THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY. JANUARY 23, 1913.-EVEMING EDITION. COOS BAY TIMES M. C. MALOXKV Editor ami Pub. DAN K. MALOXEV Xfs Editor Official Paper of Cooi County. iux;ri; mvint iisiuxcs. Tho ltoKiic Itlvcr Fish Protective nwrnlntlon, nt ft mooting hold In MnoTnnl T-'rlilay evenliiK. approved the draft of a 1)111 opening IlK"? rhrer to coinitierelut NsliltiK ns far up tvtruRin hh the mouth of the Il linois river, for xnluuin only. Steel IiwiiIh are clnsitod an trout, and It fc made IIIpkhI to catch them oth er than with hook and line or to liny suiil noil thoin. NetH are roatilcted Cn fight and a half Inch tnlnlnitim slue and can ho lined only below the month of the Illinois river. Ash Innd Tidings. I Names Triistec L. A. Roberts vvrm yosterday nppnlntcd trustee In the bankruptcy case of LogKer Ames of Myrtle Point. P. I.. Phelan. O. K. Mnrsters and K. O. Carter were appointed appralners. Slessis. Rob ert, Ilnrklow and Pulford tiled clnlmH of creditors. It Is said thnt Mr. Amos would have been able to "have paid the credltois had they waited until now, the recent freshet IiavltiK got out his logti so that he could yell them. coos iiav .ii-rrrv. Portland Paper Says That Coos Hay DcIi'KMtlon Won on All rolnts. A Washington dispatch to tho K'ortlnml Telegram says: I "Wlillo not ollhlally announced. It ; h learned from authoritative source that tho board of Army engineers lias concluded to recommend prnctl willy evorythlng ashed for the Im provement of Coos Hay by the dele Kiitlon from .Mnrshllcld heio last Monday. This means that the pre liminary survey originally reported unfavorably by the board of Army engineers will now bo recommended. am n detailed survey looking to the repair and extension of tho north Sclty may go abend Immediately, with practical certainty that the bonrd will approve It. '" 'If tho Army board has changed Cfj mind and reports favorably, ns IT "have every reiiHnn to believe It will.' unld Ilawley. 'It means, a detailed survoy may start at once, as I had nnthorlmtlun mndo In the last riv ers and harbors bill for a new dredge Co lie operated on the bar this Hum mer, and a detailed survey made, rondy for the next appropriation bill. " INDEPENDENTS asrjras Marshfield High School Bas ketball Team Beaten 15 to 13 Last Night. At the prat tire bnsket ball gamo imtuunii Dm MnrshMctd high school tc.ini and nn Independent tonm. com posed of old college nnd high school players, tho Independents won by a score of 15 to Kl. The game wns a fast one. nnd wns well played from start to finish. Thoro wns a good crowd In attendance nt tho Taber nacle and all plays wore npplauded to the echo. Tho high school baskets woro mndo by: Clark, .1; Seaman: Carlson, I.e corn; nnd ono foul mndo by Lccocq. Tho Independent's bnskots wore made by tho following: Morrow, '2; Larson, 2; Lnmon, 2; Ornnnls.l; and one foul by Morrow. A. I. Hnrkor acted ns referee nnd Duncan Ferguson ns olllclal tlme-keoper. The lineups wero ns follows J noosi:vi:ir m:-ugiiti:i. (laps Ills Hand and Shouts "llur- rail!" Oil" Witness Stand. tnr Ano-lttcJ 1'rcti to Coos nr TlmM I t I NEW YORK. .lun. 22. No mat ter uhnt might have been the mo tifs behind the Cnltcd States Steel I corporation when It nbsorhod the Tennessee Coal nnd Iron Company. I Roosevelt, then presjdent, would have sanctioned It, ho said. "1 wns dealing with n panic," ho said. He wns cross-examined for nearly two hours nnd clapped his hands nnd shouted 'hurrah!" when he step ped down. Roosevelt was asked only one question by the counsel for the unrnrninniil. tintnoK. whether the I statements contained In n letter lie wrote Attorney General Honnpnrte concerning the Tennessee Conl nnd I Iron denl wero true. Tho Colonel I replied In the nlllrmatlve. R. V. Llndabury, counsel for tho steel corporation, men took up tuo cross-evnminntlon. Iudepondcnts I.urBen Morrow Hyorly Lnmon Grnnnls Tomorrow C L K It V L (5 It fl night tho Mnrshlleld M. II. S. Lecocii Carlson Chirk Stutsmnu W. II. Fox, 195 W. Washington St., Noblesvlllo, Ind., says. "After suffering mnny months with kidney trouble, nftcr trying other reme dies nnd proscriptions, I purchased a box of Foley Kidney Pills which not only did mo nioro good thnn any other remedies I over used, hut lmvo positively set my kldnoys right. Other members of my fam ily hnvo used thorn with similar results." Tuko nt tho first sign of kldnoy trouble. Sold by Lockhart & Parsons, Tho Ilusy Corner. nnd North Bend hlch school basket ball teamn will meet In the II rut lenguo gamo of tho season here. LINCOLN MEMORIAL CLASH. WANT XI-: W IIOAT. Florence People Figuring on Celling Heller ScrWu Tho Florence West says: Some Waul Shaft ami Temple anil Others Want lllgliuaj. tnr AtwutM titm io ccdi nr Tim i WASHINGTON. Jan. 2.1. Hitter opposition to tho bill providing for tho erection or $2,012,000 monument to tho memory of Ahrnhnm Lincoln Is threatened when tho measure Is taken up In tho House Weduesdny. Tho bill already has passed tho Sen nte. It provides for tho erection of u stutuo of n Greek Temple near tho Washington monument nnd Its oppo nents nro trying to substitute for It u plan to construct a memorial high way from Wnshlngton to Gettys burg. Grcntest dithering of ATIILWES the WOULD hns ever known lit (iHAXD THEATER FUIDAV after noon and EVEXIXft. ....... M.i.i. in. i, r-ricil m) Ill'IVfi "A proposltloln Is be iik discussed : ' ' ' ' ' " " , "" YA,, '',;; & by some of the citizens of Flo-'. W. II. Chnpn an of tt',VbnK' pence of ornanllnit a stock coiimanv 'N(;,)- tu,llJ llow ll ,"'1 Ul My 0. ZZ. 1": ".? ,?!... '"' 1"1?, Ichlldron hnd a vory bad cough nnd mw i lit' I'lill'lff-i" W( irillllllltk i i unnvi ' tho doctor's medicines did them no good. I got a bottlo of Foley's Honey nnd Tnr Compound, nnd bo foro It wns all used tho children wero free nnd cured of tholr cough. I saved n doctor's hill for ono 25c bottlo of Foloy s Money nnd Tnr Compound." No opiates. Sold by Lockhnrt & Parsons, tho Ilusy Comor. to ply between this place nnd out Btilo ports. ".fust before leaving for hl homo In Washington, Monday morning, Captain Pinker In formed us that he Intends to return here In about threes weoks, or us soon after Hint time us wither conditions will permit him Ki) bring his bout here. "Tho boat Is liO feet long. 1 I feet twvtm nnd Is piopolled by gasoline umtlnos of GO hoiho power. It Is well adapted to Irawl llshlug out In the (uronn, nnd the owner miiy decide to ngugo In thnt line of busluesH. Cap tain Parker slates that ho has made trips with the little vessel to South America, Sandwich Islands, the const Of Slherhi nml oilier niii-lu nf llui "orld. IPJf,r Anfn QoKinVa Cnptnln Parker hns owned proper-' "-j AWlv' va vis.s. VIIEN YOU WANT A MESSEX (J Lit HOV Something scat foi or delivered IMIOX K 120-L and we'll do It. Charges reason able. fll AS fillWIIV. fiy in Chlcngo Addition Io Floreiue for tho past three yeaiH. While here he Invested about $1000 more In this vicinity, purchnslng somo property In Cox' Addition ami In Miller's Addi tion to Florence. In (llennda and nt Vlltcoos Lnke " Good Cars, Cnroful Drlrers and reasounblo chnrgos. Our motto. "Will go nnywhoro nt any tlmo.' Stands Hlanro Motol and Illnucc Cigar Storo. Day Phonos 78 and 46 Night Phono 40. (MIlKI'lt flOODAJiK. imiirlenr mjSJm The Sign of Good Candy Always First Class Weaving promptly ilono nt Gardiner's Rag Carpet Factory Cor. Union and Montana Street. Phono 131. North Uond, Or Hot Coffee Hot Chocolate Hot Uoullloii Hot Ten Try u Cup Today nt Stafford's We Clean and Press Ladies' and Gent's Suits Goods Called for and Delivered Coos Bay Sleam Laundry l'HONK MAIN 67-J Marshfield. Oregon. I N I o Tl peoaI at tho FIXUP Our fiist pi ico is always as low as good quality merchandise can be sold for, The same pi ice yi-sieiday, today and tomor iow, One price and that the lowest, The Best !$50, $10.00, $12OOaod $1S00 Suite io the Wo)rld Come in and oce, M Maishflek FIXUP North Bend I Will Furnish Your House on the Installment Plan W. K. Wiseman 811 North Front St. nun. Phono 29fi-X: Itoa. Phono lfifi Look Up This $850 Snap C-room cottngo with lnrgo hnso ment nnd threo 25x100 ft. lots in UnstBldo for nn!o by owner. WM. J. LEATON 1CS yllrondwny or Phono 199-it. Have you tried our couoxa m,i:,n cokki-h? If not, phone us nn ortlor for one pound today. Coos Baj Tea, Coffee and Spice House Phono :I0..I MAIISIIKIKM), OU. i ii w lii , niteuj.vpucT,'m!aH.wm,7ffrwlrTfflK i: - ' WK WILL MUL VOU ll for each sot of old Falao Toot sent us. Highest prlcos paid for old Gold, Silver, old Watches brokou Jewelry and Preclou Stones. Money Sent by Return Mall. Phlln. Smelting A ltefiulng Co. Established 20 Years. 8(l!l Clicstiiut St., Phllndelphla, P. TO DKXT1STS. We will buy your Gold Fllllngj, Gold Scrap, and Platinum. Hlga oat prlcos paid. The Record Photographing Abstract Company now have photographic copies of nil tho records of Coos County, Oregon from which correct Information wo nro now ready nnd will bo pleased to mako for you Abstracts of Tltlo to any real cstato in Coos County, proparo lists of present owners, mako photographic coplos of Townultos, Plata and Township Maps, or furnish any In formation lit relation to tho tltlo of any Ileal Kstnto In said Coos County, IICSIXHSS OKFICK: 117 North Front St., Marshfield. Phono 151J W. J. RUST, Maneger Unique Pantatorium ! SilfU1.1?."?"3 WYKllS. CLKAXEUS. iii,iM,viia aim mat UKAOVATOItS Agent for Hmrartl II. Strauss Jft Co., Fine Tailoring. Let U9 make your next suit. aasCKSTItAIj. Phono 230-X Pictures & Framing Walker Studio REMNANT SAL AT THE GOLDEN RULE Saturday, January 25t Hundreds of Fine Remnants of XM T 1 Z N4r C t sc Xcxfnr lacy C l! wool uresb uuuus, u wi wcuvo, cuico Qingham, Outings, White Goods, Ribbons, Etc. at rmKLrllN rilCO icnyuit) up iu otvcii yaiub everv rftn nant priced at a big saving to you. Come early for the best choict .- . t f 1 i I.Tff . -r . We have also placed on sale a lot or oroKen sizes in Ladies' and Children's Underwear, and Hosiery, priced very low. SPECIAL LOW PRICES on all remaining goods of tb Merchant stock. Here are a few of the many bargains to U found in our Uothmg department. Boy's School Suits Straight Pants S7.50 Suits now S2.50 $6,00 Suits now.. ..$2,00 $5,00 Suits Now $1,70 $4,00 Suits now $1,45 Men's Overcoats All at One-Half Price Sizes 34 to 44, Broken lines of Men's Underwear will be sold at a big reduction, Young Men's anil Boys Overcoats bizes 11 to 19 years, 5Ue.0U Uoats now...$3JK $8,00 Coats now.. M $10,00 Coats now..S5fl $15,00 Coats now..57a n., i,ir ., ....i.. .! r n yl.J li- a r.n c. ,. , uiiu-iuui uu un iuuiui (jiiuuij ui ciu ivium a ricii&i miiuw uuiluis UU cacii ana u ens of other items priced as low, Golden Rule Store FIRST NATIONAL BANK Bl"G, MARSHFIELD, OK ENROLLMENT WEEK COOS BAY BUSINESS COLLEGE l'HOSIMXTIVi: STI'IU-JXTS IM.KASI-: TIILIII'IIOXK 102 OU (i,ii r.rriiKit n.w oit kvkxixc .vr coi.i.kci: oiKiri:, :wn i-'hoxt STitincT, ovi:it wai.coit's stoiii:. SrilSTAXTIAI, IIKI'UKSHXTATIOX I-'IIO.M AM, OVHIt Till: HAY SKICMS t'KUTAI.V. ATTEND HERE ONE SEASON AND BE IN BUSINESS THE NEXT A. K. STOSSMIIISTKIt, Br. There Is Nothing That gives a person so much confidence in himself, as a surplus, or money in the bank, and confidence and a little ready money are the two weapons that enable a person to make a winning fight. ' If you want to accumulate some of both, right here at this bank is a good place to make the start. t The Clearance Sale 1110 CUT IX I'ltlCES- Ltiillcs Children' nnd U H1IOKS. All new Ktoclc. U) Mo-date b The Electric Shoe Shot i" mill ill mil ii i PROFESSIONAL DIRECTM T 31. WUIRIIT, J coxTitAcron axd IM'II. Ill'lt KRllinnlnn ftirnlHliivl on IK A I'laiiH nml Hpcclflculloin lar.'jj If doslred. An honest Job (1 icon. Phono 121-It. First National Bank Of Coos Bay TAXES By furnishing us with a list of the prop erty on which you wish to pay taxes, we will ascertain, free of cost, how much your taxes are, FLANAGAN & BENNETT BANK OLIVIA i:i)3IAN, Mil iiiii ii.Tliprn nlit Sclontlflo Swedish Massage, &l Gymnastics I HSM S. Slvlli 8t. I'lionel rOKh OSTLINI). ) I'luiio Tuner unci Kcpb lib S. Sixth Street. PUob i'1 T-iHHIi IULBV 1IALMXCEII PJunlst xuid Twtll Ilcsldonco-Studlo, 237 So. Brc Phono 18-L,. W M. S. TUKI'KN, AUC1I1T1JCT Marsbtlold, Oregon DK. W. MOHKOW, Dentist 171 nrlmna IllllllllnL'. 0tt Theater. Ofllco I'hona 82ft. w. . OUANDLEIt, Archltt Koonm 801 mid 5J02, Coke Bfl 3rnr8hfleld, Oregon. nn. a. j. TiKNrmY'S J Modern l)cntl TH Wo aro oqulppod to do ms" work on short notlco at lowest prlceB. Bxaramsi Cbandlnr Hool. phone u A modern Drlck .ulldlng, Electrlj Light. Steam Heat. Elegantly Furnished Rooms with Hot and Cold Water. HOTEL OOOS O. A. Mctlln, rrop. Rates: 80 centa a day nnd upwards Cor. Broadway iujd Market New and Second Hand Furniture sold on Uio Installment plnn. HAIlRIXGTOX, DOVLE & CO., 302 Front St. Phono 310-L Marshfield, Or. WANTED!!!. CARPETS UPnOLSTKBlNO PIANOS TO CLEAN, bf tw matlc aeanlng Company. Oro" vork t-iken at w GOrNG nARVEYi Phone 10" R. J. MONTGOMERY Real Estate and InsuraB 244 North Front Street, TiTe Star Transfo and Storage Co. la prepared to do all kinds ' j On short noHra. W meet ,jJ and boats and wo also have to style Reynolds Piano Mot guarantee our work. rt U I4iicner. Pr ",:nT 'i jruunes o-iv. xov Times' Waut Adfl bring zxasfSKrB-: --tw