5 SOCIAL CALENDAR. FRIDAY. North Dond Thlmblo Club with Mrs. I. D. Dartlc. Ladles' Art Club with Mra. F. A. Haines. NSURE YOUR TROUSERS- THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD. OREGON, FRIDAY, JANUARY 10, 1913 EVENING EDITION. mm? WEAR THE DUTCHESS Have your trousers ever ipped? Did n suspender button Ivor come off nt just the rong time? You arc insured against jicsc embarrassing acci dents when you wear Dutche Trousers They are backed with a loncy warranty as hero irinlcd. If a button comes )ff or they rip we pay you the insurance. WARRANTY You max uy a pair of DUTCHESS TROUSERS from 2 to $6 andwear them two months. For every suspender button that comes off -we -will pay you TEN CENTS. If they rip in the seat or elsewhere we will pay you ONE DOLLAR or GIVE .YOU A NEW PAIR. to. A garment may fit right and look right and yet wear badly. "Kit and look can be seen before you buy, but time only can tell you about the wear. And right here's the vital point in favor of Dutchess Trousers which are made under the most thorough manufactur ing conditions of tested ma terials. AVe know of no other gar ment for men having such remarkable wearing quali ties as Dutchess Trousers. All sizes and grades at our store, $2 to $6. WOOLEN MILL STORE Mill-To-Man Clothiers The Busy Corner Offers for Sale Hot Water Bottles, Foun tain Syringes and Combina tion Hot Water Bottles and Fountain Syringe, Values from $1,75 to $3, For Only $ 1 .50 Be sur& to get one, Ev eryone is guaranteed, lLockhart-Parsons Drug Co. PHONE "THE BUSY CORNER" MAIN 298 US French Realty Co- cnlls for mul roproBonts tlio whig: vo nnrty who wants to rent term of yours from 5 to 40 of good bottom In ml on ir L'ooa River or duelling ivo buyor for Improved or ly Improved farm. ivo Portlnnd lots and ncro lor oxchnngo for property on uoy. aro Marshflold and North agonts for tho Nowark Flro rnnco Co., one of tho oldest i strongest companies In ox- ico. rrectly written policies a uy. inch Realty Co. No. Front St., Marshflold 'OWERFUL IET tho circulation of THE f, noting ns a powerful mag- tiat "pulls" results for ndver- clrculntloii of this paper is pto. Tho advertising, ns well news, is read every day by ody in this community. ough tho Want Ad. column ople place their needs beforo ge market. They always get ctory results. Circulation o work. phono your want ads to TIIE rnoNE 133. ftSWbSssr'XKQf" ?b&HMaacaa(a& Blankets You need some new ones theso chilly nights. Get Them Now A These Special Prices no comfortable nml snvo monoy at tho samo tlmo. 85c Cotton Dlankets 70c $1.00 Cotton Blankets 8.1c $1.25 Cotton Blaultots 05c 11.50 Cotton Blankets $1.15 $2.00 Cotton Blankets $1.(15 $3.75 Tan Wool Blankets. .. .$2.05 $4.00 Gray Wool Blankots. .$.1,125 $5.00 All Wool Blankets.... $3.05 $5.50 White Wool Blankets.. $1.15 $0.50 St. Regis Plaid All Wool Blankets $5.35 $1.50 Comforters for $1.20 Seo our windows. The Bazar "Store of Quality." Phone 32. Orpheum Tonight THREE REELS 3000 PERT ALL NEW. DETECTIVE STRATEGY A. voll-nctod story In which Chillies Clary and Wlmilfivd flrccimood have tho leadi. Hl'STER AM) TIIK UYINSIES Blister In a phenomenal child actor ami takes good care of his part. SWIMMING AM) LIFE SAVING .Many tricks o ftho export nhIiii- mer aio shown along with hints ns to handling d rowing itersous, CALl'MET K Published In hook form several years ago. Story of a light against oihN and a rennid. ESTAKLISHER ADMISSION - - - 10c. NEVER MORE Sons of Norway give a dance at FINNISH HALL Saturday Evening, January II, 1913 Anyone who loves to dance on a oerfect floor to the mu sic of Keyzer's famous Or chestra, should not tail to at tend and enjoy a good time, You are invited, COMMITTEE For Trade Restaurant In Hlvorsldo, Cn.lfor n la (In heart of orango district) located hotween two railroad de pots. Havo a fluo trndo clearing from $50 to $100 n month. Chcnp rent. Kino placo for family of threo or four. Also havo a lot In adjoining town. Want to trado for lots, rcsUlonco or acrcago In Marsh Hold. Must ho good, lovol and dry property. Address C. 12. METZ, 199 West Eighth street. Riverside, Cnl. Burglar Alarms all stnudnrd makes of Revolvers MARSHFIELD CYCLERY agents for DAYTON UIOYOLE8, OLIVER TYPEWRITERS, Phono 158-R 173 N. Broadway TONIGHT Ti?e Royal PICTURES Mission of Carol Travel on tho Ural Mountains, Flesh and Wood an absorbing detective story In two reels. VAUDEVILLE Miss Doi-ou in new songs, Gilbert and Lyons in two single acts. Miss Mailiu in two now songs, ANY SEAT, 10c. COMING Monday, for one week only, 1ai and Chandler, "those two comedy girls." Four-Tier Fairview Baldwins Solid and Crisp $1.00 Per Box Stauff Grocery Co. Mnskey's Candles. Phone 102 Have your Job printing aone I Tho Times office. AMONG TIIE SICK. - I - Mrs. W. F. Squires, who lias heon ill at tholr homo In Dunkor Hill, is reported Improving. Mrs. Matson, wlfo of Captain Mnt son, has boen qulto HI nt tholr homo In South Marshflold, hut Is now re ported to ho improving. Sho had a sovoro attack of la grlppo. Rov. Fnthor A. R. Munro has been confined to his homo tho last few days by a sovoro attack of la grlppo. WANT ADS. LOST Man's silver watch lost on street, Wodnesdny. Roward for re turn to Times olllco. Box E. TIDES FOR JANUARY. Dolow Is given tho tlmo and height of high and low water at Marshflold. Tho tides nro placed In tho ordor of occurrence, with tholr times on tho first lino and heights on tho second lino of each day; n compai Ison on consccutlvo holglits will tudlcnto whether It la high or low water. For high water on tho bar, sulifltrnct 2 hours 34 minutes. Hrs. Ft... lira.. Ft... lira.. Ft... Hrs.. Ft. . . lira.. Ft... lira.. Ft... COG 4.8 G.35 4.9 C.02 5.0 G.33 5.2 0.1 1.3 0.32 1.9 10.21 3.1 10.57 3.0 11.35 2.8 12.19 2.5 7.08 5.3 7.45 5.5 4.09 5.7 4.47 5.3 5.2G 4.8 G.13 4.2 1.09 2.3 2.14 1.9 10.40 0.2 11.11 0.3 11.35 0.8 0.0 0.0 7.07 3.G 8,10 3.1 WEATHER FORECAST. OREGON Rain or snow to night or Saturday; coolor to night with northcnBterly wlnda. LOCAL TEMPERATURE RECORD. For tho 24 hours ending at 4:43 n. m., Jan. 10, by RonJ. Ostlind, special government mo toorologlcal obsorvor: Maximum 40 Minimum 32 At 4:43 n. m 32 Precipitation 70 Wind: South weBt, rainy. Services Close Tho last union service of tho wcok will bo held at tho Prcsbytorlan Church tonight at 7:30. Rov. a. L. Hall will dollvor tho address. Tho public la most cordially Invited to attend. Mnv Move to Florida,: Mrs. J. II Prlco of Allegany wnB In tho city today on business. Tho Prlco much Is being offorod for snlo and it Is stated that thoy oxpect- to locato in Florida noxt fall. Now Ranch Home J. D. Cllnken board 1b having a dwelling Iioubo erected on hla Sumnor proporty. Chns Potcrson of North Inlet la doing tho enrpentor work. Has Operation Walter Duller, of tho First National Dank, undorwont an oporntlon nt Mercy hospital last night for nppondtcltls. Ho is roport od ns gottlng nlong nlcoly today much to tho gratification of his many friends. Sells Ranch V. K. Rood hns sold his ranch on South Coos RIvor to Q. W. Durton, recently from tho Wlllnmotto valloy. Mr. Rood nml family will mnko tholr homo for tho llrcsont with tho former's brother, F. II. Rood of North Coos RIvor. PERSONAL NOTES OTTO HILL of Coos RIvor Is In town on business. MILTON CHURCH Is In town today from Lakeside. JOHN PORTER of Allegany Is la town todny on business. FRED CIREENE of Dnndon Is la Mnrshllold on business. AXEL HAGNER of Lakeside is in town todny on business. ROCCO DIASCA of Coos' RIvor is In town today on business, . MRS. E. E. DYER of Dnnlcla Creole Is spending tho day In town. EVAN HODSON of South Coos RIvor Is In town todny on business. JOE LARSEN and wlfo of Allegany aro visiting In Marshflold today. MISS DLANCIIE RAYMOND of Lnke sldo Is vluttlng In town today, HENRY LILLMAN of Lakcslda is la town today attending to business. P. SHEEIIAN will lonvo tomorrow for an oxtonded stay In California, CORNELIUS LINDGREN of Nortlt Inlet la In town attending to buil-ncas. A. L. QREEN, roprcsontlng Colgate & Co., Is on tho Day calling on trado. s, MRS. FRANK QUILLIAMS of Dan iels Crcok Is a Marshflold visitor today. MR. and MRS. GROVER QUILLIAMS nro visitors from Danlols Creole today. MRS. OEO. FERRY will loavo to morrow to visit rolatlvca In Cali fornia. , CHAS. PETERSON of North Inlot enmo down from Sumner this-morning. CHAS. MAIIAFFY of North Coos Rlr or Is In town today looking after business, ALDERT DENSON, a resident of Lnkcsldo, Is In Marshflold today on business. GEORGE WITTE of South Coos RIv or Is n business visitor to Marsh Held today. JUDGE JOHN F. HALL will loavo on tho Drain stngo tomorrow morn ing for Portlnnd. Ik Receiver Constnblo Cox has been nppolnted receiver for tho part nership proporty of Messrs. Young moyor and Wnrthun of South Inlot by Judgo Coko. Ho will proceed to sell tho proporty to satisfy a Judg ment against thoni, obtained by Messrs. Dlndlngor. Mother Dead W. C. Rrndloy has received a telegram announcing tho donth of his mothor, Mrs. Rrndloy, which occurod at tho homo of hla brother, Herbert Dradloy, In Port lnnd. Mrs. Dradloy was about 75 years old and had been In falling health for sonio tlmo. FOR SALE Seven acres of bottom land near boat landing, Phono 304X1. FOR RENT Nice furnished homo for man and wlfo. Inquire O, Tlmos office. FOR SALIC Slty laying liens, half pullets, puro stock Drown Leg horns. Must bo sold as I am going away. Address Dox Y, Times ofllco. WANTED Small, partly furnished house or housekeeping rooms by man and wlfo, no children. Must bo reasonable. Address Dox X, Tlmos ofllco. WANTED A good delivery horso. Will buy or hire. Twin City Laun dry. North Dond. WANTED Nice unfurnished room, close In. Dox H, Times ofllco. FOR RENT 7 room honso on South 4th Street. Inquire J. E. Edmunds Coos Day Wiring Company. LAUNCH FOR SALE A cabin launch, 29 ft. long. F. M. Frled-borg. FOR SALE: Dry wood, flr and al. dor, at Campbell's Wood Yard, Ferry landing. Phoio 158-L. Gardiner Rar Rough Rov. R. E. Drowning hns roturnod from n trip to Gardlnor. Ho roports It was vory stormy nlong tho conBt and that tho stage had to keep closo to tho sea wall. Tho Umpqua bar was so rough that tho tug Gleaner could not go out to bring In tho schoonor LouIbo, which was lying off tho bnr for a fow days. A fow years ago, tho Loulso was forced to put out to sea after a futllo wait for a cltanco to get Into Gardiner, and was out for sovoral weeks. WM. GONYER of Aason's Cnmp at Doavor Slough Is In Marshflold today as tho guest of Jamos Co wan, Sr and other friends on th D 'KftHMMB MISSES MAY PREUSS and SIGNA HOLMS will leavo on tho Rodondo tomorrow to resume their studies nt tho University of California at Dorkeley, after spending tho holi days hero. HENRY PLOEGER has roturnod to his homo In Myrtlo Point, aftor a short stay horo. One of tho ob jects In his trip to tho Day was to attend tho K. P. banquet tho other night, but on his arrival, ho found that ho had got his dates mixed nnd was a day too lato, MRS. E. N. FAIRCIIILDS and fam ily oxpoct to loavo tomorow for California polntB. MISSES ELNA nnd HULDER SB LANDER camo to town this morn ing from their summor home. C. W. MELVIN of tho Federal Con struction plans, to lonvo with .Ills family tomorrow for California. MISS ESTHER SWANSON plana to leavo to morrow for Onklnnd, Cal., to visit hor sister, Mrs. L. W Holmborg. MRS. R. M. WIEDER of Ton Mlto oxpocts to loavo tomorrow to visit hor son, Ed, nnd other rolntlvcs In Cnllfornln. MRS. P. M. TULLY and baby arrived homo on tho Redondo from a visit with relatives In California, follow ing hor trip to Doston. HILLIS SHORT and wlfo loft this nftornoon for their Lnkcsldo homo nftor visiting with rolntlvos Ire town for a couplo of days. MRS. A. V. WICKMAN of Emplro roturnod on tho Redondo from California, whoro sho spoilt the Christmas holidays with rolntlvcs. E. M. ELLIOTT, who formorly wns onglneor on tho Milton horo, has returned aftor a twenty years' ah sonco In Colorado and other moun tain states, . JACK McDONALD of the McDonald & Vaughan samp, was In Marsh Hold yesterday to sccuro n pllo drlvor to repair tho log landing at tho mouth of Daniels Creek. Famous Since 1842 -mt .CHOCOLATES. M CONFECTIONS & O. JL SCHULZ, editor of tho Myrtlo Point Entorprlso, will leavo tomor row lor QUIl riuiiirioi:o uuu uuitii California points, whoro ho will 4. Ia.i. iirnntal nannMnn fltina A. Southwlck of North Dond, a rormor ivuiibub iiuwHiiuiicriuuu, wm IJO III I'llUIHU Ul UIU UIUUililOU during Mr, Schulz' absence. YttlffiiMJ t4IMiQJ