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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 6, 1913)
TF SJCBITf , THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, JANUARY 6, 1913. EVENING EDITION. ? 2 toltiWiSKvSWSXRl ' 1 KJ i COOS BAY TIMES M. O. MALOXEY Editor nnd Till). IBtJK B. MALOXEY News Kill tor Official I'mwr of Coos County. Dedicated to tho sorvlco of tho HWflplo, that no good cause sliutl lack THE REMEDY IJOIl STANLEY. Young Cityman, with wild alarm, dlscovors that his might)' arm Is withering away, and that his massivo nppotito is growing weak, nnd faint, and light, which brings him more dismay. Ho enters on t.i- .i-ii.. 1..1. t fl .1 lit ImnW linn iiTtrn thrnli. ntiil flltttnrn tn nnd IJ n. cfesanTrinn. and that evil shall utu . . J. '..;"' ... ... .,... i, i... .... c i...i i. 1.1- W : , nnn , ,,1. . BO SI TO IB IK WHJ' ill I1IB uriu. "!'. u t,u ........... .. gbrfivo unopp scd. "Elntcred at tho postoffico at Marsh T.lcld, Oregon, for transmission Otewif;h tho mails as second clnat mitt matter. rrnii of 111 tn Dr. Snow. "Doar Doctor, I am ill," says ho, "I'm gatting thin, as you can sec. My liver's upsldo down. Can you not euro for old time's Bnko, or shall I, my last will, go mnko? ' Tho doctor frowns a frown. "Young Cityman," says Dr. Snow, "forth from this city you must go and spend a littlo time. Go whoro they llvo tho Slmplo Life, do whoro tlnro is no mental strife, nor rust ling for tho dime. Leavo all your comforts horo behind. Drlvo out such longings from your mind. On thoso, no thoughts hcBtow. Go hunt the rabbit In his lair, and brcatho tho bracing country air thats .i i... i..... ii THOMAS A TCmsON llio In-1 ion degrees uuiun. ventor of motion i.lctuic" I For thoso few words of rich advice, with Joy, tho pntlont pays iiiooa i.n ii,i- V,-nnf.,af doc's nrlce then, seeks the countryside, whero dressed In Kngllsh tr:UvcnesB will bo In education. I hunting clothes, ho roezes hands, and foot, and noso. nil for tho 'He -wiintB to make them nn Intog- sake of pride. Whllo thoro ho sleeps on beds of pain, gets soaked al part of tho public school svs- with snow, nnd sleet, nnd rain no comfort Is secured. Uut, when It tern, and experiments are now he- ends, he seeks his homo with no desire, tho hills to roam, for ho's Hir mado in his home town, Or- roiupiejciycureiiL hns an co. New Jersey. Ho now operators in Africa with Instruc- STAGE STors wiirc. nm to "take everything from PAHCEI.S POST STARTS 5iws Town to tho mouth of the Ullo to bo used In teaching cook- Contractor Refine- to Cnrry Out Taphy." Mr. Edison's Idea Is thnt xnovlng pictures will take the placo of most of tho text books below tho srtnth grade, llo maintains that Agreement to Trnnnort the Mull. VALE, Or.. .Inn. G. Tho refusal to carry parcels post packages un tltilrnn u-lll lnnrti frontrrntiliv mnpli .I.- ..... in... I i.HnA.i 1... .!. Tiiore quickly and hnve n much moro trnvornnipnt .Innnnry 1 reunited In Intelligent understanding through the Kellogg Stngo Company, opor- TTim-ing piciureH wnoro inoy can atlng four routes In Mainour, Har- cn tho actual country, the nioun- noy nnd Grant counties. Oregon, talnn nnd rlvors, tho wild animals, Jw savage peoplo at work and nt pixy, nnd tho llfo In the cities, nnd serving 50 lntorlor Oregon post ofllccs off tho railroads, quitting business, and abandoning all con- Oian would be posslblo from tho tracts for carrying tho United States malls, beginning January 1. Mean while tho postmasters nt Valo and at Canyon City nro keeping tho wires hot endeavoring to nscortain what disposition to mnko of tho WAS TIIK OAKLAND LOST? Ciat books In so far as geography Is con firmed, Mr. Edison has nn nrgu mrnt dlfllcult to nnswor, although SI 1b doubtful if It would over bo trIso to do away with toxt hooks, malls piling up at theso distributing w u run biipi Muuii-iu mo oier. omccs, on the routo from Vnlo to w uu .ii.uii.ui- iiuiiiiuuhh iiiui. uiw - minis. 5nc pictures can bo used with counl .rflecuvoncss to tench history. Ho Cnui iilrondy reproduced tho battlo ur lxlngton nnd he Insists, with Tho following towns nro "not got- tlng mall, express or pnssongcrs: Ilurns, Doulnh, Wcstfall, Riverside, Juuturn, Huchonnn, Drowsoy. Vnn, nnmiricai accuracy, aiso ne nnsj Harney, Itlley, Hnrrlman. Lawon. weproilncoil Washington crossing tho, Princeton. Smith, Wnvorly, nnd TMawnrn Tho ranilllnr palming . nuckloy, nil In Oregon. af tho Inttor exploit, so fnr no nc- , rmvacy Is concerned. Is nbout tho) ,,. ..,.. ,,..,,.,.,,r. ,.u- i.n Liii.i i ii 'i Tho following noto was found In n bottlo on tho beach nenr Dandon, giv en to tho llfo saving crow nnd by them handed to us: July 7, 1912. "Adrift In nn open boat. Run out o fwator and provisions two days ago. Thoro nro thrco of us, tho captain nnd mnte, and myself, the engineer, of tlia Gns Schooner, Oakland. Took to tho boat off Capo Flattery." R. W. ROnERTS. Tho notlco was writton with a. pen cil on papor which has ovldcntly boon smonrod with gasoline or somo light oil nnd Is a scarcely legible. Who thor such a boat wns weckod off Flnt tory wo nro unnblo to stnto, and would llko Information In regard to tho mntter. Dandon world. Llbby COAL. Tno Kind YOU have ALWAYS USED. Phono 73, Pacific Livery and Transfer Company. absurd let fiction thnt over becamo established. I ,, . , : A ,, Mr. Edison bolloves Hint with1 Marrloil--Docombor 25, nt the por CNs moving pictures ho can teach I ?0."nK0 ,rf ?' I-1 Church South, aTmont nnythlng in school excopt U,Jr1R8C" tttt?r n"l,..M"ry 1(ll''ov. arltlimollc. Mnybo ho Ih n littlo "."V,1 of nn,1(l0"' C. H. Cleaves olll oxor optimistic. And thoro Is nn- (,t1IK. other Important point which hoi, J,nrrlot' Docombor 21, nt tho rcsl locfl not discuss, nnd thnt Is tho ion.c., of Novn T,nnlrlth. Goorgo R. wffect or tho moving pictures on "0,,," and Susnnnn Wndoll. C. II. tho lives. The constant flicker Is c'?n.v?? of l1'0 M;..,:- Church South, sxcosslvoly trying to most of us, ' 'tmtI"B. Coqulllo Herald. and H Is absolutely nocessnry Hint,! ' . ." .. . : t tlm motion plcturns nro to bo hlUlOK IS SL.NATOIt. Introduced Into tho schools It shnll ' , v. .... -" " rondo cortnln Hint this constant .'' N' .,''s,'1' Mil t-hc ncniicy rhrntlon docs not have any III of- . ' nuscii ny Davis' Dcnth. fcn upon (ho sight of tho pupils. 1tl.SU OK CO.O'.UATION tnr Awo UIM Titm to Coot lHy TlniM J LITTLE HOCK. Ark.. Jan. 0. Governor Dnnnghoy hns nppolnted! .i. .. iioiHKoii, editor of tho Arknn- II II TMB constant growth of co-oporn- fn" 1.c,l"!0V0i 'U'0'! ts"t,0H S''"or llvo offoit Ih reflected In many to "'"'.'J Jolt vls. Tho nppolnt- 1...1 i.. ......i' llllMlt In for tho short term Kiulliii? vni-H. but In none moro Rtrlctlv "'""'. '". for lllu 8,10rt i0"n ending bnn In nctlon lately taken by Kan- "nic" ' n rnrmors during the session of tho1 ,... T77777TTT. ISinto Agrlciilturnl Tongress at Hut- HOCKKKKLLKIt I.OtU'l'KI). vlnson. Tho meeting nppenrs to ... . . . . r havo brought togethor. nt thnt point. -- jmI ( ajiltnlM N on llu s -numbor or roprostiitntlres of lines inr .... 'I,,,"" ,.N,"n,,, , olTort which nro somotlmofl ! "! ,VV cr l4',T ""' thought to ho niitncnnlstln. hut . 'M.''M.!' Hn "" William O. 'which. It wns fnun.i n, n i... """"jonor. wniUed ns n witness bo rtinngo of vlows. shnuld ronlly ho eo opnrauvo. Tho rnrmers' meotlng;;,T i" ', wrtjlrh nromoto.l tlm firui ,nn 18ln" i ...... .-..n .Trnrii men- iiiiinn wjiR not a part liner- f,,-,, , i,,. ,,,, i.....,,., . i .-...j uiu mm. in. vniiiiuii L'UlllllHl- too, Is nt tho Hotel Nassau, naha- -r tho proceeding or tho State Ag' iic.iminii nun innustrlnl Congress. Xlut delegates to that congress com prised tho ineitlng. mid It Included EM-nrtlcally nil or the rnrmors thoro. They adoptod resolutions or course. The KansnH hublt or adopting resnln ainns ns tin. liPiclniiiiiK or everything 'te one which Is nover llkoly to bo vorcoiiio. And niuong nil tho reso TtnUoiiH ndopted In Kiuimuh which hnvo worked to good endw, probably nemo wltor have oor been adopted than -bo They m-t out that, even among Wto runners or Knnwis. themselvos; fbtiro has not been that unity or thought nnd purpose which should wut, ror the ronsun that, without It, sfnorglos nro dlldtd between hair n fltrron different bodlos without Riiy wntrnl-stnto body to servo nS a cloar rfi Iiouho or works or Ideus. It was VHHolvud to orjtnnlxe a state control WKrlcuIttirul body i-onipilnliiK all lo bodies Kollowlng this w.,h a KWBoliitlon dei-lRiing It the purpose i nniuns rnrniors to co-operate with lOjo KH'at Interests and Xnwliuinl InterestH or tho state Vast distances have, in a largo w.utiHuro. compelled Isolation or labiw i thia country, and. to that "U,n.ft'0,, "wk..ii.o8 or Inter 1s. With cllstniu-o .,.,..,.. IJ ns It Is wltb comniunlc-ntlon quick " I'lmnp. and better Mc-llltles n Z1IL &.'r..r.,l!w,nB mm. kooplng In KIKIKLI) STIU'CIC ItOCIf. On hor Inst voyage to Krlsco tho Fllleld struck Wash Rock, which lies Just off tho lookout, nnd consequently Is doluyed a few days at hor homo pori undergoing repairs. llnndon worm. KltlSCO ItAII ItOl'fJH. SAX KRANCISCO. Jan. C. - Now Year's day saw the worst nnvlgutlon conditions nround tho bay In many yonrs. Contrary winds nnd tides piled up such a tremendous smothor on tno bar Hint no skipper, snvo Cap tain Jepson on tho Hnrvarcl, dared try It. and ho took his big turblner far enough north to mnko tho North Chnnnol lustond of using tho conve nient South. Tho Harvard plunged nnd rollod, but hnd no mishap. IHfill SCHOOL DUIIATKS. Marshlleld high school will bo horo to debnte, January 17th. at Reason's hall. Tho debnto will begin at 8 o'clock sharp. Roy Clark. Chostor Adams or Ernest Root nro on tho nf tlrmntlvo nt Myrtlo Point, while Cleo Dickson nnd Norn Harrison nro on tho negntlvo nnd will go to North Dond. Myrtlo Point Enterprise. MltEAKWATIOlt IV. The llronkwntor arrived in today l.p touch w ' o Sinotliw iilf,,0lfn "nm Y,th ,l BnwU car be fouiui. in .i... ..."". "i 'r. w,u i of frolght and about SO lmssoiiKors. nt tho solution or e 1 oi ,, lho I,1,B8001, "8t ot at nnd as ow reared t b" 81hK U the n r0?u,t ,ABOI,t m"ainKer wns una no wcud; Co-opontl b, t0 ,;,Vo nny '"formntlou today , nV'i1! ,f 'IXliKit hns return d and Is now open for business , iv0tront roo,.U8 OVK" ,K IHIOAI). Tvn.. ' ul,"tlB d heart. jmh un ami xo KMl'i TATIOX KREi:. as to whom enmo In on tho boat. She will sail tomorrow. "CAN YOU BEAT IT?" The Chefs pride a bowl of well-cooked, well-served "Golden Rod Oats" , SPECIAL NOTICE AlphLi-t. Irtl leltrr In urcrr luckuuc nf "(Joldfn Ucxl" product!. ktd tlifm till you rau ixll "(InMni !ll" unci gft a tine 4?-l-re )nnr Set. We Clean and Press Ladies' and Gent's Suits Goods Called for and Delivered Coos Bay Steam Laundry PnONH MAIN 07-JT Mnrshfleld, Oregon. Clearance Sale 1110 CUT IX PRICES Ladles' Children's nnd Men's SHOES. All now Mock. Uj.Mo.dnto Lasts. The Electric Shoe Shop Cl'RItV COUXTV SOCIETV. Christmas ove bolnir Alfred Olson'a birthday, a numbor of his old friends! garnered at his homo to oiler con- Krntulatlmiil. mill D.irtnUn it lilu or. XO. i-ellent tn 111c whli-li wna nl, flnv. COXSI'li- ored with eggs, spices, etc, especially mo i.iuer. liom neneu UloDe. - i) The Record Photographing ' Company now nave piioiogrupnic copjeg or all the r.ioida of Coos County. OroKon. from whUb con net Info maiton V0 arc now ready and will be Pleased to make for ou Ah .tracts of Title to any roal estato In ( ijoh County, piepare llMg of present owners, mnko photographic copies of louiiHtt, Plats and Township Mans, or furnish any In formation in relation to the title of any Heal Estate in said Coos County. 117 Xoith Kront St., Mui-blifli'lri. Phono 151.T W. J. RUST, Maneger jii'sixess orricK: WE WILL ALIL YOU 1 for each sot of old Fnlso Teat sunt us. Highest prices paid for old Gold, SUvor, old Watches, broken Jewelry nnd Preclour Stones. Monoy Sent by Return Mall. Phlla. Smelting Refining Co. Established 20 Years. 803 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. TO DENTISTS. We will buy your Gold FJlllngj. Oold Scrnp, and Platinum. Hlgu est prices pnld. A modorn Rrlck ulldlug, Electrl Light, Steam Heat. Elegantly ruruiBiieii nooms witli Hot ami Cold Wator. HOTEL O O O S O. A. Metlln, IVop. Rrttes: 00 cents a day and upwards Onr. lli-oadvv noil Market Have That Roof Fixed NOW See CORTHELL PIIONK B121. emnug Aimouncemeinit We desire to announce to the people of Coos Bay that we are now ready to supply the choicest Teas, Coffees, Spices, Extracts, etc., that can be procured, We are making a specialty of this line, We would like to have you visit our store and let us show you samples of these high grade products, If you can't come to the store telephone us a trial order or give one to our representative when he calls at your home, Coos Bay Tea, Coffee and Spice House 189 South Third Street, MARSHFIELD PHONE 394-J Marshfield Business College The School of Success WHOSE MOTTO IS AD OMNIA PARATUS Which means prepared for ever) thing. Arc you prepared? If you nro, you can nt leant audit n set of hooks, write legi ble shorlhunil rapidly and skillfully use n typewriter. You mc n good penman, rapid unci uccurato nt figures; jou can wrllo n telling, huslness.g.'ttlng letter In good English. You know how to use a Iliirroiighs adding machine, a wrllcrpress, iimltlgrnpli or ncostyle. You can operato a letter copying press, a filing nml iudelm; cabinet. You uiiilerstaiiil tho dic taphone, the tabulator, ndllng, Mibtrnetlug, hilling typewriter unci other modern offices nppllance.s that multiply n busy man's time, power nml efficiency. You can make out checks, notes, drafts, deeds, mortgages, Ileus, ,(uer of attorney, hill of sale. You can write an agreement that will hold, clc, etc. If you can not do most of things, all or which will ho taught In both our day and night (.rlmol, your Iiojhj to win Is unfair to yourself. It is tho most ck!IihIvo hopo you could possibly entertain, nnd It will keep you hcK'lessly lush ed to mediocrity for years. Xo matter how much you hank on rainbows and wait for miiiio finorablo breeds to waft you to harbor, every trained hoy nnd girl will draw rings around you ns they pass you on the road, I'XLESS YOU PREPARE. I'or particulars wrllo the College, temporary headquarter!, Chandler Hotel. Give Them Crisp Toast Done Clear Through Good Toast, with doughy insides, is suita ble and nourishing for children of any age. They eat it morning, noon and night, and demand more the next day. ,f.: " s : ,. ,mu ELECTRIC TOAST is best because it's good toast hot, crisp and done cear through. It's fun to make it on your dining room table, and the cost for current averages less than one cent a meal. Price $2.50 Price $2.50 We will be glad to let you try one on two weeks' free trial. " Oregon Power Co. Tel phone 176. Marshfield & North Bend Auto Line OOIIST & KINO. Proprietors. Cars leavo Marshfiold every 45 minutes from 7:15 a. m. uu'll 12; 30 midnight. Leavo North Beua on snmo schedule, shirting at 7 a. m. midnight. Soo Saturday Time for Rchpiliile WANTED ! ! ! PIAXOS TO OLEAX, by tho Piiei" matlc Cleaning Company. Orders for work taken ut oorxa & n.utvEY, rnonn ion Times Want Ads. Bring Results 'vi City Auto Ser Oond Cam. Cnrnfnl n.i- ' roasonauto charges. Onr i StnndB Blnuco Hotol and Night Phono 40. "l" UAKKER nOODALW. IHWM.. You Auto Call Ft PHONE 14I-JNIQ1IT AM) Hi Htintll n II,..., .. " TWO NEW OAH8 After 11 P. M. 1Ml Hcflldoiicn Plmiin u i1 Will Mnko TritMi to Ccxjn'iiij Unique Pantatoria THE MODERN DYEItH. OLUAMi PUESSEHS nnd HAT ItHNnvi ARcnt for EiVwnrd IT. Htrnosiil Co., Kino Tailoring. i 'I llltltn iM tinvl ..ll 'B "inu jin itvAi, nuit SB5 CENTUAL. Ti10n, , PROFESSIONAL DIRECTOR JJI. WUIGIIT, CONTIUOTOU AM) IIUILDER iniwiiiiiuo liiniiHiieci on rce-J PlntiB nnd upoclflentionB furmjl If desired. An honcot job goJ IV.UU, 1IIUI1U Ail-ll, QLIVIA EDMArt, -' MooliAno-TliornnUt Sclontlflc Swodlah Maasngo, U uymnaoucs 025 H. SIxUi St. Phono : TOEL OSTLIND, J Piano Tuner nnd Itcntlml no a, Bixiu uircoi. rnono It -ptiKTj ItlLEY BALLIXOER A M...t m...i I "m". " Auicacri uofliuoncostudio, 237 So. Broiiij i'uono ih-Ij. W M. 8. TUIIPEN, AUCIUTEOT Mnrahflold, OroKon. DH. W. MOUHOW, llcnlUf 171 Grimes Hulldliig, ovit Cn Tlieiuer. (Jlllco Phone 320. W G. CHANDLICH, Architect Hooiiih 801 nnd .'102, Coke llu field, OreRon. ru, a. j. iiENmtvs Modern Dental Pnrlon. Wo nro equipped to do high d work on oliort notlco nt the tJ Ion cat prices. Examination I Lady attendant. Coko UIJ.C CliHiidlor Hoel. phono tlfJ, rO A GOOD WAT' H OH 1'IXIv JEWELl E. C. BARKE JEWELEIt I'lne Watch unci dcnelry Ilcpalrfl i:cui i-i-ouL ht.. .'Marslifirld. New and Second Hand furnitu hold on tho iiiNtnllment phil HAIHHNGTON, DOVLE A ( :t(IU Front St. Phono :ilO-L MuriihricIJ, T. J. SOAIFE A. II. HODGDl Marshfield Pal nt i Decorating Furnished. Phono 1-1 -L. On EHtlinntcw MAUS1IFIEL&I REAL ESTATE, INSU ANCE AND RENTAl Somo fine bargains in Real tato. Houses and rooms for AUG. ritlZEEX. C8 Central Avonuo. R. J. MONTGOMERY Real Estate and Insure 244 North Front Street. IJUIUUNG AND HEPAIH M Houso Moving and Grdlog- wo aro proparod to do tun bv thrt flnv nr pnnlrnnf nml frlian satisfaction. Let us figure with) G. B. FLOYD & CO., Phono 810-J. Mundiflcld,! First ClassWeavi promptly dono at Gardiner's Rag Carpet Fadool Cor. Union and Montana Strwfl Phono 131. North Bond. TiTe Star Transf and Storage Co la prepared to do all kinds of & on short notice. W meet nil tt and boats aud wo also have theU; stylo Reynolds Piano Mover, guaranteo our work. L. H. Heisner, Pi Phones 98-Tt. 120-J 4J WHEN YOU WANT A MES GEH HOY Something pc or uellvered PHONE 120-L and we'll do It. ChargeB rfr able. C1IAS GRANBY, Li bF P1 JP