THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD. OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 15, 1913. EVENING EDITION. Now comes your bargain chance YOU know what happens in this store, at this season of the year; we look over our stock, and pick out all the goods that must be cleared up to make room fo new goods soon to come in, and mark prices on them that will make folks come and buy whether they need the things right now or not. It's ihe harvest time for the money-saving folks; we're bound to clean up the slock, dispose of all the goods from the past season that we can sell; we want to make a total clearance of all fall and winter goods, and if prices will do it, we shall ac complish this wish. Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes are always a good purchase; the prices we ask for them in a regular way represent a profit to you; and at such prices as these your profits are just that much more. Look at the figures Men's $35.00 Suits now $2(5.85 fPCC Mon's $30.00 Suits now $22.85 Men's $25.00 Suits now $18.85 Men's $20.00 Suits now $M.85 Men's $15.00 Suits now $1 1.85 $:K).00 Overcoats now $21.S5 $25.00 Overcoats now $17.G5 $20.00 Overcoats now $.13.85 $17.50 Overcoats now $12.05 $15.00 Overcoats now $10.85 $7.50 Hoys' Suits $5.85 $(i.00 Hoys' Suits $-I.IJ5 $5.00 Boys' Suits $3.85 $4.00 Boys' Suits $2.85 50c 25( Wool Sox 35c "Wool Sox 20c Broken Lines of Wool Under wear, One-Third Off $2.00 Broadway Mil.. $3.00 Millicoma 1 1 at... $3.50 Ouvenolled Hat. Sjil .tJl) f ,'0 J'-i.OO WOOL BLANKETS 25 PER CENT OFF TIDES FOR JANUARY. tho Umo and low water at Ilolow Is given height of high and Mnrshflold. Tlio tides arc plnccd In tho order of occurrence, with tholr tlmcB on tho (tret lino and heights on the second lino of ench day; n compai Icon on consecutive holghts will Indicate whether It Is high or low water. For high water on tho bar, uiiiitrnct 2 hours 34 minutes Ifilllrs.. 0.112 7. -15 2.14 8.1C Ft... l.!t 1.0 3.1 lfi Ilrs.. 1.10 8.31 3.21 9.52 Ft... 2.C li.rt 1.1 2.0 17 lira.. 1.5(5 8.89 4.31 11.19 Ft... 3.1 5.8 0.7 3.1 18 Ilrs.. 3.09 10.31 5.35 0.0 Ft... 3.C 0.1 0.0 0.0 10 Hrs.. 0.31 4.38 31.20 C.31 Ft... 3.5 3.8 C.5 0.8 IZZZ I WEATHER FORECAST. OREGON Rain tonight nnd and Thursday. High souther ly winds along coast. LOCAL temperature RECORD. For tho 24 hours ending at 4:43 a. m., Jan. 15, by HonJ. Ostllnd, npoclal government mo toorologlcal observer: Maximum 50 Minimum '. 30 At 4:43 a. in 39 Precipitation .. .28 Wind: Southwest:, rainy. Moves Mill Walter moving his portnblo saw South Inlet to Falrvlow. Morris Is mill from (low Why Awny Gow Why loft on tho Washington for San Francis co and may decide to ninko a trip to China boforo his return. TO III OLD COLLEGE CHUM Dr. J. T. McCormac Goes to New York to Visit Noted ' Naturalist. (Special to Thc-Tlmcs) WASHINGTON, Jan. 15. Dr. J. T. McCormac, a member of tho Coos Uny delegation horo endeavoring to socuro federal nld for tho Immodlato reconstruction of tho Coos Day Jetty, has gono to Now York to visit his old friend, W. T. Hornnday. Mr. llomnday Is director of tho Ilronx Zoological garden, having chnrgo of tho greatest collection of wild ani mals nnd birds In captivity. Dr. Hornaday Is recognized as tho great est nnturnllst of tho time. Ho and Dr. McCormnc woro clnssmntos nt tho Iowa Agricultural College at day, Is In town today and will bo taken to Mercy hospital. Mr. Hodlhe fell, striking tho ax blade, and was cut between tho ribs, tho blndo pen etrating to tho liver. Ho Is from Allegany. Hrlng Autos In Ray Campboll nnd Jack McDonald, who wont up to Allegany yostordny afternoon on business, returned this morning Thoy brought down two cars that wero UBod on tho Allognny-Scotts-burg rond last summor, which will probably bo used on tho North fiend lino. Fish Ih Honored B. II. Fish, formerly of Mnrshflold,. and a mem ber of tho Dradloy Candy Company, was honored by being elected presi dent of tho Ilandon Commorclnl Club last week. J. W. Mast wns elected vlco presldont, C. K. Kopf, secretary antl F. V. Cnttcrlln wna added to the oxccutlvo committee. Lcnro Tomorrow Tho outgoing passengers on the iJrnin-unruinor stngo tomorrow will bo: .1. Johnson, W. II. Wnnn, Chas. Whenton nnd J. Orndy. All Lines of Woolen Goods Reduced WOOLEN MILL STORE This store is tho homo of Hurt Sclmffnev & Marx Clothes. Hob House Tho houso on Nols HasmiiBseii'H ranch on Hnyncs Inlet, was recently broken Into and prac tically everything movnblo wns stol on. No nrrests have been mndo yet. Meet Tomorrow Tho Indies at tending tho A. N. W. Club with Mrs. Hans Heed of Fcrndnlo will go by 1)1188 from Commorclnl nnd Drond wny at 1: IG tomorrow afternoon. PPENBICITIS pw niinoui "Deration. Here Is Sworn Proof' WmhthIW,0nn.a,M,nn7 Ma& duly sworn, do lUcotVh,i!Wnc ls ,ct mY own knowledge, u lie pronounced mv Instead I went to &wvii.;r Ltm..i ".:. w? Wore and bought a hnHi f a.ii...:.i,- t0Dt)M til Vlx l,c "suit was Indeed wonderful. The taeatoaavonern. M"r?..? man: .? .heartily recommend (Adler..fc!l . . Ilu nppenmems, as I know it has cured me." ' Seal. . . ,. ,. (Sned) RICHARD H. JAHREISS, . Subscribed and sworn to before me June 29. 1905; J. JliiWiiALT. Notarv Public. Sfeele Counlv. j.--, w Wet Weather Goods at ltnllroml Men Contractor Ilurr of Wllletts & Ilurr cnino In today from San Frnuelseo on tho Nairn Smith. He brought' up n force of .nbout 30 workmen for tho Smlth I'owors Logging road. Had Accident Alfred Rodlno who was severely cut with nn ax yoater- WANT ADS. FOR HUNT Itiuicli In Loon Lnko Vnlloy. Inqulro Mrs. John Now klrk, North Hond, Oro. Phono 4G1. Wed In Ashland Word has boon received horo of tho mnrrlago of Frod S. Englo nnd Miss draco Gar rett nt Ashland, Oro. Mr. Englo Is assistant cashier of tho First Na tional Dank thoro nnd Is n brother of Miss Uortrudo Englo, n former Mnrshlleld teacher, who vlsltod nt tho homo of Mrs. F. A. Hazard nnd other friends horo lost summer. Fruit, (.rowel ."Meet. Tho Coos Hay Fruit Growers Association will hold a meeting next Saturday af ternoon nt 1 o clock nt tho North llond Commercial club. Invitations linvo boon extended to nil fruit growers and others interested In If and a good nttendnnco Is expected. In addition to n general discussion as to tho best means of Improving tho crop and Increasing It, special attention will bo devoted to tho growing nnd handling of lognu hor PERSONAL NOTES WM. COLLACH of Tomplcton ls ia town today. JULIUS KRUSI2 of Isthmus Inlet Is In town todny. JOHN ENKGR13N .III., of Coos River Is n Mnrshlleld visitor. S. S. JUMPER Is In Mnrshflehl to dny from Hnynes Inlet. MR. nnd MIIS. .1012 POPK have gono to Tarheel Point to live. MRS. FRED WILSON of Allegany Is visiting In town today. JAM 123 LANDIUTH of South Coos River Is In town on business . ALDUS I1I2NSON of Tomplcton is n town visitor for tho dny. JOHN MICHELHRINK of Allognny Is n Marslinold visitor today. M. 11. H12IIII2R of Hnynes Inlet Is In Mnrshflehl today on business. JOHN MI2SSI2RLE of Catching In let Is In town today on business. B. L. C. FARRIN Is expectod her today from Portland for n short visit. MR. nnd Mrs. W. II. NORTON of Sumnor aro Mnrshflehl visitors today. MRS. PATEItSON of Gardlnor Is la Mnrshfleld receiving medical trentmont. CARL DAVIS roturnod today on tho Nnnn Smith from n vUlt la California, 12. R. IIODSON and wlfo of South. Coos River, nro Mnrshfleld visi tors today. MR. nnd MRS. FRANK MASON of Hnynes Inlot aro Mnrshfleld vis itors today. BLUFORD DAVIS Is In town today, coming down on his gnsolino lnunch, Coos. HOMER HOLV12USTOTT, tho now ly elected rond supervisor ls In Mnrshflold on business. RI2V. C. 12. CRUMLI2N of Myrtlo Point-, who Is In Mnrshflold on business, expects to return homo today. Mil. nnd MHS. A 11 13 ANDERSON of Kontuck Inlot returned yos tordny from nn extended south ern trip. FOR SALE llrand new IVtiilumn Incubator, capacity G3 eggs. Phono aim. Midtlii.i . Im.. ojnffAlK . Bn.Tl"blvrihowlnJmVni.Ter5ron?SouI,,know 0f "' wonderfully successful bwrK"tMnh c.urlou, and mt,e known nrn, ths MMoacaa,MUypi ar55wtf '"lcaujed,nowltcanbe treated without operation, u jroursew ajf aiast it, wM be bI vea FREE to anyooo calUne at our store!, " - Lockhart-Parsons Drug Co. PHONE "THE BUSY CORKER' -MAIN 298 -US ti58 Special Prices Wo nro offering monoy saving prices thlB weok on oil clothing, Loudon Slip-ons, and rubber foot wear. $a.BO Slickers for $2.85 JjWI.OO Slickers for $2. 15 $15.00 London Sllp-oiif, for. .$11.75 $1.00 Rubber Hoots for $:t.(l( Savo money horo this weok. OW.VKR HAS FOR 8AL12 1-2 blHk of 14 lots In liny VIow Addition to Mnrshfleld. $500 down. Dnl mice, ?1C00 In 3 to 5 yonrs. Ad dress P. 0. Dox 10 Marshllold, Oro. FOR HUNT, SALK, TIIADK, or RH PA1R Slngor sowing machines. Inqulro 131 Park Avo. or Phono 280-X Ihe Bazar "Store of Quality." Phono 32. Star Transfer N Storage Co. KSof06" kinds of haulln. .Reynolds Vlin0nba;;e th0 te3t "wourni, " u"er. we H. Heisn Paoa, e898-R.l20-j er,P rop. 49-L. WE WILL MAIL YOU $1 for each set of old False Teet sent us. Highest prices paid for old Gold, Silver, old Watches, broken Jewelry and Preclou Stones. Money Sent by Return Mall. Phlln. Smelting & Refining Co. Established 20 Years. B03 Chestnut St., PhlladeJplila, Pa. TO DENTISTS. We will buy your Gold Filling). Gold Scrap, and Platinum. Hlgu QBt prices paid. Umbrellas" Covered nt Marslifield Cyclery WANTED Up-to-iliito teacher for District No. 40 nt Llbby. Ad dress School Hoard, Llbby, Oro, FOR SALE Household furniture. Owner leaving town, Inqulro over OUIvant & Wonver Btoro. l'lnlhli Concrelo Work Tho con creto work on tho now pulp mill of tho C, A. Smith Compnny hns boon practically completed nnd tho othor work Is being rushed ns rap idly as possible However, tho fin ishing work nnd Installation of ma chinery will require sovornl months nnd If they got In oporntlon by Juno Manager Kordrum will bo highly elntod. Mr. Nerdrum Is now nssom- 1 bllng his forco of expert workmen, nnd has n number hero. Just how many men tho plnnt will employ Is ( not cortnln yet. Frightens Women Somo un known mnn, evidently weak ment nlly, Is frlghtolnlug tho women of South Mnrshflold In tho vicinity of Elrod nvenuo. Ho scorns to hnvo a hobby for disturbing clothes on tho lino nnd writing on tho whlto cloth ing. This, .following tho thront to shoot by another Individual, has causod moro or less nnxlety among tho women folks nnd children nnd closo wntch is being kept by somo of tho men in hope of bolng nblo to catch tho Individual. Most of tho visits hnvo been during tho night. SOCIAL CALENDAR. FOR KENT Furnished home. Close in, good-sized modorn homo. Address W enro Times. CAPT. N'. J. CORNWALL of Gnrd Inor nrrlved on tho Nnnn Smith, this morning from n visit with his family In Uorkoley, Calif. W. II. M 12 VERS, n real estate man of Sliorwood, Oregon, who loft Saturday on n business trip to llnndon, returned to Mnrshfleld thlH morning. MR. nnd MRS. O. II. MEYERS ro turnod to tholr homo on South Coos Rlvor this morning nftor a viBlt nt tho v. II. Rood homo on North Coos Rlvor. MRS. S. A. YOAKAM nnd hor daugh ters. MIIS. MARY KRICIC, and MISS MARIAN YOAKAM, enmo to Mnrshflold this morning from tholr Coos Rlvor homo. JACIC MEREEN returned todny from Uorkoley, Cnltfornln, whoro he spent Christmas. Arno Mo reen, Vornon Smith nnd F. A. Warner will como up intor. FOR RENT Furnished housckecp rooms, closo in. Phono 239-J Dnytou Phono 1H8-R Agents 172 llrondwny Have That Roof Fixed NOW Seo COTfTUELL PHOIVTT RI21 OPPORTUNITY For Imnietllato salo I offer my Wost Marslifield property at tho cornor of Twelfth nnd Commercial. Tho homo is modorn, Including hot wator heat ing plant. This property faces cast with beautiful view. Is rontod for $20 month and would "bring moro. Thoro is no leaso on property. Tho prico is right nnd mado with tho object of selling tho property. Seo mo. R. J. Montgomory. WEDNESDAY j Priscllln Club with Mrs. Henry Olson of Dunkor Hill. Sllvor tea by ladles of Presby- torlan Church nt homo of Mrs. A. E. Seaman. FOR RENT 7 room houso on South 4th Stroot. Inqulro J. E. Edmunds Coos Day Wiring Company. FOR SALE Dry woofl. Jlr nnd . dor, at Campbell's Wood Yard, Forrv landing. Phono lRriL. ,lns Want Ads. Bring Results Orpheum Tonight SPECIAL FOUR, REELS ALL NEW PLAYEHS With Edwin August niul Onnl Hum Icy. END OF THE FEUD Willi Francis X. lliishmnu ns tho moun taineer. ..... C1UNGER Drama of tho west. lJeautlful bark-grounds. MANUFACTURE OF PAPER A plctiuo worth while, with excel lent photographs of this big undertaking. ESTAHLISHED ADMISSION - - 10c. NEVER MORE j THURSDAY j A. N. W. Club with Mrs. II. Reed j North Dond Presbyterian Ladles j Aid with Mrs. H. O'Mnra. j j North Dond Alter Guild with j Mrs. I. D. Dartlo. j Nor.-Lutheran Young Ladles Aid j with Mrs. W. Nelson of Day Park. Social Sowing Club with Mrs. Georgo Ayro. W. C. SCOTT, n commorclnl trav eler from Snn Frnnclsco, who has boon on tho Day tho past two weoks, loft this morning for Drain, onrouto to San Frnnclsco. JUST RECEIVED Bhlpmont of Booth's Celebrated Fresh Oysters In 50c nnd 75c sizes, and Kip pored Salmon. It will molt In your mouth. Stauff Grocery Co. Mnskey'a Candles. Phone 102 MRS. DORS12Y KREITZER nnd son, WILLIAM, who hnvo boon spend ing n fow weoks with Mrs. Wm. Grimes nt Monrovia, Calif., nro oxpocled to return vin Myrtlo Point Saturday. MISS RUTH ALLEN has Issued In vitations for sowing at tho homo of her pnronts, M. nnd Mrs. F. E. Allen, in South Mnrshflold, next Saturday aftomoon, compliment ary to Mrs. F. L. Grannls. p WALTER CONDRON was hero from Myrtlo Point yostorday to socuro somo moro small boats for uso of tho construction crows of Wlllot and Durr on tho now Smith-Powers lino. Ho says thnt tho work Is progressing fairly good dcsplto tho bad weather. MAJOR KINNEY, while in Mnrsh fleld this weok, announced that ho ls preparing to open offices in North Dond. Ho baa withdrawn tho power of attomoy that ho confeirod up W. J. Rust, when tho latter was appointed trusteo of tho Klnnoy properties a year or so ago. Just what tho devel opments will bo Is problematical. Truform Shoulder Braces Trusses and Abdominal Supporters Always Found at the llSviAYJB Q mlML I