THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 15, 1913. EVENING EDITION. 1 A $s 71 il: COOS BAY TIMES AC O. MAI.OXEY Editor mid Piili. PAW K. MALOXEV News Editor Offlclnl 1'niH.T of Coos County. Dedicated to tho Borvloo of the Staple, Hint no good cause shnll lack champion, nnd that evil shall uo. tirlvo unopp -sod. Entered at tho postotflco at Marsh SHcIS, Oregon, for transmission tfBmiugh tho malls ns gecond claai taall matter. .selling food products. EllCllANTS handling provis ions should undemtHiid better than any one oIko tho value l mlMTtlHliiK- You rnn nhvnys wko people up liy tttllfltifs nlmut tRood thing!) to eat. When people net tired 01 ponnm and sports, they will Htlll icad a woll written mlverllsoiiii'nt of table affipplk'H. Seo how money Is poured out llko wator to nrivurtlso food products on ui national scale. It must pny or It would not bo spent. Tho snmo field can ho worked In tho local nowspii KHir with cqunl profit proportionate fly. In tho nvornBo newspaper tho BtutrJiurs, grocers nn other provl irfon mon do not ndvortlso as freely aw dry goods, clothing, furnishings and furniture dcnlcrs, notwlthstnnd ilxiK lho power of tho food appeal. Horn Is a sample notice clipped ttrorn nn exchange, showing how not tn do It. II 'h Corner (Irorery. nomomhor to make thin your ftrndlng place Highest market Tprlco paid for country products. Always a sritmro deal. Full lino of utaplo and fancy groceries, Canned goods u specialty. Phono. "Tho advertisement Is good ns far s It goes, for It shows that 11 Ha on tho job, nnd doing his best to -Ret tmdo. Hut It proves nothing cJbp, nnd It whots no appetite for his jljraoflB. Tnko by way of contrast several ZTaragrnphs clipped from another ad, too nttompt being made to reproduce Wlnplny: "Colory, Coos County, white plumo crisp, tender, nromntic llavor, largo Sum:)), live rents." "Sweet elder made from selected O)os Klvor apples, deenyeil fruit re Jcclod, bright, pungent tasting niH awt. Tho nut brown rream of the aruhnrd, -0 cents n gallon." "Oysters, our oysters eomo In seulud packages. Tho Iro nover touches. Frorn oyster farms guar anteed sanitary. .Solid meats. All tton tang and llavor of sen food pre imrvud, HO cents a quart." iVn expert would probably say that &ib wh'oihI notice would draw three times ns much business us the Hint. 31 Is superior through giving dollulto ttatnlls that suggest to the reader that good goods, carefully handled, are being offored. Then, too, It snnkoH him hungry to read It. Tho trick of this stylo of adver tising Is Just writing your notice tho saino as you would talk to a custo- rnvr. Try It and see! S I W. H. Burhagcn of Bunker Hill Wedded on Three Week's Acquaintance. W. II. llurhagen. a carpenter mid hoarding house proprietor nt Mun feur mil. Iiuh found his hunt for 'miK'Hiir IiIIhh to bo n thorin path. SMarrlod December on three "''li' neiiiulutaiico to Ida .I. Co in')', ho todu iiultted the homo -iiid left her lu pommwIuii of the lMnc. llo wan afraid to go' back 3-iono for his i.irpuiilir tools mid MoiiginKH mill li:ul Constable Cox accompany him tudiij when he" got irfN beloiiKlugh Bvforo theii lusriiauti on tho Ifcrli-r iKiiimlmmice. ltiuliitKcii deed ed one of tho lots which hu Hun or lllll boarding luiiu.0 stand to Ms prospecthe bride. To Justice I'tmnock ho iimiml his wife of nmny things hiuI declared that ulie riiB "wife in name onl" nnd the tatter was conflrinod by Mrs. Hui VmKoii to Constable Cox today. Diirlmgtiu is iiiiiie advanced In yoars Mrs. TliirhnKeii tniiio hem la,t full wllh A A. Warwick whom wiju claimed was a brother. Hui Twgon hired them to keep liouxe for liiiu and three weeks later ha nd Ihe woman wre niarrled YoMonlny lluiiiaKon ordeioil nmo of tho llims that ho had .bought goods fiMin to tnkd thorn liiit'h. Mrs. Hurbami' ami A. A WnrwUk leuiulu In iiouMfkjIon of tho hoiuo. Sonio time iiko llurhagMii Mourud a inarriiiKo lliemm to hmI uuothoi Momiin but ahu changed her mind iml tho woddiiiK did not lake plme. HOl'KI, AllltlVAI. (MIANIM.KK- T. II. Haaard. K. U. Martin. John F. WiMMlnrd. II. I), Ulnihly. A. (1 CIiuko. Ponland: W. C Scott. Al. J. Wouiut. ftau Fruii rliin; .laniou (iiiulv, UnrUtner; W ii. Poter. lloikele; II. J. Mi Dlur uU, llmidou. HI.ANCO P. It. Tully. COOS--C. E. Cruinlwii. ilyrtle Point: ("alien Ellin, Suudy Kill. Tort Orford, Mrs. Patterson, Geo. 2t-atiiiK and wife, Cupt. N. J, Corn- M, Gardiner: .1. Kume, Isthuiui. If you have nuythlng to sell, rout, rade, or want help, try n Want Ad. Have your Job printing dono at Tho Times offlco. ID I WINTER JOY When a great man told, in rhyme, all the Joys of wlntoi m-r told of beauties of tho snow, told of slelghrldes. to and fro, through tho fields, on frosty nights, whllo the gleams from unl1o IIbIUb Bl nailed out their glowing cheer, think 1, ho nfer know the tear tU t Is now bomo In each soul when wo hoar tho price of coal. Knttaei til K ho never paid price per ton that's Just a shade higher than twns e'er before and goes higher, o'er and o'er, till wo wonder where twill end, as our last two-bits we spend. When ho sang of wlntor Joys with the happy girls nnd bos, mn be 'twaB in summer time whllo the songs of birds, subline, made bmi music in his cars, driving out the wintry rears. J Injlic twaa while glowing sun baked his brow till it was done to a kind of bo Is turn, leaving him without concern for the Joys that spread about good old summer, now passed out. let the poet sweetly sing of the Jos that winters bring ns thev grip the good old earth, giving higher p. Ices birth, but for common folks like me. Just let good old summer bo thought, embodiment, and horn of tlo sonnets that we dream (live us flowers, and busy bees. b ng birds, skceters, files and fleas. Olw us sunstroke, dust nnd noise. but Ppsh up these winterjoys G. F. ilil 15 Marshfield Man Honored by Coos County Bar Asso ciation Last Night. At tho nununl banquet of tho Coos County liar Association in Myrtle Point Inst night, C. P. Mc Knlght of Marshfield was honored by being elected president of tho association for the ensuing year. North Uend was selected aB tho place of holding tho next meeting. Tho new officers elected Inst night are: President C. F. McKnlght of Mnrshfleld. Vlco president J. M. Upton of Marshfield. Secrotnry J. .1. Stnnley of Co qullle. Treasurer C. A. Sohlbrcdo of Marshflol'i About 25 wore present. Tho banquet was sorvod In J. K. Schil ling's Hotel nnd Is snld to bo one of the best ever. All of tho Coos Hay delegation present wero loud In their praise of Its excollonco nnd tho flue treatment accorded tho visitors by the lawyers of Myrtle Point anil tho Myrtlo Point Com mercial club. Ij. A. Roberts proslded iib toast master. A numbor of changes were miido In tho original program owing to some of the members be ing unnblo to present. Among those who responded wero Walter Sin clair. C. It. Harrows. Tom Honnett, W. C. Chase, J. ,T. Stanley, Arthur K. Pock. (I. T. Trcadgold. C. F. McKnlght. Ceo. P. Topping. Mr. Hinckley, Prof. A. T. Parks, K. II. .loeliuk, Mayor. .1. It. Ilouson, J. 0. Stuuimler, C. II. Piles nnd Dr. Johnson. Among those from Mnrshfleld In atlendaiico woro Arthur K. Peck, C. F. MelCnlglit. ('. A. Sohlbredu. K. II, .loehnlc mid Tom llennett. cntitv cor.NTV coi.n. The Port Orfonl Trlbuno sns: "Sluco Saturday last wo havo been having one of the coldest spells of weather over known along this coast. Tho ground has been fro zen, ami pools of water covered with Ice." Times Wnnt Ads 'jrlng results. TONIGHT ni TFe Royal IDYI.Ij )!' HAWAII American THE (Ol'XTVS Pltl.E HAIIV ThanhoiiBer A WlltEliESS MlltACI.E. Itollnure i.ri: and ciiai)i,i:k Thoso Two Comedy Girls. DO.VT MISS KO-liO-XPTO HU Tliillllng Slide for Mfe. Tho lliggot uiiil llesi Show In the City. ! tOc toe loc 10c Workingmen of GUEETING- As tho threo menibors roprosontlng labor on tho Workmon's Compensation Commission nppolntod by Governor Oswald West, wo di'ttin it our duty to Inform you that tho hill ns drnftod has aroused a ureal opposition from n certnln class of attorneys, eiuumlty Insurnnco companies and somo financial Interests nnd uiikcrupuloiu employers. All of thorn nro anxious to dofoat this bill. Tlioy will bring much prewuro to boar upon our loglslatuio and will bo thoro In poison to volco their objection. And unloss you, Mr. Worklnguimi, (tho ouo who Is most intorostod) tako a hmid! they will succood in thulr solflsh object nnd dofoat tn bill. ltoallsliiK that you oftiinor go to tho Capital nnd urge the passage of this bill In person, we nsk you to sign a potltlon and see to It that ovory worklngmmi In your vicinity Is given nn opportunity to sign n petition to tho 1013 legislature re queatlng tho passage of the Workmen's Compensation Hill, as drafted by the Commission appointed by the Governor, aud mall H to the address given below. We will g00 to It that the peti tions ate presentod to the legislature at the proper time- aud again urge upon you to act In this all important matter ui once. J. A. MADS1SN. WM. A. MAKSHALL. H. A. HAItlUS. Sao T. Myer for petition, Cigar Storo. nv 1J0H STANLEY. ILL DEBATE Board Decides to Make the Event Free Myrtle Point Team Coming Here. Tho dobnto hotweon Coqulllo High school nnd Marsnflcld High school will take place In tho Illgh School nudltorlum nt 8 .o'clock Fri day evening. It Is oxpocted that n largo num ber of parents nnd frlcndB of tho students will bo present, and In order that overy boy nnd girl In school may bo nblo to nttend, tho Bchool board has decided to pay tho oxpenso of tho dobnto nnd to chnrgo no ndmlsslon. NEW SCHEDULE OF FAKES Wo dcslro to nnnounco to tho public that our schcdulo of fares Is ns follows: Ilatcs JG.GO per month of 2C round trips. On nnd nftcr Jnnunry 20, onc wny fares will bo 20 conts, round trip fnro, 35 conts and 20-rldo books $3.00. Extra charges for dollvorlos nnd calls. GORST & KINO. If you havo anythliiB to sell, rent, trndo. or wont help, try n Wnnt Ad. The Expert Cook Knows The REAL Secret of a good breakfast ii Golden Rod Oats Make It your secret, too NOTK-Knclo.o 3 eont Uiup with )tiriKiiiiPiiiit mtiln-t uinl your (irucrr lmiuo fur iiiYiuiuui lltt amt uurulr lro. 20 Coos County: which may bo found at tho Club E ,iX7 . R. t-VoXSA CO l TSCT Save Perry & Full sets handsome Dishes for only 9xJ2 Brussels Rugs for only Cobbler seat Din ing Chairs only Couch Covers for only . These Are But a At Perry i There Is Nothing That gives a person so much confidence in himself, as a surplus, or money in the bank, and confidence and a little ready money are the two weapons that enable a person to make a winning fight. 1 If you want to accumulate some of both, right here at this bank is a good place to make the start. First National Bank Of Coos Bay FLANAGAN & Capital and Surplus $100,000 Oldest Bank Interest Paid Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance Title Guarantee and Abstract Co. HKXltY SEX(JSTACKi:X, Mgr. Coqulllo OlUco Phono 191 Platting Lands a specialty. Farms Timber Coal and Marshflold Ofllce 14-j. Goneral Agents "EASTSIDE." '" "" " k modorn Drlck ulldlug, Electrl? Llgnt, Stoam Ilont. Elogantly Furnished Uooma with Hot and Cold Water. HOTEL OOOS O. A. Metlln, lrop. Ilntes: BO cents a day nnd upward Cor. Urondwv aud Market GET YOUR JOB PRINTING DONE AT THE TIMES' OFFICE. Money On Your Housefurnishings Nicholson Offer: Metal Beadsteads for only . Arm Rockers for only Solid Oak Dining Tables for only Full Size Dressers for only tf P 7.50 pgy " $1 1 fi 4- r--3 rt l i.oo 77&.Afgy 1. 6 J -i7 Few of the Many Offerings Marshfield's Best Furniture Store & Nicholson TiTe BENNETT BANK in Coos County on Time Deposits. You Auto Call Poote VHOXE 14 I..T XIOHT AM) DAY Stand front of lllniico Milliard Parlor TWO NEW OARS After 11 T. M. Phono 5-J, Residence Phono Careful Drivers -:- Good Cars. Here 2.50 2.50 9.00 $ 1 0.OO We Clean and Press Ladies' and Gent's Suits Goods Called for, ond Delivered Coos Bay Steam Laundryl I'JION'K MAIN R7.J Mnixlifh'lil. Ortwiii, Unique Pantatorium TIIK MODKHN imcilS. OIiKAXEtt lWKSSKHS mid HAT HKNOVATOH Acnt for Emuird H. 8 trans 4 Co., Kino Tailoring. Let w inukn your mt Niilt. 2.M CKXTHAIj. lhone2I First Class Weaving promptly dono nt Gardiner's Rag Carpet Factory Cor. Union nnd Montana Street Phono 131. North Dcnd. 0t WIIEX YOU WANT A MESSE GKB ItOY Soiaothlug stit1! or uoiivorod I n O N E 120.L and we'll do it. Charges reuoa-l awe. CnAH OltAXnY. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTOR! T i. witiaiiT. J COXTHAOTOIt AND 1IUILDEH .j, Kstinmtes furnished on requ" Plans and specifications rurnli'M ii uuaireu. An nonost jou uu- iuou. l-nono 124-11. Q LIVIA EDMAK, .Mcctmno-Tlicrnpi9i Sclontlfle Swedish Massage, MeiK' iT.l-ri a nit MCI 325 S. Sixth St. l'hono gggg TOEL OSTLINIl. J Piano Tuner nnd Repairer- 41 h Q QlvM. C.MA. T11.AnA 10l'U M. w.AVii QUCUl, X UUUO - pERL RILEY IJALLINGER Pinnisf n.wi Trnrher Resldenco-Studio, 237 So. BroadJJ . l'hona 18-L-. WM. S. TURPEN, ARCHITECT Marshfield. Oregon. TV. W. MORROW, 171 Grimes RHlldlng, over Ctt Theater. Omco Phono V-m ""G. CHANDLER, Architect. Rooms 801 and 302, Coke nullilW larsurield, Oregon TTR, A. J. HENDRY'S nioaeni ucntai i "u". a Wo are equipped to do high t"r work on short notice at the w lowest prices. Examination -Lady attendant. Cobo Bldg-. Chandler Hotel, phone HS-J- ' ikiJL, -JL gs v t - ZW"7