N CO-OPERATION WEAK MEN DEVELQPE STRENGTH AND STRONG MEN GROW STRONGER (EflOS Stmra .rill' IMl'KIt OF AUTHORITY' In Mii.liflciil N tho InilctMiiil .", Times. U Is for ll.o city HJJ'l community rs- ,MSt m,d nil the time. JOIV THE TIMES FAMILY. WATCH THE WANT AD3. There arc ninny good bnrgntrro to be found there. Anything lost or found Is always adver tised In Tho Times. MEMJIER OP TIIE ASSOCIATE!) PRE8 mm .l VVVWI EHlnHUHMCII 111 wa OL. aAAVLrm (j, const Mull. liiliTIIATl SERIOUS, MAY SEND WARSHIPS THERE Disorder Is Spreading in the Soutncm nujjuui o mm . Cause of Apprehension. FEDERALS UNABLE TO PHUIfcUl MivitnioHiMo Latter Now Pay Tribute to Rebel Banas villages and Ranches Raided. "T'lisSEI. TO YERA CRUZ. I SII'Ni I W.N. iiiui. -1. Tin? 'Miniioai Wheeling hits been ordered to Wni Cruz, Mexico. i prodt r unerleotis In tlio rrltlMi I'untloii which litm arlc'ii hit Tlio Wheeling Ih mil in ' li twoen Taiupu and Krj W' ' ,-. i.. 01 (p, 1 inn 10 Cum IMf Time. ,Simi.TO. Jan. 21. The rmitliiuul " orders ami widosprond rU;c ''' '" l Southern Mexico, In wliii li "i. 1.1I (iHputrhoH.todny Hay r ill u.v i. Mil ranches linvo been attmkrl in i iiii.ikiiI mill women r-aM. 1 tff 1 ' ImiiilltH domorul fu.l i' i i' . uroiiHo upprohon tn f" " 1 ri-ty of AnioiicniiH In tuo ill urii 1 Miie. That tho Mu llen 1 nur 111 Is providing llttlo or in 1-0 ''it for tho foreign In rr. ' I O'li inuilo ovldont hy tho rcrcni iii i 11 ir Amoiienu planters In :111m mi' in-. Hint ilioy proposed to my trllmu n Hie tehol zuputn ho to nrot tt tine ii rowing crops ngnlnst other nlHi bandits and raiders. Tho M.tto Dti nine in ollkinls admlttnd today tli.:t tin ir reports woru of a condition so gru' ns to Indlento that the pr, cm of a United Stilton vvarulilp 11 1 In lie nei oHary to pro tect the Aim He, ins. llTTI.i: IN MEXICO. IVili'rtiN Engage the Main Army of the Rrlirii. tltjr A- I 1 I'riM lo (too Ur TlmM.l l'l. 1S0 Tix. Jan. 21. Honvy llslillti" I" '' r 1 11 the main ruliel army r.iiil tip t inn Uilnl hatalllon of tho f-1 r..li w.i in progress at Villa Alinin;rl,i li iv.cn Jiijiro. and Chi liinlmi nt, i -lie Mexican Central railroad yt in iv nays a repoit. Scenes of Vio'cnce Mark Ses sion of Stale Legislature Two Speakers. P A'- ! "J 1; , Coo, JJ,,, XraMt OIIBVKXMJ. Wyo.. ja. 21. S(cncs of lcn.e. which lasted fully hrcMjunnr,. of an hour and which V.i hv h I'-inito encounters bo (nfS S'.1 lk' '' Ma,lln ,tt and fhier l ,r" ' '" w- '' Woo. lll,ow ' n.,?r l.'"u n nr th0 Wyoming log--?! '",0 '"'IM-losu confuHlon Just Mrtflnoo.n M,v,,ll'iy- AbHolutoly no parllameiitarj nler obtained and I uZni tl) ' l matt0'a Btnnil Just I'ra LTr,? u,,t" 1,0,' Hath oSi ii nai Wooa pllnioU authority Un","1?, ''ouw nntl with Wood slt Sni'?Pl '''-'s chnlr nml Pratt ffltB.tb0 fi.uel tl10 Bll0w of nu ww Ti!Ce,mca nbout 0,liml 0,tllUl troubl VlllnK"JInt0 ln f tho cal iZ nas "I1' nttompt of Pratt to ken ft, A" "l'l'0"1 ,in'l "eon tn thenf? )l10 .Hionkor's ruling upon he Demno, E:,1,Ftltute rommlttccfl by mitt? r,a f?r llloso l10 "' -"he SiSS?lnrW,,lcl1 h0 Wu,81 llold portan ? f. ,owcr uPn two ''"' wjant comnmtop,, rules and eloc- KbH'MH KM FIkIiIh. went" to rnm.k .U,P c,m,r a,ul Pratt weaker cm, i1Hmocrat' eclarod tho other thnS H,,not ,,,esenato any ke the Shi rP Blmilkor I)ro'tom t0 Speaker pro",1' n"U ,cn"8'l "lion TbU Wnt m Wood t0 Preside. Hunter yS?i ,I,ro,cee,,od t0 do aIld p"tt start., '.n11'0 chn,p t0 ,,lm welt and w . re8Umo tho cha,r ho chair i ?' rof,lsed t0 Blvo up Wooa off ,a,t .violently throw Pr'Pt?y rulti !,lat,for,- Wood dappled w , ' back and tIlo men Wt hold v' rt bl Paratod. Pratt the House . n,ii Flel and 'leclarod Ir m ti" J r,lf'a- Wood Bll0t a Tim to ri ' y,1' t0 tll Borgeant Toll Br,, k) j'a thon cnlled tho " dun ,f ? Vned "" and P"" We'l r en r 'n1. "" the or as minn " P'-Hform. in n fu- Int8Ue tnr , i 'i ,ccllrred. Rep. the stnrn.., .' D.r u'o being k ckod in I RDW ON 1 HOMING ,hrt pinoii., Ml encounter wns rched by both fn" aB'eeient was y "otu rtlon8 to adjourn. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, JANUARY 21, ai'WW'WtSiShNtAS-N-Wfc UTE INDIANS ON WARPATH Band of Fifty Holds Posse at Bay, Refusing to Give Up 1 One of Tribesman. (11? AHodatril 1'rrm to Cuoi tlajr Tlmr,) WAS.IIINOTON. Jan. 21. Meas urcH for pacification Instead of force will ho tried llrst on a baud of ITtu Indians holding a pobso at bay IS miles from Cortcz, Colorado, and refttHlng to give up Dig Habblt, one of their (rlliomiieii. who Ih charged with Hhootlng a Hhoophorri or. Acting CommlHMloiier Abbott of tho Indian olllce, wired Agont Shimi'H at tho IMo reitorvatlou to urgo upon tho Htato niitlioiltlim to tulto no liaiity action. Tho Imllau aiithorltles here sny tlio trouble canio about through a mlHunderHtandlug over tho ponnoR slou of landH hooii to bo conveyed by tlio government to liiillniin. At tho hiHt reports the IndlatiH were holding a camp In the mountaliiH and threatening to fight to death rather than gtvit up Dig llahblt. There are SO In tho baud. PRES. WILSON Decided That Dancing Shall Not Be Feature of Inaug uration of President. HALL (i'IVK.V IT. o WASHINGTON. Jan. 21. WIIhoii'k Inaugural hall has been nlmudouod oltlclally today when the house commlttoo pro- vidiiig ror coromomoM on .Marcu Ith. struclj It out of tlio ron- I greHhlonal I covorn tho resolution which program. (Ilr AMArlatv.1 I'rMi l Tool lUr llt.if.,1 WASHINOTON, Jan. 21. Thoro will bo no Inaugural ball In connec tion with tho ceremonies of the In auguration, Wilson's commlttoo linvo so decided olllclnlly. and tho commlt too was Informed by telephono from Trenton that should a public recep tion bo planned In Its stead, Mrs. Wilson and tho daughters of tho prosldont-olcct should not bo expect ed to attend. It was decided to leavo tho reception featuro to congress. WILSON EXPLAINS IT Says Ills Family Will Participate in Heceptlou at Inauguration. (Ilr Amui HIM I'riM to I'wtt H) Time.) TRENTON, Jan. 21. President elect Wilson declared today that If arrangements woro matlo for n popu lar recoptlon nt tho capltol building as a substltuto for tho Inaugural boll. Mrs. Wilson and MIssos Wilson would attend. Tho Governor said tho lnmrcsslon that tho members of his family would not ho present probably had arisen rrom his lotter to wiinnin Corcoran Eustls. tho Inauguration chairman, In which ho Intended to convoy, ho said, that tho ladles should not bo expected to stand in lino and shako hands. Wilson said that his reason for opposing tho In augural ball was chlofly becauso of tho Indlroct expense to tho govern ment, and not bocauso he thought dancers might Indulge In tho turkey trot, tho grizzly bear and other such dancos. QUITS MARCH . Wilson Will Retain New Jersey ('(ivciiiorsbip Until Last. nr Auoclatea rrcti to Cooi liar TlmM.l TRENTON, N. J.. Jan. 21. Gov. Wilson announced today that ho will not relinquish his office as gov ornor of Now Jersey until March 3, tho day ho leaves hero for tho inauguration in Washington. .1EEEERS0NIAN SIMPLICITY. President-Elect WINon Will Travel to Capital ns Ordinary Citizen. (nr Aioclato4 I'rcaa to Coos Par Tlm$ J TRENTON, N. J.. -Inn. 21. ProsidenUelect Wilson will travel from Trenton to Washington in an ordinary car with Ida family. One thousand Prlncoton studonts w HI travel on tho samo train to Wash ington and march In tho inaugural parade and will give tH Pilnceton cheer when tho president-elect ar rives there. Try Tho Times' Want Ads. MEXICAN Hundreds of Refugees Flee From Near Colima Ashes and Gases from Crater Cause Much Fright. tnr Amocuim ron to coo nar Timc.i GUADALAJARA, Mexico, Jan. 21. - Tho volcano Colima wns In vio lent eruption last night. Thousands of people are fleeing from tho vit iligos to ranches In the vicinity. It lit believed that thero wns sonio loss of life In tho remoter parts. iiuiHiri'OH or refugees arrived Ih United States Prepares to Send More Warship for Americans' Protection. tllr AWIUM rwia to Cdm liar Time. J WASHINGTON. Jan. 21. Pro pared to reinforce tho crulsor Denver at Acnpulro, Mexico for protection of AmerlcntiB, tho cruiser Annap olis has been ordorcd to San Diego from whonco tho Denver was ordorod south. Olllclals Hay there Is no in tention or sending the Annapolis to Acnpulro now. TROUItLE IN MEXICO. United StiiliN May Send Vessel To Vera Cm. (Ilr Awo latM I'fMt o Cooi nar TImim, WASHINGTON, .Tim. 21. Dis quieting reports of a grave situation at Vera Cruz, Mexico, today caused tho Stato Department olllclals to se riously consider detaching ao of the warships of tho llrst division of Atlantic Meet nt Guantnnnmo for Im mediate duty at tho Mexican port. If no reassuring news comes during tho day this mny bo done. ALLIANCE IN AND DOT TODAY Steamer Arrives From Eureka and Sails Soon Afterward for Portland. Tho Alllanco arrived In Eureka nbout I o'clock this morning and sailed before noon for Portland. She. hml n largo through piissonger llst niul nlso much through freight. Among those arriving on the Al liance from Eureka woro tho fol lowing: Mrs. T. II. Toppondorf, II. D. Starrott, A. A. Hale, P. n. Toppon dorf. C. A. Uuck, V.. It. Lowott. P. J. Illnckosby, C. R. Eastman, Jack White, Geo. J. Scnk and A. Wlk luiiil. Among thoso sailing for Port land on tho Alllanco woro tho fol lowing: 0. It. Slgnallnoss. Ruby Endlcott, Frank Crano, Prank Vail and Wal ter Vail. Capt. Lofsted and tho sailors on tho Alllanco got In a inlxup this morning and all of tho snllors walkod off tho ship for a fow min utes, llowovor, tho troublo -wns adjusted In a fow minutes and tho snllors returned nboard and loft on her for Portland. Just whnt tho oaiiBo of tho troublo was no ono appeared to know. CLANCY'S BOND REJECTED. San Francisco Labor Leader Must Finnish New Security. (Pr AmocIiIcJ rre to Cooa liar Tlnifa. CHICAGO, Jan. 21 Tho $00,000 bonds tondorod In bohalf of Eugono Clancy of Snn Francisco woro not approved by tho court becauso of objections mndo by District Attorney Miller, who prosocutod tho Union loadors at tho Indianapolis "dyna mlto conBplrncy" trial. Tho ball was declared Insufficient becauso tho lia bility of the security was limited by 8tlpulatlonand for other roasons. NEW U. S. SENATORS. Knuto Nelson Again Honored Jy Minnesota Itliodo Island Elects. (Ilr Auoclatea IVen lo Com Uar Tlmw 1 ST. PAUL, Jan. 21. Knuto Nel sou was ro-olected to the United States senate In tho legislature hero today. He received tho unanimous Republican vote. Rhode Island Elects. (nr AwoilaloJ rrm to Cooi liar Timei J PROVIDENCE. R. I.. Jni. 21. Judge Lobaron Bradford Colt of the United Statos circuit court of appeals, a well Known Republican, was oloctod to tho United States sennto by tho legislature horo to day to succeed Georgo Poabody Wot moro. If you have anything to sell, rent, trade, or want help, try a Want Ad. FEAR TROUBLE I OLD MEXICO 1913 EVENING EDITION. VOLCANO AC V TODAY this city today on n train composed of box cars. The fleeing people had found It necessary to shovel away a quantity of volcanic Hand before thoy woro nblo to movo tho cars. For many miles along tho way tho train had to bo stopped frequently to clear tho track of de bris. Very llttlo lava wns ejected from the crater, which' omitted vast quantities of smoke and sand, while suffocating gases formed nu uiiiisunl fenturo of tho eruption. Tlio activity decreased during tho night, but volcanic dust Is now set tling in this city. KILL DETECTIVE James Perry's Gang Alleged to Have Slain Peter Hart in Chicago Yesterday. (nr AwoilatM Pni, lo Coot liar Tlmm. CHICAGO, 111., Jan. 21 Dotectivo I'ctor Hart wns shot and killed yes tonlay afternoon, whtlo watching a South Michigan nvenuo garago, snld to bo tho headquarters of tho auto mobile bandits led by James U. Per ry. NEW (Jl'LK STREAM. Warm Current From Kqiintm Inl Paciric Found by Australian. (nr Auorlatcd rnn to Cooi IVtr Tlimi.l SYDNEY, N. S. W., Jan. 21. The discovery of a now gulf Htrcntn Ih reported by Commissioner Dnnno vlg. of tho AtiHtrnllan fisheries de partment. Ho has found n warm current which originates In the equatorial Pacific and flows toward tMistern Australia and Tasmania nt tlio rato of sovon miles an hour. Tho current' Is 100 miles wldo. LEAVE TODAY ON REDONDO Steamship Sails This Morning for San Francisco With Many Passengers. Tho Roiloudo snllcd this morning for San Francisco. Sho hod a good passenger Hat nud consldornblo mis cellaneous freight In addition to hor cargo of lumbor. Among thoso sailing on her woro tho following: David Vaughan, A. Isaacson, C. Carlson. P. Isaacson, Joo llurko, Viola Scalfo, Duncan Scalfo, Miss Gortrudo Scalfo. Mrs. T. J. Scalfo, Jny Cllnklnbeard, J. P. Hobson, W. W. Woodd, E. Nymanovor, John Price, Tonoy Drown, Corns Tocos, E. W. Wright, John Ran, Mlko Du mas, Stovo Thomas. Matt Gurtlo, Mlko Surloy, Mrs. ilradloy. Mrs. Ryoh. M. Slsenvlno. II. M. Snnford, C. W. Gntchlll, John Smith. OBcar Nuygren, II. Poters, Victor Gustafs, Porry Loaning and Mrs. Perry Lan nlng. RESPONSIBLE FOR PORTERS. Pullman Company Has to Pay for Articles Lost by Tliem. nr AuoclaleJ Prrn to Cooa dar Tlmti,) NEW YORK, Jan. 21. Tho np pollato division of tho stato su promo court decided horo that a sleoplng car company Is rosponslblo for valuables given by pnssongors to porters for safo keeping. Tho deci sion was In a suit against tlio Pull man Company to recover tho voluo of a diamond necklnco entrusted to the Porter by a woman. GERMAN ADMIRAL DEAD. Former Minister of Marino Succumbs Today. (Pr AMOflileJ 1'rcn to Cooa Par TlmM.l mrnT,TW .Tnn 31 . Aitmlrnl Von Holniann, formorly Imporlal Mlnlstor or marine, uieu iouuy in mo ugu oi 73. BRIAND NEW PREMIER. Completes Selection of New Cabinet For France. nr Aiiot latea Preia to Cooa Par Timw PARIS, Jan. 21 Arlstldo Rrland. tho now Fronch promlor, completed tho formation of his cabinet today and submitted tho list to President Falllorles, Don't forget that wo 'have re sumed our MID-WEEK TAFFY SALES SPECIAL PRICE of IflCTS POIND EVERV WEDNESDAY. LEWIS' CONFECTIONERY. Llbby COAL. 'bo Kmd YOU have ALWAYS USEDJ riiono 72, Pacific Livery end Transfer Company. &. Consolidation and Coos WEEKS IN WHICH TO OECID ADRIANOPLE IS STILL STRONG Bulgarians Discover that They Cannot Starve Out the Beleaguered Turks. (Ilr Arnorlat'i l'ri-ii lo Cooa liar TlrriM.) LONDON, .Inn. 21. Tho Bulgar ians hnvo discovered that they hove been completely misled In regard to conditions In the beleaguered Tur kish fortress of Adrlanople, and hnvo consequently decided that prompt change In their policy will bo neces sary. Two weeks ago they woro In formed Hint tho fall of tho fortress could bo expected hourly, but n re cent council of war hold undor tho presidency of King Ferdinand en mo to tho conclusion that tho Turkish commnnder of tho fortress was ablo to cconomlzo supplies In tho fortress to such an extent that tho garrison would bo ablo to resist porhops for several moiitho more. Commnndors of tho Bulgarian forces now know tho truth- and Bulgaria has determ ined to forco n speedy solution, so us to put an end to tho hoavy expendi tures and permit tlio men under arms to return to agricultural work. Oth erwise tho next harvest mny be lost. From Five to Eighteen Inches in Portland and Ten at Salem Traffic Closed. Saturday's Portland papers toll of the hiiow thero, as follows: Within tho city limits tho snow fall this morning rougod from 5.8 Inches to IS inches, tho smallor amount representing the official nioasuroinont taken by District Forecaster Heals nt tho Weather Buronii. Away from tho business district, whero tho toinpornturo was not affected by tho skyscrapers, thoro was an Incronsod depth. Even hy taking minimum figures, as given by Mr. Bonis, It makos tho hoavlost snowfall to occur at Portland In 12 yonrs. or sluco Jan uary 1, 1901, when tho amount was six Inches. Tho water content of tlio present storm Is placod at .70 Inch. Beyond tho congested buslnoss district of tho city, tho dopths or snow soon aftor daylight this morn ing In tho following localities woro: Council Crest, 18 Inches; Portland Holghts, 1C Inohes; near Mt. Tabor, 15 Inchos; in tho Mt. Scot section, 2Vj Inches; and Sell wood, 9 Inches. With tlio oxcoptlon of two poor ly working wires Into Soattlo, tolo grnphlc sorvlco Is cut off. No wiros could bo had up to noon, either oast or south. Train sorvlco Is de moralized, as n result of two train accidents, coniblnod with tho storm effects. A suowslldo botwoon Port land and Tho Dalles on tho O.-W. It. &. N. was reported, but tho re port could not bo vorlflod becauso tho railroad company's lino to Tho Dalles wont down at midnight. Other Oregon towns Friday night roported as follows: Albany PIvo Inches of snow fell, followod by rain. Salom CIoso to 10 Inches of snow foil. Astoria Snow storm began early Friday night. Carlton, Or. Snow foil to tho dopth of two Inches. Vancouver, Wash. Slolghlng on Joyed. Ico In tho uppor Columbia rlvor will probably cnuso tho stoomer Dallas City to postpono her- noxt trip to Tlio Dalles, as It Is said to bo vory thick, both above and bo low tho locks. Tho steamer Ta hoino mny also have to glvo up her trips to Tho Dalles until the dan ger from tho ico Is over. STRIKE IN NEW YORK. About li."5,00 Oarmont Makers Out Clash Over Settlement. (Pr AnoUatfct I'reti lo Cooi liar llmMl NEW YORK. Jan. 21 Ton thous and of tho 37,000 affected by tho agreement Saturday botwoon tho sHrtwolst and dioss manufacturers and their omployos robolled on tho terms of tho proposod sottlomont, and remained on strike Tho oth er 27.000 went to work at In creased wages, Thero nro still ap proximately 125,000 workors o? strike ltr tlio garment trades. SNOW STORM RITS OREGON No. 159 Ultimatum Presented to Porte Yesterday and Hope for Peace Is Expressed. DANGER OF RESUMPTION ' OF WAR VERY REMOTE Powers Expected to Take Hold! of the Situation and Pre vent Further Hostilities- (Pr Aiinitalril 1'roi to rooi nj TlmM.l VIENNA, Jan. 21. Incrcaidor: optimism was displayed today ita the telegrams from Constantinople regarding the pence situation. St lr regarded here practically cortalK , there would be no resumption o hoxtllltles. Even should tlu- Gito man Rovernmonts' reply to EMroian'tt note of ndvnuie, li is thought: ilm powers, onco having taken hold ofT tho Hltuntlon. will not allow tha belligerents to resume wnrllko oiv eratlons. (Pr Auoflalf.1 Pirn to Com Par TlnM?" LONDON, Jan. 21. Bulgurii Servla and Montenegro Monday pre , sontod an ultlmntum to Turkey, Riv ing me uttomnn government rour toen dnys In which to make a favor able reply to tholr demands, accord ing to a dispatch from Constantino ple. Representatives of tho Balkan al lies will therefore directly notify General Savoff, tho Bulgarlon coui-maudor-lu-chlcr, that tho armlstfco has ended as soon as It becomes ap parent that thero is no hope off poaco tho plenipotentiaries renclifne mutually satisfactory nrrangementa. The hostllltlos will commcucft four dnys ufterward. Full power to dcclnro a rosumpttor of hostilities ngnlnst Turkey was tI egrnphed to Dr. Doneff, loader o tho Bulgarian dologatlon, and hi colleagues, by the Bulgarian Pro mlor, J. S. Guoschoff, who told then to oxerclso It whenever In tholr opin ion further poaco negotiations be enmo useless. CALL SOLDIERS RACK. Servian Olllrors and Men Are Or dered to Return at Once. Pr AMOilatvl I'itm to L'n liar Tlram BELGRADE, Jan. 21. All fila cers and men of the Servian army, who linvo been on a leave of nl Beiice, have received orders to re turn Imnif-dlntcl to their regi ments. T AT FREE TOLLI New York Senator Against Toll Provision of Pana ma Canal Act. (Pr Auo. Ia(4 PrfM to Cooa Par Tlmw.y WASHINGTON, Jan. 21. - "TIie United Statos should elthor submit tho Panama frco toll question to an Impartial arbitration, or rotlre from tho position wo hnvo takon," was the declaration of Senator Root In t&o Senate today" In a speoeh favorfng tho repoa! of tho free toll provisfoci of tho now Panama Cannl act. Son ntor Root took tho position that cou gress should not linvo passed n law that discriminated against foretp shipping and granted freo tolls tc American coastwlso shipping. Root declared that congress had become tired boforo tho bill was takon up last summer and that tho bill novci rocelvcd proper consideration. Root declared that "Decent regard! for tho opinions of mankind was ooa of tho motives sot by tho people ini thoso colonics In tho groat declara tion of their Indopondenco," Ho out lined tho relations botwoon tho Uc& ted States and Great Britain, which! led to making tho Hny-Pnuncofoot treaty Jn 1901, undor which the cannl wns constructed. "Tho United States gavo up nothing It thon had,"" said tho soiiotor. "Its obligation! In that treaty woro cntlroly looking to tho future But Great Britain gavo up Its right to tho protectorate over tho Mosquito Coast, which ti was showed would bo tho oasteru termlnous of tho canal." From tho treaty, Root read the declaration that tho proposed canal wns to bo opon "on oqual terniB tc nil." "On that representation, Grout Brltnln relinquished hor right to ah' control ovor tho future or the Pana ma Canal and consented to the aban donment or tho Clayton-Ilulwor trea ty." "You are not nt liberty," Root ni sorted, "to dlsiiimlnate In tolls at botwoon American ships going fror. Portland, Mnlno. to Portland. Or and Canadian ships going from Hall fax to Victoria, or Mexican shUu going from Vera Cruz to Af ninth Such discrimination lolntes th y i clplo of equality wo hau guarantee tho world." of Times, Const .Mali Hay Advertiser. I tilli.i