TlCOOS BAY TIMES, MAHSHflELO, OrlEudfJ, MiDAV, JANUARY Id, 1019 EVerJlfJU EDlTlof, 4MI -.' 'in HI 1 1 InTtfLtiT.m'Iffi-d . a'.mm'vXKlt.mMY.GKlm.l IALL FORM ?flKO 1) ttiinndlllOllt Of Jordorod pre- rojoction by fetlon In 1912 tn nctlon wnB rostrnln tho Ihor members folcctlon com- r secretary of ducstlon of inon tho bal- tcsultcd in a l' by tho In- poii a dlvliloil fcborH of tho uf tho lnjunc-it. loct for tho romo court, I pcd tho func- Wo nnd oxocu- brnmont; thnt trt would havo kmo in Rolling nnd punlsh- f'nnd thnt Biich br impotuB to "nnd decisions of moro Iny- iiBiirpntlona of kcallzod thnt I thnt It wns Dino court tho srnmant which thnt -while llty of n judl : not sot mysolf resist by force no was nn en- Judiciary upon lights. I wns Biormlt my por- fclt In nnnrchy. orderly procod- court, how- bin I Rht hold for 'ono for mo to ttrod thnt tho Unltod StntCB for trying to Itlzon by rofus- great quostlonn introvorsy upon woro not Judl- tholr chnrac- not pnaaod bo- lln of party pol- opinion loavoB as to whothor constltutlonnl i whothor our pcloao upon pos- liter and roform rnmont. It nlao ir grcator dotor- Iho right of tho loglslnturo nnd constltutlonnl tsolf up, not ns ns a supromo bnt. flth those vIowb. Iwrlt of error to of tho United lenco that that jurisdiction and db Involvod nnd It will not dla- ! toll mo that If right, I should irdcd tho doci- bo court, doflod Ita Bhorlff out ed out tho mlll- osltlon nnd sub to tho peoplo surt." J'b messago con against tho sub- lobby 1st' nnd all bills be ro- nmltteo within luggesta nmong 'Pnnnma Pacific on with' women Son bo appolnt- mo onactmont law. phlblt stock wa- fprotect unway aolr monov In r property but iuioso Bchomos known to tho t'bluo sky.' " sent of a work Bmpensatlon act. legislation. Inles bo treated and that tho against panics. laws. , a Btato penal oners. (laws against tho Mno nnd onlum. luor licenses up- of their hold- bropoBed amend- election of sen- ling to Bell, rent eiy, iry a want WEEK'S DOINGS : AT 1 Interesting Budget of News from Thriving Southern Orogon Community. (Special to ho Times) DENMARK, Jan. U. George Col bort and Joe Cox nro doing Boinn tlmbor crulBlng up In tho lilt Ih ubovo Donnmrk. Mrs. Qoorgu Chonnwoth nnd daughtor, N.ovn, attended tho W. O. W. bnskoL social and dnnco nt Lnnglols on Now Ycnr's oto. Mrs. Foreman nnd MIbh Ida Ilon nott returned on Now Year's day from n fow days' .vacation at llnn don. Mr. J&moB will movo his family to Lnnglols, whoro ho oxpcctB to go into business in n fow weoks, My, but tho parcel post Is most handy for peoplo In this section. Wo can ihave n lot of things now that wo novor could hnvo boforo. A birthday danca is duo Jnnuury 18 at tho Chonowcth hall at Don- mark. Don't know whoso birth day, thoro are so ninny dno this month. Ouobs wo'll all havo a fow honors. Nothing Ilka taking all tho honors that como our wny. ROHEIIUHG COMPROMISES TAX. Morclir.ntH Agree to Pay Old Occupa tion Levy but No More, ROSKI1URO, Oro., Jnn. 9. Robo burg morchnnts who rccontly dccldod to rcfuflo to pay an occupation tax bucauBo tho tax was raised by tho council to covor n loss of f.1000 n year caused by tho abolishment of tho nonr beer trafllc havo doclded to pay tho old rato, but to rofiiBo to pay tho advanced rnto, and it scorns probnblo tho council will seo fit to accept tholr offer In order to nvold tho almost endless litigation that would ousue. Tho voters will pro bably will bo glvon nn opportunity to express tholr opinion on tho oc cupation tnx nt tho regular election noxt October. OSS Mi KANSAS JUDGE'S 1IQUEWEDDING CO.MMITH COUPLE UNTIL FEES AND COSTS ARE PAID, THK.V INVOKES GOD'S MEHOV UPON Til KM. COUNCIL GROVE, Kansas, Jnn. 10. A record of nn unlquo early day marriage was found n fow days ago among somo old documents In tho probata Judgo's olllco nt tho court liouso. In tho Into 'GOb 'Saulro Aldington, ono of tho first sottlers In tho county, widely known and woll liked, wns olectod a Jus tiro of tho poaco. Ho had vory mtlo "book learning" nnd not much knowlodgo of tho lnw, but ho was n rough and ready orntor of parts, and whou n couplo ap peared at his otllco to bo married, ho was oqual ro tho omorgoncy, al though ho novor beforo had married a couplo and hnd no form of pro coduro to go by. Quito n crowd enmo with tho brldo and groom, nnd ono of th'om took down tho ceremony as tho Judgo snld It. Aftor all tho preliminaries had boon nrrnngod 'Squlro Arlington "nod tho brldo and proom. Aino Poabody and Amanda Thomas, and inoir witnesses up boforo htm, nnd said: "Follow citizens This horo man nnd this horo woman havo appear ed boforo this court to bo hitched in tho legal bonds of wedlock. If nny galoot In tho mob knows of anything thnt might block tho gnmo If took to a higher court, lot him toot his bazoo or olso keop his Jaw to himself now and forovormoro. All in favor of my proceeding as authorized by law, say 'I;' contra ry, -no.' Nobody said 'No' and the motion carried unanimously and the court rules there is nothing to provent tho trying of tho enso. "Now (to the couplo) grip your fins. (Tho couplo Joined hands. Amos Poabody, do you solemnly swonr that you'll freezo to Mandy foravor and provide for her and treat hpr square and whito, accord ing to tho rules and regulations set down to govern such cases In tho laws of tho United States, so holp you God?" "Yes, sir, I do," said Amos. "That fixes your ond of tho bar gain. Mandy Thomas, do you sol emnly swear that you'll hang to Amos for all coming time; that you'll nurse him In sickness and bo square with him in wellness; that you'll always bo to him a good, truo, honeBt, up and up wife, under tho penalties prescribed for such of fenses?" "J swear I will," tho brldo re plied. "Then by the power vested In me as pustlce of tho peace In and for Morris county, state of Kan sas, I, John Apllngton, pronounce you, Amos Poabody, husband, and you. Mandy Thomas, wife, and loc alize you. to remain such and for evermore, and stand committed un til tho fees and costs in tho casos are paid In full, aid God havo mercy on your ou1b." A GOOJHEELER Frank Wordon Declares Ho Will Outlive Tlnio Allotted Him By DoctorH. NEWTON, Iowa, Jan. 9. Frank Wordon of Colfnx arrived In Now ton rccontly to visit Judgo Clom- onts, who was nn old school mate of his In their boyhood near Prai rie City. Modlcal ituthorltlCB and men of science say that Wordcn cannot possibly llvo mora than ton or a dozen yonrs. But Wordon, bolng philosophical, hlniBolf ndds another twelve to this and doclarca ho will bo alive 24 years from today. Wordon Is nn ossified man. Ho assorts that hb Ib tho only ossified human bolng in tho world, Wor dcu's body Is as hard as stone and as rigid as a piece of steel. With tho oxcoption of his oyes, his tonguo nnd his arms from tho el bows to tho finger tips ho can not movo a inunclo. Ho BufforB no pntn nnd IiIb nmlctlon is not para lysis. But dcsplto his prcdlcamont Wor dcn Is contontod nnd choorful. Ho Is an Invotornto pitch player and likes to smoko strong cigars. Ill Eighteen Years. It was 18 yonra ago when Wor don, tlion a farmer, at Colfax, was first strlckon. His nock began to stiffen. Medlclno nvallod him noth Ing nnd physicians told him ho wait bocomlng osBlflod. Ho sot about to client death ns long ns posalblo. As tho ossification of his body spread from lila neck, Wordon saw that IiIb JawB woro boglnnlng to sot. So ho put llttlo wedges botwoon his tooth nnd kopt thorn thoro un til tho Jnw bones woro rigid. And today thoro Is probably half an Inch of spneo botwoon his upper and lowor tooth. This Ib sufllclont to nllow him to cat soft foods- food that requires no mastication in tho mouth. Tho hnrdonlng of tho body grad ually spread until todny It Is numb from head to foot. Tho flow of blood through tho veins amounts to llttlo moro than seepage and grad ually tho doctors say, will stop al together. Wordon lies on bis bnck con stnntly. Ho can not turn IiIb h'oad. Ills body is not soro from constant friction with a bod and he suffors no pain or any kind of n fovor whatovor. "Thoro'n no uso for you to got long fncoa and look at mo dub lously," Bald Wordon. "I know I'll die somo day from this, thing, and so you can't frighten mo n bit. But whllo I'm horo I'm going to get tho vory best I can out of llfo." Wordon Bays ho knows ho will bo totally blind sovoral years boforo ho dies, but ho is going to seo ovorythlng worth seeing boforo this timo arrives. "I'm not going to mlas n thing," ho says. "I can't say thnt I havo many friends In tho world, but so long bb I havo a dollar I can get along. I'm a curiosity and I know It, but whon I want anything dono for mo I flash a ploco of monoy and somo ono Ih willing to work." Clearance Sale a ; ma out in pmoiis LndleV Children's and Mea'a SnOES. All noir stock. Up-to-dAt JIti. Tho Electric Sboe yu S Wef Clean and Press Ladies' and Gent's Suits Goods Called for and Delivered ' m m k i I mk Kav Steam lannririi je j. PHONB MAIN BTJ Kaiahfteld, Oregon. WK WILL MAIL YOV H for each set of old False Teet sent na. Highest prices paid tpr old Gold, Bllror, old WAtcaet,' broken Jewelry and Fraetoat Stones. Money Sent by Return Vatt. Phllft. Smelting & Refining Oe. Established 20 Yoars. 808 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Fa. TO DENTISTS. We will buy your Gold Fillings, Gold Scrap, and Platinum. Hlga est prices paid. Have That Roof Fixed NOW Bee CORTHELZ PDOITO MM. . Openiimg Aoimomcemennit We desire to announce to the people of Coos Bay that we are now ready to supply tho choicest Teas, Coffees, Spices, Extracts, etc., that can be procured, We are making a specialty of this line. We would like to have you visit our store and let us show you samples of these high grade products. If you can't come to the store telephone us a trial order or give one to our representative When he calls at your home, Coos Bay Tea, Coffee and 'Spice Moose 189 South Third Street, MARSHFIELD ' PHONE 394-J City Auto Service Good Cars, Caroful Drlrors and reasonable charges. Our motto: "Will go anywhere at any tlmo." Stands nianco Hotel nnd Blanco Cigar Store. Day Phonos 78 and 46. Night Phono 46. rtATtKF.n A OOOOAMiJ. pronrlotow. You Auto Call foote PIIONK 1M-.T NIGHT AM) DAY .Stand front of lllanco llllllnid Parlor TWO NKW OA11H After 11 P. M. Phono 5-J. Residence Phono .H-.T. Careful Drivers -: Good Curs. Marshfield Business College The School of Success UHOHB MOTTO IS AD OMNIA PARATUS Wliich hmii prepared fdr ttrtrj tiling. Are yof prewired? M yo are, yo cm at let audit a set of hooka, write lcu'l bU riiortliand rapidly aid skillfully ana n typourltcr. You ore a good peaaiaa, rapM and accanite at figured; you onu mite a tdllag, baslneea-gettlug letter In good KuglLiIi. You ltmon liow to km a Darroughtf adding machine, a rrritcrpro.'M, malUgraii or aeoetyle. Yoa cau operate a letter copying prcM, a filiate amd iadcxlag cabinet. You undenttnud tho illc tapliotie, tbe tabalaior, adding, ubtractlng, billing tyiewiitcr and other modem offlca appllnnces that niiiltlitly a busy jnnn'a time, power ana efficiency. You can nuiko out chocks, notes, drafts, deeds, mortgages, llon.4, poiror of attorney, bill of sale. Yoa can write an ngrcotnent thnt will hold, etc., etc. If yoH can not do mott of these thing, toll of which will he tanght tn both our day nnd nlght school, your liojo to win Is unfair to yoaraeif. II Is Uio most exicnNlro hope you pould possibly eatcrtnln, and It will keep you hopelessly Insh e4 to mediocrity for years. No matter how much you hank on rainbows and wait for somo fnrornblo brcero to wnft you to harbor, every trained boy nnd girl will draw rings around yon a they pass you on tho road, UNMSSS YOU PltKPAItK. For particular writo tho College, temporary hondqunrtvrs, Chandler Hotel. fLANAGAN & BENNETT BANK '." Capitdland Surplus $100,000 Oldest Bank in Coos County Interest' Paid on Time Deposits. "J i : 4 Send a Check Doa't raa aroand paf ing yoar blUa ka earrenoy wk yoa can Jaat aa well aeod a check. , Na troable aboaft Makteg ckanga when yoa aof by keok. Na dkpata can ever arise about a payment wade by ckeck-.. Tme bank, after caaWng U, kaiiaa Jt bak to yeu, aaktaf aa aadfs()atabt receipt. No danger of losing money, or being robbed of it when yoa pat it to the bank' and pay by check, Za temptation to apend it if it's in the bank lastead of la yonr pocket. Yoo,'ra money ahead andleav worry beklad wkn you have a ekecUag account at th First National Bank Of Coos Bay MarsWkM 1 Ntrtli BM Akto Line A KDTG. rrowNatera. Oaw leave UaxshSeld every 4S mlnataa from 7:16 a. at. anUl 12;80 midnight . Leavo North. Bend on same schedule, starting at 7 a. m. ahtltiadnlght.v Bee Saturday Times for sab.MBla.'auitiii! . , WANTED ! ! ! OAHPBTS UPHOLSTERING" ANT) PIANOS TO CM5AN, by the Pnon. matio. Cleaning Company, Orders for work taken at GOING ft nAItVHY, , Phone 10 Unique Pantatorium THE MODERN DYEItS. CLEANERS, PRESSERS and HAT HHNOVATOIIS Agent for IOVnvard II. Btrausa & Co., Flno Tailoring. Let us mnko your next suit. 205 CENTRAL. Phono 250-X PROFESSIONAL OIRECTOaY T M. WIHOIIT, J COXTltAOTOll AND RUILDKR Estimates furnished on request. Plans nnd specifications furnished If doslrod. An honest job guaran toed. 'Phono 124-R. OLIVIA EDMAN, Mcclinno-Thcrapist Scientific Swedish Massage, Medio OymnaBtlcs 320 8. Rlxtlx St. Phono SOB-R. JOEL OSTLINI), Piano Tuner nnd Repairer. 41b 8. Sixth Street. Phono 103-L PERL RILEY UALLINGER Pianist mid Teacher Rosldonco-Studlo, 137 So. Droadway Phono 18-L. W M. S. TURPEN, ARCinTECT Marshtlold, Oregon. DR. VT. MORROW, Dentist. 171 Grlmea Building, over Grand Theater. Office Phono 820. W G. CHANDLER, Architect. Room 801 and fl02, Coke Building Marshfield, Oregon. DIt, A. J. HENDR-f'H Modern Dental Parlors. Wo aro equlppod to do high class work on short notice at tho vory lowest prlcos. Examination free. Lady attendant. Coko Dldgo Opp. Chnndlor Hotol. phono tir-.T. FOR A GOOD WATMI OR FINE JEWELRY . C. BARKER JEWELER Flno Watch nnd Jewelry Rcmlrlng. 2flfl Front St.. Marshfield. New and Second Hand furniture sold on tho installment plan. HARRINGTON, DOYLU & CO., 302 Front St. Phono alO-L Marshfield, Or. T. J. SCAIFE JJUa. n. IIODGINS Marshfield Pai nt (Sb Decorating Co. Furnished. Phono 14 -L. Oregoc Estimates MARSHFIELD. REAL ESTATE, INSUR ANCE AND RENTALS Soma flno bargains In Real Es tate. Houses and rooms for rent. AUG. FRIZEEN. 68 Central Avonue. R. J. MONTGOMERY Real Estate and Insurance 244 North Front Streot. nUILDING AND REPAIR WORK, House Moving nnd Grading. Wo are prepared to do this work by tho day or contract and guarantoa satisfaction. Let us flguro with you, G. S. FLOYD A CO., Phone S1B-J. Mandiflold, Ore. First Class Weaving promptly dono at Gardiner's Rag Carpet factory Cor. Union and Montana Street. Phone 131. North Bond, Or. Thi Star ' Transfer and Storage Co. Is prepared to do all kinds of hauling on short notice. We meet all trains and boat: and we also havo the latest style Reynolds Piano Mover. We guaranteo our work. L. H. Heisner, Prop. Phones 98-n. 120-J o.L Times Want Ads. Bring Results WHEN YOTJ WANT A MESSEN GER BOY Something sent for or delivered phoxi iaa-L and we'll do It. Oharges reason ablo. oha8 wrtAimr, k