j r d ME WHO HAS NOTHING TO LOSE IS GENERALLY WILLING TO TAKE CHANCES ... iMt'FIt OF AUTHORITY' mmt WATCH Till: WANT ADS. There arc ninny good bargains to bo found there. Anything lost or found in always adver tised In The Times. Die '" . .!.... t l" " lllHt d .i...ny ,,rht nil (Mo """' JOIN TIM: TIMIM KA-MU'V. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED I'llES 2SGQK2 .. . .. !!.. .1 I.. 1H7H MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, JANUARY 16, 1913. EVENING EDITION. 6 PAGES. . ,.1uiil I'jstnonsi"-" """'" A. Consolidation of Times, Coast Mail und Coos Hay Advertiser. JL. AAAWl.B, -j'lio Const "' No. 155 sm? jmsm. mm JH VU r 'AI J.-" - . fl H wwy wj Mrwn HI IB a A .Xlfe. 1111(1 m V . H I I mW Tl D " -f. I I WP "V- l SJ -" e55r "v M M& BHnHBHWMMMWMMWHOMHIMBHIHHHnHHnBHaHHaHHaaBViM """. .iinirn nnniimn Tnnin . HHtH UHUWHb IH; . NO OTHERS NARROWLY ESCAPE ! ,orinc Vnn Zlle and Jacob Fourier Rescued by Crew Of bpCCUWUII. JAG IN BAY IS nioioTrD CAUSb ur memo i en. Loviiu I nrien Launch Strikes Sunken Log Opposite Old Town With baa nesuii. . IIDDV FOUND, i Phil Fourier's body was re- covered from the Hny about 1 o'clock tlilB afternoon liy 'loin Storo, Otto Freeman and Victor Wlttlck, ono of Uio parties dwBSln:; for liim. AUliiMii.ii In- had neon drowned H'rc o or four iinuw, tho Oregon Power Company H milmctor w.ib Immediately put j Into tibo in hop" Unit lie might 1 r. usilint' 1. I LET C0NTRAG1S AT G S IjAd seated at meai, shot through head GERVAIS, Or., Jan. 10 Al bert Armstrong, r. years old, Hon of W. A. Armstrong, liv ing three mllcH Houth of Gor valB, was nccldontnlly Bitot while BittliiB nt tho snppor ta ble, with tho family. . Tho btil let eitnio throitisli tho Blnss tloor and lodged In tho clilItl'H liialn. Tho shot wns fired by n big boy who was shooting owls In the field nearby. Dr. Kettle of (lervala wnH called and Bays tho chances for the flilld's recovery are Blight. YOUTH IS SHOT IIV HIS OW.V SHOTGUN Going Ahead on Proposed Line to Coast Arranging for Bond Sale. 0 HANTS PASS. .Ian. it!.--Clear-lug tho rlRlit of way on tho l'a-clflc-Interlor railway Ih progressing rapidly and camp No. 1 has been moved iutorh Allen Creole and the moil aro now working to tho west of that stream. Tho engineer and thono In chnrgo havo been considering tho ndvlna blllty or lottliiK a contract to local parties for tho cleming of a three mllo Hlretch of tho right or way and bids woro nuked for that work. ri.il Foiirti r ii well known Coos j Saturday afternoon twolvo Mipnruto ay i.i. n a uimwiou iiim im" i niiiH nail noon rilod Willi tho on- ioon in mo n.i'. "i'i"m" win limn Rinrorn oiuco, mii rrom local peo- I, ,, no Iniiiu l. Humbler found- pi0. Tim i;oarliiK covered In thin contiact will ho thai extending to .Toronio prnlrio, a point 0V4 in lien from thlH city. To Allen Creole tho right of wny has boon cleared tho rull 1 00 reel In width, but rrom thero on tho clearhiK will bo only or such width as will bo necessary to tho makliiB or the grades mid tho moving or dirt In the cuts and rills. From tho city out nnrnwi Jerome red In the litis . Charles van Z.llo rJ J.-cIi Fourier wero rowuotl by llfclo.it from Hi htemner Speed- Icll, uC, was lo.idliiK uoiirby. TIkj niililiiu w-'S canned by a unkcii i mi',' or Iok. the launch, luncil by Vnn .lie xtrlklnK It and bumlcrlng nhnosl liniucdlatcly. Tho Lunch wit; inroiitc to Fourier Iron. raiHii on IIh.viihm liiidl ami! hs licnMlv India will) groin ami OR. HYDE IS AGAJN TRIED lult for i'ic s'nik iiralrlo very llttlo Kradlmt will bo Vt fll I O In lit WOIlt dOW'll all tinpiuinif Hint-.i l.nlm. ,m ,lu .if Ihrrn in--'' in . Went Into thn u'H-' .lai.lli 'im... .nai.m,.rl.,u .i,..,n..i - ( .'V.I. KIU UIIHHIVUI (Up, 1Ufl,- cr. Mr ii 'iU- had n plko polo niont Is thoreforo cnntomplutliuc the In I '- .Ii Ioiir.-i (rabbod n IHo lottlnir of u urnai niiinlinr of Indi vidual noiitmt'tM, nnch of a row hundred root only, ttt a atnted price Much or " por yard or earth movod. " nftr trlk-IihlK hiadliiK U plir.vcl wo;!, ant", b rr c .en hi' I" II I'ourlnr wain un- b!i t-i r t .'t) iilnv with which to u':cr 1 1 i ui Me nnd on IV, ' - "1 S ! .rcr w.iit down to rlwt taking a contract in this way mon lo more, rnn wnrlr in linnl as thnv nlnaso A lnr-o numb' r henrd tho callB nnd know Hint tliov aro bolnir paid r !:clp rr-.i'i the men RHd Captain 'according to tho ofTort thoy put this mothod inoro mon Charged With Murder of His Wife's Uncle, Millionaire Swope in Kansas City. Illr AMe-!ie.! Citm to Com IKy Tlmm.) KANSAS CITY. Jnn. lfi. After ioveral pontponoinentH, the third trln or Dr. 11. Clarko Hyde for tho minder of Colonel Thoinns II. Swope liffgnn today when the selec tion of I" vcnlronioii "from whom the Jury will he chonon started. Tile nllVHlclnil Ik lleenunil of ml. ministering typhoid germs, cyanide and other poisons to Swopu, who died In October, 1900. Hyde, whoso wlfo was a nleco or Colonol Swope, was Indicted on tho murder clinrge In .March, 1!U0. NHWI'OIIT. Ore., Jan. 1C Last evening a IC-ycar-old boy named Hughes wan brought here rrom Nashville, badly wounded in a shotgun accident. Whllo out hunting, ho loaned his gun against n stump. When a few yards away tho gun Blip pod off tho Btunip nnd dis chnrged. Most of tho chnrgo struck young IIubIich In tho back, arms nnd neck. Tho wound is serious, though not Ilkoly to result fatally, un less blood poisoning sots In. i DEATAILS i DEA I I ROCKEFELLER IN RAD SRAPE OF NOTED 11 L TOLD TO N6 COMMITTEE NORTH REND TO S LISTER PUTS S Oil Magnate Reported to Be Suffering from Palsy Talking Might Kill Him. tPr Arwrlitfrl I'mh to Cool nr Tim..) WASHINGTON. Jnn. 1C Al though suffering from "Blinking pal sy" and unnblo to spenk nbovo a whisper, William Hockofoller would be ablo to undergo a "briof oxnmlnn t Ion boforo the House Money Trust Committee and glvo his testimony of "pnrnniount linportnnco", so Dr. C. W. IllchnrdBon told tho committee today, lie said Hint to permit tho oil magnate to prolonged question ing might cnuso n hemorrhage or swelling of tho Irynx, which would stop his bronthlng. Tho committee, has not decided whether Hockofeller will bo called to testify. P rlli r the Spied well noon after pins noliriod hnd it life boat ruinchcil nnd nued Mewirs. Van pie ami Jacob Pointer In a row Nnutci. Search was liiiinodlntoly Instltut- 'i for I'lill Fouiler. but no traco f him could ho round. Finally rappllng hooks were soeurod rrom 'lanhflehi ami a crew started drag sing tho Day for tho body. Tbo Oregon Power Comnnnv pbert lis pulniotor to North llond pm had everything roady to try pnd rcstoro life by th0 wonderful secnanlcal device. If thn l.miv m Iccn recovered within n hnlf four or to It might Imvo beon pos-p- 'a to resuscitate Mr. Fourier. ii rourier was 41 vonra nhl "i was unmarried. Ho hnd beon 13 UIO Ray ror nbOIlt unvnn vnnra fi haa won a host or frlomls, r-" aro greatly grkvod over his I'raglc death. Ha was a mpmimi. f n.n n.. purler Ilros., who conduct meat !2 '" MnrB,,''l nnd North "nd, and is inrviv,t i... ...-- ... v ". Jacob' George nnd Henry, forth. Ily cnuld bo put on tho Job at once. Tho uowly appointed public util ities commission lias mot and or ganized, Joseph Moss being named ns vice chalrmnn to act In tho ab boiico or tho mayor, who Is perma nent chnlrmnu of tho body. Tho city Is now ndvortlBlug the $200,000 bond Issiio ror Bnlo and nskB that bids covor all or any part or tho Issuu. Transcripts have beon propnrod to go to each bid dor and ho must bnso his bid upon this, nutting up ouo-elghth or the nmoiint of tho bid ns n gunrantoo that ho will comploto tho purchnso within rivo dajH nfter tho accept ance or tho bid by tho council. nonircii is MunnKRKii. Post OfflcenurglarArrestcl at Hose. -k named for Worse Crime. "8 Roseluri? nni.i hi , ""iun eutj; of hB JrSerso" ,8 tl10 tro nnmo ,, le man arrested in T?n-ni..... ''oreL,0r.M.8el!es.o(Pstomco 'nthonn, . ' b,an robber ea a d" l?'Vn'.nndhels not wrii,,?6'1, DU,ff' CaI- 'or the ii. 7. r ThQ woman wm, m . ,ft n th0 n't of ' r-in J'ou five dol- F(,e her nt n.n WaloiVJiV1 ,,K1A1M)T on . would rr,t you flvo ,il. Ike GHK fLY, -" a cents Tr; The "l)TliPii. ' "l luo wrjH"r"AVnd ..u evening in veil'S, Times' WanTAdB. ESA WAT EARLY T Mrs. Amanda E. Haguewood Dies at Home of F. E. Wes- terberg of Pneumonia. Mrs. Amnndft K. Haguowood died nt tho homo of hor daughtor, Mrs. P. 13. WcBtorborg, In tho Williams Apartments at 7:30 this morning. Pnouiuonln was tho Imniodlato cnuso of death, although sho hnd been ail ing for somo time, Mrs. Ilnguowootl was about slxty flvo years old and hnd boon ailing for Borne tlmo. Sho enmo hero from Eastern Oregon, having mndo hor homo with Mr. and Mrs. Westorborg for somo tlmo. Sho was a rosidont of Canyon City, Oregon, for many years. Sho Is survived by two children, Mrs. Westerbcrg and a son, E. 11. Haguowood, at Montosnno, Wash. Tho funeral will probably bo held Sunday, providing Mr. Haguowood is nblo to got hero from Montosnno by that timo. Mrs. Hnguowood's son-in-law is tho proprietor of tho Poople's Five, Ton nnd Fifteen Cent Storo In tho O'Connoll building on Market avenue Governor of Washington in Message Urges Many Reforms. OM'MI'IA, Wash., Jan. Hi. Gov ernor El-neat I.litor In his Inaugural mown go to tho Washington legisla ture yesterday rocomniondod a pro foroiitlal presidential prlmnry, di rect olectlon or United Stntos sena tors and iiou-parllsnnshlp in city anil county olllces. Tho governor took notice or com plaints mtlo by farmers against tho commission houses nnd rocommoud ed state Inspection of such ostl mates. Or a Washington exhibit to tho Panamn-Pncirio Exposition nt San Frnnclsco, Govornor Lister Bald: "Tho necosslty for innkliig an ad equnto appropriation has already boon tnkon up by tho comniorclnl bodies of the stnto, nnd I under stand Hint tho amount nccessnry, In their opinion, Is $500,000. Taking tho most rnvornblo vlow possiblo, I cannot convlnco myHolf Hint thoro Is necoBslty ror bo Inrgo a sum.. I cortnlnly hopo tl.nt tho appropria tion mndo ror exposition purposes will not exceed $200,000. "I boliovo Hint a limited pnrt ol tho appropriation should bo sot nsido ror tho Installation or a cred Itablo Pnnnmn-Calirornln Exposition to bo hold In San Diogo, Cnliromla, during tho samo year." Governor Llstor said ho believed It would bo bottor, Instead of ap propriating $500,000 for exposition purposes, for tho stnto to appro priate only $150,000 or $200,000, for thnfc purposo and uso tho dif ference in undortnklng to purchase locuod off lands and thon dlsposo of them to actual Bottlers In small tracts nt n prlco that would ropny tho Btnto for its investment. COQUILLE IN DAIUCNESS. COQU1LLE, Oro., Jan. 1C Ow ing to tho burning out of a number of coils nt tho light plant of tho Coqulllo River Electric Company, Coqulllo was In darknoss for a while nt the last of tho weok. This makes tho second or third tlmo that tho burning out of tho colls hnvo cnusod not only Coqulllo, but Myrtlo Point and tho smaller towns up and down the river con siderable nnnoyment and troublo aa well as putting a damper on business. NEARLY CATCH ' LOCAL PEEPE F. S. Dow, S. D. Harper, C. Hansen and Marshal Car ter in Man Hunt. "Jnclc, tho Peopor," or tho "Clo thes Lino Correspondent," or whnt evor ho may bo, was noarly appro bended Inst night In South Marsh Hold. Although ho eluded capture, a half dozen South Mnrshflold men nnd Marshal Cnrtor woro hot on his trail for ovor an hour. For somo timo past, an unknown liiillvldunl, evidently demented, has beon frightening the women thoro. So far he has not como out Into tho opon, but ho has beon hoard around various homos near El rod nvenuo nnd clothing loft on tho lines ovor night hnvo boon written on with strnngo messngos. Lust evening, about 8 o'clock, F. S. Dow null wlfo woro Just coming out of their houso on a visit to n neighbor's homo. Thoy snw n strange man jump back rrom tho front win dow, whoro ho had ovldontly been "nooning'. Tho strangor started across tho stroot. S. I). Ilarpor enmo out of his homo opposite tho Dow homo nbout tho samo tlmo and fol lowed tho strangor. As no partic ular crimo hail beon committed, thoy did not fcol llko pouncing upon him and running tho rlslc of serious troublo so Mr. Dow started after Marshal Carter. Tho stranger hid behind tho hodgo around tho Hols nor homo In tho former Merchant placo. C. Hanson latorJolned Mr. Ilarpor In keoplng watch on tho stranger, but somehow ho got away from thorn nnd when Marshal Carter and Mr. Dow roturned, ho could not bo found anywhoro. Later In tho evening, Lovl Helsnor saw tho strangor or somo prowler down undorneath tho Fourth stroot bridge. Tho stranger woro a light overcoat, was apparently n young or mlddlo aged man of medium slaturo and build. SHUT CASTRO OUT. Ev-prcsldcnt of Venezuela Denied Admittance to United States. (Dr AModated PrM to Cooj Hay Tlrna NEW YORK, Jan. 1C, A apodal board of Inquiry at Ellis Island do cldod that CIprlano Castro, ox-prosl-dent of Venozuola, should bo ox cluded from ontorlng tho United I'MUs. Castro's attorneys Imme diately announced that tho doclslon of tho local Immigration authorities would bo appealed to tho Depart ment ol Commerce and Labor. Times' Want Ads bring results. Council Adopts Anti-Expectoration Ordinance Bond Issue and Street Work. The North llond city council at Its meeting this week adopted an antl-splttlng ordlnnnro. The ordin- Janco was urgod by Marshal Ander son of North Head. It Is stringent In its provisions nnd prohibits ex pectoration on sidewalks nnd tho streets, practically tho only place loft for "froo and unrostrlctod ox pectorntlon being tho North llond city wharr and the cuspidors." It was smtod that to Include tho city wharf In tho forbidden territory would hardly bo right. llond Sale Up. Tho council Is utlll considering the Halo of bonds and Recorder Derbyshire is looking after tho pre liminaries. Thoy plnn to Issuo about $.15,000 in refunding bonds. Ono or th bond buyers who bid on the Port or Coos Hay Issuo was consulting with Recorder Derby shire and John E. Prlco nnd Com pany or Seattlo aro also negotiat ing with tho city. It may bo tnat tho city's gonoral : Issuo will bo dofatTod until tho pro posed city Improvements aro got uudor wny nnd tho Improvements on tliBin nr l-ondv for siilf. It In I cxpectod Hint thoro will bo about $50,000 worth of special Improvo mont bonds Issuod In North Rend this year. Street Improvement. An ordinance providing for planking Washington street from Sherman to tho contor of Stanton was ndoptcd, It provldos for about a block of work. Tho city onglnoor wns instructed to proparo plans and estimates for Improving Stanton, from Delaware to Ohio and Dolawaro from Sutlt orlln to Stanton. This is nbovo tho Porter Mill. OlllCC IlllsllK'hS. The council npprovod tho quar terly reports of tho rocordor, trons uror nnd wharfinger. II. D. McCulloch,' J. G. Miillln nnd 12. P. Andorson wore nppolntod n commlttco to apprnlso tho city proporty. It wns ordored that $1200 bo transferred from tho goncrnl fund to tho special fund bo that tho city omployos could bo paid cash Instead of warrants. BAD WEATHER ON BAY TODAY Snow, Sleet and Rain Make It Disagreeable Western Union Line Is Down. Coos Day Is today experiencing tho wintry storm that lias beon man ifesting itself in Washington, cast orn and northern Oregon for tho last few days. Early this morning thoro was a consldorablo fall of sleot and snow, following a rainstorm. Tho Bnow fall was slight but with tho eleot and rain made the streets nnd roads "mushy" and disagree able Tho snowfall nt Portland and east ern and central Oregon was consid erably heavier last Sunday and Mon day. Tho storm put tho Western Union out of commission botweeu horo and Rosoburg and In conaoquenco tho Times was unnblo to rocolvo Its reg ular Aasoelntod Press roport today. QUEEN KLIZAUKTir, ono of tho strongest stories history has ovor recorded, In four parts, GRAND THEATER, SATURDAY nnd SUV DAY afternoon and evening. Albert Burrage of Boston Re lates How Millions Were: Made Out of Copper.. ROCKEFELLERS WERE IW ON THE ORGANIZATION Also Tells About Lawson's Noted Advertising Cam paign on Stock Deals- IDr Aio llol Pfrn to Com ny Tfinat,,' WASHINGTON. Jan. 1C Tho de tails of tho noted copper stock inawt ipulutions during recent yenrs wart related yesterday beforo tho IIousv Money Trust Investigating Commit, tee hero yosterdny. Albert Ilurrngo of Iloston tontUbni today that he organized tho Atr.ttl -gnmated Copper Co. In lS'Jff. ffn named his associates as William Rotkofollor. Marcus Dnly, 11.11. Rot ors nnd others. Ilurrngo could not romombor how much was mude v tho organizers In turning over trm? . iuub properties lo mo amalgama ted. "Was the profit $30,000.000? " nsked rntermyer. "I could not say," answorcd. IVur nigo. Ho could not remember lifer own profits, or those of Thomas W Lnwson, William Rockefeller act. Rogers.. Ilurrago said ho got M profit In securities so far as he could romember nnd did not get any ...?.' m,Ht0 or Iloston, Montana. ''lJlm "'' Ionl Involving $73. 000,000 was accomplished without tho scratch of n pon?" naked the council, "Yos, bo far as I know." didn't It?" asked Untormyotv "Yes. you might say that,"' ro pllod Ilurrngo. Ho could not any whothor tho insiders "cntored Inrpe roquests for subscriptions to the stock, but ho know that beforo the stock wns nllotted tho prlco buff gono to $115 or $120 per $I0C ni.uiv. vuiiiii iJtfi,UUO,000 or r- lS2 J10 Bn''1 woro rocolvod from thta $75,000,000 of tho stock. Ilumi could not remember the dotnlls of tho operation by which the unmlga mntod took over tho Iloston autL Montana and Unite nnd Roster. Rulte and Iloston, he said, was ac cumulated on ids advice lister. Iw. said, tho (Robe Blink of Iloston fatt ed, holding a largo block of HoHrorr nnd Montsnn stock. Just prior let ho- failure ho said, Lnwson cow ducted a vigorous advertising cam paign, "bulling" llutto and MnnUntc and buttling "Boston nnd Montana' Ho' did not bellove Lnwson's adver tising campaign had any relation to tho aiobo failure Untorniyor-aHkod if Rogors nrta" Rockoroller hnd not aequlrod RulU and Ilostun and Riitto and Montana nnd had then as directors of the Amalgamated votod to buy this stock for themselves. Ilurrngo did? not romember. "Hut you know the value of tho stocks Increased fnina $30,000,000 to $10-1.000.000 when thoy transferred to tho Amalgama ted." "Yos, ns n profit for thoso whe hold tho shares." nnsworod Barrage SUGAR TARIFF IS TA F Indications Point to Elimina tion of Duty on Sweets; Trust Gives Views. lf AwoolaleJ rrtii to Coo lUy Tlmr ? WASHINGTON, Jan. 10. The froo sugar plan of tho houso Domn crats Is regarded by lenders ns one of tho virtually assured features nt tho tariff revision program at tut coining sosslon of congress, so tan: as tho houso Is concerned, nnd Re cused tho attention at toduy'e. hearing of tho houso ways iiiitK moans commlttco, Tho Amorlcnn Sugar Roflnlng Co went on record at tho outsot of tor day's hearing In favor of a reduced tariff upon sugar and tho rotouttoi. or a small (inferential duty upon roflnod sugar. "If protecting Is to bo nccordod to any industry," ana' "a contlniiaiico or tho prosent coloi standard as tho most practicable distinction botweou raw und refined, sugar ror customs houso classifica tions." It opposed tho abolition of L duty upon sugar on tho ground that It would destroy at once some of tho largest sourceH of revonue an would causo n termination of tho Cu ban reciprocity treaty undor wltb t Cuban sugars get a preferential r.tt of twenty per cent and Cuba glv preferontlul rates of 20 to 4u p. cont upon goods coming from t.'i. Unltod States It vns nlso doiliti' i Hint froo sugar would open the l' tod States mnrkets to import it of rofind beet sugars from I.uropc upon tho Bnmo terms as raw sugm In competition with domestic roflncd.