THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, JANUARY 9, 1913 EVENING EDITION. IVER JOHNSON light running quality HUHAI1ILITY CH13NGTII ITHKI'VIj J f l ' WHAT YOU GET IN THE IVER JOHNSON BICYCLE Iervice WORKMANSHIP ONEER HARDWARE CO. inrm grade The Busy Corner Hot Water Bottles, Foun tain Syringes and Combina tion Hot Water Bottles and Fountain Syringe, Values from $1,75 to $3, For Only $1.50 Be sure to get one, Ev eryone is guaranteed, i Lockhart-Parsons Drug Co. "THE BUSY CORNER" MAIN 298 PHONE ONIGHT -at Royal ' account of a delay of boats -Snn Francisco, soma of tho mers of tlio Musical Comedy my to npponr nt tho Royal ir, hnvo not arrived and It do Impossible to put on tho il hill for tonight, as oxpect- Vb soon as peoplo nrrlvo tho gomont expects to glvo ns a show ns has boon scon In Iflold for many a dny. i't forget tonight thoro will big vaudovlllo acts, also ai mj ..v.-.uv, uiL.v.uu, nrtni.iilAita nnfltlnil rnA 'The led Hotol." f, Lower Floor, 15c. llnlcony 10c. GOOD SHOES Good Repairing at Right pes, go to lUGUST olesen SIR South nrondway. POWERFUL MAGNET tho circulation of THE 3, acting ns n iowerfiil mng- Ihat 'pulls" results for adver- circulation of this paper Is Dto. Tho advertising, as well news, Is rend every day by body In this community. ohrIi tho Want Ad. column oplo plnco their needs beforo ger market. They always get actory results. Circulation ftho work. cphono your want ads to TnE PHONE 133, VALUE COMFORT QUALITY hicygles Offers for Sale US If you havo anything to soil, rent or trndo, or want holp, try a Want Ad. Hnvo your Job printing dono at Tho TImoB ofTlco. Don't "Tako a Clmnce." Von tako no chnnco when you buy n suit at tho FIXUP $8.50, $10.00, $12.50 and $15.00 and overyono tho best value- for tho money you can get any where. Tho sumo price yesterday, to duy nnd tomorrow. Tluit's tho way wo do business. THE FIXUP Marshfiolcl. North Bend. Four-Tier Fairview Baldwins Solid and Crisp $1.00 Per Box Stauff Grocery Co. Mnskcy'a Candles. Phone 102 skPGML TIDES FOR JANUARY. nclmv Is glvon tho tlmo and height of high and low water at Mursliflold. Tho tides are placed In tho order of occurrence, with tholr times on tho first lino nnd holghts on tho second lino of ench day; a coinpai Iboii on consecutlvo holghts will Indicate wholhor It Is high or low wntor. For high wntor on tho bar, BiiftHtrnct 2 hours IM minutes, Urn.. 1.35 9.43 3.37 10.18 Ft. . . lira.. Ft... Ill'B.. Ft... HrH.. Ft... HrH.. 4.7 r..or 4.8 n.ufi 1.0 fi.02 6.0 G.33 G.2 0.1 1.3 0.32 1.0 3.3 10.21 3.1 10.57 3.0 11.35 2.8 12.19 2.6 7.08 5.3 7.45 6.5 C.l 4.09 5.7 4.47 5.3 6.20 4.8 G.13 4.2 1.09 2.3 2.14 1.0 0.C 10.40 0.2 11.11 0.3 11.33 0.8 0.0 0.0 7.07 3.0 8.1G 3.1 Ft... Hrs.. Ft. . . HrH.. Ft... LOCAL TEMPERATURE RECORD. For tho 24 hours ondlng at 4:43 n. in., Jan. 9, by IlonJ. Ostllnd, spoclnl government me teorological observer: Maximum 45 Minimum 32 At 4.43 a. in., 34 Precipitation 14 Wind: Southwest; Rainy. IInyH Auto Tho Cooh Hay Stonm Lnundy has purchased a now deliv ery auto from Geo. Goodrum nnd will receive It within a fow days. Is Administrator E. W. Ilornltt lins boon named ns administrator of tho estate of Ferdinand Klnlin of Empire, who died n fow days ago. Teach Agriculture. County Sup erintendent linker announces that tho pupllrt taking tho eighth grado examination next spring will bo required to pbbb a test In agricul ture as well ns in tho usual school branches, To California County Commis sioner V. T. Domont of Myrtlo Point will lenvo In a fow dnya for Califor nia with Mrs. Donient, who hns been 111 for BOtno tlmo. It Is hoped that tho chango In cltmnto will bo bono llclal to hor health. Damaged Lighthouse. TIo keep er at the Capo Hlunco light houso roports that conflldornblo damago was dono around tho light houso by tho lnat Btorm, tho wind tear ing down fonccB nnd damaging tho small outbuildings. WANT ADS. WANTED A good delivery horse. Will buy or hire. Twin City Laun dry. North Dond. OPPORTUNITY For Immediate! snlo, I offer my West Marshflold proporty at tho corner of Twolfth nnd Commercial. Tho homo 1b niodorn, Including hot wntor hoat Ing plant. This proporty faces east with boautlful vlow. Is rented for ?20 month and would bring moro, Thoro Is no Ienso ou proporty. Tho price Is right nnd is mndo with tho object of selling tho proporty. Seo mo. R. J. aiontgomory. , FOR RENT Ninety aero farm two miles from Myrtlo Point. Forty acres plow land and 5 ncres rlvor bottom land, no stumps. Threo cows and somo machinery go with placo. Immediate posses sion. Cash rent, $1G0 por year. Would mako a flno chlckon ranch. Good outbuildings. Ap ply William James, North Dend, Oregon. WANTED Nlco unfurnished room, closo in. Box II, Times office. FOR SALE Flno new motor boar, 22x3; 0 h. p.; 14 miles hour. Cheap for quick sale. G. D. Rlckor, General Delivery, Marsh flold. FOR RENT 7 room houso on South 4th Streot. Inqulro J, E. Edmunds Coob Day Wiring Company. FOR SALE A 1 rig, horse, harness nnd spring wagon. Apply F. A. Sacchl. LAUNCH FOR SALE A cabin launch, 20 ft. long. F. M, Frlod borg. WANTED Position by experienced bookkeeper. References furnish ed, Apply Times ofllco. WANTED Steady roomers, S2.f0 a wook. Portland Hotel, 3C1 Front streot. FOR BALE Dry wood, fir nnd al der, at CampbU'a Wood Yard, Ferry landing, 'Phono 153-L. Services Tonight Tho Union ser vice of tho local churches will ho held this evening at tho First Baptist Church. Itov. Mr. Uurkhnrt, Pnhtor of tho First Presbyterian Church will hnvc vhnrgo of tho sorvlce. Tho pub lic Is cordially Invited to attend. Actress Will Rclurii MIsb Gladys Urockwell, known off tho Btago ns Mrs. Scott, will arrlvo on tho next Htcamcr from Snn Francisco to piny ns lending lady In tho Htock company at tho Masonic opera house. Miss Hrockwcll played In Mnrsbllold n year ago and by hor IiIkIi standard of work and charming mannorH won tho hearts of ninny who will bo glad to welcome her back. Will Was list .Tudgo Hall and W, P. Murphy nro to ho called up on to make nftldnvltB aa to tho test of the will of tho lato John' Mo Lood. Tho will, which was In tho custody of Mrs. J, E. Sohllllng, was destroyed when tho Schilling hotol at Gardiner burned n fow years ago. Property valued at about $5000 was loft by Mr. Mc Lcod. Mrs. Schilling, Mrs. W. P. Murphy nnd M. A. McLood of Marshflcld nro among tho hclra. Mcssra. Murphy nnd Hall rcniomher tho disposition of tho property mndo In tho will and their affi davit will tako tho placo of tho original Instrument. AMONG THE SICK. Cnpt. Reed, who has been qulto 111 of ptomaine poisoning nt his homo In Kttlyvlllo Is roportod im proving. MIbb Hnzolton of South Inlet, who In sufforlng from a sovoro at tack of typhoid fovor, was brought to Mercy hospital from South In let. Sovornl othor members of tho family havo suffered from tho dlscaso In tho past. Miss Mogford, a Mursliflold school teacher, hns beon qtilto HI nt her homo on West Tenth street and Mrs. Morrow has been In chargo of hor room. An unstially largo numbor of cases of la grlppo Is evident on Coos liny now. Physicians attri bute tho epidemic to tho recent cold wonthor. ALONG THE WATERFRONT I Tho Anvil was roportod In at Dnmlon yesterday oftor having boon bnrbound In Roguo Rlvor for a week or so. Tiicadny'B Orcgonlan says: Round for Portland tho gnBolIno schooner Anvil put out of Roguo river yes tordny nnd renched natulan, from whern she Ib to sail today and Is looked for horo Thursday. Tho ves sel will Bnll outward nbout Mon day and hor nwnors hnvo docldcd not to carry passongors until wca thor conditions Improve On nc count of tho surrender of her pas songor llconso bIio will accept gnso llno nnd othor enrgo of Hint char acter. SEPARATE SCHOOLS FOR INDIANS ARE HELD VALID KLAMATH FALLS. Jnn. .In a decision rondorod hero, Judgo Ilonson hold that ptiro Indian nnd hnlf breed children may bo pro vided with schools Boparato from thoso used by whites. Tho enso was brought up by half broods, who asked that tholr chlldron bo allowed to attend a whlto school at Fort Klamath, across tho rlvor from a school on tho Indian reser vation. Tho directors thoro had provided Boparato schools for tho puro blood Indians nnd tho half breeds. HOT DRINKS HOT DRINKS S3 Hot Chocolate, Hot Tea O Hot Drinks Hut Soda H Hot Coffee, Hot Roulllon O Hot Chocolate, Hot Tea 2 Hot Drinks Hot Soda Hot Coffee, Hot Houlllon W Hot Chocolate, Hot Tea Hot Drinks Hot Soda a Hot Coffee, Hot Roulllon O Stafford' O 'A 7 w DRINKS HOT DRINKS HOT Burglar Alarms nil standard makes of Revolvers MARSHFIELD OYOLERY agents for DAYTON 1HOYCLES, OLIVER TYPEWRITERS, Phono 1H8-R 172 N. Rroadway Orpheum Tonight THREE REELS 3000 FEET ALL NEW. AT THE HURGLAR'S COMMAND A humnit picture including Gwcudolin Rates and excellent comedy. CASHMERE, Chief Health Resort of India Charms nnd Interests with splendid scenes nnd superb photography. A GIRL'S 11RAVERY A dangerous strugglo on a foot brldgo and a rescue from tho swirling rush of waters below. ESTARLISHED ADMISSION - - - 10c, NEVER MORE PERSONAL NOTES . D. SMITH of Dnnlels Creek Is In town today, AUGUST PETERSON was up from Hmplro toduy on business. MRS. FRED WILSON of Allegany Is upending tho day In town. W. 11. PIPER of North Coos River Is In town toduy on business. MRS. A. H. OLSEN of North Inlet Is visiting In Marshllcld today. HERHERT GEDDES of South Coos River Is a town visitor today. TOM HARVEY left yesterday over land for Portland on business. J. T. HARRIDAN wns a business visitor nt Myrtlo Point yesterday. MRS. C. D. PIPER of North Coob River Is a Mnrshflcld visitor today. J. J. CLINKENDEARD of Daniels Crook Is n Mnrshflcld visitor today. FRANK IIODSON of South Coob Riv er Ib In town on business for tho dny.. JESSE SMITH of South Coos RIvor Is a business visitor to Mnrshllold todny. J. E. DOYLE loft on tho train this morning for his homo In Myrtlo Point. MRS. TOM SMITH Is spending tho day In Mnrslilleld from- Dnnlels Creek. W.J. HOWARD loft yesterday on n business trip to Coqullo Valley points. GENE TERRY of North Allegany is a town visitor looking after busi ness Interests. JUDOE JOHN F. HALL oxpcctB to leave Boon for Portland nnd Salem on business. JACK RODINSON, n homestondor on Hayncs Inlot, cnino to Mnrshllold this morning. WARREN RESSEY of South Coos Rlvor was a business visitor to town this morning. H. 11. DONAIIEY will lonvo by tlio j Drain - fjnnllner stneo tomorrow. morning for Portland, .MISS GRACE FULTON la In ainrsh llold today to provo up on hor North Inlet homestead. II. II. nLAKE of Allegany camo down tho rlvor this morning nnd Ib spending tho dny In town. W. P. MURPHY nnd wlfo nro spondlng n fow days at tho W. F. Murphy homo In Coqulllo. COUNTY COaiMISSIONER ARai 8TRONG Ib horo from tho lower Coqulllo on business and plcnsuro. EDITOR ailLTON 8CHULTZ of tho aiyrtlo Point Entorprlso wns a Marshflold business visitor last ovonlng. T. F. HAUSCHILDT nnd family havo moved from South Coob Rl vor to tholr now bungalow In Eastsldo. JOHN W. aiOTLEY and wlfo havo moved Into tho rcsldenco on South Socond street, recently vacated by F. G. Horton family. GEO. HAINES oxpects to leave Boon for Oakland, Cal., aftor a abort visit with Ills paronts, air. and airs. A. T. Haines. R. J. DORLAND, tho commercial trnvolor will bo an outgoing pas senger on tho Draln-Gnrdlner stngo tomorrow morning. ailSS HATTIE WHEELER hnB ro- tumed from a two months' visit with friends at Red Dluff, Califor nia. TOai GOLDEN, who la now engin eer on tho launch Queen on tho Coqulllo, Is spending a few days In Marshflold. CAPT. N. J. CORNWALL Is expected In on tho Redondo from Borkoloy. whero ho has been spending tho holidays with his family. SOCIAL CALENDAR. THURSDAY A. N. W. Club with Mrs. Eugono O'ConnolI. FRIDAY. North Dond Thlmblo Club with Mrs. I. D. IJartlo. Ladles' Art Club with Mrs. F. A. Haines. W. H. KENNEDY and wife nnd O. A. ROGERS nnd wlfo nnd family nro expected homo on the Redondo. H. 11. 11EAN, mnnnger of the now Twin City Laundry, was horo from North Ilcnd today on business. Ho sny8 tho now laundry 1b starting off nicely. Ho has decided on nn Innovation In Oregon laundries by making nn eight-hour dny for the women employes. Wr. IIONEDRAKE wns down from Catching Inlot yesterday and re ported that tho cold snnp thoro had been oven moro sovoro than on Coos Dny. At tho Ed Hodson placo a thcrmompter registered 10 whllo air. Donobrnkc'B thormomc ter hovered around twonty-two. HOTEL ARRIVALS. HOTEL COOS A. JohuBon, Se attle, Wnsh.; John R. Smith, Lomes, Colo.; Owen W. Smith, Denver, Colo; D. Lelghtcn, Portland, Ore; L. A. Horoono, South Dond; C. O. Nnttago, Portland. DLANCO HOTEL S. O. Eggora nnd wlfo, City; A. F. Tomllnson, Portlnnd; C. II. Dungnn, Coos Rlvor. THE CHANDLER R. D. aiunsoy, Portlnnd; R. W. Doylo, Dnndon; O. W. Ptcphonson, Conlodo; C. M. Shtilz, Myrtlo Point; ar. arcCormlck, S. 8. Nnnn Smith; A. II. Snyder, San Francisco; C. G. Sinclair, Oakland, Cal.; Mllo Pearson, Lnkculdo; W. O. Scott, San Francisco; A. Camcronr Snlcm; P. Pcderson, Salem. North Bend News G. J. Richardson, who has en gaged in tho brokerage business horo, this morning received tho fol lowing Bolf-oxplnnntory telegram from tho Gnlll Fruit Company of Snn Francisco: "Withdraw all prices on oranges and lemons. Tho heavy freczo of tho past wook hns apparently destroyed nil citrus1 frulta. Will let you know when wo hoar furthor." Chlmmy Rlchnrdson, son of G. J. Richardson, Is oxpoctod homo nbout Jnnunry 20, from nn extended vIbIU to San Frnnclsco and othor Cali fornia points. Ho has beon figurine on promoting tho boxing gnmo la North Dond but no doflnlto an nouncements hnvo been received from him. CHRISTIAN CHURCH MKETIXO. Annual Ruslness Session of Martdt fleld Congregation Is Held. Tho annual business nieotlng oC tho Chrlstlnn church of ainrshflold waa hold Tuesday ovonlng nnd moat of tho old ofllcora woro olectod for tho ensuing yonr. RoportB on tho year's work showed a satisfactory condition. Tho ofllcora choson for tho ensuing year aro: Eldors S. J. Immol and C. A. Sohlbrcdo. Doncona II. W. Pnlntor, W. R. Cox, E. L. Hopson, Q. T. Colomnn J. W. aiotloy and W. A. Rcld. Clerk John W. aiotloy. Treasuror II. W. Painter. Choir lendor L. W. Travor. Organist Miss Anna Cox. Assistant orgnnlsts airs. John W. Motley and airs. Darbeo. Sunday school Biiporlntondont W. A. Rold. Assistant Biiporlntondont Rev. 7,. O. Doward. DoaconesseB Mra. R. A. Copplo. airB. D. C. atcCarty, airs. W. A Rold, airs, aiattio Blaln, airs. G. TV Coleman and airs. II. W. Painter. EPIDEMIC OF THE ITCn ' STOPS ailLTON SCHOOLS. WALLA WALLA, Wash., Jan. 9. A special dispatch" to tho Union says an opldomlc of Itch has bro ken out among tho children of Mll ton. Two teachora In tho publlo schools hnvo boon forced to resign and tho dlscaso haB becomo so gen eral among tho pupils that tho townspeople havo petitioned tho school directors to havo tho schools closed temporarily. 1171 . 1 Whitmans Always sold la scaled packages and guaranteed to bo FRESH, Tho store for Quality Goods. (I ll