., . -- M m dfliis hay flues, mmmu, diuM; mm, January io, mimmim i I fMmtnmiaitDt. mnAtiMUmmJitiaumi MTjwiJjwMLilMwtMiiiifMaTIrM m&MZhi&vUMAivttM&mi&MlUJ , - '' iW -v.. . . IBWMWUWPWMll Wl " '' I"- wi I I III M MatiJrtWA . ' . M, - The Record Photographing Abstract Company now linvo photographic copIcB of nil tlio records of Coos County, Oregon, from which correct Information wo nro now ready nnil will io pleased to ninKo for you AustractB or tuio to any rem uauuu n Coos County, prcpnro lists of present owners, mnko photographic topics of Townsltca, Plata and Township Maps, or furnish any In formation In rotation to tho tltlo of any Ileal Estato In said Coos frnMf BUSINESS OITICE: 117 North Kront St., Mnrsliflclri. IM10110 151J W. J. RUST, Maneger REAL LAMB! and not yenrllng or even older mut ton Is sold at this market. Wo make It a point to send you exact ly what you order. The young hotiBokeeper can buy here as safely as tho most experienced. Tho surest way to find that out conclusively Is to glvo iih n trial order. MARSHFIEM) CASH MARKET. FOURIER BROS. Marsh (lcld Telephones North Bonrf 221 -J Two MnrkoU 51 ger: iht- iion Stanley Thoro was a t lino in early days when man no or reared n mi crobe's gam. but stood and looked Into Itu oyes. not knowing tlin.t ho was not wise to glvo tho festlvo brulo a ehuiico to send Win i ah nmhulnnco to placo where on a tnhle spread, they d oporalo till Ho was (lead. Ainu, once, oi minus wn mui mmm. " -r- " .... r i... i.i tw.i tini,i it mi inn in lils nrtiiH. remarking UtitbUN LUIIIDtti AUIIIt Vt BUSINESS BIG PAYS I C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. HETAIL DEPARTMENT lumber, liATir, shingles, mouldings, sash and noons. HOOKING PAPER, icto. CUT THE FUEL HILL IX TWO lY USING OUIt WOOD. phone ioo. i82 south broadway a song rings in ni uum out tho years, hob now airaui io mim a sup "in '" ' ' drinking cup. or grasp n door knob In his hand lost ho bo sont to Join that baud Hint h traveled to nn uhkhowu mime, uui-uubu umj- iwh n chanco or more with microbes, germs and other things that Golden Knowledge to us brings. Llko nil tho rest. I, too. am 'frnld. My valor, from mo, long has strayed. I neither ent nor drink In pence for fearful, fcnrful, fears no'or cense. I batho the npples, spray tho moat, nnd boll tho other things 1 oat, and throw carbolic ncld round till nil foroclous germs nro drowned. sometimes, my iicnrt is auuusi mm uuriiutw my iium, um iiiiau A"!3. JlPy'l .cu!ciL !" Jl'l", towooIllsagolHcm G00I) EVENING. Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance Title Guarantee and Abstract Co. HENRY SENGSTAOKEN, Mgr. CoqulIIo OIIlco Phono 191 Platting Lauds n specialty. Farms Timber- Coal and Marsbflold OIIlco H-J. " Qcncrnl Agonts "EASTSIDE." ' I I j Keep your hend cool, your feet j J wnrm, your benrt clean and your j j consclcnco clear and tliero Is no j dllllculty In llfo thnt you will not j j bo ablo to overcome. j j Selected. j HILL'S IX TROUBLE. 1 ISQUIITKI) WITH wireless Steamship Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIME. SAILINGS PROM PORTLAND, Tuesday evening of each week at SAILING KROM MARSIII'IELD, Monday, .laiumiy lit, n( l . ,. Hiituidiiy, Jmiiiui-y, IH, 11:00 a. in.; Saturday, .Inmiiiry 2.".. Phono .Main nn-L. J. O. MILLER, ArxnU KAST AXI) COMMODIOUS St earner Redondo Equipped with wireless nnd subnmrlue bell SAILS for SAN FRANCISCO FROM MARSHFIELD SATURDAY, JAN. 1 1, AT 12 NOON AH Pnssenger HesorvntJoiis Krom fl,m IYnnclsco Must Ho Mndo t H03 llfo Rliildlng, or Pier Xo 10. All rc.icrvntloiis must bo la ken up 21 Imuii-h lKiforo inllliiff. INT,:,t0CHAN 1'HAXSPOHTATIOX CO. rH0VR u C P. McCIKOnOE. Agont. Steamer Washington Sails for San Francisco, from Coos Bay With Passengers and freight, Sunday, January 12, at 12 Noon '. 8. DOW, Amt. Ocean Dock. , (Author Unknown.) I'vo got n letter, Pnrson, from my son away out West, An' my old heart Is henvy as nn nnvll In my breast. To think tho boy whoso ftilur' I had onco so proudly plnnncd, Should wander from tho path o' right nnd como to slch nn end I I told him when bo loft us only three short years ago, Uo'd find hlmsolf n plowln' In a mighty crooked row Uo'd miss his father's council, nn' his mother's prnyors, too, Hut ho said tho farm was hateful, nn' ho guessed ho'd have to go. I know there's big temptations for a youngster In tho West, But I'bcllovcil our Hilly bnd tho cour- ngo to resist. An' when ho left I warned hint o' tho ovcrlustlu' snares Thnt you find llko hidden snrplnts in life's pathway ov'ry whores Hut Hill ho promised faithful to bo careful, and allowed Uo'd build a reputation tbnt'd mako uh mighty proud. Hut It seems us bow my counsel sort o' faded from bis mind, An' now tho boy'H In trouble o' tho vory wurstest kind. Ills letters como so soldom thnt I somehow sort o' knowed Thnt Billy was n trnmpln' on n mighty rocky road, Hut nover onco Imnglncd ho would bow my head In sliamo, An' In tho diist'd waller bis ol' dad- dy-s honored nnmo. Uo writes from out In Donver, nn' tho story's mighty short; I Just enn't toll his mother; It'll crush hor poor old benrt; An' so I reckon, Pnrson, you might brenk tho news to hor . Bill's In tho Lcglslntur', but ho does n't sny what fur. STOKY FOH TIIK DAY. Dnvo Stafford was seated In a barber chair tho other day when "0. K." said: "I seo that your hair Is getting pretty thin. Can't I sell you soino of our now hair tonic?" "Oh, no!" niiBwered Stafford, "If I wanted my hair to grow I would uso n stool." "A steel! How can steel mnko hn'r grow? nsked tho astonished "O. K." "Woll, Its llko this," answered Dave. "Have you n wntch?" "Yes," replied "O. K." "Woll, then," answered Stafford. "don't steel mnko tho linlr spring?" Tho meanoHt man In Coos Bay has been found. Ho started u quarrel with his wife to havo an excuse for falling off tho wntcr wagon. Tho wntor wagon looks flno slnco It wns painted. .Thoy mndo It n dnrlc bluo with swoll top nnd linvo Instullod cushion tiros. A DAY WITH DAD. Fathor's hnd n busy duy, Hustled to tho storo at 10; Listened to somo story's gny Told by other busy men. Hnd to rnttlo for tho smokes With. somo membors of tho bunch; Sient nn hour rolntlng Jokes Ami then hustled nut to lunch. Hustled back at bnlf past two Twlco us busy as bofnro: Yhon ho bad a lot to do Telephoning for tho score Placed a bot.or two of courso; Slgnod n contract for his nny: Cnmo homo blowing llko n horso, Fnthor's hnd n busy day. Kansas City Journal. Llbby COAT, Tno Rind YOU havo ALWAYS USUI). Phono 72, Pacific Llvi'ry and Trnimfpr (Vitnimnv. THK I'HIi:XD OP OOOS BAY' S. S. ALLIANCE KOUIPPKD WITH WIKHLKSS SAILS FROM COOS BAY FOR PORTLAND FRIDAY. JANUARY 10, AT 1 1 A. M. CUNXKCTIXa WITH TUB NOHT11 BAXK HOAD AT POUTLAXD XOHTH PACIFIC STEAMSHIP OOMPAXY. I,1,mo 0. V. McOKOHGE, Agent. Self-Preservation Is The first Law Flro Insurance In mm nt Iho most Important mcanB of protec tion. And yot peoplo will contlnuo to nogloct It. Lot us Insuro your uousohold furnlturo, your dwelling or oth er proporty. It will cost but llttlo. It will protect you per fectly. Wo linvo tho BtTongost com pnnlos and wo wrlto correct pol icies. LS. Kaufman & Co. SS SPEEDWELL CAPT. HUHTIS, Master. Sails for San Francisco from Coos Bay, Friday, About January 15th service of title. iiio?U.Li.8I7':?I)W?LL ls I'J1 'l " excellent passenger nccom "KltS mUl M'ry UM,I1IS ftM'1 vlcvtrle Mi ad , ,, , l'r freight nnd passage, npplr. ? Civ . TIIU ar" "Bd Abs Co., -5 Cul. ht., San Fnuicfeco. i,.i.ii.r ' The Times Does Job Printing Fisher Auto Service Win. MsIiit, Projirietor. Phono orders to Hillyer's Cigar Stand, Phono 18-J. After 11 p. m. phono 5-J. Night phono 181-R. Murshrield. Orcson. A modoro Brick . ulldlng, ElectrU Light, Stoam Heat. Elegantly Furnished Room3 with Hot and Cold Water. noTEL oooa O. A. Motlln, Prop. Itotes: BO cents day and upwards Cor. Broadway and Market Barnard & Langworthy ...8eo oup window dlsidny of WOOD ELECTIHO FIXTOHES LEADED AHT GLASS DOM13S PORTABLE STAND liAMPS. PHOVW-.1 R4.TI. Pictures &Framing Walker Studio Your Child's Health Your First Thought If you havo children, naturally your tot thoughts aro for tijolr hSltL Vo" "rtatoly want thorn to dovelopong. healthy constitutions. Tho most carS ful attention must ho given when chit dren bIjow tho tot symptoms of the many common allmenta. Perhaps they ro weakly and thlu, or grow too tall thus sacriiicing strength" Those ft for life. consuiuuon Sllpll rhIIHrnn ....j -r YeugThTse a Ifcare Vo7thoch8aX Wili i,?.?g t t0 tho othcr organs of the body. In casos of thin or impure blood it tacroascs tho number of red cor Cen etahanlf i to bloodCOto Keep tho body healthy and stronr ?& ssawwa &g of chUdm. have'KbVeyny restored nt. health through the use of th i tnnK Bold by druggists evorywhero r?r n Jayne & Son, PhiladeligpS' Dr' D' LU.MBI3U 01 OREGON REACHES IIK1II RECORD (By aeoi'KO M. Cornwnll, editor tno Tliuburniun, In Oiegonluii.) Tim cIohIiiit month iff thn vnne fluilH the luiulior IiuhIiiohh of tho Htuto of Oregon nnd the Pacific ,ortiivoHt In u rainy pruuporuiiH condition. Tho cut of lumlier In Ort'Bon may reach 11,500,000,000 feet. TIiIh Ih IiIkIi water mark. Tho Hi'iirnH nt liiiml ii'L'ni'illiii' thn linn. her IiuhIiiohh In Oregon nro Intor cstlUK ami llluuiiiintlvo of tho dom inant IndiiHtry of thin Htnto nnd Uh liitlmnto rolatloiiHhlp to IIh proH pnrlty. The total uiiuihor of wood workliiK pluutH, operntliiK from -Mi to :tlU dayu In 1012, ug(;regiited 700. Tho lumber IiuhIiiohh of Oregon ami U'iihIiIiiiiIciii wiih nt Itu lnu'itut obli In Deceniber of ItiHt yenr. Tho decline couimeiiced hi tho Hiiininer of 1007, coincident with tho moino- ralile anticipated chaiico In tho imHtlimmil freluht rnliH. fnlllmr tn tho nbnorinaliy low price of ?!i per iiioiiHaiui icei, iniii run, an iiKiiiiiHt $i:i lu .liinc, 1007, according to thn OHllltiulcH iiT MimiiL-oi- Mlllit nt tho Went Coast Iiiiinhcr Maiuifac turei'H' iiHsoclatlon. Soon nftor tho opening of the proHont year the leniioncy wiih Hiignuy upwnrd nnd liau continued fairly active. Thn I'liitKn for thn I'.liniicn wnn nt. trlliuted pi'liuarily to tho placing or larizn ordnru liv thn rallroailu. wlili'li hud bought Hpurlugly for tho paut four yearn; coincident with tho up ward trend of general IiiihIiichh. Tho purchiiHn by tho rullroatlH gave u Htirfonlug and Htlniiilntlug tone to tho market. Another feature Iuih iieen tho liicre.iHlng demand for hIIo material. TliaukH to tho agricul tural colleges of which tno Oregon Agricultural College HtuudH ub tho hend tho farmorH lu tho Mlddlu WoHt mid South wt'Ht Hint oh havo found that tho iiho of n hIIo, provid ing green feed for their Htock dur ing tho winter inoutliB was a money niakor. Tho rcHiilt of tho campaign hnH been folt by tho lumbermen. It litis been estimated that nearly 100,000.000 feet of fir lumber will lie Hhllllioil hiihI from lint pmiut ilnr. lug the coming HetiHou, of whicji tho Htnto of Oregon will contribute Kh quota. Tho foreign trndo desplto tho ex traordinary high charter rates, haH been fairly HiitlHfactory. The for eign Hhlpplug from Oregon thlH your will uggronto about 180,000. 000 feet: tho coaHtwlHo HhtpmnntH about IliO.ouO.OOO feet. Tho rail HlilpiuentH In Oregon In liUl oqunl led a(),S70 carH. Tho HlilpmontH for urogon in i :u a nro not nvnlluiile, but will hIiow an lnereiiHo over InHt HU Patrons '""f Sla4,l , 1'r.ouK.vci:, j,M j"i cioHuti tho Bin wiiil'auy. n ,,. with 82 patron,, I '"""" or butter lirought Boinclhlntf "''. If Clltlnllr . nplcco for tho uk month of Auituii il 2.5 centii a poutj.' n.l . cents: In Octol mo comiunci ni0, .iiino wiih $370G; i, ior AugiiRt. $370 . V "uiiii infirl ciiccRB amounted to reaching that marv. ly. TIiobo Humi A iinovo running MpcJ two contH a pound B1 ior out. wmism EffljE-iii miwtMxiiMuwmmm The Sign of Good Candy Always DECORATIVE ELECTRIO OUT FITS FOR RENT Fruit nnd Flower lamps at re duced prices. SPECIAL DISCOUNTS In Portable Lamps for tho Holidays. Coos Bay Wiring Co. 1JJ3 Bioadwny N J Phono 237-J. l," Clialmer's Auto Service J. M. Dodgo, Driver. Stand nt Palaco Restaurant. PhonoB, C-J or G-L, day and night Marshflold, Oreaon year The railroad coiiHtructlon lu Oro gon, which liuB beon much In ovl di'iiro for tho pant two yonrn, pono trated tho tlmbor holtK and will placo nearly every Hcctlon within tho next two years In touch with rail facilities. Tho lliirrlmau lino to Tillamook Iuih been complotPil nnd tho oxton Hlon or tho United RallwayH (Hill property) from ItH proBont tormlniiB lu WiiHhlngton county to Tlllnmook Hay Ih coutomplntod. Tho comple tion of tho DeschutoB lines (Hill and llnrrlman) Into Contrnl Oregon menus tho nctlvo dovolopmont of tho groat pluo bolt In that sec tion, stretching from Bond south ward to Klamath FallH, a dlHhinco or about 200 inlloH, and In doHtlned to bocomo ono of tho groat plno producing sectlonH of tho wcHt, with Ilend iih tho hub. Klnmatli Falln, with a vory heavy bolt of plno tim ber tributary to It, Ih rapidly devel oping uh u luinbor producer. Tho cxtoiiHlon of tho Natron-Klnninth cut-off rrom Eugono, via tho South Fork of tho Wlllnmotto Rlvor, will provldo a further outlet for tho timber of southonHtorn Oregon, Tho coutomplntod onat and woat lino of tho llarilnian system, with Ontario, in Slalhour county, ns its oaBtorn tonnlniiH. uml fnrmino , Junction with tho Deschutes lino soimi or iionu, win pinco tho great tlmbor bolt of tho Cascade plntoaus In easy rail connection with East ern inarkotB. 'I ho construction of tho Hnrrlmnn branch from Eugono to Cooh Bay. via tho SltiBlaw, with an estlmntod tlmbor stand of 20,000,000,000 foot tributary to that rlvor, with an equal amount tributary to Coos Bay, will within tho noxt two years provldo rail transportation for a vory Im portant and aB yet undovoloped timber section. Anx imlopondont lino ls projected from Cottago Orovo to tho mouth of Umnnun itlvnt- iMw. control of tho Salem, Falls City & Western llnllrnml i... i. u. ,:. .......,, ,v lMU mil i iiiiiui iiiioresis, wnicn will doubtless In suro an extension of tho lino In duo season lu tho Slotz Bnsin: othor contemplated logging ronda to tho Nohalom from a point noar .Mnrshlnnd on tho Columbia rlvor; a projected lino from Medford to Crescent City. California, and tho oxtonBlon of tho Pacific and Enstorn (Hill lino) railroad from Its ter minus at Butro Falls, in Jackson county to a connection with tholr Deschutes road, practically moans tho grldlronlng of tho great timber linll.. rt'l.l.. uuiin. i iiin ii .... ., yearn result In doubt uniiui iii uio statt mated Htaud of t foot- ono-Hlxth of ttt hor of tho eiitiro IV It Ih well tn lu. tho dovolopmont ofc "or ny tno inn am) r. win provnio racllltla ovory Hoctlou nf tk.. Up to within a ? mill. II .... '1 iiii imj nxrcpuon el from PortliHiii in u herod Boctlon of On, Piled With trnnaimH.' tho Hnrrlmnn sntt: :.HJIinilJII o mo inn, oicctric IIiioh tliroorA motto valley, and & volopmeiit of tho 1 timber by n lino tn Hiruciion rrom silter IOCS Will lie ilollvfrtl orn Pacific for triti Portland, glvo an (option of tho futert of tho Wlllamnttn V Tho railroads cant ly co-opornto In thai urogon'H tlmbor re: vidlnir nilenniiin fvr- tratiHiortntlou chartn nation of the arl!t heretofore niinlloil ta Igluatliig on the brttd Southern Pacific Ilea and tho competition r tho advent of tho K havo n vory matkri Htlmillntlnt: mui rncov volopmont of tho Is: Tho further Imnm Columbia Rlvor, tier port commissions and thn nortu nf Ore co a htiloin, Tillamook, S. qua, Ynqulua nnd ttt Imnrovement nf Cooi: Port Orford and Ai provldo greater wata cllltleH and thus ' lcr tonnnco movemtct Tho general faTonl Hlirrnuiiillnir I tin for estH of tho countrt Hiiranco that tho coafi inolmln tin Inmliorh North went In Its fliti HHJ liPMJUi1 Over ?ll,00(),(ll)(i AVr PmiK'rtv in Xortb' lu ImnliM HAM T.MJANPISM. Properties valued ' fti 1 nan nno nrn lnioh bor doai, tho Inrgfiti or calirornla, to on u cash basis, t! fl'lll.l.i n r... illlTL syndlcnto, It Ih said. tho Union Lumber C floot of vcssols ana v- Ich oxtondlug rrom i WlllntlH. MendnClDO llnlfll.ifrc i.nt.Gnnl ll utllllltlD VIVv. iicroa of timber lanli output of redwood ' Ing to moro than f shipped to tho or urngg. OREGON DEATH I Dccienso In MoitalllJl tSntw ill Tast I SALEM, Jan. 9.1 two venrB tbero wen In this stnto, nn Is over tho nrecodine t and 11.70P, deaths, COO, according to Secretary Whlto of tS of health. Wh lo t" Increased, thoro bai lnnrennn In nonulatlCl less porcontngo of 9 procodlngtwo yeari. nlintvc Ilin wlilln r from tvnlinlil nnd tt lncreasod, thero has t in diphtheria tln'ou Dr. Whlto says the 1b largolydiio to th1. common drinking " closo inspection of r children. Buy Your Mei at the UNION MEAT MARl And You Will Always Havo Pure Wholesome Meats. Th( ,4 Li 1 JMr, ' , ... V. VIXCESA hVT ttt'