ho transferred to Eu- l oxpectod that the matter will bo i dny. gono to succeed tho Rov. Fnther adjusted nil right, hut It may do- MRS. FRANK PIERCE of tho North Mornn, who has boon changed from lay tho receipt of tho llrst pnyniont' Kork or tho Coqulllo, Is oxpoctod thoro to Albany. Fnther Munro Is or $150,000, which tho Port Com- horo tomorrow to tnko tho now nbsent rrom tho city nnd tho mission hnd hoped to got nbout. Rroakwator for Portland for mod- rumor could not bo verified. March I, to Htnrt work In tho liar-( leal trentinont. Steamer in This Morning from San Francisco with Pass engers and Freight. The steamer Washington arrived In todny fiom Sun Francisco with a miscellaneous enrgo of freight. She will sail from hero Saturday or Sunday with lumber nnd other freight. Among those urrlvlng on her woro tho following: James Johnson, D. Crlppon, P. O. Snyder, J. Mcintosh, Mrs. Mcintosh, T. Kurtnles, II. C. Huson, Frank Mlxon, Win. arupe, E. II. Emory, N. Sanford, P. J. Martin, W. II. Gorvln and Emory Stolnborger. NORTH HEXI) NEWS I Cnpt. G. J. Richardson nnd N. R. West, nn oil mnn rrom Snn Francisco, loft yestordny to visit tho Coqulllo River towns. Tho special library commlttoo of tho North Hond Mothors' nnd Tench' era' club will moot nt tho Commercial Club rooms Frldny nftcrnoon, Jan. 21, nt 2 o'clock. It Is hopod, to ef fect n pormnncnt orgnnlzntlon to bo known ns tho North Uond Library As sociation. Everybody Interested In this move ment Is earnestly requested to bo present. MIbb Pearl Heath, n teacher In tho North Hond Contrnl school, was n visitor In Mnrshrield yesterday af ternoon. D. Jones or North Hond wns a Mnrshricld business visitor yestor dny. Mrs. J. W. Sargcant nnd daughter or North Rend Heights were Mnrsh llultl visitors yestorday. Mrs. Robert McCnnii or North Rend wns u visitor In Mnrshrield yestorday. Miss Hcsslo Immel or Mnrshllold wns a guest over night of Miss Grnco Williams or North llond. Mrs. T. E. McGuIro or North Rend was In Mnrshricld yesterday. AMONG THE SICK. yestordny, returned homo on this morning's train. MRS. GEORGE HAINES mid child ren loft yestordny for RIverton to visit her parents, Mr. mid Mrs. R. A. Hnrrlsnn. A. O. ROGERS and wlfo woro down from Coos RIvor yeatordny. Mr. Rogers reports thnt thoy had n lino visit in cniirornn. HiiIIiIn Home. Word hns been bor Improvements. WANT ADS. WANTED Automatic hhot gun. In qulro John Lapp. City. -! WANTED Immediately, messenger boy ut Western Union Telegraph otllco. Must bo over 10 nnd must hnvo n blcyclo. FOIt SALE A choice dwelling lot on Contrnl nvenuo. I. S. Kaufman & Co. . WANTED Empty beiui pot clieeso Jnrs, with lids Coos Day Ico & Cold Storngo Co. Mnrshllold, Oro. l'OK RENT Furnished housekeep ing rooms nt 1024 Elrod avenuo. FOUND Ono door key. Owner mny hnvo samo nt tho Times Olllco by pnylng for this nd, ' Want Ad8 bring -ruuT WANTHD Girl for olllco work. MubI bo accurate. Address In own hand writing. "Compotent", Cnro Tlmos olllco. FOIt HK.V SMiiheki't'iIiii; apart nioiitH. Lloyd Hotel. VOll RENT Seven-room house on South Hrondway. Immedlato pos bossIoii. Inqulro Dr. C. C. Tag gort, Coko Ui'I'aing, City. FOR SALB A fine 1 l-montJis-olil roglstorod boar, puro Horkshlro. Also two n-months-old; good bono, good length, good stock. Codnrbrook Ranch, Dox 04, Sher wood, Oregon. FOIt SALK Horses, harness nnd wagon. Phono 57-J, Coos Hay Steam Laundry. FOH RENT, SALK, TRADE, or RE PAIR Singer sowing machines. Inqulro 131 Park Ave. or Phono 280-X FOIt " RENT 7 room lionso on South 4th Street. Inqulro J. B. Edmunds Coos Bay Wiring Compnny, FOR SALE Dry wooa, fir nnd wi der, at Campbell's Wood Yard, Ferry landing. Phomo 15L. Mr Bicycle Rider: We know that eery one of you have heard of THE GUNNERY, but do you know that our BICYCLE SUPPLY DEPARTMENT is one of the most complete on Coos Bay? We handle every thing that the bicycle rider needs for the com plete equipment and repair of his wheel and car ry it in stock ready for immediate use, We would like you to know that THE GUN NERY is a "bicycle rider's headquarters," just as. it has long been recognized as a "sportsman's headquarters," because it handles the standard makes of everything required in bicycle equip ment. We will have more to say later in reference to the bicycles which we handle, THE RAM BLER, FOX AND FLYER, but just now we want every bicycle rider in Coos county to know that we carry a full line of supplies and equipment for his wheel no matter what make or where he bought it, Tires, hells, lights, tools, repair parts, etc, in fact anything and everything that may be needed, Make THE GUNNERY your SUPPLY DEPOT for bicycle supplies and let it become to the bi cycle riders of Coos County what it is already acknowledged to be to the sportsmen of Coos county, their personal headquarters, "The Gunnery" . 1 C. RUSSELL and wlfo nnd Miss Mnry Sneddon nro hero rrom Reaver Hill. Mr. Russell says that tho work on tho now shaft or tho Denver Hill mlno Is get ting along nicely. FRED HACH.MAN, tho Ferndnle poultry mugnnto. returnod todny rrom n brier visit with his par ents nt Indianapolis. Ho mndo a Hying trip, dcsplto tho blizzards nnd nqcIdentB, being nwny only nbout two wooks. J. M. EDDY, ngent for W. J. Wll Boy, wns hero from North Hond today. Ho has not been advised na to when Mr. Wllsoy may bo expocted hero Ho has not re ceived any nows about tho rail road situation. A. B, GAGNON Is oxpoctod hero soon from his visit to Minneap olis and nt his old homo In Cnnnda. Ho Is now In California New Location: Front Street. Next Door to Grand Theater, MARSHFIELD Dr. Kipper Says: Coos Hay People should eat a greater variety or sen food. Wo havo just received u fresh supply of Kippered Salmon Kippered Herring Spiced Pickled Herring Anchovies Salt Salmon Hellles Genuliio Eastern Codfish Ho'ith's Eastern Oyster Stauff Grocery Co. Mnskey's Candies, Phono 102 I The youngest son or Al Smith of Coos RIvor who has boon very III Ih roported hotter todny. Grnndmn Harrows Is somo bettor nt present after n si ego of illness. Sho Is over eighty yenra old. Hnn don Rccordor. Mrs. 11. W. Olson, wlfo of Cnpt. Olson, Is roported 111 nt her homo. Mrs. F. H. Wnlto, of Stitherlln, who hns been n patient ut Mercy hos pital for tho past ten dnys, loft this nftornoon for Portland to visit with hor dnughtor, who Is attending St. Helens Hnll. Rosobtirg Rovlow. Miss Hornlco Horbour, stenograph er in C. A. Sohlbrcdo's olllco. Is con fined to hor homo nt Pint H by 111- 11088. Nlulnn Wobstor of North Coos River enmo down rrom his homo this morning to visit his father. Leo Wobstor, nt Mercy hospital, who hns boon III for some time. Mr. Webster Is not recovering as rapidly as his many frlonda had hoped ror. Mrs. John F. Hnll nnd dnughtor. Miss Roxlo, who havo boon 111 with In grippe, nro reported ns Improving. Miss Mnry Motlln Is confined to her homo by n badly sprained nnklo. Mrs. Arthur Ilorton or Bnststdo, who underwent n crltlrnl oporntlon nt Mercy hospital yestordny morning, iBrejiorted resting QQBJy; , and wns expected horo on tho Nnuii Smith this week, but did not como. Greatest Gathering of ATHLETES the WORLD has over known at GRAND THEATER FRIDAY' uRer noon nnd EVENING. FOR HIGH-GRADE MEAT and fan cy SAUSAGES OF ALL KINDS call up PHONE 1111, Tho NORTH REND REFRIGERATING MEAT CO., vthero you can RAVE FIVE PER CENT by laying cash. Truform Shoulder Braces, Trusses and Abdominal Belts. All sizes and styles fit ted by experts, ORPHEUM TONIGHT MISTAKE IN SPELLING Remit Jftil Vltagnipli with Muurlco Costello and Clara Kimball Young. SUNSHINE Coiiimeiidahlo draini with Ruth Stonehouse. POWER OF A HY'.M.Y An ncceptahlo olVerlng with Carlylo Hlack well in the leading role. SPECIAL!! DON JUAN AND CHARLES V A two-reel famous historical drama, being tho theino of a master novelist. Contin uous show Friday (tomorrow) afternoon nnd evening. Tho price for this show, nlong with n reel of comedy, including Arthur Johnson, will remain at TEN CENTS. Wo hnvo established tills prlco and you hnvo our guarantee that you will never have to pay uioro nt tho ORPHEUM, KSTAHLISHED ADMISSION - - 10c, NEVER MORE