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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 4, 1913)
THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, JANUARY 4, 191 3. EVENING EDITION. Let Power Experts Work For You At Our Expense AVc want to soil every kilowatt of electric energy that we can. But we do not care to make a contract with a power user unless the customer Imows that it is to his advantage to do so. Our power engineers have devoted years to their work; they know their business. They arc at the disposal of every power user, large or small. They will make a complete, thorough investigation and lest, and compile a scientific report u p o n which you may rely. When these exports have finished you will Icnoiu your particular power prob lems from all sides. Nothing will be loft to guess work. Telephone 178. Oregon Power Co. ties Desiring Monuments Erected Would do well to cull At lCIFIC monumental works South Broadway and mako selec tion from tho largo stock now on hand. 2nr. Wilson has in his employ the only practical marble and granite cutter in Coos County. And none but tho best work is turned out. 'THE FRIEND OP COOS HAY' S. ALLIANCE EQUIPPED WITH WIRELESS SAILS FROM COOS BAY FOR. EUREKA SATURDAY. JANUARY 4, AT 8 A. M. EOTINO WITH Till: NORTH HANK HOAI) AT PORTLAND NOHTII PACIFIC STEAMSHIP COMPANY. 44. O. P. McGEOHGE. Atrent. EQUIP1-ED WITH WIRELESS amship Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIME. LINOS PROM PORTLAND, Tuesday evening of each week nt M. LlLING PROM MARSHFIELD, Tuesday. Jan. 7, 0:00 n. m.j uy, uau. j, j.juu j). in.; smiiniwy, Jan. JH, 11.00 a. in.; tuij, uau, o. Main JW-L. J. O. MILLER, Agent. PAST AND COMMODIOUS earner Redondo Eqnlniicd with wlrclcM and ubmarino boll FROM SAN FRANCISCO for MARSHFIELD MONDAY, JAN. 6, at 3 P. M. Passenger Reservations Prom Snn Francisco Moat no Mado at I'lfo Blinding, or Pier No 10. All reservations imist ho ta Icen ii) "i hours before sailing. INTER-OCEAN TRANSPORTATION CO. JE 44. 0. P. HcGEORGE. AKont. I Steamer Homer i Is from San francisco, for Coos Bay With Freight only, Friday, Dec. 27th DOW, Agcmt. Ocean Dock. NEW tamer SPEEDWELL OAPT. RURTIS. Master. for San francisco from Coos Bay, Friday, Dec. 27, at oi iiue. 3 SPEEDWRT1T1 la anixulv nml hna nvonllnnt ..!.. ..,...- ons, lnrgo clean and airy rooms and electric lights nnd fes. r J For trciaht nnrl imcsn nml BEstnbrook Co. Title Guarantee and Abstract Co.. Cnl. St., San Francisco. Marslifiold. IUR JOB PRINTING DONE AT THE TIMES' OFFICE. The Picture hi the Cabin IIOU STANLEY Thai pletur' hniiRln' yonder tlotit' show a pnlntor's art, but yet It kind o roaches and gotB Into my heart not 'caimo It la n beauty, nn' perfect ov'ry ways, but 'causo It calls to moin'ry old happy, boy hood diiyH. It shows an old house nlnndln bosldo a country lano, nn trees, nn flow'rH n-bloomln', an ciouds that looks llko rain had Jus boon thoro n-iiourln tho fresh drops on tho earth, to glvo It life an' color, an' glvo now posies birth. It shows tho slindy mnples, an' syen tnores, with bark that looks so kind o skeery an ghostly after dark. It shows a hod o' popples, an' hollyhocks, an' Bay, there Is sorio barefoot youngsters a-runnln' out to play, while standln In tho door way, a mother's form appears I almost hear her sayln', "Now don t stay long, my dears," an' when I henr hor speakln' them words, I plumb forgot I nhr a boy no longer a-llvln back there yet whore all thorn things Is real, Instead o' In a place a-looklng' at a plclur', n dreantln' of hor fnco. Some plctur's don't altrack mo llko that one linngln' thoro, an' I don't know tho rcuson onlosson 'cause I euro more for them homo lllco pleturfl Hint's mado by common men thnn for tho kind that's painted In somo big artist's don. NORTH INLET. Twenty-thrco men who enmo In from Copenhagen, whoro thoy had boon working on tho railroad, report nut much' doing thoro now. A meeting was hold at Ten Mile Saturday to consldor tho lovylng of a tax to carry on tho building of tho now road. A 2D mill tax was voted on and It cnrrlod. Captain Olson spont tho holidays with his family. Mrs, Sponcor Small has been aulto sick, but Is considerably Improved new. Tho mooting conductod by Rov. Q, L. Ilnll at Mr. Howard's on Sunday last was not very well at tended on account of tho bad weather. Havo your Job printing dons at Tho Tlmea offlco. PILES CURED AT HOME BY NEW ABSORPTION METHOD. It you mifTrr from tloMlnr, Itching, Mind or rutru1lnK I'lli, mil u four iMivh, nml I will tell j-uu lioir to euro jourwlf tt tmina lor (lie new absorption trratniriit ! and ulll lo mil Mine of thl borne trratnirnt frro for trial, with rrfrrrnrm from your own locality If rniunlnl. Imraollite te- I llrf mul HTmmrnt cure munil. Homl no tamirj, liut ttll olbrri of ttila ofTtr. Write I iwlay id ar. 11. oumuirn. jinx i, noixo Uauir, I nil. STADDEN ALL KINDS of PHOTOGRAPHIC WORK, Bromide Enlarging and Kixhik Finishing. Chalmers Auto Service J. M. Dotlgo, Driver. Stand nt Falnco Restaurant. Phones, C-.I or G-L, day and night. Mnrshflnld. Oregon iMmf The Sign of Good Candy Always Self-Preservation Is The First Law Flro Insurance Is ono of tho most Important means of protec tion. And yot pcoplo will contlnuo to neglect It. Lot us lnsuro your household furniture, your dwelling or oth er proporty. It will cost but Httlo. It will protect you per fectly. Wo havo tho strongest com panies and wo wrlto correct pol icies. LS Kaufman & Co Pictures & Framing Walker Studio DECORATIVE' ELECTRIC OUT- FITS FOR RENT Fruit and Flower lampB at ro ducod prices. SPECIAL DISCOUNTS In Portable Lamps for tho Holidays, Coos Bay Wiring Co. Phono 237-J. 153 Broadway N SOME NEW BIBLES. Solomon must hnvo had tho niblo In mind whon he uttered his famous complaint that of tho making of books thoro was no end. Notwith standing tho millions of now books annually published throughout tho world, tho blblo still lends them all. Many haters of Holy writ from Vol taire down hnvo confidently predict ed a decreasing Interest In tho snored scriptures, and n coiiBotiuont dimin ution of tho printed outuut, but tlmo gives them the laugh. Today thoro aro moro blblo readers thnn over be fore, and ench year soes an increas ing number printed. Two bibles aro JuBt now fresh from tho presses. Tho ono Issued under tho auspices of tho American Baptist Publication Society Is ono of these. It Is delightfully rondablo, admlrnbly printed In opon typo, has a sensible innrgln, nnd Is moBt convonlontly ar ranged in paragraphs, it contains variations from both tho Authorized nnd rovlsed versions, which tho trans lators havo mado In behalf of greater accuracy. Novortholcss, thoro nro ninny gray headed men and women who will llnd It dllllcult to mnko such changes as for exnmnlo Mm nnn in tho Lord's Prayor: "Deliver us from tho evil ono;" Instead of tho old tlmo "Dollvor us from ovll." Of courso nil of theso chnngos hnvo long boon known to Btudonts of tho bible, nnd for tho moBt pnrt can bo found In tho marginal readings of ono version or tho othor: uovortholess. It l nil in tho grontor glory of Cod. Tho other blblo is from thn nrnsn of C. Wildermnn Company, nnd bears the Imprimatur of Cardlnnl Farley, and Archbishop Prondorgnst. It Is nn attractively bound, bonutlfully printed edition of tho scholnrly Douny vorslon of tho Roman Cnthollc Church. It will como soinowhnt as n Burprlso to peoplo who havo all their lives hold to tho popular Idon that the Romnn Church discouraged tho roadlng of tho blblo, to rend tho quo tnton which profnees tho Now Tcsta inent: "An Indulgence of 1100 days is granted to nil tho Faithful who rend tho Holy (lospols at loast a qunrtor of an hour. A Plonnry Indulgonco under tho usunl conditions Is granted I onco n month for tho dally roadlng." Surely, tho moro knowledge Uio vnrloitH Christian Churches havo of tho blblo, the broader will bo tholr toleraneo, and tho grontor unity will characterize tholr labors In tho build ing up of tho Kingdom. At the Churches PRAYER WEEK (Ministers and othors are request ed to hand In tho Sunday church no tices not Inter thnn Friday ovonlng to Insure insertion Saturday.) METHODIST EPISCOPAL Rov. II. I Rutlodgo, Pastor. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Morning services at 11 o'clock. Epworth Longuo at 0:30. Evening sorvlco nt 7:30. Junior Longuo Thursday afternoon at 3MG. Prnycr mooting Thursday evening at 7:30 o'clock. You aro cordially Invited to attend theso Borvlccs. EMMANUEL EPISCOPAL. . nov. Robt. E. Drowning, Rector. 8 a. in. Holy Communion (2nd and lth Sundnys.) 0:30 a. m., Sundny school. 11a. m., morning prayer nnd ser mon. Holy Communion first Sunday of each month. 7:30 p. m. Evening prayor and Sormon. Friday Evening. 7:30 p. in. Evening Sorvlco and Blblo Btudy. Sorvlco in AT GHURCHES MAHSIIPIELR PROTESTANT CON GREGATIONS ARRANGE FOR SPECIAL SERVICES FOR NEXT WEEK. Tho Week or Prayer will bo ob served by tho Churches of Mnrsh Ilold next week ns follows: Monday evening nt tho Presbyterian Church; Tuesday evening at the Methodist Episcopal Church; Wednesday even ing at the Christian Church; Thurs day evening at tho Dnptlst Church; Friday ovonlng nt tho Presbyterian Church. Tho services will begin at 7:30 o'clock each evening nnd con tlnuo for Just ono hour. Every ono Is cordially Invltod to attend. Dlblo study on Thursday at 7:30. Morning topic, 'Forgottlng tho Past." Evening subject, "Laying hold of tho Future." Wo extend a cordial Invitation to tho public to sharo tho benefits of theso services with uo. Non church goors aro especially urged to visit our sorvlccs. Como thou with us and St. Mary's church, wo will do thee good. North Dend (2 p. in.) nnd St. Luko's Church, Emplro, (3 p. m.) ovory ai ternato Sunday. j 4 - I - I SEVENTH DAY ADVENT1STS. I C. J. Colo. Pastor. Sovonth Day Adrantiit services aro conducted every Saturday aa follows: Sabbath school at J P. m. Preaching lenrlcoi at 8 p. m. CATHOLIC CHURCH. Mnrshflold. Rov. A. R. Munro. Only ono Mass will bo colobratod at St. Monica's Catholic Church to morrow, nnd that will bo High Mas at 10 o'clock. CATHOLIC CHURCH North Dond. I - Rov. Father Sprlngor, Rector. i .... ..., ... t,.... .!. .... ' 8H win oo coiouruieu at a - in Xvn.irnr.4 ' . o'clbck Sunday mornlnc by the Rer. wo will do you good. Fathor 8prlB or . CHURCH OF C1UUBT. I I I - - I - PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH I North Dond. Z. O. Downrd. Minister. Blblo echool at 10 n. in. Young Pooplo's mooting at 7 p. m. , - PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH I Marshflold J. E, Burkhart, Minister. At tnc i ir i-rMuyrorian ( Th0 BorvCOB Sun,ny wln bo ttB fol- IUI VIUUS Allll UU UAJfUUVVU WU DI.UMMWM 1.., Ror. D. A. MacLeod, Pastor. Sunday school, 10 a. m. Preaching sorvlco, 11 n. m. Christian Endeavor, G:30 p. m. Preaching sorvlco. 7:30 p. m. METHODIST CHURCH North Bond. I - as follows: Sundny school nt 10 n. m. Morning worship nt 11 o'clock. Young Pooplo's Meeting at U::10. Evening worship nt 7:30. uvuiiiiik nuiDiiii iti. ..ov. nml R n m Special music, by tho choir nt both nnu a v' mornlnc nnd evening aervlces. Sub- Joct of tho ovonlng sermon, "How To . Succcod." You nro cordially Invited i to attend nil of thoso services. Bring i a friend nnd como. Sunday school 10 a. m. Vospor Clrclo and Epworth Longuo 7 p. m. Sormons by tho pastor 11 a. m. LIBRARY NOTES. NORWEGIAN LUTHERAN. I Thoro Is and has been n groat domand by peoplo studying for tho nlvll onfirlnn nvnmlnn I tntia fnt aplinnl R. O. Thorpo, Pastor. I . . . , . Services In Mnrshflold Sunday Koographlcs, especially Fryo's. Tho morning nt 1 1 o'clock. Sundny school library would apprcciato a gift of at 10 o'clock. North Bond SorvlccB any old school geographies thnt nny W. R. Fox. 195 W. Washington St., Noblcsvlllo, Ind says. "Aftor suffering many months with kidney trouble nftor trying other romo dleB nnd iircBcriptlons, I purchased n box of Foloy Kidney Pllla which not only did mo moro good thnn nny other romodles I ovor usod, but havo positively sot my kldnoys right. Othor niombora of my fam ily hnvo usod thorn with similar results." Tnko at tho first sign of kldnoy trouble Sold by Lockhnrt & PnrsonB, Tho Busy Corner. I Will Furnish Your House on the Installment Plan W. K.' Wiseman ail North Front St. nus. Phono 29fi-X: Rob. Phono IG0 nt 7:30 In tho ovonlng. school nt 10 a. in. I CHRISTIAN SCIENCE. I Clearance Sale BIG CUT IN PRICES Ladles' Children's nnd Men's SHOES. AH now stock. Up-to-date Lasts. The Electric Shoe Shop Christian Sclonco hall, 237 Third street North. Subject: God. Sorvlco Sunday at 11 a. xn. Sunday school 12 M., Wednesday 8 p. in Rending room opon on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sati rdnys, 3 to fi p. m. - I SWEDISH LUTHERAN. I Dr. John E. Oslund, Pastor. Sundny School, 0:30 n. m. Morning sorvlco. 10:-IG n. m. Tho pastor will preach on tho sub ject. "Baptism." No ovonlng sorvlco. In tho Lu theran Church at North Bond thoro will bo Sundny School nt 2 p. in. Sorvlccs, 3 p. in. I UNITED BRETHREN CHURCH North Bend. Mrs. R. N. Lewis, PaBtor. Sabbath school, 10 a. m. Christian Endeavor, 7 p. m. Preaching 11 n. m. and 8 p. m. Prnyor mooting Wednesday ovon lng nt 8 o'clock. I FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH. I Albort F. Bassford, M. A., Pastor. Our Dlblo school meets promptly nt 10. Classes for all ages. Morning worship at 11. Junior Society meets nt tho church nt 2:30, all children wolcomo. Young Peoplo's Sorvlcoa at C:30. A sorvlco conducted by Young Peo plo for tho bonoflt of Young Peoplo. Our Blblo school coucort will bo glvon on Thursdny nt 7:30. Tho gen eral public Is heartily Invited, Sunday ono lnny jiaV0t Ono now book that will bo ap preciated Is Andol's Answors on Automobiles for ownora, operators, repairmen relating to parts, opera tion, caro, mnnngomont, road driv ing, enrburctters, wiring, timing, Ig nition, motor troubles, lubrication, tires, etc., Including chnptors on tho Btorago hattvry, olectrle vehi cles, motor cycles, overhauling tho car, otc. Fullv Illustrated nnd In doxed. Another dealing with a vory practical subject on Coos Bny Is n book by Durand tho full tltlo of which Is Motor Boats, a thoroughly scientific discussion of tholr do slgn, construction nnd oporntlon, with nddltlonnl chapters on tho lines of koroseno and alcohol In In ternal combustion engines. Along tho same lines ns tho two books Just montlonod Is Tho A, B, C of tho tolophono, a practical and usoful trontlBo for students and workors In tolophony. This book gives a rovlow of tho dovolopmont of tho Industry to tho prcsont dato and full descriptions of numerous vnluablo Inventions nnd appliances, togothor with vory many Illustra tions. Tho llttlo lists of "don'tB" nt tho end of tho book would bo of value to subscribers ns well ns operators. NOTICE. Commencing Tucsdny, Docombor 24, tho Marshflold-Empiro auto will lcavo Marslifiold at 9:30 a, m. and Mldweok sorvlco for con'oronco nnd 4:00 p. in. for Emplro. Barnard & Langworthy Seo our window display of WOOD ELECTRIC FIXTURES LEADED ART GLASS DOMES PORTABLE STAND LAMPS. PIION.! 184-R. Fisher Auto Service Win. Fisher, Proprietor. Phone orders to Hlllyer's Cigar Stand, Phono 18-J. After 11 p. m. phono 5-J. Night phono 181-R. Slarohfleld, Oregon. WANTED ! ! ! CARPETS UPHOLSTERING AND PIANOS TO CLEAN, by tho Pnou inatlc Cleniilnc Company. Orders for work taken at GOINO & nARVEY, Phone 10(1 WE WILL MAIL YOU $1 for each sot of old Falso Teet sent us. Highest prices paid for old Gold, Sliver, old Watches broken Jewelry nnd Preclout Stones. Money Sent by Return Mall. Phlln. Smelting Refining Co. Established 20 Years. 803 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, P. TO DENTISTS. We will buy your Gold Filling, Gold Scrap, and Platinum. Higu est prices paid. A modern Brick . ulTdlng, Electrlj Light, Steam Heat. Elegantly Furnished Roon3 with Hot and Cold Water. nOTEli OOOS O. A. Metlln, Prop. Rates: 50 cents a day nnd upwards Cor, Broadway and Market ESflVlwn?rl9lijlHwl 1 jTwi''pKlfir$,V Safe for the Stable YOU can use a Rayo Lantern in the stable or anywhere with absolute confidence. It won't smoke, or smell, or leak, or blow out. It gives a clear, bright light. It is strong and durable. It will stand hard usage. Easy to light. Easy to clean and rewick. At Dealer Everywhere STANDARD OIL COMPANY 461 Mukat Stre.t. (CaliforoU) San Franclico "I m