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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 7, 1913)
THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, JANUARY 7, 1913. EVENING EDITION. NEW RUGS Just Arrived Gome in and see the 'Greatest Line of New Jfufjs ever shown. We promise ijou sliles and colowujs not to be found elsewhere. Yo have the newest iu Scotch Hugs. Tho latest in Body Brussels J?ugs. Tho finest in AVillon Rugs. i Vi & , ' The most varied in Axminstei' Bugs. The standard in Tapestry Rugs. Tn fact this Rug lino is something we are proud of. "Wc want every housekeeper to See Them and to Get Our Special Low Prices PERRY NICHOLSON Are You on the Right Track? The way tp 111 health la a down nradc, nnd the faster you pet running down the harder it is to atop. Our pure, fresh, rallablo medicines will set you on the road to recovery and brine you back to perfect health. We arc known for the high quality of our medi cines and the low prices we charge for tHcm. If your system is in need of general building up, if you arc threatened with consumption, take Rcxall Tonic Solution of Hypopwsphltos. It is a valuable tonic and restorative, excellent in all pul monary diseases. Very plcassr.t to the palate. We recommend it, because we know its formula. Sold with the Rcxall guarantee. Full pint bottle, $1.00. Lockhart-Parsons Drug Co. "THE BUSY CORNER" PHONE MAIN 298 US . A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. RETAIL DEPARTMENT LUMBER, LATH, SniNGLES, MOULDINGS, SASH AND DOORS. ROOFING PAPER, ETC. JUT THE FUEL DILL IN TWO BY USING OUR WOOD. ?HOXE 100. 183 SOUTH BROADWAY Abstracts, Real Estate, Fire and marine Insurance Title Guarantee and Abstract Co. I TTW.JV orvnoTinrpv u- Coqulllo Offlco Phono 191 , Platting Land a specialty. Fartua Timber Coal andenU "EA8TSIDR" Ganoral Ag Marihleld Office 14-J. icturcs & Framing WANT ADS. WANTED Tn contract MaMiIng by tho aero or lot. Address Con tractor, euro Coos Day Times. I'OR RENT 7 room house on South I th Strcot. Inqulro J. E. Edmunds Coos Hay Wiring Company. WANTED a or it hottNckei'pliig rooms for man nnd wlfo. Address P. O. Hox 702 or Phono 391-J. . . NOTICE If party mIiii found small blade purso containing nbout $1.00, will mnll mo papors In Hiuno I will not ask any questions, but will feol obliged. My cards woro In tho purse. Mrs, II. Brnd llold, Marshlleld. FOR SALE A 1 rig, lwrM, harness nnd spring wagon. Apply F. A. Sacchl. LAUNCH FOR SALE A cabin lnuneh, 29 ft. long. F. M. Frlod-borg. HOUSE FOR RENT Apply 018 Elovonth stroot, South, M)ST Saturday, slnglo key, Yalo lock. Iioturu to Box S, Times olllco. WANTED Posltlnii Iiv exnoilenceil bookkeopor. Itoferonccs furnish ed. Apply Times ofllco. WANTED Steady roomers. n week. Portland Hotol, 3C1 Front street. FOR SALE FurnslKMl tout cabin, cnoap. On Johnson nvonuo, uo rweon Fourth and Fifth stroots. 'WANTED TO RENT Dairy ranch by rollablo party; Coos River or Catching Inlet preferred. Stnto tornis and oqulpmont with reply. John Doo, caro Times, FOR SALE Old newspapers ; u big bundlo for a nlckol. Just the thing to start tires with. FOR SALE Dry wood, fir nnd al der, nt Campbell's Wood Yard, Forry lnndlnc Phoae lKil-L. Almost New Girl's &u aa Bicyclafor . . tflO.UU Marshfield Cyclery agents for DAYTON BICYCLES and OLIVER TYPEWRITERS Phono 158-R 173 Rrondwny TO LOGGERS OF COOS OR ANY OTHER COUNTY Coos Bay Feather-Weight Loggers7 Shoes wear lo'nger than any heavy shoe. Is light and watertight and Is tho best shoo of its kind iu America. Guaranteed by tho maker. AUGUST OLESON, 215 Rrondwny So. Marshfield, Or. TIDES FOR JANUARY.' Bolow Is glvon tho tlmo and holght of high and low water at Marshfield. Tho tides aro placed In tho order of occurrence, with their times on tho (lrst lino nnd holghts on tho second lino of each day; n compar ison on consccutlvo holghts will Indlcnto whothor it is high or low wntor. For high water on tho bar, siilmtrnct 2 hours 34 minutes. S 10 Mrs. Ft. . I Irs, Ft.. I I rs. Ft.. 3.0 i 1.5 1.35 1.7 G.05 4.8 9.0G 3.3 9.13 3.3 10.21 3.1 3.03 9.17 (i.l 1.0 3.37 10.18 G.l 0.0 4.09 10.40 r.7 0.2 WEATHER FORECAST. I OREGON Rain in west and rain or snow In oast tonight nnd Wednesday. Warmer tonight with high Bouthoiiy winds. Galo along coast. LOCAL TEMPERATURE RECORD. For tho 24 hours ondlng nt 4:43 n. iu Jan. 7, by DcnJ. Ostllnd, special government me teorological observor: Maximum 39 Minimum 20 At 4:43 n. in 30 Prcclpltntlon 00 Wind: Southwest; Cloudy. HORN. MCCARTHY To Mr. nnd Mrs. Don nls McCarthy, nt tholr homo In South Mnrshflold, Mondny, Jan uary G, a daughter. Mothor and child nro doing nlcoly, nnd Mr. McCarthy who is tho head tlmhor cruiser for Coos County, Is fool ing olntcd over tho arrival of tholr first child. Tho many friends of tho worthy couplo nro oxtondlng congratulations today. SOCIAL CALENDAR. TUESDAY Mrs. E. K. Jones entertains at cards. WEDNESDAY Royal Auction Drldgo with Mrs. R. K. Uoothc. Jolly Dozen Club with Mrs. it. F. Hush. Drldgo Club with Mrs. Henry Songstnckon. Coos liny Motor Dont Club en tertains nt club rooms. Issuo brought tho pin back. E. E. Rlggs of North Dcnd found tho pin and upon reading Tho Times promp tly returned It to tho owner much to her gratification. Services Sunday. Rev. O. LoRoy Hnll will hold services Sunday ev ening nt 7:30 o'clock In tho Enst sldu Athletic association hall. PERSONAL NOTES Basketball. Tho Marshflold High school boys last evening began nc- tlvo basketball training for tho son son. Dr. Morrow Is assisting Prof. Grnnnls In coaching tho boys this yonr. Drldgo Weakened Tho railway brldgo between Mnrshflold nnd Con-t ledo hns boon weakened by wnshnuts' by tldo nnd rains. This morning's trnln wns dolayed for somo tlmo,1 whllo workmen placed blocks and, supports undor tho structure Laundry Starts Tho Twin City Lnundy nt North Ilond stnrtcd Mon- day and Malinger Doan expects to have It going nt full cnpnclty soon.. It. M. Barter has been ongnged to1 tako chargo of tho Marshllold end of tho huslnoss nnd will receive n lino nuto dollvory truck through Gcorgo! Goodrum within n week or two. Recovers Diamond Pin Through a lost ad In Tho Times, Mrs. L. J.j Simpson of North Dond hns recover ed a lino diamond bar pin. Tho ad was liiHortnil Mondny and tho ono GEORGE ROSS of Catching Inlet is in town. II. E. BESSEY of tho Creamery Is In town today. L. D. SMITH of Daniels Creek is In town today. 55. T. THOMAS of Allegany In In town on business, MILTON HIRST is in town visiting from Myrtlo Point. P. E. LARSEN nnd son of Allegany nro town visitors todny. NELS PETERSON of Hayncs Inlet Is In town todny on business. WALLACE CROUCH of Hayncs Inlet is spending tho day In town. MRS. CARL McCOLLOCII of Hnynes is n Marshllold visitor today. JAH. H. FLANAGAN went to Myrtlo Point yesterday on business. E. It. BESSEY of South Coos River Is n Mnrshfleld visitor today. MISS BESSIE ROOK of North Coos River Is visiting In town todny, SI NOAH enmo to Mnrshfleld this morning from his Coos River homo JUDGE J. S. COKE loft today for Portland on business nnd pleasure MRS. B. F. ADAMS Is n visitor to Mnrshflold. today from Hnynes In lot. WALTER DEVOE nnd wlfo of Alle gany aro in Mnrshfleld to'day visit ing. DAVE ADAMS of Hayncs Inlet Is n business visitor to town for tho dny. DAVE RICE and wlfo of Dnnlols Creole nro Marshllold visitors today. JOHN KIEF, n resident of Hnynes Inlet, Is n Mnrshflold business vis itor. CAPT. A. 11. OLSEN Is In town for tho dny from his North Inlet home stead. W. B. PIPER of North Coos River is n business visitor to Mnrshflold today. GEOHGE ROSS of Catching Inlot wns n Marshflold business visitor yostordny. .IAS. AIKEN loft today for Califor nia to rcsumo his courso nt Mt. Tnmnlpnls. W. J. Ln Palm of Eastsldo roturnod this morning from n business trip to Allognny. P. N. FLAGG loft yostordny for Co qulllo to nttond to somo wiring BAD WEATHER ALONG COAST Orpheum Tonight THREE KEELS .'MOO FEET ALL NEW. FI LI BUSTER'S SHIP Story or tho hen an explosion and n rescue. OLYMPIC GAMES, PITTSBURG Y. M. C. A. An Interesting offer lug. GREEN-EVER MONSTER, including tho funniest man, Kilwiml O'Connor. GREAT 1) BOUGHT Praiseworthy story of western fnrnilng coun try. ESTABLISHED ADMISSION - - - 10c. NEVER MORE IVEE JOHMSOM STRENGTH MATERIAL SERVICE i f LIGHT RUNNING QUALITY DURABILITY WHAT YOU GET IN THE IVER JOHNSON BICYCLE VALUE COMFORT QUALITY WORKMANSHIP PIONEER HARDWARE CO. Severe Wind and Rain Storm Today Capt. Magee Re ports Severe Storm. Tho storm todny Is reported to bo very sovoro oft tho eoaBt. Capt. Mageo of the Nnnn Smith who ar rived In this morning reports that ho encountered tho storm near Capo Blanco nnd that It was very se vere. Ho said that tho bar was smooth today, but whether it would continuo so until ho sails at 10 o'clock tomorrow ho wns dubious. This 'afternoon tho storm began troubling tho Western Union lines nnd In consequence tho Times was ablo to receive only part of its reg ular Associated .Press report. contrncts for tho Coos Bay Wiring Company. CI IAS. MAHAFFY of North Coos River Is ln town looking after bus iness Interests, C. It. PECK made a business trip to Coqulllo todny. W.J. CONRAD was transacting bus iness in CoqtiUlo todny. S. D. HARPER was a business vis itor In Coqulllo todny. J. J. CLINKENBEARD of Daniels Crcok Is In Mnrshflold today. SHERMAN CUTLIP of Danlols Crook was In town today on huslnoss. R. B. KNORR loft this morning for Gold Bench nftor a fow days' visit in Mnrshfleld. JAMES LANDRITH nnd wlfo of South Coos River nro spending tho dny ln Mnrshflold today. CHAS. HEISNEB and his brothor, CLAUDE, of North Inlot nro vis itors to Mnrshflold today. REV. ROBEIIT E. BROWNING leaves on tho Drain stngo tomor row morning, for Gnrdlncr. GEORGE MURCH JR., loft todny for Corvallls to rosumo his studios at Oregon Agricultural Cnllogo. H. DONAHUE, representing whole snlo druggist firm of Portland, Is In Mnrshflold calling on trndo. J. O. STEMMLER of Myrtlo Point wns n business visitor In Mnrsh flold todny. Ho loaves tomorrow for Portland. TOM GOLDEN Is In tho city from Bnndon for n fow days' visit. TOM NICOLS was a pnssongor for Coqulllo this morning. G. W. SHELLEY nnd son. GORDON. nnd MISS ANNA HUNT roturnod to Myrtlo Point yostordny nfter spending Sunday at North Bond. AXEL LINDBEItG, ono of tho tun nol contractors on tho Smlth-Pow-ors rond boyond Myrtlo Point is In Mnrshflold today on business. MRS. FItED OAGE of Allognny is in Mnrshfleld todny on hor wny to Scottsburg, whoro sho will visit hor parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. J. A. Sawyor. E. O. CORTELYOU arrlvod heroyos- E. C. Cortolyou arrlvod hero yes terday ovorlnnd to spend n fow wcoks In this section. Ho roports tho trip wns ono of tho worst ho has ovor oxporloncod, W. E. BEST of Dnutlon wns In Mnrshflold todny. Ho roports that tho now Estabrook camp on tho Songstnckon ranch on South Inlet Is progressing nlcoly. AMONO THE SIOIC. Win. Sneddon Is nblo to bo out todny, nftor n weok's tussol with tho la grlppo. JOHN WATERS wns In town todnr to socuro n physician for his wlfo, who Is 111 at hor homo on North Inlet. F. M. Parsons Is reported 111 nt his homo In West Marshflold of Jaundice. Miss Eugenia Schilling Is rapidly recovering from hor rocont Illness, nccordlng to word from Myrtlo Point. Sho Is now nblo to sit up part of tho tlmo. Enoch Holmborg, who wns called to Donvor rocontly by tho denth of his sister, Is roportcd qulto ill nt tho homo of his parents thoro. Capt. J. R. LIghtnor, who has boon ill nt tho homo of his sis ter, Mrs. Rolandson South Marsh flold, Is nblo to bo up nnd nround. CHICKEN TAMALES will bo on Bnlo at tho Methodist Church Wed nesday afternoon, Jan. 8, after 4 o'clock. Whitman's Always sold in scaled packages ami guaranteed to bo FKESH. Tho store for Quality Goods, ! Fresh Bunch Turnips Crisp Head Lettuce Fresh Celery Stauff Grocery Co. Mabkey's Candles. Phono 102 il 41 m A modern Drlck . ulldlug, Electrl: Light, Steam Heat. Elegantly Furnished Rooms with Hot and Cold Water. HOTEL OOOS O. A. Metlln, Pop. Rates: 50 cents a dy nnd opwarda Cor. Broadway nd Market Walker Studio Have your Job printing done at HIGH GRADE BICYCLES The Tlmos office.