IK . - I r f! ! .'! !'l .T IHfi 0003 BAY TIMS, MAIUHPlBLh, OHBOOMi tHUhSDAY. JAMOAHV tf, irifr-felUflllta BflrrMJ ". rtnt iJiiiitiW,i.''-wfarr'iMrftrbo. f?i . nf Mr trTTii i -"--3tt-gMBaBiaM8M&ifctoi'Mi3AaMWfciaacKuw3 nmmmmMi ill ftjftY- f jmavt JffcinrtV ftTWKWMK 1M r 'iSiiiiriufclX 25 Per Cent Discount on Wall Paper For the next week wc will make n reduc tion o 25 per cent on all Wall .Paper in the stock of the Coos Bay Wall Paper and Paint Company, the business of which we have just purchased. We want to reduce the stock as much as possible and effect a saving in the moving from its present location to our store on Front street. This slock is complete and up-to-date and has the best selections ever afforded on Coos Buy. If You Want Wall Paper Now Is the Time to Buy It Mr. C. F. Johnson, who has handled Iho business, will remain at the sloro and dis play the stock to customers. $iM0 i 2sTortli Second, between Central and Com mercial, Marsh field. 'THE FRIEND OF 0008 HAY' S. S. ALLIANCE equipped with wireless SAILS FROM COOS BAY FOR. PORTLAND WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 8, AT 10 A. M. CONNECTING WITH TIII3 NORTH HANK ROAD AT PORTLAND NORTH PACIFIC STEAMSHIP COMPANY. Phone 44. 0. F. McGEORGB, Agent. equipped with wireless Steamship Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIMK. SAILINGS FIIOM PORTLAND, Tuesday evening of each ucok At H P. M. HAILING FROM MAHSHFIELD, Tucsdny, Jam. 7, 0:00 a. m.; Sunday, Jan. 12, 12:110 p. in.; Saturday, Jmi. 18, 11.00 n. iu.; Halmdny, Jan. 25. Phono .Main Dft-L. J. O. MILLER, Agent. FAST AND COMMODIOUS Steamer Redcmdo EqulpiKil with wlrelcm and tubmarlBo bell SAILS FROM SAN FRANCISCO for MAR.SHFIELD MONDAY, JAN. 6, at 3 P. M. All PaMenger Reservations From Hau Franclnco Murt Do Sbulo t H05 Flfu Hluldlng, or Pier No 10. All reservatioua must bo ta ken up 21 Ivonrn beforo sailing. INTER-OCBAN TRANSPORTATION CO. PHONE 44. C. F. McQEOROE. Agent. Steamer Homer Sails from San Francisco, for Coos Bay With freight only V, 8. DOW, Ageat, Ocean Dock. SS SPEEDWELL OAPT. RURT1S, Master. Sails for San Francisco from Coos Bay, Friday , About Januory 15th service of tide. Tim SPEEDWELL la speedy and lia excellent passenger accom modations, lingo clean and nlrjr rooms ad cleotrle light, and Irulcss. For freight and passage, apply, A. F. Kstiibrook Co. Title Guarantee and Abstract Co.. 215 Cal. St., San FrancHco. Mat-thrield. Clearance Sale IHO CUT IN PRICES Ladles' Children's and Men's SHOES. All now stock. Up-to-date Lasts, The Electric Shoe Shop MEMORIES ROH STANLEY. Sometimes wo Just can't help it, this thlnkln bout ttio Past Unit lived8 nwa? bckSoranfroI)iur Tlmo hud cast his Glances in .our temples to streak 'cm up with gray, and draw t 'o linos am w In kUs whoro glnd Htnllca iwt to play. So, when at fall of twl Bit. o bio tho briiio stars beam that list to shine above us, wo Juat rim t bo tlrcain. or, when wo sco a plctur, or hear nil oldtlino uoiig, that iiinkis It o loiod ones, wo just can't git along until wo'vo gono In Mom ry back o'er each weary mile, to llvo tho old days over, o on for ti Httlo Wh Wo cannot llvo on Mom'rlos but still they nro a part of ltvln. such ns colors and brushes nro of Art. Tho romu and boar us Willi j om , aw ay from sottln' sun, Into tho dnys of brightness when Llfo was Just begu i. And, whllo we'ro thoro, tho Shadows which have begun to fall aro lined from our presence, and light gleams over all. lly thorn, our lives are colored, and brushed, and shaped In part, thorn good, old, chorlshed Mom 'rles that bloom In ov'ry hcnit. The Record Photographing Abstract Company now havo photographic copies of all tho records of Coos County, Oregon, from which correct Information wo nro now rondy nnd will bo ploased to mako for you Abstracts of Tltlo to nny real ustato In Coos County, prcpnro lists of present owners, mnko photograplilc copies of Townsltes, Pints and Township Mnps, or furnish nny In formation In rolatlon to tho tltlo of any Ileal Estnto in Bald Coos County. 11USINESS OFFICE: 117 North Front St., Mnr.shflcld. Phone 151.1 W. J. RUST, Maneger 1PECIAL! A nice line of Ladies' Mannish Shirt "Waists. The new thing in waists. "While and colors. Priced ait $ 1 and $ 1 S The GoHeim Runle First National Bank Bldg. jMnrshfield Parties Desiring Monuments Erected Would do well to call at PACIFIC MONUMENTAL WORKS South Broadway and make selee tion from the large slock now on hand. fti.r. "Wilson has in his employ tho only practical marble and granite cutter in Coos County. And none but the bst work is turned out. C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. RETAIL DEPARTMENT LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES, MOULDINGS, SASH AND DOORS. ROOFING PAPER, I7rO. CUT THE FUEL HILL IN TWO RY USING OUR WOOD. PHONE 100. 182 SOUTH RROADWAY Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and Marine Insurance Title Guarantee and Abstract Co. HENRY SE.VGSTACKEN, Mgr. Coqulllo Ofllco Phono 191 Plnttlng Lauds n specialty. Farms Tlmbor Coal and Marshflold Ofllco 14-J, Gonornl Agonts "EASTSIDE." Self-Preservation Is The first Law TlMn ItimiMftHAA t ,. o h a ll inu itipuiuuuu la uuu ui mu most important incatiB of protec tion. And yet pcoplo will contlnuo to neglect It. Let us insuro your housohold furniture, your dwelling or oth er property. It will cost but llttlo. It will protect you per fectly. Wo havo tho strongest com panies and wo wrlto correct policies. LS Kaufman & Co. The Sign of Good Candy Always Fisher Auto Service Wm. Fisher, Proprietor. Phono orders to mayor's Cigar Stand, Phono 18-J. After 11 p. ra phono B-J. Night phono 181-R. Marshflold. Oregon. A modorn Drlck .ulldlug, ElectrlJ Light, Steam Heat. Elegantly Furnished Room3 with Hot and Cold Water. HOTEL 0008 O. A. MetHn, Prop. lUtcst 80 cwiti a day and upwards Cor. Uroadwar aud Market DECORATIVE ELECTRIC OUT- FITS FOR RENT Fruit nnd Flower lamps nt re duced prices. SPECIAL DISCOUNTS In Portnblo Lamps for tho Holidays. Coos Bay Wiring Co. Phono 237-J. 153 Hroadway N CALIFORNIANS SPENT $58,3 LAST YEAFi BUYING All ENORMOUS SUM SPENT RY RES IDENTS OF GOLDEN STATE FOR RUZi WAGONS DURING YEAR OF 1012. SACRAMENTO, Cal., Jan. J). -Fiom tho records of tho motor vohl clo department of Secretary Jordan's ofllco nf tho closo of tho 1912 busi ness comes tho story of how Cnllfor n I u Invested approximately 108,320, 000 In automobiles nnd lends tho continent In tho number of motor cars purchased during tho last 12 mouths. Tho records show Unit thoro woro 29,100 motor vehicles, oxcluslvo of motorcycles, purchased by Cnllfor nlnns In tho year Just closed. Tho attaches of tho motor vohlclo do pnrtmont nay this number Is 5000 omro tlinu Ncw T I clOFVCHt fmm,(li. "I Mnm X'...! VI proximately ln.nftn Thoro nro now L uuniuio oi U10 8tatt,ft clhnes Imported niiuuH, uz.iau motor 6 Ini? nn Invoatmnni .. This astlituii,, i. ... 'o rau, putntlon that n,e t fuuu. Compnintlvu flg, tho DlirehllKnn ln n.,.. IncronHod nbout lOoii Tim nni,w,vl... motor vehicles for L to $75,000. Oflhlnj Id for ntitomoblle .il.IilZ Ilir I'llnnd... rnmnlnilnp la ...., " ' muue b nnd lllltlllnnlna rru of approximately j i NO ISE W A METEOR LARGE ASTRAL RODY DEMOL ISIIIS TRL'E WHEN IT LANDS OX FAR.M NEAR FOREST GROVE, OREGON. FOREST GROVE, Ore., Jnn. 8. tiio otnor morning nt nbout ;l o'clock, during tho heavy rain and wind storm peoplo thoiiKht this section of Wash ington County wns nwnkoned from their sloop by n loud nolso thnt wn thoimht to bo thundor. Reports havo renched this city thnt tho nolso was undo by n falllnc motoor. which lnndod on tho fnrm of Honry Vnn- (icrzniuicn, nuar Hoy. Tho honvonly body struck nnd demolished n lnrso treo beforo It entered tho ground nnd evidently wnH of laruo size. EffortH will bo made to dig It up from tho ground. Ml 100 YEI SWEARS OFF SMOKING; DIES SAME EVENING. Dubuipio .Man Victim of Heart Failure. LOS ANGELES, Cal., Jan. 9. John L. Rnriugcr of Dubuque, In., who hns boon hero for tho pnst two weoltH visiting friends, inndo n reso lution to stop smoking. Four hours Inter ho wnB dead. Whllo roturnlng to his room nt tho Victoria hotel, Ilarlngor droppod dead of heart failure on tho street. Ho wns rushed to tho rocolvlng hospital, but nothing could bo dono far him by tho city's omorgoncy doctors. Rolntlves havo boon notillod of his death nnd tho body will bo turnod ovor to thorn. Ilarlngor was 45 yoara old. INSURANCE RECEIPTS FOR YEAR ARE $110,108 SALEM, Jnn. 8. Insurnnco Com missioner J. W. Ferguson hnB sub mitted a roport to tho governor showing that tho receipts for tho Insurnnco department for tho yonr ending Novombor 30, 1912, woro $110,498.94, nn Incroaso or 10, 038.82 ovor Inst year. Tho in croaso includes ovory branch of business handlod by tho department. SCHOOL AT FALLS CITY OPENS AFTER EPJDEMlO FALLS CITY, Jnn. 8. Tho Falls City school has again boon oponed after n closedown of sovornl weeks on account of nn opldomlo that was called smallpox nnd other nnines. Tho nlno tenchorB nnd tho 150 pupils havo been vaccin ated and tho building fumigated. It is hoped that nothing further will happen to delay tho work of tno institution, Chalmer's Auto Service J. M. Dodgo, Driver. Stand at Palace Rostaurant. Phonos, 5-J or 5-L, day and night. Marshflold. Orocon Barnard & Langworthy See our window display of WOOD ELECTRIC FIXTURES LEADED ART GLASS DOMES PORTARLE STAKD LAMPS. PnONE 1B4.R. Pictures & Framing Walker Studio FRESH OLYMPIA and EASTERN OYSTERS Just received. PnONE ORDERS TO COOS HAY ICE AND cold) STORAGE CO. PnONE 73 CUT THE HIGH COST OF LIVING W. II. Chapman of Winnebago, Neb., tolls how ho did It. "My two chlldron had a very bad cough and tho doctor's mcdlclnea rldi tlmm no good. I got a bottlo of Foley's iiunoy una iar compound, and be fore it was all used tho children woro freo nnd cured of their COUgh. I saved a dor.tnr'R hill fnr ono 25c bottlo of Foley's Honoy una iar compound," No opiates. Sold by Lockhart & Parsons, the Busy Corner. I Will Furnish Your House on the Installment Plan W. K.TViseman 841 North Front St. Bus. Phono 29G-X: Res. Phone 160 CHARLES ASIIFOnl OF NEWTON, ,.i SPRY DESPITE AND LONG USE (J NEWTON, N. Ji Ashiord Shaofor, 1 1 tho employ of Abrtml thin city, is 100 m Ho works six daju an nxo ns well n nnd rccontly cut ul shocks of corn. Ills first troiiBcn td tho Juice of wnlnstl or hns used glns-tii been sick until be bj 1902. lie has eti slnco ho wns 22. 11HIEFS OF Rll News of Clly-b)Mlif5 Tho He Wilson & Howard 1 (lvo year lenuo on ttu nor of Atwntor street d Ave, of J. II. Jonei,u a blacksmith shop a i Frod Mohl Is about tl addition to tho weitra Plaining mill, which' moro room for bli business. Tho gnsollno tug J lug to tho Geo. W. 1 Co., hns rocontly um ough ropnlrlng and kj condition now. W. A. Lo noro tercst In tho Catterlil storo to Mr. CatterllJ. having full chnrge ('I Mr. LoGoro hns purta Inson'B Interest In thoi ling Alloy nnd that I now bo run by Howe Mr. Robinson will P CnJ. on tho Ellzabefc Tho llrst IssuoofN will appear next W Simpson, a nowsppl oxpcrlonco, will b ' priotor. Tho neccr a frntornal hand to iH porary, and wUh Wtl coss. MEET IN 0W.1 Legislature Connl HhlerMnnfW OKLAHOMA CITY, Measures of much f( brought beforo tbe ' lature, which conTe its blonnlal session. nronosals to bo cosr- upon aro tho abolltWj ishment. an appropr state canltol. worp tion, tho abolition clj state educational In'0 portant changes In1 guaranty law. MASONS IN t Delegation From ? Install Ix XTcittr vrrir .Tan. II of members of the lodgo of Massachus Grand Master Evere" ed today for PnnsnH Masonic lodge therl thta mnnth. The f be undor the Jurlsdl lodge of MassachuK nra thn MnnOlllO l0" operation In sever1 Amprlcan countries HaT your Job IThe Time ofllco. 4kbli