THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, JANUARY 11, 1913- EVENING EDITION. 1 - t&s " ! a . . tHiiiiMtniN u.Im Jl oovlnl happenings, intended for I publication in tno society uuimi-i- snonr oi Tlio runes, nuisi uo auu mitird to the editor not Inter flkaa fi o'clock ). 111.. Friday of waeh week. (Exceptions will ue H Mllowvd only in cnHes wheto the tennis occurred Inter than tno Oirao montloned.) Till: RI3ASO.V PERSONAL notices of visitors in the city, or of Coos Ray pcoiilo who visit In other cities, togotuor with notices of soclnl nffnlrs, aro gladly received in tho soclnl de partment. Telephone 133. No tices of clul) nicotines will bo published nnd sccretnrlos are kindly requested to furnish same. land nnd tho steamer Rreakwaer. Thoy will probably visit In Portland a few days before continuing their Journey. Tho bride, who has lived in Salem for about two years, has been nurse at tho Oregon state reform Bchool for the past year. Mr. Orannls Is well known hero, having graduated from Wlllamctto university and Bpcnt sovernl years teaching at tho local reform school, He Is now tho tencher of history at the Mnrshllcld high school. , Tho host of frlonds In Salom of the hrldo and groom Join In many i congratulations nnd well-wishes for tho two young pcoplo In their now life." - i Out It Will Pay You to Call and See Kitchen Cabinets J ' 'cZl. I'f uz-JiiiiM.-ijj-. ik CIIAItlVAItl PARTY T7T5 lints appeared a year ago KWix nothing but n feather. 'CJwt looked as though It hnd boon JJirotigh X month of rainy wenthor; 2i narrow quill. tr scanty bow, Or wing erect nnd lonely, Or solitary tnll aigrette. iOr Jluffy pompon only. 13.iil now on ovcry fomnlo head Slehrild the autumn bonnet voe many shapes, but each without JK scrap of trimming on it. E?jBr since tho price of beef hns tins soared To heights Olympus dimming, We nrny afford to buy tho huts, Hut -not, alas, tho trimming. 4. 4 . rT N A PART of India It Is gen ii orally understood, and is vcn the custom, at formnl inasUvo illnncr parties to keep si Htntm If thoro be nothing of inter wt nu uny, nnd to speak only oc laalonnlly when one thinks of something to say, or talk nil tho ri'cntt U those at the table liavo cnronKh to say which they consid er worth while. (IL Hieing tho custom to have : jbnrt or long silences, there Ih 'antitinly no emlmrrassmunt about a aHcnctj, nmt it In rather refreshing, its; Judicative that the thoughtK of 1trm nnd guests are active and ?rhnn I hero is n result worth while wxjo-csslng, It will ho expressed. Thus tho sllenco la always nllve iiail sever dead, Soino one bus very aptly suld hsU the strength of sllonco lies avllitjly In tho spirit within It. Wo ltarn nil had the experience nt VnnnlieouH or dlnnerH or in any com patnj of two or more uciiulntnncos rrf oxporlonclng unexpectedly n oMenci.', nnd then it Ih rurious to tvr: liow one will wrlgglo with dls (CAmnirt and speak nay Inanity ru- Jfbcr than let tho silence last. It Is because the Impression heto Ut this country and In many others lis That If a man does not speak It ta brcniiso ho hns nothing to any. 'OTairoforo, women nru constantly apaklng when thoy have nothing tt say, for fear by sllonco they will ttxpnso tholr empty minds. D2&uy women speak when thoy rwoiild mueli prefer to keep silent, Otsuroiso thoy liavo heun brought up 5fi lieliovo that silence Is dlscour tenuu nnd awkward. And so It Is irtub) this custom of constant talk 'tar, is upon nit. Hut why not i-hniiKe the custom? JSi would take sumo tlmo to do it. Uwt H could be done. Wo should rtstYti to pend out diunm- ianU or Ouirlinoii lnltntlous with "tempo wiry Pllenros luquestud" down In nib loft hand lower corner, TCho request would at first be inrt -with coiitumptiious lemarks -T.ri wornful suggestion with 10 wpnl to the hostess being at such je loin for subjects of convoiHntions alio must In her invitations re kudbt the lonlency nf her guots, tttc llut let two or threo women who itiTc known to bo good tnlkors try tfifcos oxputlment and stick to it for :il reason and thoy will find not mly that the rostfuluess of their dmnor and lunchoons will add rpi?atly to their attraction, luit tho .Btii'Hts will come awuy with all that has been Interesting In tho mnTorsntlon liesh In their memo Mica Instead of with Hie impression vit n gonoral Jumble of words and tfood. .. .. .;. . 4 niiiiwi: riiUu 1 Mrs. J. A. Mntson. Mrs. Oco. Klnn- ngnn, Mrs. J. II. Flnnngnn, Mrs. II. I.ockhnrt, Mrs. W. M. lUnke, Mrs. W. T. Tiirpen. Mrs. C. M. Ilylor, Mrs. W. S. Chandler. .Mrs. II. S. Tow er. Mrs. 0. W. Kaufman. Mrs. Wil liam Horsfnll, Jr., Mrs. Ii. .1. Simp sou, Mrs. H. M. Klchardson, Mrs. W. T. Merchant, Mrs. 13. K. Jones nnd Mrs. J. S. Coke. KAKKWKMj PAHTV SIIsb Norn Tower, who hns been here from Uerkcley, Cnllf., to spend her vncntlon from tho University of California with her pnronts, Mr. and Mrs. II. S. Tower, Friday nftcmoon ontortnlnod Informally a few frlonds nt hor homo In South Marshflold. Among hor guests woro .Misses May Pi-cuss, Ruth Allen, Agues Cnrpon tor, Frnnels Williams, Mntlgo Harry and Mrs. 1). H. Maloney. I ROVAIi AUCTIO.V OliUll. 1 4 .Airs. R. K. Hooth was hostess to tho Royal Auction Bridge Club Wed nesday nftcmoon nt hor homo In West Mnrshllcld. After a lovoly luncheon served by tho hostess the afternoon was spent In cards. Mrs. A. Ii. Housoworth won tho prize. The next meeting of the club will bo next Tuesday with Mrs. l 1!. Gottlns. Those present nt Wednesday's meeting were: Mrs. C. K. McKnlght. Mrs. Scott, Mrs. J. II. Mllner, Mrs. i:. 13. Strnw, Housoworth, Mrs. F. K. (10111118, Mrs. F. 13. Hague, Mrs. I). Y. Stafford, Mrs. W. F. Nicholson and Mrs. O. A. Dennett. Tho boys and girls of tho high school nsslsted .Mr. nnd Mrs. F. L. Grnnuls In settling tholr now homo on South Fifth street Wednesday night by means of n charivari. Tho program opened with tho usunl noise, which lasted until Mr. and Mrs. Oran nls appeared at tho door. Then Les lle Isnncson, in behalf of tho boys, presented them with n beautiful li brary lamp. After this n Bextotto of boys Bang a touching llttlo song of sympathy for tho groom. Mr. Oran nls responded with a speech nnd tho ontortnlnmont was closed by tho boys with threo chcera for each of tho family. Harvey Walters and Shot Powers also attended. 4 - I IX XI3W 1IOM13 I ' wi:ni)i:i) i.v sai.h.m JMrn. Honry Sengstuckeu ontertnln il xho llrldge Club Wodnosd.iy after oon with a HrldKo luuchoon. Tho tlor schenio was jollow Yellow jToovors and yellow candle and rtliados carrying out tho effect. .After a llvo course luncheon cards tfllml tho rcinaliilng houro of the af Iharnoon, Tho jirUos woro won by Mrs. W. "31. TRuke, first prUo; Mm. 0oige jyaaitngnu, second ptlze and Mrs. U J. JdiBupson, consolation. ThoBo prcbout at this meeting weie Tho Salem Statesman contained tho following last Sunday concerning tho mnrrlago of F. L. nrautils, who nrrlvod hero n week ngo with his bride: "At r o'clock Inst Sundny nfter noon MIhh Anettn P. Wilson nnd Frank I. Orunnls woro iinltcil In marriage nt tho homo of Dr. nnd Mrs. Fletcher Homan. The ceremony, which was performed by Dr. Homan, was witnessed by relatives and a few of tho most Intlmato friends of tho bride nnd groom. Tho houso wns beautifully derornted with yov houghs, Oregon grnpo and ferns. "Preceding tho coromony Miss Ilitena Illcknoll sang "Oh, Promise Mo." Miss Mabel Fraloy played Mrn delssohn's wedding mnrch ns tho company, led by Miss Kathorlno Ho man, ring hearer, ontered tho room. "After the coromony a dlnnor wns served to tho guests In tho dining room, which was tastefully decorated with smllax and pink nnd white car nations. Assisting with tho serving was tho Misses Lottie Ponn nnd Jtinln Todd. "The young couple left on tho S.5R electric tialn for Portland, whore they spont a few days and thon pro ceeded to Mnrshllold wheto Mr. (irunnis la n member of tho high school faculty. "Mr. Orannls Is an alumnus of Wlllametto university nnd his father was a former minister in Salem, hold ing tho pastornto of tho FlfBt Meth odist Church several years ago. Tho bride eiuiio to Salem nltuost two yoars ago ftotn Ctvston, Iowa, whore she hns many friends, who nil Join with her Oregon friends, In wish ing her many happy years as tho btlde of a man who is as popular as Mr. Cirannls." Tho Salom Statesman of last Sun dny morning contained tho following iiuttineo account or the nuptials: "At the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Flotihor Homan on Sovontoenth street will he solemnized this oven In. Deromher 0. nt 3 o'clock, tho wedding of .Miss Aneita Wilson and Fiank Orannls. Dr. Homan. undo or the btlde, performing tho ring coto mony. MIW Mabel Fraley. a formor student of Willatnotto university, will be prokont and play tho wedding march for tho occasion. A splendid wedding dlnnor will bo sorvod. Af. tor tho ceremony the young people I u ku to .Mnrsiitiold, where- Mr. Orannls Is teaching, by way of Poit- Mrs. II. W. Olson this weok moved Into tholr lino now homo In South Mnrahflold nnd hopes to have It com pleted by tho tlmo Captain Olson arrives from his long trio n round Cape Horn on tho Adolnldo Smith, tho big now lumber schoonor of tho C. A. Smith Company. Tho houso Is 0110 of tho most commodious and most palatial on Coos Day being most complete and modorn In every par ticular as well as elegantly finished. Mrs. Olson expects tomorrow or next day to rocolvo tho llrst word from Captain Olson slnco ho loft Dela ware. Ho Is iluo to roach Point Arenas, Chill, about January 12, or thirty days artor ho loft tho port on tho Atlantic. I .lOM.v inr.Ks ci.un 4 Mrs. R. K. Rush of Runkor Hill entertained tho Jolly Dozon club Inst Wcdnosdny afternoon. After n bttBl nesa session of tho- club tho hostess served light refreshments to tho fol lowing Indies: Mrs. W. Onlo, Mrs. Snow, Mrs. Chrlstlunsen nnd Mrs. Oeorgo Rourko. Tho next mooting will bo January 22 with Mrs. A. I,. Hutt; Save money by saving the extra wear and tear on your cooking utensils, your stoves, on your health, by having everything in place and sys tematized to Save Unnecessary Handling and Moving This can only be done by having a Kitchen Cabinet. We call particular attention to the Hoosier Kitchen Cabinet IA a. x. w. Tho A. N. W. Club was entertained last Thursday by Mrs. Kitgeno, O'Con nell, assisted by Mrs. 13. IC. Jonos and Mrs. F. 13. Hague. Aftor n short business session tlio afternoon wns spent in sowing, when dainty refreshments woro served to those present who woro: Mrs. F. 13. Alien, Mrs. Olivia 13d man, Mrs. J. T. Hnll. Mrs. F. A. Hnzard. Mrs. 13. Mlngits. Mrs. (5. F. Murch, Mrs. Mary McKnlght and Mrs. C. F. McKnlght. Tho noxt meotlng will bo bo hold Jan. ICth with Mrs. 11. Reed nt Klt tyvlllo. Tho club motnbors will moot nt tho homo or Mrs. M. R. Smith nt 1:15 o'clock noxt Thursday and go In a body to .Mrs. Reed's home. We Also Call Your Attention to Our German Aluminum Ware GOING HARVEY CO, Complete Housefumishers No Matter What You Want WE SELL IT FOR LESS MIXXI13-WIS CMJlt Mrs. Helen Raldwln was hostess to tho Mlnnlo-Wls Club Thursday nf tornoon at her homo on South Fourth street. At a business session or tho club, the following wero oloctod odl cors: Ptesldont, Mrs. 13. 13. Kolley; Sccretnry and Treasurer, Mrs. Mary Special Candy Sale nt Stafford' s Saturdnj and Sunday Delicious Fresh Caramels Only :." Cents Pound. Alnajs .sonu(hluK new at Stafford' Thompson. Tho bnlnnco of tho after noon was spent In sowing aftor which dainty refreshments wero served by tho hostess, nsslsted by Miss Inez Daldwln. Tho club adjourned to moot Jan. 2.1rd with Mrs. F. II. Drossor. During tho business meotlng Mrs. Win. Hongland was olectcd to mem bership of the club. Thoso present woro: Mrs. F. II. Drossor, Mrs. Clins. Davis, Mrs. Win. Perkins. Mrs. J. Dashney, Mrs. Mary Thompson, Mrs. Cans. La Chapello, Mrs. Cluis. Hols ner, .Mrs. Wm. Hongland and Miss 13 va Drossor. t 6005 mv. ffiv;tiw. i'ostpoxi: MHirnxo I On necount of tho stormy woathor, tho mooting or the 13plscopnl Ladles Auxiliary wiib postponed from this woek until Tueadny of noxt weok, whon tho business session will bo hold In conjunction with tho mooting of tho Ladles Guild at tho homo of Mrs. W. U. Curtis. 4 .-'iJ'Jll ' ' ' . 5QUART &-ir : or '''' ' ' COOS DAY REALTY SYNDICATE. CCALERS j& AGCNTS CCAl COLONIZATION. MM FiRtf mUT. MINERAL, and riMtirn t imo Orsanizihs or mwsrm COMAWS A fPKIALTY I NORTH I1I3XI) PARTY Miss Mnrjory Swonrlngen of North Rond wns ltostosa last Saturday even ing to n numbor of frlonds. who nftor onjoylng nn hour nt tho thontor, ro turned homo wlioro thoy woro served tintnty rofreshmonts by tho hostebs. Thoso or tho thoator party woro: Misses Otolla Hoolllng. Guroa nnd Nora Hago, Marjory Swoarlngon nnd Messrs. nay Cnrr, Russ Fluklgor, Harry Conro and Allan Klssani. A O. K. SOCIAIi T Tho North Rend Christian Kn.tniv. or or tho Presbyterian Clmrxii i,ai,i a business sosslon and social last Monday evening in the church rooms. Artor tho gonoral routine or business, music and games wero indulged in artor which rerreshmonts wnr ,.,.' cd. Among thoso nresont r-, Goorgo Hazor. Mrs. 13. r.onr ami.i,' Misses Ressio Raines, Grndys Kranick Allco Waters. Matilda Groves, Knra Shouse. Juno Young, Naomi Smith ami .Messrs. Lester Katon, Tom Storn, ThO Past llnB nrOVOn thnt InvMlmnnti In imnll n. na ntr cities aro tho most protltablo. Tho C. D. R. S. has such to offer. M nriiannKQ. AiarstHIOIU. OTO. Give Them Crisp Toast Done Clear Through Good Toast, with doughy insldes, is suita lejind nourishing for children of any age. They eat it morning, noon and night, and demand mum uiu next aay. ELECTRIC TOAST is best because it's good toasl hot, crisp and done cear throuah. It's fun to make it on your dining room table, and the cost for current averages less than one cent a iiieui. Price $2.50 Price $2.50 (Continued on Pago Eight.) We will be glad to let you try one on two unnlo' fnnt i:i oro 11 cu uiai. Oregon Power Co. Telsphone 176. . SPIRELLA COIiSfiTS may be obtained In JIarshflold from Mrs. Annie Holland, 52 so. 6th st. 'Phon. 2ooxJ GET YOUR JOB PRINTING DONE AT THE TIMES' Of Vk .Vsir .--. .. i-fAKP.