w (M IMS DAY HUES, WAilSHflELO, MEM, iiiiV, JUIUMV IS, HMMHHK mM, IS ABOUT IIU'S CASE The Parcel Post HOB STANLEY. ,No longor Will Audio bo liohl mi liv lml.1l.. i, !...... Bllken dress. Sho's Kot a rnnv system, i .Ji.i . ' ".."''" lrr,n until 1 1117 llnw I.,, .A, c.r .. . ."' """ U CIlIl IW1BI " n." . "? . " "' A'ivnn. fMO HUI1UH for II ll.iniw.f will. if liv rnrii .i ii .mill r.M.i.. i .. . ... - vw .. nit " ."' '. ...I... inut'l IIUIIHL-. illl. .IWIn.l ni .Irnod, ll.1 (Ir.lHU.IM. Il.r ulwtblturu It. I . . . . . . ..wu.unun .1 w. ..... ii.uniiiHni iil'i nuiii.M mill ii... iii.i r.. "i tiini utii iiiuiiNii ni n now Sh 11(1011 for for hor Jowoln, mid pnpor lonownls ihii n.itii ,., tincil 01'' 'l'"15 3IAC f lSl AXHWKHS TIIK I19MS uv"" .".. U3' ..IITV'l'V CON- OF C'UHU " kON'B. ItimMli in receipt of a lot iT,m.Cl,.r11i.rn which give I AM lltTUMV "' Ldly iWomt view or if ii.n nnuuiu " P.'., r..rrv county with tho T estate than wnB ijlvo.i by I'. ... i., n.i Intorvluw nor" Knorr . ".., ,.. r in Mr. n"" D "" ,Utfd that the MncUiiy .j n.60 a ton wliurfiiso derburn when It should lmvo that the cnorgo was . Orford. .r. Li thli In Btnlemoni m u. Tho following m i "- fora Wcddcrhum. uer N. A. Leach of tho , P.tato Co.. In nu Intervlow L Times correspondent hero aji that ho Is very nuicii .i tho statements mnuu Knorr to a Times roportor Lhfleld, December 31. Mr. iiU. 'tho Gold Hooch poopio cd at tho Macluny Kstnto ksMthey arc charging ?l'r,0 whirfago for every ton 01 Itliit goes over tho Weddor- lirf.' Tho facts In tno enso Miclcay Kstnto Co. lias Ihirjcd tho mcrcWnnta of h (Mr. Knorr Included), It of wharfage. Thoy not ladled Mr. Ktiorr's freight charge, but advanced hla Inonfr. Tno Anvu was In Portland to mnko n lailrely for tho Macleny IC- bat a tho morchnuts of Beh wero badly In need of ot all kinds, they coiiBont How tho various niurchnntfl ii hilt of the cargo. Mr, Id not go to a cent of ox miking tho arrangements kr the Anvil, and ho Hhould It a favor to lmvo lna IcUmed at a tlmo llko Hits Ii almoit Impossible to khtndlie In at all. A3 to iH charges, ho paid oxact- ne rato as tho Marlon o., it all tho dealorB slmr- lio (ir as the freight rnto :ereeJ. iKnorr further BtateB, 'Tho ft Cold Beach anJt Curry ire generally opposod to Rogue river to Bolnlng.' oent la this connection Ib crroneoui as about tho ' o4 freight chargos. Mr. i been a resident of Curry st a month. If ho would lr the county a llttlo or home papers, tho Port nwne and Gold noneli o editors woro both Curry county and havo IflTflfd OVOr nvnrv uni-t CU ?. he would Vnnu- inn,,, sentiment of tin. Mi HCtlon. Outsldo of ' We, a good portion inierested In non-resl 3 tompanles, tho people "v lavor opening tho Mining. Mr. Leach we Jlieln.iv Va.n. ,.. WW IUO.000 hnr ...' Jtl nd development inthiilat the Hume tt It Roguo river Ik V We nlnnnln. .!. u,.i, ; ""b uuier -wei and Imnrnv... a . --- ' "a two 1 h ,i. i. . ..uitll- i .. thy "pect to Sho Bi-iidH for hor pmvdor, hor ponrllB, and diowdor, and buy KooiIb eVrywhoro. And, whon thoy'ro ilollvorotl, not broke ii o Hho'B not nindo nn iiiiwIIIIiik IiohI or aniiuy yoiiiiK Tollow In br yullow. Sho UBUH tho now nnicol iiohI. OH, goon uncio aaniiny, with hiiiIIo that Ih bnminv wn drink vnn ii?. luinrtv tcmHt. In II, lu l..ui .,,l...... ..." ....!."' y,Q Ur,nlc. y" nnM.1 ml "" UU,,K y"" WUr ClOVOr tho om. ribbons card W f 1 1 n a onu wrncH ior tno int for her lialr. b lior now or Bllvored. braid goldon a loiiK, honrty tonBt. In lloro'B ono to your now parcel post. IIANDO.V .IKI V JAN(li:il. o Itlvcr ClmniicI nt Mouth of Cixni May Ito Chunked. Tho Hiuidon Hocordor Bays: "UnluHH Homotlilug Ib ilouo quickly thoro Ib grout dnngor or the broaltorii of tho I'liclllc wiibIiIuk through on tho north hI1o of tho north Jotty mid nutting a now olinnnol ut tho tnoiitli of tlio Coqulllo river that will gront ly obBtruct nnvlgatlon. For tho piiHt two youra tho boacli nt HiIh place lutH been gradually chmigltiK hb tho broakorH boat ngnlnst It utid Hlowly but Biiroly wiiBhod tho Blind nnd drift away until now with n big tide mid rough boh thoro Ib danger that tho wntor will wnah clear ovor mid Btrlko tho river channel to the north nnd cnBt of tho light limine, In fact this haB already occurred on tho big tldeB or tho inornlngB of Jnnunry lat anil and, and a few inoro bucIi HtorniH muy mid In nil probability will lmvo the effect or cutting through bo that the chnntiol will ho pnrtlally changed, nt least, nnd tlniB lower tho water on tho bar to an ox tent that It will greatly hamper ship ping rncllltloB. "Tho ono thing to do Ib to build n wing from tho north Jotty, extend ing northward about 100 or 1(50 yanlB, tlnm checking tho forco of tho brcakerH." NOTIOU. Commencing Tuesday, Docombor 24, tho Marahflold-Emplro nuto will loavo Marsliflold at 9:30 a. m. and 4:00 p. m. for Emplro, Times' Want Ada brlnr result. Marshfield Business College The School of Success KAMMERER SAYS: WHOSH MOTTO IS AD OMNIA PARATUS Which uicaun prepared for erorytlilui;, Ara yua prepared? If you tiro, you can nt least audit a net of books, vtrllo lcgi 1)U Hliorllinnd rapidly aud uklllfnlly uno n lypowrltcr. You nro n good poumau, rapid unil nccurato nt fUiurc; you CJin vrrllo a tclllug, buHlneM-guttliij; letter In good Knglbih. Ton knor lion to um n IlMrronclm wddliiu machine, n vfrltcniroKi, iiiultignipli or ucostylo. Ton (vui ojiernto a lotter copying proBH, n filing nnd Indexing cabinet. You undcrHtiiud tho die tajihono, tho tabulator, adding', Hiibtrnctlng, billing typorfiitcr mid other modoni offlco appllancen lint multiply n busy innii'r) t J mo, iKwrr and efficiency. Yon can mnko ont chocks, hoIch, dniftH, decdn, mortgages, Ileus, jwirfcr of attorney, bill of sale. You enn wrlto an ngreomciit that will hold, etc., etc. If yon can not do moHt of these things, nil of which will bo taught in both our day nnd night school, your hopo to win is unfair to yoMrsclf, It Is tlio inoNt cxpcuslTO hopo you could possibly entertain, nnd It will keep you hopelessly lash ed to inctliocrlty for years. No nuitter bow much you bank on rainbows mid wait for somo farorablo brcco to waft you to harbor, orcry trained boy and girl will draw rings around you ns thoy pass yon on tho rond, UNLESS YOU IIIEIARK. For particulars wrlto tlio College, tompornry headquarters, Ctiaudlcr Hotel. "Your'e a 'sucker if you don't take advantage of this grand opportunity." $22.50 to $25100 Suits for $16.75 can you bout it? A lino of high grade cloth ing as nice as was over sold over a counter. The prices were right, too. Collegian Clothes arc standard the world over in fit, stylo, workmanship and finish you can't heat themand think of it! Your selection of any .$22..r,0 to $25.00 suit for ' $16.75 OWM KhVAVI --Xft V MM Fisher Auto Service Wm. Fisher, Proprietor. Phono orders to Illllyor'a Cigar Stand, Phone 18-J. Aftor 11 p. m. phono C-J. Night phono 181-R. Mnrahflold. Oreaon. WANTED ! ! ! CARPETS UPHOLSTERING AND PIANOS TO OTjKAN, by the Pneu. matte Cleaning Company. Orders for work taken at GOING & IIAUVKY, Phono 10(1 New and Second Hand Furniture sold on tho Installment plan. HARRINGTON, l)OTM5 CO., .102 FroMt St. Phono 34U-L Marshfield, Or. T. J. SOAIFB nODGINS jjjjjA. n. Marshfield Paint City Auto Service Hood Cars, Careful Drlrors and reasonablo charges. Our motto: "Will go anywhere at any time." Stands Blanco Hotol and Blanco Cigar Store. Day Phones 78 and 4$ Night Phone 46. nARKFR GOnnAMt DMWtrlfttor. their "o rental dlr. Mr, w, " expen8e' the l,U tO the Pnvnr DV1WII1IIII1III As to tho Leaph en r. 1nt hM ,,;" ' 6000 to 8000 JT trac,a M - rry county i S 11 thai id.. " as Mr ree. i.i. "..H,B ,trot' driver,- 8 SL! ."S jj, r-ir it S 5ww , -.. phone MSfl W.008 County, ionrned h 1. .. fuer On ii. i. ite S.i, 0i pa,d pensI,y lli le ' . 0AUrr, nn Ml tribal. riiinTT: .... "lliln' .""U, rent " Want i 2b Decorating Co. Furnished. FUmtc PIiobo 14,' -L. Oregoc MAnanrnsLD, You Auto Call Foote PHONE 1J4-J NIGHT AND DAY Stand front of lllnnco IUlllonl Parlor TWO NEW OARS After 11 P. M. Phone &J. Residence Phono 8-J Careful Drlvcrw : Good Cars. I Overcoats, Cravenettes, Slip-Ons'and Rain-Proof Clothing, AH Reduced A $25.00 Black Overcoat, GO-inch long, with convertible collar, for. .$19.50 $20.00 English Slip-On for 7. ' . t5 75 $15.00 English Slip-On for " $1150 $3.50 Gold Seal Oil Coats, full length, for $2.80 $3.00 Gold Seal Oil Coats, three-quarter length, for $2.G0 $2.50 Gold Seal Oil Jackets for $1.95 $0.50 Goodyear Snag Proof Rubber Boots, full length $5.25 $5.50 Goodyear Hunting Boot, light weight and full length $4.25 $1.50 TO $2.00 CLUETT SHIRTS, $1.15 These prices may seem ridiculously low, and they are; you would possi bly be led to believe that I was trying to pawn off a lot of old junk and taking this advantage of making sensational announcements through the papers. Not so. A trip to my store will convince you that every promise I have made is true and that nothing but the very 'best of merchandise is offered to your advantage. I will offer anjona One Hundred Dollars in Casli that will find an article marked in excess of the former price. Take advantage. Yours anxious to please, ' "r !' THE TOGGERY PROFESSIONAL BIRECTORY J. M. WRIGHT, CONTRACTOR AND nUILUMR Estimates furnished on request. Plana and specifications furnlshod If deelred. An honest job suaran toed. Phone 124-R. We Clean and Press Ladies' and Gent's Suits Goods Called for and Delivered Coos Bay Steam Laundry PHONE MAIN S7-J Marahfleld. Oregon. Unique Pantatorium TIIK MODERN DYEM. OUBANERS, PRESSORS and HAT ItkiNOVATORS Agent fer Edward H. fltraue A Co., Fine Tailorla;. Let na mako yonr next amlt. SBb CENTRAL. Phoae 2S00C OLIVIA BDMAII, Merfiaao-Theraaiat Scleatlflc Swedish Massage, Medic Oynaatlos 828 fl. tlxtli St, riieae 305-11. ORL OtTLINB, 41t i. Sixth Street. TC J , Plane Tuor ad ReyMdrer. Pkone 103-L PERJi nnJDT KALLINGBR Piamlat aad Teacher Realdonce-BtndU, 837 80. Broadway Phoae 1I-L. WM. S. TURPKN, ARGDITBOT Marahfleld, Oregon. ISi Star Transfer and Storage Co. to prepared to do all kinds of haullnj Vt!ort not,co. W6 meet all tTalns and boats and wo also have the latest stylo Reynolds Piano Morer. W guarantee our work. L. H. Heisner, P PhoneB 98-R. 12O-J rop. Q.T POU A GOOD WAT II OR FIXJ1 JEWELRY . C. BARKER P . . JEWELER Inh And Jewelry Repairing. 200 Front St., Marahfleld. First Class Weaving promptly done nt Gardiner's Rag Carpet Factory Cor. Union and Montana Street. Phone 131. North Bend, Or. WHEN YOU WANT A MESSEN GER HOY Something awnl for or delivered P II O N li 1W-L and we'll do It. Charges reason, ablo. OTfAR ORAN1W. DR. W. MORROW, Deattet 171 Grlaaes Badldlag, ever Grand Theater. OIBc Phone SSO. w.- CHANDLER, Architect, Rooms 881 aad 8031, Coko Building Marahfleld, Oregon. D NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. Notice !b heroby given that the underBlRned has filed hla final ac count In tho mattor ot tho estate of John Hllbnkn, deceased; that tho County Court has set Monday, tho third day of February, 1013, at 10 o'clock n. m. of said day at tho Court House in Coquillo City, Coos county, Orogofo, as tho time and placo for tho hoaring of objec tions to said final account and the Bottlomont thereof. FRED HOLM, Administrator of tho estate of John Hilbaka, deceased. (First publication Dec. 16, 1918; last publication Jan. 13, 1913.) U, A. J. HENDRY'S Modem Dental Parlors. We aro equipped to do high class work en short notice at the very loweet prices. Examination free. Lady attendant. Coke Bldfc., Opp. Chandler Hotel, phone llf-J. REAL ESTATE, INSUR ANCE ANQ RENTALS Some floe bargains In Real Es tate. Houses and rooms for rent AUG. FRIZBEN. 68 Central Avenue. Send a Check Doa't ran around pnylag yonr bills In currency nhsn you can Just ns well scud a check. No trouble nboat making chango nkou yoM pay fcy check. No dispute con ever ar!o About n payment made by check., The bank, after caablng It, hands It bnelc to yea, making oa andlnputnble receipt. No danger of losing money, or being robbed of It when yon put It in tho bank nnd pay by check. Less temptation to spend It if it's in the bunk lastend of In yonr pocket. You're money nhcad nmllenve, worry behlud wliau you have n checking account nt the Tne First National Bank Of Coos Bay R. J. MONTGOMERY Real Estate and Insurance 244 North Front Street. FLANAGAN & BENNETT BANK Capital and Surplus $100,000 Oldest Bank in Coos County Interest Paid on Time Deposits. GET YOUR JOB PRINTING DONE AT THE TIMES' OFFICE.