The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, January 14, 1913, EVENING EDITION, Page 2, Image 2

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    J&1 l X t, (W.JRJR Jt
WT- O. MATjOXKY IMItor unci Pub.
News 1'ilitur
Official Paper of Coot Counly.
Dedicated to tlto service of the
oetvJe, (.hat no good cause eliall lack:
e btniplon, find that evil shall w
Cfcrfro unopp sed.
(Continued from Pago 1.)
Entered nt tho postoffleo at Marsh
JLVsM, Oregon, for transmission
rCfcraugh tho mails as sccoud cl.m and also took a small box of strych
astxll matter. ' nine pills while visiting Dr. F. J.
Ilnvnu Kfitiirilnv itmttitmr Arrnrilltiir
' to tho Indications, he simply used the
One year $G.00 cyanide, the most dondly of poisons.
Per month f". 0 ( Dr. Hnyos testllled last evening
WKintliY. t,.,t ie i, st lnot stoner on tho
eM.ald;ir'lctVyn advance the llrenkwntor coining to Coos Uny
wirtrftcrlptlon prlco of the Coos Bay "uo"t December 1. After they nr
Yfmoe In $D.0O per year or $2.50 for lived hero, Stoner would occasionally
lr months. ,lrol, (0 nyes' offlio and lslt with
Address all communications to ! 1'1- On day when ho was up there,
COOS HAY DAII.Y TIMKS. Dr. Hayes was using tho cynnldo to
grsliflcld :;;:;: : Orecoi clonn goI( aml romrked how dendly
a poison It was. Stoner nppcared to
-SCRlll.KTIO.V FROM I ho only casually Interested and ro-
NWITZI.MI.AXI). maikod that ho had used It around
j mines. Tho matter was passed over.
rp 1112 United Stato bureau of oilu- ,nBt Saturday morning, Stoner vlslt-
canon seni one oi cue miuui- u(, tt0 w,c ,.. Hnycfl ,,,, t0
- visors of rural schools of Htop out nn(, oft stoner lIono , tho
So.uh Carolina to Switzerland for a ' 0,ncc ,t ImlHt ,mvu ,,ccn thcn t)l(lt
.three month's Investigation of rural ,0 ,,,,. tho Bnn vn, fl out of
do1 conditions, declares an ex- tl0 )Hrg(J botlIo ()f rynnldo nn(, ,
tbanKc. Ho has returned and report- to()k tho 8tim box of Htrychnlno
d to n conforenco of educators somo ,,, ,)r ,,nyc8 d(ln,t ,, thcm
Jarfs which nro worth notl.e by oilu- , Coronor wBOn CflC(1 h8 nt.
aitTs nnd rural school patrons In J tcntlon t(J ,t yo8tor(Iny.
toils country. , hQ0 Urown, who mndo n ehoml-
Jn Switzerland $500 Is considered CJ, innyB,H nf ,ho ,,, nmount o
a Kood salary for a teacher. After ,,, ,oft , tho vn pronounc0l,
z uioumo or BOrviCO MO may go as , I.-nVnnli!.i nf nntnimliiiii nn.l nl.n
n.t-. .. OAn i I. I.... i.. ,.i. ,....... ' " --- w
""'"s '" -"-"'" , pronounced tho pills to be strychnine
jbfch as 1800
ithnre than hero, however, and In ad
HlUon to his snlary ho Is furnished
dwelling, a certain amount of gar-
Dr. Housoworth, who performed
tho autopsy, said that there wcro In
ln land nnd wood for fuel. His ,.. ,lf l1on(Il llolntP ..,. liv,
ff !' '? 1KTnil,.y '," '!.? """I0 -vanldo poisoning, but that this
-toulldlng with tho school. Ills posl- ,.,. no, ,m ,,, ,,n,ftrmlnoil
without nn nnnlysls of tlie contents
nf (In flfntnnnli. Itnulrlort Hila lin unlit
schoolroom ho Is often hocretnry of th(U st()ncr hn(, ,ecn H1ffor from
Jinn Ih of considerable local Impor
Snnco. Asldo from his duties In the
She local cioumery association, lead
r of tho church, and geneial Intel
lectual guide of the loinmunlty.
IMlVImn a teacher Ih engaged for a po
sition It Is for life or a long term of
' yenra. Ho settles down with the poo
jOo whoso children ho teaches, and
'ti Ecnornlly expocls to mnku Hint par
tlular Job his llfo woik. And ho
jriuit. Chonges are rnre. Twclxe
mw toacherH In ono year In n sys
tem of "10 was considered eiy nn
nnnnl. In the Swiss cantons school Is In
smhaIoii from 8 to I In winter time,
with an Intermission of two hours nt
noon (three hoius for tho younger
children). In summer tho children
linvo to he at hcIioo! at 7:00 a. in. i
pneumonia and both lungs wcro In
such n condition that death might
hnvo been cnused by tho disease.
Tom Ilennet testllled nbout going
through Stoner's effects with Coro
ner Wilson. Mr. Ilennett tried to got
In (oniimiulcatlou with Mrs. Stoner
In Sonttlo to ascertain If Stoner was
a member of the Knights of Pythias
In good standing. Tho llndlug of n
lino K P chili in In his effects Indi
cated that ho had at least onto be
longed to the order.
Olllcer I Sboiipe nnd I).
Holdlmnn also testllled about Stoner
and told what he had told them
about himself when ho wan arrested
City Council Plans Precaution-
tional Move Against
The Marshfleld City Council last
ccnlug after listening to the lead
ing of the annual leport of City
Physician Mlngus Instructed the
Health Committee to take up the
matter of providing a placo of de
tention for contnglotis diseases. The
ropoit was pi luted In tho Times
Tho lccoinmendatlon of a boat
house for tho purposo met with
fnor. Hariy Winkler Raid thnt ho
thought that a placo of detention
was absolutely necessniy and thnt
In addition to protecting the health
of tho community, It would be n
saving for tho city In cuso a serious
contagious disease should bo dis
covered here. Ho Btnted thnt only
threo or four weeks ago, n man
sufforlng from smnllpox wnlkcd In
to n locnl physician's ofllco for
treatment. Tho stranger did not
know what ho was nffllctod with,
and tho phjslclan 'didn't know what
to do with him. Finally tho pa
tient said that he could go back to
his bont and did so. Mr. Winkler
said thnt something should bo done
nt onco to provldo means for cop
ing with tho danger.
Messrs. Albrccht nud Copplo ex
pressed similar views and bo did
Mayor Strnw. Tho latter stnted
thnt ho thought tho county would
pay part of tho expenso hecatiBo If
tho city did not take caro of these
contagious diseases, tho county
would hac to.
Finally tho matter Was referred
to the health committee to take it
up with Dr. Mliigus. Tho only ob
jection to tho bonthouso plan e
piessed wiih tho likelihood of it be
ing damaged and lobbed If toft Idle
for nwhllo or unattended.
Itoiitlue I'locec'dlng.
lllds on the printing of city no
tices ror tno ensuing enr woio op- would like to bcc Hall avenue hard
ened and road and referred to the purfaced to connect up tho hard
Plans Made for South Tenth
Street and Johnson Ave
nue; Other Projects.
Fuither plans for street Im
piovcinents weie taken up by tho
Moishfleld Clt Council last even
ing, two new piojccts being pre
paid! by City nnglnecr (lldley.
'Iho new piojccts punlde for South
Tenth sticet fiom Ingorsoll to near
the C. I. Kelgaul home, fiom wheie
tho Ho nobis lknelopment Company
will continuo It tluough their piop
oi tv to tho county road. The other
Is for Johnson Avcnuo, from Sec
ond street to Klovcnth Btieet.
City nnglneor Oldley stated that
the maximum grade on Tenth street
was IB per cent with n ten per
cent grnde south of Johnson. Tho
bildge rcnulrcd would bo twenty
seven feet high nt Its highest point
and tho deepest cut would bo only
ten feet. He Bald that tho grade
was practical as tho location was
such thnt loaded rigs could got In
on nn ensy grndo on Ingorsoll and
then come down hill on Tenth
A. Y. Mers of tho Hoyonlds De
velopment Compnny Bald they were
ready to continuo tho Improvement
as soon as tho rest of It was done.
On Johnson nvonue, tho maxl-
juiitn grade Is six (per cent until
near Eleventh, whore It is twelve
per cent for n short distance.
Tho nBSPsanicnt for tho roplnnk
Ing of Hnll nvenuo from Fourth
Btreet to Front street was tnndo
Inst night. Owing to tho plans call
ing for n sidewalk being built on
tho north sldo of tho street, tho
property owneis on that side will
have to pa n higher assessment.
Tho assessment, exclusive of Inter
section Is Jl.dfiTi per foot front on
the south Bide of' the street and
$2,225 per foot fi out on tho north
sldo of tho street.
Councilman Copplo said that he
for tho attack on Mrs. Hlauchflold,
i., ui, .... ,.y.,..i.. ....., r i Instructed
., ,, . , ,, , ,,, , i .ii '"'iii;i n uiiui tn in'iu niuiiti u ;
jwuiiiiu in nn iiiiiiiiiiieii ih line. . .. . .... , , , ..... l'miit i
... ,. , , , , com ileto outllt of barber too s, nd-1 on,lu
jMiur tho four years of elonientiuy ....... , , , , ... Iniin. m
. , , .. , , , iiiiniK no nun neon ii iiarner. ai
ttr,lngln thopilinaiyHchool p,e- luinil)op ((f ,, (. or Councllnin,, Albrecl.t was In
mriiiiiil rnr nvorvliiiilv. Iln clillil t ' ... . . ... . .., .
",','" liliuiks lllled out to permit entry on."" ",,L" "' u ,ll!" u improve
pniceed into HCl.oolH that a.o caro- mnli. jinnH n (mtn a.tlXQ,Illo ttlltlrr ,,y lmvnK .
Iliinuce committee
Cliairmtiii Ferguson of the fi
nance committee announced that F.
A. Golden had been engaged to
audit tho books of trio city lecoi ti
er and ilty trensuier.
Ifpon motion by Cm I Albrocht.
Street Commissioner I.awhorno was
to lmo Third and
streets cleaned regularly.
Market nvenuo,
Cully differentiated for the unions
typoH of chlldieu. Somo of the chil
dren outer upon a technical tialiiltig;
ml) urn aro sent through tho gymun--ilum
and utlmntely to tho unlvoislty
nnd ntlll otheiH aio piopaied for bus
lnoRH llfo or any other suitable car
.r:r, according to tho ability and np-
a number or letters of lutiodiictlon
to vai Ions people at vailous places.
The toioner's Juiy deliberated
quite a while before returning a
erdlct. Some of the Jurois lefused to
bring In a ordlct that ho had com
mitted fiiilclde by taking cyanide ns
tliov unlil (lilu . fiiil.l mil I...
Utudo of tho Individual boy or girl. ,',., , ' , ....
. . .. . ostabllslied without an ana yss of ho
stomach being made. Finally they
agreed to Insoit the word "appaient
ly" In tho erdlct making It read
that thcy had found that "A. Stoner
had come to IiIh death by suicide,
'nppaiently' Inning taken cyanide of
Tho coroner's Juiy consisted of (1.
Leltoy Hull. CIiiih. Itehfeld, Ford
Painter. O W. Mrlggs, A. II. Stuts
man and (ieorgo Dludlngcr.
Coroner Wilson stated that Mrs.
Stoner had Hist told him to have tho
body bulled ut the county's expenso
hut had later promised to wlro $80
to deft ay tho cost of burial. She had
not sent this amount last night.
trim Swiss idea seems to be that I
')io teacher tdiould ho pint of the
vommimltj with a stake and Intel out
"n Jt good nud aihauiement. Ho
uoniH to occupy somewhat the posi
tion of the country pastor. And In
this connection It Is leasoualile to
lisle: If an excellent and useful man
may bo retained year after year by
a country chinch at a eiy small sal-aa-j
why should not the community
fre able to secure and tetalii the
icrlcrs of nn able teacher In the
Mino fashion? It Is solely woith
AUhoiigh the pilccw for somo kinds
it fruit, notably apples, ero below
ttioso of foimor enrs. tho nop of
'191 was tho most valuable refolded
In Oregon. Tho yield of nearly all
lnds of fruits was laro and the
Tiuirliot nctle. Tho value of Oogon's
trull crop foi a number of joins Is as
tisov ,i,4r(r.,ioo
100 2.41 3. noo
19'R 3. 260,000
110 8,i5il2,ROO
1911 1.(554,000
1912 T.107,000
I'OSTOKIMCK 1111,1,.
Ilmiso lteJeiU AiiieiiiliiiinK AipiiiUIiik
Tuft's Older.
IH AuaiUlwl I'm In j Mr TIium )
AYASIIlXfiTON J.ifci. ll.-The
t-ulloin nmendiiK ut io the pototllco
Alipropiiutlun bill aiiuulllng the ex
ecutive orderr.w liti h plucod nuls
tniit pottmubtiiK ud ileiks of tho
tlnst and o oiul Intig oltlceg and post
uiasters of f , . i h i l.ih under c Iv II
-nKu was h io ted l) the House
inls by a vote it 111 to IOC.
lug driven
Protests about tho dumping of
tin cans nnd other garbage uonr
Second nnd Klrod weie. mndo. The
stieet clennlng department wns In
structed to dump tho refuse thoie
to piotect tho embankment, but tho
other garbage men hnvo been
dumping all kinds of Junk. Then
will bo notlllod to stop and will
bo piospcuted If they do not.
Mayor Straw Instiucted Maisbal
Cutter to seo that all the licenses
nro pnld In. Hecorder llutler 10
ported that Wllley & Schroeder nnd
tho Coos Hoy Wiring Company had
overlooked tho fact thnt their old
licenses had oxplred.
The council adjoin nod to meet
January 27.
surface paving. Kiigiuccr (lldley
said that thoie was no dirt uonr
with which to make tho fill nud
thnt It could not ho done leasona
bly now.
Declination of Intention to le
I u 1 Id the South Seventh streot
bridge was made. The ostltuntod
cost Is $18i"i0. This was storied
somo time ago, hut nn advance In
the pilco of lumber mndo It more
costly nud tho council had to start
all over again.
Mbby COAL. Tno Kind YOU Imve
MAVAYfl USUI). Phono 72. Puclfk
jLivcry nnd Truusfer Company.
iiaimioai) m:vi:.ri: ii:em:.Ki:
Coming In Oivgn Show railing
OH in vuv Just Pah.
SAI.H.M. Jan. 1 1 While tho
taxes on tho lnilioad Hues in
Oregon Increased appioxlniatoly 30
per cent lust oar, the freight t infill-
In Oi okoii showed a uiatoilol de-cu-aso
and not opoiatlng revonues
wore iiinio than n million dollais
lex than duilng tho piocodiiiK .voar.
ac ecu ding to tho annual mpoit of
the stato railroad roniinlhslou.
wliU b has Jut-t been completod.
Tho lepoit shows that there mo
lOiHt.Oi mllos of lallrnad In opoia
tiou lu the state, from which the
total operating rovonuos for tho
onr woio $20,317,010.71, and tho
operating oxpoiiieii wen- $10.3S0.
370 20, iPivlnit a not operating rev
enuo of $0.901,270. IS. The not op
erating levenuo for tho preceding
ear was $11,121,715.03.
The ton miles decioase In the
f i eight tiattlc showed a decrease
for the jour of 13.000.000 tons
The 1912 taxes paid by tho mll
loads In Oregon amounted to $2.
01 1.082 91. as against $1,007.49 17
pnld In 1911.
Alti: SK.VP
l' .1.11 fi.
IVlegrnpli Fiaiul
'1'Iiich- in Pilson.
XIJ WYOUK, Jan. 1 1. Tlneo
wlieless tolegiaph promoters woio
sentenced by Federal Judgo Hunt.
Cainoron Spoar, one of tho pionio
tors of the United Wlieless Tele
graph Compnny. was given flvo
jcars In prison nnd fined $2000.
Archlo Collins nnd Chnrlcs Vaughn
nuie Kiveu iiirco nun ,iwo ami n
half eais respectively. Tho tilo
were convicted of using the malls
to dofiaud.
t.i,m:st WOM.W 1)1 r.s.
QUIXCY, 111.. Jan. 14. Mis. Ulla
living. S feet 4 inches In height.
Is dead. Known as tho tallest wo
man In tho woild. she travclod with
a circus enis ago, fln.UI letlrlng
to a niagiilflccnt country homo with
all tho fin nihil o built acconling to
her size
oukoo.v scuooii i:xnoi,i,Mi:vr
Knrollmout in tho public schools
In Oregon has tdiown considerable
gain every yoar. In 1900 theio wero
S9.105 pupiu reglstoied. while In tho
past ear theio were 130, 2CS.
spkciaij 3iiimvi:i:k tai n
sl.i: at I.I'.WIS' WKDMSDVY.
Fifteen cents a pound.
We aie running our MIIMVITK
now nt i.Hwis' coFi:cno..
i:v. taffy m ci:.vrs porxn
IiicI.miii County Postolllie Looted by
KobbeiN Kccc-utly.
MCDFOltD. Ore., Jan. 1 1. The
llfth postolllco robbory In tho past
two weeks occurred at Rogue Hlvor,
whon thieves entered tho postolllco
by means of skeleton keys and se
cured several dollais In pennies.
Thoy also broke Into tho Southern
Paclllc depot, securing four dollais
fiom tho cash till. Hntoilng Mur
ray's Jowelry storo thoy stolo four
gold watches, n gold chain and stick
pin. Forcing nn ontrnnco Into tho
city recoider's olllce, thoy oponod tho
desk, but Bocured nothing. Thoy ran
sacked McClaln's lundwaio storo, but
nppaiontly took nothing, llroakliig
Into tho railroad shed thoy stole n
"speeder" and made a get-n-wny, aB
thoy did two nights hoforo at Gold
Postolllcea at Medfoul, i:agloPolnt.
Tnlont, Gold Hill nnd Roguo IUver
hnvo now boon robbed of stamps and
pennies and theso threaten n Bhort
ngo of pounles In tho valley. Doth
at Cold Hill and Roguo River largo
quantities of Btnmps woro handled
by tho robbers, but left untouched.
Tho men woro Been at Roguo
Rlvor and a good descilptlon secured.
Thoio are two of ehtm, ono 5 feet ,9
Inches, smooth shaven, thin, long
face, sallow complexion, llko n dopo
llend. walks with n slight limp. Tho
other Is jivo feet, six Inches, thick
set, wolghs 100 pounds, prominent
uppor lip,
Tho mon woik with false koys,
chihols and slabs cuttors. Thoy mnko
no noise, nnd do not blow safos.
The havo rallio.ul bwltch Keys.
Port of Coos Bay Defers Auc
tion of $300,000 in Se
curities Until Tonight.
Tho Port of Coos Hay Commission
this morning after a hi let bossIoii,
adjourned until 7:30 tonight whon
thoy will auction off tho $300,000 In
suo of 2."-ycar llvo per cent bonds
to the bond buyers now bore. Action
was defcnccl this inoinlng on ac
count or Mr. Fitzgerald of tho Flist
National Hank of Clov eland being
unablo to got a rcspoiiBO to his tolc
grani for now Instructions.
This morning the Port Commission
decided to i eject all bids and nslc
now ones nt onco fiom tho bond by
ors but when tho delay was neces
sitated by Mr. FIt7gerald's telegram
being delayed In transit, he was re
quired to enter his bid nnd ccrtl
lied chock for $ in, 000. Tho othor
checks wcro returned.
About tho only dlrforenco between
the two high bids, thoso of tho First
National Unnk of Clovelnnd nnd tho
Spitzor, Rorlck Compnny of Toledo,
was ono per cent on tho delayed pay
ment of nbout $1.15,000, tho First
National offering four per cont and
tho latter thrco per cont.
With tho new bids at tho auction,
It would not bo surprising to sco
tho price of tho bonds ndvancod n lit
tle bit, making tliom 5 l-3por cont
securities Instoad of about 5 3-8 por
cent ns tho bids of yesterday mado
thorn stand.
Ono buyer at Roseburg, who wns
oxpoelod to como In yestordny, last
night telephoned, and when ho found
out tho bids that had been mndo
sold ho would not como ns ho could
not bid that high.
Allen Frake. who Is hero rc-pio-sontlng
C. W. McXenr nud Company
of Chicago waH on tho Hay a fovv
yeaiH ago when his llrni. then Wood
In. McXoar ft Moore, bought tho
$".1,000 Issue oflho Morshlloli! muni
cipal bonds.
Tho First Nation Hank Informed
tho Port of Coos Hay Commission
I hat it would piobably bo ablo to pay
three or four per cent Intorost on uny
considerable balance that tho Poit
Commission may cany bore, nftor
the salo of tho bonds until tho money
is oxpondod. It will ho Homo Uttlo
tlnio after tho bonds nro sold bcfoio
tho inonoy Is all paid nut and tho
ominission wanted to know about
Coos Bay Water r.n J
lls ?iosis..."
jijf miuiiuaie."
Acting City Attoincv w, tw.iiru.i .1 q,l
'"" -' " mo Coci
Water Conipanj throuch it.
nojs hnvo filed nn nnm .
complaint that the city o( !
Hold Iiiih inndii in n... n.
, " , , u "ffgoai vwiiiiinuuiuii ailOUt th(
mill Iniiiliiiiiiiiln ... ...... . '
. ,,..:..:. '., Bunici
""' ' "" iuinwi-1 iienM
charges of tin. ..ik i. .
by sovornl lnwycis retained J
water company, the nniiie. m
Minor nnd Wlnfiees otn Va
Cllllnell ,if Pnfllnn.l n...i . .
- " "" " "llll J. fl'l
lieu npponrinir on It.
in tno nnsvvor It Is 8ta
uiu vuiiipiiiiy inn not put I,
mriy iiyiiruntB ordered bj
council bccniiso tho city it
Bpoclfy fchb ninoiint to L pi(
ino servico nnd also bccao
uAiuutiiuiiH nun mains were orb
wnoro thero woro few rcaldenUi
tho Inconio would bo small, i
runner stated that tho nattr r
ply In Mnrnhflold Is ";
ndequnto, Biilllcloiit and nafe,"
It Is expected that the
Railroad Conimlsslon will orittl
hearing vory soon. Wliethen
wiu-rioirr-tho hearing In Mini;!
or nt Snlom lins not been
nouncod, but If thoy folio wtht;l
cectont of tho Wisconsin cotmslil
thoy will como to Mnrsliflelt
i:.pi:(-n:i) many amiins
AVIIili to TiineoJ
Opening of tho Pnnnnm Ctcd
i:K-ctc-cl to Sec ll.g Inflii
of Htiropcaui,
WASIIfXGTOX, .Inn H.-ffsl
Kient army of uiulcrpnld, t:j
educated and largel utiderlrj
mlgrnuts from the south of Erl
laud on tho Pacific Coast cl .
United States Immediately
the opening of tho Panama Cl
Tho federal bureau of Irnc
Hon has not mndo any ap
vostlgatlou of tho question alita
the olllclala of the bureau i!:
thnt tho Htundnrd of living oil
workeis In California, Orejcn
Wushliigtou is threatened by tier
rival of theso pcoplo In anr i
Analysis of figures from tttr.J
rent ropoit of tho bureau,
or, bIiowh thnt for tho car ni
Retting Intorost on it ns tbov win i,n
IWII.I.... I.. ... .. ' "," I '
...y...!, ..nn. on tno bonds thnt Juno 30, 1912, tho lmnilgrtlci
r sed ho amount. Rorlck ' this country fiom Austria , I
.... ..imiijr wiiiutMi io carry tho
Imliinio In their bank In Toledo, but
they did not offer any Interest on It
nd tho Port Conimlsslon decldod
they would rnthor hnvo It In the
homo Institutions.
Havo You Tiled Our
Xeh tells how ho did It" "j y two 8?rl"tlo-
:; -"'" uiy uiiu cougn nnd
tho doctor s medicines im (...
S,h."l0M??, -CK'fcW ,r -. l1o u. an oidcr for
one 25o hottlo of T w" "VY '"?. I ono l,0",ul t0y.
ouo 25o hottlo of Toleys Honor V"' ' "' ,"""J'
and Tar Compound." Xo oJK. 00S IIAY '''. COrrni: AXI)
Sold by Lockhart & Parsons, tho1 SPICK 1IOUS1J
Dusy Corner.
so.mi: .motion Pi(-irui:.s.
Fnltccl States Hvport,.,! ,o(io .Miles
of Reels 4,m y,.m.t
WASHIXC.TON, Jan. 1 l.-i:iovon
...uiiB nines ,,f motion picture
fllm. $30,000,000 .voith of auto
mobiles. $1,000,000 worth of tele
phones nnd moio than $100,000
worth of noroplnnea woro nmong
tho cxpoits from tho United Stntes
In tho enr Just ended. Tho Uni
ted States is tho world's largest
pioducor of motion plctuio film,
nnd tho quantity oxpoited during
tho jonr nggiegntes nioro thnn C0.-
vw.uuu leoi, approximately 11,000
"Hies, or enough to stretch from
Now York to Manila.
To liar Hanquct crFTMcKnlght,
Arthur Peck nnd Tom Ronnett woro
nmong the Coos liny men leaving
his afternoon to attend tho annual
banquet of tho Coos County liar As
Boclatlon at Myrtlo Point, tonight.
Is a eurablo disease, which rooulres
nT ir.!1.4:, .T!!? .11"' treatment
i ,i " " afoiuo conndenco.
It debtroys all deslro for whlskov
heor, or other intoxicants. cn bo
nenZ '" x!f 'n,e' ,No,8n'trIum ex
Can l',n u JSS 0f !,mo " Work,
tan bo given secretly, if aftor a
rial you fail to got any benellt from
onniMPr,monoy w,u b0 '""ded
ORRINh Is prepared In two forms:
nl:.,5T' trontment, a powder;
ORRIM: No. 2, in pill form, for
those who deslro to tako voluntary
roatmont. Costs only $1.00 n box.
Como In and talk ovor n,n ,,.:
ICir UOOUIet. Owl nln In n.o T.t.. nn,l AD'
....... ... UIW.T.U, tlUIJ
xoTicn to doo owxeJ
All owners of dogs ltW
city of Mnrshflold, Coos w
Orocnn. nrn imrnln, nnHfltd
tho nnnunl llnonnn nn ilOBS t08".
paid to tho City Recorder on '
foro January 31, 1913. If m "
noforo that dnto penalty fflU
t tit nlDT-rR.
with us.
5'i' nw nviv,1 PrescilptIou Phnrmacv. i?i q
W. H. Chanman of wmni.i. I l "o 7 1-J. Note that wnr,i ,.,.Q"!
i . .. - ki-i i ill inn -
S'. I, from lluiigmy 93,058, tl
Italy, Including Sicily nnd SirfJ
In, ir.7,13 1, from tho Itutslin
plro nud Finland, 102,395,
Gieeco 29,149, from llnlRarli, !
via and .Montcneirro 4447. ti
Rouninnln 1997, from Turlff
Huropo 1 1,481, Turkoy In Ailttl
7SS, from Spain 0327, and
Portugal, 10,230 In contrail
this total of G72.130 comlafM
tho countries whoro tho W8JM'
living standards nro low, Istti"
port of only 27,788 from thew
Gorman empire, 8C28 from rmi
8075 from Norvvny and S3.0STI
tho United Kingdom. Tho
Huropenn Immigration for tb. 3
wns 718,857, nud tho grand
from nil continents 838,172.
Skilled laborors admitted to
United tSntes during tho )tuv-
bored 127,010, whllo there
nlso landed 184. 1G4 farm UW
135.720 rnmmnn laborers. ltUl
Borvnnts and 231,070, Including
mon nnd childron, who had W
clnl occupation.
Now York Btnto was the M
tion of 239,275 oi these Pl
whllo PonnBvlvnnln recelveu "l
C25 nnd MnssaclniBOtts 70.171. Cj
fomla got 28.905. Oregon
nnd "Washington 11,882, M,!'
thoso coming to tho Pacific i
woro Aslntics.
Whon stoornco tlckots to
Francisco, Portland nnd Seatfo1
bo sold In tlm Mediterranean1
Ilalkan countries for $0 mo"
tho nresnnt rnJn in Now 01
Immlcratlon noipinitj here "
thnt tho Pacific Coast wl"
.. .... ,... i il.le B'
"nun oi mo iininigiuoi ,
flowiiiL' in Vow Vnrk. M!5,t
BeHs. Penntivlvnnln nnil NOW Je
Tlfik-ofn tnt. iicn nn nlnnnierS "
run thrnuirli Mm rnnnl are WW'
bo now on salo on tho Instsllc'l
nioiip :ii.j MAitsiinnra), or.
City Mf,iJl
... IV. l.tlll,r .