THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 22, 1913 EVENING EDITION. Clearance Sale Time OUR desire for a real clean-up of fall and winter goods at this season of the year is measured by the prices we're making. You can see how much we want to get all these suits and overcoats for fall and winter out of the way, by looking at the price figures we have named on the goods. Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes don't need much price reduction to be an inducement to late buyers; but we mark them down with other goods; it's a genuine clearance sale; we want you to share in the benefits. Here's the way the figures look Men's $'.").00 Suits now $2G.85 Men's 50.00 Suits now $22.85 Men's $25.00 Suits now $18.85 Men's $20.00 Suits now $W.S5 Men's $15.00 Suits now $.11.85 $7.50 Hoys' Suits $5.85 $0.00 Hoys' Suits $-1.35 $5.00 Hoys' Suits $!.S5 $1.00 Hoys' Suits $2.85 $30.00 Overcoats now $2 .85 $25.00 Overcoats now $17.G5 $20.00 Overcoats now $13.S5 $17.5Q Overcoats now $.12.05 $15.00 Overcoats now $10.85 50c Wool Sox 35c 25c Wool Sox 20c Broken Lines of Wool Under wear, One-Third Off 2.00 Hroadway ITat $1.50 $:i.00 Millicoina Hat $2.35 $:i.50 Cravenelted Hat $2.85 WOOL BLANKETS 25 PER CENT OFF All Lines of Woolen Goods Reduced WOOLEN MILL STORE This store is the homo of ITart Schaffner & Marx Clothes. .1 DONT BE FAT htTbihi!.,l,!l dwntage In belnj reduced ! i Wght as it enables U Tke CV . xpafld nd Perform their wo..; naturally. j .uijuuj ut with qoicilFvSTY TREATMENT ProM. with it Vft,? ' WeIght "to norma, WM it there is no itarratioa ktter the firit di . ?7, ea,t.a11 J"0" want of what you want and you'll feel RBAU0Ti n Xhia w"lrfu treatment: ffwwwentbwenJT v fM,fp b take rlBht after meals as a pleasant UbolutelV.f?SOr. Yoa;lla1ly know you're taking a medicine at all and Uai nutriment IL lt,.ac1"' compels proper assimilation of all foods and "tvej sinews br,i?ire " belnG. It will convert your food into muscles, CoBp!to trejtfflMVfo"riarSeneifiy,iaStead f u,0,eM ,urp,U Lockhart-Pafsons Drug Co. "THE BUSY CORNER." PHONE MAIN 298 US ,ms Want Ads. Bring Results apples; Wo linvo n fow boxes of Coos County Baldwin Apples that will bo sold whllo thoy lust nt prlccB tbnt you cannot afford to piiHB by. Wo hnvo dlvldpd thorn Into three grades, which wo will sell nt 75c, $ 1 .00 and $1.25 Per Boq Tho Inst named Br ml a being ex tra fnncy. Seo our windows for samples of theso apples and phone your orders promptly. The Bazar "Store of Quality." Phono 32. Umbrellas Covered nt Marslifield Cyclery Dayton Agents. Phono 1B8.II 173 Broadway T. J. SOAIFE S4A. . H0DGIN8 Marshfield Paint (Mb Decorating Co. Furnished. Phone 14' -L. Oregoi Estimates MAnSHTIELU, ((311 TIDES FOR JAXUAIIY. Dolow la given tho Umo and height of high and low water nt Marshfield. Ti o tides nro plnced In tho order of occurrence, with their times on the first lino nnd heights on the second line of each day; ti compar ison on consccutlvo holghts will liullcnto whethor It Is high or low water. For high water on tho bar, itilmtract 2 hours 34 minutes. 21! Mis... 2.riS 8.00 2.11 S.fil 'Ft... 5.0 11.0 7.1 1.8 23 His.. II. II S.fiU 11.02 0.3 1 IFt... n.i" 2.4 7.4 1.7 2llIIrs.. 1.21 11.10 3.52 10.17 Ft... 5.S l.U 7.2 1.0 25 Mrs.. 5.01 10.29 4.43 10.58 Ft... . t 1.5 CO 0.1 20 lirs.. 5.12 11.23 5.30 11.10 Ft... 0.3 1.2 .0 0.2 27 lira.. 15.25 12.20 fi.33 0.0 Ft... 0.3 1.1 5.1 0.0 28 His.. 0.22 7.11 1.23 7.39 Ft... 0.7 0.3 0.9 4.3 29 Mrs,. 1.07 8.03 2.32 8.57 Ff... 1.0 0.2 0.9 3.0 30 lirs.. 2.02 9.00 3.15 10.20 Ft... 2.1 o.l 0.0 3.3 31 lirs.. 3.09 10.02 4.57 11.50 Ft... 3.1 0.1 0.2 3.4 WEATHER FORECAST. OREGON Occnslonnl rain or snow In west tonight and Thursday; snow In Hast por tion tonight and Thursday. Variable winds, generally southerly. IX)CAL TEMPERATURE RECORD. For tho 24 hours ending nt 4:43 a. in., Jan. 22, by HenJ. Ostllnd, special government me teorological obsorvor: Maximum 4 1 Minimum 32 At 4: 13 a. n 32 SOCIAL CALENDAR. WEDNESDAY Methodist Ilrotherhood Associa tion with Fred Weaver. 11. PERSONAL NOTES THURSDAY A. N. W. Club with Mrs. M. Smith. Fortnightly dance nt Eagle's hnll Norwegian-Lutheran Young Peo- lilo Society at church parlors. Mlnnle-Wls Club with Mrs. F. II. Dresser. ented a siirlng Ilsh hook which will revolutionize the sport nnd incident ally ho hopes it will bring him n lot of money. .Meet Friday Tho Ladles Art Club will meet Friday with Mrs. Frank L. Sumner. Fish Xoiir Here It In reported thnt Astoria llsherineii nro planning to Ilsh in tho hnllbut banks on' Coos liny this year. Tho Stato Fish War den Is reported to be trying to get the government to mnko a survey and report on these halibut banks. Father Mut'iiii Changes Ilov. Fn tbor Moran bns boon transferred from Eugeno to Albany. Fntbor Moran will bo roinemberod by his many friends In Marshfield as hav ing ofllclnted nt St. Monica's for two years boforo Father Munio was lo cated here. Precipitation Wind Southwest, rainy. 1.30 ('ct. s Patent Louis Englund of tho Arcndo restaurant says ho has pin nacle to Eugene. Mrs. W. S. Chandler hns received word that her son, Hen Chandlor, hns returned to Kugeno nfter his trip to Atlanta to attend tho national convention of his fraternity, following which ho tundo a trip to Washington, New York nnd other eastern points of Intorest. Xo Change. A rumor of a re vision in the local phono rates was In circulation but It wnn stated by President Douglas today that tho company did not hnvo any such plan In mind, because It wns im possible to reduco rates, tho recent storm dnmngo adding greatly to their expense. WANT ADS. LOST Monday White fov terrier, tan head and black spot on back. Howard for Information loading to Its recovory. llox V. Times olllce. Heavy Rainfall Yestordny's rain fall totalled 1.30 Inches, according to tho ofllclnl records of IV. 11. Ost lin. This mnkes tho total slnco Sep tember 1 about 13 Inches, or within about sixteen inches of tho total rain fall last year. However, tho rainfall sonio years hns been as great as eighty Inches. WANTED Housemaids on u farm. Good wages. Phono 2G9-L. WAXTKI) To cvtliMiigo modern dwelling. Fino largo ground, in tho midst of n successful npplo country for Coos IJny land, nlso Spoknuo ncroago for Coos County land. Particulars at 13C Hroad way Stutsman & Go. WANTED Position hy lady steno grapher; can furnish references. AddroBs "M", enro Times. WAXTED A girl nt StnliordV Con-foctlonory. FOR SALK Household furniture nnd fixtures for flvo rooms. Ev erything for home. Prcsont houso 925 South Hroadway can bo rentod J. II. LaChnpello. WAXTED (ilrl for ollko work. Must bo accurate. Address In own hand writing. "Competent", Caro Times olllce. Heir In Doing Fine Captain Ed gar Simpson has Just received u let ter from his father, Captain A. M. Simpson, stating that his first grand son, tho little sou of Mr. nnd Mrs. Hoy Pike, and Mrs. Plko nro getting along nlcoly nt tho Simpson homo on Pacific Avciiuo. San Francisco. Cnp tnln Simpson snys in his letter, "All on Pnclllc Avonuo Heights nro doing flno. Tho young mnn (IiIh grand son) hns already started In business and Is now conducting n milk ranch successfully." Parrel Post Postmaster W. n. Curtis reports that there Is a con stant Increnso In tho Pnrcol Post business In tho Mnrshflold postolllco, both In Incoming and outgoing busi ness. Yostordny, a plum pudding nnd enko wore two of tho unusual pack ages received hy parcel post. How over, owing to tho troubles of tho cnrrlers on account of tho storm nnd landslides, these two packages ar rived In rather bad condition, tho boxes being broken nnd tho contents more or less demoralized. LOST About 10 days ago, hide curtain for an automobile, Ho ward for roturn to Times ofilco. KOH RENT Housekeeping npiiit ments. Lloyd Hotel. Funeral Held. Tho funornl of Peter Hlake, tho woll known plo neor of Gnrdlner nnd Coos Hay, was hold Monday from St. Monlen'B Catholic church, tho Ilov. Father F. J. Springer ofllclntlng. Tho fu neral 'wns woll attended by old frlonds and acquaintances of tho J highly respected ploneor. Ono no- imun, .wr. ijuiiiii oi unnuuor was unnblo to attend on nccount of Ill ness. Tho pall bearers woro Potor Scott, J. Honnott, Tom Mngln nls, John Morrlssoy, Capt. Matson and Mr. Murphy. FOIl SALE Seven-room inoderii two-atory houso nnd ono lot In South Mnrshflold, $1800 down, bninuco on time. Address Heal Estnto, caro Times olllce. FOIl HUNT Seven-room houso on South Hroadway. Immedlnto pos session: Inqulro Dr. C. C. Tng gert, Coko Hulldlng, City. WAXTKI) One or two unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping. Phono 29-J. If you hnvo anything to sell, rent, trade, or want help, try n Want Ad. FOlt HIGH-GRADE 31 HAT and fan cy S.U'SAGKS OF ALL KIXDS call up 1MIOXK 1111, Tho XOHTH IIKXI) HEFHIGERATIXG MEAT CO., where you can SAVE FIVE PKIt CEXT Iy paying cash. FOll SALK A flno 11-iuoni.h.s-old registered boar, puro Horkshlro. Also two 9-months-old; good bone, good length, good stock. Cedarbrook Hanc.h, Hox 04, Sher wood, Oregon. WANTED Hy an elderly man, to do choros, portor or Janitor work for board nnd lodging. Win. A Hays, Phono 120-H. FOll SALK Household furniture, clludlng good range, Inqulro at Star Grocery, Enstsldc, Orogon. FOR SALK I. ('. S. complete clec ..trlcal engineering course, con- tulnlng 13 books. Inqulro tho Times ofllce, ("Oil SALK Horses, harness nnd wagon. Phono J57-J, Coos Hay Stenm Laundry. FOR 1U3XT, SALK, TRADE, or HE PAIR Singer sowing machines. Inqulro 131 Park Avo. or Phono 280-X FOll HKXT 7 room house on Scuth 4th Street. Inqulro J. E. Edmunds Coos Day Wiring Company. FOH SALE Dry wood, llr nnd al dor, at Campbell's Wood Yard, Ferry landing. Phoio IPtf-L. Wo nro solo agents for Booth's Famous Oysters solid meat soa flavor nnd guar anteed to hnvo been raised in uncontamlunted beds. Two sizes 30c nnd 7.1c. . Ring us up and try a can. Stauff Grocery Co. Mnskcy's Candies. Phono 102 I T. J. KOLSTAD of Coos Illvor Is la iowii ror tno day. PAUK HOLLAND Is hero from Co qullle for n short visit. HAHHY UKNSON of Lakcsldo Is In town todny on business. A. D. WRIGHT of Sumner Is In town today on business. HARRY STRICKLAND is a visitor today from Hnynes Inlet. J. T. COLLV1SK Is In Mnrshflold from CntfhliiR Inlet for tho day. II. J. MeDlARMIND of llandon Is In Mnrshflold on business and pleas ure. MISS MYUTLK MATSON of Main Coos Illvor Is visiting In town to dny. W. F. DROWN of Templeton Is a business visitor to Mnrshflold to day. II C. niBHS of North Bond was a Mnrshflold visitor yesterday after noon. MILO SDMNKR roturnod last even ing from n short business trip to Coqulllo. MRS. CLARENCE FISH wns a visit or to Mnrshflold yesterday from Coalcdo. ALDERT HEAR loft today for his North Inlet ranch nfter a short stay In town. Mil. nnd MRS. FRANK HODSON of South Coos River nro Marshfield visitors today. W. E. CRAINE, n well known Co qulllo logger, wns In Mnrshflold on business yostordny. FRANK SPENCER will bo nn outgo ing passenger on tho Drain stngo tomorrow morning. MRS. LOUIS ANDERSON of North Dend wns visiting In Mnrshflold yostordny nftomoon. N. C. McLEOD of North Hend was In Ainrsiiiicid yesterday afternoon on professlonnl business. CLAUDE DREW, cook nt Smith Powers Camp No. 2, Is spending a fow days In Mnrshflold. HARRY DUCK, representing Coflln nnd Rcdington of Snn Francisco, Is In Mnrshflold cnlllng on trade. REV. FATHER KEVNEY of Handon enmo over yostordny to visit hov. Father Springer nt North Rend. CAPTAIN EDGAR SIMPSON nnd ALLEN KISSAM of North Bond woro Mnrshflold business visitor yostordny. LOY HAYNARD of tho Owl Dm? Storo will lonvo Marshfield the first of tho month for his homo In Dnllns, Orogon. MRS. C1C8 PETERSON of North In let, who hnH been visiting friends In North Iloml and Mnrshflold, will roturn homo todny. ANDREW CARLSON of tho Palnco Cafo and his brldo hnvo arrived nero nrtor spondlng tholr honey moon In southern Cnlirornln. MRS. WALTER SINCLAIR roturnod to her homo In Coqulllo yostordny, nftor a short visit with Mrs. Tom Hnll and othor relatives nnd friends on tho Hny. H. C. HAKER and wlfo, who hnvo been visiting frlonds nonr Myrtlo Point, loft on today's stago for their homo nt Hloomlngton, III., going via Los Angolcs. MISS EUGENIA SCHILLING who Is rapidly rccovorlngf from hor recent lllnes nt .Myrtlo Point, Is expected hero In n fow dnys to visit nt tho W. P. Murphy homo. FRANK SMITH wns down from tho South Coos Illvor hatchory yos terdny'nnd roports thnt about 2. 000,000 young salmon hnvo been hatched so far this season, nnd ho hopes to rnlso two or threo million moro this season. MRS. AHHIE nilAlNARD of South Inlet Is In town todny from North Inlet whoro sho hns been visiting Mrs. Emily McFnrlln for n fow dnys. Ono of Mrs. Hrnlnnrd's sous is making his homo with Mrs. McFnrlln for n tlmo. H. F. WYATT Is horo from his ranch nbovo Myrtlo Point for n short visit with his family. Ho roports that tho Coqulllo freshot last weok practically all camo from tho South Fork, tho honvy snow nlong tho North nnd Enst Forks of tho Coqulllo kooplng tho flood waters hack. Ho says that had thoso emp tied nt tho sntno time tho South Fork did, tho flood would hnvo beon tho worst tho Coqulllo has known In yonrs. Mr. Wyatt says tho damngo from tho flood was compnratlvoly smnll. Ho plans to return homo today. TAKES TUGS A WAV. PORTLAND. Oro . Int. oi "Competition botweon tho Pugot Sound Tugbont Company nnd tho Port of Portland In tho Columbia Illvor towngo and pilotage sorvlco Is at nn ond." So stnted Georgo E. Pliinimor, mnnagor of tho Puget Sound Tugbont Conipnny, when he nnnouncod that tho bar tugs belong ing to thorn would bo tnkon out of tho sorvlco Immediately. It you hnvo anything to soil, rent, trndo. or want holp. try n Want Ad. THAT PEACHES AXD CltKAM COMPLKXIOX COMES FROM I'SIXCJ Penslar Buttermilk Cerate 25 and SOc. I &ji nA M b2 PJ rV VIVK flCVJ ORPHEUM TONIGHT CO.MHIXATIOX Oli' SAFI3 Clover, Intei-esthiK, Instructive. TEMPTIOD W XKCKSSITY Drama with good atmosphere, mills- tic and (vinvluciiig n pronounced success, WIFEY'S IXVKS'OIKXT Feature comedy. 10,000 photographs of fun. JAY TOWER, singing, "Star at My Dreams Slilno On." Two-reel Imud-coloml picture Friday afternoon mid evening. Mary Is coming soon. Watch this space each night. ESTABLISHED ADMISSION - - - 10c, NEVER MORE