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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 7, 1913)
THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, JANUARY 7, 1913. EVEMIMG EDITION. ' 4 II-I I I" ir r k ( ' i M N il t .V a V 1 i I f i. fl -. t T S P 1 PL City Engineer Gidley Recom i mends Many Blocks of f Permanent Work. City engineer Qltllcy Inst evening tlio bill wns presented were workliiR, but the coinpnny wns not furnlslilnK wnter for Rovcrnl sower lluali tntilcM In West Mnrstiflold. Counrlltnnn Copplo wnntod to know tlio rnto the company wns rhnrRltiR for this wnter. He snitl Hint ho thought n rnto of ten rents per tliommnd Kiillons wns nmplo nntl not 11 f teen ns someone hml BURKestod. Couiirllninn Morchnnt snld thnt tlio bill wns nintlo on n lint rnto nnil wns less thnn llfteen cents per thousand, tlio volumo of wntor used being sim ply estimated. Routine Proceedings. The rltv council did not tnlo up the innttor of mnlntiilnlnir the Coos Ilnv Concert iinnd ror tno enminiKi thus settling tlio question nbout tlio street not having boon dedicated. Action on it wns nosl-noncd until Cltv Attorney Coss returns. Action on W. S. Chnudlor's appli cation for nn extension of tlio terri tory covered by his heating frnn chlso wns postponed until City At torney Goss returns. made a report to the Mnrshllcld city " J- ,, Mnnnj.or WR f council on tho streets Hint ho -" ' '"" "'v nrtwcnt but tho petl thought should bo hard surfaced b", wis . ont.jut tlio 1 pnvod this year. Ho snld hat tho lonB t, for tho organization wero Btreots were In such condition that, ll ,,,,,, repair work wns n most useless, lie. noL ..,.- ori,,nd n wnrant for I ALONG THE WATERFRONT I ; The Fllleld snlled from Ilnndon to day for San Francisco. Tho Nairn Smith arrived In from liny Point nbout 2 o'clock this morn ing. Ruho Lyons of North lnlot brought his gnsollno lnuneh, Hcdton, to town tills morning for repnlrs. TO IMPROVE HOAI). TO LEI STATE PASS OK WATER 1 liUUlllltlL'U H "'' i,2i0ww.f ?8i drawn for tho monthly support of tho library. It was reported that tho light com mittee hnd ordered two Incandescent lights placed on Seventh street nenr Ingorsoll. Hugh MrLnln was onicrcu pom out $.121 moro on bis Fourth recommended hard surface paving for the following streets: Front street from Kim to Hem lock. Ilroadway, from Market to Alder. Broadway, from Centrnl to Hall.. Curtis, from Broadway to Second StrCOt. nlinnf Tho Improvement of Broadway airn,,f i,,,,nvnmoiit contract will rench from nenr tho depot to tho, nyor Straw said that (leorgo intersection of Broadway and Front Wo)f of p0rndalo bad asked that the street. While Mr. Clldloy has not, viiy lnnIt0 HOino minor ropnlrs In tho recommended it In his roport, It Is )n)1K wj,nrf fr0ni Fomdnlo out on underBtood thnt tho grndo on North pr0I,t street. Ho snld tho wnlk had Broadway may bo reduced, making l)0on ,ut j,y private parties. Bonts It a much moro attractive street. I ,.., to tll0 wn)1 i,nil .inninged It and This was suggested some time ngo,' ,mlogB ,,oro wero somo piling driven, nftor tho street hnd llrst been plank- tll0 wnlk woui,j Boon i,0 wrecked. Ho C(, , , . , , , snld that Tools Noble bad agreed to Mr. Oldloy's roport wns referred to (lrivi, lwo ,,Ung for tho wnlk for tho Btroot commltteo to Invcstlgnto 10 Tho mutter was referred to tho and roport on at tlio next mooting. Btrccl (.omiultteu with power to net. Councilman Albrecht snld thnt In T)n, f forroii wns ordorod Issued n thlH coiinoctlon, ho thought tho conn- (,or u,.onHOi having Died his dc- cll ought to do something about iInl1UOut application nnd bond, opening or rnthor improving moro T0 rtv rP(.or(or Wns Instructed to Bttects to tho wnter front. Ho said nt)k for ,;,,, for tll0 ,.lly ,,rtlng to thnt no h roots wero Improved out , 0(1 nt tlie noxt ,ncotK of tho to the wnter front, from Mnrkot to coimr near tho Cold Storage and that tho, nu 'nn.nnir iiiitw wn limtrup- laok of them would bo n sorloiiH, ((l( , ,,rnw wnrrant for SC7.57 to jinntiinip in cuko ol ii me. no n.u.i, ()l0 (,lty assessment for tlio Front xnni mo nig uro engine town "uli B(rcpt BOwor. Ill) WIIU'II I) III III! IIIU Mllllliy WIlIIIYUB nnd conso(ucutly could not bo usod. Mayor Straw said this wns n good BUgogstlon nnd Unit recently tho Nas burg pstulo hnd nsked to havo Aldor Btreot Improvod out to tho water front. Tho innttor wns roferrod to tho street commlttcu to report on nt lho noxt mcotlng. City engineer (Hdley snld thnt ho thought the streets to tho water front In North Mnrshlleld ought to nt least ho dellncd. IIo snld thnt In nnnio of tlio streets, thoro woro build ings liud other obstnelcs. Hclmtcs Are Ordered. ' A robnto of $.1,010.79 was ordorod paid to tho property owners on North Front stroot botwoen Alder nnd Klin, this being tlio nmniint tho nsHossmont wns In excess of whnt tlio street lm provomoutH cost. Tlio rebate will run from $20 or thereabouts to $7.ri per lot. A robntu for $ US. 07 wns ordered paid to tho property owners nssossed for tho now sowers on Front nnd Dnto streets. Help I'opcoui .Mini. City Recorder Butler nnd .Marshal Carter roportod thnt A. Wilcox, who conducts a peanut nnd popcorn wag on nt tho corner of Market nnd Front streets wns having dltllculty In making pnyments of his license of $." per mouth and suggested that It would bo woll for tho city to cancel tho license. The council nil ngroed in this nnd Marshal Carter wns in structed not to bother Mr. Wilcox nnd his wife In tho future about this llcouse. Water Bill deduced. After tho Coos Buy Wnter Com pany had roducod Its bill for water for Hushing sowoib from Sill to ? 4 0 5 . the wnter commltteo ordorod the payment of It. Tlio bill ran back for threo or four ycnrn. It wan dls roverod thnt one payment hnd been Hindu and this whh deducted from the company' oiitilunl bill. Councilman Albrecht wnuto.l to know If all the Hush tanks wor working. City engineer llldley Mini- tul L. i .lltl.... I.. 1. !.. nlMnlllnlnJ l.n.'i iV IUllll(lll in IIUII1H i.iii:iiiu,vii I1VIU. as well as nt Mnrshlleld, Bnndon, North Bend nnd Myrtlo Point, nsk-. ing tho county court to mnko n spc-j clnl appropriation ror mo improve ment of tho Middle Fork rond. Tho Bridge road district this year outbor- ln.l n otinclnl tnv Invv nf plight 111 1 1 Is. nnd the petitioners request tho court, IO givo nil cumui or iiukoi iiiiiuuiii.. Coqulllo Sentinel. Bl'YS rOQUIMiH 11AKKUV. I'nul Stcphnn hns sold his bakery to Cook Brothers, tho new propriet ors tnklng possession Now Yenr'B dny. Mr. Stophuu will remain in tho city for a fow weeks when ho will lenvo for Albany, Oregon. Cook Brothers nro from Fruitvnlo, Idnho. Coqulllo Herald. If you havo anything to soil, rent or trndo, or want help, try a Want Ad A nronosltlon from W. II. Wnnn to audit tho books of tho city re corder and cltv trensuror for $0 per dny wnB referred to tlio flnnnco commltteo. i-nsi yoar, it was simou the city pnld $7.r0 per dny. Coun cilman Ferguson said ho thought this kind nf work should bo given to homo people If there wns any one hero who wished lo do It. I. S. Kaufman brought up tho question of having tho city codo him nnd M. C. Morton n strip six feet wide on Fourth streot botweon Klrod nnd (loldon. Thoy own tho abutting property and the six foot strip would mean n Jog In the streot, It being SO feet wldo nt ei ther end Instead of SO feet wldo nt this point. Ho presented n stnlemcut from tho Merchant I, nnd Company vacating their claims to nny portion of tho BlTcot thoro, Ea3y to Get Relief From Indigestion Your stomach should digest tho food you out, without tlio aid of nny nrtl fl:iul digctitim. If it won't do that, th .11 you ato continually- subject to dyjpepsia Indigestion, heartburn, ioad n-.hss anl constipation. Instiud cf taking digestlvo modiclncs, UV) steps to got your stomach and In taints again in a lioalthy. natural citdltlon. Jayno's Tonic Vormlfugo will do this for you If you will tnko It rog. ularly. It is not a digester of foods, but it will rcstoro your stomach and iit?stlncB so that they will attond to their natural functions, digesting what you cat and giving strength to tho boay. For moro than eighty years thou 8aids of mou nnd woinon who had Buf fered tho pains caused by dypepsla nnd indlgostlcu havo boon praising this Tonic as tlio only remedy which brought them poruinuent rollof. As the Tonic nets directly upon tho stomach and intesUuos, it is a natural nppotlzor nnu strongtu muuicr. W. It. Fox. 105 W. Wnshlngton St., Noblesvlllo, Ind., says. "After Buffering many mouths with kidney trouble, nftor trying other romo dles nnd prescriptions, I purchased a box of Foley Kidney Bills which not only did mo moro good than nny other remedies I over usotl, but havo positively Bet my IcMnoyH right. Other members of my fam ily hnvo used them with slmllnr results." Tnko at tno first sign or kidney trouble. Sold by Lockhnrt & Parsons. Tho Busy Cornor. complaint filed by the city InBt No vember witu tno urogun minium! Commission. This compluint wns published In tho Times nt tho timo It wns filed. After rending the complaint, tho council ratified It. Mnvor Straw snld thnt ho wished the council to do this or it niigni bo held Invalid. CVpplo Is ("lialnunii. Councilman It. A. Copplo last evening wnn elected president of the city council for tho ensuing yonr. Ho and F. K. Allen, tho present president, wcro tho only nominees nnd tho voto wnB by bnl lot. Mr. Copplo, received four votes and tho fifth ballot wns blank. Only flvo members of tho council wero present Inst evening, Mr. Al len being out of tho city with tho committee thnt Is investigating tho tiro dopnrtment nppnrattiB. Mr. Copplo wns nomlnnted for president by Cnrl Albrecht and his nomination wns seconded by .T. C. Morchnnt. while Hnrry Winkler nomlnnted F. K. Allen, Councilman Ferguson seconding the nomination. Xiiiiii's Committees. Mnyor Srnw Inst ovenlng announ ced tho following standing commit tees of tho council for tho onsulng yenr: Flnnnco commltteo Allen, Ferg uson nnd Morchnnt. Street commltteo Ferguson, Al len nnd Winkler. Health committee Copplo, Mor chnnt nnd Ferguson. Flro nnd wnter commltteo .Win kler. Albrecht nnd Copplo. Light comnilttco Morchnnt, Cop plo and Albrecht. Wntor front Albrecht, Wlnklor nnd Allen. 1WKSII OliYMIMA nnd KARTKIIX OYSTKBS Just rccolvod. PHONIC OIIDKHS TO COOS HAY ICK AM) COM! RTOBAGK CO. IMIOXK 7.'J I Many forms of supposed indigestion aro the rosult of Intestinal narasitoa. Unit the three tanks for which i for widen Jayno's Tonic Vcrniifugo Is uwtrras'i.'u insist upon Jayno's; ac cept no oe':c-. Sold by druggists every waers br. 3. Jnyno & Sou, Fhiladcl ph. a, Pa. CUT TII1C IIK.'II COST OF I.IVIXC W. II. Chapman of Wlunobngo. Neb., tells how ho did it. "My two ohlldion bad n very had coiikIi andt the doctor's medlclneni did ll-eni, III! HKl, I ROI H DOllie 01 1'0II .'i llouey ud Tar Compound, and be- ntk It utia til t tiukjl t lia nlil 1.1 i.iit 4VIV r vm Mil 1"M .1V VIMIMU l wore free and cured of thlr ooiikIi. 1 Bntd a doctor's bill f"r , one " ( bottle or loiey h lii. nnd Tar Compound " No opinion Sold by l.ockliart & Parsons, tue Busy Corner. fritmgwtiif lswar i mm The Sign of Good Candy Always 25 Per Cent Discount on Wall Paper For the next week we will make a reduc tion ol.' 25 per cent on all AVall .Paper in the stock of the Coos Hay "Wall Paper and Paint Company, the business of which we hnvo just purchased. "We want to reduce the stock as much as possible and effect a saving in the moving JTroni its present location to our store on Front street. This stock is complete and up-to-date and has the best selections ever afforded on Coos Bay. If You Want Wall Paper Now Is the Time to Buy It Mr. C. F. Johnson, who has handled tho business, will remain at the store and dis play the stock to customers. IPECM 11 A uico line of Ladies' Mannish Shirt Waists. The now thing in waists. White and colors. Priced at $ 1 00 amid $ 1 0SO The Golden RunI First National Hank Hldg. e Marshl'h'M North Second, between Central and Com mercijil, Marshfield. DKCOIIATIVK nLKCTlMO OUT FITS KOU 1U2XT Fruit and Flower lamps at ro ducod prlcos. SPKCIAL DISCOUNTS In Portable Lamps for tho Holidays. Coos Bay Wiring Co. Phone 1!:17-J. 153 Broadway X mMaia wMMWMWmMM"" riinn tlJMM Parties Desiring Monuments Erected Would do well to cull Mt PACIFIC MONUMENTAL WORKS Chalmcr's Auto Service JKWWJl ' ' r , fui j.)w o'i ' X . x .1 in hi . employ n J. M. Dodjio, Driver. Stand nt Palace Iteataurant. Plionei, 5-J or 5-L, day and nlabt. Mars'ifjold Orei'nn Self-Preservation Is The' first Law Flro Insurance Is ono of tho most Important means of protec tion. And yot pcoplo will contlnuo to noglect It. Lot us Insure your household furnlturo, your dwelling or oth er property. It will cost but llttlo. It will protect you per fectly. Wo havo tho strongest com panies and wo wrlto corroct pol icies. L S. Kaufman & Co Barnard & Langworlhy Fisher Auto Service Hi-u nur iiiuiiw (llbpiliy Of -I...., ., WOOD FLECTHIC FIVtUItKS Phone or, "isher. I'ronrlotflr. orders to llillyor's Clear Remarkable 4-Day Sa OF Women's. Messaline, Charmeuse and Chiffon Dresses FOR Evening, Party and Dance Wear This remarkable sale of women's dresses will op Wednesday morning, January 8, and will couth for four days only, ending next Saturday nig These arc ail strictly new dresses, ;jusfc lately nrriv from the Eastr-right iip-to-thc-minuto in stylo i quality. This assortment offers you an opportimj to buy dresses selling at- from $9.50 to $-15.00 rcg larly, at astonishingly low prices. There are styles to select from, including all tho now shad- Iielow arc given ;iust a lialL-clozcn items, selected! random from the list. NO. H'M Black Messaline, waist of black embroi crcd chiffon over white lace. d? J fii Price $27.50. Sale price t 1 ,7J NO. 1215 Taupe Messaline, with while silk A trimmed with shadow lace. ? 1 C Price $20.00. Sale pric o pU.IJ NO. 1.18G AVhilo CJhiffon over 'Pink Mcssnlind triinmcd with shadow laco and cliiL-fl 5 ni fon rosebuds. Prico 18.50. Sale price. M J NO. 230 131uc Chiffon trinuned with shadow la and Silk. d? 1 A Price $10.50. Sale price P 5i NO. 1229 Lavender Chiffon, accordcon plnitf trimmed with beads. fl? 1 f 7I Price $15.00. Sale prico V " J1 J NO. 1238 Plain Cray Messaline, suitable for nffai noon houso wear or suinmer street CiU Ql wear. Price $9.50. Sale price p U.7J l)s iim 7iy.. ilttil 7. ,(. 11 ill it Itmlr frlt Pf,l il It IO Mill JIVIHVIHVUI ami Mlin OKI! (UOIO J VI lIW 1111,10 ml Sec windows for a 1 spiny of dresses and prices. "Money Talks' AT Hub Dry Goods Co O'Conncll Buildiim-. Phone 3GK TUB FltlKNI) OK COOfl HAY' S. S. ALLIANC! KQUIPPKI) WITH WIHICLKHS SAILS FROM COOS BAY FOR. PORTLAND WEDNESDAY. JANUAR.Y 8, AT 10 A. M. OUNNKCTING WITH THIS NOltTII HANK ItOAl) AT POHTIJS NOHTII PACIFIC CTEAMSIIIP COMPANY. Phono 1 1. O. F. RIcOICOUOi:, At KQ1J1PPKI) WITH WIHKLKSH Steamship Breakwate ALWAYS ON TISIK. SAILINGS FItOM POltTLANI), Tuesday cvcnlnn of cacli H 1'. M. SAILING FROM MAIISHFIKLD, Tuesdiiy, Jan. 7, D:00 . Miiiuiay, .inn. j, j:;jii p. in.; hatiitiiiiy, Jan. 18, 11. on a. Saturday, Jan. "5. Phono Sfnln U5-L. J. o. MILLKK, ARcnt FAST AND C05LMODIOUS Steamer Redondi Kqulniml with wireless nnd suliinarlno lell SAILS FROM SAN FRANCISCO for MARSHFIE ZMONDAY. JAN. 6. at 3 P. M. All Passenger Reservntlons From Snu Francisco Must no MaM 805 FIfo IUuIdliiK, or Pier No 10. All reservations must M neii up -i iiours beroro snillng. 1NTLR-OCEAN TRANSPORTATION TO. PHONE 44. o. F. McGEORQE. AE Steamer Homer Sails from San Francisco, for Coos Bay W Freight only r. S. DOW, Ageut. Ocean Stealer SPEEDWELl PAPT. llTTI?Tia rcinM Sails for San Francisco from Coos Bay, Friday, Dec. 2. sprviro'nf liiln TII13 SPEEDWKLT, la cmiuln .....1 I il. ... modal Ions, Inrge clean and nlry rooms nnd electric lllit ... uvaai JjhtniuisfnaMwU.r.. .,-rt?1 . TV '-i.t.i laMMSaWSgSrlBal