The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957, January 09, 1913, EVENING EDITION, Page 2, Image 2

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.Editor ami Publisher
, News Editor
"ISiterctrattiio pos;?iUce ai Murshfleld. Oregon, tor transmission tlirougli
Cba -jnalla as second class mail matter.
Let Opportunity Do All of the
Knocking for Coos Bay Hereafter
I "iwiii'uij" rijwr, mum
! Ucforo you have formed any
i bad habits in the matter, ilx It In
your mind Hint "Parcel" not
"Parcels" Post Is right. Already
In the general discussion of tho
new Institution In tho United
Stntes mall service, It han become
quite tho habit to miscall tho
system "Parcels Post." It Is us
remarked before: Parcel Post
P-A-It-C-E-L (and Hint's tho
end) Post.
And you need not bother to
look It up. It Is not In tho dic
j tlonary and besides the reporter
looked it up on tho postmaster's
Ipampblet from Uncle Sam direct.
AT A RECENT batuiuet In San Francisco town one of the speak
ers dellered this quatrain:
"Oh, you whom poots choose to call
'Serene, Indifferent of fate,'
Let opportunity do all
Tho knocking at tho gate." ns take that for our text.
"Let opportunity do nil tho knocking."
Opportunity Is tho lady described by tho Into Senator Ingnlls as
a fugltlvo who makes but ono tap at tho door ns Bhe pnssos. Op
portunity Is reputed to have the hnlill of knocking but onco nt every
anan'a door. But Bacon says: "A man must make his opportunity
am oft as ho finds it."
What hns been said of opportunity In her capricious relations
.to man docs not apply to her relntlons with Cooa Bay. From tho
-click of dawn to tho crack of doom, opportunity will be playing n
1Uloo on tho doors of Cooa Bay.
How often hnH she rapped In tho past?
Sho found tho virgin wlldernes! and rapped thrlco against tho
mighty firs. Tho doors of tho wlldsrncss opened nnd a band of brave
rsuid sturdy plonoorB entorcd, bringing tho torch of civilization to tho
dark-skinned peoplo who fished and hunted nnd gathored tho fruits of
.lnc forest In this paradise of tho Pacific. These first pioneers, many
-to them, canio becnuso opportunity knocked with a pick ngalnst tho
roclis of tho foothills nnd gold was found. Tho gold is still thero,
IHwX. while not found lit such geueroun quantities as in other lands,,
TLTho knows whnt the future mny hold?
Then opportunity knocked ngnln, nnd coal was discovered. This
-xrcat trensuro that furnishes tho furnnrea of tho Industries of tho
world with energy, Is hero In abundance Suniclont to furnish forco,
o turn tho wheols of the fnctoiles of half n continent; heat and en
'Tgy for a multitude.
Nor was this all.
Opportunity knocked again. Valleys that woro over green await
ed tho arrlvnl of tho rnncliors to mnko It n pastoral land, with ensy
TTciilth from Its herds nnd orchard .
Rcsourcofiil opportunity wns not yet through on Coos Bay. Leav
ing tho auriferous foothills nnd the initios of coal from tho dark
rteptha of which como fuol Bitlllclon' for a thousand ships nnd fac
tories, nnd the valleys whoro hords cropped tho spring grasses, sho
went Into tho forest depths nnd b"ought forth lumber for the homes
oT mon. ,
Then rnmo C. A. Snilth ns opportunity's representative with tho
TKoldr-n key of development to un'cck the rich resources of a section
r"flrflovlng with natural wealth of thousands of years.
Yet pPTHlHiont oppoi (unity hn 1 another tnBk to perform for Cooa
TOny. To do this sho wont far nfte'd. to tho Isthmus of Panama, nnd
Thy Iter knocking forced n wny throigh n mountain nnd linked Atlan
tic nnd Pacific, no Hint the rommer'o of tho onstern lialf of tho con
tinent nnd of Europe could flow swiftly nnd cheaply to this port nnd
t products find onttlly ncresBlblo innrkols.
"Let opportunity do the knock'ng."
It hns done much. Perhaps t'te indefntlgablo Ingenuity of op
port unity will find otlter menus of benefitting Coos Bay, adding to
tho groat gifts It Ikik placed ill tho pooplo's disposal.
Perhaps It is time for the people of Cooh Bay to wold tliom
wives Into n unified, purposeful holy, with n common aim of benefit
ting thoniBelven by boosting their mnlcliloss reHoureoB and great sec
tion nnd leaving nil the knocking, past, prosent nnd future, to oppor
tunity, who Bttrelv knows her Job.
THE discouraging thing about
Now Year's ipsolutlons is
tho fnct thnt thoy aro llkoly
to Indo nntv with the rlnnlu of
"i.hc bells nnd the fouMment whim
ttLe piifwIiiK of tho old year ovn--aon.
They are Inclined to b u
-jjerlntlvely mornl and unlruiiiniiolv
U-embrnrlng. So the) tiro nnihl
oua and r-roinUliiK. but of a'.io.'t
nrntiui Bui thero aro certain
wiiolmloim which aro always In
-ifirflor. They mny be renewed Just
wu well on tbo Fourth of July or
'flufeanksglvlng or tho flint of Jan
Kinry, nnd one of this soit Is tho
-KTisnlutlon to write homo often, if
watao 1b fortunate enough to have n
Inomo and hna renched tho plnro
whoro ono must ehooso botweon
St nnd tho Intercuts of the worhl.
'"3iy giving nn aged mother spaco
3a your paper, asking him to re
turn to my pioaont address boforo
W la too lato, you will obllgo n
Yioor blind mother." This sontonco
ifrom n letter to tho editor of n
ThoiiBohold wcokly concorna a Bon
nrlio left home four jenrs ago mid
3uib not been henid of Hinco, His
aso may bo an oxcoptlon In its
lextronio neglect, but Illustrates tho
onmo sort of carelessness which
too many other sons and daughters
sis well might plead guilty to. "Uo
oro It Ib too late," Is n patliellc
wpponl coming from tho heait of n
lorsaken inother.
So oven If thoro la not the ex
tromo need In many homes which
this message Imiilles, there mny bu
Just tho sanio sort of longing. Bo
hind proud reserve or pitiful sub
torfugoB, ninny fond pnronts ox'
ciiso tho carelessness of their chil
dren. Neighbors nnd friends In
quire nfler tho successful or prom
ising Bon, (ho happy, onorgotlc
daughter, nnd Boiuotlmcs fnthor nnd
mothor aro llkoly to admit that tho
children aro too busy to wrlto homo
very often. They aro llkoly to bo
proudly Important ovor tho fnct,
but tho honrtncho Is thoro Just tho
Bnine. It's n good thing to romom
bor this and wrlto to or visit tho
homo folks bofoio "It Is too Into."
And one doesn't havo to wait un
til Now Year's evo to mnko tho
resolution, or to renew It nftor
It hns been long broken. It Is
one of tho good resolutions which
la always In season.
"pnrcol post", and not tho "pnr-
IUIO 1UJ01 , , ih MITII III mum.
It costs nothing to have it cor-icct.
Many Pay $25 and $100 for
Futile Claim on Railroad
Land Grant.
EUGENE, Jnn. 0. Tho swindling
gnmo thnt unscrupulous timber
land locators havo been working
upon an unsuspecting public for
sovornl yenra past, filching money
from tho peoplo for "locating"
thorn upon tracts of land within
tho Orogon nnd Cnllfornln railroad
grant in western Orogon, with tho
promise that as soon ns tho suit
ngninBt tho rnilway company for
felting theso lands to tho govorn
ment Is decided thoy may fllo rog
ularly upon theso landB as homo-
steads, Is flourishing right now
moro flagrnntly than ovor, but
strong efforts nre being mndo to
put n stop to It.
Tho Lnno County Abstrnct Com
pnny of this city is foremost
among thoso endeavoring to stop
this game, In which theso Innd "lo
cntors" aro growing rich from tho
fees paid them by Innocent peoplo
This company took up tho matter
last October and has succeeded In
bringing tho attention of tho post
olllco olllclnls to It, with fair pros
pects of prosecutions for using tho
malls with intent to defraud.
Eiigcno people, will remember
thnt four or fivo years ngo whon
tho ngltntlou wns begun ngalnst tho
rnllwny compnny wlieroby efforts
wero started to endeavor to compel
tho compnny to forfeit tho land to
tho government, thore wns n scram
bio on tho part of many to mako
application to purehnso the lands
from tho company, but It hns long
slnco been seen thnt those peoplo
have had no cliauco at nil to se
cure tho laud and tho honest tim
ber cruisers nnd brokers gave up
tho proposition at onco. But thoro
nro others who nre still working
among tho peoplo In tho middle
west nnd In Cnllfornln, compelling
thorn to pny nn application feo of
from 2Ii to $100 each and prom
ising thorn thnt as soon na tho suit
la settled they will got tho lnnd.
Theso nppllcntlons havo beon
pouring Into tho county clerk's of
flco hero dmlng tho pnst fow
months nnd they seem to bo con
stantly Increasing.
A pnrty canio Into the Times
ofllco the other day and asked
why tho Times want nds nl
wnys almost Invariably found
lost articles said ho had tried
It on moro than ono occasion and
the Httlo want ad always did tho
It's vory slinplo when you un
,i,. rat .mil the Times circulation
and thnt there nro but fow people
on Coos Bay who do not rend
tho Times eveiy day.
A "wnnt" ml In tho Times will
reach the party with whom you
can do business.
Try ono today. Phone 13.1.
Hub Clothing & Shoe Co.
Christofferson Making Great
Hit There; Opens Factory
and Plans Machine. '
Sllns Christofforaon, tho Times
blrdmnn who mado such a hit on
Coos Bay with his aoroplano and
hydroplano exhibitions hero InBt
fall, has practically decided to lo
cate In Snn Francisco, nccordlng to
n lottcr from his brother, Harry, to
tho Times today Mr. Chrlutoffcr
son In his lottor says:
"A week ago Inat Sunday night
Sllns flow ovor tho city, nbotit 2000
feot high, and tho mnchlno wns Il
luminated with electric lights. Lin
coln Bcachoy (tho world's groatcBt
aviator) snld It was by far tho
moBt spectacular aerial stunt that
had been pulled off during Iho year
"Sllnfl flow at tho moot hero Inst
weok with Lincoln Bonchcy, Roy
FrnnclB. Robert Fowler. Tom Gunn
(tho Chlueso flyer), nnd Thadduus.
Kerns. Next to Beachy ho was tho
moBt popular flyer. Wo havo been
doing a groat deal of passenger
carrying slnco wo canio here.
"Now Year's day wo carried
about twenty paBBongora during tho
nftornonn. Our machinery has beon
Inolnllnil In lift fnMnri ntwl n
havo tho best equipment on the
Women's High Top Shoes, 14-inch tops, black,
gun metal, lace,. $5.00 Shoes, (f ) r
Friday and Saturday at - - - vp3OU
Women's High Top Shoes, 16-button, black,
gun metal or tan, $5.00 Shoes, & A M
Friday and Saturday at - - )4-vU
Men's 9-inch Top, tan, lace, $6.50 &A PA
Shoes, Friday and Saturday at 4)nr JU
Hub Clothing & Shoe Co.
Marshlicld "MONEY TALKS" Banfa
const for this kind of work.
"Wo havo Just begun work on n
now flying hont that will bo tho
finest thing over built for carrying
"It will carry two paasongorB
besides tho operator and thoy will
rldo down in tho boat fully pro
tected from all wind and spray
from tho wnvca
"This mnchlno will be driven by
n slx-cvllndcr 7fi horsopo.vor engine
nnd tho propollor will bo driven
through roducod gcnrlng by chnln
nnd sprockets.
"I hoar thnt Gorst & King hnvo
bought two hydroplanes anil nro
going to uso them on Coos Bay."
WAHINOTON, Jnn. ) Repre
tatlvo Hnwloy Introduced i
amending the thrco year's liocl
law so that setlers who we raw
lug upon uiisiirvoycd public litlj
the time tho three. year's bill I
n law mny, when their lnnd U i
veyod, hnvo tho option of porta1.
title under tho new lnw or unto:
old 11 vo yonrH' law. Ho Inter iB
troduio ii bill, further nmcndlti
threo yours' law, by rcdticlni
amount of cultivation required, tl
lattor amendment is draun Intbl
lorest of homesteaders on lanikl
timbered country.
Southern California mid Ailona
llccords Broken.
POMONA, Cal., Jan. 0. Whon
tho mercury dropped to 19 boforo
midnight Monday, ownors of 2000
ncres of orango groves In this sec
tion gavo up hopo of saving their
crops. They snld their loss would
amount to hundreds of thousands
of dollars.
B. B. Shopard, manager of tho
Snn Bornardlno County Fruit Ex
chnngo, Issued n statement that the
cold lust night had damaged the
citrus fruit crops of tho county to
tho oxtent of $3,000,000.
During n painful dental operation,
J. P. Morgan's heart was touched by
a hard luck story to audi nn extont
that ho sent n $10,000 check to n
widow with thirteen children. Ono
Is almost tempted to wish him many
happy leturns of the toothnche!
The crop is large and very low prices will
prevail. Thoy will be cheaper than apples.
PHOENIX, Ariz., Jan. 9. Mon
day night wns tho coldest in tho
history of Phoenix. Tho govern
ment obscrvntory recorded n temp
ornturo of 17. Thermometers in
tho strcota rend as low ns eight de
grees nbovo zero. Tho provlous
low record was 22.
Cold at lloscliiirg.
Monday morning was Rosoburg'a
coldost morning In three yonrs, tho
thorinonioter dropping to a mini
mum of 17 dogreca nbovo zero be
tween tho hours of 7 nnd S o'clock.
CoUK'ht In Oregon.
Hnlwny, Orogon, wont moro than
halfway Monday In tho woathor
column and roglstered probably the
coldest point In tho state, with 21
degreos below zoro.
If you find tho water wagon a bit
crowded, Just bo patient. It will
bo dlfferen( next week.
It Will Pay You to Call and See Our
Kitchen Cabinets
Save money by saving the
extra wear and tear on your
cooking utensils, your stoves,
on your health, by having
everything in place and sys
tematized to
Save Unnecessary
Handling and
This can only be done by having a Kitchen Cabinet
"We call particular attention to the Hoosier Kitchen Cabinet.
We Also Call Your Attention to Our
German Aluminum Ware
Complete Housefurnishers
No Matter What You Want WE SELL IT FOR LESS