The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, January 13, 1913, EVENING EDITION, Page 2, Image 2

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    V W jW-Twrv nn.jw.
St O. JIAI.ONKY Kdltor nnd Till).
BAN K. MAI.ONKV News Kdllor
Official I'nper of Coos County.
Dedicated to tho servlco of the
poo$tc, that no good catiso Bhall lack
a eJmmplon, and that evil shall w.
thrive unopp iscd.
'Watered at tho postofflco at Manh
CleW, Oregon, for transmission
C&raugh tho malls as second cl;m
mall matter.
One year $C.(0
Por month r.O
One year $ 1.50
When paid strictly liradvanco Hie
Kutoscrlptlon price of the Coos Cay
Times Is $G.OO por year or $2.50 for
olx mouths.
Address all communications to
Mnrshffcld :: :: :: : Orcfio.i
! coos m times;
family of relations Is nntlclpa
lod for 1913. Norway, It Is re
ported, Is not unlikely to heroine a
Tho rumor surprises no one who Is
acquiuiltod with tho Norwegians, with
Kbclilstory of tho pcoplo and with tho
courao of events since Norway de
clared Its total Independence of Swe
den. Tho Norsomnu Is ono of the most
democratic men In the world. Thy
Norwegian kingdom of the mlddlo
ncra orlRlnatod from tho forcod coa
lescence of a considerable numhor of urnctlcnlly wore domocrncles un
tJcr n liorodltary head. The Norse In
Itrolnnd maintained a republic for
raisirly fiOO years. Tho Norwegians
lln 81)05, when they rut loose from
ISwcdnn, wIbIiciI to heroine a repub
lic nnd accepted Haakon of Denmark,
brother of the present sovereign, as
IIng only because Emperor William
of nonnitny and his fellow kings bul
Slod them Into having a royal figure
head. Tho pcoplo squared themselves
JSKulnst European royalty as well as
thoy could by leaving King Haakon
only the shadow of kingly authority
arid keeping the substance of powor
In the national legislature and the
prnmlor In the cabinet. Thojtlng
Strnv; net-opted the situation with good
-.Krnco and adjusted himself pretty
One of America's Largest
Advertisers Pays Tribute
to Its Advertisements.
George RoMior. mannger of thu
Woolen Mill Store, recently sent u
numhor of copies of the Times con
taining the ndvortlrements of the
Woolen Mill Store to Hart Sehaff- Mnrshlleld today, lie said his visit
ner & Marx In Chicago. This firm i here was simply to look after tho '
i it lining inu mmi-Bi mnuiunui.i m
tho world. In addition to their tro-
tntJtulotiB nntlonat rumnalcu, tliclr
Ml I I
f '
J. M. Eddv Simolv Lookinn ' ET.KaMtAin
j lid, cplte of old sorrow nnd older slnnlnn
After wnsey Norm bsna
' Property.
And ruKKlps forecasted nnd posalblo pain,
Tko heart witli me uny unu dcrhi iipum.
.1. M. Eddy, personal representative
or uie syndicate Headed by w. .1. Wil- -Twinkle! twinkle! little star!"
sey, who nns noon ill iortu iiena to, n.a MPt u,i. and lo!
look after Interests there, was In Wny above the earth so far
The stars u-twinkllng go.
A. Y. Myers.
large amount of North Uend property
which the company acquired a year
ago. He said it hud no railroad Big-;
road news.
U Is understood that Mr. Kddy is
figuring on tho cost of tho proposed
municipal Improvements In North
Uend so far as It will, affect the
nA A n f .. . .. ' "
uu,inru worm 01 property tnoy
bought from tho Simpson Lumhor
reasonably to tho democracy of his
srovorelgn subjects. Hut Queen Maud, seen lit tho best newspaper olllcos In
OniiKbter of the late King Edward of " "niniry. 1110 fact tnnt theso ox
England, has not enjoyed the royal
special representatives In nil tho nlllcnnce. Ho didn't know nny rail
loading cities in tno Limed states
uro among the lnrgost advertisers
In their respective localities, and
copies of the newspnpors from all
tho leading cities of the country,
containing these advertisements, nro
sent to the Chicago olllco. They
maintain n largo advertising de
partment in charge of high salaried
exports, who are retained for the
purpose of criticising nnd by helpful
suggestion increase tho effectiveness
and efficiency of the publicity de
partment. In sending copies of the Times,
Mr. Rotnor requested them to criti
cise the nds, both In appearance and
subject matter, nnd also make sug
gestions for their Improvement In
nny way. Tho following Is u copy
of their nnswor nnd acknowledge
ment: "Tho Woolen 'Mills Store,
Mnrshlleld, Oregon.
"We hnvo received the Coob Ttny
Times, which you sent us under re
cent ditto. YOU It ADVERTISE
PIECES OK l'URMdTV and wo nro
glad to sec that you aro doing this
kind of work. THE TIMES IS GIV
"Yours truly,
"Hart Schaffnor & Mnrx."
It lit n splendid compliment to n
country dally newspaper, printed SO
miles from u railway, when ono of
the leading nnd lnrgost advertisers
In the United States says that tho
"sorvlco Is so good," that thoy
TIOX for Improvement." This firm
gels thousands of newspapers from
nil parts of tho United States every
week. Their experts aro familiar
with tho very best typographical dis
play and the very latest typo faces
Hiiown in the printing world, nnd
'Roll on, thou deep blue- ocean,
Another voico was beard.
Ills mandatory word.
Arthur Peck.
Illow, blow, thou winter wind!"
Tho third ono gavo command.
Company nn dothors. Tho proposed ' Antl ovory winter now wo hour
street Improvements, sewers, etc., Jt bIw to bent tho band,
would moan nn assessment of about
.iuu nor 101. out .Mr. KUtlv tninkni """' ""ii"1"
,, . ,, , ,. vr 7 t
condition, and tho Norwoglnn repub
licans havo made It Increasingly un
comfortable. So Maud and Haakon
aro reported to ho preparing lo join
ports havo passed on the advertise
ments In the Times and pronounced
them so good that no Improvement
can he suggested Is it rare and un
usual tribute to a nowspapcr. It Is
also n compliment to Mr. Rotnor,
, who Is responsible for tho advertise-
ho English colony of kings In exile ( monts. and Incidentally It is u good
anil to bo willing to surrender tho nilvertlseineiit for Coos Roy.
Jflngly dignity for tho freedom nud
iioiiRiiiH or nru us i-mgiisii country
Tho king nnd queen, It Is said, aro
tiol popular with the Norwegians, nl-!
though tho former havu behaved well.
Jo one need ho surprised If this year
fflbould see their disappearance from
fJio Norwegian throne.
iDAMnn DfiAn
Imagination In business has been
thu occasion for many n man's Irl-
xunph In spite of the fact that wo
visually reward the practical bus!
wh person as an eminently pro.
ulc sort of person. "Siiccosh Is
vIhIoii," says a writer In spelling
to define tho oluslve quality which
Ollferontlatofl the unsuccessful from
tboso who nro more fortunate In
ttho striiKKlo for material wealth. Initiative nud the ability
to two for one's self somethlni? that
It out of the ordinary roiitluo,
ts-omotliliiK that Is touched with the
YnsuInntluK halo of promise - this
woonis to be n necessity If wo would
i!lnd a way to unusual ncliluvviuont
or considerable Knlu or the effi
ciency In any rapacity which de--rnnnds
big rewards.
Or course the question n wlmt
onnstltutes genuine siiiyo is vnrl
sblo, especially If we dep.tit fiom
the definite standard of commer
cialism. Thero are men unit wo
men who take enough pleasure in
a particular kind of work to com.
-pensato in w large decree 'or tl.e
lack of nny munificent pnytionl.
Articles of Incorporation Filed
for Line From Port Or-
ford to Grants Pass.
RANDON. .Ian. 13.- The Ran
don Recorder sa.xs: "Articles of
Incorporation aro being filed with
the Secretary of State hv the Ran
dou & Oregon Eastern Railroad
Company to hulld their proposed
railroad, from liainlon to Port Or
ford and from llniidou to (Irnuts
Pass, with headquarters at this
city. It U not stated Just how
soon nitiiul roiistructiou work will
begin but it will bo In tho near
what no one olso saw nnd acted
upon tho Inspiration. Thoro Is
needed also tho courage and In
dustry to follow nn unfrequented
way, but even Industry Is holplosa
If U plods along without the magic
of mi lerstaudliig,
that It would bo well worth it nnd
would Incronso tho value of tho prop
erty Involved nt lenst $ 1,000 por lot.
He tald that Mr. Wllsoy and II. A.
Sumnor uro now In Portland. Ho said
that Mr. Wllsoy didn't havo anything
to do with tho Wooloport or Grants
Pass or Crescent City railroad pro
jects. Mr. Wllsoy Is still considering
tho big hotel ho promised North
Last week, ho saw Johnson Porter
nt Gardiner. J. Dixon of tho Mc Ar
thur Perks Compnny, which hns offi
ces at Eugeno, hns been down ovor
tho lino a fow tlniOH Inspecting the
work which Porter Rrothcrs nro do
ing under thp sub-contrnct.
S. P. Not Notified.
It was stated today that C. J. Mlllls
of tho Southern Pacific In n tologrnm
horo Snturdny stated that tho com
pany had not yet boon officially noti
fied that tho War departmoilt had
granted tho pormlt to bridge Coos
Iftiy nt North Rend. Whether It wns
a delay In tho mall or what Is not
J. M. Eddy says It will ho much
cheaper to bridge the Hay and como
up Mint way than to como up tho
enst side of the channel.
Porter Ili-os.' PlniiM,
Portor Rrothors nro now planning
to petition tho Coos County court for
nsslstonco In building n road up
North Inlet to get In supplies to this
end of tho tunnel from Coos Ray.
They want the county to boar part
of tho cost of building tho highway.
It Is stotod that thoy will start con
struction on this end of the tunnol
from Ten Mllo to Winchester In tho
Thou, too, sail on, oh ship of state!"
A puot once did sing;
And ever since tho ship of stnto's
Roen doing tho snmo thing.
Harry Wlnklor.
"nrenkl break! brook!" another
"On thy cold, gray stones, oh seal"
And now the breakers on the rocks
Aro breaking restlessly.
Guy Chambers.
B A 11 IKS nl
And l)ii
Don't yo
1.0VO tl
balnea mil,
you norr.cliow
them all?
liable rat
And bnblea thin,
liable nlth
A tootlilcs itrln.
Babies with
Wco teeth nnd white,
Dablcs dark
And babies light,
Dallies with
Glnd ullntlnc eyes,
Dablcs sad
And full of light,
Maine with dnrk
Or yellow hair,
Rabies with their
Wco polls all bare,
liable that nil
llerlbboned ko,
llahlun curbed
In calico,
liable utruntt
And babies weak,
Rabies bold
And bnbics meek,
Rabies well
And babies III,
Rabies loud
And babies still
Rabies with
Straight limb and strong,
nables with limbs
Somehow uono wronc
Crippled babies
Dies your koul,
I havo fallen
In a hotel
Nothing hurts
Ono's heart so much
As a baby
With u crutch!
Short babies or tall,
Well or III.
I love them all I
J. M. l.owls In Houston Post.
C.ipt. When, vollintnrv observer
I U. . S. S.. roiiorts last Saturdav
I night the coldest ovor known nt
iianuon, tno thorinomotor havlnir
readied II liolllt 1 deift-OUR liolnu-
Tboro Is always the differ .meo nt . .Sunday night was also a
values aftlNod hv oach naraon nn. I hummer, the thermometer roulB-
lemiK zero exactly uaiulon Surf.
ordliiK to his appreciation of
things of life.
C A. Smith possesses this vir
ion. Without previous experience
with KhlppliiK he saw tho pnut-lblll-tlos
of tho unit syntum and the
wide hatches and ns a result Is rev
olutionizing lumber shlpplug on tho
Pacific Const.
Yot whichever kind of succoss
tv.) mean and by whatovor devlou
and dlfllculf way we nttaln it, there
Is necessary, lu the sront majority
of cases, tho vision of accomplUh
Trcuut, tho Imaulimtlvo conception
f tho thing we bring to pats. Tho
tnstlnct for opportunity t which
aooms like (renins In many cases is
Tenll- only a phase of the etibliin.
ntod vision of somo man who saw
dipt Peteirion of the schooner
Rlendsle wns fined $25 by Judge
Topping last Thursday for exhib
iting a revolver In a threatening
mnuner. Tho captain boars quite
an uimuvory reputation ns a gun
ftrthtor. IiuvIiik on various occa
sions been Involvod In shooting
cr.pos of a more or less sangulii
ary untiiro.- Uandon Surf.
Steamer Sails This Afternoon
for Portland With Good i
List of Passsncjers.
Tho Rreakwnter sailed this af-!
lernoon for Portland with a fair
list of passengers nnd nn nverago
outgoing cargo of miscellaneous
Among those sailing on her
were the following:
Mrs. I). McKlniioy. Nolllo Trlb
bey. R. Do Morltt. R. (Hfford. Mr.
Sehnnor, K. T. Restiuil; Mrs. K. T.
Ilestul. Myrtle Restul, S. Allen,
Miss Wilt, II. R. Hall, A. L. Her
man, Mrs. A. U. Herninn, C. W.
Vlethler. W. A. Vnnner, Dan
llrlne, VIck Rrlno. J. N. Ilartsook.
Mrs. E. 0. Edwards, Miss Ed
wards. A. (lolnls, J. Kolrolos, A.
R. Daly. V. Nordor. 0. Carlton, A.
0. Clark, Joe Robinson, Miss J,
Jones. .Mrs. O. Sion, A. .1. Eerger,
Joe Oonuol, P. Evans, A. R. Rice,
J. S. Johnson. J. F. Johnson, Mr.
and Mrs. O'Rrlen, Mrs. F. Forman,
II. Mansou, 0. Davlr, J. Coll.
Ono Edgar Allan Poo
Vou may havo heard the name
Is now allowed to ko
Into tho Hall of Fame,
For years Ignored was ho,
Rut lifted Is tho ban,
And ho ottlclally .'
Is now a famous man. -
So bear In mind tho same.
Tho news Is strictly io.
No doubt about tho fans
Of Edgar Allan Poe.
l.oulsvlllo Courier-Journal.
Captain Nolson, toniporlly lu com
mand of tho steamer Rreakwnter, has
reportod to tho llghthouso depart
ment that Insldo jotty buoy No. 2
nt Coos Ray has dragged out of po-
biiiuii nuoui a quarter or a mile and
Quito a largo denl Is on the
tapis wlioreoy several local capi
talists will shortly Instnll nn olec
trlc power plant in Curry county,
using tho waters of Floras Creek
as gonorntlvo powor. Construction
work will begin lu the courso of a
couple of weeks. Uandon Surf.
Sage of East Auioin
nnd Editor of Philistine f.'ullty.
tnr AuoclttM Trf to Coot n7 Tlraoj J
RUFFAI.O. N. V jnn. i3.-El-
lint'l ITnliliMf.i i., . '
Slfg sHfoSr tu'eroiAs' ,ne?e . ' ' '
viii bo sent down there soon as thoro ,, , " "' LU""a ir
s some other work to bo done thoro Is "ainB nu"rnl mattor through
also. Oregou Journal
Tho Coqulllo Athlotlo associa
tion mot in tho high school rooms
tho first of tho week for the pur
poso of electing n manager and
captain of for the coming hnsket
ball series, at which Ray Miller
was elected manager and Clay
Knowlton wns elected captain nnd
Henry Oordlng coach. Coqulllo
wio man pleaded guilty boforo
Judge Hazel nnd was fined $100
on ono count.
Roll Anderson, the sole survivor
of the recent railroad wreck on tho
Soely & Anderson road, nnd who
Is still an lumnto of Dr. Mann's
hospital, U reported to bo Improv
ing slowl but steadily. It Is not
expected that he will ho out be
fore March 1 Randon Surf.
R. W. Hanson, who was nrrestod
Sunday afternoon by Chief Holman
for nutomobllo speeding, was tried
boforo Judgo Kousrud Monday. It
appearing that tho defendant wns
trying out nn englno lu n machine
bolonglng to nnothor party, and tho
evidence showing that ho did not in
tentionally violnto tho spoed ordi
nance and It bolng his first offense,
tho Judge imposed a lino of flvo dol
lars with a warning that If a similar
chnrgo should ever again bo brought
ngalust him, tho mnxlmlim flno of
twonty-flvo dollars would be imposed
Uandon Surf,
The Western World of Dandon
says: "V. R. WUaon moved his
fnnilly to Coqulllo Tuesday. Wo
understand tho reason of his movo
was because ho could not secure a
house In Randon, tho ono he occu
pied havlnir been anlil (I l -..
evident fact that our' city needs
uiu minium nouses tor rental
purposes, nnd a safer and more
paying investment could not bo
niado than building modern 5-room
houses that would ront for from
$10 to $12 por month. Tho de
mand far exceeds tho supply and
Randon has not yet commenced to
Tho Ministerial Association of Ran
"," lin? ,lnaB"rated a scheme to tnko
tho rollgious census of Randon for
tho purpose of ascertaining the
church relationship to overy man
woman and child of Dandon. Ban
don Recorder,
Inequality in Distribution of
County Road Fund Is
Brought Up.
At n meeting or the Port of Cons
Ray Commission this morning, tho
question of n fair distribution of
the county rood tax money wns
brought up. Tho question was
raised by citizens of Cooston, rep
resented by C. F. McKnlght, ask
ing for the improvement of Will
nueh Inlet. Mr. McKnlght wanted
to know how the application should
ho made and wns told.
However, Peter I.ogglo and C. R.
Peck, pointed out that tho county
court Bhoiild do ninro towards the
improvement of thu inlets lu this
section. Thoy pointed out thnt the
whole county Is taxed for the road
fund. Tho Coqulllo valley has a
lingo amount of dirt roads, whllo
the Coos Ray section has fow dirt
roads, using the waterways mostly.
In consequence, the county court
spent most of tho road money on
thu dirt roads lu thu Coqulllo val
ley and when petitions for Im
proving tho waterways on thu Coos
Ray sldo camo up, thoy were re
ferred to the Port of Coos Ray
Thu opinion was expressed that
If tho Port Commission Is to havo
chargo of tho watorway Improve
ments, the county court should
turn over to Coos Day's sharo of
thu county road fund nud let them
expend It,
Chiis. Noble wns tho only bid
dor for driving thu piling to mark
thu mark tho harbor lino on the
enst sldo of the channel. As his
hid did not stnte that ho would
mark tho piling, It wns accepted
Times' Want Ads bring results.
Oil Clotjiim
Rubber Gooj
For a few davs wo
Ing to offer some unusuS"
uiuciwuvu (,.iouo on tji,;
SUclSUIItllJIU goocis.
Read These Special pfj,
$5,00 Men's GnU Mj.
long slicker, foi...$jj
$4,50 Medium Lenrrth
biicKer, tor.. $3 J
$3,50 Tower's Fish Brand
long coai ;or oniy..$2
$3,00 Tower's 3-4 Length
T01 m
$5,00 Rubber Coats for $3
Prices Reduced on ill
Rubber Footwear
$6,50 Sporting Duck Boots,
'or $5
$4,50 Short Duck Vamp,
tor $3,t
$5,50 Sporting Boot .M
$4,00 Men's Short Rubber
boots $3,6
The Bazar
"Store of Quality."
Phone 32.
Workingmen of Coos County:
As the thrco members roprcsontlng labor on tho Worktnen'i
Compensation Commission appointed by (Invornor Oswald Weit,
wo deem It our duty to Inform you that tho bill as drafted lu
aroused n great opposition from n certain class of attorneji,
casualty Insurance companies nud some financial Interests tnd
unscrupulous employers. ? ( ' n-
All of them nro anxloua to defeat this bill. They will
bring much pressure to hoar upon our lcglslaturo and will t
thoro in person to voico tliclr objection. And unless you, Mr,
Worklngman, (tho ono who 1 most Intorestod) tako a band,
they will succeed lu their selfish object nnd dofent tno 1)111.
Konllzlng that you cannot go to tho Capital and urgo tit
pnssago of this bill In person, wo usk you to sign n petition
nnd seo to It that overy worklnginaii In. your vicinity Is glvtn
nn opportunity to sign n petition to tho 1013 legislature re
questing tho passage of tho Workiuon's Coniponsatlon Hill. '
drafted by the Commission nppolnted by tho (lovornor, nnd mill
It to tho address given bolow. We will seo to It that tho peti
tions aro presented to the legislature nt tho propor time; and
again urge upon you to act in this nil Important matter at onte.
it. A. HAKIMS.
Seo T. Myor for petition, which may bo found nt tho Cl
Cigar Store.
Electric Clerk Hire
Is Cheap Clerk Hire
It is cheap only in point of cost,
It is worth more than par in point of service,
Let GROCERS start with an Electric Motor on
. their grinding and pulverizing mills,
Let 'MEAT DEALERS begin with electrically
driven meat and food choppers,
They will discover time and labor saving de
vices of phenomenal value,
It may mean one man clerk less in any
event it will mean more time for the man
clerks to do their work calling for BRAINS,
Our new Business Department will be glad to
prove these statements to grocers and meat
dealers, Telephone 178,
Oregon Power Co.
S'a-. . ;' . v -
, t- .j-.,-icW. . a.i