.,ii JUL Mmtmxi" THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 8, 1912. EVENIMG EDITION. wr -w. 6 ' i LUiiiDtn miiui: January Clearance Sale gs Kammerer Says: "Now Is the Time To Supply Your Wants." Overcoats, Cravenettes, Clothing, Farnishin: ShoesAH Reduced Getting Ready for the Spring Business It has always been my custom to make a cleaning thereby enabling me to stock up with the more seasonable goods for your future wants. I believe, from your past dealings with me, that you can depend on every word in my advertisements and that you can make opportune purchases .of high grade, up-to-date. merchandise at a great saving. Take advantage. $22.50 TO $25.00 ADLER'S FINE- SUITS For JANUARY, $16.75 Not a chestrfut in the bunch all up-to-date, high grade clothing in blues, gray, black and brown, Models: Norfolks, Semi- and Full-Box Back. Overcoats, Cravenettes and Shower-Proof Clothing $25,00 Black Cravenotto Overcoat, with convertible collar, full 60-inch length, a coat that can be used for any oc casion; shower proof, Sale price, $19.50 $25,00 English Slip-On, shower proof, Salo price $19.50 $20,00 English Slip-On, shower proof, Sale price $15.75 $15,00 Mouso Colored Slip-On $11.50 $11,50 Automobile Coat, has leather trimmed collar and cuffs, reinforced front that is a n absolute protection from rain w!ion sitting at tho wheel, Sale price $8.75 $6,50 Goodyear's Snag Proof Duck Boots, full length. Sale price $5.25 $5,50 Goodyear's Light Hunting Boots, full length. Salo price $4.25 $3.50 Gold Seal Oil Coats, full length, Sale price $2.60 $3,00 Gold Seal Oil Coats, three-quarter length. Sale price $2.35 $2,50 Gold Seal Jackets $1.90 $1,25 Oil Pants, Sale price 95c A wiiili isp lilt Willi 1 I'll MM ' ' i ' ' I ffiiiiv 'nit i ,wj c,,i Cst.J.aU'- $1.50 and $2.00 CLUETT SHIRTS, $1.15 Here you have a selection of styles and patterns that are unlimited, and re member that an Arrow or Cltielt Shirt sells for $1,50 and $2,00 tho world over, CHOICE FOR JANUARY $1.15 25c Everwoar Hosiery, in colors only, 3 PAIR FOR 50c 50c Everwoar Hosiery, in colors only, 3 PAIR FOR $1.00 $1,50 Wool Finished Shiits, colors, gray, blue and olive 95c Reductions on Our Entire Stock of Men's Fine Underwear Take Advantage $2,25 Wool Shirts, with military uollar, colors, gray, navy and olive, Sale price $1.65 $3,00 Men's Fine Dress Hats, Choice of any style in the house. ..$2.45 $4,00 Packard Shoes, lace or button $3.20 $5,00 Packard Shoes, lace or button $3.95 Yours anxious to please. THE TOGGERY WILL BE BRISK Pucjet Sound Mills Report Ex cellent Prospects; Expos ition Helping. SEATTLE. Jnn. S. With Inquir ies from the Pniinnin-Puelfle Ex- liciBltlon ntithorltles for between -I,-000,000 niul 0, 000. 000 foot of luin tier to bo delivered ns soon ns pos Bible, lumbermen today woro Jub- llnnt over tho immediate outlook for tlio now yenr. All tlie big mills of Pugct Sound ntul the Grays Ilnrbor district hnvo boon naked to mnke bids on this or dor niul with the cheaper grade go Ing out to fill It mul tho 100.000, 000 feet of hlghgrndo fir for tho Eastern ear manufacturers, on which they are now at work, lum bermen feel moro optimistic over tlio situation than nt any time for tho past four years. Added to tho big orders from tho threo Eastern car manufacturers, placed In Xovombor, ami tho deliv eries necessary for tho Panama Ex position Ib tho announcement that tho volume of ynrd-llno buying throughout- tlio East and Mlddlo West. Is expected to sot In In nbout ton days. Many Inquiries from yard lino operators reaching all tho big manufacturers and Jobbers Justify the announcement that February 1 this business, which Is regnrded as tho best In tho trado. will hnvo reached n healthy swing. Tho difllciiltlcs regarding the shortngo of cars and being cleared nwny, nH tho grain movement Is being taken enro of, and It Ih not now expected that tho mills will hnvo nny trouble In gottlng ordors our. One manufacturer already has orders for 000 carloads to bo ship ped east. The fact that tho demand for both tho higher mid cheaper priced lumber coiiioh nt tlio snino tlmo Iiiih stimulated tho trado moro than nny other oloniont In yenrs. Thoro Ih no Htirplus of logB nnywhoro on Pugor omul, niul log prlcoH nro very firm. Tlio cargo business Is In ex cellent Bhnpo, tho only difficulty be ing that of secured tonnage for off Hhoro ordors. Sevoral loading mnnufneturors said thoy nro prepnrlng to meor tho rush of lino yard or retail dealers orders on or nbout January (15. INSTALL NEW OTFICEKS. rMulll,. .Masonic mul Eastern Star Lodges I'nlto In (ViriiiiMiliN. Tho Coiiulllo Herald Bnys: "A Joint Installation of Chndwlek Lodge No. OS. A. F. ,v A. M. mid Iloulnli Chapter No. 0, O. E. S. took Plato nt Masonic hull last Friday ovenlng. Tho coromony wns wit nessed by Invited guests who woro rolntlves of Masons. Following nro tho olllcers for the your: Cliiiilwlck l.inl No. oh. C. W. Endlcott, W. M. I). 1). Plorco, S. W. h. A. Llijoqvlst. S. W. L. II. Hazard, Treasurer. It. II. Mast, Socrotnry. E. E. .loluiHon, S. n. M. II. Horsey, J. 1). Walter Cnlln. S. S. John I.onovo, J. S. J. II. Alters, Tyler. O. E. S. Worthy Matron Eva Urn-rows. Worthy Patron J. S. Lnwroneo. Associate Matron Mary A. Plorco. Sot-rotary Josophlno O. Pooplos. Treasurer J. A. Collier. Comliic treut Eninin I.IIJoqvlfct. Associate ComluctroM Viola Col lier. Sontlnol Susie Folsom. Cbnplan Cymlila Sherwood. Orgnnlst Oru Murray, Ilutli Allco Hlto. Esthor AHro Evlnnd. .Martha Violet I.oronz. Eloctu --KlUuboth Jninos. fiu'it'spwaving, .machine. At this tlmo thora nro tln-oo Cnini- ty Spraying Outfits. In chargo of Dep uty Fruit Inspectors locatod as fol lows: Coqulllo District, In ehnrso of O. A. Mlntonyo, Deputy Fruit Inspec tor, Coiiulllo, Oro. Myrtlo Point District, In chnrgo of O. II, Robinson. Doputy Fruit In spector, Myrtlo Point, Oro. Coos Hay District, In chnrgo of D. D. Ilrnlnurd, Deputy Fruit Inspector, Noith Dond, Oro. Coqulllo Hornld. Hit. E. F. WINKLER has roturn ed mid Is now open for business in the front rooms OVER 180 11EOAD WAV, oppostto Tho Times onleo. SPECIAUST In RHEUMATISM. APPENDICITIS, diseases of thai stomach, bowels nnd heart. NO! lilll'f.S mul NO KNIFE. CONSUL. TATION FREE. Hub Clothing & Shoe Co. BENJAMIN CLOTHES STETSON HATS STETSON SHOES ARROW SHIRTS All sold ono way GASJ r ONLY. Bolter values for loss money because "MONEY TALKS" Hub Clothing & Shoe (J Mnrslificld. Bnndon. News From Nearby Towns CUHRV PIONEEIt DEAD. E. II. .Mesci-vey, Iiiilliiu Fighter, Km I'.iiiihvi nt Komie It Ivor IIimiii. GOLD UEACH, Ore., .Inn. !. E.' II. Meservey died nt tho homo of his; son. Ellshn Moservoy, nt tho Inter's ranch twenty-seven miles up Koguo Itlvor. Tho ilei-easod hud been ton lined to his bod for tho pitHt two months suffering from n compiled-1 tlou cf illesenHe coiiiuiou to thoso ofj advanced yenrs. I E. 11. Mosorvey was born In Wuldol County, Maine, Deo. Ill, 18LM, nnd cnnio to Curry County In September, IS'.:!, and Hottlcd nt Gold Heaoh, bull later moved up Itoguo Itlvor. Ho ionic u very active part in nil the Indian' wnrs In Coos nnd Curry Counties. Ho organized u conipnny of Volunteers,1 In IS.'S on Itoguo Itlvor, and was' elected captain of the same. Cl'IIUV SHINGLE MILL. County and accoptod n now poi! In the life snvlui: crow. Yostorilnv.wn rni'.ili'oil n hm.i.I Tom Lnlrd, who Is taking a cot-B In )bnrmney at Corvullls, In thfl ho stutcs that ho wns ontcrti3 urisuuiiB oy ino rror, nnd Mtil C Ostlen lit .Moiiinmilli n.i u Miss Illltlu McNnlr mid MIm pJ urmu spent ineir Cliristmns lioll&l In Portland. I Mrs. M. .1. Conger, of ManMtl inouicr or J. ii. conger, nrrltd umiuoii Tiiesuny io maKo her tc with her son. Tim Perry Veneer plant ct IlllOIlt tlio 1 fit ll lliut. tir n Inn.. Mr. Perry recently muilo n sntitl tun iniprovomeiii on jus pinnttji! mug a room i-xiu in wniclitoi uasicotu. SIIEUWOOD ON THIP Mr. James departed for Weddor liuiii last week, to set In operation the now shlnglo mill, which tho Weddorburn Trading Company hnvo set up In connection with their now sawmill. Mr. James will cut hiiIII cluut shingles while there to supply prosent local requirements, mid ex pects to return the IurI of tho week, when our shlnglo mill, which baa been taking Its holiday vacation, will resume oporntlons. Cold Iloneli (Ilobo. ri'MilXCK OF COgiTll.liE. Coos County Sent Nihvh us Tnlil by Tlio Sentinel. P. C. Sullivan was appointed ns city marshal by Mayor Morrison mid the appointment conllrmed by tho council. I'nclo Jobho Cotton passed nwny tho -7th nt tho homo of his sou, J. A. Cotton, of (Jrnvol Ford. Tho ro mnliiH woro brought to Fulrvlow for burial bosldo his wife, who passeil away Id yoars ago. (Jnelo Josso Cot ton was born in Virginia In tho year I S27. Ho later niovod to MlBHOiirl mid In 1801 crossed tho plains with ox team to tho Wlllamotto Vnlloy. Ho en mo to Coos County In 1878 mid bus been a rosldont lioro over slnco. Mr. Cotton was tho fathor of four clilldrou of whom threo survive him. Yostorduy n denl wns concluded wlieroby A. P. Mlllor beenmo tho ownor of tlio equipment of tho Hoynl Theatro mul ho will ro-opo(u tho house. A. J. Sherwood mul wife left T". I duy for llnudou for nu Imlcflnlttl Journ In Southern California, ll Sherwood took his mitomobllt il him to oujoy the good roadi' which Cnllfurtiln Is famous. : bar was too rough for comfon sailing mid Mr. unit Mrs. Shert. cmuo homo to await favorable thor. Tho automobile wns ted Its sen Journey ns It will cxptr1 no Internal iDpIenHnutness.- qulllo Hornld. FAItMEKK ELECT OFFICKKl Coqulllo l.oenl No. C9, Finl iMilon, nt a meeting on HnttirdijJ eleotoil tho folbnvliiL' nlllcon: I'Vank lliirkbolilor. Presldett Finnic Wlllnnl. Vlce-Presldett E. A. Ferris, Clinpinln. O. A. Mlntonyo, Secrotnry-Treur J. D. Myers, Conductor. W. A. DnrlliiL'. Dnorkccncr. The; Union Ih In a flourlsblcft illtlou there being nbout one i dred nnd twenty-llvo memben good Htmi(llng.J-Coqullle HeriM INSTALL NEW OFFICKRi llltlEFS OF IIAXDOX. News of City-by-t he-Sen as Tolil by Tlio Worlil. Moss Averlll has reslBiicd bis po ltloii ns gnino wnrilon of Curry Tho llaudnn Hocordcr sari : llnnilon MiiHdiilc I.oiIl'o and Ctll of the Eastern Slur united in tl Installation or olllcors. The 11 Ing nro tho now olllcors of tlell don Eastern Slur: Mrs. Allco (Snlllor, W. M. C. it. Moore, W. P. MIsh Kathyrlno Hosn, A. M. W. J. Sabln, Treasurer. Mrs, liliigoiunn, Socrctnry. Miss McNnlr. Miushnl. Mih. Ilobl. Organist. Mrs. Sinllh. Rnntlnol. Mrs. C.ulllor, Mrs. Hcyiiold'.' Plorson, Mrs. Hosn nnd MM. f rniirnmin. tlin llvn tintlllK nf tut' A. F. &. A. M. IiiHtnllcd nsf W. E. Crnln, W. M. C. R. Mooro, S. W. E. II. Iioylo, J. W. E. E. Onkes, Troasurcr. Phil. Plorson, Socrotnry. II. C. Ilartrniift, S. D. W. J. Sabln, J. D. J. W. Mast, S. S. II. E. Honk, J. S. O. M. Gngo. Tyler. DON'T TRUST YOURSElf to solect your own glasses. It is decidedly dangoroiiB. And don't buy glnsses by tlio over-tho-countor mothod. Hondy mado glasses naturally hnvo both lenses nllko. Not one in a million has two oyos oxactly alike. If you valuo your sight como horo whero each oyo will bo oxnmlned expertly nnd glasses fitted to each. It's tho only safo and sano way. Eyes Examined Free HEfi IIAKKDV AND DELICATESSEN. "Clcnnlliicbs is Net to Godliness" Oiu- bieml Is made clean, kept clean, delivered clean. Also Cukes, Cookies, Pies mu nil linked Goods, J Try our dainty llakery Tauicli. I Open Evenings anil Sundays Let tis Servo ou, I RE D CROSS DRUG CO. Phono 122-J 133 X. 2nd St. Phono 112-Til sx . t; i on ELJai5ijlLi