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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 4, 1913)
fSftPi'fif?!SSffiSS!9RS THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, JANUARY 4, 1913.-EVENING EDITION. r b VI ?i. rnMnnnrl frntM Pnirn Twn t JL - -- " mmmt O It. K. Drowning of Mnrshllold. Tho club will meet on Thursday, Jnunnry 1G Willi Mrs. 1. D. Dnrtlo. -I AXXUAL raxquet Tho first nnnunl bniKiuet by tho Sons of Norway whs held In tho Odd Follows' linll Inst Snturdny evening, nnd wns dcclnrod by nil present to bo n great success. I Thero wero one hundred sonted nt tho well Indcn tables, wlillo a four plcco orchestra discoursed it program of woll selected music. I SOCIAL CALENDAR. I TU.MUlll j Miss Alice Duller, entertnlnlng I at curds. MONDAY Knights of rythlns' Installation and banquet. TUESDAY .Mrs. E. K. Jones cntcrtjilns at cards. serlo on Catching Inlet, when a most , enjoynbic evening was spent to watcn tho old year out nnd tho new year In. The evening wns spent in various games ard music and nt a late hour dainty refresh monts wero served by Mrs. Fred U. Mcsserlo to tho follow ing guests. The Misses Mny and Rose Mcsserlo. Messrs. Charles II. Spooncr, Gilbert Stcckel, Albert Collvcr, and Mr. nnd Mrs. Fred 0. Mcsserlo and baby, Everett. M. K. RROTHERHOOR CliUlIS WEDNESDAY lloynl Auction Drldgo with Mrs. It. K. Doothe. Jolly Dozen Club with Mrs. K. P. Dush. Drldgo Club with Mrs. Henry SengstncKen. v ; scngsmcKcn. Mrs. D. J. Ueos wns hostess to tho Coos Day Motor Doat Club en- mini Cfiifl.,.. fill In.. ..fLiM. I A 1 .. I 1 -I..I. ... flnplnl Rnu'lnir Plnli 'IMini'iln v ittnt noon nt her home nt .'!87 Market street. Tho afternoon was passed in sowing after which tho hostoss served refreshments. Tho next meeting will bo with Mrs. Goorgo Ayre, Jnnuary lGth. Thoso present at Thursday's meeting wore: .Mrs. J. C. Swlnford, Mrs. Jack Swanson, Mrs. Win. Able nnd Mrs. Alec Stonclnke. ! Tho North Dond D. M. C. Club will meet with Mrs. L. A. Looinls next AVcdnosdny afternoon. : : ! tcrtalns nt club rooms. I THURSDAY I A. N. W. Club with Mrs. Eugene I O'Connoll. FRIDAY. North Dond Thlmhlo Club with Mrs. I. D. Dnrtlo. I Lnilles' Art Club with Mrs. F. A. I unities. - CHURCH MHETI XL'S Rlnko. Mrs. D. Y. Stafford. Mrs. J. T. llnrrlgnn and Mrs. II. S. Tower. Thoso Invllod for Thursday after linrMI 11'nlWit frt Tfitut t? Pn1A fiiH iniwii hviii. (twr. iiiiiii ki xiivi;, iMIHi I 1,.-... ...! t..rt 11 r Ihittn.lmt Miiliti. IVV. llllll .11 I n. II. I. HiinyuhU vn.v. j iniucu i no mcniDciH ui uiu .wiuHiuieiu Methodist Drotherhnod Association nt the parsonage last Tuesday even ing. A men's Illblo class wns or ganized with Mr. A. 11. Gldloy ns tho probable toucher. Games and lively conversation fol lowed tho general routine- of busi ness, nfter which, refreshments were served. Those present were: 1). Nelson, A. Isnacson, I.esllo nnd Chester Isaac son, F. C. Hindi, E. II. Campbell. Frank nnd Mllo Sumner, I. S. Kauf man, E. II. Joehnk, Fred Weaver nnd Hov. and Mrs. Hutlodgc. Tho associa tion will meet next on Wednesday, Jan. 22 with Trod Weaver. The Mnrshllold Methodist Drothcr hood Association will havo charge of ono of the services In the church tho latter part of tho month. KASTSIIJH SOCIAL r A. 'Next Thursday evening tho Young Sift'"0,?"' iK A "y 'l,"' People's Society of tho Norwegian t i fep m r ' Sn ' Lutheran Church will hold Its month- rV. L v ly business mooting and social nt tho '"'"l? .?"& Mff: .IIENn,",l",K church hall. Uefroshments will bo in '" JjTi,"1!!0 ? """" charge of Miss Uorgl.lld Olson nnd E" "'.i ''ln ,ro" '" ": , " Alfred Jnren. . 'rV'' "p ' ' ' ? r ', ,T- Y Tj"?0' .;. .;. .. ; Mrs. F. A. Coldon, Mrs. Isrnol Lnndo, Tho Woman's Auxiliary of the q""" ife" ""l'ln. Mra. Henry Mnrshflcld Episcopal Church will n"1" '' i '"fv' MrH- moot next Tuesday with Mrs. J. Al- Vni I t , Z J !' vAvUlwl' bort Mntson Mlsu Mnmlo Mnhonoy. Mrs. W. T. .. .. I .iorcnnni. .Mrs. j;. c. Corey. .Mrs. F. Tho W C T U Is holillnir n i.nni. Yf ""K"0- JI. O. Schottor. Mrs. A. esT8"oessioS!-vit ft a ''SSSPowtat vw ,r'?J,rr,:;,,l::Kr0,,o ,o;crc,; ler this afternoon, for tho purpose ., '"' 1 .;, Vii'iffi', "" ' S Kn"f" of arranging a program to bo given 'Trhnv's "'" "fJ " '" , . . In tho future rl'ln guests were: Miss Ander- "llu son, Mrfl. ir. s. Towor MrH ,T- w ' F nnngnn, Mrs. W. S. Turpon. Mrs. ' ' A. Toye. Mrs. J. A. Mntson, Mrs. I RLVXER PARTIES I ; M ,,,nko Mr- 0. W. Knufman, Mrs. It. F. Wllllnms. Mrs. O. It. Last Wednesday evening Mr. and KraVs' W'pown'M n" Mrs. p. M. Wilbur entertained nt i ;, L r , m, ' n.1' illnnor tho following guests: r a! iiwAp m w n R,!n,)8?n1' 'M,rH' Mr. nnd Mrs. U.S. Tower. Miss w q r !i vVVn011, rH' &,ywor nnd m,8b A,,eo Lm,,K sss k JSrS-.Sn,i SS .:. 4. 4. . Oi.lst Mrs. D. C. nreon. Mrs. It. K. Mrs. E Kelley entertained at .lln-'iffi'i, Vporrv'r X nor on Now Yoar's ilnv tiov in. ?. i. ' . ' rfl u K Pfry, Mrs. M. vlted guests won": MrHCarllLr". ' Mn,onoy nnJ '" rton Tower, sen. Mrs. A. L. Duttz. Mrs. E. M.1 v Harry. Mrs. I.lildnll. .Miq i.vnnn. Frnn8o nnd Miss Oeorgo. 4 4 1 4 itir. nun .lira. i: iv Mi.iinmmn n., .. .. sso,ven,sw vcnr,B ,"""0'-wcd.-. 4 t"c.h7nrronaonexWJS! A7nvW Kuosts were: Mr. nnd ,,0S"ny S?V; Mrs. Chns. Schonjborg. nov. Fnthor .. .-'' ,., . . . Munro. Mrs. Sinn- Hnnuntt nn.i tioct .. "rfl. U. Iv. Uooth will cntortn In Dornbnch. ' i ho Auction Drldgo Club nt hor homo F. E. Hneiio nml vtn nnlni-lnliin.t nt n Now Yoar's family dinner nt CI.UIl .MKETIXfSS I In West Mnrshllold noxt Wosnosdny 1I1HJI HUUIl, Jllll. I, tholr npnrlmonts In tho O'Crnnoll Hi" Progress Club will meet n building, tholr guosta Including Mrs. Yt i " J,on,,ny w,t1' Mr8- v- 0. E. K. Jones nnd son. Eugene, Mrs. "0,Ion- , , , llOl'd M. IllchnnlBnii nml olill.lrm, n...i v lloyd M. Iliclmrdson nnd children nnd ur. aim .mis. r.ugono O'Connoll I Tho Enstsldo Social nnd Athletic Association gave another one of Its popular card parties at tho club hall. Pedro wns played nnd tho lndy's llrnt prize was won by Miss Magglo Uobort son: Miss lllnnch Tellefson won tho lndy's consolation prize. Tho men's first prlzo wns won by Alfred Lonton, while John Johnson must bo content with tho consolation. After cards, dancing was Indulged In until n late hour: music being fur nished by tho club orchestra, com posed of liny Jeub violinist: Clcono Stcckel bnnjo nnd Mnrtln Peter son cornet. Sumptuous refreshments were serv ed. Among thoso present wero: Mr, nnd Mrs. W. J. La Palm, Mrs. Gor- trudo Wost. tho .Misses Elizabeth, Gouovlevo nnd Planch Tellefson, Mug gle. .Tosslo and Dcsslo Uohorson, Hil da West. Maydrcnm McLnlu, Until Thornton, Ethel Anderson. Ida Druu ner. Mncy Major and Miss Murphy of liny City; Messrs. Cnrl West, Inglo, Mnrtln nnd Oscar Peterson, Mnrtln Steckol. Cleone Stcckel. Clifford Me Kny, Itny Jouh, Victor, Emll nnd Antlrow West, Coolo Dlugeo. Axel Nolson nnd Sylvester McGrlff. Tho association will meet again In about two weeks. I WEI) IX POUTI,.VXI MrS. II. T' ltlisll U'lll nlllnxl..!.. n, i..ii.. !,'.. a v: ;..""'. "" ; ? .;. ".' in!ii liiuii in nor nomo in Mr. nnd Mrs. Frod 0. Moworlo ,,UI,,or I"1' "jwt Wdnoday. ll fOr dlllllOP N'W Yiwp'y .111,. Mi. ! Tho Coos Day Motor Club will hold n meeting nt tholr club rooms In lind for dinner NVw Yohi-'s din-. Mr. .nnd Mrs. John Meworle. tho MIssh amy nun uoso Msiforo, Momrd. Clmr amy iiwi none MiHitferlo, Momr. Chnr- " """is m mi'ir ruin room los Sponnor. Gllliori storkol, Oooruo N"'U ne"'1 nJvt Monday nlKht. MoSBOrlo. Albert Pnllvnp nml' Mi- m..i v Mossorlo. Albert Collvor nndMr. and Mrs. Ilenrv Olson will ontortaln Sirs. Fred O. McsmoiIo ami lmiiv Hi-. .. Mf"- Honrv Olson will i crolt. ' , nib Prlnclla Club nt hor homo Wod- noiiiHy, .inn. in. Mr. hii-1 Mrs F. L. Sumner enter-1 iiuiiou wiui h rnnniy dinner on Now Mrs. I. II. Illll'lln will lin hnvtaaa In the North llond Thlmhlo Club noxt Year's day. The guoits wero: Mr. t,N"rl! ,,p"'1 Tl'1"'1 nnd Mih. ivv Coii'lron. Mr MA I'lldity nfternoon. Landrlth nnd Tom Hooko. ' ' '' ': " . . V Mr. nnd Mrs. K. v. Mnrrlnwv on- I MHITIIDAV PADTY tnrtaliiod with a Now Year' dinner, lnst Wodnosdny ovonlng. The rooms ' '''l"1 s"lny. Mr. nnd Mrs. C. W. woro nrtlHtlcnlly docorntod with feu-,nor. ,rtaIuol nt u blrth.lny toons or Ivy. ' dlnnor In honor of tholr dnuuhter. Tho dinner Kiiosts wore: Mr and 'V,rl,,.no'8 1,,n,1, 'lrtlulav. Thoso of Mrs. W. F. Mlllor. Mr. and Mrs T tl10 ,lln'u,', 1'nrty woro: Mr. nnd Mrs. C. Miller and llttlo daughter. Doro- Hrn, Harris nnd faintly. Mr. nnd thv. Mr nml Mi-u I.' ii.. ... Ml'S. M. J. AiiildiKan M m,.i m.. Van Duyn. Harry Fuog nnd E. II juurriMNpy. Mrs. O. R. Toroy and Mrs. F. L. Sumner spout Now Yoar's evo with Mrs. F. 0. Dlrch. A plonsnnt ovon 1ng of conversation nnd light rofresh monts woro enjoyed. Wnltor ltlclmrdson nnd fn'nilly. Miss mini luiiiorson nnu jir. nnd Mrs. C W. Gardnor and family. -I MAIMXE MALI, I - milDGIl M'XCIIKOX I Oil NlllV Vnni-'u ni'n Mm nlll,.,. the Nairn Smith nnd Hedondn gnvo a delightful dnnclng party at tho Hotel Arago. About forty couples onjoyed I tho nffnlr which, by everyono. was .A , lirmimttw.njl mnl .. In....l.ln m. , ,, - -r .-- jm uiunt llljlilllll'. illOlllll- wii hip second or tno New Year Mrs. M" W,,H lurnisneu by tho hotel. At n Jnmos H. Flanagan entertained mnnv ,,,to ll0U'' lofroshmonts were sorved. or hor frlonds In North Mnrshllolili with n Drldgo Luncheon at hor homo on Park Avenue. i v. II. SOCIAL Tho color scheme In tho decora- tlons wns rod and greon. The house T'io Christian Endeavor Soclotv of wns banked with masses of beautiful "io Mnrshllold Proshytorlun Church Kreons and tho llowors were rod poln- 1,p,d a business mooting at tho homo eottlns with hero an dthero iod Jan- "f Clnudo and Mildred Wilson on nneso lHiitonm. which pint a toft. P"h Second Street Monday ovonlng wnrm llirht over all causing ono to After tho IiubIhods mooting n social forgot nil but the bountiful pros- "ie of games win. enjoved by nil out. Mrs. Fhinngnn wns nsiilhted at '""""wod by light rofroshments tho door by hor ilniiRhtor MNh FN Tliohe present wero- Hev. Mr and onnor FlnniiMn. After n dalntv lun- Purklmri, Misses Mnrluii Seiiman elioon tlie iiftcrnooii'K su.t )iigBo Adelnldo Clarke. Helen Dow. Gladvs a few delightful hours with Drldge. Dlinent. Huth Diingan. Gertruilo Tl-ore vere slv (..1.I..K ami the ono S'Hire. Kntlieryue Smith, Huth Houg ropolvlng the hluhost score at em-li ''d, Wllum HoaKland and Messrs. table received n boautirul work mi. Will McDonald. Albert Haines, Wes tlio luMidwork of tho '-harming hot- '' SeamHu. Hal Carlisle. Festus Wal ?.8.,.i. lhe r''tiHiiite one were: MrsJler nnd Harvey Walter. William Horafall, Jr.. Mrs. Harry NnsliurK. Mrs. A. It. O'Drlen, Mrs. - . . A O. W. Dennott Mrs. F. 15. Hnguo and I OATCIIIXO 'IXl.KT IWUTV I Mrs. Arthur MoKeowon. . 4 Those winning prlxos on Fridny' A watch party was given nt tho woro: Mi-s. J, A. Mntson, Mrs. W. M.I homo of Mr. and Mrs. Fred G. Mes- Hov. D. F. Dengtson hns received word of the marriage of .Miss Alice Dnhlgrcu, n uloro of Mrs. Dengtson, which took plnco In Portlnnd, Deconi bor, 2G. Miss Dnhlgron Is woll re membered on tho liny, having spent most or 1 110 summer or mil liore. Concerning II n Portlnnd pnpor says: "A quiet, but pretty wedlng wns that of Miss Allco Dnhlgron to Albert T. Lcstor, which took plnco nt tho brldo's homo, 1 17 Decch street, Tliurs ilny afternoon. Tho ceromony, per formed by n Hov. Mr. Snnstodt, took plnco henonth n beautiful inch of codnr. Tho mnld of honor wns Miss Anna Dnhlgron, sister of tho hrldc, nnd Frank Dorg. cousin of tho hrldo. nctod ns best mnn. Mondolsohn's wedding innrch was plnyod by Miss Evollno Dnhlgron. slstor of tho bride. After tho eoremony u luncheon wns sorvod. Mr. nnd Mrs. Lostor loft on tho ovenlng train for tho south." Pl'PIIAS ItECITAL Tho pupils of Miss Mildred E. Hood gave a rocltnl at tho Inttor's homo in North llond yosterdny nfternooii. Quito n numbor or tho pnronts woro prosont nnd enjoyed tho program, which wns nicely rondored by tho pu pils. Tho pupils participating woro: Gladys I.nrson, Gladys Forry, Eva Van Kile. Esthor Wann. Mnmlo Fry, Lonorn Topo, Kinniu Fitzgerald. Mrs. G. W. llorron, Milton Jackson. Huth HnUtod, Mahol Inimol, Esther Sulli van, Dlnucho MIrrasoul. Hnttlo Itoh fold. Eddlo Ellorheck, Huby Plttman nml Huth Fry. IM'OltMAL I Wllllnm nnd Goorgo Horsrall, who are visiting their pnronts, Dr. nnd Mrs. William Ilorsfnll, will loavo for Snn Francisco, via llnndon, on tho Btonmer Fillold. whoro thoy will con- uiiuu uioir suidies 111 tiio Mt, Tnmal linls .Military Acndomy. MISS MnV TlPlIKH U-lin lulu lmnn spending tho holidays with relatives "in luiivo Biiiiruy 10 resuiuo ner work nt tho University or CnlUornln. Sho will leave horo so as to rench Derkol ey by tho lllth or tho month. Miss Mary Hooth or Spoknno. who hns been visiting hor brothor. It. K. Dooth. or this city, ror a couplo of wooks, loft this morning for tho north. Mrs. Jns. Cowan. Jr.. roturnod this wook from a short visit with hor parents., Mr. nnd Mrs. Frank Dowron. nt Ton Mllo. Miss Mnudo Dowron of Mnrshllold Is now n guost at tho Dow ron Ten Mllo homo. S. C. Sinnll nnd wlfo nro expected homo noxt week from a visit at their old homo In Montana. : .5. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Miller will loavo next week for California, going via Portlnnd. Mrs. Mlllor may upend sovornl weeks or longer In the south in liopes of the warmer clime benefit ting her health. V Mrs. Lloyd W. Jacobs nnd llttlo son loft todny for tholr homo in Port land nfter spending tho holidays nt Mm .Tniiirs Ferry homo In South Mnrshllold. They hnd plannod to re turn scleral tlpys ago on tho boat( hut finally changed and went over land. : I Owing to the Inclement went hor, Mrs. 0. F. McCollum did not neeom-j pnnv Mr. McCollum homo to North Dend, but remained 111 Han i-ranciscu for 11 more extended stay nt the homo of hor sisters, Mrs. T. It. Sheri dan nnd Mrs. Harry Moffatt. .;. .; Misses Norn Tower and May Prouss will loavo soon to resume tholr courses nt tho University of Cnllfor- nln. which will resume .iniiunry 1.1.1 after the holiday vacation. Most of. the college students who havo been homo for tho holidays nro returning to tholr schools. Roger Goes will leave soon for llcrkolcy. Gordon Hns nuiBsen and George Murch loavo this wook for Corvallls to resumo tholr courses at tho Oregon Agricultural College. ... v v Jack Moreen Is expected hack on tho next Nnnn Smith from Derkoley. where ho wont to spend the Christ ians holidays. Mrs. M. J. Elrod will leave soon for San Francisco where she will spend n couple of weeks on business nnd pleasure. Alfred Guuntlett and family of Gold llcneh nro guests at tho homo of Mrs. Gauntlotffl brother, C. S. Wlnsor, In North Dond. 4. . .;. Miss Lilahel Johnson of Snn Fran cisco arrived horo this week for n few weeks' stay nt tho C. It. I Pock homo In South Murshlleld nnd with other Mnrshllold friends. .;. .j. .;. Mrs. W.E. Diingnn will leave short ly for Snn Francisco where sho will ninke an exteu'lod stnv with frlonds. Miss Mny llounctt, who Is taking 11 courso In professlounl nursing ut Lane hospital In Snn Frnnrlsco, writes that sho and some rollow students had a llttlo Christmas tree or their own nt tho hospital. Sho hns Just hnd n pleasant visit with Miss Vivian Taylor of Santu Rosa, who stopped In Snn Francisco n few days while on route homo from 11 visit nt Los Gntos. Calif., with Mrs. Monhous. mother or Ilnrry Duller, her llnnee. Miss Taylor and Mr. Duller nro to bo mnrrlod In tho early spring uud will mnko tholr homo on Coos liny. Mr. nnd Mrs. W. 11. Kennedy uud A. O. Rogers nnd wiro nro expected homo next week from tholr visit In Snn Francisco. They hnd plnnnod to rot 11 in before this but the dolny In tho vessels caused by tho storm lias chnngod tholr plnns. Mr. Rogors' nasal operation wns a success and did not cause him to miss much or the gay and frivolous Christmas holiday celebrations In Snn Francisco. Miss Mnry Dooth left this wook for hor homo In Spoknno after spend ing tho hollilnys nt tho homo or hor brother, It. K. Dooth. In .Mnrshllold. j John W. Motley uud hrldo nrrlved horo nfter tholr honeymoon trip to tho principal points or Interest In tho wost. They wero on n bnrboiind vos sol ror live days nt Astoria. .;. .;. .j. Mrs. E. K. Jones will entertain nt cards next Tuesday nfternooii. . Mr. nnd Mrs. Roy O. Drnlnard or North Dond roturnod Wodnosdny rrom n weok s visit with Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Martin nt Rlvorton. .;. .;. f Mrs. Mary Elrod. Mrs. Christine At kinson nnd Miss Ponrl Atkinson will lenvo soon ror San Francisco. Thoy will mnko tho trip overland. .. .;. .;. Pror. F. L. Grnnnls nnd hrldo nr rlvod ovorlnnd today rrom Salom nnd will bo at homo nt tho F. E. Al len homo In South Mnrshllold. until thoy got tholr homo In the Rlnck apartmonts on South Firth street In rondlnoHH, .;. Pror. Morris or the Marshlleld High School will roturn tomorrow from Corvallls, where ho spent his vuca tlon. : Mrs. Dan E. Mnlonoy wns hostess to n few rrlonds Tuosdny nrtornoon. compllmontary to Mlssos Norn Towor nnd May Prouss. Neodlowork was rollowoil by rerroshmonts. Among thoso Invltod woro: Mlssos Nora Tow or. Mny Prouss. Ruth Allon, Francis Williams. Mndgo Dnrry, Graco Kruse and Floronco Alkon, : : Noxt Thursdny nftomoon Mrs. 11. Daldwln will ontortnln tho Mlnnlo Wla Club nt -II S 4th street. ! ! :. JUST ARRIVED THIS (itX .METAL CAM'1 HTVIill 1.-011 LADIES IS .U'ST THE TllIXt! FOR A (JOOD WALKLVtl MOOT. IT IS A (JEMINE DILL IMI.K HAS id IUTTOXS. THIS HOOT IS MADE WITH A WHITE OAK TANXKD HEWED HOLE FI-LL WEIGHT, VET FliEXIDLl-: VERY STVMSII, YET IS .H'ST WHAT YOU NEED FOR DAMP AND WET WEATHER. IT HAH A 111(111 ARCH, WILL FIT YOUR FOOT SXl'G AXD COMFORTA IHiY. All Widths, AAA to E n I Stylo Xo. ih PHco 9l.o. "Nclliij Shorn vmhr your fed happy." WE ARE EXCLUSIVE AGENTS. HUB DRY GOODS CO O'COVNEI'L RUILDIXG imioxij naiA tJS ,.r&,vYj' r x 1- .rmy We Emrbace ft .Opportunity fu t to draw nttoutlon to our llo A ft nil tho high-grade flours Hhj (PK I tho best, iih la ovldonced Lrt 'm "C t'l't'llH"'K "no uiiioug iiio:,o vet :k.i ru ?f : tried other braiuls. Hnvo youl cor hoiiiI you 11 Hack In ttaj your noxt baking. Your hil will npproclnto tho better enko or pastry. A. T. Haiqe$ Phono IIIII.T Wntorfrost. COLD ME IS COMING TODAY Read This and Then Shiver Whole Country Will Suf fer From Cold Snap. (Pf AmikIUcI I'itm (o Cooi Ilajr Tlmm. WASHINGTON, Jan. I. A cold wavo with zoro tcinporaturo In ninny jilncos, will spread over nl most tho ontlro country within tho noxt thrco dnys. Tho northwest will lool tho cold almost immed iately nnd bo hardest hit. Extreme cold will spread quickly onstwnrd nnd snuthwnrd, extending through- of tl0 lloB0 ot roprcnontatlti out mo ensi gun nnu souin Aiinn- ,)POn (rylnB Jo cntch llIn)j j lie htates wiiiun 1110 tnreo tinys. rollor'B condition will not ftr. Tho IndlcntloiiB or tho coming tontlfyliiK bororo tho commltln zero wontnor mniio tnoir nppenrnnco over Alnsku nnd tho North Pnclfle this morning, nrcordlng to tho won thor bureau. ROCKEFELLER 100 ILL I Attorney of Millionaire cepts Service of Howl Subpoena. Mr AMorUtr.) rrr to Cool Di) !i NEW YORK, .Inn. L At William Rockefeller tliroojl rounsol nccoptod sorvlco ol 1 poena roqulrliig him to tdi' roro tho P11J0 congressional c too, Ills whereabouts tods; 1 much n matter of spccultt during tho -in days Hint t: IS given timi; REACHES HERE. SEWIXfi PARTY 4 I Last Mondny arternoon Mrs. 11. N. Fonton ontortalned n numbor of rrlonds nt sowing. Tho rooms wero mndo very nttrnctivo with tho sea son's decorations. Tho hostoss was nsslBted by Mrs. Dndson In sorvlng iiiiiniy reiroumoniB to the rollowing guests: Mrs. C. C. Going, Mrs. J. W. Hlldonbranil. Mrs. J. G. Klnnoy, his. ojivesior Jonos, Jirs. Harry Dradnold, Mrs. L. E. LoMloux, Mrs. Tom llnrvoy, Mrs. J. w. Mitchell, .uia. u, niwsioru, sirs. vm. Schroe dor, Mrs. Hoy Carpentor, nnd tho Mis ses Margaret Witt, Hnzol Kirk nnd Mrs. Frank Donning. 0001) CAXDY nt SARTERS. FRI-SH OLYMPI.V nnd EASTERX OYSTERS Just recolvod. PHOXE ORDERS TO COOS RAY ICE AND COM) STORAGE CO. PHOXE 7!J Llbby COAL. Tho kind YOU have ALWAYS USED. Phono 72, Pncirir Livery nnd Transfer Company. HOT DRIXK'S nt SARTERS It vm. liniri nm.l.lnn i i .. v" '"" "iiuiu, iu Bun, roni or trndo, or want help, try a Want Ad. Win. Rockefeller Allowed I'd HI to Appear. nr Amo. lt I'rrti to Cocj IU " WASHINGTON. Jnn I-l Coos Ilny Is today oxporlonclng tho ti,0 commltteo mot lnformi!:! iiireruiiiier 01 1110 preuicinii con ,.,.i,i,i (Il .,i i ; Wliva. uloet Ins! tilclit l.nlnif fnllim-n,! ,)llBlderod tllO qilOfltlon 0( : by biiow nnd vory chilly wonthor this follor'B I1on of 111 henltli, fJ nounced tho matter will be 1 to roBt until Jnnunry 13, 1 . Rockofollor Biibpoonn prorlil nn nppearnnro. Tho cott I senreh for Rockofollor will i to Bomothlng moro thnn Drl morning. TAFT FAVORS ABBIT nnd dollni-B. HILL LINE PLAXi Rumor Project to Hook V' Idnes mIHi Wi'sH'in l'l SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. ofToct n comhlnntlon or lnl which tho Hill UncB mny ei'l Francisco nnd U10 Wcstora railroad tnp Portland, Is son nsslgnod touny ror tlj onco horo of JoBoph H. President Would Submit Eng land's Claim About Canal to The Hague. rnr amo-uim rrfu to com nr Timet,) N'HlV VniJlf. Tnn A I),.0I,II Tnft. In roferrlni? thin n'fiomnnn I proslclent or tho II1I1 Unci tho dlsputo botween this country! Bn' nn(l tno aI'l""0. Port nnd Groat Drltaln ovor tho Pnnn-r5""1110 n"iruilu- iao '"au inn Canal, said ho was In fnvnr nf to Involvo tho Joint ncquliu submitting tho question to Tholtho Nova(,n. Cnlifovnla &j iintrnn triiuinni f- nii.i I road, which connocts win "Whon tho tiino cornea thoro will hVo8torn Pnc,fIc nt Doyl0' bo no doubt about whnt I will do C0ectInK It with the nhout submitting this question toITrunk' l,orntlnB to Dond, nn Impnrtinl trlbunnl ror decision. I trnl 0rBn' uiu wining 10 nruiirnto wun Great Drltnln ns soon as wo can got down to tho point nt issue. "This Is Just tho tlmo whon I nm in invor of arbitration," tho president contlnuod. "it Is tho tlmo when wo nro nrrald wo might not win that testB our faith In ar bitration." Tho prcflldont wns sponklng at a lncheon in his honor nt tho Intornntlonnl Forum, TOLEDO AUTO ACCIDENT. Di HOT DRIXKS nt SAltTERS. Peter Donnelly, Prominent Ohio Physician Killed. lUjr AkocIUM rrwi (a fool Dtj TlmM.J TOLEDO. Ohio. Jnn. 4 Dr. Pn. tor Donnolly, prominent locally ns n physician, wns drowned nnriv in. day whon his nuto plunged through n guard chnln on tho dock Into tho Mnumeo River. DR. K. P. "WINKLER h1 oil nnd Is now open for bull tho front rooms OVKR 180 1 WAY. onnoslto Thn TImel SPECIALIST In RIIEUJ1 APPEXDICITIS, diseases ' stomnch, bowola nnd bei' DRUGS nnd NO 1CNIPE. 0 TATIOX FREE. (e&dl I1AKERY AXD DELlCATfj "Clennllncss Is Next to G Our liicail Is mndo d(l clenn, dellverea clenn. Also Cukes. Cookies. Pie iiaiceii Hoods, Trv mil ilnlnlv llnkery Open Evenings nnd Sun us Servo You. t33 x. sna st. ri U ""Tk frJkiA isaixiiaittusimi --'l- ..x . grsga U JWSSS t - Vf"