THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD. OREGON, MOMDAY, JANUARY 20, 1913. EVENING EDITION. Clearance Sale Time i ifyfr &$rA$ ,UR desire for a real clean-uo of fall and winter goods at this season of the year measured by the prices we're making. KJ IS You can see how much we want to get all these suits and overcoats for fall and winter out of the Way, by looking at the price figures we have named on the goods. Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes don't need much price reduction to be an inducement I to late buyers; but we mark them down with other goods; it's a genuine clearance sale; we want you to share in the benefits. Here's the way the figures look TIDES FOIt JANUARY. John II. Sneddon, Snturdny, delivered ' mo iii-Hi eggs brought hero by parcel post. Tlioy wcro sent from Uniidon ' to a Marshllold woninn, nnd enmo I through In Hno slinpo. The parcel , post bUfllnesg lins boon Btcadlly In- tTOnnlnir llfltll 111 Innimllirr nu.1 .,..!' goliig packages. Uolow is given tho timo nnd height of high nnd low water at Marahfteld. The tides nro placed In tlio order of ocenrronco, with their times on tho first lino nnd heights on tho second lino of each day; a compar ison on coiiBOcutlvo holghtu will liullrnto whethor It Is high or low wntor. For high water on tho bar, snlistrnct 2 hours 34 lnlmitcs. 1 9n r. r.n in sr. 7.99. 3.8 7.01 3.1 S.00 3.0 20,11. Ft.. 21IIrs. Ft. . 22I11I-H. Kt... 1.0 2.18 1.5 2.58 r.o 0.!l 1.1 1.22 8.09 7.2 l.C 2.11 8.51 7.1 1.8 LOCAL TEMPERATURE RECORD. For tho 24 hours ending nt 4:43 a. 111., .Inn. 20, by HenJ. Ostllnd, special government me teorological observer: Mnxltutini 41 Minimum 32 At 4:43 a. in 32 Precipitation 10 wina: sotunwest, ciouuy. ."Moves Mill Walter Mori Is Is In town today and is moving his mill I from Smith Inlet to Falrvlew. Af ter reaching Sumner tho machinery, Id In I... ...1 I... . I in iu if0 iuiu'ii uy luniii over tno mottutaln. SOCIAL CALENDAR. TUESDAY Royal Auction Drldgo with Mrs. F. K. Gettlns. I'rldo of Oregon Camp No 2771 InHtnllatlon nt Finnish hall. Jolly Dozen Club with Mrs. A. L. Uutz of Hunker Hill. Funeral Tomorrow Tho funernl of Mrs. F. 10. Wostorburir. will lm of Mrs. Amnda Haguowood, mother MRS, hold Tuesday nftomoon nt 2o'clock from tho Mnrshlleld Chrlstlnn Church, tho Itov. 55. O. Downrd oin-clntlng. with the MnrshnohLcptnniittco, In specting lire npimrSufss, Mil. and MUS. E. fRjWJESSEY of South Coos RlvorWe Mnrshlleld visiiois today. c. .u. RHODES nnd fain v Now Mont Hero. The gasoline schooner Ahwnncda nrrlved In this morning from Newport to take hack a cargo or general niorchandlso. Tills Is Capt. 11. I). Morso's llrst trip in hero with the little twin screw vessol. of South Inlet 1110 In Mnrshflold on business today. MRS. NED. GALLOWAY of North Inlet was In town Saturday on bus iness and plcnsuro. MISS MARTHA TALIJOT returned todny from n week's visit to hor father on South Inlet. It. It. P1NKERTON of North Inlet Is in town on busincsa today from his North Inlet homo. Mil. nnd MHS. WALTER CHRIS TIANSEN of Templeton nro vlslt- Lnds Huns Awnv lM1iin.q1inn.1tm "'K Mnrslifleld today. Ilftoon-year old son of Mrs. Stlco, ,'UNKSr 1 1 Alt KINGTON, tlmokcep proprietor of tho Lnttin hotel, ran nwny Saturday by taking tho Dronk water for Portland. Ho snllcd un der tho name of Ed Allen. Ills fa ther and other relatives live In Port land, so Mrs. Stlco Is not worrying. Tho lad sold his shot gun Inst week nnd by working nights nt tho Jnva Coffo House enrnod inonoy to pay his uy. 110 remained up nil nlgnt Frl- Cmmcll NeU Week Tho Marsh-' "'.,.?"'!, cl tho roikwntor nt Held city council will moot a week J.'ft.f" laJ morning and his from tonight having adjourned for . "m 'or V'1' ft" "lW, Men's fttf.OO Suits now $20.85 Men's .$30.00 Suits now $22.85 Men's $25.00 Suits now $18.85 Men's $20.00 Suits now $14.85 Men's $15.00 Suits now $11.85 $30.00 Overconis now $21.85 $25.00 Overcoats now $17.05 $20.00 Overconis now $13.85 $17.50 Overcoats now $12.G5 $15.00 Overcoats now $10.85 $7.50 Hoys' Suits $5.85 $G.OO Hoys' Suits $4.35 .$5.00 Hoys' Suits $3.85 $1.00 Hoys' Suits $2.85 50c Wool Sox 35c 25c Wool Sox 20c Broken Lines of Wool Under wear, One-Third Off two weeks nt tho last meeting. Itnncli riimiKCH. L. D. Judy who has hnd tho Jack Dcatty placo on South Coos river, has sold his lonso to V. K. Hood. Mr. Judy's loaso would not havo expired for a year. Mr. Hood will take possession this week. Eggs by Parcel Post Mall Currier Hours after tho Droakwntnr snllnil. when sro susplclonod thnt ho might linvo gono nnd learned from tho ngont that lie had. WANT ADS. .$2.00 Broadway Hat $.1.50 .$3.00 Millieonia ITnt $2.35 $3.50 Cravenctled . Hat $2.85 WOOL BLANKETS 25 PER CENT OFF All Lines of Woolen Goods Reduced WOOLEN MILL STORE This store is the homo of Hart Schaffner & Marx Clothes. FOIt HUNT Housekeeping apart monts. Lloyd Hotel. FOIt HA IjI' Genuine Harts Moun tain Holler Canaries. Trained Singers. Phono 387. I'OIt SALE Seven-room modem two-story houso nnd ono lot' In South Mnrshflold, $1800 'down, balance on tlmo. Address Heal Estato, caro Times olllco. Killed on Engine. A couplo of weoks ago tho Times contnlnod nn announcement of tho death of II. M. Fnrron, ono of tho promoters of an electric lino from Hoscburg to Coos Hay. Fnrron was novor on tho liny, but was at Hosobtirg nnd wns In communication with E. L. C. Fnrrln and J. M. Union nml others hero about a bonus for tho rond. His project wont to pieces nnd InBt fall ho resumed work as a firomnn on tho Milwaukee, near Seattle. In nn explosion of nn on gino pushing n snow plow Dccom bor 31, ho wns killed and flvo oth ers Injured. A mnn named Doylo wns Interested with Fnrron In tho electric lino project. FOIt RENT Seven-room house on South Ilrondway. Immcdlnto pos session. Inquire Dr. C. C. Tng gort, Coko Dulldlng, City. nvi: ci:xTrHii:s ago ponce de leox sought the ll'OT.VT.U.V OF PIJRPm'UAL YOUTH IX FLORIDA. Tens of thousands of women find It todny In Camellia Cold Cream abwlately pure, delightfully fragrant nnd refreshing. Is quickly nhsnihcd, directly noiu tailing tlio tissues. Price,, SO Cemlts Lockhart-Parsons Drug Co. "THE BUSY CORNER." PHONE MAIN 298 US Vni I I WV ? Lf I I lkwS WANTED Ono or two unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping. Phono 2U-.I. FOll SAM') A flue ll-mmiMis-olri registered boar, puro Horkshlro. Also two 9-nionths-old; good bono, good length, good stock. Cednrbrook Hauch, nox C4, Sher wood, Oregon. PERSONAL NOTES a. II. MYER of South Coos River is In town. W. A. COLLVER Is In town from Catching Inlet. MRS. MAUDERY Is In town todny from Mllllngton. FRANK ROOD of North Coos River Is In town todny. J. D. ROSS of Isthmus Inlet Is In town on business. W.M. DOYLE of South Coos Rlvor Is in town todny. MRS. FRANK SMITH of Isthmus In lot Is in town todny. NELS PETERSON Is In town to day from Tomploton. J. V. MOTLEY wns n visitor In North Uond yostordny. WANTED Hy nu elderly iiuiii. to do chores, porter or Janitor work for board nnd lodging. Win. A. MILO PIERSON of Lakeside Is In nnys, pnono 12U-K. town for n few dnys. HEN HOI1ERTS 6t Tomploton Is In FOR SAM Household furniture,' Mnrshflold on business, 0. A. GOULD nnd wlfo nro in Mnrnh. clludlng good rango. Inqulro at Btnr Grocory, Enstsldo, Oregon. FOR KALE I. C. H. rompleto olec ..trlcal engineering courso, con taining 13 books. Inqulro tho Times olllce. WANTED To exchange modern dwelling. Flno largo ground, In 'tho midst of a successful npplo country for Coos nay land, also Spoknno acrengo for Coos County land. Particulars nt 13G Broad way Stutsman & Co. -Preservation Is ThelFirst Law 5rUnoSC0 ,8 ono f the 3a. ,mportant means of protec- A.nd.yet neonlo wm ,.... BSlCCt It wwuiiuuu kt US InR.i . . .. future vn,r. . ' ... UOUfohold DrOn.,Ml0Ur.?wUns or oth- " It wm Vn cost but rtly, 1U Protcct you por- !nl" ana0wtehrf.tTonGC8t com lM ""8 write correct pol- ; Kaufm an & Co We Clean and Press Ladies' and Gent's Suits Goods Called for and Delivered Coos Bay Steam Laundry PHONK MAIN 87J Mnrshflold, Oregon. Marshfield & North Bend Auto Line GORST & KING. Proprietors. Cars leave Marsbflold every 45 mlnutoe from 7:15 a. m. un'll 12:30 rnldnlght." Leave North Bend on eamo schedule, starting at 7 a. m. until midnight. Soo Saturday Time for schedule 0UR J0B PRINTING DO NE AT THE TIMES' OFFICE Let Us Sell You a Good Revolver As a porsuador, to mako prowl ers bo good, it has no oqual, Mako tho prowler do tho screaming. Guns, Ammunition, Dayton Bicycles, Oliver Typewriters at Marshfield Cyclery FOIt SALIv Store building, iI5x:J(l, six living rooms nbovo; fixtures and gonoral stock. Itoso A. For ry, nivorton, Oregon. FOH SALE Horses, liurnchs niul wagon. Phono 57-J, Coos Day Steam Laund'ry. FOIt RENT, SALE, TRADE, or RE PAIR Singer sowing machines. Inqulro 131 Park Ave, or Phono 280-X Phono 158-R 172 Ilrondway Have That Roof Fixed NOW See GOIiTEELL rnowE ni2i. OPPORTUNITV For Immediate snlo I offer my West Mnrshflold property at tho cornor of Twelfth and Commercial. Tho homo Is modern, Including hot water heat ing plant. This proporty facoB east with beautiful vlow, Is rented for (20 month and would bring moro. Tliero Is no loaso on proporty. Tho prlco la right nnd mado with tho object of selling tho proporty. Seo mo! R. J. Montgomery. FOR RENT 7 room houso on South 4th Streot. Inqulro J. E, Edmunds Coos Day Wiring Company, FOR SALE Dry wood. Ilr and a! dor, at Campboll'B Wood Yard, Ferry landing. Phose 15.S-L. Orpheum Tonight WI1E.V CALIFORNIA WAS VOUXG Ueautifiil Vitugraph story hi which Rohort Thomby and Mary Charleston perform tho principal parts. HIS COUNTRY1 REFORE ALL Rood drama, Including tho flight of n inonoplnno and superb photography. OPIUM SMUGGLERS A worthy picture, telllne; a story of tho bor- iior between Montana and Canada, photographed in.U:ut locality. KSTAnLTSIIED ADMISSION ... 10c. VWflR MORE Hold today from Allocnnv. GEO. P. TOPPING of nandon Is In tho city on lognl businoss. L. F. PRICE or Catching Inlet Is In town todny on business. CIIAS. MAIIAFFY Is In Mnrshflold today from North Coos Rlvor. ROBERT ROHINSON of Haynes In let Is In town today on business. FRED WATERS of North Inlot Is In town on business for tho day. Q. T. TREADGOLD nnd wlfo of Dan don nro visitors In tho city today. CIIAS. DUNOAN of South Coos Rlvor Is iu town today on busi ness. MISS .MAY MESSERLB of Catch ing Inlet Is In town today shop ping. HENRY SENQSTACKEN wont to Coqulllo this afternoon on busi ness. V. K. ROOD and wlfo aro In town to day on businoss from North Coos Rlvor. CIIAS. SPOONER of Catching Inlot Is In town today attending to businoss. TOM LAWHORN of Allognny Is n business visitor to Marshfield for tho day. GLADYS and KAY HOWARD of North Inlet spent Saturday In Mnrshflold. TOM HARVEY roturnod on Satur day's stage from a business trip to Portland. SHERMAN CUTLIP camo to town this morning from his Daniels Creek homo. C. R. DAVIS, a rancher from Haynes Inlot, Is in Marshfield on business. F. E. ALLEN arrived homo Saturday from n business trip to Floronco nnd tho Sluslaw. following his trip or nt jnmp o. spent Sunday at ins liomo in Mnrshflold. i. O. ROGERS and wlfo and ilnnirh- tcr returned Saturday on tho He dondo from their Cnllfomla trip. JOHN DASIINEY spent Friday with his family In Marshfield, return ing to Lnmpn, Snturdny after noon. JOHN D. GOSS nnd II. J. McKEOWN wero among tho over Sunday duck hunters from Mnrslillold at Dcalo'3 Lake. JAY CLINKINDEARD of Daniels Crook will leavo on tho Redondo for n visit with relatives in Cal ifornia. SHERIFF W. W. GAGE camo over on tho noon trnln todny. Ho will probably return to Coqulllo noxt Wednesday. MRS. ELLEN CRAUSDY, who hns been visiting her mother, Mrs. P. D. Dlnkc, of Catching Inlet, re turned to town this moinlng. ALLEN FRAKE, purchaser of tho Port of Coos Day bonds, will be nn out-going pnsBengor on tho Drain stngo tomorrow morning. D. C. GREEN nnd wlfo will leavo Chicago tomorrow night for homo according to a tologram recolved nt tho Oregon Power Company s olllccs. R. A. COPPLE left on this morning's stngo for Now York and othor eastern centers, whoro ho will spond n month or bo on his nnnti nl buying trip. EDWIN DOLAN, who hns been conflnod to his homo with tho la grippe, will leavo thla even ing to rcaunio 1Mb work nt Camp C, Isthmus Inlet. ARTHUR PECK, DR. VAUGHAN. L R. TOWER, nnd J. C. KENDALL composed n pnrty of Mnrslillold mon, who spent Saturday night ot tho Hunter's Cabin noar Glasgow. E. C. DARKER and wlfo, who woro over Sunday visitors at tho homo of Mrs. Dnrkor'a parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Gould of Allognny ro turnod to nMrahtlold this morning-. JOHN DIASCA nnd wlfo of Coos Rlv. returned on tho Redondo from Snn Francisco laBt Saturday. Mr. nnd Mrs. Dlosca loft Marshfield threo weeks ago to consult spaclallsts, In regard to Mrs. Dlasca's health. Sho was takon to tho Lano hospital, and nothing could bo dono, so Mr. DIascn derided to bring hor homo. They nro now nt tholr Coos Rlvor homo. m , SATURDAY'S OVERFLOW. MItS. TOM SMITH of Dnnlols Creek Ib In town on business. REV. CltONK of South Coos Rlvor Is In town today. OSCAR DAILEY of Sumner wna In town todny. JOHN LONGSTAFF of Sumnor wna In town for tho dny. WILL and AD INGERSOLL of North Inlet nro In town todny, MILTON CHURCH Is In town to day from North Inlet. J. S. MASTERS of Catching Inlet Is n Mnrshflold visitor today. NOEL NOAH of North Coos River wt!?. 8"ni,lnB tho day In town. MRS. P. D. DLAKE of Catching Inlet was In town todny shop Ping. wi OPEN TUESDAY. Aftor tho enrnontors. nnlninm oloctrlclans, furnlturo mon leavo to day, Prof. Stossmolstor savs tho DllSlne8B CollORO Will lin In nlop- nbly fair condition to receive com pany nt tho school rooms, which promlso to bo warm, cosy nnd af ford ample accommodation for mo studonts. VlBltora will bo wolcomo auor luosaay morning. mu DONATION OF HOOKS. Tho Mnrshflold Local 435, I, w. W., recolvod last weok a numbor of books from Evorot Nymnnovor. Ono Standard Dictionary of tho English language, Voltalro'a famous Pockot Theology, a History of tho Arctic Drothorhood, tho Now Tes tnmont, Prison Momolrs by Alex Rorkman, tho last Government mnn of Alaska, otc., all of which hooka aro now on tho shelves In tim ron.i. (lng room ot tho association. 1 AT AXT"t raiBiB . . . . 7 - Wo nro boIo agents for Booth's; Famous Oysters solid meat sea flavor and guar anteed to havo beon raised Iu uncontnmlnntod bods. Two sizes GOc and 75c. Ring us up and try a can. Stauff Grocery Co. Maskoy's Candles. Phono 102 ALONG THE WATERFRONT. Tho Ellzaboth, Tillamook and Dandon arrlvod In nt Dandon Sun day. Tho Sausallto sailed from Dnndon Sunday. Tho Ruby and Drooklyn arrlvod In at Dandon today from thu south. THAT PEACHES AND CREAM COMPLEXION COMES FROM USING Penslar Buttermilk Cerate 3 nnd 00c.